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Teachers: Subjects:

Cassandra Collins Japanese

Miriam Munoz Spanish

IC.NL.1 - Students can say singular learned phrases on a familiar topic.

Students will be able to say the phrase “I love you”. They will understand how the phrase changes depending on
different situations by displaying these changes in their speak. They will also learn which phrase to use depending on
whom they are speaking to based on relationship and gender.

Evidence of Mastery:

Key Vocabulary: Materials and Technology used:

Note Cards &

Students will be presented with an open-ended question on Nearpod. This question will ask them to list any previous
knowledge they have with the language. The teacher will read a few responses as they appear.

Teacher will: Students will:

IP Teacher will introduce the idea of love in
Students will listen to the different phrases and then
Japan (IE, they do not usually say the direct repeat them back to the teacher.
translation of 愛してる aishiteru). Then the
Student will take in the knowledge and repeat the
teacher will give examples of different phrase back to the teacher
phrase that are more common as well as

explaining how they are used in different


大好きだよ - The だ makes the phrase

sound feminine.
あなたが大好きだ - あなた means you,
but is only used when the speaker is
emotionally close to the listener
(大)好きよ - Sounds masculine.

Teacher will introduce the translation of “I

love you” which is “ Te Amo”. Then give
examples of how the word changes based on
gender and relationship to the person.
Ex. Masculine-Lo Amo
Feminine-La Amo
You-Te Amo
Aunt-La Amo
Uncle-Lo Amo

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:
It will be assumed that students are unable to reach Japanese text and romanized (how it
would be spelt with the latin alphabet) versions will be used.

GP Teacher will: Students will:

The teacher will have ten different note cards They student will take a card from the teacher and
with different situations on them. (EX. You are read it outloud. They will give the correct phrase. If
a woman telling her boyfriends you love him. it is not correct the rest of the students will have a
You are telling a classmate that you love your chance to help.
crush). The teacher will have the cards in her
hand, and walk around to have the students
pick a card. Teacher will help guide students
who are unsure of the correct response to the
situation on the card.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:

IP Teacher will: Students will:

The teacher will change the slide on the The students will listen/read the discussion
Nearpod to show two questions: questions.
1. What did you learn from this lesson? They will turn to their neighbors and share their
2. How does this way of expressing “I ideas.
Love You” differ from the English Students will volunteer answers to the class.
Students will be asked to discuss these
questions with their neighbors. The teacher will
walk around and listen to the conversations.
After a couple minutes, class will be called
back together and the teacher will ask for
volunteers to share their thoughts about the two
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: The students learned how and when to use the right
Term of “I love you” based on who they are speaking with. The real life connection is that students
might meet a person of their dream that speaks Japanese or Spanish. By them learning this powerful
word that is love, and their connection will grow much stronger.

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