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MSt in Advanced Subject Teaching bursary fund 2018-2020

About the bursary funds

The Institute of Continuing Education is offering up to ten bursaries of £4,000 per person to
cover course fees for overseas and EU applicants wishing to study the MSt in Advanced
Subject Teaching commencing in 2018. Bursaries will be awarded as a fee reduction of
£2,000 per annum.

 Bursary applicants must be current teachers of either English or History in UK state-
funded schools or colleges who wish to carry out research aimed at improving teaching
and learning in their school or college.
 Applicants must be fully supported by their employer and confirmation of this support
included in the application.

How to apply
 To apply for a bursary please complete the attached application form and email it to
 Applicants must have the support of their employer and should supply written
evidence of this support. Successful applicants will be expected to attend teaching
events in Cambridge during the two year period of the MSt and employers should be
made aware of this requirement.
 Bursary applications will be considered at the same time as programme applications
and you will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible. Formal acceptance of a
place on the MSt and the bursary awarded will be required within two weeks of a
bursary offer being made.
 Bursary awards will be carried forward for students who need to interrupt or intermit
their studies due to illness. Students who do not successfully complete their studies
will be expected to repay the bursary award in full.

Application deadline
The closing date for applications is 30 April 2018.
All questions are mandatory

Please quote Student Identification number (if known) | | | | | |

| |

Personal details

Title ______ First name ________________ Family/last name


Confirmation of receipt of your application will be sent to your email address


 I confirm that I am a teacher of English/History* working in a UK state funded

school, academy or college

*Delete as appropriate

Name and address of your school/academy/college:

Mailing address:
Number / street
Town or City

Name of sponsor who is providing letter of employer support:

Please note: Applicants must have the support of their employer and should supply written
evidence of this support with this application. Successful applicants will be expected to
attend teaching events in Cambridge throughout the two year period and employers should
be aware of this before giving their support.

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