08 01 CO KEPM Planning - Framework (Valuation) Ver 001

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CO-KEPM-Planning_Framework(Valuation) KEPM

Editing Record

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Date Name Detail of the alternation

CO-KEPM-Planning_Framework Last Update Date 1/6

(Valuation)-00.00 6/21/2014

Do the calculation in CO-PA.


Use this manual to calculate the amounts below.

1. Cost of goods sold. ( Sales Quantity * Budget unit cost )

2. Royalty / Rebate / Freight ( Sales Quantity * Unit price )

Prerequisite Condition


Menu Path

Transaction Code


CO-KEPM-Planning_Framework Last update Date 2/6

(Valuation)-00.00 6/21/2014

1. Input Tr-cd directly to start the transaction.

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(Valuation)-00.00 6/21/2014
2. Select [Planning level] & [Planning Package].

Field Name Crucial/Optio Explanation


Planning Levels Crucial Select the [Planning Level]..

ZBMT0110 Valuation

Planning Package Crucial Double click the [Planning Package].

PBMT0110 BMT common

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3. Select [Planning method].

Field Name Crucial/Optional Explanation


Plannning method Crucial You can chose from either below.

Normally chose [1[.

1. PBMT0110 : Valuation_Online

2. PBMT0111: Valuation_Back_ground

Continue the process.

Chose either.

 Test run once and make sure there are no error.

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(Valuation)-00.00 6/21/2014
4. Check the result.

If the result is green, the process has finish successfully.

To see the detail the Paper button.

CO-KEPM-Planning_Framework Last update Date 6/6

(Valuation)-00.00 6/21/2014

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