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Artifact #1


Artifact #1

By: Melissa Acevedo

Dr. Ce Isbell

EDU 210


March 26, 2016

In the federal Court system there are 13 circuit courts. The state of Nevada is in the 9th circuit of

court appeals.

In the Nevada State Constitution, article 11 is holds the Education clause. The Education clause

consists of 10 sections.

Section 1:

The legislature will support all literacy, scientific, intellectual, mining, mechanical,

agricultural and moral improvements. Legislature will provide appropriate means for the

promotion of such activities, and also provide a SPI. Once in office they will fulfill proper term

and office duties so that promotion of the listed can take place. And, also provide encouragement

of education.

Section 2:

All common schools should be provided a uniform system. It is the legislature’s duty

provide this type of system as well as maintenance and support. Common schools systems are to

be established and maintained for 6 months per year. These systems allow for proper attendance

of school children. Failure to maintain uniform system, and or allow sectarian instruction will

result in privileges to portion of public funds getting taken away.

Section 3:

Land that is granted by congress from escheat estates, bequeathed land or and sort of

property that is given/other sales of federal land, is to be used solely on educational purposes. It

is the legislature’s duty to divide interest proceeds amongst different counties for educational

purposes. Any money earned by federal land must not be used for anything other than education.
A portion of proceeds are also used to support the State University. Money that is not used by the

end of the year is then added to the principal sum for education.

Section 4:

The establishment means of the State University is to be provided by the legislature. University

shall have departments of Mining, Agriculture, and Mechanical arts. It is the duty of the Board of

Regents to

Section 5:

Public schools and Universities are to be established by the legislature. These institutions can be

of various grades. Both teachers and professors will have to abide by oath that is stated in the

constitution. Any teacher or professor that fails to abide by the rules will not be entitled to

receive school funds for education purposes.

Section 6:

It is the legislature’s duty to provide support and maintenance for Common Schools and

Universities through general funds and budgets. The legislature is responsible for public funding

of kindergarten – 12 grade. And, to have sufficient funds during the biennium time frame.

Failure to abide by rules will void all funds.

Section 7:

The Board of Regents will consist of the Governor, Secretary of State, and SPI for the first four

years. Their duties will consist of the public funding, and for the managing of University affairs
to the standards of the law. Once the session is expired for current Board of Regents, the

legislature shall then elect a new board and teach them their new duties as members.

Section 8:

Though interest funds The Board of Regents will provide appropriate funds for University

departments in: Mining, Agriculture, Military, and Mechanics. They will be looked after by the

Board of Regents and given a portion of funds allow for proper education. Through legislature

the State of Nevada shall replace any lost funds so principal education funds remains unharmed.

Section 9:

Under the Nevada constitution sectarian teaching is prohibited. Any common school and

or University that is established under the Nevada Constitution shall not be interrupted by

sectarian instruction. Sectarian being any religious teachings, unspecified work, unprofessional

teaching etc. This form of teaching is not tolerated under Nevada Education.

Section 10:

No public funds of any sort shall be used for sectarian purposes. This being, County,

State, or Municipal. Public money shall not be used for anything other than its intended purpose.

The sectarian use of public funds are prohibited by any character or form.
References - The world's favorite online English dictionary! (n.d.). Retrieved March 26,

2016, from

Legal Framework for the Public Schools. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2016, from

Underwood, J., & Webb, L. D. (2006). School law for teachers: Concepts and applications.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

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