Understand That Everything Requires A Chemical Process: Hello

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In this video i talk about my personality, a short idea of my family history,

and one event interesting
I am twenty year old. i consider myself a person funny, inteligent and
responsable, also I am a person introvert and extrovert, it depend of the
persons, with my family and friends i am extrovert, but with other
persons i am introvert because i dont have trust with them
I like music and the science, before I learned to play guitar, and i liked
this experience but I don't play very well, also i like the science because
is esencial to life, and I consider that is important that you understand
that everything requires a chemical process, ALSO I LIKE
study CHEMISTRY in icesi.
about of my family history i don have much things interesting, because
family side of my mom is Little, and side of my dad is extensive, but they
arent very united with me.

Of my ancestors, I only know to my grandfather on dad's side, he live in

EE.UU and for it I dont talk much with him, and my GRANDMA ON
MOM’S SIDE LIVE WITH ME. TO FINISH MY immediate family is
conformed by my parents, my 2 sister, and my nephew.

ABOUT OF HISTORY FAMILY My grandma told me that “ my great-

grand parents on mom’s side lived in rural city, they were country person
and my great-grand father had many property and cattle (caro), but when
he dead d my great grandmother don’t know all property (propery)of him,
them some persons took advantage OF THIS and stolen her, left only
one house to she inherit

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