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Alpam Redpills

Alρam - 12/23/2016


- The purpose of life -


The goal of life is to evolve and grow. The ceiling of this scale of progression is perfection of the
multibody complex (energy body, physical body, etc). Reaching perfection is what Godhood TRULY
entails, and has always meant. It has nothing to do with an all-encompassing omnipotent skydaddy or
anything. No - the ancients all understood that Godhood means to perfect thy self.

The point of Satanism is to reach perfection - this means perfection of self, perfection of species,
perfection of environment, and ultimately, spreading our perfection to other species and star systems.
This is what growth entails. Our Gods created us in their effort to spread their perfection to other
galaxies and star systems. We are their seed. Unfortunately, about 10.000 years ago, our star system was
invaded by another collective of ET's. Their aim was to enslave us, not help us grow. Because of them,
our Gods have been unjustly labeled as monsters, as despicable, in an attempt to cut us off from them.

We share the same goal as that of our Creators, the Demons - that of growth of self, species and

Its called Satanism because we were created by Satan, imbued with His genetic and metaphysical
composition. Its because of him that we can reach Godhood and advance in the way we do.


- What is Satanism? -


The legitimate end point of all authentic spiritual practice is the perfection of the multibody complex -
this is what is called the Magnum Opus; the great work.

Satan means "eternal/absolute truth" in Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages in the world. Satanism
therefor means "eternal/absolute truth-ism".

The Satan some of you might know of the Bible and other Judeo-Christian work is not the actual Satan.

In fact, the Jew absolutely despises Satan considering what he has done, stands for, and continues to do,
that's why he does his best to defame and slander Satan/Satanism at every chance he gets.

They have gone as far as making "Satan" translate to "adversary" in Hebrew.

Satan thus literally also means "adversary of the Jews".

In any case, Satanism is the finest and most efficient form of reaching Godhood. In fact, Satanism is what
all our ancient forefathers practiced - under different names and cultures, such as Paganism.

And no, Satan is not about evilness, sacrifice, worshipping a red skinned man with horns or worship of
anything at all.

In fact, Satan himself states to be respectful to all beings and abstain from senselessly harming anything.

That is Satanism in a nutshell; perfecting the multibody complex (energy body, physical body, emotional
body) - whilst respecting nature, men, and animal, and helping and supporting those whenever we can.
The latter is what is called the "Divine Logos".(edited)


- What is Zion? -


Zion is the name of the subtle energetic vortex that is used by the YHWH Collective for various purposes.
It is also called the "City of God", and "Heaven" in Abrahamic scriptures. It is also refered to as "YHWH"
and simply "God". The main purposes of this structure are to siphon the Prana (life force) of all the souls
that are imprisoned within the structure, and function as a battery of Prana that is amassed by various
methods (such as prayer, worship, organized religion, mass killings in forms of war, religious slaughter
like Kosher and Halal, and ritual sacrifice). It is one of the key components of the YHWH Collective in
both goal and utilization, as it functions as their main source of Prana used to sustain their interplanetary
conquest efforts whilst also being the destination assimilated souls migrate into.(edited)


- What are Succubi/Incubi? -


Satanic Demons are literal extraterrestrial Nordic Gods that have attained Godhood - Godhood being the
pinnacle of evolution. Succubi, in the original definition, are Satanic Succubi/Incubi looking for
relationships with humans like you and I. It is very much comparable with a human relationship in many
cases, but better. There is love, care, intimacy, sharing of thoughts, conversations, all that. Including sex,
if that is what you wish. The benefits however, are invaluable. For one, as they care about you, they will
help you ascend and spiritually advance to their level. They'll make it a priority that you open your astral
senses so that you can feel and see them, and they will aid and help you along the way. It does not stop
there - like I said, they will help you in advancing spiritually to Godhood. This is stark contrast to what
the modern definition is. The contemporary current definition of a succubus being nothing but a
cumdumpster slut just fuck and dump is a grossly corrupted concept by the YHWH collective to further
pollute and enslave gullible minds.(edited)


- The effects of sex -


Sex is a highly metaphysical act in which two souls and their respective bio-energetic fields and circuits
intertwine. This creates energetic bonds that are deeper then most. If you are capable of seeing subtle
energies, you can see these attachments. Even the act of kissing has such energetic implications. This can
create an issue for monogamic-oriented people, as the existing bonds can make it difficult to form new
bonds or fully take trust in the newer bonds. That is why so many families nowadays are completely
dysfunctional; lingering energetic bonds making it impossible for a couple to truly "couple".

Fucking anyone and everyone is highly motivated by the Jew, because they do know this.

A simple example is to just turn on the radio; its all about sex, fucking, fucking, fucking and fucking.

The lyrics in said music act as affirmations on the mind. This is how a lot of mundanes point-on-point
emulate the lyrics of such songs; its clubbing, drugging, and fucking every free moment they get.(edited)


- The effects of drugs -


Artificial psychoactives, or commonly just refered to as drugs, are the Jewish sponsored and completely
kosher alternative to fill the void of spiritual experiences that many people still yearn and seek for. Truth
is that drugs have huge destructive implications on the energetic body. When taking drugs, the bio-
electric fields expands in a quick pace. This makes the bio-electric field comparable to a spider's web - it
will create literal holes in the aura.

These holes in the aura are open gates for malevolent entities, negative energy vortexes and illness all
alike to enter the body of the individual.

Most of all psychoactives have this effect. The bio-electric body expands too quickly, holes in the aura
appear, and voila, you're now a vulnerable host for possession. That people have "black holes" in
memory is not a cohencidence.(edited)


- What is morality? -


Human morality is whether or not you adhere to the principle of advancement and growth of self,
species and surrounding. Growth is refining and evolving towards your metaphysical blueprint that is
inherent in the soul. It is comparable to your DNA, but on a soul level.(edited)


- The Alt-Right? -


The Jews know that there is probably a major event coming that will cause a public reaction from the
populations that might derail their plans and remove them from power. Marx, the Jew, stated that the
ideal of synthesis/the blending of opposites that allows new forms to emerge is controlled by the Jews.
The key principle of Jewish subversion. Christianity as a Jewish political movement for Jewish control
was the synthesis of Paganism into Judaism. The "Alt Right" is the synthesis to control this coming mass
popular reaction. Trump, as mentioned, is a Jewish-owned operative who owns companies that are
literally just fronts for Jewish elites, like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Trump is the new mascot of the
Alt Right, he is an open neo-Con that is the placing of a Kosher, neo-Cohen, civic Nationalism - based
upon Jewish values - dissolving the emerging awakening. Jews are seeking to control the Right with this
synthesis as they know that the values of the Right are a major threat to them.Now the Jews are
inserting their operatives into the growing awakening this way to misdirect people and put the Jews in
charge. This was already done before, during the Cold War when the Jewish Rockefellers, as was stated
by Mullins, created the John Birch Society; it was the same Rockefellers who created the American
Communist Party and funded it. This act disarmed the Right of the time, and allowed for Communism
(Jewish Globalism) to advance. Now as the population is about to swing to the Right, they are promoting
and pushing the new synthesis to control this. The Alt Right. Public figures who promote the Alt right are
always to be considered suspicious. They are probably an operative. Public opposition is precisely so
effective because you can utilize the momentum of the group you infiltrate to advance your own cause.
Thus, its not only undermining the opponent, it is also further advancing your own aims.(edited)


- Forced degeneration of the human races -


Our food is being polluted to keep us in a constant state of ailment. Look at GMO's - the epitome of
unnatural adaptations. If not that, grab any carton of juice and observe in glory all the artificial
intoxicants you're forcing down your throat, right to your brain. Neurotoxic concoctions of utter
destruction people are willingly consuming by the millions.

Our air is anything but clean. There's an airplane above your head multiple times an hour, all showering
you with ultra thin particles that are finding its way into your lungs to further motivate and promote the
growth of cancer, and from your lungs these particles will circulate to the rest of your organs, making
your heart a ripe victim for heart attacks.

Look at vaccines - filled with lethal metals such as mercury; scientifically proven to be neurotoxic and yet
prescribed in dosages FAR ABOVE what the human immune system can handle. These get injected in the
fragile bodies of very young children, whom's flimsy immune systems are even less incapable of

deflecting such infections. There's other chemicals in there that reduce the virility, reducing fertility, and
damaging you at a DNA level. LITERAL degeneration.

Thought that was bad? How about the entirety of the US water supply being polluted with toxic
chemicals such as fluoride, proven to cling onto the pineal gland, which has often been dubbed the "seat
of the soul" and is the organ directly correlating with the sixth chakra. You're drinking tap water in the
USA means you're ingesting these metals with no choice of an alternative. All this done under the
premise that "its good for your teeth" - despite not a single study proving so. None. In fact, contrarily,
studies have shown it to cause literal fluorosis - research it.(edited)

These are only few but modern examples and on the biological consumption level of how we're being
steered off the course of natural evolution. It is global Capitalism that has allowed all of these anti-
human programs to not only work, but flourish. Under a National Socialist system, this would and could
never happen. Hence why the Jew is so opposing of NatSoc - it keeps their globalist communist tactics
out, completely.(edited)


- "But Alpam, we can't really change anything.." -


I disagree. That's defeatism - admitting we can't change anything and thus surrendering. Matter of the
fact is that we can make a difference. If everyone knew what we know here, people would be up in arms
globally. We have been so deprived of our true nature and essential rights, also our spiritual freedom,
our true history, our divinities - to the point that it would make your blood boil. For example, the Judeo-
Christian Church (Hey, Jewish again - cohencidence?) comitted mass murder of the Pagans (Gentiles)
back in the Medieval times. Our culture and traditions needed to be erased, our spiritual lineages and
practices needed to be eredicated, entire bloodlines had to be massacred. Why? Because the knowledge
and practices they performed lead to direct empowerment and liberation. Can't have that now on a
prison planet, now can we?(edited)


- Concerning Goetia -


The Gods of humanity were openly referred to as Demons in the ancient times, always described as
beneficial and benevolent beings. Only upon the onset of the Abrahamic (Jewish) religions, were
Demons bastardised. Part of this odious paradigm is the practice of the Goetia. The Gods are presented
as twisted beasts in the Goetia, which has bled into popular culture for Jewish motives - to keep Gentile
humanity from truly connecting with their Gods.

The term "Goetia" comes from the Greek "Goetis/Gois" which actually means "He of Magickal
Beauty"/"He who Associates with the Gods"/"The Magician". The Greek word "Γοης"[Go-ees] is related,
it is the origin of the (today) slanderous word "Goy", it's ancient meaning is "Magician of the
Gods/Demons". In ancient times, the word Goetes was used to signify those who have relationships with
the Gods. The Goetes were Pagans, teachers of Orpheus (Greek/Orphic mysteries) from the East, and
were incredibly powerful mages. The word was derived into Hebrew and the meaning became "unaware
beasts"/"stupid animal", which shows what the Jews think of even the best of us.

The Ars Goetia is an abusive, enemy Jewish Grimoire. It is full of lies about the Gentile/Pagan Gods and
explains techniques for binding and abusing the Demons. The book is full of Jewish magick and using the
techniques in it, is asking for disaster. To summon a God/Demon using the methods in the book, one
would have to call upon the multiple names of the Jewish "God", praise the Jewish "God". Then, you
would need to curse the God/Demon you are tring to summon, and demand the God/Demon appear "in
the name of" the Jewish "God". The Ars Goetia is where techniques like 9-foot circles, requiring a
God/Demon to have a "license to depart," and sealing Demons in a vessel of brass originate from.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The methods of the Ars Goetia have CEASED to be effective, as the Demons were
freed more then a decade ago. Using these methods will get you in contact with impostor beings that
are only looking to enslave you.(edited)


- Homosexuals, bisexuals, etc.. -


The Third Sex always held great honorary positions in ancient societies. This is because of the balance of
the masculine and feminine energetic qualities in their soul. Whereas the heterosexual would occupied
with procreation and the likes, the third sex would utilize their creativity in many great applications such
as art. They were also known for being fierce warriors. Balance of the sexes are neccesary for a perfected
society, this includes The Third Sex. This is why enemy programs (such as religion) put such a focus on
belittling and undermining the third sex and females - typical divide and conquer. For example, the God
known as "Andras" had often been depicted as a female, with many feminine qualities. Yet he is one of
the most ferocious and warlike Gods out there, and was commonly feared by many who dared to
summon him through the Goetic methods. There are reports that he killed summoners who dared to do
so, which is especially noteworthy as the Goetia was still effective back then. It isn't anymore now.
Achilles and Patroclus are examples of revered homosexuals in the ancient times, Jew media portrays
them as cousins but they were, in fact, lovers. So revered, Alexander The Great stayed in the tomb of
Achilles the night before the main campaign to the Persian Empire.(edited)


- Satanic 'darkness' ? -


The association of "darkness" with Satanism has been totally twisted. This is not about spooks, ghouls or
any other crap like that. Satanic "darkness" has to do with the "yin" in the "yang." This represents the
female side of the soul; the subconscious mind that we access through meditation. The Serpent of Satan
is of the female side of the soul. The male side of the soul is the logical side- the left brain. The female
side is the right side of the brain. The soul has both positive and negative poles. Both the male and the
female must work together. The logical male side; the left brain directs the female side through thought
and will. The female side of the soul is the powerhouse of the soul. The female side makes manifest the
thoughts and ideas generated from the male logical side. The female side is also the creative aspect of
the soul; dreams, music, feelings and intuitions. Because of the power to direct one's own destiny and
the spiritual freedom that comes with this are of the female side of the soul, the Christian Churches and
their related ilk, such as Islam, work at promoting an inferior image of women; with Islam being brutal to
women, and the incessant denegrations of women in the Judeo/Christian bible. All of this in addition
reflects on the subconscious, subliminal level to suppress and deny the female power of the soul.
Through centuries of this enforced garbage, which is nothing more than a program to remove spirituality,
the female side of the soul and its powers have atrophied. This is why humanity and this world are in
such an ugly mess right now. This has created a most serious imbalance that has become generational.
Satanism works through power meditation to empower the female side of the soul to regain balance and
restore spiritual health, along with empowering the individual.(edited)


- What's up with the Jews ? -


If you study the "upper echelon" of contemporary society, you'll see there is one ethnicity in specific that
dominates the charts.

They are the ones that dictate the rules for the lower-standing lifeforms (to them refered to as "goyim")
to follow. They enforce an anti-human life way of living on us to further deteriorate the human condition.
Why? Because a well versed, educated, and strong man that can stand on its two legs without constant
nurturing by the state presents a direct threat to their established order. It is precisely the lack of
concrete information, deliberate disinformation, and anti-human paradigms that keep us forever enticed
in these chains of enslavement on a lower level of spirituality. This is only the surface level, as the truth
behind everything on this planet is, quite literally, occulted. Hidden. Secreted. They tried to outright
destroy it many times over.

Question from someone in the group: who do they serve?

The question more so is, do you will be able to handle the answer without resorting to knee-jerk

As that is precisely what they tried to induce in us "cattle".

They paint the real sources of illumination and enlightment, such as Satanism, in the most bleak and
disgusting, the most nauseating picture they could.

The beings they revere and worship however, are painted in the holiest of lights. YHWH and its Angels.
This is constantly pushed in many ways, such as Christianity, Islam, New Age, Modern Hermeticism, and
many such systems.

Truth is, that YHWH refers to a collective, and isn't a real "being".

The collective?

This collective consists of various lifeforms. At the bottom we have the humanoid infiltration species,
designed and devised to walk around among us unnoticed while subverting and manipulating the
natives. This is done in order for them to gain power positions in our societies. Why? Their aim is to
subjugate us. How do we know?

- History proves this right. The Jew has been expelled from hundreds of countries all over the globe.
Usury, subversion, poisoning, manipulation, etc. No other race of "people" have been so vile and
undesired, ever.

- Their religion demands that they, The Chosen, subjugate the Goyim. We are their slaves. We are the
lower of lifeforms in their eyes. In all of the Abrahamic (Note that Abraham is a Jew, and so is his later
son of a son Mohammed).

- They openly admit to want to subjugate us. I can link you many resources on this. Many Jews express
their Globalist Zionist views whenever they feel comfortable.

- Politically, they are solely responsible for the most wicked systems, such as Marxism and Communism.
Both these systems place the Jew at the top, and the cattle at the bottom.

They also differ vastly in their metaphysical makeup from us.

They lack several subtle energetic organs (known as chakras) in comparison to the Gentile (non-Jew).

This is both present in their literature, such as the stolen Kaballah (from Egyptian KA-BA-ANKH), and
visible with one's own subtle energetic vision.(edited)


- That's anti-Semitic! -


Anti-semitism is a buzzword that somehow automatically invalidates any critique of the gene groups that
make up the Jewish race. It's a way to deflect any legitimate concern someone might have through false

and indoctrinated immunity. The fact is that you cannot deny the anti-Gentileness of the Jewish
religions, and how the Jew is always placed on the top of Abrahamic religion. You cannot deny the facts
that Jews have been expelled and banned from hundreds of countries throughout the ages for
subversion, usury, deception and many more - no other group of humans has been the source of this
much questionable activity. Look at it objectively. If the body is invaded by a parasite, what does it do?
Does it refuse to defend itself against the parasitic life-form because it would be discrimination to do so?
No. The body would expel the parasite. This is the exact same what our ancestors did for thousands of
years. The only reason why this is now made nearly impossible is through buzzwords such as "anti-
Semitism" and "racism". Life is about the evolution and survival of your species. If the very existence of
the species is being threatened, it ought to resist. Because if it doesn't, it will surely be exterminated
over time. Such is the way of nature. Satanism is about living in harmony with the eternal laws of nature.
Going against the very fabric of reality; nature itself, will lead to nature's retaliation, unquestionably.


- The issue with modern day science -


Modern science cannot take into account the larger scope of reality because it is confined to physicality
and to the materialist paradigm. This has been enforced for centuries by the various factions that aim to
keep humanity in a state of degeneration and anti-evolution. Why? Because a man that can fend for
himself and stand upon his two feet doesn't make a very good state-dependent slave. The materialist
attitude It is the same reason as why imagination nor thoughts can be proven or explained properly,
because we lack the critical understanding of the human psyche. Materialist science will never be able to
uncover why and how remote viewing works, because it doesn't use physicality to work. This is all
deliberate. The contemporary scientific community is grounded to physicality as we lack the innate
senses to assess and perceive subtle energy - which for sake of ease, we'll call the "counterpart" of dense
(physical) energy. Here's the thing. Everything is energy, every single part of our universe. Not all of these
are either physical, and certain types of energy can pass through physicality with ease. Now here is the
catch; not all of these are physically observable to our physically oriented senses. But they very much are
to our subtle energy senses. These however, are under constant attack and have been for the past few
ages. I think this is the most I can compress it as for a single message.(edited)

Here's an example of the subtle senses. There's a recent study done that demonstrated conclusively that
the human body can sense imagery and events before it happens. The participants weren't informed,
and momentarily before they were shown a series of images, their body had already responded to types
of images that would show up. If memory serves me well, these ranged from sexual images to "begin"
images that illicit no natural response.

That studies shows it is testable and observable. But can it be properly explained by the materialist
physical paradigm? No, it cannot, because it doesn't take into account the subtle, non-physical
counterpart of nature and reality.

Access to these subtle energies used to be a conscious ability of ours. However, because of the
thousands of years of spiritual neglect and corruption, this ability has completely watered down and
gone dormant. Think about the "dark ages", or how the church systematically murdered those who DID
have the ability to interface and manipulate subtle energies. Millions were murdered because of this.
Gifted bloodlines needed to be eradicated so that the malevolent established order could continue its
reign over the non-spiritual man.

The mentioned study;

Frontiers Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical im...

A recent meta-analysis of experiments from seven independent laboratories (n=26) published since 1978
indicates that the human body can apparently detect randomly delivered stimuli occurring 1-10 seconds
in the future (Mossbridge, Tressoldi, it is "anticipatory" because the physiological changes occur before a
future event; and it is an "activity" because it involves changes in the cardiopulmonary, skin, and/or
nervous systems. PAA is an unconscious phenomenon that seems to be a time-reversed reflection of...


- What is the difference between 'normal' meditation and power meditation -


The difference from any normal meditation and power meditation, is that power meditation
incorporates all the fundamental aspects metaphysical interaction. 'Normal' non-power meditation
practices will tell you to chant some unknown foreign-sounding words. Perhaps another philosophical
approach will tell you to visualize something. While another approach would be to feel things and not do
any of the above.

This is where power meditation differentiates itself; with power meditation, you visualize, chant, and
feel. These all add specific benefits and qualities to the spiritual working you do. Visualizing allows the
subtle fluid matter to form the metaphysical pathway for your working to take hold. Chanting is a way to
induce straight-up vibration into the organs of the subtle body (the soul), which in turns generates bio-
electricity and resonance with certain qualities (depending on the mantra/rune chanted). Lastly, feeling
redirects awareness to the specified bodily organ or whatever object it is that you intend to affect. This is
important, as energy flows where attention goes. In some power meditations, we also perform specific
mudras (hand gestures) to link up nadis (energetic arteries, in layman terms).(edited)


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