Chapter Reflections - Word

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Chapter reflections booklet

Lesson 2 — Chapter 1 reflections Lesson 3 — Chapter 2 reflections

a) What is the problem in the story? a) What happened to Rowan’s father?

b) How is Rowan described in the first b) How did Rowan and the villagers feel
chapter? about Sefton’s death?

c) What do the villagers think of c) How is Rowan described in this

Rowan? chapter?

d) What do you think might happen


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Lesson 4 — Chapter 3 reflections Lesson 5 — Chapter 4 reflections

a) Emily Rodda has shown us Rowan’s a) What happened to Rowan at the

feelings, actions and thoughts at the beginning of Chapter 4?
beginning of this chapter. What is
she showing us about Rowan?

b) Do you think that this could be an

important event for Rowan?
b) Does this confirm what you already
know about Rowan?

c) Why might it be important?

c) How many people elected to go on

the quest and who were they?

d) What happened to the map when

Bronden, Jonn and Marlie held it?

d) How did Allun’s father die?

e) Do you think that the fact that only

Rowan can read the map will be
important to the plot?

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Lesson 6 — Chapter 5 reflections Lesson 7 — Chapter 6 reflections

a) At the beginning of the chapter a) Why was Rowan disappointed when

where are they walking? he realised he was dreaming?

b) What noun group does Emily Rodda

use to tell you that Rowan was
b) Why was Rowan tired? disappointed?

c) Why was Rowan ‘pointing wordlessly

at the map’?
c) What words does Emily Rodda use
in the third paragraph to tell us how
tired Rowan was?

d) What was on both sides of the


d) How does Emily Rodda describe Val

and Ellis? Use noun groups from the

e) Why did Rowan’s skin begin ‘to


e) How do Rowan’s thoughts about the

bukshah help him?
f) How did they get through the spiders?

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Lesson 8 — Chapter 7 reflections Lesson 9 — Chapter 8 reflections

a) Why do you think it was hard for a) What happened to Bronden?

Rowan to believe he had been away
only a short time?

b) How did Jonn explain what

happened to Bronden?
b) Why was the food he was eating

c) What happened to Jonn?

c) What did Marlie tell them about the

warning on the map?

d) How does the environment

where they slept seem more

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Lesson 11 — Chapter 9 reflections Lesson 12 — Chapter 10 reflections

a) What is your opinion of how the a) How does Emily Rodda use Rowan’s
events are unfolding? dialogue to show us how Rowan is
feeling at the start of the chapter?

b) What do you think might happen

next? b) Why did Rowan shiver?

c) How do you feel about Rowan’s c) What did the others do to help
feelings and behaviour now? Rowan feel better?

d) What nouns and verbs does the

author use to show us how Rowan
felt as he swam?

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Lesson 13 —Chapter 11 Lesson 14 — Chapter 12

a) What is the decision the characters a) What nouns and verbs tell us about
have to make? the changed environment?

b) What nouns and verbs show us b) What noun groups does Emily
Rowan was scared? Rodda use to describe the dragon at
the end of Chapter 12?

c) What was wrong with their first

choice of tunnels? c) What do you think might happen

d) How do you think Rowan is feeling


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Lesson 15 — Chapter 13

a) What is your opinion of how the

novel ends?

b) What is your opinion of the novel as

a whole?

c) How do you feel about Rowan now?

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