Gordon's Typology

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A. Biographic data

Patient VR is a 28 years old, female and living at 393D Hipodromo St. Sta Mesa, Manila.
She was born on September 3, 1982 in Bicol. She is married with 4 children. Before she got
pregnant she is working as a cashier somewhere in Manila. She and her family is a roman
catholic. She is a college under graduate with a course of Business Administration. They usually
get their family income from her and her husband’s work and sometimes, from her siblings. She
and her family use tagalog as their primary language spoken.

B. Past Health History

Pt. VR cannot recall already her childhood diseases. She has no allergies to foods, drugs
and others. She has no previous accidents nor injuries that lead to hospitalization. She is only
hospitalized because of giving birth through cesarean section. Regarding on the medication, she
is always taking medicine prescribed by her physician.

C. Family History of Illness

Her 1 sister has an asthma and her uncle has a diabetes mellitus. Her parents had a
hypertension but now they are doing maintenance so that their blood pressure will remain at
the average level. For now, she assured that she has no illness.

D. Health Perception & Health Management Pattern

Pt. VR graded her health as 9 out of 10. When asked why she chose 9 she answered that
right now, she has no health problems except for a wound that is caused by CS. She has no
traditional concepts of health and illness. She is having a physical examination once a year by
her sister in law who is a nurse. She is also performing self breast examination after her monthly
menstrual period. She is visiting a health care provider only if she got pregnant. She is taking a
bath daily, always doing hand washing, trimming nails only when remembered, always wearing
slippers, using deodorant, brushing teeth 3 times a day and visiting dental health only if her
teeth have already a problem. She is not using any drugs nor cigarette.

E. Nutritional & Metabolic Patterns

Her family usually eats meat because her children don’t want vegetables. For their fluid
intake, sometimes they drink coke during lunch and “meryanda’s”. She eats together with her
husband, and 3 children in their dining room. But sometimes, if they are interested on the TV
show, they eat in the front of the TV. Regarding on how they budget their food, her husband
usually decides because she doesn’t know how to cook foods. During her pregnancy, she gained
weight because she loves to eat specifically spaghetti. She eats all foods except for string beans.
When asked why, she answered,”ewan ko din. Basta hindi ako nahilig sa sitaw. Pakainin na ako
lahat basta wag lang talaga sitaw.” Right now, she has a stitch because of her surgical incision
on her abdominal part. She has no dental problems.

F. Elimination Pattern
She defecates every other day. She doesn’t know about the characteristics because she
immediately flushed the toilet after she defecates. She told me that it is semi formed and has a
foul odor. Regarding on her urination, she urinates 8-10 times a day. Still, she doesn’t know the
usual color but according to her, sometimes it is light yellow and smells like ammonia. She has
no any discomforts or difficulties in elimination. No excess perspiration and has no odor

G. Activity- Exercise Pattern

Pt. VR prefer cleaning a house as a form of exercise but when she got pregnant, she is
walking already around their subdivision and their house. She is walking once a day 5pm-5:30
pm. She said that after walking she feels very tired but when she thinks that is good for her
baby she will feel better. When she is not pregnant, she is a cashier in Manila. She said that you
don’t need energy or an extra effort for that kind of work because all you have to do is to sit and
get their costumer’s money. When she and her husband are not in work they love watching
movies in the mall while eating problems.

H. Sleep Rest Pattern

Pt. VR sleeps 8pm- 7am. When she wakes up, sometimes, she feels like she is lack of
sleep or not. Pt. VR is always waking at night to urinate and check for her children. She has no
problem on their sleeping environment. She’s always praying at night before going to sleep and
sing on her children’s bedroom. When her child is sick, it is ver4y hard for her to fall asleep
because she wants that she is always there when her child cries.

I. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
Pt. VR can read and write without difficulties. She has a good hearing and visual acuity.
She is not using eye glasses nor contact lenses. Sometimes, she don’ want to go to work because
she feels like board and wants to be with her children always.

J. Self-Perception& Self- Concept Pattern

She describes herself as a very healthy without any severe health problems except for
the wound she has after CS. When it is her first time to undergo CS she had a difficulty to accept
her scar because she doesn’t want to have wounds ever since she was a child and of course
difficulty in accepting her new parenting role. She looks herself better than in relation to other
people because according to her, people loved her because of her sense of humor. She loves to
joke and she feels very happy when somebody is laughing at her joke even if it is already corny.
Sometimes, she expressed her thoughts and feelings to others through jokes and non verbal
cues. She is always smiling, happy and excited for every thing.
K. Role Relationship Pattern
She is living with her family, consists of her husband, and 3 children making them a
nuclear family. She is very close to her husband and children. She doesn’t want her children to
get hurt because according to her, she treasured them a lot. Being a mother, she thinks that she
did not yet fulfilled her role until she see her children on the stage holding a diploma.
Sometimes, their family experience financial problems but can handle immediately. She begs
her sister to give her money to solve their problem. She loves to be with her family and close
friends because she enjoyed being with their company.

L. Sexuality- Reproduction Pattern

Pt. VR refused to answer questions regarding on this category but she answered some
questions. She is now using a permanent contraceptive (Bilateral Tubal Ligation). She did not
engage in high risk sexual practice. Her menstruation started when she was 13 years old during
her 2nd year high school.

M. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern

Pt. VR defines stress as the things that are very difficult to handle and sometimes you
can’t think solutions to that problem. Once she got stressed, she is always playing with her
children because according to her, her children are the ones who can remove her problems. Pt.
VR is not tense most of the times. She gets things easily and not that seriously. When she got
problems, she shared it to her husband because her husband can help her to solve that problem
and after telling it she feels like very comfortable and happy.

N. Value-Belief Pattern
Pt. VR defines a healthy person as having no severe problems, happy and contented
with family and life. For her, it is very important because it is the one who completes her life.
Being healthy, she can do whatever she wants. Being a Roman Catholic is very important for
their family because if they having a severe problems, she’s asking help to God. For now, one
thing that is very important to her is her family.

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