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1. Cut out pieces of cardboard.

2 congruent trapezoids for the sides, one main cardboard

piece, and one more rectangle for the front to make a triangular prism.
2. To create wheels do this 4 times: cut out a piece of cardboard that is the same shape as
a CD, then glue the piece of cardboard in between the 2 CD’s to make a sandwich like
3. Twist the paperclips around a pencil to make a holder for the axles
4. Assemble the body with glue by getting the 2 side pieces and gluing them on the main
body piece
5. Glue on the last rectangle to the front to make a triangular prism
6. Cut out 2 small pieces of cardboard and 1 long piece for spoilers
7. Glue 2 small pieces to main body with long piece horizontally glued on
8. Tape and glue on the axle holder
9. Attach a foot of skinny cardboard then 2 straws at the end of car
10. Poke a hole in cardboard wheels
11. Cut dowel rod to make axles
12. Wrap pipe cleaners around both sides of wheels to prevent wheels from rolling off, then
glue the pipe cleaners into place
13. Poke paperclip in front of main body in middle through main body to hold one end of
rubber band
14. Tie 3 rubber bands together to make a huge one
15. Put other side of rubber band around back axle
16. Twirl back axle while holding back end of rubber band
17. Let go of rubber band

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