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How to find out your life purpose?

Ans:- Here in this article I'm going to write down all the steps that are very important to find out
your life purpose .

Step 1> Bhrigu bindu (BB):- It is the degree midpoint of the Moon and Rahu, and is a very
important point in delineation. The BB is mention in the Chandra Kala Nadi, as well as Brighu
Nadi. It's the most important senstive point in your chart that'll tell you the actual purpose of your
life. Once you find out your Bhrigu bindu then see are there any planets are placed with BB ,
which house your BB is placed in what sign & under what naksatra ,where is the sign lord of BB
placed or conjunct with how many planets find out all these condition & that will tell you the actual
purpose of your life.

Step 2> Ascendant naksatra :- You've to find out your ascendant degree means ascendant
naksatra pada, find out what does that naksatra represents with pada condition & where is the
naksatra lord is placed under what condition in a house of your birth chart horoscope that 'll tell
you the nature of your physical existence , structure , type because ascendant sign will tell you
the preliminary overview of your physical type & nature but ascendant naksatra will tell you actual
type of your physical existence & when you are going through that naksatra lord planet's
mahadasha or antar dasha & also when that planet transits over your ascendant of actual degree
, there will be something triggering point related with your health or existence or your position in
world will happen . So , it's most imoprtant to see your ascendant naksatra condition with pada .

Step 3> Ascendant lord naksatra :- See where is your ascendant lord placed in which house
what sign under what naksatra & also pada , find out what does that naksatra represents with
pada condition & where is the naksatra lord is placed under what condition in a house of your
birth chart horoscope that 'll tell you the actual direction of your life, example ascendant lord is
placed in 12th house with rahu or under rahu naksatra swati represents your life direction
towards 12th house of foreign country & with rahu represents foreign settlement or under swati
naksatra represents import export business to the foreign country. So ascendant lord house
placement with naksatra condition will tell you the direction of your life purpose.

Step 4> Atma Karka(AK) condition :- It's our soul significatior. So you've to find out your atma
karka condition like where is your atma karka placed in which sign under what naksatra is there
any planets are influencing to your Arma karka find out all condition that 'll tell you about your
inner soul.

Step 5> Amatya karka(AMK) condition :- Its the guider of our soul or easy way to say that "
significator of the soul's desire " . This planet always try to help you to reach your destiny . So
again you've to find out that planet's condition same way that I've explained in previous step.

Step 6> Facing obstacle :- Everyone in this life have to pay or facing obstacle for their previous
pending karma . Here 6th , 8th & 12th house are called dusthana houses according to vedic
astrology, U've to find out 6th , 8th & 12th house condition & there lord condition. The sign
number of 6th , 8th & 12th houses are very crucial in your life , people are born to accomplish
that house pending karma & also rahu 's condition important.

Step 7 > Mission to accomplish :- Rahu represents your goal or mission in this life & it also show
your obession. So again you've to find out your rahu's condition same way that I've explained in
previous step.

Step 8 > Ascendant sign number:- Ascendant sign number is most important in your life , the
sign number related to the house condition you've fulfill or you've to face obstacle. Find out that
house condition with that house lord condition of your birth chart horoscope.

Step 9 > Career condition :- to find out your career condition, you have to 1st find our your 10th
house condition with 10th lord condition of your birth chart & also D10 dashmsha career chart
condition mainly 1st & 10th house condition & the karka of dashmsha chart condition , this will
help you to find out your actual career direction.

Step 10> After marriage life condition :- To find out your marriage life condition you've to see
your D9 navamsha chart condition , mainly 1st , 9th & 7th house condition & also the karka of
navamsha chart condition.

Step 11> Your D60 shashtiamsha chart(all areas) :- If you've correct birth time then you must see
your D60 shashtiamsha chart condition, mainly Arudha lagna, 1st, 10th house condition then
other houses planetary condition.This 'll help you to find out who you are actually .

Step 12> Karakamsha chart :- this chart is very important , mainly see where is your Atma karka,
amatya karka are placed in this chart & last but not least 5th house condition of your karakamsha

Step 13> Mentality thinking pattern(Mind):- Moon represents mind in vedic astrology. So , you've
to find out your moon condition like where is your moon placed in which house what sign under
what naksatra & pada will tell you the mentality thinking pattern of your mind.

Step 14> Yoga in birth chart & all divisional chart :- You've to find out your yoga mainly raj yoga,
dhan yoga, parivartan yoga in your birth chart , navamsha chart , Dashmsha chart &
shastiamsha chart . Find the condition of these yoga & that'll help you to find your actual rise in
life .

Step 15> Vargottama & retrograde planets :- If you 've vargottama or retrograde planets then It's
your duty to find out your vargottama & retrograde planet condition.

These all steps are very important to find out your actual behaviour, your life purpose, life focus &
destiny . When I see a birth chart horoscope I cover all these steps to find out your actual life

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