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New France Canoe Tour

Subject: Social Studies Grade: Five Date: March 12

Critical Inquiry Question: To what extent does way of life impacts one’s point of view
and therefore actions?
Unit: Early Canada Time: 60 minutes

5.2.1- acknowledge the roots of Francophone identity and presence in Canada

 recognize how changes in society can affect identity

5.2.3 - examine, critically, ways of life in New France by exploring and

reflecting upon the following questions and issues:

 How do stories and legends of the coureurs des bois and voyageurs inform us
about Francophone history, culture and presence throughout Canada?

 What do stories about the habitants tell us about Francophone history, culture
and presence in Canada?

Instructional Objectives:
-students will appreciate how hard way of life of voyageurs was.
-students will recognize the fur trade had a huge impact on way of life during this time.
-students will understand the different roles of New France society.

Key Questions:
Who are the coureurs des bois?
Who are the voyageurs?
Who are the habitants?
What was the French culture and presence like during this time?
-stamp and ink
-sorting words
-11m string

-Different expectations for the passport for D.-

Lesson Procedure:
1. Introduce the fur trader’s passport and what they are going to be used for-
have students answer the questions that had to do with the habitants and
the settlers in new France- what was their way of life like?
2. Start the canoe tour- have students arrange their chairs in two lines.
3. Discuss how one holds a paddle- have the students practice
4. Discuss what the difference between the coureurs des bois and voyageurs
5. Call up two students to demonstrate how long a canoe is so students can
visualize it better.
6. Watch the video about the voyageurs
7. Pass by a village- what would we see- clothes, activities and customs
8. Break out activity- students will go find a spot and sort pictures,
descriptions and name of the object of typical items that have been used in
New France
9. Come back and learn a voyageur song- practice rowing to the rhythm
10. Read the two journal entries- way of life of a voyageur and habitant
11. Go back to their seats and write a reflection in their passports- when
finished they can come and get it stamped and hand it in.


Formative- observations, questioning, small group work

Formative/ summative- initial work on the passports that will be given written feedback
on to improve and will be handed in for marks by the end of the unit.

Lesson Reflection:

This is a space for notes after you’ve taught the lesson.

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