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Sec. 37. Regular election of barangay officials. - The election for
barangay officials shall be held throughout the Philippines in the
manner prescribed on the second Monday of May Nineteen hundred
and eighty-eight and on the same day every six years thereafter.
The officials elected shall assume office on the thirtieth day of June
next following the election and shall hold office for six years and until
their successors shall have been elected and qualified.
Sec. 38. Conduct of elections. - The barangay election shall be non-
partisan and shall be conducted in an expeditious and inexpensive
No person who files a certificate of candidacy shall represent or allow
himself to be represented as a candidate of any political party or any
other organization; and no political party, political group, political
committee, civic, religious, professional, or other organization or
organized group of whatever nature shall intervene in his nomination
or in the filing of his certificate of candidacy or give aid or support,
directly or indirectly, material or otherwise favorable to or against his
campaign for election: Provided, That this provision shall not apply to
the members of the family of a candidate within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity nor to the personal campaign staff
of the candidate which shall not be more than one for every one
hundred registered voters in his barangay: Provided, however, That
without prejudice to any liability that may be incurred, no permit to
hold a public meeting shall be denied on the ground that the
provisions of this paragraph may or will be violated.
Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed as in any manner
affecting or constituting an impairment of the freedom of individuals
to support or oppose any candidate for any barangay office.
Sec. 39. Certificate of Candidacy. - No person shall be elected
punong barangay or kagawad ng sangguniang barangay unless he
files a sworn certificate of candidacy in triplicate on any day from the
commencement of the election period but not later than the day
before the beginning of the campaign period in a form to be
prescribed by the Commission. The candidate shall state the
barangay office for which he is a candidate.
The certificate of candidacy shall be filed with the secretary of the
sangguniang barangay who shall have the ministerial duty to receive
said certificate of candidacy and to immediately acknowledge
receipt thereof.
In case the secretary refuses to receive the same, or in the case of his
absence or non-availability, a candidate may file his certificate with
the election registrar of the city or municipality concerned.
The secretary of the sangguniang barangay or the election registrar,
as the case may be, shall prepare a consolidated list all the
candidates and shall post said list in the barangay hall and in other
conspicuous places in the barangay at least ten days before the
Any elective or appointive municipal, city, provincial or national
official or employee, or those in the civil or military service, including
those in government-owned or controlled corporations, shall be
considered automatically resigned upon the filing of certificate of
candidacy for a barangay office.
Sec. 40. Board of Election Tellers. - (1) The Commission shall constitute
not later than ten days before the election a board of election tellers
in every barangay polling place, to be composed of a public
elementary school teacher as chairman, and two members who are
registered voters of the polling place concerned, but who are not
incumbent barangay officials nor related to any candidate for any
position in that barangay within the fourth civil degree of affinity or
In case no public elementary school teachers are available, the
Commission shall designate any registered voter in the polling place
who is not an incumbent barangay official nor related to any
candidate for any position in that barangay within the fourth civil
degree of affinity or consanguinity.
(2) The board of election tellers shall supervise and conduct the
election in their respective polling places, count the votes and
thereafter prepare a report in triplicate on a form prescribed by the
Commission. The original of this report shall be delivered immediately
to the barangay board of canvassers. The second copy shall be
delivered to the election registrar and the third copy shall be
delivered to the secretary of the sangguniang barangay who shall
keep the same on file.
Sec. 41. Registration of voters and list of voters. - Not later than seven
days before the election, the board of election tellers shall meet in
every barangay polling place to conduct the registration of
barangay voters and to prepare the list of voters. Any voter may
challenge the qualification of any person seeking to register and said
challenge shall be heard and decided on the same day by the board
of election tellers.
The final list of voters shall be posted in the polling places at least two
days before Election Day. The registration of any voter shall not be
transferred without written notice at least two days before the date of
election. Not later than the day following the barangay election, the
board of election tellers shall deliver the list of voters to the election
registrar for custody and safekeeping.
Sec. 42. Polling places. - (1) The chairman of the board of election
tellers shall designate the public school or any other public building
within the barangay to be used as polling place in case the barangay
has one election precinct. (2) For barangays with two or more election
precincts the chairman of the board of canvassers shall designate the
public school or any other public building to be used as polling place.
In case there is no public school or other public building that can be
used as polling places, other appropriate private buildings may be
designated: Provided, That such buildings are not owned or occupied
or possessed by any incumbent elective public official or candidate,
or his relative within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.
The polling place shall be centrally located as possible, always taking
into consideration the convenience and safety of the voters.
Sec. 43. Official barangay ballots. - The official barangay ballots shall
be provided by the city or municipality concerned of a size and color
to be prescribed by the Commission.
Such official ballots shall, before they are handed to the voter at the
polling place, be authenticated in the presence of the voter, by the
authorized representatives of the candidates and the chairman and
members of the board of election tellers who shall affix their signatures
at the back thereof. Any ballot which is not authenticated shall be
deemed spurious.
Sec. 44. Ballot boxes. - The Commission shall provide the ballot boxes
for each barangay polling place, but each candidate may be
permitted to provide a padlock for said ballot box.
Sec. 45. Postponement or failure of election. - When for any serious
cause such as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election
paraphernalia or records, force majeure, and other analogous causes
of such nature that the holding of a free, orderly and honest election
should become impossible in any barangay, the Commission, upon a
verified petition of an interested party and after due notice and
hearing at which the interested parties are given equal opportunity to
be heard, shall postpone the election therein for such time as it may
deem necessary.
If, on account of force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or other
analogous causes, the election in any barangay has not been held
on the date herein fixed or has been suspended before the hour fixed
by law for the closing of the voting therein and such failure or
suspension of election would affect the result of the election, the
Commission, on the basis of a verified petition of an interested party,
and after due notice and hearing, at which the interested parties are
given equal opportunity to be heard shall call for the holding or
continuation of the election within thirty days after it shall have verified
and found that the cause or causes for which the election has been
postponed or suspended have ceased to exist or upon petition of at
least thirty percent of the registered voters in the barangay
When the conditions in these areas warrant, upon verification by the
Commission, or upon petition of at least thirty percent of the registered
voters in the barangay concerned, it shall order the holding of the
barangay election which was postponed or suspended.
Sec. 46. Barangay board of canvassers. - (1) The Commission shall
constitute a board of canvassers at least seven days before the
election in each barangay, to be composed of the senior public
elementary school teacher in the barangay as chairman, and two
other public elementary school teachers, as members.
In case the number of public elementary school teachers is
inadequate, the Commission shall designate the chairman and
members of the barangay board of canvassers from among the
board of election tellers.
(2) The barangay board of canvassers shall meet immediately in a
building where a polling place is found and which is most centrally
located in the barangay and after canvassing the results from the
various polling places within the barangay, proclaim the winners. The
board of canvassers shall accomplish the certificate of proclamation
in triplicate on a form to be prescribed by the Commission. The original
of the certificate shall be sent to the election registrar concerned, the
second copy shall be delivered to the secretary of the sangguniang
bayan or sangguniang panglunsod, as the case may be, and the
third copy shall be kept on file by the secretary of the sangguniang
(3) In a barangay where there is only one polling place, the barangay
board of election tellers shall also be the barangay board of
Sec. 47. Activities during the campaign period. - During the campaign
period, the punong barangay if he is not a candidate, or any resident
of the barangay designated by the Commission, shall convene the
barangay assembly at least once for the purpose of allowing the
candidates to appear at a joint meeting duly called, upon proper
and with at least two days notice, to explain to the barangay voters
their respective program of administration, their qualifications, and
other information that may help enlighten voters in casting their votes.
The members of the barangay assembly may take up and discuss
other matters relative to the election of barangay officials.
Sec. 48. Watchers. - Candidates may appoint two watchers each, to
serve alternately, in every polling place within the barangay, who shall
be furnished with a signed copy of the results of the election, in such
form as the Commission may prescribe, immediately after the
completion of the canvass.
Sec. 49. Inclusion and exclusion cases. - Inclusion and exclusion cases
which shall be decided not later than seven before the date of the
election shall be within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the
municipal or metropolitan trial court. The notice of such decision shall
be served to all parties within twenty-four hours following its
promulgation and any party adversely affected may appeal
therefrom within twenty-four hours to the regional trial court which
shall finally decide the same not later than two days before the date
of the election.
Sec. 50. Funding. - Local governments shall appropriate such funds to
defray such necessary and reasonable expenses of the members of
the board of election tellers, board of canvassers and the printing of
election forms and procurement of other election paraphernalia, and
the installation of polling booths.
Sec. 51. Penalties. - Violations of any provisions of this Article shall
constitute prohibited acts and shall be prosecuted and penalized in
accordance with the provisions of this Code.



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Section 1. Title and applicability. — This Act shall be known and cited
as the Barangay Election Act of 1982 and shall be applicable to the
election of barangay officials. chanrobles virtual law library
As used in this Act, the term "barangay" shall include all existing
barangays, and those which have been organized pursuant to
existing laws and operating with their own set of officers. chanrobles
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Sec. 2. Declaration of policy. — It shall be the policy of the State to

guarantee and promote the autonomy of the barangays to ensure
their fullest development seek as self-reliant communities. This end, the
State shall seek to ensure the freedom of the residents to choose their
officials in a free, orderly and honest election. chanrobles virtual law

Sec. 3. Term of office. — The term of office of the barangay officials

elected under this Act shall be six years, which shall commence on
June 7, 1982 and shall continue until their successors shall have been
elected and shall have qualified.

Sec. 4. Conduct of election. — The barangay election shall be non-

partisan and shall be conducted in an expeditious and inexpensive

No person who files a certificate of candidacy shall represent or allow

himself to be represented as a candidate of any political party or any
other organization; and no political party, political group, political
committee, civic, religious, professional or other organization or
organized group of whether nature shall intervene in his nomination or
in the filing of his certificate of candidacy or give aid or support
directly or indirectly, material or otherwise, favorable to or against his
campaign for election: Provided, That this provision shall not apply to
the members of the family of a candidate within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity nor to the personal campaign staff
of the candidate which shall not be more than one for every one
hundred registered voters in his barangay: Provided, further, That
without prejudice to any liability that may be incurred, no permit to
hold a public meeting shall be denied on the ground that the
provisions of this paragraph may or will be violated.

Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed as in any manner

affecting or constituting an impairment of the freedom of individuals
to support or oppose any candidate for any barangay office.
Sec. 5. Supervision by the Commission on Elections. — Subject to the
declaration of policy under Section 2, the Commission on Elections
shall have supervision over the election of barangay officials and is
hereby empowered to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to
implement this Act. chanrobles virtual law library
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Sec. 6. Election of barangay officials. — The election of a Punong
Barangay (Barangay Captain) and six Kagawad ng Sangguniang
Barangay (Barangay Councilmen) who shall constitute the Presiding
Officer and Members of the Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay
Council), respectively, shall be held on May 17, 1982, in the manner
herein provided.
Sec. 7. Qualifications of barangay officials. — No person shall be
eligible to be a barangay official unless he is a citizen of the
Philippines, a registered voter and actual resident of the barangay for
at least six months immediately preceding the election, able to read
and write and, on the date of the election, is least twenty-one years
of age, and who is not otherwise disqualified by law.
Sec. 8. Disqualifications. — Any person who is insane or feebleminded
or has been sentenced by final judgment for subversion, insurrection,
rebellion or for any offense for which he has been sentenced to a
penalty of more than eighteen months or for any crime involving
moral turpitude, shall be disqualified to be a candidate and to hold
any office in the barangay, unless he has been pardoned.
Sec. 9. Certificate of candidacy. — No person shall be elected
Punong Barangay or Kagawad ng Sangguniang Barangay unless he
files a sworn certificate of candidacy in triplicate not later than May
1, 1982, in a form to be prescribed by the Commission on Elections.
The candidate shall state the barangay office for which he is a
The certificate of candidacy shall be filed with the Secretary of the
Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay Council) who shall have the
ministerial duty to receive said certificate of candidacy and to
acknowledge immediately receipt thereof.
In case the Secretary refuses to receive the same, or in case of his
absence or non-availability, a candidate may file his certificate of
candidacy with the Election Registrar of the City or municipality
The Secretary of the Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay Council) or
the Election Registrar, as the case may be, shall prepare a
consolidated list of all the candidates and shall post said list in the
barangay hall and in other conspicuous place in the barangay at
least ten days before the election.
Any elective or appointive municipal, city or provincial official or
employee, or those in the civil service or military, including those in
government-owned or controlled corporations, shall be considered
automatically resigned upon the filing of certificate of candidacy.
Sec. 10. Campaign period. — The campaign period shall start on May
1, 1982 and end on May 15, 1982. No election campaign shall be
allowed on the day of the election and on the day before the
Sec. 11. Board of Election Tellers. — (1) The Commission on Elections
shall constitute not later than ten days before the election a Board of
Election Tellers in every barangay voting center, to be composed of
a public elementary school teacher as Chairman, and two Members
who are registered voters of the voting centers concerned, but who
are not incumbent barangay officials.
In case no public elementary school teachers are available, the
Commission on Elections shall designate any registered voter in the
voting center who is not an incumbent barangay official.
(2) The Board of Election Tellers shall secure from the Election Registrar
of the municipality/city the list of registered voters prepared for the
June 16, 1981 presidential election corresponding to the voting
centers located in the barangay concerned, which shall be used in
preparing the list of voters for the barangay election. The list of voters
shall include those who have registered thereafter.
The final list of voters shall be posted in the voting centers at least two
days before election day. No voter shall be transferred without written
notice given to him at least two days before the date of election.
(3) The Board of Election Tellers shall supervise and conduct the
election in their respective voting centers, count the votes and
thereafter prepare a report in triplicate on a form prescribed by the
Commission on Elections. The original of this report shall be delivered
immediately to the Barangay Board of Canvassers. The second copy
shall be delivered to the Election Registrar and the third copy shall be
delivered to the Secretary of the Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay
Council), who shall keep the same on file.
Sec. 12. Barangay voters. — (1) Voters duly registered as such for the
June 16, 1981 presidential election and those who have registered
thereafter shall be eligible to vote in the barangay election.
(2) In case of need, the Commission on Elections may order a
registration of voters in the voting centers for not more than two days.
Sec. 13. Voting centers. — (1) The Chairman of the Board of Election
Tellers shall designated the public school or any other public building
within the barangay to be used as voting center if there is only one
voting center in the entire barangay.
(2)In barangays where there are two or more voting centers, the
Chairman of the Board of Canvassers shall designate the public
school or any other public building to be used as voting center to
ensure easy access by the voters to such voting centers.
In case there is no public school or other public building that can be
used as voting center, other appropriate private buildings may be
designated, provided that such buildings do not belong to or
possessed by any candidate or his relative within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity.
Sec. 14. Official barangay ballots. — The official barangay ballots
shall be provided by the city or municipality concerned of a size and
color to be prescribed by the Commission on Elections.
Such official ballot shall, before it is handed to the voter at the voting
center, be authenticated in the presence of the voter, the other
Tellers, and the watchers present by the Chairman of the Board of
Election Tellers who shall affix his signature at the back thereof.
Sec. 15. Ballot boxes. — The Commission on Elections shall provide the
ballot boxes for each barangay voting center.
Sec. 16. Postponement or failure of election. — When for any serious
cause such as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election
paraphernalia or records, force majeure, and other analogous causes
of such nature that the holding of a free, orderly and honest election
should become impossible in any barangay, the Commission on
Elections, upon a verified petition, and after due notice and hearing,
shall postpone the election therein for such time as it may deem
If, on account of force majeure, violence, terrorism, or other
analogous causes or fraud, the election in any barangay has not
been held on the date herein fixed or has been suspended before the
hour fixed by law for the closing of the voting therein and such failure
or suspension of election would affect the result of the election, the
Commission on Elections, on the basis of a verified petition and after
due notice and hearing, shall call for the holding or continuation of
the election on a date reasonably close to the date of the election
not held or suspended.
In such case, the Minister of Local Government shall designate the
persons who shall temporarily act as Punong Barangay (Barangay
Captain) and Members of the Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay
When the conditions in these areas warrant, upon verification by the
Commission on Elections, or upon petition of at least thirty per centum
of the registered voters in the barangay concerned, it shall order the
holding of the barangay election.

Sec. 17. Barangay Board of Canvassers. — (1) The Commission on
Elections shall constitute at least seven days before the election of a
Board of Canvassers in each barangay, to be composed of the senior
public elementary school teacher in the barangay as Chairman, and
two other public elementary school teachers, as Members.
In case the number of public elementary school teachers is
inadequate, the Commission on Elections shall designate the
Chairman and Members of the Barangay Board of Canvassers from
among the Board of Election Tellers.
(2) The Barangay Board of Canvassers shall meet immediately in a
building where a voting center is found and which is most centrally
located in the barangay and, after canvassing the results from the
various voting centers within the barangay, proclaim the winners. The
Board of Canvassers shall accomplish the Certificate of Proclamation
in triplicate on a form to be prescribed by the Commission on
Elections. The original of the certificate shall be sent to the Election
Registrar concerned, the second copy shall be delivered to the
Secretary of the Sangguniang Bayan or the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, as the case may be, and the third copy shall be kept on
file by the Secretary of the Sangguniang Barangay.
(3) In a barangay where there is only one voting center, the Barangay
Board of Tellers shall also be the Barangay Board of Canvassers.
Sec. 18. Barangay assembly meeting. — The Punong Barangay
(Barangay Captain), if he is not a candidate, or any resident of the
barangay designated by the Commission on Elections, shall convene
the Barangay Assembly at least once not later than May 11, 1982 for
the purpose of allowing the candidates to appear at a joint meeting
to explain to the barangay voters their respective program of
administration, their qualifications, and other information that may
help enlighten voters in casting their vote.
The members of the Barangay Assembly may take up and discuss
other matters relative to the election of barangay officials, subject to
the provisions of the revised Barangay Charter, as amended.
The barangay shall immediately report to the Commission on Elections
any important matter decided by it for appropriate action by the
The Barangay Assembly may be convened to as many meetings as
Sec. 19. Watchers. — Candidates may appoint two watchers each,
to serve alternately, in every voting center within the barangay who
shall be furnished with a signed copy of the results of the election, in
such form as the Commission on Election of the canvass.
Sec. 20. Inclusion and exclusion cases; and protest. — Inclusion and
exclusive cases which shall be decided not later than two days before
the date of the election shall be within the exclusive original
jurisdiction of the city or municipal or metropolitan trial court.
A sworn petition contesting the election of any barangay official shall
be filed with the city or municipal ten days from the date of the
proclamation of the winners. The trial court shall decide the election
protest within fifteen days after the filing thereof. The decision of the
municipal or city or metropolitan trial court may be appealed within
ten days from receipt of a copy thereof to the Regional Trial Court
(CFI) which shall decide within thirty days from submission, and whose
decision shall be final.
Sec. 21. Applicability of 1978 Election Code. — The provisions of the
1978 Election Code and the Revised Barangay Charter not
inconsistent herewith shall be applicable in a suppletory character to
the election of barangay officials.
Sec. 22. Penalties. — Violations of this Act shall constitute prohibited
acts under Section 178 of the 1978 Election Code and shall be
prosecuted and penalized in accordance with the provisions of said
Sec. 23. Separability Clause. — The provisions of this Act are hereby
declared to be separable and in the event one or more of such
provisions is or are held unconstitutional, such shall not affect the
validity of the other provisions.
Sec. 24. Appropriations. — The cost of the election shall be funded
out of the appropriations of the Commission on Elections authorized
for the purpose in Batas Pambansa Blg. 131. In case of deficiency, the
appropriations therein provided may be augmented from the Special
Activities Fund intended for special priority activities authorized in the
current General Appropriations Act.
Local governments may appropriate funds to defray the expenses of
the Members of the Board of Election Tellers, Board of Canvassers, and
the printing of election forms and procurement of other election
Sec. 25. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Republic Act No. 10952

Approved: 02 October 2017

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in

Congress assembled:

SECTION 1.Section 1 of Republic Act No. 9164, as amended by the Republic Act
No. 9340, Republic Act No. 10632, Republic Act No. 10656, and Republic Act No.
10923, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

"SECTION 1. Date of Election. - There shall be synchronized barangay and

sangguniang kabataan elections, which shall be held on July 15, 2002.
Subsequent synchronized barangay and sangguniang kabataan elections shall
be held on the last Monday of October 2007 and every three (3) years thereafter:
Provided, That the barangay and sangguniang kabataan elections on October
23, 2017 shall be postponed to the second Monday of May 2018. Subsequent
synchronized barangay and sangguniang kabataan elections shall be held on
the second Monday of May 2020 and every three (3) years thereafter."

SEC. 2. Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9164, as amended by Republic Act No. 9340,
Repubic Act No. 10632, and Republic Act No. 10923, is hereby further amended
to read as follows:

SEC. 4. Assumption of Office. - The term of office of the barangay and

sangguniang kabataan officials elected under this Act shall commence at noon
of June 30 next following their election: Provided, however, That the term of office
of the barangay and sangguniang kabataan officials elected in the May 2020
elections and subsequently thereafter, shall commence at noon of June 30 next
following their elections."

SEC. 3. Hold Over. - Until their successors shall have been duly elected and
qualified, all incumbent barangay officials shall remain in office, unless sooner
removed or suspended for cause: Provided, That barangay official who are ex
officio members of the sangguniang bayan, sangguniang panglungsod, or
sangguniang panlalawigan, as the case may be, shall continue to serve as such
members in the sanggunian concerned until the next barangay election. The Liga
ng mga Barangay at the municipal, city, and provincial levels shall not later than
July 31, 2018, conduct elections for ex officio positions in the sangguniangs under
the supervision of the Department of the Interior and Local Government.

SEC. 4. Ban of Government Projects. - The construction or maintenance of

barangay-funded roads and bridges shall be prohibited for the period of ten (10)
days immediately preceding the date of election, the provision of Section 261,
paragraphs (v) and (w) of the Omnibus Election Code to the contrary

SEC. 5. Prohibition on Appointments of Government Officials and Employee. - The

appointment or hiring of new employees, creation of new position, promotion, or
giving of salary increases, remuneration or privileges in the barangay shall be
prohibited for the period of ten (10) days immediately preceding the election, the
provisions of Section 261, paragraph (g), of the Omnibus Election Code to the
contrary notwithstanding.

SEC. 6. Use of Appropriations. - The amount of Six billion ninety million three
hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred twenty-five pesos and sixteen
centavos (P6,090,324,325.16) shall be considered as continuing appropriations
and shall be used exclusively for the conduct of the barangay and sangguniang
kabataan registration and elections in May 2018.

SEC. 7. Use of Sangguniang Kabataan Fund. - Until the new sangguniang

kabataan officials shall have been duly elected and qualified, the sangguniang
barangay shall not use the sangguaniang kabataan fund except for youth
development and empowerment programs as provided in Republic Act No.
10742, otherwise known as the "Sangguniang Kabatan Reform Act of 2015".

SEC. 8. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The Commission on Elections shall,

within fifteen (15) days after the effectivity of this Act, promulgate such rules and
regulations necessary to implement this Act.
SEC. 9. Repealing Clause. - All other laws, acts presidential decrees, executive
orders, issuances, presidential proclamations, rules and regulations or parts
thereof, which are contrary to and inconsistent with any provision of this Act are
hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

SEC. 10. Separability Clause. - If any portion or provision of this Act is declared
unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act or any provision not affected thereby
shall remain in force and effect.

SEC. 11. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect immediately following the
completion of its publication either on the Official Gazette or in two (2)
newspapers of general circulation in the Philippines.


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