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Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148

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Evaluation and correlation of sensory attributes and chemical

compositions of emerging fresh produce: Microgreens
Zhenlei Xiaoa,b , Gene E. Lestera,** , Eunhee Parka , Robert A. Saftnera , Yaguang Luoa ,
Qin Wangb,*
Food Quality Laboratory, Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville,
MD 20705, United States
Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States


Article history: Microgreens are an emerging food product with scarce information pertaining to their sensory and
Received 5 December 2014 nutritional properties. In this study, six species of microgreens, including Dijon mustard (Brassica juncea
Received in revised form 18 July 2015 L. Czern.), opal basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), bull’s blood beet (Beta vulgaris L.), red amaranth (Amaranthus
Accepted 18 July 2015
tricolor L.), peppercress (Lepidium bonariense L.) and China rose radish (Raphanus sativus L.), were
Available online xxx
evaluated for their sensory attributes and chemical compositions. Results showed that bull’s blood beet
had the highest rating on acceptability of flavor and overall eating quality while peppercress the lowest.
Chemical compositions also differed significantly among the six species. China rose radish had the
Consumer acceptance
highest titratable acidity and total sugars, while red amaranth had the highest pH value and lowest total
Flavor sugars. Regarding the phytonutrient concentrations, the highest concentrations of total ascorbic acid,
Titratable acidity phylloquinone, carotenoids, tocopherols, and total phenolics were found in China rose radish, opal basil,
Phytonurient red amaranth, China rose radish, and opal basil, respectively. The relationships between sensory–sensory
Total phenolic content attributes and sensory–chemical compositions were further studied. It was found that overall eating
quality of microgreens was best correlated with flavor score and microgreen’s pH value and total phenolic
content were strongly correlated with flavor attributes, e.g., sourness, astringency, and bitterness. In
general, despite the differences among individual microgreens, all of the microgreens evaluated in this
study demonstrated “good” to “excellent” consumer acceptance and nutritional quality.
ã 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction b-carotene) than their mature plants, and are excellent sources
of vitamins and carotenoids (Xiao et al., 2012).
Microgreens are emergeing specialty food products, which In addition to nutritional values, sensory attributes are often
recently have garnered increased attention in the United States. important factors governing the consumer acceptance of a food
They are tiny versions of regular plants produced from the seeds of product and their purchase intent. In general, the overall quality of
vegetables, herbs or grains, having two fully developed cotyledons fresh produce is related to several sensory attributes, such as
with the first pair of true leaves emerging or partially expanded. appearance, texture and flavor (Barrett et al., 2010; Nandane and
Microgreens are usually harvested in 7–14 days after germination. Jain, 2011). Among all the quality attributes, appearance is the
Although small in size, microgreens can provide intense flavors, initial quality attribute that attracts consumers, and affects their
vivid colors, and crisp textures and can be served as an edible choice for the first-time purchase; however, other organoleptic
garnish or as a new salad ingredient (Brentlinger, 2005). A previous characteristics (e.g., flavor and texture) play a crucial role in
study has found that microgreens are generally packed with more consumer satisfaction and repeat purchases (Barrett et al., 2010;
phytonutrients (such as ascorbic acid, a-tocopherol, and Francis et al., 2012). As consumers’ health awareness increases,
nutritional values of food are often intertwined in the consumers’
purchasing decision. Therefore, both sensory and nutritional
attributes are very important for food products.
While the sensory attributes of many conventional fruits and
* Corresponding authors. Fax: +1 3013143313. vegetables are well documented, no scientific studies have been
** Corresponding authors. Fax: +1 3015045467.
published in the open literature to evaluate the sensory qualities of
E-mail addresses: (G.E. Lester),
(Q. Wang). microgreens, as well as their associations with chemical
0925-5214/ ã 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148 141

compositions. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to their representation of the unique flavor categories of mustard,
(1) assess sensory quality and consumer acceptance of selected herbal, vegetable, mild, peppery, and radish, respectively. The
microgreens; (2) correlate chemical compositions with sensory microgreens were obtained from Fresh Origins Farm (San Marcos,
attributes of those microgreens; and (3) evaluate the nutritional CA, USA). The products were grown in peat moss in unheated
values of these microgreens. greenhouses under ambient light and harvested without roots
using a commercial harvester. Samples were immediately packed
2. Materials and methods in unvented clamshell containers (113 g  3 containers for each
species) and shipped overnight in a cardboard box filled with
2.1. Sample preparation insulating foam and ice packs to main low temperature. Upon
receipt at USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Six microgreen species were evaluated in this study, including (Beltsville, MD, USA), the samples were inspected and any
Dijon mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.); opal basil (Ocimum defective microgreens were discarded. Sub-samples
basilicum L.); bull’s blood beet (Beta vulgaris L.); red amaranth (50 g  3 containers, as one replicate) were immediately freeze-
(Amaranthus tricolor L.), peppercress (Lepidium bonariense L.) and dried for phytonutrient analyses or juiced and centrifuged for
China rose radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The optical images were as titratable acidity and pH analyses. The remainder of the samples
shown in Fig. 1. These microgreen species were selected based on was stored in 1  C for one day prior to sensory evaluation. In the

Fig. 1. Optical images of microgreen species evaluated in consumer test, where A, B, C, D, E and F represent bull’s blood beet, red amaranth, Dijon mustard, China rose radish,
peppercress and opal basil microgreens, respectively.
142 Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148

phytonutrient analyses, samples from three different receiving attribute with specific descriptors and the response was recorded
days were considered as three replicates (Fig. 1). by placing a mark on the scale, which was then converted into a
100-point scale by the computer. After completion of sensory
2.2. Sensory evaluation evaluation, the demographic (age, gender, and ethnicity) informa-
tion of each panelist was recorded.
Sensory descriptive analysis was first carried out to develop an
appropriate sensory ballot specifically for microgreens, since 2.3. Chemical analysis
currently there is no lexicon for their unique sensory properties.
Sensory terminology and language for evaluating microgreens was 2.3.1. Titratable acidity and pH value
generated, developed and justified by an in-house sensory panel The titratable acidity (TA) was measured by titrating 10-mL
following the previous procedures (Jelen  , 2011; Stommel et al., aliquot of microgreen juice extracts with 0.1 mol/L NaOH to the
2005). The in-house trained sensory panel consists of four males end point of pH 8.1, monitored with a pH meter (S20 SevenEasyTM,
and four females, all of whom have extensive sensory evaluation Mettler-Toledo International Inc., Columbia, MD, USA) at 21  C. The
experience on fruits and vegetables. Twelve sensory attributes results were expressed as the concentrations of [H+] in the unit of
developed by this trained panel include the intensity of aroma, mol/L based on the fresh weight mass of sample. The pH
astringency, bitterness, grassy, heat, sourness, sweetness and measurements were performed using a pH meter.
texture, and the acceptability of appearance, flavor, texture and
overall eating quality (Table 1). Among them, some attributes were 2.3.2. Sugar content
specifically defined: astringency was defined as drying, roughing Sugar content of the microgreens was analyzed following a
and puckering mouth feel; grassy was defined as earthy, herbal modified procedure of Stommel (1992). Sugars were extracted
flavor or having a flavor of grass; heat was defined as peppery, spicy using ethanol:Milli-Q water (80:20, v/v). The mixture was eluted
or pungent. through a C18 Sep-Pak cartridge (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA)
A consumer acceptance test by an 80-member consumer panel prior to filtering through a 0.45 mm membrane filter (Millipore
was then conducted. The consumer panelists were comprised of Corp., Bedford, MA, USA). Sugars were determined on HPLC using a
volunteer Beltsville Agricultural Research Center staff and carbohydrate analysis column (3.9  300 mm, Waters Corp.) with
University of Maryland students, who like vegetables, eat them an isocratic mobile phase of acetonitrile:water (75:25, v/v) at the
frequently and had no knowledge of this study. The detailed make- flow rate of 16.7 mL s 1. Individual sugars were detected on a
up and demographic information of the 80-member consumer differential refractometer detector (model 410, Waters Corp.). Total
panel are shown in Table 2. There were a total of eight sessions and sugar content was expressed as the sum of fructose, glucose and
10 panelists per session. Two or three sessions were scheduled per sucrose contents in the unit of g/kg.
day. For each session, a detailed instruction on the sensory
definition and consumer testing procedure and was given before 2.3.3. Ascorbic acid
the session started. Hard copies of the designed microgreen Total ascorbic acid (TAA) and free ascorbic acid (AA) were
sensory evaluation ballot (Table 1) were distributed to each determined and quantified using a reverse phase high perfor-
panelist and the usable definition of each sensory attribute was mance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) according to the proce-
explained in plain language. A question and answer section was dure of Bartoli et al. (2006). In this assay, dehydroascorbic acid
followed to ensure that every panelist was very clear with the (DHA), the oxidized form of AA, was reduced to AA for TAA
sensory terms and procedures before conducting sensory evalua- determination. Concentrations of TAA and AA were quantified
tion. All the samples were washed thoroughly and excess water on based on peak areas using an AA standard curve (R2  0.99), and
the surface was removed using a salad spinner. Five grams of their difference was equal to the concentration of DHA.
microgreens were placed into a sample container, which was
labeled by a 3-digit random number and served in a random order. 2.3.4. Phylloquinone
In total, there were six microgreen samples to be evaluated and one Phylloquinone was determined by RP-HPLC as described by
sample was served per sensory assessment. Samples were stored Booth et al. (1994). Freeze-dried samples were extracted under
in a refrigerator (4  C) and then moved to room temperature 15 min dim light and purified through silica gel columns. 20-mL aliquot of
before serving. The consumer acceptance test was carried out on each extract was injected into an Agilent 1200 Series HPLC system
computers using the designed microgreen sensory evaluation (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and run through a C18 column
ballot derived from Compusense1 5.0 sensory software (Guelph, (201TP, 5 mm, 150  4.6 mm, Grace, Deerfield, IL, USA) using an
Ontario, Canada). All sensory attributes were evaluated using line isocratic mobile phase (99% methanol and 1% 0.05 mol/L sodium
scales. A 15-cm horizontal line on screen was used for each sensory acetate buffer, pH 3.0) flowing at the rate of 16.7 mL s 1.

Table 1
On-screen ballot for sensory attributes scored from 0 to 100 in line scale (15 cm) for microgreen sensory evaluation.

Sensory attribute Left end (score = 0) Right end (score = 100)

Intensity of aroma (the odor of a food product) None Very strong
Intensity of astringency (shrinking and puckering of tough surface) None Very strong
Intensity of bitterness (bitter taste) None Very strong
Intensity of grassy (earthy, herbal or having a flavor of grass) None Very strong
Intensity of heat (peppery, spicy or pungent) None Very strong
Intensity of sourness (sour taste) None Very strong
Intensity of sweetness (sweet taste) None Very strong
Intensity of texture (firmness/hardness/fibrousness) Tender Tough/fibrous
Acceptability of appearance Bad Excellent
Acceptability of flavor Bad Excellent
Acceptability of texture Bad Excellent
Acceptability of overall eating quality Bad Excellent
Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148 143

Table 2
Age, gender and ethnicity make-up of consumer panel in consumer acceptance test.

Age (years)

20 or less 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61 or older Total (%)

Female 3 10 7 10 11 5 46 (58%)
Male 2 3 8 5 10 6 34 (42%)
Total 5 (6%) 13 (16%) 15 (19%) 15 (19%) 21 (26%) 11 (14%) 80 (100%)

Ethnicity (%)
White 66
Asian 25
Black American 4
Hispanic 4
Other 1

Phylloquinone was determined on and detected using a photodi- After vortexing for 30 s, 0.1 mL of 5% (w/v) sodium hydroxide
ode array detector (DAD, G1315C, Agilent) set at an absorbance (NaOH) was added. The reaction mixture was incubated for 90 min
wavelength of 270 nm. The phylloquinone concentrations were under light at room temperature and absorbance was measured at
quantified according to the internal standard (menaquinone) 420 nm. The total phenolic concentrations of samples were
method based on the peak areas. measured against the gallic acid (GA) calibration standard
(concentrations of 0, 10, 50, 100, 200 250, 500 mg/L) and the
2.3.5. Carotenoids and tocopherols results were expressed as mass of gallic acid equivalents per dry
Carotenoids and tocopherols were simultaneously determined weight mass of sample, g/kg.
on RP-HPLC according to the procedure previously established in
our laboratory (Xiao et al., 2012). Carotenoids and tocopherols 2.4. Statistical analysis
concentrations were separated on a C18 column (Adsorbosphere
C18-UHS, 5 mm, 150  4.6 mm, Grace, Deerfield, IL, USA) and All the samples used in sensory evaluation were collected from
detected with a DAD using acetonitrile/ethanol (1:1 v/v). The flow three different locations and mixed before sampling. For the
rate was 20.0 mL s 1 and the running time was 20 min. Absorbance samples used in three different evaluation days, they were planted
was measured at 290 and 450 nm for tocopherols and carotenoids, in staggered days in order to achieve the same growth stage when
respectively. Trans-b-apo-8 carotenal was used as internal harvesting. The distribution of sensory data in consumer accep-
standard and quantification was based on the standard curve of tance test was examined using PROC UNIVARIATE and analyzed
each compound. using PROC MIXED. Sources of variation were species (6)
considered fixed and the panel sessions (8) and panelists (80)
2.3.6. Total phenolic content considered random. Relationships of species preference relative to
Total phenolic content (TPC) was measured using the direct, gender and age were examined using analysis of covariance
phenolic-binding Fast Blue BB (FBBB) assay according to the (ANCOVA). Chemical composition and nutrient data were analyzed
procedure of by Lester et al. (2013). Briefly, lyophilized micro- using PROC GLM for one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mean
greens sample (0.1 g) was extracted with 10 mL of 80% methanol by comparisons were evaluated using Tukey’s honestly significant
sonicating for 30 s. The extraction mixture was washed by adding difference (HSD) test with P value of 0.05 (n = 3). Data were also
4 mL of hexane and sonicating for 30 s. After centrifugation at analyzed using PROC CORR to determine whether there were any
6650  g for 5 min at 4  C, the hexane layer was discarded. The correlations among different sensory quality attributes and among
hexane wash procedure was repeated two more times. The chemical composition and sensory quality attributes, using
methanolic extract was filtered through Whatman No. 4 filter Pearson correlation: (*), (**), and (***) were used to indicate
paper (Millipore Corp.) and diluted with deionized (DI) H2O to significance levels of 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. Sensory
appropriate concentrations. One milliliter of diluted sample, gallic data was additionally examined by Factor Analysis using PROC
acid standard or DI H2O (blank) was added to borosilicate tubes, FACTOR to extract factors which could describe common variance
followed by adding 0.1 mL of 0.1% 4-benzoylamino-2,5-dimethox- among sensory attributes. All the calculations of chemical analysis
ybenzenediazonium chloride hemi (zinc chloride) salt (FBBB). data were based on fresh weight.

Table 3
Intensity and acceptability of microgreen sensory attributes by consumer panel across age, gender and ethnicity.a

Intensity of (rating 0–100) Acceptability of (rating 0–100)

Microgreen Aroma Astringency Bitter Grassy Heat Sour Sweet Texture Texture Flavor Appearance Overall eating quality
Bull’s blood beet 20.0 c 19.3 c 31.0 bc 61.0 ab 12.7 d 13.3 b 14.4 a 23.7 b 85.5 a 66.9 a 86.4 a 76.5 a
China rose radish 21.6 c 40.7 a 40.3 ab 58.2 ab 67.2 b 24.2 ab 8.6 a 40.3 a 72.2 b 52.5 bc 72.7 b 53.7 b
Dijon mustard 24.3 bc 35.5 ab 40.8 ab 50.2 b 86.2 a 24.0 ab 11.5 a 24.3 b 80.2 ab 54.9 ab 86.2 a 61.0 b
Opal basil 49.5 a 36.6 a 51.3 a 69.5 a 30.9 c 24.0 ab 8.7 a 32.6 ab 71.3 b 46.0 bc 55.9 c 49.0 bc
Peppercress 35.1 b 41.9 a 51.9 a 61.7 ab 66.0 b 29.5 a 10.4 a 29.3 ab 71.9 b 39.5 c 77.8 ab 39.7 c
Red amaranth 29.2 bc 23.1 bc 24.1 c 69.5 a 10.8 d 17.2 b 14.6 a 23.1 b 79.2 ab 59.1 ab 82.5 a 63.1 ab
Values are expressed as mean  standard error (n = 3). Values within the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
144 Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148

3. Results and discussion resulting in the lowest score of overall eating quality. Overall,
higher bitterness and astringency ratings for peppercress, Dijon
3.1. Sensory attributes and consumer acceptance mustard and China rose radish microgreens (both in Brassicaceae
family) were likely associated with the presence of high concen-
For all six microgreens evaluated, sensory scores of acceptabil- trations of glucosinolates, which are widely recognized as bitter
ity of appearance were excellent (scores >70), with the exception of compounds (Drewnowski and Gomez-Carneros, 2000). These
opal basil, which was scored as good (scores of 40–70) (Saftner results suggest flavor (such as astringency, bitterness, and
et al., 2008), as shown in Table 3. Among all microgreens, scores sourness) is a very important quality attribute determining the
were excellent for acceptability of texture, ranging from 71.3 to acceptance of microgreens. The results are also consistent with
85.5. Scores of acceptability of flavor were generally in the good previous reports that bitter taste and astringency were identified
range except peppercress, which had the lowest score in overall as the main reason for consumers to reject many vegetables
eating quality. Since scores of overall eating quality were in the containing phytonutrients (e.g., glucosinolates in Brassica vegeta-
range of 39.7–76.5, all the six microgreens were considered to be of bles), despite their known health benefits (Drewnowski and
good to excellent eating quality. Gomez-Carneros, 2000).
Amongst the six microgreens, bull’s blood beet scored highest To identify the variability shared in common among all the
and peppercress scored lowest in overall eating quality while no sensory attributes for the six microgreens, factor analysis was
significant difference was found among the other four species. conducted. Bull’s blood beet and red amaranth which had
Bull's blood beet and red amaranth, each of which are partially/ generally high scores of overall eating quality, had positive scores
entirely red in color, scored highest and second highest in overall for Factor 1 (explaining 50.1% of variation observed among the
eating quality, respectively. Meanwhile, they also scored high for sensory descriptors), with high loading values of the acceptability
acceptability of appearance, texture and flavor, but scored low for of flavor, texture and appearance and the intensity of sweetness
intensity of bitterness, astringency, heat, sourness and textural (Fig. 2). Likewise, the species (China rose radish, opal basil and
toughness. Except for the high intensity of heat, Dijon mustard had peppercress) with low scores of overall eating quality showed
similar sensory quality characteristics to those of bull's blood beet negative scores for Factor 1 and the species (Dijon mustard) that
and red amaranth, and consequently it also scored high (third best) had generally intermediate score of overall eating quality scored
in overall eating quality. In contrast, peppercress scored highest in close to zero for Factor 1. Meanwhile, Factor 2 explained 37.0% of
the intensity of astringency, bitterness and sourness; high in the the variation observed among the sensory descriptor and the
grassy, heat, and sourness; and lowest in the acceptability of flavor, intensity of aroma, heat, grassy, sourness, astringency, bitterness

Fig. 2. Factor analysis of sensory data for six microgreen species evaluated in consumer test.
Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148 145

and texture loaded onto this factor. Species (peppercress, opal related characteristics best predicted consumer preferences for
basil, China rose radish and Dijon mustard) that scored generally overall eating quality, though textural and visual quality character-
high for the intensity of aroma, heat, grassy, sourness, astringency, istics also contributed. Among these flavor-related characteristics,
bitterness and texture exhibited positive scores for Factor 2 and some inherent correlations were observed. For example, intensity
species (red amaranth and bull’s blood beet) that scored generally of sourness was strongly correlated with intensity of astringency
low in these sensory attributes showed negative scores for Factor 2. (r = 0.81***), bitterness (r = 0.80***), and heat (r = 0.72***) but
Overall, factor analysis suggested that (1) bull’s blood beet, red weakly correlated with intensity of sweetness (r = 0.53*).
amaranth and Dijon mustard had higher sensory quality than Intensity of astringency was strongly correlated with intensity
China rose radish, opal basil and peppercress; and (2) bull’s blood of bitterness (r = 0.77***) and heat (r = 0.70***). Intensity of
beet had the best and peppercress had the lowest overall eating bitterness was correlated with intensity of sweetness
quality. These observations agreed with the results obtained from (r = 0.67**), confirming that sweetness and bitterness are
other statistical analyses as described above (Table 4). mutually suppressed in mixtures. All of these correlations showed
In addition, the intensity and acceptability sensory scores of six that flavor is a gestalt perception, which is very important to
microgreens were compared by gender of sensory panelists overall sensory acceptance.
(Table 4). Across age and ethnicity, no significant differences were
found between female and male in all sensory attributes of six 3.3. Chemical compositions
microgreens, except for the acceptability of flavor and overall
eating quality of Dijon mustard. Females and males showed In general, TA and total sugar content are used to describe flavor
significantly different (P = 0.001) perceptions of Dijon mustard of fruits and vegetables (Francis et al., 2012). TA and sugar contents
microgreens, with females demonstrating a much lower accept- of six microgreens are presented in Table 5. TA is related to the
ability scores of flavor and therefore overall eating quality. concentration of free organic acids present in a food, and it is
commonly used as quality parameter. In the samples of fresh
3.2. Correlation among sensory attributes microgreens, TA values were shown as the concentrations of [H+],
which were in the range of 0.013–0.030 mol/L, (Table 5). China rose
To more accurately assess the impact of each sensory quality radish and peppercress microgreens showed the highest TA values
characteristic on overall eating quality, the relationships among and bull’s blood beet microgreen was ranked the lowest. The TA
sensory attributes were investigated. For all microgreens, overall data set matched with the sensory scores of sourness intensity in
eating quality was most strongly correlated with acceptability of the same order (R2 = 0.89), which suggested that the difference in
flavor (r = 0.98***). Overall eating quality was also strongly TA amongst species is large enough to impact sensory perception,
correlated with scores of acceptability of texture (r = 0.82***) especially for sourness. Opposite to the TA, the lowest pH value was
and intensity of sourness (r = 0.87***), bitterness (r = 0.71***), found in China rose radish microgreens, and the highest ones were
astringency (r = 0.66**), and sweetness (r = 0.61**). Additionally, in bull's blood beet and red amaranth microgreens.
eating quality scores were weakly correlated with score of Overall, total sugar contents were low and generally were about
acceptability of appearance (r = 0.49*) and intensity of aroma 10 g/kg or less per fresh weight mass of sample, with glucose (0.8–
(r = 0.53*). Acceptability of flavor was correlated with the 5.6 g/kg) and fructose (0.2–0.6 g/kg), being the two major sugars in
intensity of some flavor-related characteristics: sourness all microgreens. No reports of sugar contents of microgreens were
(r = 0.84***), bitterness (r = 0.68**), astringency (r = 0.57*) found for reference. Wills and coworkers reported the sugar
and sweetness (r = 0.53*). These results suggested that flavor- content of bean sprouts at the same level of microgreens analyzed

Table 4
Intensity and acceptability of microgreen sensory attributes by female and male consumer panelists across age and ethnicity.a

Intensity of (rating 0–100) Acceptability of (rating 0–100)

Microgreen Aroma Astringency Bitter Grassy Heat Sour Sweet Texture Texture Flavor Appearance Overall eating quality
Bull’s blood beet 17.9 b 17.6 c 29.9 cd 62.5 ab 12.3 ef 10.8 c 11.0 ac 20.8 bc 86.4 a 68.4 a 87.6 a 79.2 a
China rose radish 20.1 b 44.4 a 41.4 ad 61.9 ab 68.0 bc 28.7 ab 7.1 ac 65.1 ab 71.4 bc 48.2 bd 72.3 bc 49.5 cd
Dijon mustard 25.8 b 39.8 ab 46.6 ac 55.7 bc 88.1 a 28.6 ab 8.6 ac 22.3 bc 79.2 ac 43.8 bd 88.3 a 50.0 cd
Opal basil 47.8 a 38.9 ab 51.3 ab 74.2 a 33.8 d 26.1 ab 5.2 c 30.8 ac 69.2 c 40.9 cd 56.1 c 41.8 d
Peppercress 33.6 ab 45.0 a 49.5 ab 62.9 ab 70.7 bc 31.7 a 6.5 bc 26.9 bc 71.2 ac 39.6 d 77.4 ab 38.4 d
Red amaranth 26.2 b 22.0 bc 25.1 d 63.0 ab 10.6 f 20.3 ac 15.1 a 18.6 c 78.6 ac 57.6 ac 81.7 ab 61.5 ac

Bull’s blood beet 22.1 b 21.5 bc 32.9 bd 58.8 ac 13.2 ef 16.8 ac 17.8 ab 27.6 bc 84.2 ab 64.8 ab 84.8 a 72.9 ab
China rose radish 23.7 b 35.8 ab 38.9 ad 53.3 bc 66.1 bc 18.0 ac 10.2 ac 47.3 a 73.3 ac 58.3 ad 73.2 bc 59.3 ad
Dijon mustard 22.3 b 29.6 ac 32.9 bd 42.7 c 83.6 ab 17.7 ac 14.4 ac 26.9 bc 81.5 ac 68.5 a 83.4 ab 72.1 ab
Opal basil 51.9 a 33.6 ac 51.2 ab 62.9 ab 27.0 de 21.2 ac 12.2 ac 35.1 ab 74.2 ac 52.8 ad 55.6 c 56.2 bd
Peppercress 37.2 ab 37.8 ab 55.0 a 60.0 ac 59.5 c 26.5 ac 14.4 ac 32.5 ac 72.9 ac 39.2 cd 78.3 ab 41.3 d
Red amaranth 33.2 ab 24.6 bc 22.9 d 71.6 ab 11.1 ef 12.9 bc 15.2 ac 29.1 ac 79.8 ac 61.2 ab 83.6 ab 64.7 ac

Female vs. male

Bull’s blood beet N.S.b N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S.
China rose radish – – – – – – – – – – – –
Dijon mustard – – – – – – – – – 0.001 – 0.001
Opal basil – – – – – – – – – N.S – N.S
Peppercress – – – – – – – – – – – –
Red amaranth – – – – – – – – – – – –
Values are expressed as mean  standard error (n = 3). Values within the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
N.S. = Non-significant (P < 0.05).
146 Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148

Table 5
Analysis of titratable acidity (TA), pH, fructose, glucose, sucrose and total sugar content of six species of microgreens evaluated in consumer test.a

Microgreen TA ([H+] mol/L)b pH Fructose (g/kg)b Glucose (g/kg)b Sucrose (g/kg)b Total sugar (g/kg)b
Bull’s blood beet 0.013  0.000 d 6.37  0.13 a 3.3  0.2 b 0.8  0.1 cd 0.3  0.0 abc 4.4  0.3 ab
China rose radish 0.029  0.000 a 5.67  0.01 b 5.0  0.7 ab 4.7  0.8 a 0.6  0.1 a 10.3  1.7 a
Dijon mustard 0.025  0.001 b 5.77  0.07 b 4.0  0.3 ab 3.5  0.3 ab 0.2  0.0 b 7.7  0.6 ab
Opal basil 0.024  0.000 b 5.82  0.08 b 0.8  0.1 c 0.8  0.1 cd 0.4  0.1 abc 2.0  0.2 c
Peppercress 0.030  0.000 a 5.86  0.09 b 5.6  0.6 a 2.6  0.4 bc 0.6  0.1 ab 8.8  1.1 a
Red amaranth 0.020  0.001 c 6.43  0.03 a 1.3  0.1 c 0.2  0.0 d 0.2  0.1 c 1.7  0.0 c
Values are expressed as mean  standard error (n = 3). Values within the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Data were calculated on the basis of fresh weight mass.

in our study (Wills et al., 1984). In that study, high total sugar concentrations of the six microgreens ranged between 1.0 and
content did not result in particularly high scores of sweet taste. 5.0 mg/kg fresh weight. These results on tocopherols differed from
China rose radish microgreens had the highest contents of total our previous report, in which all the microgreens (except Dijon
sugars, glucose and sucrose, whereas it had the lowest score of mustard microgreens, which was not included in the previous
sweetness intensity. Conversely, while red amaranth microgreen study) were rich in tocopherols, ranging from 185 to 412 mg/kg for
had the lowest contents of total sugar, fructose, glucose and a-tocopherol and 50–112 mg/kg for g-tocopherol (Xiao et al.,
sucrose, it was evaluated having the highest score of sweetness 2012). Nutritional profile of produce could be affected by many
intensity. It was reported that sweetness perception can be preharvest and postharvest factors, such as seed source, growth
modified by acid levels and aroma compounds (Tieman et al., location, growth environments and storage time (Goldman et al.,
2012). The lowest score of sweetness in China rose radish 1999). Compared with some commonly consumed mature
microgreens could be associated with its high content of acids, vegetables (such as Romain lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia)
which offset the perception of sweet taste. Correspondingly, red and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.)) in US, the microgreens evaluated
amaranth microgreens did show a relatively low TA value, probably in this study showed advantages by containing higher concen-
making the sweetness more pronounced in the microgreens. trations of all or some of the nutrients. According to the USDA
The results of phytonutrient analyses on ascorbic acid, national nutrient database (2011), the values of TAA, phylloqui-
phylloquinone, carotenoids, tocopherols and total phenolics of none, b-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, a-tocopherol and g-tocoph-
six microgreens are tabulated in Tables 6 and 7. The TAA erol in Romain lettuce and broccoli (fresh weight) were 40 and
concentration in six microgreens ranged from 106 to 680 mg/kg. 892 mg/kg, 10 and 10 mg/kg, 52 and 4 mg/kg, 23 and 14 mg/kg,
Among the six samples, China rose radish microgreens had the 1 and 8 mg/kg, and 4 and 2 mg/kg, respectively. With respect to the
highest TAA concentration, followed by Dijon mustard, peppercr- phytonutrients, all six microgreens analyzed in this study could be
ess and red amaranth. Bull’s blood beet and opal basil microgreens considered good sources of phytonutrients and antioxidants.
contained relatively low level of TAA. The phylloquinone concen-
tration of all six microgreens evaluated was about the same, 3.4. Correlation among sensory attributes and chemical compositions
ranging between 2.1 and 4.0 g/kg. For carotenoids, red amaranth
had the highest amounts of b-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin and Sensory evaluation provides information about the attributes of
violaxanthin, followed by Dijon mustard, China rose radish and a product from consumers’ perspectives. However, it is not always
peppercress. All the carotenoid data was consistent with those of easy to recruit enough consumers or trained panelists to get
our previous study (Xiao et al., 2012). Total phenolic content (TPC) involved in sensory evaluations. Therefore, it is significant to find a
varied significantly among species from 1.5 to 7.0 g/kg, GAE relationship between the chemical composition of a product and
equivalents per fresh weight mass in the six microgreens. The its sensory attributes, as well as between sensory perceptions and
highest TPC was found in opal basil, which was almost 5-fold acceptability for consumers (Escribano et al., 2010). In this study,
higher than Dijon mustard, which surprisingly still contained the TA values of all six microgreens were not significantly
slightly higher TPC than some commonly consumed vegetables, correlated with the intensity of sourness or any other sensory
e.g., broccoli (3.5–10.0 g/kg) (Turkmen et al., 2005; Zhang and quality characteristics. The pH values correlated with many
Hamauzu, 2004). Among the six microgreens, the a-tocopherol sensory attributes including acceptability of overall eating quality
was only present in China rose radish and Dijon mustard (r = 0.70***) and flavor (r = 0.67**), intensity of bitterness
microgreens, both of which contained detectable amounts of (r = 0.77***), sourness (r = 0.60**), astringency (r = 0.52*), and
a-tocopherol, 20 and 11 g/kg, respectively. The g-tocopherol sweetness (r = 0.50*). Many other researchers previously

Table 6
Analysis of water content, ascorbic acid (AA), dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), total ascorbic acid (TAA), phylloquinone (Vk1) and total phenolics (TPC) concentrations of six
species of microgreens evaluated in consumer test.a

Microgreen Water content (%) Ascorbates (mg/kg)b Phylloquinone (mg/kg)b Total phenolics (g/kg)c


Bull’s blood beet 95.1  0.2 a 75.9  1.7 a 55.8  19.2 c 131.7  18.6c 2.1  0.4 a 3.0  0.1 c
China rose radish 92.1  0.5 c 165.8  101.8a 514.3  104.6 a 680.2  36.0a 3.2  0.6 a 4.7  0.2 b
Dijon mustard 94.3  0.0 ab 226.2  108.7 a 363.3  108.2abc 589.5  8.1 a 3.2  0.7 a 1.5  0.0 d
Opal basil 94.3  0.2 ab 20.4  0.3 a 85.8  4.9 bc 106.3  4.6 c 4.0  0.7 a 7.0  0.1 a
Peppercress 93.8  0.1 b 80.8  29.4 a 379.2  32.7 ab 460.0  20.5b 2.9  0.7 a 2.7  0.2 c
Red amaranth 93.5  0.2 b 126.1  24.0 a 232.3  33.6 abc 358.4  27.1b 2.3  0.4 a 2.6  0.1 c
Values are expressed as mean  standard error (n = 3). Values within the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Data were calculated on the basis of fresh weight mass.
Total phenolic contents were expressed as mass of gallic acid equivalents per dry weight mass of sample in the unit of g/kg.
Z. Xiao et al. / Postharvest Biology and Technology 110 (2015) 140–148 147

Table 7
Analysis of b-carotene (b-C), lutein/zeaxanthin (L/Z), violaxanthin (VX), a-tocopherol (a-T), g-tocopherol (g-T) of six species of microgreens evaluated in consumer
acceptance test.a

Microgreen Carotenoids (mg/kg)b Tocopherols (mg/kg)b

b-C L/Z VX a-T g-T

Bull’s blood beet 37.9  2.6 d 35.3  1.6 d 20.2  0.2 bc 0.0  0.0 c 1.1  0.1 d
China rose radish 58.4  2.7 b 51.4  2.9 b 17.5  1.6 bc 20.4  1.7 a 4.6  0.2 a
Dijon mustard 61.4  1.0 b 46.8  2.1 bc 22.7  0.9 b 10.5  0.5 b 3.5  0.1 b
Opal basil 43.4  2.2 cd 38.8  1.8 cd 11.8  0.7 c 0.0  0.0 c 1.5  0.1 cd
Peppercress 55.2  1.0 bc 46.3  0.8 bc 18.6  0.4 bc 0.0  0.0 c 3.0  0.1 b
Red amaranth 80.7  4.5 a 66.8  3.2 a 42.1  4.0 a 0.0  0.0 c 2.0  0.1 c
Values are expressed as mean  standard error (n = 3). Values within the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
Data were calculated on the basis of fresh weight mass.

reported that astringency elicited by acids was a function of pH but bull's blood beet with the highest preference and the peppercress
not concentration or anion species, while sourness was influenced with the lowest acceptance. Among all the sensory quality
by concentration, pH and anion species (Goldman et al., 1999; attributes tested, the flavor quality attribute best predicted overall
Lawless, 1986; Sowalsky and Noble, 1998). This could explain why eating quality of microgreens, but noticeable visual and textural
astringency was correlated with pH (r = 0.52*), not TA. quality attributes also positively affected consumer acceptance.
Total sugar content was not correlated with the sensory scores The pH and TPC values could be used by microgreen growers and
of intensity of sweetness. Sucrose content was negatively food service uses (i.e., industry) as indicators of sensory informa-
correlated with intensity of bitterness (r = 0.62**) and sourness tion and predictors of consumer acceptability, providing industry
(r = 0.48*). Similarly, glucose was also negatively correlated with the possibility of predicting the consumer acceptability and
bitterness (r = 0.62**). Sugars are not alone in accounting for likability for microgreens especially in ethnically unique food
variation in the sweetness of fruits and vegetables, especially when markets. Overall, the six microgreens evaluated in this study have
sugar content is low. The perception of sweetness may be affected good consumer acceptability and nutritional value.
by other acidic or bitter compounds present in fruits and
vegetables (Keast and Breslin, 2003). Taking China rose radish as
an example, the total sugar content of China rose radish was the
highest; however, its intensity of sweetness score was the lowest.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Karen Bret-Garber for
The difference between sensory perception and chemical compo-
critical reading and valuable suggestions of the manuscript. The
nents could lie in the acid content (Abbott et al., 2004; Baldwin
authors are also very thankful to the donation of microgreens by
et al., 1998). High acidity, shown as the highest TA value and lowest
Fresh Origins, LLC (San Marcos, CA, USA) and the participation of
pH value, could make China rose radish less sweet. Similarly, red
our sensory panel. Use of a company or product name by the U.S.
amaranth with the lowest total sugar content scored highest for
Department of Agriculture does not imply approval or recommen-
intensity of sweetness, which was probably due to the low acidity,
dation of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be
making it much sweeter.
suitable. This study was supported by USDA-ARS Project 1265-
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quality (r = 0.66***) and sensory scores of flavor-related attributes:
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