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D R-61 On] 3 Service Manual CONTENTS © PARTS List VHF MAIN Una. (© SPECIFICATIONS UUHE MAIN Unit, 1) General 2 VOL Unit 2) Transmit. 2 FRONT CPU Unt. 3) Receiver 2 ‘SUB CPU Unit. © CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION HE VCO Una. 1) Receiver System. 3-8 VHF PLL Una. 2) Tranemiter System, 9 UHF Yoo Unt. 3) PLL Grout 30-11 UUHF PLL Unit. 54~ 46 4) Font GPU and Peripheral Oreut 11 ~ 12 AIR Unit. 46 8) Sub CPU and Pergheral Circuit 12-13 ENC Unit 47 6) CTCSS Tone Encoder Circuit 13 SP Unit ar 7) Packet Cut. 14 FAN Uni, 4a 8) Front OPU U0 Pon (1C501), 15-18 Packet. aT 9) Main CPU WO Por (\C601}, 17-18 Mechanical Pars, 47 (@ semiconoucToR DATA Pca, 47 +) ANaOOM 19 Packing, ar 2) BusooaB 19 EHM3SE, 4a 2) L7aLRoso. 20 HM, 8 8) Laaaas, 20 (© AoJuSTMENT 5) MSB760FP. 21 1) Required Test Equipmant 49 ) MS778=MA. 22 2) Aaqustment Points. su~s1 7) MCre08, 23 8) UHE AX Adjustment 92 8) NaMaose8, 23 4) UHE TX Acjusiment, 83 1) NuM2900M (7). 23 5) VHF RX Agustment 54 10) NuMass, 24 6) VHF TX Adjustment, 55 11) RHSVABOAA. 2 @ Pc BOARD VIEW 12) nec18766, 1) VIP MAIWAIR Unit Side 58 13) Savi7. 25 2) VHF MAINIAIR Unit Side 8 7 14)TO«s11F 26 3) UHF MAINIENCIVOL Unit Side A 58 15) ToAsseF. 26 4) UHE MAINENGIVOL Unit Side B 53 16) ToaWsaF. 26 5) Front CPU Unit Side A. 80 17) Teaser. 27 Front GPU Unit Side B. 60 18) Toss219F 28 7} SUB CPU Unit Sido A 61 19) 7035908 (TP). 29 8) SUB CPU Unit Side 8. 61 20) Tk10889MA, 30 9) VHF VCO Unt 62 21) TKIO890VTL. 3 10) VHF PLL unit 62 £2) Transistor, Diade and LED Outine Orawings,.32 11) UHF Veo Unt 62 23) Loo. 33-34 12) UHF PLL Unit 62 © EXPLODED VIEW @ BLOCK DIAGRAM 1) Front View, 95 1) Main Block Diagram: 63 2)LCD View. 35 2) CPU Block Diagram. 64 3) VHF Uni View. 98 3) PLL Block Diagram 65 44) UNF Unit View 7 (@ SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1) VRF MAIN UNIT 66~87 2) UH MAIN UNIT. sa~s9 3) FRONT PU UNIT 70 4) SUB GPU Unt n 9) VHF VCO, PLL Unt 2 6) UHF VCO, PLL Unt. 13 7) ENC Uni. 8) Ess IN ALINCo ELECTRONICS INC. 3222 " SPECIFICATIONS 1) General Frequency Coverage: Channel steps: Antenna Impedance: Microphone Impedance: Speaker Impedance: Supply Voltage: Dimensions (Body only} Weight: 2) Transmitter Output Power: Emission Mode: Modulation Systom: Max. Frequency Deviation: Spurious Emission: 3) Receiver Modulation Mode: Receiving System: Intermediate Frequency: Sensitivity (12d8 SINAD): Selectivity AF Output: (Version 7) VHF BAND 108,000 ~ 173.995MHz (RX) 420.000 ~ 470,000MHz (RX) 144,000 ~ 14/,.995MHz (TX) UHF BAND — 138.000 ~ 173.995MHz (RX) 420.00 ~ 470. 000MHz (RX) 438.000 ~ 449.995MHz (TX) (Version E) VHF BAND — 144.000 ~ 145.995MHz (RX/TX) 430,000 ~ 439,995MHz (RX) UHF BAND 144,000 ~ 145,005MHz (RX) 430.000 ~ 439.995MHz (RX/TX) 5, 10, 12.5, 18, 20, 25, 30, S0kHz steps 502 unbalanced 2kQ unbalanced 80 unbalanced 13.8 Volts DC 140mm(W) x 40mm(H) x 162mm(D) 4.1kg (approx. ) VHF BAND High: 50W/ Mid: 10W / Low: SW (approx. } UHF BAND High: 35W/ Mid: 10W// Low: SW (approx. } F3E (FM), F2E (F2) Reactance Modulation +41 -SkHZ, not more than -60dB F3E (FM), ASE (AM) Double Superheterodyne VHF BAND First. 45.1MHz/ Second: 455kHz UHF BAND First: 58.0MHz/ Second: 455kHz Main band: -16dBu or better, Sub band: -13d8u or better -60B: 12kHz or more, -60dB: 28kHz or less 2.5W or more (5% distortion) Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation Specifications guaranteed in the amateur band only CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 1. Receiver System 1) Receiver Signal Circuit The receiver signal from the antenna is passed through the duploxer, the ereult Consisting of VHF: Low-pass fter and UHEF: high-pass fier, and the signal is divided into VHF and UBF. Y Be Pe ef ! cd haa 7 FP assssune BLO | aa 2 fish] we | of Sie | Dh, ws. o6¢ a2 con wax seine Ett fe -elaT Merk | Tena | i | 144M Band Receiver Circuit — ‘Tne recover sonal passed tough the diplexer lo the antenna ste (07, 08}, After passing trough he igh-pas fe, he signal is ampiiog by RF ampli. 08. The ampits signals amped again by RF amir 7 ten he unwanio Sal wi bo eiminated bythe varia tuod ple ban pas iter, Secondly the signals mixed with he signal om the fst cal asilatrin hes xe 08, ten conrad in th et Fe uwantd gman sterusted he crystal itr ckcut. After ampli by IF amplor 2, the seals odo 1C2 Pra The signa sed wt he siglo the second lea esetatorn 12, hen converedinto he scond IF, and dup om Pi, The ett signal input the IC2 Pin again ato urwarted signals attenuated by tne ceramic iter ‘The signals the iter apie IC, and demetlted by quadtatre creat a 162 then th signals put om Pint? ashe AF signal AIR Band Receiver Circuit ‘The receiver signal passed through the duplexer is led to the antenna switch (07, 8). Aftor passing through the high-pass fie, the signal is anipified by RF ampifier Q6. The amplified signal is led to the band-pass fiter in AIR Front Unit, ‘and amplified by RF ampltior Q901, then output from Pind. Secondly the signal is mixed with the signal from the first local oscillator inthe fist 490M Band Receiver Circuit 144M Band Sub Receiver Circult 430M Band Sub Receiver Circuit 'S (Signal) Meter Circuit ‘mixer Q8, then convertod into the first IF, Its unwanted signal is attenuated by the crystal fiter circuit. After amplified by IF amplifier Q25, the signal is led to IC2, Pinad. ‘The signal is mixed with the signal from the second local oscillator in IC2, then Converted into the second IF, and output from Pin3. The output signal is input to the IG2 Pins again after unwanted signal is atenuatod by the ceramic titer. Then the second IF is demodulated by AM detector of 102, and is output from Pint3 as the AF signal The receiver signal passed through the duploxer ie lad to the antonna suitoh (0303, 0304). The signal is amplified by RF amplifier Q301. The amplified signal is ampitied again by RF amplifier Q311 and the unwanted frequency band is climinated by the helical fiter L322, then amplified by the RF ampliier 312, and after eliminating the unwanted frequency band by the helical fiter L323, the signal s mixed with the signal from the first local oscillator in the first mixer 313, then Converted into the first IF. Its unwanted signal is attenuated in the crystal iter Circuit. After ampitied by IF amplifier Q326, the signat is lad to [C302 Pin20, The signal is mixed withthe signal from the second local oscillator in 1302, then ‘converted into the second IF, and output fram Pin4. The output signal is input to 1C302 Piné again aftor unwanted signal is attenuated by the ceramic ft. The signal is led to the limiter ampilior 16302, and demodulated by quadrature detec tion circuit, then the signal is output from Pint 1 as the AF signal, ‘The receiver signal rom the antenna is led to the VHF Receiver. After amplified bby RF amplifier Q6, the signal is input to the VHF Sub Receiver. Passing through the high-pass fier to attenuate the unwanted signal, the signal is amplified by RF ampitier Q315. The amplified signal is lod to the band-pass fiter to attenuate the unwanted signal, then mixed with the oscillating frequency from U sub V-VCO in the frst mixer Q316, and converted to the first IF of UHF. The first IF is led to Ie302, ‘The receiver signal trom the antenna is led to the UHF Receiver. After ampitied by RF ampitier Q310, the signal is input to the UHF Sub Receiver, The signal is ‘amplified again by the RF amplifier !C10 and led to the band-pass fiter to attonu ate the unwanted signal. Then the signal is mixed with the oscillating frequency from V sub U-VCO in the first mixer Q10, and converted to the first IF of VHF. The first IF is led to 102. VHF: ‘The S meter signal, DC voltage of IC 2 Pin16 is passed through variable register VRS. After added to 1C607 Pin34, tho signal Is digitized by AD converter and indicated on LOD as the $ meter. UHF: The S meter signal, DC voltage of IC 302 Pin12 is passed through variable register R304. After added to IC601 Pin3!, the signat is digiized by AD converter and indicated on LCD as the $ meter RF Attenuator Circuit AGC (Auto Gain Control) Circuit 2) Squeich Circuit vie: When the ATT key is pushed, "His output rom the Shift Register IC7 Pint4, then Q16 is turned ON to work the RF Attenuator Circuit consisting of D2, D3 and D4. ‘The input signal passed through the Duplexer, Low-pass fer and Antena switch, 's attenuated about 1508 by RF attenuator belore input fo Q6 to decrease the interference. UHF: ‘When the ATT key is pushed, "H" is output from the Shift Register IC305 Pint, then Q921 and Q318 are tuiried ON to work the RF Attenuator Circuit consisting of 10303 and D313. The input signal passed through the Duplexer, Low-pass filter and Antenna switch, is attenuated about 15d8 by RF attenuator before input to (2310 to decrease the interference. When the input signal is increased while receiving AM, the AGC circuit consisting ‘of G24 increases the bias current according to the climb of the DC voltage from 1C2 Pint6 to decrease the power gain. (Forward AGC) VHF: ‘The AF signal output rom IC2 Pint? is input to Pin19, Only the noise is ampitied by the active fitar in 1G2, and output from Pin20, then amplified by the Noise ampifier G27. The amplified noise is rectified to DC voltage by D20 and input to Pin21. The input voltage is determined by the analogue switch IC9 depending on the positon of tie Squelch VR. In case that Squelch VR is set to MIN, all of the analogue switches in IC9 are tumed ON, and the voltage of Pin21 decreases. Secondly the voltages are ‘compared in IC2. The squolch signal (SDV) from Pin21 becomes "L" and the ssqueich opens. In case that Squeich VR is set to MAX, all of the analogue switches in 1C9 are, turned OFF, and the voltage of Pin21 increases. Secondly the voltages are compared in 1C2, the Squelch signal (SDV) from Pin21 becomes "H", and the sau ewe, ‘ct ;tigt boy sa oo} fool =a ah wore | fies war | pon ue: ‘The AF signal output from [C302 Pint is input to Pint. Only the noise is ampl- fied by the active fter in 162, ang output trom Pint, then amplified by the Noise ‘amplifier Q325. The amplified noise is rectified to DG voltage by 0315 and input to Pin15. The voltage is determined by the analogue switch [C303 depending on the position of the Squelch VR, Incase that Squelch VR is set to MIN, all ofthe analogue switches are tumed ON, ‘and the voltage of Pin'S decreases. Secondly the voltages are comparad ia IC2,

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