Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: The First New Country: Enlightenment Ideals and The United States Name: Sam Stratford

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: THE FIRST NEW COUNTRY: Name: Sam Stratford


Content Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 11-12 Grade

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the
text as a whole.
Analyze in detail how a complex primary source is structured, including how key sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text contribute to the whole.
Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will gain an understanding of the philosophical ideals that prompted the founding of the United States.
Students will be exposed to ideas including: capitalism, natural rights, checks and balances, separation of powers, etc.

Unit Summary:
Countries are rarely formed with a structure in mind. In most cases, they are the product of the gradual acceptance of various mores and institutions that
develop over time among generations of a given populace. Although the United States is also subject to these factors, its founding would be unique. A set of
principles utilized to provide the country with an ideological core; a core that would go on to influence the social, political, and economic direction of the United
States to this day. The ideas of philosophers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith would inspire the founding fathers to create a nation fueled by free,
voluntary association and individual rights; a nation where all men a created equal. Throughout this unit, we will discuss the various ideas that influenced the
founding fathers as they formed the United States. We will be learning how to interpret primary sources, cite them correctly, and to use them in concert with
each other to uncover a deeper understanding of the founding principles of the United States.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Class Discussion: Short Essay: Presentation:
What was the Enlightenment Movement? What was the Enlightenment? 1 page, double- Students will present a 5-minutepresentation
spaced on one of the 3 enlightenment ideas (Natural
Rights, Separation of Powers, or Capitalism).
Matching Quiz:
Students will be givena quiz in which they must
match the enlightenment idea to the philosophers. Essay:
Students will be assigned a 3-pageessay in which
Flash Cards: they must answer: How did the ideas of John Locke,
Students will be required to make flashcards for all Montesquieu, and Adam Smith influence the
the historical persons discussed throughout the founders of the United States?

Group Competition:
Students will be broken up into smallgroups and
participate in Jeopardy-like competition

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Students will learn to (Assessments): Class Discussion:
connect ideas together in Students will have to What was the Enlightenment Movement?
order to gain a deeper connect ideas together in
understanding of the time. order to participate in a
discussion regarding what
the Enlightenment was.
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will learn how to Students will have to use Short Essay:
interpret primary and various historical works What was the Enlightenment? 1 page, double-spaced
secondary sources. and educational videos to
explain what the
Enlightenment was.
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will learn how to Students will have to cite Essay:
cite ideas in order to primary sources in order to Students will be assigned a 3-pageessay in which they must answer: How did the ideas of John
support their back their argumentative Locke, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith influence the founders of the United States?
argumentative theses. theses.

Unit Resources:
The Constitution
The Declaration of Independence
The Wealth of Nations
The Spirit of the Laws
Two Treatises of Government

Useful Websites:

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