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Germain Hernandez G


The saying

When I was 18 years old, I remember that I wanted to work but I didn’t know how start so I
started to search any option, but I was afraid to give the next step and I gave up to search options,
and I lose my time as a consequense of my fear. The time was happening and my whish it was the
same, start to work. At the same time I realice that I shy person, because I had problems in my
differents presentations according to the situation, In that moment i remember that I thought “I
wish I were a person people” At that time I talked whit my father of the general situation and He
told me that saying “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. After I started to think and I took the
decisión to work with my brother in law I had already talked with him of my situation and he
invited me so I got experience working here. The name of the company is SIES Sistemas
industriales especializados I have been working here 3 years.
Germain Hernandez G

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