Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. Keynes. John Maynard Keynes. General Theory. Γενική Θεωρία. Θεσσαλονίκη 2016

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Οδυσσέας Γκιλής

John Maynard Keynes

Τζων Μέυναρντ Κέυνς

The General Theory of employment,

interest, and Money.
Βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση

Θεσσαλονίκη 2016

Προλογικό σημείωμα

Ο πίνακας περιεχομένων οδηγεί τον αναγνώστη στις σελίδες, με τα

σχετικά με τον Keynes και τα βιβλία που αναφέρονται σ’ αυτόν. Υπάρχουν
πολλά αποσπάσματα για τον Keynes και την Γενική θεωρία.
Από εγκυκλοπαίδειες και άλλα έργα παραθέτω βιογραφικά και
εργογραφικά στοιχεία.
Στο τέλος υπάρχει αναλυτικό ευρετήριο λέξεων, εννοιών, ονομάτων.


Προλογικό σημείωμα .............................................................................................................. 3

Αποσπάσματα από και για το έργο του John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of
employment, interest, and Money. .......................................................................................... 4
Τζων Μάϊναρτ Κέυνες................................................................................................................ 4
ΚΑΡΑΓΙΑΝΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ. .............................................................................................................. 5
Keynesianismus ......................................................................................................................... 8
John Maynard Keynes ............................................................................................................. 34
John Maynard Keynes ............................................................................................................. 78
Keynesianism ......................................................................................................................... 108
Keynesianismus ..................................................................................................................... 130
PostKeynensianismus ............................................................................................................ 140
Post-Keynesian ...................................................................................................................... 154
Keynesian Economics ............................................................................................................ 168
The Economic Consequences of Peace ................................................................................. 179
A Treatise on Probability ....................................................................................................... 192
Indian Currency and Finance ................................................................................................. 205
A Revision of the Treaty ....................................................................................................... 214
ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟ ............................................................................................................................. 218

Αποσπάσματα από και για το έργο του John Maynard Keynes,

The General Theory of employment, interest, and Money.

Τζων Μάϊναρτ Κέυνες

Από τη Βικιπαίδεια.Ο Τζων Μέυναρντ Κέυνς, πρώτος βαρώνος Κέυνς

του Τίλτον (John Maynard Keynes, 5 Ιουνίου 1883 – 21 Απριλίου 1946)
ήταν Άγγλος οικονομολόγος, μαθηματικός, καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου,
συγγραφέας και ανώτατος κρατικός υπάλληλος. Δημιούργησε, με τα έργα
του και τους οπαδούς του, τη λεγόμενη κεϋνσιανή σχολή στην οικονομική
επιστήμη. Ο Κέυνς και ο Μίλτον Φρίντμαν ήταν δύο από τους πιο
σημαντικούς οικονομολόγους του 20ου αιώνα.
Βιογραφικά στοιχεία
Τα δύο πιο σημαντικά βιβλία που συνέγραψε ήταν "Οι Οικονομικές
Συνέπειες της Ειρήνης" (1919) και "Γενική Θεωρία της Απασχόλησης
του Τόκου και του Χρήματος" (1936). Με το πρώτο από τα παραπάνω
βιβλία του υποστήριξε ότι η Γερμανία δεν είχε την ικανότητα να πληρώσει
τις πολεμικές αποζημιώσεις που απαίτησαν από αυτήν οι νικήτριες
δυνάμεις του Α΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου και ότι αυτό θα οδηγήσει στην
επανάληψη του σε πιο μεγάλη κλίμακα. Με το δεύτερο ότι, για να λυθεί
το πρόβλημα της ανεργίας που αντιμετώπιζε ο δυτικός κόσμος μετά το
κραχ της Νέας Υόρκης (1929), θα πρέπει να παρέμβει το κράτος και
χρηματοδοτώντας την οικονομία και τις επιχειρήσεις να δημιουργήσει νέες
θέσεις εργασίας.
Από τον Κέυνς έχει πάρει το όνομά της και η Κεϋνσιανή ρύθμιση, η
αναδιανομή δηλαδή μέρους των κερδών του κεφαλαίου στις κατώτερες
τάξεις, με τη μορφή κοινωνικών και άλλων παροχών, προκειμένου να
αποφεύγεται η κοινωνική δυσαρέσκεια και οι αναταραχές. Μια τέτοια
ρύθμιση δεν ήταν ποτέ στόχος του ίδιου του Κέυνς. Ο Κέυνς πρότεινε την
άνοδο των δημοσίων δαπανών σε περιόδους κρίσεων για να καλύψουν
μέρος του ελλείμματος ζήτησης που υπό προϋποθέσεις μπορεί να οδηγήσει
την οικονομία μακριά από μια θέση ισορροπίας πλήρους απασχόλησης. Οι

δημόσιες δαπάνες μπορεί να ξοδεύονται ως επιδόματα ανεργίας κ.λπ.,

αλλά ο κύριος στόχος δεν είναι η αναδιανομή αλλά η επανόρθωση της
ισορροπίας. Μάλιστα η αύξηση της φορολογίας σε περιόδους κρίσης είναι
πλήρως αντίθετη στη νοοτροπία του Κέυνς ο οποίος ζητά αύξηση των
ελλειμμάτων στις κρίσεις, τα οποία χρηματοδοτούνται από πλεονάσματα
στις καλύτερες εποχές.
Είχε παντρευτεί μια Ρωσίδα μπαλαρίνα, αλλά παρά τη θέληση και των δύο
δεν απέκτησαν τέκνα. Είχε εντούτοις συγκεντρώσει πολλά χρήματα από
την δραστηριότητά του στο χρηματιστήριο.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money κείμενο στο
marxists.org (Αγγλικά)
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money πλήρες
κείμενο σε pdf (Αγγλικά)
Άρθρο για τον Κέϊνς στο e-rooster.gr
Γιατράκης, Λευτέρης (2009). Τζων Μέυναρντ Κέυνς (1883-1946).
Έργα του Κέυνς στο Project Gutenberg
Κέυνς, Τζων Μέυναρντ (2006) [1936]. Η Γενική Θεωρία της
Απασχόλησης, του Τόκου και του Χρήματος. Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
Το Πρόσωπο: Τζον Μέιναρντ Κέινς, αφιέρωμα στον ιστότοπο της
εφημερίδας «Η Καθημερινή», 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2012.
Τζων Μέυναρντ Κέυνς



Σήμερα στους κόλπους του διεθνούς αριστερού κινήματος, δυστυχώς,

δεν κυριαρχεί η μαρξιστική άποψη για τα αίτια της κρίσης και τα
πολιτικά συμπεράσματα που απορρέουν από αυτή, αλλά η «αντι-
νεοφιλελεύθερη» «κεϋνσιανή» άποψη. Σύμφωνα με αυτή, η κρίση ήταν
το αποτέλεσμα της εγκατάλειψης των πολιτικών κρατικού
παρεμβατισμού και της υιοθέτησης των νεοφιλελεύθερων πολιτικών
βαθμιαία από τη δεκαετία του 1970 και μετά.
Η «αντι-νεοφιλελεύθερη» «κεϋνσιανή» άποψη, υποστηρίζει ότι τα

κρατικά ελλείμματα μέσα σε καπιταλιστικές συνθήκες μπορούν να

μετατραπούν σε ένα εργαλείο για τη στήριξη της απασχόλησης. Όμως
στην πραγματικότητα, ο καπιταλισμός δεν έχει λύση για την ανεργία.
Η ανεργία είναι αποτέλεσμα του γεγονότος ότι στο καπιταλιστικό
σύστημα οι παραγωγικές δυνάμεις ασφυκτιούν μέσα στα στενά όρια
της ατομικής ιδιοκτησίας. Αυτή είναι η αληθινή αιτία για το φαινόμενο
της οργανικής, δομικής ανεργίας που χαρακτηρίζει το σύγχρονο


Ο Άγγλος οικονομολόγος Τζων Μαίηναρντ Κέυνς ήταν ένα ευφυής

αστός που αντιλήφθηκε τον κίνδυνο μιας σοσιαλιστικής επανάστασης
μετά το τέλος του Πρώτου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Υποστήριξε μια
άποψη που μπορεί απλά να συνοψιστεί στο εξής : όταν η ανεργία
διογκώνεται, το κράτος πρέπει να πληρώσει μια ομάδα εργατών για να
σκάψει μια μεγάλη τρύπα και μετά να πληρώσει μια άλλη ομάδα για να
τη γεμίσει. Μετά οι εργάτες θα πληρώσουν φόρους, η κυβέρνηση θα
πάρει τα χρήματα πίσω, θα δημιουργηθεί ζήτηση, η οποία παράγει
περισσότερη απασχόληση κ.ο.κ, σε μια ανοδική σπειροειδή

Η αστική τάξη υιοθέτησε το «κεϋνσιανό» μοντέλο την περίοδο μετά

τον Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο, όταν απειλούταν από την σοσιαλιστική
επανάσταση. Για ένα διάστημα εμφανίστηκε να δίνει καλά
αποτελέσματα. Η περίοδος μετά το 1945 ανέδειξε μια τρομερή ανάπτυξη
των παραγωγικών δυνάμεων. Στις βιομηχανικές καπιταλιστικές χώρες
υπήρξε πλήρης απασχόληση. Αυτό περιγράφτηκε από τους αστούς
οικονομολόγους και τους σοσιαλδημοκράτες σαν το αποτέλεσμα του
«κεϋνσιανισμού» και του «διευθυνόμενου καπιταλισμού»
(«καπιταλισμού με ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο»).
Οι θεωρητικοί του ρεφορμισμού χρησιμοποίησαν την μεταπολεμική
ανάπτυξη σαν άλλοθι για να υποστηρίξουν ισχυρότερα την άποψη ότι ο
καπιταλισμός έλυσε τα κοινωνικά προβλήματα και ότι πλέον ο
Μαρξισμός ήταν «ξεπερασμένος». Όμως τα όνειρα τους συντρίφτηκαν
με την κρίση του 1973-74, όπου ήδη εμφανίστηκαν τα πρώτα δείγματα
μαζικής ανεργίας στη Δύση από την περίοδο του μεσοπολέμου.


Ποια ήταν η αιτία για την εγκατάλειψη του «κεϋνσιανισμού» από τους
αστούς εκείνη την περίοδο; Μήπως ήταν το ιδεολογικό καπρίτσιο ενός
τμήματος της αστικής τάξης, με χαρακτηριστικότερο εκπρόσωπο την
Μάργκαρετ Θάτσερ στη Βρετανία; Ασφαλώς όχι. Η περίοδος της
δεκαετίας του 1970 ήταν μια περίοδος ανόδου του πληθωρισμού παντού.
Στη Λατινική Αμερική ο πληθωρισμός ανέβηκε σε τρομερά επίπεδα,
δημιουργώντας οικονομικό χάος. Η ίδια τάση άρχισε να απειλεί την
οικονομική σταθερότητα στην Ευρώπη και τις ΗΠΑ. Η αστική τάξη
πλήρωσε πολύ υψηλό τίμημα για τις διαστρεβλώσεις που προκάλεσαν τα
δημοσιονομικά ελλείμματα.
Αυτό ήταν λοιπόν το πραγματικό υπόβαθρο για την επικράτηση του
νεοφιλελεύθερου μοντέλου, για το οποίο παραπονούνται οι «αντι-
νεοφιλελεύθεροι» σοσιαλδημοκράτες απαιτώντας απλά την υιοθέτηση
ενός «εναλλακτικού» οικονομικού μοντέλου και όχι την ανατροπή του
ίδιου του καπιταλισμού. Η Αριστερά πρέπει να τους απαντήσει ότι ο
νεοφιλελευθερισμός και ο «κεϋνσιανισμός» εκφράζουν τις διαφορετικές
όψεις του ίδιου, καπιταλιστικού νομίσματος. Για τους αστούς το κύριο
ζήτημα είναι η επιλογή στο δίλλημα «πληθωρισμός ή αποπληθωρισμός».
Για τους εργαζόμενους όμως, το δίλλημα αυτό μεταφράζεται στην
επιλογή ενός θανάτου με απαγχονισμό ή ενός θανάτου με δηλητήριο...
Ο νεοφιλελευθερισμός δεν είναι η αιτία, αλλά το αποτέλεσμα της
κρίσης του καπιταλισμού. Η Αριστερά πρέπει να αντιτείνει σε όλους
όσους προτείνουν απλά «αντι-νεοφιλελεύθερες πολιτικές
αναδιανομής» μέσα στον καπιταλισμό, ότι το πρόβλημα δεν γεννιέται
στην σφαίρα της διανομής, αλλά στην ίδια την καπιταλιστική παραγωγή.
Ο Φρίντριχ Ένγκελς έγραφε σχετικά στην μπροσούρα «Ουτοπιστικός
και επιστημονικός σοσιαλισμός» : «..Το να περιμένει κανείς από τον
καπιταλιστικό τρόπο παραγωγής μια διαφορετική κατανομή των
προϊόντων, είναι σαν να περιμένει τα ηλεκτρόδια μιας μπαταρίας να μην
αποσυνθέτουν το νερό και να μη δίνουν οξυγόνο στο θετικό πόλο και
υδρογόνο στον αρνητικό, τη στιγμή που βρίσκονται συνδεμένα με τη
μπαταρία...». Αυτό σημαίνει ότι το ζητούμενο για τους εργαζόμενους
δεν μπορεί να είναι απλά μια «αντι-νεοφιλελεύθερη πολιτική», αλλά η
αντικατάσταση της ατομικής ιδιοκτησίας στην παραγωγή από την
κοινωνική ιδιοκτησία.

ο Σταμάτης Καραγιαννόπουλος είναι μέλος της συντακτικής

επιτροπής της εφημερίδας «Μαρξιστική Φωνή».


Die Interpretation von Keynes’ Allgemeiner Theorie durch John R. Hicks

1937 in Form des IS-LM-Modells war Ausgangspunkt der neoklassischen
Synthese, die von Franco Modigliani angestoßen wurde. Sie lieferte mittels
des Keynesianischen Instrumentariums neoklassische Ergebnisse und
wurde rasch (bis etwa 1970) das dominierende ökonomische Modell.
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946). Unter Keynesianismus [keɪnz-]
wird in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften ein Theoriegebäude verstanden, in
dem die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage die entscheidende Größe für
Produktion und Beschäftigung ist. Es geht auf John Maynard Keynes’
Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes
(London, 1936) zurück.
Keynes’ engere Schüler in Cambridge lehnten diese Syntheseversuche
stets ab, Joan Robinson nannte die neoklassische Synthese nur verächtlich
„bastard J Keynesianism“.[1] Die entgegengesetzte postKeynesianische
Schule konnte jedoch nie starken Einfluss auf die mainstream-Ökonomie
Nach der monetaristischen Gegenrevolution (siehe 3.9) und dem Auftreten
der Stagflation verlor die Theorie von Keynes ihre Dominanz. Heute
herrscht in der Makroökonomie die im von Mankiw/Romer
herausgegebenen Werk New Keynesian Economics (Cambridge MA
1991) präsentierte Richtung vor, bei denen aber nur die
wirtschaftspolitische Empfehlungen mit Keynes vereinbar sind, nicht die
theoretische Grundlage (s. Abschnitt 3.10).
Zum Keynesianismus gehören wirtschaftspolitische Ansätze, die darauf
ausgerichtet sind, die Nachfrage nach Gütern und Dienstleistungen zu
steuern und bei Bedarf die Wirtschaft durch vermehrte Staatsausgaben und
durch expansive Geldpolitik zu beleben. Als Hochphase des
Keynesianismus weltweit gilt die Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (in
Deutschland ab 1967) bis in die 1970er Jahre.
In Deutschland wies das Stabilitätsund Wachstumsgesetz aus dem Jahr
1967 der Bundesregierung (damals war Karl Schiller SPD
Wirtschaftsminister) die Aufgabe zu, die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage

zu steuern. Die konkreten Ziele waren eine reale Zuwachsrate des

Sozialprodukts von 4 %, eine Arbeitslosenquote von unter 0,8 % und eine
Inflationsrate von unter 1 %. Grundlage war das Konzept der
Globalsteuerung, mithilfe Keynesianischer Wirtschaftspolitik die
volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung von Konjunkturschwankungen
unabhängiger zu machen und einen hohen Beschäftigungsstand zu sichern.
Keynesianismus kann bezeichnen:die politische Philosophie, die vom
Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges bis zur Mitte der 1970er Jahre in allen
westlichen Staaten dominierte. Als wesentliche Merkmale nennen
Backhouse und Bateman (2008) die gesamtwirtschaftlich gesteuerte
Volkswirtschaft und der Wohlfahrtsstaat.[2]
Wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen, die durch Variation von
Staatsausgaben und Staatseinnahmen sowie durch geldpolitische
Maßnahmen versuchen, Schocks aufzufangen mit dem Ziel,
Arbeitslosigkeit gering zu halten (so besonders in
politikwissenschaftlichem oder soziologischem Kontext)
die Wirtschaftstheorie von John Maynard Keynes.die Keynesianische
Wirtschaftstheorie in verschiedenen Strömungen und Schulen (vor allem
Post- und NeoKeynesianismus), die sich auf Keynes berufen.
Zwischen Keynesscher Theorie (3.), der Keynesianischen
Wirtschaftstheorie (4.) und den gesellschaftsphilosophischen und
wirtschaftspolitischen Bedeutungen (1. und 2.) bestehen deutliche
Unterschiede.[2] Manche Autoren benutzen deshalb für diese (1. und 2.) die
Bezeichnung Interventionismus.[3]
Für die unterschiedlichen wirtschaftstheoretischen Strömungen des
Keynesianismus besteht keine einheitliche Terminologie. Zu
unterscheiden sind (zumindest):
Keynes’sche Theorie
Nachdem Leijonhufvud[4] herausgearbeitet hatte, wie sehr sich die
Keynesianische Theorie durch die neoklassische Vereinnahmung von der
Theorie von Keynes entfernt hatte, begann eine Rückbesinnung auf
Keynes. Tobin, einer der prominentesten Streiter für diese Rückkehr zu
Keynes, bezeichnet sich als „Old Keynesian“[5]
Neoklassischer Keynesianismus
Durch die „Neoklassische Synthese“ (s. Abschnitt 3.4) wurde die Theorie
von Keynes von der Neoklassik vereinnahmt und die resultierende

„Neoklassisch-Keynesianische Theorie“ lieferte Ergebnisse, die der

Theorie von Keynes entgegengesetzt war. Das gilt insbesondere für seine
These, dass flexible Preise und Löhne nicht geeignet sind, zur
Vollbeschäftigung zu gelangen.
Die Bezeichnung wurde sporadisch (so von Joan Robinson[7]) schon in den
1950er Jahren gebraucht, um rein chronologisch theoretische Arbeiten
unter dem Einfluss der Allgemeinen Theorie zu beschreiben. Zur
inhaltlichen Abgrenzung einer bestimmten Keynesianischen
Lehrmeinung von der neoklassischen Synthese kristallisierte sich die
Bezeichnung erst nach dem Aufsatz An Essay on Post Keynesian theory:
a new paradigm in economics von Alfred S. Eichner und J. A. Kregel
(Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 65, 1975) heraus und verfestigte sich
mit dem Erscheinen des Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 1978 (in
diesem Sinne soll sie im Weiteren verstanden werden). Vereinzelt wird sie
immer noch im rein chronologischen Sinne gebraucht.[8]
NeoKeynesianismus oder auch NeuKeynesianismus
Der Begriff trat erstmals in den 1960er Jahren auf und wurde zunächst[9] in
unterschiedlicher Weise benutzt.[10] Seit den 1990ern wird
NeoKeynesianismus als deutsche Bezeichnung für die New Keynesian
Economics gebraucht. Abweichend davon unterscheidet Thomas Palley[11]
zwischen New Keynesian Economics und Neo-Keyensianismus für das
Werk von Autoren der neoklassischen Synthese.
Lehren (Überblick)
Merkmale der Keynesianischen Schule, die von allen selbstbezeichneten
Keynesianern akzeptiert werden, lassen sich nicht ganz einfach
ausmachen. Besonders für die postKeynesianischen Schulen sind
gemeinsame schulbildende Merkmale ihrer Wirtschaftstheorie nur schwer
in klar abgrenzbarer Form zu ermitteln. Zum Teil wird ihre Abgrenzung
nach soziologischen (im Sinne Joseph Schumpeters), philosophischen (im
Sinne Thomas Kuhns oder Imre Lakatos’) oder rein geographischen (so
Terence Hutchinson) Gesichtspunkten vorgenommen. A.P. Thirlwall
machte „sechs Kernbotschaften der Keynesschen Vision“ („six central
messages of Keynes’ vision“)[12] aus, die in wirtschaftstheoretischer
Hinsicht gut die Kernlehren der Keynesianischen Schulen beschreiben:[13]
Produktion und Beschäftigung werden über den Gütermarkt, nicht über den
Arbeitsmarkt gesteuert,

unfreiwillige Arbeitslosigkeit ist möglich,

eine Erhöhung der Ersparnisse führt nicht zu einer gleich großen Erhöhung
der Investitionen; vielmehr bestimmen die Investitionen das mögliche
Sparvolumen in der Volkswirtschaft, Investitionen sind also nicht davon
abhängig, dass vorher gespart wird. Vielmehr können die Banken Kredite
durch Kreditund Geldschöpfung vergeben.[14]
eine Geldwirtschaft unterscheidet sich von einer Tauschwirtschaft,
die Quantitätstheorie des Geldes gilt nur bei Vollbeschäftigung,
in Marktwirtschaften werden Investitionsentscheidungen auch von den
animal spirits (etwa ‚Instinktverhalten‘) der Unternehmer bestimmt.
Merkmale der gegensätzlichen neoklassischen Synthese dagegen sind:[13]
das IS-LM-Modell, erweitert um einen neo-klassischen Arbeitsmarkt,
neo-klassische Wachstumsmodelle,
die langfristig senkrechte Phillips-Kurve.
Theoriegeschichte und -entwicklung
Vorläufer und Umfeld
John Maynard Keynes verweist in seiner Allgemeinen Theorie selbst auf
Einflüsse, die von der Scholastik, dem Merkantilismus und Malthus
ausgingen. In der französischen Ausgabe nennt er Montesquieu, der in
seiner ökonomischen Bedeutung für Frankreich Adam Smith gleichkäme.
Überraschende Übereinstimmungen bestehen zwischen Keynes’ Kritik an
der Neoklassik und der Kritik, die von Friedrich von Hayek, durch den die
Österreichische Schule in Großbritannien rezipiert wurde, an der Walras-
Pareto-Gleichgewichtsanalyse und an der fehlenden Berücksichtigung der
Zeit übte. Diese Kritik wirkte später über die LSE-Studenten Nicholas
Kaldor, Abba Lerner und G. L. S. Shackle auch auf den Post-
Keynesianismus ein.[15]
Ein Auseinanderfallen von gesamtwirtschaftlicher Sparund
Investitionsquote hielt bereits Knut Wicksell für möglich. Gunnar Myrdal
beschreibt den Einfluss, den Wicksell bereits auf Keynes' Buch von 1930
„J.M. Keynes’ new, brilliant, though not always clear, work, A Treatise on
Money, is completely permeated by Wicksell’s influence. Nevertheless
Keynes’ work, too, suffers somewhat from the attractive Anglo-Saxon

kind of unnecessary originality, which has its roots in certain systematic

gaps in the knowledge of the German language on the part of the majority
of English economists.“
– Gunnar Myrdal[15]
Andere Ökonomen der Schwedischen Schule, so besonders Erik Lindahl,
Bertil Ohlin und Erik Lundberg, hatten bereits in den 1920er und frühen
1930er Jahren den Einfluss der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Nachfrage
herausgestellt. Gleiches gilt für den Polen Michał Kalecki, der dies unter
Rückgriff auf Karl Marx und Rosa Luxemburg ausgearbeitet hatte.[15]
1936: Keynesianische Revolution
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946): Allgemeine Theorie der
Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des Geldes (1936)
Die Keynesianische Revolution hat ihren Ursprung in John Maynard
Keynes’ Werk Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses und des
Geldes aus dem Jahre 1936. Keynes war zur Zeit seiner Veröffentlichung
bereits 53 Jahre alt und ein international hoch angesehener Ökonom. Die
ersten Gedanken für seine Allgemeine Theorie gehen wohl auf die frühen
1930er Jahre zurück, kurz nachdem er seinen Treatise on Money 1930
veröffentlicht hatte; mit diesem, damals als sein opus magnum
angesehenem Werk, war er schon nach Veröffentlichung unzufrieden,
verwarf jedoch den Gedanken, es umzuarbeiten. Ab 1930 beschäftigten er
und sein Schülerkreis sich intensiv mit der effektiven Nachfrage. Inwieweit
diese in ein Walrasianisches Modell eingearbeitet werden können oder
tatsächlich revolutionär sind, ist umstritten. Keynes selbst kam bald zu
dem Ergebnis, dass seine neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse einer
intellektuellen Revolution und einem radikalen Bruch mit der
neoklassischen Theorie gleichkämen:[16]
“To understand my state of mind, however, you have to know that I believe
myself to be writing a book on economics theory which will largely
revolutionise—not, I suppose, at once but in the course of the next ten
years—the way the world thinks about economic problems”
– John Maynard Keynes: Brief an George Bernard Shaw vom 1. Januar
Grundelemente seiner Theorie
Keynes Hauptwerk, die Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des Zinses
und des Geldes, gilt als schwer verständliches Werk.[17] Deshalb haben die

Herausgeber der 11. Auflage (2009) in deutscher Sprache dem Buch eine
Erklärung zu seinem Aufbau vorangestellt.
Für Keynes und den Keynesianismus ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche
Nachfrage die entscheidende Determinante für die Höhe von Produktion
und Beschäftigung. Dabei ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage höchst
instabil. Grund dafür ist vor allem die stark schwankende Nachfrage nach
Investitionsgütern. Diese Nachfrage ist von der erwarteten Rendite
abhängig, die wegen der Unsicherheit der Zukunft starken und plötzlichen
Änderungen unterworfen ist. Soll das in einer Periode erwirtschaftete
Einkommen zur Gänze nachfragewirksam werden, müssen sämtliche
Ersparnisse – vermittelt über das Bankensystem – reinvestiert werden.
Keynes sah also die inhärente Unsicherheit der Zukunft als Ursache von
stark schwankenden privaten Investitionen. Verstärkt über den
Multiplikator führt dies zu schwankender Produktion und Arbeitslosigkeit.
Der Multiplikator besagt, dass ein Rückgang der Investitionen auch negativ
auf den privaten Konsum einwirkt. Die Schließung einer Fabrik führt nicht
nur zur Entlassung der Arbeitenden in dieser Fabrik und zu Entlassungen
bei den Zulieferfirmen, vielmehr führt das rückläufige Einkommen der
entlassenen Arbeitskräfte auch zu deren Konsumeinschränkung, was
wieder Entlassungen in der Konsumgüterindustrie zur Folge hat. Wie
dieser Multiplikatorprozess abläuft, hatte Richard Kahn bereits 1931
gezeigt (s. nächsten Abschnitt).
Diese Schwankungen einzudämmen erfordert ein antizyklisches
Gegensteuern des Staates, um die Schwankungen gering zu halten
(antizyklische Geldund Finanzpolitik). Durch staatliche Geldund
Fiskalpolitik soll die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage gesteuert
(Globalsteuerung) werden. Man müsse also versuchen, die
Gesamtnachfrage möglichst auf einem stabilen Niveau zu halten. Dies
ermöglicht eine ausreichende Kapazitätsauslastung und eine stabile
Volkswirtschaft. Expansive Geldund Fiskalpolitik führe die Wirtschaft an
die Vollbeschäftigung heran.
Keynes erklärte das Saysche Theorem für ungültig, wonach sich jedes
Angebot seine Nachfrage schafft. Dazu wäre es notwendig, dass sämtliche
Ersparnisse – vermittelt über das Bankensystem – zu Investitionen genutzt
werden. Keynes betont dagegen, dass jede zusätzliche Ersparnis zunächst
und in erster Linie einen Nachfrageausfall bedeutet. Dieser verringert die
Kapazitätsauslastung bei den betroffenen Unternehmen, sodass diese
weniger Anreiz haben zu investieren.

Keynes wandte sich auch gegen die klassische Geldlehre und die von der
Neoklassischen Theorie behaupteten Zusammenhänge auf dem
Arbeitsmarkt. Er argumentierte gegen die (neo-)klassische Theorie, der
zufolge eine Senkung der Löhne gegen Unterbeschäftigung helfe. Zwar
sinken dadurch die Lohnkosten, aber die Lohnsenkungen führen zur
Abnahme der Kaufkraft des Großteiles der Konsumenten (= reale
Lohnsenkung) und damit zu einer Verringerung der Nachfrage. Begünstigt
werden dagegen die Exporte. Über Lohnsenkungen die Beschäftigung
erhöhen zu wollen, sei eine fragwürdige Politik, die überdies versucht,
inländische Nachfrageprobleme durch Außenhandelsüberschüsse, also zu
Lasten des Auslands, zu kompensieren.
Vielfach wird Keynes auf eine antizyklische Nachfragepolitik reduziert.
Demnach soll der Staat, über Rücklagen oder durch Kreditaufnahme
finanziert, fiskalpolitische Maßnahmen ergreifen. Die Zentralbank soll
dies geldpolitisch unterstützen. Das Zusammenspiel soll der
Abschwächung der Auswirkungen von Rezessionen und Booms dienen.
Wenn der Staat in der Rezession kurzfristig Schulden aufnimmt, liegt ein
so genanntes Deficit spending vor (dieser Begriff wurde von Abba P.
Lerner geprägt). Idealerweise sollten diese bei einem
Wirtschaftsaufschwung durch Steuermehreinnahmen beglichen werden.
Mitstreiter der „Keynesianischen Revolution“
Ein wichtiger Diskussionspartner von Keynes war Roy Harrod (1900–
1978), der in Oxford studierte und lehrte. Zwischendurch hörte Harrod die
Vorlesungen von Keynes in Cambridge, dessen Mitstreiter und Freund er
wurde. Keynes schickte ihm die Druckfahnen der „General Theory“ und
Harrod versuchte vergeblich, deren Attacken auf die (neo)klassische
Theorie abzumildern.
Harrod versuchte wenig später, Keynes’ Theorie zu dynamisieren („An
Essay in Dynamic Theory“, 1939) und daraus eine Wachstumstheorie zu
entwickeln. 1951 schrieb er im Auftrag des Bruders von Keynes dessen
offizielle Biographie („The Life of John Maynard Keynes“, London
Großen Anteil an der Entstehung von Keynes „Allgemeine Theorie“ hatte
Richard Kahn. Kahn war Keynes` Lieblingsschüler und sein engster
Mitarbeiter und, wie Joan Robinson halb scherzhaft bemerkte, schon vor
Keynes Keynesianer. Kahn präsentierte in seinem Aufsatz The Relation
of Home Investment to Unemployment (1931) das Multiplikator-Modell,

das die Wirkung einer exogenen Ausgabenerhöhung in Abhängigkeit von

der marginalen Konsumquote gemäß der Formel

aufzeigte und von Keynes in der Allgemeinen Theorie aufgegriffen wurde.
Auch darüber hinaus hatte Kahn an deren Entstehen überragenden Anteil:
Er leitete zum einen den Cambridge Circus, in dem er, wie Teilnehmer
später ironisch berichteten, die Rolle des „himmlischen Boten“ zwischen
„Gott Keynes“ und den „sterblichen Diskutanten“ spielte; zum andern
übernahm er am Manuskript selbst den gesamten mathematischen Apparat.
Zu vielen Problemen unterbreitete er Lösungsvorschläge. Joseph
Schumpeter schreibt ihm gar die Ko-Autorschaft zu:
„Next, we must record [in The General Theory] Keynes’s
acknowledgements of indebtedness […] especially to Mr R.F. Kahn,
whose share in the historic achievement cannot have fallen very far short
of co-authorship.“
– Joseph Schumpeter: History of Economic Analysis (1954),S. 1172
Zitiert nach L. Pasinetti (2007), S. 81. Auf den S. 65–68 stellt Pasinetti
Leben und Werk von R. Kahn vor.
Kahn folgte nach Keynes` Tod ihm in fast allen Positionen nach, nahm
jedoch eher die Rolle der grauen Eminenz wahr.
Eine wichtige Mitstreiterin in „Cambridge Circus“ war Joan Robinson
(1903–1983), mit der Keynes intensiv korrespondierte. Sie hatte in
Cambridge bis 1935 studiert und lehrte dort von 1931–1977. Nach dem
Erscheinen der „Allgemeinen Theorie“ schrieb sie eine gut verständliche
„Introduction to the Theory of Employment“ (London 1937) und sorgte
dafür, dass die Keynes’sche Theorie in Studienplänen gebührend verankert
James Meade (1907–1995) studierte und lebte zunächst in Oxford, in der
Entstehungsphase der „General Theory“ jedoch in Cambridge, wo er an
den Treffen des „Circus“ teilnahm. 1937 veröffentlichte er „A Simplified
Model of Mr. Keynes' System“ (Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 4).
1957–1963 war er Professor in Cambridge.
Unmittelbare Rezeption
Keynes’ Allgemeine Theorie wurde sofort sehr kontrovers diskutiert.
Besonders junge Ökonomen beigeisterten sich für den neuen Ansatz, der
endlich eine Erklärung der hohen und andauernden Arbeitslosigkeit bot:

“The General Theory caught most economists under the age of thirty-five
with the unexpected virulence of a disease first attacking and decimating
an isolated tribe of South Sea Islanders. Economists beyond thirty-five
turned out to be quite immune to the ailment.”
– Paul Samuelson (1964)[19]
Schroffe Ablehnung erntete Keynes’ Werk in England besonders von
Arthur Cecil Pigou, Dennis Holme Robertson, Ralph Hawtrey, Lionel
Robbins, Friedrich August von Hayek, in den USA von Frank Knight,
Joseph Schumpeter und Jacob Viner.
Im Gegensatz zu Keynes nahm sein Londoner Gegenspieler Friedrich
August von Hayek an, staatliche Organisationsformen entwickelten ein
starkes Eigenleben, was häufig zu einer aufgeblähten Verwaltung führe,
die selbst einen Großteil der Staatsausgaben für ihren Selbsterhalt
benötige. Weiterhin nahm Hayek an, dass es in demokratischen Prozessen
sehr aufwendig bis nicht durchführbar sei, in der Vergangenheit gewährte
Subventionen bzw. Vergünstigungen aller Art wieder rückgängig zu
machen. Zuletzt seien wirtschaftliche Prozesse zu komplex, als dass sie
zentralisiert gesteuert werden könnten. Auf Grund dieses nur sehr bedingt
zur Verfügung stehenden Steuerungswissens sei es nicht möglich,
„antizyklische“ Prozesse durch den Staat anzuregen. Dieses Wissensdefizit
der öffentlichen Hand gepaart mit der dem staatlichen Handeln
unterstellten inhärenten Tendenzen zum Selbsterhalt der Verwaltung sowie
der fortschreitenden Bürokratisierung führen nach Hayek zu einem
vermehrten Einnahmebedarf des Staates, der die wirtschaftliche
Entwicklung erheblich erschwere. Demzufolge seien „antizyklische“
Maßnahmen der öffentlichen Hand mit Sicherheit zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Andere Kritiker stützen sich auf die von Keynes angegriffene
Neoklassische Theorie. Diese Theorie geht davon aus, dass ein
volkswirtschaftliches System „inhärent“, d. h. von sich aus stabil ist und
nach Störungen wieder zum Gleichgewicht bei Vollbeschäftigung
zurückfindet. Staatliche Maßnahmen seien daher überflüssig. Sie können
sogar zu unerwünschten Schwankungen der Konjunktur führen. Daher
vertreten Anhänger der neoklassischen Theorie die Ansicht, der Staat solle
seine Ausgaben möglichst begrenzen. Dem Staat käme nur eine
„allokative“ Aufgabe zu, während er sich ansonsten möglichst aus der
Wirtschaft heraushalten soll. Diese Kritik wird später von Milton Friedman
aufgegriffen und zu einer „monetaristischen Gegenrevolution“ ausgebaut
(s. unten Abschnitt 3.8).

Milton Friedman und Anna Schwarz (1963) interpretierten in ihrem Werk

A Monetary History of the United States die Weltwirtschaftskrise nicht als
Ergebnis der freien Märkte, sondern einer falschen Politik der Notenbank,
die in den USA zwischen den Jahren 1929 und 1933 die Geldmenge um
30 % verringerte. Dabei ist unstrittig, dass die Geldmenge in jenen Jahren
stark zurückging. Strittig ist, ob die Zentralbank dies bewirkte oder nicht
verhindern konnte.[20] Tatsächlich warnte Keynes bereits 1925 vor den
Folgen einer Notenbankpolitik, die aufgrund des Goldstandards
gezwungen ist, die Geldmenge prozyklisch zu reduzieren, und warnte vor
daraus resultierender und Arbeitslosigkeit.[21][22]
1937: Interpretation durch das IS-LM-Modell von Hicks John R. Hicks
entwarf schon 1937 das IS-LM-Modell in seinem Artikel Mr. Keynes and
the Classics: A Suggested Interpretation (Econometrica, Vol. 5, 1937.
Deutsch in: Barens/ Caspari (Hrsg.) Das IS/LM-Modell – Entstehung und
Wandel, Marburg 1994), um Keynes’ Allgemeine Theorie der
neoklassischen Theorie gegenüberzustellen.[23] Hicks unterschied einen
klassischen, einen mittleren und den Keynesianischen Bereich der
Liquiditätsfalle und beschränkte Keynes' Theorie fälschlicherweise auf
den letztgenannten Bereich.
Auf die Ausbreitung und Interpretation von Keynes’ Theorie hatte dieser
Artikel einen nachhaltigen und zwiespältigen Einfluss. Die
Gegenüberstellung von „Mr. Keynes“ und „the Classics“ bezieht sich auf
das Vorgehen von Keynes, alle Ökonomen, die in der neoklassischen
Tradition schreiben, als „Klassiker“ zu bezeichnen, darunter auch Arthur
Pigou und sein damals erst kurz zuvor erschienenes Buch The Theory of
Unemployment (1933). Hicks konfrontiert diese „klassische Ökonomie“
mit der Theorie von Keynes, indem er beide in Gleichungen fasst und für
ihre graphische Darstellung das berühmte IS/LM-Diagramm entwickelt,
das man heute – mit modifiziertem theoretischen Hintergrund – in allen
Lehrbüchern der Makroökonomie findet. Die für Keynes so wichtige
Instabilität der Investitionstätigkeit und die zentrale Rolle der (unsicheren)
Erwartungen für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung bleiben jedoch außen
Mit dem IS/LM-Diagramm bestimmt Hicks diejenige Kombination von
Zinssatz und Volkseinkommen, bei der auf dem Gütermarkt (bzw. bei
Hicks auf dem Konsumgüterund auf dem Investitionsgütermarkt) und auf
dem Geldmarkt Gleichgewicht von Angebot und Nachfrage herrscht. Auf
dem Gütermarkt besteht Gleichgewicht, wenn die zinsabhängigen

Investitionen genau der einkommensabhängigen Ersparnis entsprechen;

auf dem Geldmarkt wird das Gleichgewicht bei Übereinstimmung der
vorgegebenen Geldmenge (des „Geldangebots“) mit der vom Zins und
vom Einkommen abhängigen gewünschten Kassenhaltung („Nachfrage“
nach Geld) erreicht. Der Arbeitsmarkt bleibt außer Betracht.
Die wichtigste Neuerung von Keynes besteht für Hicks (s. dort Abschnitt
III) in der Analyse der Geldnachfrage (der Nachfrage nach Liquidität), die
sich im gekrümmten Verlauf der LM-Kurve niederschlägt: Diese verläuft
bei sehr niedrigem Zinssatz (i) und Einkommen (Y) fast horizontal, bei
sehr hohem Einkommen und Zinssatz dagegen fast vertikal. Bei hohen
Werten von Y und i wird der gesamte vorhandene Geldbestand zur
Finanzierung der Transaktionen benötigt. Zusätzliche Güternachfrage
führt dann nicht zu mehr Produktion, sondern nur zu höherem Zinssatz.
Dies ist der klassische Bereich. Im anderen Extrembereich ist es
umgekehrt: Eine Erhöhung der Geldmenge verändert den Zinssatz nicht;
zusätzliche Güternachfrage dagegen führt zu mehr Produktion und
Beschäftigung, ohne dass der Zinssatz steigt: „We are completely out of
touch with the classical world“, betont Hicks.
Den gesamten mittleren Bereich, in dem eine höhere Nachfrage sowohl die
Produktion als auch den Zinssatz ansteigen lässt, während eine höhere
Geldmenge zu einem niedrigeren Zinssatz und damit zu höherer
Produktion führt, weist Hicks nun allerdings dem klassischen Bereich zu
(„the classical theory will be a good approximation“), so dass für Keynes
nur der Extrembereich der horizontalen LM-Linie übrig bleibt. Im
Gegensatz dazu hatte Keynes in seinem Buch betont, in der Regel sei die
Beziehung zwischen Geldnachfrage und Zinssatz so, dass der Zinssatz
fällt, wenn die Geldmenge steigt (Keynes, 1936, S. 171). Der Bereich der
horizontalen LM-Linie dagegen stelle die Ausnahme dar: „But whilst this
limiting case might become practically important in the future, I know of
no example of it hitherto“ (ebenda, S. 207). Die dagegen verstoßende
Zuordnung des Normalbereichs der LM-Kurve zur „Klassik“ veranlasst
Hicks, den Abschnitt III mit dem falschen, aber berühmt gewordenen Satz
zu schließen: „So the General Theory of Employment is the Economics
of Depression“ (S. 155).
Der Beitrag von Hicks zur Verbreitung der Theorie von Keynes ist daher
zweischneidig. Einerseits hat das von ihm entwickelte IS/LM-Diagramm
erheblich dabei geholfen, aus dem schwierigen Buch von Keynes den
statischen Kern seiner Theorie herauszuarbeiten und verständlich zu

machen. Andererseits hat er eine Grundlage für die Keynes verfälschende

Tendenz gelegt, dessen Theorie auf den empirisch wenig relevanten
Extremfall der waagerechten LM-Kurve (der Liquiditätsfalle) zu
reduzieren. Dies hat dann später zu der verbreiteten, aber schon mit dem
Titel der „General Theory“ nicht zu vereinbarenden Praxis geführt,
Keynes zu unterstellen, für ihn sei nur die Fiskalpolitik relevant, da die
Geldpolitik im Bereich der Liquiditätsfalle wirkungslos bleibt, und
anschließend die Keynesianer als „Fiskalisten“ abzustempeln.
Ab 1944: Neoklassische Synthese
Hicks ebnete mit seinem IS/LM-Diagramm auch den Weg zur
Neoklassischen Synthese. Franco Modigliani (1944) war der erste, der an
dieses Diagramm einen neoklassischen Arbeitsmarkt anhängte und dann
unter Heranziehung des Pigou-Effekts und des Zinseffektes ableitete, dass
im krassen Gegensatz zu Keynes' Theorie Lohnsenkungen zu mehr
Beschäftigung führen. Damit wurde Keynes von der Neoklassik
vereinnahmt. Keynes selbst hatte sich während der Diskussionen mit
seinem Schülerzirkel immer gegen ein solches Vorgehen ausgesprochen.
In einem Brief an Roy Harrod schreibt er 1935 zu solchen Versuchen der
„the general effect of your reaction … is to make me feel that my assault
on the classical school ought to be intensified rather than abated…“
CW, Vol. 13, S. 548 zitiert nach Pasinetti (2007), S. 31.
Er äußerte sich aber nach seiner Herzattacke (1937) und später wegen
anderer aktueller Probleme und Aufgaben (Kriegsfinanzierung, Bretton-
Woods-Verhandlungen) kaum zu Syntheseversuchen.[24]
Ab 1945: Cambridge School of Post-Keynesians

Während des Entstehens der Allgemeinen Theorie hatte sich – wie schon
in Abschnitt 3.2.3 beschrieben – ab 1930 um Keynes ein Kreis von
Schülern in Cambridge gebildet, der als Cambridge Circus bekannt wurde
und wöchentlich über Keynes diskutierte, zu Beginn vor allem über seinen
Treatise on Money. Zu ihm gehörten Richard Kahn, Joan Robinson, Austin
Robinson, Piero Sraffa und James Meade. Diese Diskussion trugen
erheblich zum Entstehen der Allgemeinen Theorie bei. Bedingt durch
einen Herzinfarkt Keynes’ 1937, den aufkommenden Zweiten Weltkrieg

und die Beratungsaufgaben Keynes’ für die britische Regierung kam der
regelmäßige intellektuelle Austausch zwischen ihnen zum Erliegen.
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und Keynes’ Tod 1946 formierte sich unter
starker Beteiligung einiger dieser ehemaligen Schüler eine neue Gruppe,
die sich als Keynes’ legitime Erben mit der Fortführung seines Werkes
beauftragt sah. Sie sah sich vor allem in starkem Gegensatz zum
neoklassischen Modell: Das IS-LM-Modell lehnten sie strikt ab und
betonten den Bruch im ökonomischen Denken seit Keynes. Deswegen
bezeichnete sie Coddington (1956) in seinem Artikel Keynesian
Economics. The Search for first Principles (Journal of Economic
Literature, S. 1283) als Fundamentalisten. Innerhalb dieser Gruppe, die
sich als PostKeynesianer bezeichneten, bestand jedoch keinesfalls
Konsens über viele Fragen; ihre schulbildende Außenwirkung verdankte
sie eher gemeinsamen Abneigungen als gemeinsamen Konzepten.[25]
Wichtige britische Keynesianer in Cambridge (von ihnen ist nur Joan
Robinson als PostKeynesianer im engeren Sinne zu bezeichnen):
Richard Ferdinand Kahn (1905–1989). Unter seiner Führung wurde das
wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studium in Cambridge nach dem 2.
Weltkrieg neu organisiert und der Cambridge Circus als Secret Seminar
oder Tuesday Group in seinen Räumen fortgeführt. Er publizierte in dieser
Zeit drei bedeutende Schriften: 1954 eine Ausarbeitung der
Liquiditätspräferenz-These (Some Notes on Liquidy Preference), in den
späten 1950er Jahren grundlegende Artikel zur Keynesianischen
Kapitaltheorie sowie 1976 mehrere Aufsätze über Zusammenhänge
zwischen Inflationd und Vollbeschäftigung insbesondere wegen steigender
Joan Violet Robinson (1903–1983) war in der Fachwelt schon bekannt,
weil sie bereits vor der Allgemeinen Theorie ihr Werk The Economics of
Imperfect Competition (1933) veröffentlichte, von dessen Analyse des
unvollständigen Wettbewerbs sie sich jedoch später distanzierte.
Unmittelbar nach dem Erscheinen der „General Theory“ schrieb sie eine
gut verständliche „Introduction to the Theory of Employment“ (London
1937). Sie beschäftigte sich ferner mit marxistischer Wirtschaftstheorie
(An Essay on Marxian Economics (1942)) und verhalf Marx somit zu einer
neuen Phase einer weniger ideologisch geprägten Rezeption. Sie wandte
sich dann der langfristigen Theorie zu und veröffentlichte 1956 „The
Accumulation of Capital“ (London/New York), in der sie eine komplizierte
Abfolge von Gleichgewichtssituationen konstruierte (Golden Age etc.).

Sie war eine scharfe Kritikerin der „neoklassischen Synthese“ und war
später zentral an der Cambridge-Kapitalkontroverse beteiligt.
Ebenfalls in Cambridge lehrte und forschte Nicholas Kaldor (1908–1986).
Er war zunächst Student an der LSE bei Friedrich von Hayek, wurde nach
der Veröffentlichung der Allgemeinen Theorie jedoch bald einer der ersten
Konvertiten. Er wurde 1950 fellow am King’s College in Cambridge und
wurde zuerst bekannt durch seine Arbeiten zur Verteilungstheorie.[26]
Dabei entwickelte er seine Kreislauftheorie der Verteilung, die er – sehr
unKeynesianisch – für eine Situation der Vollbeschäftigung formulierte.
Zur Begründung führte er an (S. 94), Keynes’ Anwendung des
Multiplikators auf die Beschäftigung gelte für die kurze Frist, die
Anwendung auf das Preisniveau und die Verteilung gelte langfristig. Post-
Keynesianer im engeren Sinne war er nicht.
Ähnliches gilt für Piero Sraffa (1898–1983), den Keynes nach Cambridge
geholt hatte. Er ist vor allem der Begründer der Neoricardianischen Schule
und wurde für seine Theorie der Produktionspreise[27] bekannt. Er war
maßgeblich an der Cambridge-Kapitalkontroverse beteiligt.
Näheres zu diesen Autoren (und zu Goodwin) ist bei Pasinetti (2007) im 2.
Teil (S. 59–248) nachzulesen.
Ab 1945: Keynesianische Theorie in den Vereinigten Staaten
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde die Keynesianische Theorie zur
herrschenden makroökonomischen Theorie, allerdings nur bis zur
Stagflation der 1970er Jahre, wo sie dann von der „Monetaristischen
Gegenrevolution“ in die Defensive gedrängt wurde. Zu ihren
bedeutendsten Vertretern zählen Alvin Hansen, Paul Samuelson, James
Tobin und Robert Solow. Zur Ausbreitung des Keynesianismus in den
USA siehe im Einzelnen Colander/ Landreth 1996.
Alvin Hansen (1887–1975) wurde 1937 an die Harvard University als
Professor für politische Ökonomie berufen und lehrte dort bis 1957. Er trug
erheblich zur Ausbreitung der Theorie von Keynes in den USA bei, vor
allem durch seinen „Guide to Keynes“ (New York, 1953).
Paul A. Samuelson (1915–2009) gehört zu den einflussreichsten
Ökonomen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein Lehrbuch Economics: An
Introductory Analysis (1. Aufl. 1948, 19. Aufl. 2009) ist das meistverkaufte
ökonomische Lehrbuch überhaupt. Auf Samuelson geht auch die
Wortschöpfung neoklassische Synthese zurück (s. dort, 6. Aufl., 1964, S.
590). Er meinte damit allerdings etwas anderes: Wie Keynes war er der

Ansicht, dass nach Erreichen der Vollbeschäftigung durch

Keynesianische Wirtschaftspolitik wieder die alten (Neo-)klassischen
Gesetze gelten würden, weil dann nicht mehr gesamtwirtschaftliche
Nachfrage die Produktion begrenzt, sondern – wie in der Klassik – die
vorhandenen Ressourcen an Arbeit und Sachkapital. Dabei hätte er
inhaltlich Keynes zitieren können, der in seiner „Allgemeinen Theorie“
geschrieben hatte (S. 378, in der deutschen Übersetzung, 11. Aufl., Berlin,
2009, S. 319):
„Unsere Kritik der akzeptierten klassischen Wirtschaftstheorie bestand
nicht so sehr darin, logische Fehler in ihrer Analyse zu finden, als
hervorzuheben, daß ihre stillschweigenden Voraussetzungen selten oder
nicht erfüllt sind, mit der Folge, daß sie die wirtschaftlichen Probleme der
wirklichen Welt nicht lösen kann. Wenn es aber unserer zentralen
Steuerung gelingt, eine Gesamtmenge der Erzeugung durchzusetzen, die
mit Vollbeschäftigung so nah als durchführbar übereinstimmt, wird die
klassische Theorie von diesem Punkt an wieder zu ihrem Recht kommen.“
Samuelson studierte zunächst an der Universität Chicago, bevor er an die
Harvard University wechselte, um bei Alvin Hansen zu studieren.
Nachdem ihm dort keine Stelle angeboten wurde, wechselte er an das
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, das bislang in den
Wirtschaftswissenschaften kaum auffällig geworden war. 1947 analysierte
er als Erster das Zusammenwirken von Multiplikator und Akzelerator, aus
dem sich Konjunkturverläufe mit abnehmenden oder zunehmenden
Amplituden ergeben können. Das diente dann Hicks als Grundlage für
seine „Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle“ (Oxford 1950). Der
Schwerpunkt seiner Forschung lag in der mathematischen Darstellung
ökonomischer Theorien; empirische Forschung interessierte ihn weniger.
Zu seinen bekanntesten Beiträgen zählen die komparative Statik und die
Theorie der offenbarten Präferenzen. Als erster amerikanischer Ökonom
erhielt er 1970 den Nobelpreis.
James Tobin (1918–2002) studierte und promovierte an der Harvard
University. 1950 wechselte er an die Yale-Universität, wo er bis zu seinem
Tode blieb. 1981 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für seine Arbeiten auf dem
Gebiet der Portfoliotheorie. Tobin war 1961/62 Mitglied von Kennedys
„Council of Economic Advisors“.
Tobin attackierte die monetaristische Gegenrevolution und bekannte sich
als „Old Keynesian“, nachdem die „New Keynesians“ Economics ab
1991 (siehe unten Abschnitt 3.10) zwar das Keynes'sche Instrumentarium

verwendete, aber seine theoretische Grundlage neoklassisch

Robert Solow (1924) wurde zunächst durch seine neoklassische
Wachstumstheorie (Solow, 1956) bekannt, mit der er die in Harrods
dynamischer Theorie vorhandene kurzfristige und langfristige Instabilität
(„Wachstum auf des Messers Schneide“) widerlegen wollte. Die
kurzfristige (konjunkturelle) Instabilität schloss er durch die neoklassische
Annahme aus, die gesamtwirtschaftliche Ersparnis bestimme das
Investitionsvolumen. Die langfristige Stabilität wurde durch die
Entwicklung seiner Produktionsfunktion mit substituierbaren
Produktionsfaktoren erreicht. Für seine Beiträge zur Wachstumstheorie
erhielt Solow 1987 den Nobelpreis.
Mit Samuelson entwarf er die modifizierte fallende Philippskurve
(negativer Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitslosenquote und
Inflationsrate). Damit näherte er sich Keynesianischen Positionen an; er
setzt sich heute vehement für eine Wirtschaftspolitik ein, die auch die
Nachfrageseite berücksichtigt (s. z.B. seinen Beitrag zu Schettkat/
Langkan (2007) mit dem Titel: „Die Beschränktheit der
makroökonomischen Diskussion überwinden“).
Ab 1960: US-amerikanischer Post-Keynesianismus
Als Gründervater des US-amerikanischen Post-Keynesianismus gilt
Sidney Weintraub. Weitere wichtige Vertreter sind Hyman P. Minsky und
Paul Davidson.
→ Hauptartikel: Post-Keynesianismus
Keynesianismus in Deutschland
Auch in Deutschland traf die Verbreitung der Theorie von Keynes auf
erhebliche Hürden. Widerstand leisteten unter anderem die Ordo-
Liberalen, auch als Freiburger Schule bezeichnet. Sie plädierte zwar
einerseits für einen starken Staat, der den Wettbewerb zu sichern hat (mit
Annäherung an das Ideal der vollständigen Konkurrenz), lehnten
andererseits staatliche Eingriffe in den Wirtschaftsprozess ab (Konstanz
der Wirtschaftspolitik[28]), wohl als Reaktion auf den Nationalsozialismus
und die falsche Wirtschaftspolitik während der Weltwirtschaftskrise.
Vorreiter für die Verbreitung der Theorie von Keynes an den Universitäten
war das Lehrbuch von Erisch Schneider „Einführung in die
Volkswirtschaftslehre“, insbesondere Teil III: Geld, Kredit,

Volkseinkommen und Beschäftigung. (1. Aufl. Tübingen, 1952). Auch in

Deutschland entging die Theorie von Keynes nicht der Vereinnahmung
durch die neoklassische Synthese.
Ihren größten Einfluss hatte die Theorie von Keynes in dem in der
Einleitung genannten „Stabilitätsund Wachstumsgesetz“ von 1967, das
unter Wirtschaftsminister Karl Schiller (SPD) teilweise auch genutzt
wurde, um den Konjunktureinbruch von 1967 zu bekämpfen (mit großem
Kritik wurde der Theorie von Keynes auch von marxistischer Seite zuteil,
weil er den Kapitalismus zu stabilisieren versuche, damit aber (sofern er
Erfolg hat), dessen eigentlich erwünschte Abschaffung verhindere (so z.B.
Christoph Deutschmann, Der linke Keynesianismus. Frankfurt 1982).
1970er Jahre: Inflation und Anstieg der Arbeitslosenquote/ Kritik des
Inflationsraten in der Triade
Arbeitslosenraten in der Triade
Zu den Kernelementen der Theorie von Keynes gehört die Abhängigkeit
des Konsums vom aktuellen Einkommen. Kritiker bestreiten die von
Keynesianern meistens angenommene eindeutige Beziehung zwischen
den Konsumausgaben eines Haushaltes und seinem jeweiligen verfügbaren
Einkommen. Die Haushalte bestimmten vielmehr die Höhe ihrer
Konsumausgaben in Abhängigkeit von ihren langfristigen
Einkommenserwartungen. Friedman habe mit den Untersuchungen in
seinem Werk A Theory of the Consumption Function gezeigt, dass dieser
von Keynes behauptete Zusammenhang statistisch nicht nachweisbar sei.
Kurzfristige Einkommensänderungen würden hingegen meistens ignoriert
(dies setzt allerdings voraus, dass die Haushalte ihren Konsum notfalls
über Kredite finanzieren können und wollen). Daher könnten staatliche
Maßnahmen zur Änderung der Nettoeinkommen nicht so viel an
Konsumnachfrage stimulieren, wie von den Keynesianern angenommen.
Noch vehementer ist die folgende Kritik am Keynesianischen
Politikansatz: Das Konzept eines Konjunkturanschubs durch
kreditfinanzierte Staatsausgaben führe langfristig zu Inflation und bleibe
auf Dauer ohne Wirkung auf die Beschäftigung. Diese Kritik geht implizit
von einer Situation aus, in der es nur strukturbedingte Arbeitslosigkeit gibt,
und argumentiert, dass eine darüber hinaus steigende Nachfrage zu
höheren Preisen führt. Die Arbeitnehmer erkennen wegen adaptiver

Erwartungen nur verzögert, dass ihre gestiegenen Nominallöhne vom

Preisanstieg entwertet wurden. Sobald sie es aber merken, werden sie nicht
länger mehr arbeiten – die Geldillusion halte also nicht unbegrenzt an. Die
Volkswirtschaft findet sich gemäß dieser Argumentation in einem
Gleichgewicht mit höherer Inflationsrate bei unverändertem realen
Volkseinkommen wieder.
Als Indiz für das Scheitern Keynesianischer Wirtschaftspolitik werden die
ansteigenden Arbeitslosenquoten der 1970er Jahre bei gleichzeitiger
Zunahme der Inflationsraten angeführt. In diesem Jahrzehnt widerfuhren
den Industriestaaten zwei exogene Schocks in Form von Ölkrisen. Dies
führte zu importierter Inflation. Die Reaktion der Gewerkschaften bestand
oft in einer expansiven Lohnpolitik und verursachte eine Lohn-Preis-
Spirale. Diese von der Angebotsseite ausgelösten Fehlentwicklungen
waren in der Keynesianischen Theorie kaum behandelt, obwohl
Keynesianer die Theorie der Anbieterinflation entwickelt hatten.
Weder die ursprünglichen Überlegungen von Keynes noch die
Keynesianisch-neoklassische Synthese behaupteten, dass nachfrageseitige
Maßnahmen der Wirtschaftspolitik langfristig zu besseren Ergebnissen
führen können, wenn sie nicht zu höheren Investitionen und damit zu
einem höheren Sachkapitalbestand führen. Die wirtschaftspolitischen
Empfehlungen Keynes’ zielten vor allem auf die Überwindung akuter
Krisen, insbesondere die Verhinderung eines sich aus psychologischen
Gründen selbst verstärkenden Abschwungs bzw. die Verhinderung eines
stabilen Depressionszustandes mit dem Ergebnis niedrigerer Investitionen.
Weitere Kritik wird mit den so genannten Verdrängungseffekt (Crowding-
out) begründet, nach welchem staatliche Investitionen private Investitionen
durch höhere Zinsen verdrängen, die effektiver wären. Im Extremfall des
vollständigen Crowding-out steigt die Güternachfrage nicht an.[29] Je
stärker die Kapitalmärkte weltweit verflochten sind, desto weniger ist
allerdings dieser Zinseffekt relevant.
Auch gibt es Kritik in der Art, dass sich die Wirtschaftsteilnehmer auf die
Hilfe des Staates einstellen und sich immer mehr zu „risikofreudig“
verhielten, dadurch die Gesamtwirtschaft immer stärker gefährdeten und
so die Staatseingriffe immer stärker werden müssten (Moral Hazard).[30]
Die Diagnose der Keynesianischen Theorie, dass die Volkswirtschaften
nicht von alleine zu einem Gleichgewicht zurückfindet bei voll
ausgelasteten Produktionsfaktoren, ist heute Teil der Mehrheitsmeinung in

der modernen Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Die nachfrageseitige

Krisenüberwindung sollte nach Meinung der meisten
Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Teil des wirtschaftspolitischen
Instrumentariums sein.
Ab 1980: NeuKeynesianismus
→ Hauptartikel: NeuKeynesianismus
In den 1980er Jahren entwickelte sich der NeuKeynesianismus zur
Abgrenzung von der „Neuen klassischen Makroökonomie“.
NeuKeynesianer arbeiten mit neoklassischen Modellen, bauen darin aber
beschränkte Informationen, (Preis-)Rigiditäten und unvollständige
Konkurrenz ein.[32] Einige Vorreiter dieser Theorieschule, nämlich Joseph
Stiglitz, George Akerlof und Michael Spence erhielten 2001 den
Nobelpreis für ihre Arbeiten über asymmetrische Informationen. Dass der
NeuKeynesianismus tatsächlich noch als Keynesianische Strömung
aufzufassen ist, wird von Anhängern der Keynes'schen Theorie
(AltKeynesianer) bezweifelt und von PostKeynesianern bestritten. Der
PostKeynesianer Paul Davidson wirft den NeuKeynesianern vor, dass sie
die „General Theory“ als einen Klassiker behandeln, den jeder zitiert,
aber niemand liest. Andernfalls könnten sie sich nicht als (Neu-
)Keynesianer bezeichnen.[33]
Ende der 1980er: Circuit-Schule in Frankreich und Italien
Ende der 1980 entwickelte sich in besonders in Frankreich und Québec,
aber auch in Italien die circuit-Schule, die sich besonders auf
Problemstellungen der Geldwirtschaft konzentriert. Wichtige Vertreter
sind Alain Parguez, Frédéric Poulon, Bernard Schmitt und Marc Lavoie.
Keynes’sche Revolution
John Maynard Keynes: Allgemeine Theorie der Beschäftigung, des
Zinses und des Geldes. 11. Auflage. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2009
(Erstausgabe 1936), ISBN 3-428-07985-X.
Richard Ferdinand Kahn: The Relation of Home Investment to
Unemployment. In: Economic Journal. 41, 1931, S. 173–198.
J. R. Hicks: Mr. Keynes and the Classics: A Suggested Interpretation. In:
Econometrica. 5, Nr. 2, 1937, S. 147–159 (PDF; 1,253 MB Deutsch in:

Barens/Caspari (Hrsg.) Das IS/LM-Modell. Entstehung und Wandel.

Marburg 1994.).
G. K. Shaw (Hrsg.): The Keynesian Heritage Vol. I. Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham 1989, ISBN 978-1-85278-117-0 (Band 1 der Reihe Schools of
Thought in Economics series).
Neoklassische Synthese (Bastard-Keynesianismus)
Ein gutes Beispiel für die Interpretation des Keynesianismus im Sinne der
neoklassischen Synthese bietet das Lehrbuch „Makroökonomik und Neue
Makroökonomik“ von B. Felderer / Stefan Homburg (Berlin etc.
(Springer)). Dort sind die „Keynes’sche Theorie“ nur mit einem Satz
erwähnt (S. 99), aber nicht behandelt. Für den englischen Sprachraum sei
auf Henry G. Johnson, Money, Trade and Economic Growth (London,
Urwin, 1962), Teil II, hingewiesen. Diese Abschnitte veranlassten Joan
Robinson, von "Bastard Keynesianismus" zu sprechen (siehe
Einzelnachweis 1).

Keynesianismus in den USA

James Tobin: Price Fexibility and Output Stability. An Old Keynesian
View.. In: Journal of Economic Perspectives. 7, 1993.
Paul A. Samuelson: Interactions between the Multiplier Analysis and the
Principle of Acceleration. In: Review of Economics and Statistics. 1939,
S. 75–78.
Alvin Hansen: Guide to Keynes. New York 1953, S. 75–78.
Robert Solow: Die Beschränktheit der makroökonomischen Diskussion
überwinden.. In: R. Schettkat/ J. Langkau (Hrsg), Aufschwung für
Deutschland. Bonn 2007.
Zahlreiche Artikel in G.K. Shaw (Hrsg.): The Keynesian Heritage Vol. II.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1988.
Cambridge School of Post-Keynesians
Joan Robinson (Hrsg.): Forword zu Alfred Eichner, A Guide to Post-
Keynesian Economics. White Plains, New York 1979.
Malcolm Sawyer (Hrsg.): Post-Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham 1989, ISBN 978-1-85278-052-4 (Anthologie als Band 2 der
Reihe Schools of Thought in Economics series).

Keynesianismus in Deutschland
Gottfried Bombach u.a. (Hrsg.): Der Keynesianismus. 6 Bände.. Springer
Verlag, Berlin 1976ff.*
New Keynesian Economics
N. Gregory Mankiw & David Romer (Hrsg.): New Keynesian Economics.
Vol. 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices, MIT Press, 1991,
N. Gregory Mankiw & David Romer (Hrsg.): New Keynesian Economics.
Vol. 2: Coordination Failures and Real Rigidities, MIT Press, 1991,
Zur Entstehung
Peter Clarke: The Keynesian Revolution in the making. Oxford University
Press, USA, 1989, ISBN 978-0-19-828304-1.
Richard Ferdinand Kahn: The Making of Keynes’ General Theory.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, ISBN 978-0-521-25373-4
(Raffaele Mattioli Lectures, gehalten an der Università Bocconi, Mailand
Zur Rezeption
a) Kritiker
Robert Leeson: The Anti-Keynesian Tradition. Palgrave, 2008, ISBN 978-
Henry Hazlitt: The Failure of the ‘New Economics’. An Analysis of the
Keynesian Fallacies. Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ 1959.
Friedrich von Hayek, Bruce Caldwell (Hrsg.): Collected Works of F.A.
Hayek. Vol. IX: Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence,
Liberty Fund, 2009, ISBN 978-0-86597-744-0.
Mark Skousen (Hrsg.): Dissent on Keynes. Praeger Publishers, 1992, ISBN
Mark Skousen (Hrsg.): The Big Three in Economics: Adam Smith, Karl
Marx und John Maynard Keynes. Sharpe, Armonk etc. 2007. Chapters
John C. Wood (Hrsg.): John Maynard Keynes: Critical Assessments.
Routledge, 1994, ISBN 978-0-415-11413-4.

b) Sympathisierende Darstellungen
Jürgen Kromphardt: John Maynard Keynes in der Serie Die größten
Ökonomen. UTB-Lucius 3794, München 2013.
Oliver Landmann: Keynes in der heutigen Wirtschaftstheorie. In: Gottfried
Bombach u.a. (Hrsg.): Der Keynesianismus. Band I: Theorie und Praxis
Keynesianischer Wirtschaftspolitik. Springer, Berlin 1976.
Joan Robinson: Introduction to the Theory of Employment. MacMillan,
London / New York 1937.
Harald Scherf: John Maynard Keynes. In: Joachim Starbatty (Hrsg.):
Klassiker des ökonomischen Denkens. Beck, München 1989.
Website der Keynes-Gesellschaft
Zur Weiterentwicklung des Keynesianismus
Michel Beaud und Gilles Dostaler: Economic Thought Since Keynes. A
History and Dictionary of Major Economicts.. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
1995 (übersetzt von Valérie Cauchemez aus dem Französischen)
(Wirtschaftsgeschichte seit Keynes mit einem umfassenden
biographischen Anhang wichtiger Ökonomen).
Thomas Cate, Geoff Harcourt und David C. Colander (Hrsg.): An
Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham/Brookfield 1997, ISBN 978-1-85898-145-1.
David C. Colander: The Evolution of Keynesian Economics. From
Keynesian to New Classical to New Keynesian. In: O.F. Hamouda und J.N.
Smithin (Hrsg.): Keynes and Public Policy After 50 Years. Vol. I:
Economics and Policy, Edward Elgar, Aldershot/Brookfield 1988.
David C. Colander und H. Landreth: The Coming of Keynesianism to
America. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Brookfield 1996, ISBN 978-1-
Robert William Dimand: The origins of the Keynesian revolution: the
development of Keynes’ theory of employment and output. Stanford
University Press, 1988, ISBN 978-0-8047-1525-6.
Shaun P. und Hargreaves Heap: The New Keynesian Macroeconomics.
Edward Elgar, 1993, ISBN 978-1-85278-598-7.
Robert Leeson (Hrsg.): The Keynesian Tradition. Palgrave Macmillan,
2008, ISBN 978-1-4039-4960-8.

Luigi L. Pasinetti: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge 2007, ISBN 978-0-521-87227-0.
Teodoro Dario Togati: Keynes and the neoclassical synthesis: Einsteinian
versus Newtonian macroeconomics. Routledge, 1998, ISBN 978-0-415-
18396-3 (Band 21 der Routledge studies in the history of economics).
Bruno Ventelou: Millennial Keynes: An Introduction to the Origin,
Development, and Later Currents of Keynesian Thought. M.E. Sharpe,
2004, ISBN 978-0-7656-1516-9.
Mit Schwerpunkt PostKeynesianische Ökonomie
Alfred Eichner: A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics. White Plains,
New York 1979.
G. C. Harcourt: The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core
Contributions of the Pioneers. Cambridge University Press, 2006, ISBN
John Edward King (Hrsg.): The Elgar companion to post Keynesian
Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003, ISBN 978-1-84064-630-6.
John Edward King (Hrsg.): A history of post Keynesian Economics since
1936. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003, ISBN 978-1-84376-650-6.

Joan Robinson: Review of Money, Trade and Economic Growth by H.G.

Johnson. In: Economic Journal. Vol. 72, London 1962, S. 691.
Roger E. Backhouse und Bradley W. Bateman: Keynesianism. In:
Steven N. Durlauf und Lawrence E. Blume (Hrsg.): The New Palgrave –
Dictionary of Economics. 2. Auflage. Vol. 4, Palgrave Macmillan, New
York 2008, S. 731–734, doi:10.1057/9780230226203.0893.
Michel Beaud und Gilles Dostaler: Economic Thought Since Keynes.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1995, ISBN 978-0-613-91449-9, S. 2 und
Abschnitt I.3 (The Triumph of Interventionism).
Axel Leijjonhufvud: On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of
Keynes. A Study in Monetary Theory, New York, Oxford University Press,

1968, Deutsch: Über Keynes und den Keynesianismus. Eine Studie zur
monetären Theorie, Köln (Kiepenheuer & Witsch) 1973
James Tobin: Price Flexibility and Output Stability. An Old Keynesian
View.In: Journal of Economics Perspectives, Vol. 7, 1993
Zu Einzelheiten siehe Frederic S. Lee: The Organizational History of
Post Keynesian Economics in America, 1971–1995. In: Journal of Post
Keynesian Economics. Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 2000, S. 141 (145).
Vgl. Joan Robinson: Collected Economic Papers. Volume 2, Blackwell,
Oxford Preface, S. XIII.
John Edward King (Hrsg.): A History of Post Keynesian Economics
since 1936. Edward Elgar Publishing, (Cheltenham/Northampton, MA)
2002, ISBN 978-1-84376-650-6, S. 9ff sq..
So bei M.C. Howard: Modern Theories of Income Distribution.
Macmillan, London 1979.
John Edward King (Hrsg.): A history of post Keynesian Economics
since 1936. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham/Northampton, MA
2003, ISBN 978-1-84376-650-6, S. 10.
T.I. Palley: Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and the
Macro Economy. Macmillan, London 1996, S. 2016-220.
Anthony Philip Thirlwall: The renaissance of Keynesian Economics. In:
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review. 186, S. 335–337.
John Edward King (Hrsg.): A history of post Keynesian Economics
since 1936. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2003, ISBN 978-1-
84376-650-6, S. 1–11.
John Maynard Keynes: A Treatise on Money. | Ort=London etc. | 1930
(dt.: Vom Gelde. München und Leipzig 1932, S. 18–19:
„Aber es gibt noch einen zweiten Weg, auf dem die Bank einen Anspruch
gegen sich selbst schaffen kann. Sie kann selbst Werte kaufen, das heißt
ihre Anlagen erhöhen und diesen Kauf, wenigstens zunächst, dadurch
begleichen, daß sie einen Anspruch gegen sich selbst einräumt. Oder die
Bank kann einen Anspruch gegen sich selbst zugunsten eines
Kreditnehmers schaffen, und zwar gegen sein Versprechen späterer
Rückzahlung; das heißt, sie kann Darlehen oder Vorschüsse geben. In
beiden Fällen schafft die Bank das Guthaben; denn nur die Bank selber
kann die Schaffung von Guthaben in ihren Büchern veranlassen, die den

Kunden berechtigen, Bargeld abzuziehen oder seinen Anspruch einer

anderen Person zu übertragen; zwischen diesen beiden Fällen besteht kein
Unterschied, abgesehen davon, daß der Anlaß, der zur Schaffung des
Guthabens seitens der Bank führt, ein anderer ist. Es folgt daraus, daß das
Ausmaß, in dem die Bank bei Beachtung solider Bankgrundsätze auf der
Aktivseite durch Gewährung von Darlehen und durch den Ankauf von
Werten Depositen schaffen kann …“)
Michel Beaud und Gilles Dostaler: Economic Thought Since Keynes.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1997,
zitiert nach Luigi L. Pasinetti: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007,.
Peter Bofinger: Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 2. Auflage 2007,
Pearson Studium München,.
Luigi L. Pasinetti: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge 2007, ISBN 978-0-521-87227-0, S. 65–85.
Zitiert nach David C. Colander: The Evolution of Keynesian Economics.
From Keynesian to New Classical to New Keynesian. In: O.F. Hamouda
und J.N. Smithin (Hrsg.): Keynes and Public Policy After 50 Years. Vol. I:
Economics and Policy, Edward Elgar, Aldershot/Brookfield 1988, S. 92.
Mark Skousen: The big three in economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx and
John Maynard Keynes. Armonk (M.E. Sharpe), 2007. ISBN 978-0-7656-
1694-4, S. 196 f.
John Maynard Keynes (1925): Essays in Persuasion. The Economic
Consequences of Mr. Churchill. Collected Writings. Vol. IX, S. 220:
“The Bank of England is compelled to curtail credit by all the rules of the
gold standard game. It is acting conscientiously and »soundly« in doing so.
But this does not alter the fact that to keep a tight hold on credit – and no
one will deny that the Bank is doing that – necessarily involves intensifying
unemployment in the present circumstances of this country. What we need
to restore prosperity to-day is an easy credit policy. We want to encourage
business men to enter on new enterprises, not, as we are doing, to
discourage them. Deflation does not reduce wages »automatically«. It
reduces them by causing unemployment. The proper object of dear Money
is to check an incipient boom. Woe to those whose faith leads them to use
it to aggravate a depression.”

John Maynard Keynes (1925): Essays in Persuasion. Collected

Writing, Vol. IX, S. 225: “The question is how far public opinion will allow
such a policy to go. It would be politically impossible for the Government
to admit that it was deliberately intensifying unemployment, even though
the members of the Currency Committee were to supply them with an
argument for it. On the other hand, it is possible for Deflation to produce
its effects without being recognized. Deflation, once started ever so little,
is cumulative in its progress. If pessimism becomes generally prevalent in
the business world, the slower circulation of Money resulting from this can
carry Deflation a long way further, without the Bank having either to raise
the bank-rate or to reduce its deposits. And since the public always
understands particular causes better than general causes, the depression
will be attributet to the industrial disputes which will accompany it, to the
Dawes Scheme, to China, to the inevitable consequences of the Great War,
to tariffs, to high taxation, to anything in the world except the general
monetary policy which had set the whole thing going.”
Mit Genehmigung der Econometric Society ist dieser klassische Artikel
auf der Website der Keynes-Gesellschaft mit einigen Kürzungen
reproduziert. Er ist in deutscher Übersetzung zu finden in: Ingo Barens &
Volker Caspari (Hrsg.): Das IS-LM-Modell. Entstehung und Wandel.
Metropolis, Marburg 1994
Luigi L. Pasinetti: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge 2007, ISBN 978-0-521-87227-0, S. 25–50.
Luigi L. Pasinetti: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge 2007, ISBN 978-0-521-87227-0, S. 59–64.
Alternative Theories of Distribution. In Review of Economic Studies,
Vol. 23, 1955/1956
Warenproduktion mittels Waren, 1960
Walter Eucken: Grundsätze der Wirtschaftspolitik, Tübingen/Zürich,
Wolfgang Cezanne: Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre. Oldenbourg
Wissenschaftsverlag 2005. ISBN 3-486-57770-0. S. 457f
Gerhard Willke: John Maynard Keynes. Frankfurt (Campus Verlag),
2002. ISBN 3-593-37034-4. S. 156f
Wissenschaftlicher Dienst des Deutschen Bundestages Von Claus-
Martin Gaul: Konjunkturprogramme in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik

Deutschland. Einordnung und Bewertung der Globalsteuerung 1967 bis

1982 Deutscher Bundestag 2008(PDF; 253 kB)
siehe die Einleitung zu Mankiw, N. Gregory und Romer, David (Hrsg),
„New Keynesian Economics“, Cambridge, (MIT Press) 1991 sowie
Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí, and Mark Gertler: The Science of Monetary
Policy: A New Keynesian Perspective. Journal of Economic Perspectives,
1999(PDF; 569 kB).
Paul Davidson: What revolution? The legacy of Keynes. In: Journal of
Post Keynesian Economics. 19, Nr. 1, Herbst 1996, ISSN 0160-3477,
S. 47.[1]

John Maynard Keynes

From Wikipedia. John Maynard Keynes

Keynes in 1933
Born-5 June 1883-Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Died-21 April
1946 (aged 62). Tilton, near Firle, Sussex, England
Influences-Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, Alfred Marshall, Arthur
Pigou, Nicholas Johannsen, Knut Wicksell, Piero Sraffa, John Neville
Influenced-John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul Samuelson, John Hicks,
Nicholas Kaldor, Joan Robinson, Hyman Minsky, Amartya Sen, Abba
Lerner, Franco Modigliani, James Tobin Robert Solow, Ha Joon Chang,
Joseph Stiglitz, Steve Keen, Paul Krugman, Robert Shiller, George
Akerlof, Brad DeLong, Thomas Piketty, Yanis Varoufakis, Robert Reich,
Zhou Xiaochuan, Wolfgang Stützel, Mariana Mazzucato, Robin Hahnel,
Axel Leijonhufvud, Manmohan Singh, New Keynesian Economics,
Post-Keynesian Economics
Keynesian Economics
Liquidity preference
Spending multiplier
AD–AS model
Deficit spending

John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes,[1] CB, FBA (/ˈkeɪnz/ KAYNZ;
5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946), was an English economist whose ideas
fundamentally changed the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics
and the economic policies of governments. He built on and greatly refined
earlier work on the causes of business cycles, and is widely considered to
be one of the most influential economists of the 20th century and the
founder of modern macroeconomics.[2][3][4][5] His ideas are the basis for the
school of thought known as Keynesian Economics and its various
In the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking,
challenging the ideas of neoclassical economics that held that free markets
would, in the short to medium term, automatically provide full
employment, as long as workers were flexible in their wage demands. He
instead argued that aggregate demand determined the overall level of
economic activity and that inadequate aggregate demand could lead to
prolonged periods of high unemployment. According to Keynesian
Economics, state intervention was necessary to moderate "boom and bust"
cycles of economic activity.[6] Keynes advocated the use of fiscal and
monetary policies to mitigate the adverse effects of economic recessions
and depressions.
Following the outbreak of World War II, Keynes's ideas concerning
economic policy were adopted by leading Western economies. Keynes
died in 1946; but, during the 1950s and 1960s, the success of Keynesian
Economics resulted in almost all capitalist governments adopting its policy
recommendations. Keynes's influence waned in the 1970s, partly as a
result of problems with inflation that began to afflict the Anglo-American
economies from the start of the decade and partly because of critiques from
Milton Friedman and other economists who were pessimistic about the
ability of governments to regulate the business cycle with fiscal policy.[7]
However, the advent of the global financial crisis of 2007–08 caused a
resurgence in Keynesian thought. Keynesian Economics provided the
theoretical underpinning for economic policies undertaken in response to
the crisis by President Barack Obama of the United States, Prime Minister
Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom, and other heads of governments.[8]
In 1999, Time magazine included Keynes in their list of the 100 most
important and influential people of the 20th century, commenting that: "His
radical idea that governments should spend Money they don't have may

have saved capitalism."[9] He has been described by The Economist as

"Britain's most famous 20th-century economist."[10]
In addition to being an economist, Keynes was also a civil servant, a
director of the Bank of England, a part of the Bloomsbury Group of
intellectuals,[11] a patron of the arts, an art collector, the founding chairman
of the Arts Council of Great Britain, a director of the British Eugenics
Society, an advisor to several charitable trusts, a successful private
investor, a writer, a philosopher, and a farmer.
John Maynard Keynes was born in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,
England, to an upper-middle-class family. His father, John Neville
Keynes, was an economist and a lecturer in moral sciences at the
University of Cambridge and his mother Florence Ada Keynes a local
social reformer. Keynes was the first born, and was followed by two more
children – Margaret Neville Keynes in 1885 and Geoffrey Keynes in 1887.
Geoffrey became a surgeon and Margaret married the Nobel Prize-winning
physiologist Archibald Hill.
According to the economist and biographer Robert Skidelsky, Keynes's
parents were loving and attentive. They remained in the same house
throughout their lives, where the children were always welcome to return.
Keynes would receive considerable support from his father, including
expert coaching to help him pass his scholarship exams and financial help
both as a young man and when his assets were nearly wiped out at the onset
of Great Depression in 1929. Keynes's mother made her children's
interests her own, and according to Skidelsky, "because she could grow
up with her children, they never outgrew home".[12]
In January 1889, at the age of five and a half, Keynes started at the
kindergarten of the Perse School for Girls for five mornings a week. He
quickly showed a talent for arithmetic, but his health was poor leading to
several long absences. He was tutored at home by a governess, Beatrice
Mackintosh, and his mother. In January 1892, at eight and a half, he started
as a day pupil at St Faith's preparatory school. By 1894, Keynes was top
of his class and excelling at mathematics. In 1896, St Faith's headmaster,
Ralph Goodchild, wrote that Keynes was "head and shoulders above all
the other boys in the school" and was confident that Keynes could get a
scholarship to Eton.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]
In 1897, Keynes won a scholarship to Eton College, where he displayed
talent in a wide range of subjects, particularly mathematics, classics and

history. At Eton, Keynes experienced the first "love of his life" in Dan
Macmillan, older brother of the future Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan.[24] Despite his middle-class background, Keynes mixed easily
with upper-class pupils. In 1902 Keynes left Eton for King's College,
Cambridge, after receiving a scholarship for this also to read mathematics.
Alfred Marshall begged Keynes to become an economist,[25] although
Keynes's own inclinations drew him towards philosophy – especially the
ethical system of G. E. Moore. Keynes joined the Pitt Club[26] and was an
active member of the semi-secretive Cambridge Apostles society, a
debating club largely reserved for the brightest students. Like many
members, Keynes retained a bond to the club after graduating and
continued to attend occasional meetings throughout his life. Before leaving
Cambridge, Keynes became the President of the Cambridge Union Society
and Cambridge University Liberal Club.
In May 1904, he received a first class B.A. in mathematics. Aside from a
few months spent on holidays with family and friends, Keynes continued
to involve himself with the university over the next two years. He took part
in debates, further studied philosophy and attended economics lectures
informally as a graduate student for one term, which constituted his only
formal education in the subject. He also studied for Tripos in 1905 and, the
following year took civil service exams.
The economist Harry Johnson wrote that the optimism imparted by
Keynes's early life is a key to understanding his later thinking. [27] Keynes
was always confident he could find a solution to whatever problem he
turned his attention to, and retained a lasting faith in the ability of
government officials to do good.[28] Keynes's optimism was also cultural,
in two senses: he was of the last generation raised by an empire still at the
height of its power, and was also of the last generation who felt entitled to
govern by culture, rather than by expertise. According to Skidelsky, the
sense of cultural unity current in Britain from the 19th century to the end
of World War I provided a framework with which the well-educated could
set various spheres of knowledge in relation to each other and to life,
enabling them to confidently draw from different fields when addressing
practical problems.[12]
In October 1906, Keynes's Civil Service career began as a clerk in the India
Office. He enjoyed his work at first, but by 1908 had become bored and
resigned his position to return to Cambridge and work on probability

theory, at first privately funded only by two dons at the university – his
father and the economist Arthur Pigou. By 1909 Keynes had published his
first professional economics article in the Economics Journal, about the
effect of a recent global economic downturn on India.[29] Also in 1909,
Keynes accepted a lectureship in economics funded personally by Alfred
Marshall. Keynes's earnings rose further as he began to take on pupils for
private tuition. On being elected a fellow in 1911 Keynes was made editor
of The Economic Journal. By 1913 he had published his first book, Indian
Currency and Finance.[30] He was then appointed to the Royal
Commission on Indian Currency and Finance[31] – the same topic as his
book – where Keynes showed considerable talent at applying economic
theory to practical problems. His written work was published under the
name "J M Keynes", though to his family and friends he was known as
Maynard.(His father, John Neville Keynes, was also always known by his
middle name).[32]
World War I
The British Government called on Keynes's expertise during the First
World War. While he did not formally re-join the civil service in 1914,
Keynes travelled to London at the government's request a few days before
hostilities started. Bankers had been pushing for the suspension of specie
payments – the convertibility of banknotes into gold – but with Keynes's
help the Chancellor of the Exchequer (then Lloyd George) was persuaded
that this would be a bad idea, as it would hurt the future reputation of the
city if payments were suspended before absolutely necessary.
In January 1915, Keynes took up an official government position at the
Treasury. Among his responsibilities were the design of terms of credit
between Britain and its continental allies during the war, and the
acquisition of scarce currencies. According to economist Robert
Lekachman, Keynes's "nerve and mastery became legendary" because of
his performance of these duties, as in the case where he managed to
assemble – with difficulty – a small supply of Spanish pesetas. The
secretary of the Treasury was delighted to hear Keynes had amassed
enough to provide a temporary solution for the British Government. But
Keynes did not hand the pesetas over, choosing instead to sell them all to
break the market: his boldness paid off, as pesetas then became much less
scarce and expensive.[33] In the 1917 King's Birthday Honours, Keynes was
appointed Companion of the Order of the Bath for his wartime work,[34]
and his success led to the appointment that would have a huge effect on

Keynes's life and career; Keynes was appointed financial representative

for the Treasury to the 1919 Versailles peace conference. He was also
appointed Officer of the Belgian Order of Leopold.[35]
Versailles peace conference
Main article: Heavenly Twins (Sumner and Cunliffe)
Keynes's colleague, David Lloyd George. Keynes was initially wary of the
"Welsh Wizard," preferring his rival Asquith, but was impressed with
Lloyd George at Versailles; this did not prevent Keynes from painting a
scathing picture of the then-Prime Minister in his Economic
Consequences of the Peace.
Keynes's experience at Versailles was influential in shaping his future
outlook, yet it was not a successful one for him. Keynes's main interest
had been in trying to prevent Germany's compensation payments being set
so high it would traumatise innocent German people, damage the nation's
ability to pay and sharply limit her ability to buy exports from other
countries – thus hurting not just Germany's own economy but that of the
wider world. Unfortunately for Keynes, conservative powers in the
coalition that emerged from the 1918 coupon election were able to ensure
that both Keynes himself and the Treasury were largely excluded from
formal high-level talks concerning reparations. Their place was taken by
the Heavenly Twins – the judge Lord Sumner and the banker Lord Cunliffe
whose nickname derived from the "astronomically" high war
compensation they wanted to demand from Germany. Keynes was forced
to try to exert influence mostly from behind the scenes.
The three principal players at Versailles were Britain's Lloyd George,
France's Clemenceau and America's President Wilson.[36] It was only Lloyd
George to whom Keynes had much direct access; until the 1918 election
he had some sympathy with Keynes's view but while campaigning had
found his speeches were only well received by the public if he promised to
harshly punish Germany, and had therefore committed to extracting high
payments. Lloyd George did however win some loyalty from Keynes with
his actions at the Paris conference by intervening against the French to
ensure the dispatch of much-needed food supplies to German civilians.
Clemenceau also pushed for high reparations; generally France argued for
an even more severe settlement than Britain. Wilson initially favoured
relatively lenient treatment of Germany – he feared too harsh conditions
could foment the rise of extremism, and wanted Germany to be left

sufficient capital to pay for imports. To Keynes's dismay, Lloyd George

and Clemenceau were able to pressure Wilson to agree to very high
repayments being imposed. Towards the end of the conference, Keynes
came up with a plan that he argued would not only help Germany and other
impoverished central European powers but also be good for the world
economy as a whole. It involved the writing down of war debts which
would have the effect of increasing international trade all round. Lloyd
George agreed it might be acceptable to the British electorate. However,
America was against it; the US was then the largest creditor and by this
time Wilson had started to believe in the merits of a harsh peace as a
warning to future aggressors. Hence despite his best efforts, the end result
of the conference was a treaty which disgusted Keynes both on moral and
economic grounds, and led to his resignation from the Treasury.[37]
In June 1919 he turned down an offer to become chairman of the British
Bank of Northern Commerce, a job that promised a salary of £2000 in
return for a morning per week of work.
Keynes's analysis on the predicted damaging effects of the treaty appeared
in the highly influential book, The Economic Consequences of the Peace,
published in 1919.[38] This work has been described as Keynes's best book,
where he was able to bring all his gifts to bear – his passion as well as his
skill as an economist. In addition to economic analysis, the book contained
pleas to the reader's sense of compassion:
I cannot leave this subject as though its just treatment wholly depended
either on our own pledges or on economic facts. The policy of reducing
Germany to servitude for a generation, of degrading the lives of millions
of human beings, and of depriving a whole nation of happiness should be
abhorrent and detestable, –abhorrent and detestable, even if it were
possible, even if it enriched ourselves, even if it did not sow the decay of
the whole civilised life of Europe.
Also present was striking imagery such as "year by year Germany must be
kept impoverished and her children starved and crippled" along with bold
predictions which were later justified by events:
If we aim deliberately at the impoverishment of Central Europe,
vengeance, I dare predict, will not limp. Nothing can then delay for very
long that final war between the forces of Reaction and the despairing
convulsions of Revolution, before which the horrors of the late German
war will fade into nothing.

Keynes's followers claim that his predictions of disaster were borne out
when the German economy suffered the hyperinflation of 1923, and again
by the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the outbreak of World War II.
However the historian Ruth Henig claims that "most historians of the Paris
peace conference now take the view that, in economic terms, the treaty was
not unduly harsh on Germany and that, while obligations and damages
were inevitably much stressed in the debates at Paris to satisfy electors
reading the daily newspapers, the intention was quietly to give Germany
substantial help towards paying her bills, and to meet many of the German
objections by amendments to the way the reparations schedule was in
practice carried out".[39][40] Only a fraction of reparations were ever paid.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace gained Keynes international
fame, but also caused him to be regarded as anti-establishment – it was not
until after the outbreak of World War II that Keynes was offered a
directorship of a major British Bank, or an acceptable offer to return to
government with a formal job. However, Keynes was still able to influence
government policy making through his network of contacts, his published
works and by serving on government committees; this included attending
high-level policy meetings as a consultant.[37]
In the 1920s
Keynes argued against a return to the gold standard at parity with pre-war
sterling valuation after the Great War.
Keynes had completed his A Treatise on Probability before the war, but
published it in 1921.[37] The work was a notable contribution to the
philosophical and mathematical underpinnings of probability theory,
championing the important view that probabilities were no more or less
than truth values intermediate between simple truth and falsity. Keynes
developed the first upper-lower probabilistic interval approach to
probability in chapters 15 and 17 of this book, as well as having developed
the first decision weight approach with his conventional coefficient of risk
and weight, c, in chapter 26. In addition to his academic work, the 1920s
saw Keynes active as a journalist selling his work internationally and
working in London as a financial consultant. In 1924 Keynes wrote an
obituary for his former tutor Alfred Marshall which Schumpeter called "the
most brilliant life of a man of science I have ever read."[41] Marshall's
widow was "entranced" by the memorial, while Lytton Strachey rated it as
one of Keynes's "best works".[37]

In 1922 Keynes continued to advocate reduction of German reparations

with A Revision of the Treaty.[37] He attacked the post World War I
deflation policies with A Tract on Monetary Reform in 1923[37] – a
trenchant argument that countries should target stability of domestic prices,
avoiding deflation even at the cost of allowing their currency to depreciate.
Britain suffered from high unemployment through most of the 1920s,
leading Keynes to recommend the depreciation of sterling to boost jobs by
making British exports more affordable. From 1924 he was also advocating
a fiscal response, where the government could create jobs by spending on
public works.[37] During the 1920s Keynes's pro stimulus views had only
limited effect on policy makers and mainstream academic opinion –
according to Hyman Minsky one reason was that at this time his theoretical
justification was "muddled".[29] The Tract had also called for an end to the
gold standard. Keynes advised it was no longer a net benefit for countries
such as Britain to participate in the gold standard, as it ran counter to the
need for domestic policy autonomy. It could force countries to pursue
deflationary policies at exactly the time when expansionary measures were
called for to address rising unemployment. The Treasury and Bank of
England were still in favour of the gold standard and in 1925 they were
able to convince the then Chancellor Winston Churchill to re-establish it,
which had a depressing effect on British industry. Keynes responded by
writing The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill and continued to
argue against the gold standard until Britain finally abandoned it in
During the Great Depression
The Great Depression with its periods of worldwide economic hardship
formed the backdrop against which Keynes's revolution took place. The
image is Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother depiction of destitute pea-
pickers in California, taken in March 1936.
Keynes had begun a theoretical work to examine the relationship between
unemployment, Money and prices back in the 1920s.[42] The work,
Treatise on Money, was published in 1930 in two volumes. A central idea
of the work was that if the amount of Money being saved exceeds the
amount being invested – which can happen if interest rates are too high –
then unemployment will rise. This is in part a result of people not wanting
to spend too high a proportion of what employers pay out, making it
difficult, in aggregate, for employers to make a profit. Another key theme
of the book is the unreliability of financial indices for representing an

accurate – or indeed meaningful – indication of general shifts in purchasing

power of currencies over time. In particular he criticised the justification
of Britain's return to the Gold Standard in 1925 at pre-war valuation by
reference to the wholesale price index. He argued that the index
understated the effects of changes in the costs of services and of labour.
Keynes was deeply critical of the British government's austerity measures
during the Great Depression. He believed that budget deficits were a good
thing, a product of recessions. He wrote, "For Government borrowing of
one kind or another is nature's remedy, so to speak, for preventing business
losses from being, in so severe a slump as to present one, so great as to
bring production altogether to a standstill."[43]
At the height of the Great Depression, in 1933, Keynes published The
Means to Prosperity, which contained specific policy recommendations for
tackling unemployment in a global recession, chiefly counter-cyclical
public spending. The Means to Prosperity contains one of the first
mentions of the multiplier effect. While it was addressed chiefly to the
British Government, it also contained advice for other nations affected by
the global recession. A copy was sent to the newly elected President
Roosevelt and other world leaders. The work was taken seriously by both
the American and British governments, and according to Skidelsky, helped
pave the way for the later acceptance of Keynesian ideas, though it had
little immediate practical influence. In the 1933 London Economic
Conference opinions remained too diverse for a unified course of action to
be agreed upon.[44]
Keynesian-like policies were adopted by Sweden and Germany, but
Sweden was seen as too small to command much attention, and Keynes
was deliberately silent about the successful efforts of Germany as he was
dismayed by their imperialist ambitions and their treatment of Jews. [44]
Apart from Great Britain, Keynes's attention was primarily focused on the
United States. In 1931, he received considerable support for his views on
counter-cyclical public spending in Chicago, then America's foremost
centre for economic views alternative to the mainstream.[29][44] However,
orthodox economic opinion remained generally hostile regarding fiscal
intervention to mitigate the depression, until just before the outbreak of
war.[29] In late 1933 Keynes was persuaded by Felix Frankfurter to address
President Roosevelt directly, which he did by letters and face to face in
1934, after which the two men spoke highly of each other.[44] However,
according to Skidelsky, the consensus is that Keynes's efforts only began

to have a more than marginal influence on US economic policy after

Keynes's magnum opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money was published in 1936. It was researched and indexed by one of
Keynes's favourite students, later the economist David Bensusan-Butt.[45]
The work served as a theoretical justification for the interventionist policies
Keynes favoured for tackling a recession. The General Theory challenged
the earlier neoclassical economic paradigm, which had held that provided
it was unfettered by government interference, the market would naturally
establish full employment equilibrium. In doing so Keynes was partly
setting himself against his former teachers Marshall and Pigou. Keynes
believed the classical theory was a "special case" that applied only to the
particular conditions present in the 19th century, his own theory being the
general one. Classical economists had believed in Say's law, which, simply
put, states that "supply creates its own demand", and that in a free market
workers would always be willing to lower their wages to a level where
employers could profitably offer them jobs. An innovation from Keynes
was the concept of price stickiness – the recognition that in reality workers
often refuse to lower their wage demands even in cases where a classical
economist might argue it is rational for them to do so. Due in part to price
stickiness, it was established that the interaction of "aggregate demand"
and "aggregate supply" may lead to stable unemployment equilibria – and
in those cases, it is the state, and not the market, that economies must
depend on for their salvation.
Caricature by David Low, 1934
The General Theory argues that demand, not supply, is the key variable
governing the overall level of economic activity. Aggregate demand,
which equals total un-hoarded income in a society, is defined by the sum
of consumption and investment. In a state of unemployment and unused
production capacity, one can only enhance employment and total income
by first increasing expenditures for either consumption or investment.
Without government intervention to increase expenditure, an economy can
remain trapped in a low employment equilibrium – the demonstration of
this possibility has been described as the revolutionary formal achievement
of the work.[46] The book advocated activist economic policy by
government to stimulate demand in times of high unemployment, for
example by spending on public works. "Let us be up and doing, using our
idle resources to increase our wealth," he wrote in 1928. "With men and

plants unemployed, it is ridiculous to say that we cannot afford these new

developments. It is precisely with these plants and these men that we shall
afford them."[43]
The General Theory is often viewed as the foundation of modern
macroeconomics. Few senior American economists agreed with Keynes
through most of the 1930s.[47] Yet his ideas were soon to achieve
widespread acceptance, with eminent American professors such as Alvin
Hansen agreeing with the General Theory before the outbreak of World
War II.[48][49] [50]
Keynes himself had only limited participation in the theoretical debates
that followed the publication of the General Theory as he suffered a heart
attack in 1937, requiring him to take long periods of rest. Hyman Minsky
and other Post-Keynesian economists have argued that as result of this,
Keynes's ideas were diluted by those keen to compromise with classical
economists or to render his concepts with mathematical models like the
IS/LM model (which, they argue, distort Keynes's ideas).[29][50] Keynes
began to recover in 1939, but for the rest of his life his professional energies
were largely directed towards the practical side of economics – the
problems of ensuring optimum allocation of resources for the War efforts,
post-War negotiations with America, and the new international financial
order that was presented at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
In The General Theory and later, Keynes responded to the socialists and
left-wing liberals who argued, especially during the Depression of the
1930s, that capitalism caused war. He argued that if capitalism were
managed, domestically and internationally (with coordinated international
Keynesian policies, an international monetary system that didn't pit the
interests of countries against each other, and a high degree of freedom of
trade), then this system of managed capitalism could promote peace rather
than conflict between countries. His plans during World War II for post-
war international economic institutions and policies (which contributed to
the creation at Bretton Woods of the International Monetary Fund and the
World Bank, and later to the creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade and eventually the World Trade Organization) were aimed to
give effect to this vision.[51]
Although Keynes has been widely criticised – especially by members of
the Chicago School – for advocating irresponsible government spending
financed by borrowing, in fact he was a firm believer in balanced budgets
and regarded the proposals for programs of public works during the

Depression as an exceptional measure to meet the needs of exceptional

World War II
Keynes (right) and the US representative Harry Dexter White at the
inaugural meeting of the International Monetary Fund's Board of
Governors in Savannah, Georgia, 1946
During World War II, Keynes argued in How to Pay for the War, published
in 1940, that the war effort should be largely financed by higher taxation
and especially by compulsory saving (essentially workers lending Money
to the government), rather than deficit spending, in order to avoid inflation.
Compulsory saving would act to dampen domestic demand, assist in
channelling additional output towards the war efforts, would be fairer than
punitive taxation and would have the advantage of helping to avoid a post
war slump by boosting demand once workers were allowed to withdraw
their savings. In September 1941 he was proposed to fill a vacancy in the
Court of Directors of the Bank of England, and subsequently carried out a
full term from the following April.[53] In June 1942, Keynes was rewarded
for his service with a hereditary peerage in the King's Birthday Honours.[54]
On 7 July his title was gazetted as "BARON KEYNES, of Tilton, in the
County of Sussex" and he took his seat in the House of Lords on the Liberal
Party benches.[55]
As the Allied victory began to look certain, Keynes was heavily involved,
as leader of the British delegation and chairman of the World Bank
commission, in the mid-1944 negotiations that established the Bretton
Woods system. The Keynes-plan, concerning an international clearing-
union argued for a radical system for the management of currencies. He
proposed the creation of a common world unit of currency, the bancor, and
new global institutions – a world central bank and the International
Clearing Union. Keynes envisaged these institutions managing an
international trade and payments system with strong incentives for
countries to avoid substantial trade deficits or surpluses. The USA's greater
negotiating strength, however, meant that the final outcomes accorded
more closely to the more conservative plans of Harry Dexter White.
According to US economist Brad Delong, on almost every point where he
was overruled by the Americans, Keynes was later proved correct by

The two new institutions, later known as the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund (IMF), were founded as a compromise that primarily
reflected the American vision. There would be no incentives for states to
avoid a large trade surplus; instead, the burden for correcting a trade
imbalance would continue to fall only on the deficit countries, which
Keynes had argued were least able to address the problem without
inflicting economic hardship on their populations. Yet, Keynes was still
pleased when accepting the final agreement, saying that if the institutions
stayed true to their founding principles, "the brotherhood of man will have
become more than a phrase."[57][58]
After the war, Keynes continued to represent the United Kingdom in
international negotiations despite his deteriorating health. He succeeded in
obtaining preferential terms from the United States for new and
outstanding debts to facilitate the rebuilding of the British economy.[59]
Just before his death in 1946, Keynes told Henry Clay, a professor of
Social Economics and Advisor to the Bank of England [60] of his hopes that
Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' can help Britain out of the economic hole it
is in: "I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems
on the invisible hand which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty
years ago." [61]
Prime Minister Clement Attlee with King George VI after his 1945 election
Keynesian ascendancy 1939–1979
Main article: Keynesian Revolution
From the end of the Great Depression to the mid-1970s, Keynes provided
the main inspiration for economic policy makers in Europe, America and
much of the rest of the world.[50] While economists and policy makers had
become increasingly won over to Keynes's way of thinking in the mid and
late 1930s, it was only after the outbreak of World War II that governments
started to borrow Money for spending on a scale sufficient to eliminate
unemployment. According to economist John Kenneth Galbraith (then a
US government official charged with controlling inflation), in the rebound
of the economy from wartime spending, "one could not have had a better
demonstration of the Keynesian ideas."[62]

The Keynesian Revolution was associated with the rise of modern

liberalism in the West during the post-war period.[63] Keynesian ideas
became so popular that some scholars point to Keynes as representing the
ideals of modern liberalism, as Adam Smith represented the ideals of
classical liberalism.[64] After the war Winston Churchill attempted to check
the rise of Keynesian policy-making in the United Kingdom, and used
rhetoric critical of the mixed economy in his 1945 election campaign.
Despite his popularity as a war hero Churchill suffered a landslide defeat
to Clement Attlee whose government's economic policy continued to be
influenced by Keynes's ideas.[62]
Neo-Keynesian Economics
Main article: Neo-Keynesian Economics
The Neo-Keynesian IS/LM model is used to analyse the effect of demand
shocks on the economy.
In the late 1930s and 1940s, economists (notably John Hicks, Franco
Modigliani, and Paul Samuelson) attempted to interpret and formalise
Keynes's writings in terms of formal mathematical models. In a process
termed "the neoclassical synthesis", they combined Keynesian analysis
with neoclassical economics to produce Neo-Keynesian Economics,
which came to dominate mainstream macroeconomic thought for the next
40 years.
By the 1950s, Keynesian policies were adopted by almost the entire
developed world and similar measures for a mixed economy were used by
many developing nations. By then, Keynes's views on the economy had
become mainstream in the world's universities. Throughout the 1950s and
1960s, the developed and emerging free capitalist economies enjoyed
exceptionally high growth and low unemployment.[65][66] Professor
Gordon Fletcher has written that the 1950s and 1960s, when Keynes's
influence was at its peak, appear in retrospect as a Golden Age of
In late 1965 Time magazine ran a cover article with a title comment from
Milton Friedman (later echoed by U.S. President Richard Nixon) that "We
are all Keynesians now". The article described the exceptionally
favourable economic conditions then prevailing, and reported that
"Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence
to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not
automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the

intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that
Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived,
and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of
other famous economists, like Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[67]
Economics out of favour 1979–2007
Main article: Post-war displacement of Keynesianism
Keynesian Economics were officially discarded by the British
Government in 1979, but forces had begun to gather against Keynes's ideas
over 30 years earlier. Friedrich Hayek had formed the Mont Pelerin Society
in 1947, with the explicit intention of nurturing intellectual currents to one
day displace Keynesianism and other similar influences. Its members
included Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises along with the then
young Milton Friedman. Initially the society had little impact on the wider
world – Hayek was to say it was as if Keynes had been raised to sainthood
after his death and that people refused to allow his work to be
questioned.[68][69] Friedman however began to emerge as a formidable critic
of Keynesian Economics from the mid-1950s, and especially after his
1963 publication of A Monetary History of the United States.
On the practical side of economic life, big government had appeared to be
firmly entrenched in the 1950s but the balance began to shift towards
private power in the 1960s. Keynes had written against the folly of
allowing "decadent and selfish" speculators and financiers the kind of
influence they had enjoyed after World War I. For two decades after World
War II public opinion was strongly against private speculators, the
disparaging label Gnomes of Zürich being typical of how they were
described during this period. International speculation was severely
restricted by the capital controls in place after Bretton Woods. Journalists
Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson say 1968 was a pivotal year when power
shifted in the favour of private agents such as currency speculators. They
pick out a key 1968 event as being when America suspended the
conversion of the dollar into gold except on request of foreign
governments, which they identify as when the Bretton Woods system first
began to break down. [70]
Criticisms of Keynes's ideas had begun to gain significant acceptance by
the early 1970s as they were able to make a credible case that Keynesian
models no longer reflected economic reality. Keynes himself had included
few formulas and no explicit mathematical models in his General Theory.

For commentators such as economist Hyman Minsky, Keynes's limited use

of mathematics was partly the result of his scepticism about whether
phenomena as inherently uncertain as economic activity could ever be
adequately captured by mathematical models. Nevertheless, many models
were developed by Keynesian economists, with a famous example being
the Phillips curve which predicted an inverse relationship between
unemployment and inflation. It implied that unemployment could be
reduced by government stimulus with a calculable cost to inflation. In 1968
Milton Friedman published a paper arguing that the fixed relationship
implied by the Philips curve did not exist.[71] Friedman suggested that
sustained Keynesian policies could lead to both unemployment and
inflation rising at once – a phenomenon that soon became known as
stagflation. In the early 1970s stagflation appeared in both the US and
Britain just as Friedman had predicted, with economic conditions
deteriorating further after the 1973 oil crisis. Aided by the prestige gained
from his successful forecast, Friedman led increasingly successful
criticisms against the Keynesian consensus, convincing not only
academics and politicians but also much of the general public with his radio
and television broadcasts. The academic credibility of Keynesian
Economics was further undermined by additional criticism from other
Monetarists trained in the Chicago school of economics, by the Lucas
critique and by criticisms from Hayek's Austrian School.[50] So successful
were these criticisms that by 1980 Robert Lucas was saying economists
would often take offence if described as Keynesians.[72] Keynesian
principles fared increasingly poorly on the practical side of economics –
by 1979 they had been displaced by Monetarism as the primary influence
on Anglo-American economic policy.[50] However many officials on both
sides of the Atlantic retained a preference for Keynes, and in 1984 the
Federal Reserve officially discarded monetarism, after which Keynesian
principles made a partial comeback as an influence on policy making.[73]
Not all academics accepted the criticism against Keynes – Minsky has
argued that Keynesian Economics had been debased by excessive mixing
with neoclassical ideas from the 1950s, and that it was unfortunate the
branch of economics had even continued to be called "Keynesian".[29]
Writing in The American Prospect, Robert Kuttner argued it was not so
much excessive Keynesian activism that caused the economic problems of
the 1970s but the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of capital
controls, which allowed capital flight from regulated economies into
unregulated economies in a fashion similar to Gresham's Law (where weak
currencies undermine strong currencies).[74] Historian Peter Pugh has stated

a key cause of the economic problems afflicting America in the 1970s was
the refusal to raise taxes to finance the Vietnam War, which was against
Keynesian advice.[75]
A more typical response was to accept some elements of the criticisms
while refining Keynesian economic theories to defend them against
arguments that would invalidate the whole Keynesian framework – the
resulting body of work largely composing New Keynesian Economics. In
1992 Alan Blinder was writing about a "Keynesian Restoration" as work
based on Keynes's ideas had to some extent become fashionable once again
in academia, though in the mainstream it was highly synthesised with
Monetarism and other neoclassical thinking. In the world of policy making,
free-market influences broadly sympathetic to Monetarism remained very
strong at government level – in powerful normative institutions like the
World Bank, IMF and US Treasury, and in prominent opinion-forming
media such as the Financial Times and The Economist.[76]
Keynesian resurgence of 2008–2009
Main article: 2008–09 Keynesian resurgence
Economist Manmohan Singh, the then Prime Minister of India, spoke
strongly in favour of Keynesian fiscal stimulus at the 2008 G-20
Washington summit.[77]
The global financial crisis of 2007–08 led to public skepticism about the
free market consensus even from some on the economic right. In March
2008, Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times,
announced the death of the dream of global free-market capitalism.[78] In
the same month macroeconomist James K. Galbraith used the 25th Annual
Milton Friedman Distinguished Lecture to launch a sweeping attack
against the consensus for monetarist economics and argued that Keynesian
Economics were far more relevant for tackling the emerging crises.[79]
Economist Robert Shiller had begun advocating robust government
intervention to tackle the financial crises, specifically citing
Keynes.[80][81][82] Nobel laureate Paul Krugman also actively argued the
case for vigorous Keynesian intervention in the economy in his columns
for the New York Times.[83][84][85] Other prominent economic commentators
arguing for Keynesian government intervention to mitigate the financial
crisis include George Akerlof,[86] Brad Delong,[87] Robert Reich,[88] and
Joseph Stiglitz.[89] Newspapers and other media have also cited work

relating to Keynes by Hyman Minsky,[29] Robert Skidelsky,[12] Donald

Markwell[90] and Axel Leijonhufvud.[91]
A series of major bail-outs were pursued during the financial crisis, starting
on 7 September with the announcement that the U.S. government was to
nationalise the two government-sponsored enterprises which oversaw most
of the U.S. subprime mortgage market – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In
October, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer referred to Keynes as he
announced plans for substantial fiscal stimulus to head off the worst effects
of recession, in accordance with Keynesian economic thought.[92][93]
Similar policies have been adopted by other governments worldwide.[94][95]
This is in stark contrast to the action permitted to Indonesia during its
financial crisis of 1997, when it was forced by the IMF to close 16 banks
at the same time, prompting a bank run.[96] Much of the recent discussion
reflected Keynes's advocacy of international coordination of fiscal or
monetary stimulus, and of international economic institutions such as the
IMF and the World Bank, which many had argued should be reformed as
a "new Bretton Woods" even before the crises broke out.[97] IMF and
United Nations economists advocated a coordinated international approach
to fiscal stimulus.[98] Donald Markwel argued that in the absence of such
an international approach, there would be a risk of worsening international
relations and possibly even world war arising from similar economic
factors to those present during the depression of the 1930s.[90]
By the end of December 2008, the Financial Times reported that "the
sudden resurgence of Keynesian policy is a stunning reversal of the
orthodoxy of the past several decades."[99] In December 2008, Paul
Krugman released his book, The Return of Depression Economics and the
Crisis of 2008, arguing that economic conditions similar to what existed
during the earlier part of the 20th century had returned, making Keynesian
policy prescriptions more relevant than ever. In February 2009 Shiller and
George Akerlof published Animal Spirits, a book where they argue the
current US stimulus package is too small as it does not take into account
Keynes's insight on the importance of confidence and expectations in
determining the future behaviour of businessmen and other economic
In a March 2009 speech entitled Reform the International Monetary
System, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China came
out in favour of Keynes's idea of a centrally managed global reserve
currency. Zhou argued that it was unfortunate that part of the reason for the

Bretton Woods system breaking down was the failure to adopt Keynes's
bancor. Zhou proposed a gradual move towards increased use of IMF
special drawing rights (SDRs). Although Zhou's ideas have not yet been
broadly accepted, leaders meeting in April at the 2009 G-20 London
summit agreed to allow $250 billion of special drawing rights to be created
by the IMF, to be distributed globally. Stimulus plans have been credited
for contributing to a better than expected economic outlook by both the
OECD[102] and the IMF,[103][104] in reports published in June and July 2009.
Both organisations warned global leaders that recovery is likely to be slow,
so counter recessionary measures ought not be rolled back too early.
While the need for stimulus measures has been broadly accepted among
policy makers, there has been much debate over how to fund the spending.
Some leaders and institutions such as Angela Merkel[105] and the European
Central Bank[106] have expressed concern over the potential impact on
inflation, national debt and the risk that a too large stimulus will create an
unsustainable recovery.
Among professional economists the revival of Keynesian Economics has
been even more divisive. Although many economists, such as George
Akerlof, Paul Krugman, Robert Shiller, and Joseph Stiglitz, support
Keynesian stimulus, others do not believe higher government spending
will help the United States economy recover from the Great Recession.
Some economists, such as Robert Lucas, questioned the theoretical basis
for stimulus packages.[107] Others, like Robert Barro and Gary Becker, say
that the empirical evidence for beneficial effects from Keynesian stimulus
does not exist.[108] However, there is a growing academic literature that
shows that fiscal expansion helps an economy grow in the near term, and
that certain types of fiscal stimulus are particularly effective.[109][110]
Keynes's economic thinking only began to achieve close to universal
acceptance in the last few years of his life. On a personal level, Keynes's
charm was such that he was generally well received wherever he went –
even those who found themselves on the wrong side of his occasionally
sharp tongue rarely bore a grudge.[111] Keynes's speech at the closing of the
Bretton Woods negotiations was received with a lasting standing ovation,
rare in international relations, as delegates acknowledged the scale of his
achievements made despite poor health.[28]

Austrian School economist Friedrich Hayek was Keynes's most prominent

contemporary critic, with sharply opposing views on the economy. [46] Yet
after Keynes's death he wrote:[112]
He was the one really great man I ever knew, and for whom I had
unbounded admiration. The world will be a very much poorer place
without him.
Lionel Robbins, former head of the economics department at the London
School of Economics, who had many heated debates with Keynes in the
1930s, had this to say after observing Keynes in early negotiations with
the Americans while drawing up plans for Bretton Woods:[46]
This went very well indeed. Keynes was in his most lucid and persuasive
mood: and the effect was irresistible. At such moments, I often find myself
thinking that Keynes must be one of the most remarkable men that have
ever lived – the quick logic, the birdlike swoop of intuition, the vivid fancy,
the wide vision, above all the incomparable sense of the fitness of words,
all combine to make something several degrees beyond the limit of
ordinary human achievement.
Douglas LePan,[46] an official from the Canadian High Commission, wrote:
I am spellbound. This is the most beautiful creature I have ever listened to.
Does he belong to our species? Or is he from some other order? There is
something mythic and fabulous about him. I sense in him something
massive and sphinx like, and yet also a hint of wings.
Bertrand Russell[113] named Keynes one of the most intelligent people he
had ever known, commenting:[114]
Keynes's intellect was the sharpest and clearest that I have ever known.
When I argued with him, I felt that I took my life in my hands, and I seldom
emerged without feeling something of a fool.
Keynes's obituary in The Times included the comment:[48]
There is the man himself – radiant, brilliant, effervescent, gay, full of
impish jokes ... He was a humane man genuinely devoted to the cause of
the common good.
As a man of the centre described by some as having the greatest impact of
any 20th-century economist,[42] Keynes attracted considerable criticism
from both sides of the political spectrum. In the 1920s, Keynes was seen

as anti-establishment and was mainly attacked from the right. In the "red
1930s", many young economists favoured Marxist views, even in
Cambridge,[29] and while Keynes was engaging principally with the right
to try to persuade them of the merits of more progressive policy, the most
vociferous criticism against him came from the left, who saw him as a
supporter of capitalism. From the 1950s and onwards, most of the attacks
against Keynes have again been from the right.
Friedrich Hayek, one of Keynes's most prominent critics
In 1931 Friedrich Hayek extensively critiqued Keynes's 1930 Treatise on
Money.[115] After reading Hayek's The Road to Serfdom, Keynes[116] wrote
to Hayek saying: "Morally and philosophically I find myself in agreement
with virtually the whole of it" but concluded the same letter with the
What we need therefore, in my opinion, is not a change in our economic
programmes, which would only lead in practice to disillusion with the
results of your philosophy; but perhaps even the contrary, namely, an
enlargement of them. Your greatest danger is the probable practical failure
of the application of your philosophy in the United States.
On the pressing issue of the time, whether deficit spending could lift a
country from depression, Keynes[117] replied to Hayek's criticism in the
following way:
I should... conclude rather differently. I should say that what we want is
not no planning, or even less planning, indeed I should say we almost
certainly want more. But the planning should take place in a community in
which as many people as possible, both leaders and followers wholly share
your own moral position. Moderate planning will be safe enough if those
carrying it out are rightly oriented in their own minds and hearts to the
moral issue.
Hayek explained the letter by saying:[118]
Because Keynes believed that he was fundamentally still a classical
English liberal and wasn't quite aware of how far he had moved away from
it. His basic ideas were still those of individual freedom. He did not think
systematically enough to see the conflicts.
According to some observers, Hayek felt that the post-World War II
"Keynesian orthodoxy" gave too much power to the state and led toward

While Milton Friedman described The General Theory as "a great book",
he argues that its implicit separation of nominal from real magnitudes is
neither possible nor desirable. Macroeconomic policy, Friedman argues,
can reliably influence only the nominal.[120] He and other monetarists have
consequently argued that Keynesian Economics can result in stagflation,
the combination of low growth and high inflation that developed
economies suffered in the early 1970s. More to Friedman's taste was the
Tract on Monetary Reform (1923), which he regarded as Keynes's best
work because of its focus on maintaining domestic price stability.[120]
Joseph Schumpeter was an economist of the same age as Keynes and one
of his main rivals. He was among the first reviewers to argue that Keynes's
General Theory was not a General Theory, but was in fact a special
case.[121] He said the work expressed "the attitude of a decaying
civilisation". After Keynes's death Schumpeter wrote a brief biographical
piece called Keynes the Economist – on a personal level he was very
positive about Keynes as a man, praising his pleasant nature, courtesy and
kindness. He assessed some of Keynes biographical and editorial work as
among the best he'd ever seen. Yet Schumpeter remained critical about
Keynes's economics, linking Keynes's childlessness to what Schumpeter
saw as an essentially short term view. He considered Keynes to have a kind
of unconscious patriotism that caused him to fail to understand the
problems of other nations. For Schumpeter[122] "Practical Keynesianism is
a seedling which cannot be transplanted into foreign soil: it dies there and
becomes poisonous as it dies."
President Harry Truman was sceptical of Keynesian theorizing, "Nobody
can ever convince me that Government can spend a dollar that it's not got,"
he told Leon Keyserling, a Keynesian economist who chaired Truman's
Council of Economic Advisers.[43]
Views on race
Keynes sometimes explained the mass murder during the first years of the
communist era in Russia on a racial basis as part of the “Russian and Jewish
nature” rather than as a feature of the communism itself which was more
common approach. Writing in his "Short View of Russia" published after
a trip in Russia that there is "beastliness on the Russian and Jewish natures
when, as now, they are allied together". He also accused Russian nation for
"cruelty and stupidity" saying that "Out of the cruelty and stupidity of the
Old Russia nothing could ever emerge, but (...) beneath the cruelty and
stupidity of the New Russia a speck of the ideal may lie hid" which together

with other comments may be construed as anti-Russian and antisemitic.[123]

Some critics, such as Murray Rothbard, have sought to infer that Keynes
had sympathy with Nazism, and a number of writers have described him
as antisemitic. Keynes's private letters express portraits and descriptions,
some of which can be characterized as antisemitic, others as
philosemitic.[124][125] Scholars have suggested that these reflect clichés
current at the time that he accepted uncritically, rather than any racism.[126]
Keynes several times used his influence to help his Jewish friends, most
notably when he successfully lobbied for Ludwig Wittgenstein to be
allowed residency in the United Kingdom explicitly in order to rescue him
from being deported to Nazi-occupied Austria. Keynes was a supporter of
Zionism, serving on committees supporting the cause.[126]
Allegations that he was racist or had totalitarian beliefs have been rejected
by biographers such as Robert Skidelsky.[28] Professor Gordon Fletcher
writes that "the suggestion of a link between Keynes and any support of
totalitarianism cannot be sustained".[50] Once the aggressive tendencies of
the Nazis towards Jews and other minorities became apparent, Keynes
made clear his loathing of Nazism. As a lifelong pacifist he had initially
favoured peaceful containment, yet he began to advocate a forceful
resolution while many conservatives were still arguing for appeasement.
After the war started he roundly criticised the Left for losing their nerve to
confront Hitler:
The intelligentsia of the Left were the loudest in demanding that the Nazi
aggression should be resisted at all costs. When it comes to a showdown,
scarce four weeks have passed before they remember that they are pacifists
and write defeatist letters to your columns, leaving the defence of freedom
and civilisation to Colonel Blimp and the Old School Tie, for whom Three
Keynes has been characterised as being indifferent or even positive about
mild inflation.[127] Keynes had indeed expressed a preference for inflation
over deflation, saying that if one has to choose between the two evils it is
"better to disappoint the rentier" than to inflict pain on working-class
families.[128] However, Keynes was also aware of the dangers of
inflation.[50] In The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Keynes had

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist
System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of
the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of
overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The
process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of
destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able
to diagnose.[127]
Personal life
Painter Duncan Grant (left) with Keynes
Keynes's early romantic and sexual relationships were exclusively with
men.[129] Keynes had been in relationships while at Eton and Cambridge;
significant among these early partners were Dilly Knox and Daniel
Macmillan.[24][130] Keynes was open about his affairs, and between 1901 to
1915, kept separate diaries in which he tabulated his many sexual
encounters.[131][132] Keynes's relationship and later close friendship with
Macmillan was to be fortunate, as Macmillan's company first published his
tract, Economic Consequences of the Peace.[133]
Attitudes in the Bloomsbury Group, in which Keynes was avidly involved,
were relaxed about homosexuality. Keynes, together with writer Lytton
Strachey, had reshaped the Victorian attitudes of the Cambridge Apostles:
"since [their] time, homosexual relations among the members were for a
time common", wrote Bertrand Russell.[134] The artist Duncan Grant,
whom he met in 1908, was one of Keynes's great loves. Keynes was also
involved with Lytton Strachey,[129] though they were for the most part love
rivals, and not lovers. Keynes had won the affections of Arthur
Hobhouse,[135] and as with Grant, fell out with a jealous Strachey for it.[136]
Strachey had previously found himself put off by Keynes, not least because
of his manner of "treat[ing] his love affairs statistically".[137]
Political opponents have used Keynes's sexuality to attack his academic
work.[138] One line of attack held that he was uninterested in the long term
ramifications of his theories because he had no children.[138]
Keynes's friends in the Bloomsbury Group were initially surprised when,
in his later years, he began dating and pursuing affairs with women,[139]
demonstrating himself to be bisexual.[140] Ray Costelloe (who would later
marry Oliver Strachey) was an early heterosexual interest of Keynes.[141]

In 1906, Keynes had written of this infatuation that, "I seem to have fallen
in love with Ray a little bit, but as she isn't male I haven't [been] able to
think of any suitable steps to take."[142]
Lopokova and Keynes in the 1920s
In 1921, Keynes wrote that he had fallen "very much in love" with Lydia
Lopokova, a well-known Russian ballerina, and one of the stars of Sergei
Diaghilev's Ballets Russes.[143] In the early years of his courtship, he
maintained an affair with a younger man, Sebastian Sprott, in tandem with
Lopokova, but eventually chose Lopokova exclusively.[144][145] They
married in 1925, with Keynes's former lover Duncan Grant as best
man.[113][129] "What a marriage of beauty and brains, the fair Lopokova and
John Maynard Keynes" was said at the time. Keynes later commented to
Strachey that beauty and intelligence were rarely found in the same person,
and that only in Duncan Grant had he found the combination.[146] The union
was happy, with biographer Peter Clarke writing that the marriage gave
Keynes "a new focus, a new emotional stability and a sheer delight of
which he never wearied".[32][147] Lydia became pregnant in 1927 but
miscarried.[32] Among Keynes's Bloomsbury friends, Lopokova was, at
least initially, subjected to criticism for her manners, mode of conversation
and supposedly humble social origins – the last of the ostensible causes
being particularly noted in the letters of Vanessa and Clive Bell, and
Virginia Woolf.[148][149] In her novel Mrs Dalloway (1925), Woolf bases the
character of Rezia Warren Smith on Lopokova.[150] E. M. Forster would
later write in contrition: "How we all used to underestimate her".[148]

46 Gordon Square, where Keynes would often stay while in London.

Following his marriage, Keynes took out an extended lease on Tilton
House, a farm in the countryside near Brighton, which became the couple's
main home when not in the capital.[151]
Blue plaque, 46 Gordon Square
Support for the arts
Keynes thought that the pursuit of Money for its own sake was a
pathological condition, and that the proper aim of work is to provide
leisure. He wanted shorter working hours and longer holidays for all.[52]

Keynes was interested in literature in general and drama in particular and

supported the Cambridge Arts Theatre financially, which allowed the
institution, at least for a while, to become a major British stage outside
Keynes's personal interest in classical opera and dance led him to support
the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden and the Ballet Company at
Sadler's Wells. During the War as a member of CEMA (Council for the
Encouragement of Music and the Arts) Keynes helped secure government
funds to maintain both companies while their venues were shut. Following
the War Keynes was instrumental in establishing the Arts Council of Great
Britain and was the founding Chairman in 1946. Unsurprisingly, from the
start the two organisations that received the largest grant from the new
body were the Royal Opera House and Sadler's Wells.
Like several other notable British authors of his time, Keynes was a
member of the Bloomsbury Group. Virginia Woolf's biographer tells an
anecdote on how Virginia Woolf, Keynes and T. S. Eliot would discuss
religion at a dinner party, in the context of their struggle against Victorian
era morality.[152] Keynes may have been confirmed,[153] but by university
he was clearly an agnostic, which he remained until his death.[154]
According to one biographer, "he was never able to take religion seriously,
regarding it as a strange aberration of the human mind."[153]
Keynes was ultimately a successful investor, building up a private fortune.
His assets were nearly wiped out following the Wall Street Crash of 1929,
which he did not foresee, but he soon recouped. At Keynes's death, in
1946, his net worth stood just short of £500,000 – equivalent to about £11
million ($16.5 million) in 2009. The sum had been amassed despite lavish
support for various good causes and his personal ethic which made him
reluctant to sell on a falling market in cases where he saw such behaviour
as likely to deepen a slump.[155]
Keynes built up a substantial collection of fine art, including works, not all
of them minor, by Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas, Amedeo Modigliani,
Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, and Georges Seurat (some of which can
now be seen at the Fitzwilliam Museum).[113] He enjoyed collecting books:
for example, he collected and protected many of Isaac Newton's papers. It
is in part on the basis of these papers that Keynes wrote of Newton as "the
last of the magicians."[156]

Keynes also successfully managed the endowment of King's College,

Cambridge, with the active component of his portfolio outperforming a
British equity index by an average of 8% a year over a quarter century,
earning him favourable mention by later investors such as Warren Buffett
and George Soros.[157]
Political causes
Keynes was a lifelong member of the Liberal Party, which until the 1920s
had been one of the two main political parties in the United Kingdom, and
as late as 1916 had often been the dominant power in government. Keynes
had helped campaign for the Liberals at elections from as early as 1906,
yet he always refused to run for office himself, despite being asked to do
so on three separate occasions in 1920. From 1926 when Lloyd George
became leader of the Liberals, Keynes took a major role in defining the
party's economics policy, but by then the Liberals had been displaced into
third party status by the Labour party.[12]
In 1939 Keynes had the option to enter Parliament as an independent MP
with the University of Cambridge seat. A by-election for the seat was to be
held due to the illness of an elderly Tory, and the master of Magdalene
College had obtained agreement that none of the major parties would field
a candidate if Keynes chose to stand. Keynes declined the invitation as he
felt he would wield greater influence on events if he remained a free
Keynes was a proponent of eugenics. He served as Director of the British
Eugenics Society from 1937 to 1944. As late as 1946, shortly before his
death, Keynes declared eugenics to be "the most important, significant and,
I would add, genuine branch of sociology which exists."[158]
Keynes once remarked that "the youth had no religion save Communism
and this was worse than nothing."[152] Marxism "was founded upon nothing
better than a misunderstanding of Ricardo", and, given time, he, Keynes,
"would deal thoroughly with the Marxists" and other economists to solve
the economic problems their theories "threaten[ed] to cause".[152]
In 1931 Keynes went on to write the following on Marxism:[159]
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible, above
and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only to be
scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to the modern
world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to the fish,
exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia,

who with all their faults, are the quality of life and surely carry the seeds
of all human achievement? Even if we need a religion, how can we find it
in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop? It is hard for an educated, decent,
intelligent son of Western Europe to find his ideals here, unless he has first
suffered some strange and horrid process of conversion which has changed
all his values.
Keynes was also a firm supporter of women's rights and in 1932 became
vice-Chairman of the Marie Stopes Society which provided birth control
education. He also campaigned against job discrimination against women
and unequal pay. He was an outspoken campaigner for reform of the law
on homosexuality.[52]
Throughout his life, Keynes worked energetically for the benefit both of
the public and his friends; even when his health was poor, he laboured to
sort out the finances of his old college,[160] and at Bretton Woods he worked
to institute an international monetary system that would be beneficial for
the world economy. Keynes suffered a series of heart attacks, which
ultimately proved fatal, beginning during negotiations for an Anglo-
American loan in Savannah, Georgia, where he was trying to secure
favourable terms for the United Kingdom from the United States, a process
he described as "absolute hell".[42][161] A few weeks after returning from the
United States, Keynes died of a heart attack at Tilton, his farmhouse home
near Firle, East Sussex, England, on 21 April 1946 at the age of 62.[12][162]
Both of Keynes's parents outlived him: his father John Neville Keynes
(1852–1949) by three years, and his mother Florence Ada Keynes (1861–
1958) by twelve. Keynes's brother Sir Geoffrey Keynes (1887–1982) was
a distinguished surgeon, scholar, and bibliophile. His nephews include
Richard Keynes (1919–2010) (a physiologist) and Quentin Keynes (1921–
2003) (an adventurer and bibliophile). His widow, Lydia Lopokova, died
in 1981. Keynes had no children.
1913 Indian Currency and Finance
1914 Ludwig von Mises's Theorie des Geldes (EJ)
1915 The Economics of War in Germany (EJ)
1919 The Economic Consequences of the Peace

1921 A Treatise on Probability

1922 The Inflation of Currency as a Method of Taxation (MGCRE)
1922 Revision of the Treaty
1923 A Tract on Monetary Reform
1925 Am I a Liberal? (N&A)
1926 The End of Laissez-Faire
1926 Laissez-Faire and Communism
1930 A Treatise on Money
1930 Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren
1931 The End of the Gold Standard (Sunday Express)
1931 Essays in Persuasion
1931 The Great Slump of 1930
1933 The Means to Prosperity
1933 An Open Letter to President Roosevelt (New York Times)
1933 Essays in Biography
1936 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
1940 How to Pay for the War: A radical plan for the Chancellor of the
1949 Two Memoirs. Ed. by David Garnett (On Carl Melchior and G. E.
See also
Animal spirits (Keynes)
Effective demand
Embedded liberalism
Global financial system
Nicholas Johannsen
Post-war consensus
Stockholm school (economics)

Keynes family
Notes and citations

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Beaudreau, Bernard C.. The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes: How
the Second Industrial Revolution Passed Great Britain By. iUniverse,
Clark, Barry. Political Economy: A Comparative Approach. Westport:
Greenwood Publishing Group, 1998,
Clarke, Peter. Keynes: The Twentieth Century's Most Influential
Economist. Bloomsbury, 2009,
Clarke, Peter. Keynes: The Rise, Fall and Return of the 20th Century's
Most Influential Economist, Bloomsbury Press, 2009
Davidson, Paul. John Maynard Keynes (Great Thinkers in Economics).
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, ISBN 1-4039-9623-7
Harrod, R. F.. The Life of John Maynard Keynes. Macmillan, 1951, ISBN
Markwell, Donald. John Maynard Keynes and International Relations:
Economic Paths to War and Peace. Oxford University Press, 2006, ISBN
0-19-829236-8, ISBN 978-0-19-829236-4
Keynes, Milo (editor). Essays on John Maynard Keynes. Cambridge
University Press, 1975, ISBN 0-521-20534-4
Moggridge, Donald Edward. Keynes. Macmillan, 1980, ISBN 0-333-
Patinkin, Don. "Keynes, John Maynard", The New Palgrave: A Dictionary
of Economics. v. 2, 1987, pp. 19–41. Macmillan
Skidelsky, Robert. John Maynard Keynes: Hopes Betrayed 1883–1920.
Papermac, 1992,

Skidelsky, Robert. John Maynard Keynes: The Economist as Saviour

1920–1937. Papermac, 1994,
Skidelsky, Robert. John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for Britain 1937–
1946 (published in the United States as Fighting for Freedom). Papermac,
2001, ISBN 0-333-77971-1 (US Edition:
Skidelsky, Robert. Keynes: The Return of the Master. PublicAffairs, 2009,
Wapshott, Nicholas. Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern
Economics. 2011
Wolfe, Alan. The Future of Liberalism. New York: Random House, Inc.,
2009, I
Yergin, Daniel with Stanislaw, Joseph. The Commanding Heights: The
Battle for the World Economy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998,
Further reading
Bateman, Bradley (2010). The return to Keynes. Harvard University
Blaug, Mark (September 1994), "Recent Biographies of Keynes", Journal
of Economic Literature (University of Exeter: American Economic
Association) 32 (3): 1204–1215
Dillard, Dudley (1948). The Economics of John Maynard Keynes: The
Theory of Monetary Economy. Prentice-Hall, Inc. p. 384. ISBN 978-1-
Keynes, John Maynard (1998). The Collected Writings of John Maynard
Keynes (30 Volume Hardback ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. ISBN 978-0-521-30766-6.
Markwell, Donald. Keynes and Australia. Reserve Bank of Australia,
Pecchi, Lorenzo and Gustavo Piga (2010). Revisiting Keynes. MIT Press..
Skidelsky, Robert (2010). Keynes: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Syll, Lars Pålsson (2007). John Maynard Keynes. SNS Förlag. p. 95.
Temin, Peter & David Vines. Keynes: Useful Economics for the World
Economy. MIT Press, 2014.

John Maynard Keynes

A guide to the historic buildings of Milton Keynes Paul Woodfield, Milton

Keynes Development Corporation 1986
A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and Beyond Michel
De Vroey 2016 not use this expression): but its origin had to be sought in
other parts of the economy than the labor market.4 Yet, Keynes's decision
to adopt an interdependency perspective should not be interpreted as an
adhesion to the Walrasian general ...
A History of Milton Keynes and District: From 1800 to ...Sydney Frank
Markham 1975
A Paraphrase Version of Keynes' General Theory Scott Gordon 1982
A Reply to the Keynes Plan ("bancor") and the Morganthau ...George
Henry Stock 1943
A Revision of the Treaty John Maynard Keynes 2003 "Presenting an
impressive amount of statistical data, Keynes exposes the beoated
demands of France for reparations, stating that it would be impossible to
collect from Germany.
A Social History of Milton Keynes: Middle England/edge City Mark
Clapson 2004 This book discusses the popular and intellectual prejudices
that have distorted understandings of the new city.
A Study on World Currency Stabilization Plans of Lord ...Kuang-po Hu
A Tract on Monetary Reform John Maynard Keynes 2009 This book, is
devoted to the need for stable currency as the essential foundation of a
healthy world economy.
A treatise on Money Τόμος 1 John Maynard Keynes 1976
A Treatise on Probability John Maynard Keynes 2013 This is his
attempt to overcome Humean skepticism by asserting that theoretically
grounded hypotheses need only exhibit finite probability to form the basis
of science and rational action.
AA Street by Street Milton Keynes: Buckingham, Leighton ...Automobile
Association (Great Britain) 2001 This series of practical street atlases aims

to provide clear, legible mapping with the latest digital data from the
Ordnance Survey.
Activities 1944-1946: The Transition to Peace John Maynard Keynes,
Donald Edward Moggridge 1979 This edition contains all Keynes's
published writings, including less accessible articles and letters to the
press, as well as previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda
and minutes, drafts and economic correspondence.
Anticipations of the General Theory?: And Other Essays on ...Don
Patinkin 1984 This book examines the much-debated question of whether
John Maynard Keynes' greatest work—The General Theory of
Employment Interest and Money—was an instance of Mertonian
simultaneous scientific discovery.
Baron Eric Roll Roll of Ipsden 1968
Biography of an Idea: John Maynard Keynes and the General ...David
Felix 1995 Biography of an Idea devotes four chapters to an analysis of
The General Theory and an examination of the economic logic of Keynes.
The author disentangles the work's fundamentally simple theses from its
difficult technical pre-sentation.
Bloomsbury Group: John Maynard Keynes, Virginia Woolf, E. ...Source:
Wikipedia, Books, LLC 2011 Please note that the content of this book
primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources
Breve tratado sobre la reforma monetaria John Maynard Keynes 1992
Conjunto de estudios clásicos que Keynes sustenta en ejemplos del proceso
productivo de Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y otros países de Europa.
Business cycle theory before Keynes Claude Diebolt 2009
Can Lloyd George Do It?: An Examination of the Liberal Pledge John
Maynard Keynes, Sir Hubert Douglas Henderson 1929
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the ... Σελίδα 217
Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma, Malcolm Sawyer 2005 20. KEYNES. AND.
From. the. Treatise. To. The. General. Theory. Michael S.Lawlor To me,
Geoff Harcourt represents strength, humour and decency in a combination
that ...

Capital, Accumulation, and Money: An Integration of ... Σελίδα 31 Lester

D. Taylor 2010 Keynes objected to this, for he saw the equality of saving
and investment being determined by the Principle of Effective Demand.
Hence, the rate of interest had to be determined in some other way. This
other way for Keynes was by Liquidity ...
Capitalist Revolutionary: John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 113 Roger E.
Backhouse, Bradley W Bateman 2011 5. KEYNES'S. AMBIGUOUS.
REVOLUTION. Keynes and His Legacy Keynes was never a humble man.
To the contrary, he had great confidence in his ability and deliberately
thrust himself into the center of debates about economic policy; ...
FFLUENCE AND ITS DISC O N TENTS The Paradox of Keynes ohn
Maynard Keynes (1883–1945) is often regarded as the intellectual
godfather of postwar welfare capitalism, and ...
Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary Charles Darwin, R. D. Keynes 2001 A
fascinating record of one of the most famous journeys ever made,
providing an accurate historical document as well as an evocative
travelogue that conveys Charles Darwin's personal account of the voyage
with freshness and immediacy ...
Civil Parishes in Milton Keynes Borough: Central Milton ...Source
Wikipedia, Books Llc 2010 Please note that the content of this book
primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources
Classical Macroeconomics: Some Modern Variations and ... Σελίδα 1
James C.W. Ahiakpor 2004 At least three reasons warrant a book focused
on restating classical macroeconomics against its distortions in modern
macroeconomics mainly through the work of John Maynard Keynes and
the distorting influence of Eugen BohmBawerk in ...
Commentaires de la Théorie générale de Keynes à sa parution Ramón
Tortajada (éd.) 2009 Ramón Tortajada (éd.) Quelques notes sur la théorie
de l'épargne et de l'investissement de Stockholm II1 BertilOhlin(1937)
University of California « Some Notes on the Stockholm Theory of
Savings and Investments II, » The Economic ...
Competing Economic Theories: Essays in Honour of Giovanni ...Sergio
Nisticò, Domenico Tosato 2002 As our current understanding of the
working of the economy is far better than Keynes's, 'if New Keynesian

Economics is not a true representation of Keynes's view, then so much the

worse for Keynes' (Mankiw 1992: 561). While this much...
Consumer economics after Keynes: theory and evidence of ...George
Hadjimatheou 1987
Contra Keynes and Cambridge: Essays, Correspondence Σελίδα 127 F.A.
Hayek, Bruce Caldwell 2013 Essays, Correspondence F.A. Hayek, Bruce
Caldwell. due to new additions to or subtractions from existing capital.9 It
is such changes in the value of existing intermediate products (or
“investment”, or capital, or whatever one likes to call it) ...
Copy of the Register of Persons entitled to vote at any ... Σελίδα 1. 1852 1
| Blackford, George | Ashton Keynes ... house and land ...] Kent End 2 |
Boulton, Robert ... Ashton Keynes ..] house and land ... Horse and Jockey
3 | Boulton, Obadiah ... Ashton Keynes house and land . Kent End 4 |
Boulton, Henry ... Ashton ...
Creation: The True Story of Charles Darwin Randal Keynes 2009 History.
Distribution and Growth after Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide Eckhard
Hein 2014 Based on some stylized facts on the trends of income
distribution and economic development in mature capitalist economies, in
this book we have reviewed theories of distribution and growth after
Keynes, with a focus on Post-Keynesian ...
Economic Thought Since Keynes: A History and Dictionary of ...Michel
Beaud, Gilles Dostaler 2005 From ethics to politics John Maynard
Keynes was born in Cambridge on 5 June 1883.1 His father, John Neville,
was an academic there and taught logic and political economy. He was also
the author of one of the first books devoted to the ...
Economists in Cambridge: A Study through their ...Maria Cristina
Marcuzzo, Annalisa Rosselli 2013 The first type is with Keynes, involving
those economists — both close to and removed from his theoretical
framework -with whom Keynes kept up intensive exchange. The reason for
this grouping is the 'centrality' of Keynes within the ...
Ed Conway 2015 A narrative history of the World War II-era economic
summit offers insight into its dramas and achievements, discussing such
topics as John Maynard Keynes' heart attack, the corruption of Harry
Dexter White and the machinations of the ...
El regreso de Keynes. 2013 The Essential Keynes

Encomium Emmae Reginae Alistair Campbell, Simon Keynes 1998 This

reprint, which contains the definitive text and translation of the Encomium
Emmae Reginae first published in 1949, traces the basic outline of Queen
Emma's career and transports us to the heart of eleventh-century politics
by defining ...
Essays in Biography John Maynard Keynes, Geoffrey Keynes 2013
Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick: Methodology, ...Victoria Chick,
Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai 2002 Whitaker has described Marshall's
ethics and world view as a combination of German idealism, evolutionism
and utilitarianism. Keynes is variously described as an idealist utilitarian
influenced by G. E. Moore, a political utilitarian influenced by ...
Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick: Money, macroeconomics ...Philip
Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Sheila C. Dow 2002
Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick: Money, macroeconomics ...Philip
Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Sheila C. Dow 2002 This volume, along with its
companion volume, Methodology, Microeconomics and Keynes is
published in honour of Victoria Chick, inspired by her own contributions
to knowledge in all of these areas and their interconnections.
Essays in Persuasion John Maynard Keynes 2011 The essays in this
volume show Keynes's attempts to influence the course of events by public
persuasion over the period of 1919-40.
Essays on John Maynard Keynes. Milo Keynes 1975 The book is a
biography by many authors.
Fact sheets on Milton Keynes 1975
Foundations for New Economic Thinking: A Collection of Essays. Sheila
C. Dow 2012 Probabilityand expectations One of thenotable expressions
of a Babylonian mode of thought is Keynes's(1921)theory ofprobability.6
Thistheorywas developed in an attempt to find a rational basis for
induction. Statistical probabilityestimates ...
Free trade: theory and practice from Adam Smith to Keynes Norman
McCord 1970
Free trade: theory and practice from Adam Smith to Keynes Norman
McCord 1970
From Keynes to Neoclassical Synthesis: A Critical Analysis Irina
Mikhaĭlovna Osadchai︠a︡ 1974

From pre-Keynes to post-Keynes. Abba Ptachya Lerner 1977 Mr. Keynes

and the Post Keynesians: Principles of ...Fernando J. Cardim De Carvalho
1992 The book is so clear that it is accessible to an advanced
undergraduate, yet illuminating enough that it will be instructive to anyone
not thoroughly versed in post Keynesian thought. In short this book merits
strong recommendation.
General Theory Of Employment , Interest And Money. John Maynard
Keynes 2007 Although Considered By A Few Critics That The Sentence
Structures Of The Book Are Quite Incomprehensible And Almost
Unbearable To Read, The Book Is An Essential Reading For All Those
Who Desire A Basic Education In Economics.
Henry A. Abbati: Keynes Forgotten Precursor : Selected ...Henry A.
Abbati, Serena Di Gaspare 2011 In this book, Di Gaspare restores Abbati's
position as a pioneer in macroeconomic theory with a selection of his
writings and a far reaching introduction to his contribution to the history
of economic thought.
Heterodox Macroeconomics: Keynes, Marx and globalization Jonathan P.
Goldstein, Michael G. Hillard 2009 The book is divided into four key
sections: I) Heterodox Macroeconomics and the Keynes-Marx synthesis;
II) Accumulation, Crisis and Instability; III) The Macrodynamics of the
Neoliberal Regime; and IV) Heterodox Macroeconomic Policy.
History of Environmental Economic Thought Σελίδα 92. Erhun Kula 1998
On the contrary, according to some (as will be discussed in Chapter 11), in
the face of recent evidence, life in the year 2030 is unlikely to be as Keynes
predicted. Hence, it could be argued that Keynes was wrong in some
instances very ...
How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes and ... Σελίδα 39 Roger E.
A. Farmer 2010 The. Impact. of. Keynes. on. the. World. Economy. For
my part I think that capitalism, wisely managed, can probably be made
more efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative system yet
in sight, but that in itself it is in many ways ...
Indian Currency and Finance John Maynard Keynes 2006 Published
in 1913, this is the first book from the renowned economist, and
demonstrates the beginnings of the philosophies of macroeconomics and
government intervention into economic matters that would characterize his
later work.

Interpreting Keynes for the 21st century Paul Davidson 2007 This book
presents the fourth volume of the collected writings of Paul Davidson.
Interpreting Mr. Keynes: the IS-LM enigma Warren Young 1987
Interpreting Mr. Keynes: the IS-LM enigma Warren Young 1987
Introducing Keynes: A Graphic Guide Peter Pugh 2014 This is what
Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) said on the BBC in January 1931 as the
whole world, the UK included, slid ever further into the greatest depression
of modern times: The best guess I can make is that whenever you save
five ...
J. M. Keynes, vision and technique Helen Anabel Phillips 1951
J.M. Keynes in Retrospect: The Legacy of the Keynesian ...John Hillard
Jeffrey Escoffier 1995 Introduces Keynes' economic theories and their
effects, recounts his career and relationships, and suggests that his
willingness to question ideas came from his homosexuality
John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946: Economist, Philosopher, ...Robert
Skidelsky 2004 Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this
abridged biography offers us a sympathetic account of the life and
influences of a passionate visionary, and an invaluable insight into the
formation of a new economic philosophy whose ...
John Maynard Keynes als "Psychologe," Σελίδα 97 Günter Schmölders
1956 Zur Theorie der Erwartungen H. St. Seidenfus John Maynard
Keynes, von dessen Werk über die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung an
mehreren Stellen dieses Sammelwerks die Rede ist, hat die „Erwartungen"
seiner Wirtschaftssubjekte, der ...
John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic ...Donald
Markwell 2006 This book explores the evolution of Keynes' thinking on
relations, & shows how this is linked to the changing of his opinions on
economic matters, in a way which deepens our understanding of both.
John Maynard Keynes and the Economy of Trust: The ...Donatella Padua
2014 (Keynes,2006, p.335) The Economy of Trust develops in a context
of high uncertainty. Keynes, as we have seen, maintains that the economy
is built on a radical uncertainty. In an article in 1937 (Keynes, 1937), The
Master argues that neither a ...

John Maynard Keynes arthur cecil pigou ein vegleich Silvio Favini 19??
The world after Keynes: an examination of the economic order
John Maynard Keynes Donald Edward Moggridge 1976 A reevaluation
of the respected English economist's approach to the problems of his age
and continuing influence
John Maynard Keynes Hyman Minsky 2008 “Today, Mr. Minsky's view
[of economics] is more relevant than ever.”The New York Times “Indeed,
the Minsky moment has become a fashionable catch phrase on Wall
Street.”-The Wall Street Journal John Maynard Keynes offers a timely ...
John Maynard Keynes Paul Davidson 2007 This book examines the life
of John Maynard Keynes, explores his influential writings and theories,
and assesses his legacy.
John Maynard Keynes und die britische Deutschlandpolitik: ...Matthias
Peter 1997 Zusammenfassende. Überlegungen: Die. britische.
Deutschlandpolitik. zwischen. Machtanspruch. und.
Modernisierungszwang. In einer seiner letzten großen Reden vor dem
Deutschen Reichstag entwickelte Reichskanzler Bismarck 1888 ...
John Maynard Keynes Vincent Barnett 2013 Vincent Barnett
emphasizes the relationship between the personal and professional by
presenting the book chapters in pairs, examining first the central features
of Keynesâe(tm)s life, personal development and policy ideas over the
period ...
John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946, Fellow and Bursar King's College
(University of Cambridge) 1949
John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946: Fellow and Bursar King's College
(University of Cambridge) 1949
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series John
Cunningham Wood 1994
John Maynard Keynes, Robert Skidelsky 2016 Readers trust the series to
provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by
distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date
translations by award-winning translators.
John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
John Maynard Keynes. Speranze tradite (1883-1920) Robert Skidelsky,
Federico Varese 1989

John Maynard Keynes: A Biography Τόμος 3 Robert Jacob Alexander

Skidelsky 2000 Keynes' Economics (Routledge Revivals):
Methodological Issues
John Maynard Keynes: a personal biography of the man who ...Charles
Henry Hession 1984 This biography of the controversial economist draws
on newly discovered personal correspondence to shed light on the sources
of, and major influences on, his thinking, including a new analysis of the
Bloomsbury ethos
John Maynard Keynes: A Study in the Psychology of Original ...Piero V.
Mini 1994 To the effort to sublimate his guilt and overcome his neuroses
we owe Keynes's reformist-radical attitude and his extreme involvement
in the life of action.
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Assessments John Cunningham Wood
1994 First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis,
an informa company.
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Charles R. McCann 1998
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 597 Charles
Robert McCann 1998 CXXIII, no. 3193 (15 September 1926), pp. 248-
249. The End of Laissez Faire. By JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES.
London: The Hogarth Press. 3s. Today we find J. M. Keynes admitting that
laissez faire, the first commandment of Liberalism, is now ...
John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for Britain, 1937-1946 Robert Skidelsky
2002 Traces the economist's life and work, offering a portrait of his public
and private life.
John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for freedom, 1937-1946 1937
John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for freedom, 1937-1946 Robert Jacob
Alexander Skidelsky 2001 Traces the economist's life and work, offering
a portrait of his public and private life.
John Maynard Keynes: Free Trader or Protectionist? Σελίδα 73 Joseph
R. Cammarosano 2013 During the next few years, Keynes lost faith in the
free trade philosophy that he had so ably articulated in the past and found
that protectionism had much more to commend it than he had formerly
thought.1 Keynes's shift of allegiance was ...
John Maynard Keynes: Hopes betrayed, 1883-1920 Robert Jacob
Alexander Skidelsky 1983

John Maynard Keynes: Keynesianism Into the Twenty-first ...Soumitra

Sharma 1998 '. . . this volume provides the reader with interesting and
thoughtful interpretations.
John Maynard Keynes: language and method Alessandra Marzola,
Francesco Silva 1994 The strength of this book consists in the wealth of
insights and suggestions it contains concerning Keynes s intellectual
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as savior, 1920-1937. Robert
Skidelsky 1994
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as saviour, 1920-1937 Robert
Jacob Alexander Skidelsky 1994 In the first volume of his towering
biography of Britain's greatest economist, Robert Skidelsky gave a frank
and detailed exposition of how John Maynard Keynes came to concern
himself with the practical problems of his age and exert a ...
Keynes and Economic Development: The Seventh Keynes ... Σελίδα 70
would be possible to make out a convincing case arguing that Keynes'
teaching is highly relevant and important for less ...
Keynes and Economic Policy: The Relevance of The General ...Walter
Alfred Eltis, Peter J. N. Sinclair 1988
Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning: ‘Where ...Sylvie
Rivot 2013 In our view, a proper investigation on Keynes' and Friedman's
analyses of stability requires clearly and strongly disentangling Keynes
from the Keynesians. This means a two-step approach. First, there is the
necessity to clearly disentangle ...
Keynes and Hayek: The Money Economy G R Steele 2002 Relatively few
economists were not won over to Keynes's macroeconomic approach; but
Hayek resists what he regards as a bizarre analysis of aggregates and
averages where, by the assumption of freely available unemployed
resources, ...
Keynes and His Battles Σελίδα 157 Gilles Dostaler 2007 Letter to Florence
Ada Keynes, 23 September 1919 Money is only important for what it will
procure. A Tract on Monetary Reform (1923-1, p. 1) The love of Money
as a possession – as distinguished from the love of Money as a means to
the ...

Keynes and His Contemporaries: Tradition and Enterprise in ...Atsushi

Komine 2014 7.1 Understanding Keynes's stance Why did Keynes
promote Grace I in 1921? Chapter 7 attempts to break down this question
by dividing it into three layers. The first is a premise underlying the
question: his personal philosophy regarding ...
Keynes and His Critics: Treasury Responses to the ...G. C. Peden 2004 1
Keynes was a member both of the Macmillan Committee on Finance and
Industry, which was appointed on 5 November 1929 to inquire into how
the banking system affected the economy, and of the Economic Advisory
Council, which was ...
Keynes and International Monetary Relations A. P. Thirlwall 1976
Keynes and Macroeconomics After 70 Years: Critical ... Σελίδα 157 L.
Randall Wray, Mathew Forstater 2009 This chapter examines Keynes's
views on the ability of the monetary authorities to control the Money
supply and the interest rates. Its aim is to evaluate whether Keynes could
agree on the horizontal slope of the Money supply function, whether ...
Keynes and Marshall: methodology, society and politics Peter Diderik
Groenewegen 1994
Keynes and Modern Economics Ryuzo Kuroki 2012 This book will be
vital reading for historians of economic thought, economic methodologists
as well as those economists with an interest in the overall development of
their discipline.
Keynes and Philosophy: Essays on the Origin of Keynes's ...Bradley W.
Bateman, John Bryan Davis 1991 'Keynes and Philosophy is a significant
contribution to the new Keynesian fundamentalism. for the first time many
of the newly emerging perspectives on Keynes's early philosophical
thought are brought together in a single volume. the ...
Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Theories and ...John
Maynard Keynes, O. F. Hamouda, John N. Smithin 1988 'The volumes
contain some particularly good papers on Keynes's politics and economic
policy.' Roger Backhouse, History of Economic Thought Newletter
Keynes and the Bloomsbury group Derek Crabtree, A. P. Thirlwall 1980
Keynes and the British Humanist Tradition: The Moral ... Σελίδα 23 David
Andrews 2010 In September 1938, when Keynes was fifty-five years old
and his major economic work had already been published, he composed a

memoir, My Early Beliefs, about his intellectual outlook before the First
World War. He read the memoir to an ...
Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: A 'Revolution in ...Luigi L.
Pasinetti 2007 Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians traces the historical
development of Keynesian Economics.
Keynes and the Classics Reconsidered Σελίδα 141 James C.W. Ahiakpor
CHANGES*. Gregory B. Christainsen California State University, Hay
ward "The individualistic Capitalism of to-day, precisely because it
entrusts saving to the individual investor and ...
Keynes and the 'Classics': A Study in Language, ... Σελίδα 96 Michel
Verdon 2002 Accordingly, I have completely ignored the links between
the Treatise on Money and the General Theory and the historical
investigation regarding Keynes's predecessors.1 A vast literature has
explored the relationship between Keynes and ...
Keynes and the classics: two lectures on Keynes' ...Axel Leijonhufvud
Keynes and the Market: How the World's Greatest Economist ...Justyn
Walsh 2008 For an individual with a good understanding of the market,
Keynes believed that a diversified stock portfolio made no sense
whatsoever. He thought thatthoseinvestors who couldproperly analyze
stocks shouldfocus only on potential “stunners” ...
Keynes and the Modern World Σελίδα 49 George David Norman
Worswick, James Trevithick 1983 2 On Keynes and MonetarismALLAN
H. MELTZER It is an honor to be invited to speak at a conference honoring
Keynes. His work has probably stimulated more pages of analysis,
discussion and controversy than the work of any other ...
Keynes and the Modern World: A Review Article. Walter S. Salant 1985
Keynes on the Australian Wages System
Keynes and the modern world: proceedings of the Keynes ...George David
Norman Worswick, James Anthony Trevithick 1983 This volume presents
the proceedings of the major conference held to celebrate the centenary of
the birth of John Maynard Keynes at King's College, Cambridge.
Keynes and the Neoclassical Synthesis: Einsteinian Versus ...Dario Togati
2012 Keynes These arguments also apply to the dispute between Keynes
and Neoclassical theory. As Hicks pointed out, Keynes's aggregates differ

from pure theoretical concepts in that they allow simplification and

practical conclusions. This is ...
Keynes and the Role of the State: The Tenth Keynes Seminar ...A.P.
Thirlwall, D. Crabtree 1993 This volume examines Keyne's views on the
role of the state in economic affairs, and Europe, against a background of
the withdrawal of the state in most of the developed countries of Western
Keynes and the United States Τεύχος 16 Robert Jacob Alexander
Skidelsky 1993
Keynes as a policy adviser: the fifth Keynes Seminar held ... Σελίδα 110
A. P. Thirlwall 1982 Thus Keynes wrote to his mother in 1917: 'I was
approved and included in the final list to get a C.B. this honours list. But
when Lloyd George saw it he took his pen and struck my name out — an
unheard of proceeding.' Early in 1918, Keynes ...
following year Keynes reiterated to his mother about "being a Bolshevik".
In September 1918 Keynes wrote confidentially, "My most amusing job
just lately has been to invent a new currency for Russia. Dudley Ward and
I have been ...
Keynes Donald Edward Moggridge 1993 The questions Donald
Moggridge sets out to answer have made this book a classic and the best
introduction available to Maynard Keynes's life and economic theories:
Who was this economist, whose influence, directly or indirectly, affects so
Keynes' economic legacy: contemporary economic theories James L.
Butkiewicz, Kenneth J. Koford, Jeffrey B. Miller 1986
Keynes et ses combats Σελίδα 461 Gilles Dostaler 2009 ŒUVRES DE
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES La bibliographie qui suit comprend tous
les livres, chapitres de livres, brochures et articles de Keynes, y compris
ses notices nécro» logiques, recensions et émissions de radio publiées, à
l'exclusion ...
Keynes Family: John Maynard Keynes, Archibald Hill, ...Books Llc,
Source: Wikipedia 2011 Please note that the content of this book primarily
consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.
Keynes for the Twenty-First Century: The Continuing ... Σελίδα 1 M.

Among mainstream economists there isn't much of interest—sticky wages

and the (now discredited) notion of fine-tuning through fiscal policy. As
Kregel argues in this volume, the most ...
Keynes' General Theory nach fünfzig Jahren Harald Hagemann, Otto
Steiger 1988
Keynes' General Theory nach fünfzig Jahren Harald Hagemann, Otto
Steiger 1988
Keynes' General Theory of Interest: A Reconsideration Fiona
MacLachlan 2005 In Keynes' General Theory of Interest Fiona
Maclachlan rehabilitates the largely discredited liquidity preference theory
of interest, providing an original and rigorously reasoned restatement of
the theory.
Keynes' General Theory: Reports of Three Decades Σελίδα 15 NA NA
2015 And Neville Keynes was very much more than an interested
spectator. He was a prominent member of the Syndicate which in 1902–3
led to the setting up of the Economics Tripos. He was Chairman from 1908
to 1919 of the Special Board for ...
Keynes' General Theory: Seventy-Five Years Later Σελίδα 207 Thomas
Cate 2012 105), in his recent book on Keynes, no doubt speaks for many
when he posits a chasm between the ideas of John Maynard Keynes and
Milton Friedman.1 Friedman, 'the high priest of the classical counter-
attack' was a representative of the ...
Keynes' General Theory: Trade Cycle and Foreign Exchange Prayag Das
Hajela 1952
Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics Nicholas
Wapshott 2011 From their first face-to-face encounter to the heated
arguments between their ardent disciples, Nicholas Wapshott here unearths
the contemporary relevance of Keynes and Hayek, as present-day
arguments over the virtues of the free market and ...
Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty: ... Σελίδα 95 Jorg
Bibow 2013 5.1 Introduction Debates on endogenous versus exogenous
Money are a recurrent theme in monetary theory. Given that Maynard
Keynes and Milton Friedman are probably the two most influential
monetary thinkers of the twentieth century, ...
Keynes on Population Σελίδα 205John Toye 2000 KEYNES'S
CAMPAIGN FOR FAMILY ALLOWANCES Those who still believe in

the essential constancy of Keynes's vision might be inclined to point to the

fact that he proclaimed his allegiance to eugenics right up to his premature
Keynes Robert Cord 2007 A biography of the man behind the greatest
economic theory of the 20th century
Keynes the Man
Keynes versus the 'Keynesians' ... ?: an essay in the ...Terence Wilmot
Hutchison 1977
Keynes, Beveridge and Beyond Σελίδα 62 Tony Cutler, John Williams,
Karel Williams 2013 Keynes and Beveridge each in their separate spheres
concluded that the crucial liberal principles could only be safeguarded by
insisting upon the relaxation of some specified liberal practices. In
particular a degree of state intervention in a ...
Keynes, Bloomsbury and The General Theory Piero V. Mini 1991
Keynes, Cocoa, and Copper: In Search of Commodity Currencies Paul
Cashin, Luis Felipe Céspedes, Ratna Sahay 2002
Keynes, Coordination, and Beyond: The Development of ...Harry
Garretsen 1992 This book argues that the coordination problem lies at the
heart of Keynes's economics.
Keynes, investment theory and the economic slowdown: the ...Michael
Perelman 1989
Keynes, Keynesians, and Monetarists Sidney Weintraub 1978
Keynes, knowledge and uncertainty Sheila C. Dow, John Hillard 1995
Keynes, Macroeconomics and Method: Selected Papers from ...History of
Economics Society (USA). Conference, D. Donald Edward Moggridge
1990 Albert Jolink, The Economic Journal This major two volume work
contains a selection of the best papers presented at the annual meeting of
the History of Economics Society.
Keynes, Money and Monetarism: The Eighth Keynes Seminar ...Roger
Hill 1989
Keynes, Money, and the Open Economy: Essays in Honour of ...Paul
Davidson, Philip Arestis 1996 'This two-volume set provides ample
testimony to the importance of Paul Davidson's contributions to the
development of post Keynesian Economics over nearly forty years.

Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy: Essays in ...Peter

Kriesler, Claudio Sardoni 2002 It is a central weakness of the traditional
account of Keynes's politics that it does not distinguish between different
forms of socialism, and thus slips into massive conflation. It presupposes
that whenever Keynes criticised or opposed a particular ...
Keynes, Sraffa, and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory: ... Σελίδα 6 Neri
Salvadori, Christian Gehrke 2012 Essays in Honour of Heinz Kurz Neri
Salvadori, Christian Gehrke. Part I Keynes 2 Keynes's Treatise on Money
The case for a rehabilitation Part I: Keynes.
Keynes, the Keynesians and Monetarism Tim Congdon 2007 This
volume is vintage Congdon in every sense.'' Peter Sinclair, The Business
Economist ''Tim Congdon''s book revisits the intellectual battlefields of
British monetary theory and policy.
Keynes, the Treasury, and British Economic Policy G. C. Peden 1988
Keynes, Uncertainty and the Global Economy: Beyond Keynes, ...Sheila
C. Dow, John Hillard 2002 This book should be welcomed by post
Keynesian economists, microeconomists and those interested in
international economics.
Keynes: A Critical Life. David Felix 1999 Showing his all-too-human
quirks as well as his extraordinary accomplishments, this is the first critical
biography of John Maynard Keynes.
Keynes: A Very Short Introduction Robert Skidelsky 2010 Any
assessment of the work of a past master is bound to reflect the state of mind
of its time. At present (July 1995), Keynes's reputation is precariously
poised. Ten years ago, one might have said that the Keynesian era was
dead and buried.
Keynes: Contemporary Responses to the General Theory Roger
Backhouse 1999 'Roger Backhouse is to be congratulated for bringing
together this collection of reviews of Keynes's General Theory, the most
influential book in economics published this century.
Keynes: Philosophy, Economics and Politics: The ... Σελίδα 340 R.M.
O'Donnell 1989 Keynes's unpublished philosophical writings, with which
most researchers appear unacquainted, is presented in O'Donnell (1982).
Predominantly philosophical in nature and heavily influenced by Moore,
they are extremely important in ...

Keynes: The Return of the Master. Robert Skidelsky 2010 In "Keynes:

The Return of the Master," Robert Skidelsky brilliantly synthesizes
Keynes career and life, and offers nervous capitalists a positive answer to
the question we now face: When unbridled capitalism falters, is there an
alternative ...
Keynes: The Twentieth Century's Most Influential Economist Peter Clarke
2010 Engaging and authoritative, Keynes explores the often
misunderstood man in the context of his own life and times, and explores
the significance of his groundbreaking ideas today.
Keynes: updated or outdated? Natalie J. Marshall 1970
Keynes: Useful Economics for the World Economy Σελίδα 9 Peter Temin,
David Vines 2014 Keynes was in charge of the international aspects of
Britain's economic policy by the end of the First World War, even though
he was then only in his mid thirties. He was sent to Paris after the war as
the chief Treasury representative of the ...
Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace: A Reappraisal Jens
Hölscher 2015 The effectiveness of these calculations is that they move
from the seemingly 'factual, objective, and neutral' statistics the reader
would find difficult to refute, to the consequences Keynes is so anxious to
impress on his readers. Étienne Mantoux ...
Keynes's economics and the theory of value and distribution John Eatwell,
Murray Milgate 1983
Keynes's economics and the theory of value and distribution John Eatwell,
Murray Milgate 1983
Keynes's General Theory and Accumulation Σελίδα 59 A. Asimakopulos
1991 There is also the temporal sequence between investment decisions
and the consequent investment expenditures to be considered, because
Keynes did not make explicit allowance for the time taken by the
investment process. The rush to get ...
Keynes's General Theory for Today: Contemporary Perspectives Jesper
Jespersen, Mogens Ove Madsen 2012 A new methodological approach to
economic theory: what I have learnt from 30 years of research on Keynes
Anna Carabelli INTRODUCTION As any scholar knows, 30 years are
certainly not enough, in modern times, to acquire a complete ...
Keynes's General Theory, the Rate of Interest and ... Σελίδα 321 Geoff
Tily, John Maynard Keynes 2016 he believed, wrongly, that the

monetary environment of the 1930s would be the norm from then on.
(Krugman, 2006) But such errors as Krugman's are hardly surprising.
Keynes's message was distorted from the moment it was first published.
Keynes's Impact on Monetary Economics John Cannon Gilbert 1982
Keynes's Lectures, 1932-35, Notes of a Representative ...John Maynard
Keynes, Thomas K. Rymes 1989 A record of the path by which Keynes
reached the views that have had such an impact on economic policy
Keynes's Monetary Theory: A Different Interpretation Σελίδα 17 Allan H.
Meltzer 2005 Early in the decade, Keynes was a quantity theorist of
Cambridge persuasion who differed little from his teachers and colleagues.
By the end of the decade, with the Treatise on Money nearly complete,
most of the main ideas that we think of as ...
Keynes's Philosophical Development John B. Davis 1994 Examines the
change and development in Keynes's philosophical thinking from his
earliest unpublished Apostles papers through to The General Theory.
Keynes's Principle of Effective Demand Edward J. Amadeo 1989 This is
a compelling exploration of the analytic connections and ruptures between
A Treatise and The General Theory; it merits reading by putative
Keynesians and anti-Keynesians alike. William Darity Jr., Journal of
Economic History
Keynes's relevance today Fausto Vicarelli 1985
Keynes's The General Theory of employment, interest, and ...Fred R.
Glahe, John Maynard Keynes 1991 In this book, Fred R. Glahe brings to
this pivotal work the techniques of textual criticism developed in
disciplines such as literature and theology.
Keynes's Theoretical Development: From the Tract to the ... Σελίδα 31
Toshiaki Hirai 2007 The present chapter briefly surveys Keynes's life,1
which spans the period from late nineteenth century to the Second World
War, and falls into five stages (dealt with here in as many sections). We
will take it in relation to the external events ...
Keynes's Theoretical Development: From the Tract to the ...Toshiaki Hirai
2008 Comprehensive and authoritative, this book, written by a recognized
authority on the subject explores the contributions to modern economics
by John Maynard Keynes and addresses neglected, yet crucial aspects of
the genesis of Keynesian ...

Keynes's Third Alternative?: The Neo-Ricardian Keynesians ...Amitava

Krishna Dutt, Edward J. Amadeo 1990 Ali Al-Nowaihi, The Times Higher
Education Supplement This important new book the first of its kind
provides a detailed analysis and critical appraisal of the neo-Ricardian
Keynesians and the post Keynesians.
Keynes's Uncertain Revolution Bradley W. Bateman 1996 Places
Keynes's concern with probability and uncertainty in full historical
Keynes's vision: a new political economy Athol Fitzgibbons 1988 In this
readable yet scholarly reevaluation of the thought of John Maynard
Keynes, Fitzgibbons traces the great economist's vision as it developed
from his early philosophical writings (including many unpublished or
neglected works) through ...
Keynes's Vision: Why the Great Depression Did Not Return Σελίδα 134
John Philip Jones 2007 This book has been all about Keynes's doctrines,
and what American experience during the second half of the twentieth
century has revealed about the accuracy of his diagnoses and the
effectiveness of his remedies. This has meant jumping ...
Keynes-Triffin plans and international liquidity Krishnadasa Gowda
Venkatagiri Gowda 1962
La fine del «Laissez-faire» e altri scritti John Maynard Keynes 1991
L'économie de Keynes Jean Cartelier 1995
L'économie de Keynes Jean Cartelier 1995 The Collected Writings of
John Maynard Keynes: Essays in ... Σελίδα xi. John Maynard Keynes,
Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1972 First, Keynes in his will
made Richard Kahn his executor and responsible for his economic papers.
They have been placed in the Marshall Library of the University of
Cambridge and have been available for this edition. Until 19 14 Keynes
did ...
L'enigma del trattato. John M. Keynes e Piero Sraffa alle ... Σελίδα 49
Gianfranco Dioguardi 2011 Gianfranco Dioguardi. Glasgow in quanto
Hutcheson comunicava con lui per lettera, il che può forse trovare una
spiegazione nel fatto che gli era stata assegnata una delle borse Snell presso
il Balliol College di Oxford e quindi forse aveva ...
Liberal Tradition from Fox to Keynes Σελίδα xix Maurice Shock, Alan
Bullock 2010 Maurice Shock, Alan Bullock. THE LIBERAL

TRADITION INTRODUCTION I At first sight, the most striking thing

about the Liberal tradition is its intellectual incoherence. No one would
reasonably deny the name of 'Liberal' to any of the men ...
Ludwig Wittgenstein Cambridge Letters: Correspondence with ...Brian
McGuinness, George Henrik von Wright 1997 This collection contains
hitherto unknown letters exchanged between Wittgenstein and the most
important of his Cambridge friends and includes editorial notes based on
archival material not previously explored.
M. Keynes et les « classiques » : proposition d'une ...Encyclopaedia
Universalis 2015 J. R. HICKS, « Mr Keynes and the „classics“ : A
suggested interpretation », in Econometrica, vol. V, 1937. Republié avec
une préface de l'auteur in J. R. Hicks, Money, Interest and Wages.
Collected Essays on Economic Theory, vol. II, Oxford ...
Macchine di pensiero: Schumpeter, Keynes, Marx Adelino Zanini 1999
Macroeconomics After Keynes: A Reconsideration of the ...Victoria Chick
1983 This reassessment of J.M. Keynes's The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Moneyresults from the author's experience in
using Keynes's book as the core of her macroeconomics courses for
Mark Skousen 1992 The contributors of this volume analyze the main
tenets of Keynesianism--the multiplier and accelerator, the Phillips curve,
the paradox of thrift, Keynesian development theory, progressive taxation,
deficit spending and countercyclical ...
Marx against Keynes: a reply to Mr. Morrison's "socialism". John Eaton
1951 -
Marx and Keynes on Economic Recession: The Theory of ... Σελίδα 86
Claudio Sardoni 1987 Keynes, however, does not directly refer to Marx's
works but to McCraken's Value Theory and Business Cycles (New York
1933). See Keynes 1979, p. 81n. 7. 'Nor is it necessary that the means of
remuneration should be no part of current ...
Marx and Keynes: The Limits of the Mixed Economy Paul Mattick 1974

Marx, Marshall, and Keynes Joan Robinson 1955

Marx, Schumpeter, and Keynes: a centenary celebration of ...Suzanne
Wiggins Helburn, David F. Bramhall 1986

Massimo Mazzolini 1967 Keynes' General Theory: Reports of Three

Decades Robert Lekachman 1964
Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Σελίδα xxviii Donald
Moggridge 2002 But, especially as the effects are often cumulative, one
cannot recall every stimulus arising from innumerable conversations on
Keynes or from hundreds of papers on aspects of Keynes that I have heard
at conferences and seminars or read as ...
Memories of Milton Keynes Marion Hill 2005 Many changes have taken
place in Milton Keynes and it is the people who have shaped the area into
the city it is today.
Method, Theory, and Policy in Keynes: Essays in Honour of ...Paul
Davidson, Philip Arestis 1998 ' Satya Prasad, Kyklos This book is the third
and final volume of essays celebrating the work and lifetime contribution
of Paul Davidson to economics, specifically the development of post
Keynesian Economics.
Methodological Foundations of Macroeconomics: Keynes and Lucas
Alessandro Vercelli 1991 This book is an investigation of the
methodological and epistemological foundations of macroeconomic
theory, based on an examination of the theories of Keynes and Lucas.
Methodology, Microeconomics and Keynes: Essays in Honour ...Philip
Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Professor of Economics and Director of the
Centre for Study in Global Governance Meghnad Desai 2002 For Keynes,
the relevance of classical theory is limited to the understanding of
allocative (i.e. frictional and voluntary) unemployment. Classical theory
could not allow for involuntary unemployment due to non-allocative
causes. Hence Keynes ...
Millennial Keynes: An Introduction to the Origin, ... Σελίδα 170 Bruno
Ventelou, Gregory Patrick Nowell 2005 The lack of such insurance is, in
fact, the reason that uncertainty exists. The lack of such insurance also
helps explain Keynes's preference for consumption and antipathy to
savings. Savings, as deferred consumption, leave a large degree of ...
Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 12 John C. Wood,
Ronald N. Woods 1990 Milton Friedman has long been a leader in the
school of thought which has disagreed with the economics of John
Maynard Keynes. Friedman's opposition has been conducted on two
fronts: (1) his effort to restore monetary policy to its premier ...

Milton Keynes and South Midlands sub-regional strategy: ... Σελίδα 15

Great Britain Office for the South East 2005 Figure 2: Milton Keynes &
South Midlands — Strategic Transport Infrastructure Priorities Scheme
Delivery Lead Status2002-06 2007-11 2012-16 2017-21 Rail Midland
Main Line Route Org. lituiseien OUtPELS…
Milton Keynes: A Pictorial History. Dennis C. Mynard, Julian Hunt 1994
Curs d'introducció a l'economia. II. L'escola neoclàssica, ... Σελίδα 257.
1992 W. Wordsworth, El Preludi (1805) Musicat per B. Britten, Nocturn
Si Keynes s'hagués proposat d'escriure una òpera, per comptes d'un tractat
teòric que divideix en sis llibres, possiblement l'hauria organitzada en
quatre actes. Almenys ...
Milton Keynes: Bletchley Park, Red Bull Racing, History of ...Source:
Wikipedia, Books, LLC, Books Group 2011 Please note that the content of
this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other
free sources online.
Milton Keynes: Image and Reality Terence Bendixson, John Platt 1992
Milton Keynes: Marshall, Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes ...Bcher Gruppe
2010 John Maynard Keynes
Money and output: Keynes and Friedman in historical ...John Harold
Wood 1972
Money, Investment and Consumption: Keynes's Macroeconomics ...O. F.
Hamouda 2011 eynes's Macroeconomics Rethought O. F. Hamouda. have
different meanings from those Hicks attributed to them; and lags and
timing are elements crucial to the theory. When these points are taken into
consideration and the distortions in ...
Money, Macroeconomics and Keynes: Essays in Honour of ... Τόμος 1
Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Sheila Dow 2013 (1995) (ed., with P.
Arestis). Finance, Development and Structural Change. Edward Elgar, pp.
xxiii, 305. (1992). P. Arestis and S. C. Dow (eds), On Money, Method and
Keynes: Selected Essays by Victoria Chick. Macmillan/St Martin's
Press, ...
More of Milton Keynes. Robert Cook 2004 There are plans to build up to
70,000 new homes in the city before 2031, and also develop transport
infrastructure. Here, Robert Cook examines the history of Milton Keynes
so far, and also explores surrounding towns and villages.
Mr. Keynes and the Labour Movement Alfred Leslie Rowse 1936

Mr. Keynes and the Post Keynesians: Principles of ...Fernando J. Cardim

De Carvalho 1992 The book is so clear that it is accessible to an advanced
undergraduate, yet illuminating enough that it will be instructive to anyone
not thoroughly versed in post Keynesian thought. In short this book merits
strong recommendation.
Mr. Keynes Answered: An Examination of the Keynes Plan. Emile Burns
1940 Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics
Nerve and Muscle R. D. Keynes, D. J. Aidley 2001 Essential textbook for
all undergraduate students of neurobiology, physiology, cell biology and
preclinical medicine.
New Perspectives on Keynes Allin Cottrell, Michael S. Lawlor 1995
Several of these essays look at Keynes not simply as an economist, but
more broadly as a philosopher. Special attention is directed to his views on
aesthetics and moral philosophy, as well as his contributions as a
probability theorist.
On Economics and Society: Selected Essays Σελίδα 77. Harry G. Johnson
1982 Much of what I shall have to say is not about Keynes himself so
much as about the younger generation of Keynesians, who constitute the
older generation of economists to the younger generation to which I
belong. And since much of what I ...
On Interpreting Keynes: A Study in Reconciliation Σελίδα xi Bruce
Littleboy 2013 There is discontent about how the textbooks have come to
interpret Keynes. Two major schools criticizing the textbook orthodoxy
have emerged, the 'fundamentalist' and the Clower-Leijonhufvud (or
'reductionist') factions. There is almost no ...
On Skidelsky's Keynes and Other Essays: Selected Essays of ...G. Harcourt
2016 and Lodewijks (eds) (2004), 236–44. Harrod, R. F. (1951), The Life
of John Maynard Keynes, London: Macmillan. Heilbroner, R.
(1986),'The ManWho Made Us All Keynesians', The NewYork Times, 11
May. Hicks, J. R.(1954),'The Process of ...
Originally published in 1891 by MacMillan and Company."
Peter F. Drucker 2011 The influence and reputation of John Maynard
Keynes are not explained by his having been a great economist, nor did his
importance lie primarily in his economic theories. He was, indeed, a very
great economist, in all likelihood the last of ...

Philosophy Σελίδα 607 British Institute of Philosophical Studies, Royal

Institute of Philosophy Keynes needs some such axioms as (1) through (4)
because the set of axioms he does specify are insufficient to determine the
truth status of any single probability statement of the form of (IT) (Carnap
[Foundations], p. 344). To complete our ...
Piero Sraffa: Critical Assessments Σελίδα 89 John Cunningham Wood
[Keynes had] much greater confidence in its being free from the blunders
which so very easily creep into a treatment of this kind' (JMK Vol. XII, p.
867). Keynes himself thought 'that the book will be for a little while to
come an essential one for ...
Pierre Guillet de Monthoux 1993 lightened the atmosphere, which for
Keynes was heavy with the feeling that civilization was threatened in its
very existence. Virginia Woolf was writing years later, in 1928: "I fancy
sometimes the world changes. I think I see reason spreading.
Political Events and Economic Ideas Σελίδα 55 Ingo Barens, Volker
Caspari, Bertram Schefold 2004 In the introduction Knapp thanks J.M.
Keynes, who we know had been the moving force behind the translation.
This does not surprise us, coming directly after the publication of Keynes's
Tract on Monetary Reform. Keynes was always ...
Reconstructing Political Economy: The Great Divide in ... Σελίδα 132
William K. Tabb 1999 8. Keynes. and. the. world. turned. upside. down.
One and a half generations of ostensihle political and economic peace in
Western Europe from 1 870 seems in retrospect to have heen marvelously
apt as a setting and illustration of the ...
Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution: Keynes, Hayek, and ... Σελίδα 86
Tyler Beck Goodspeed 2012 Keynes, Hayek, and the Wicksell Connection
Tyler Beck Goodspeed. Chapter 4 The General Theory It is hardly
surprising that Leijonhufvud would refer to Keynes's second iteration ofthe
Wicksell connection, The General Theory, as an ...
Revisiting Keynes: Economic Possibilities for Our ...Lorenzo Pecchi,
Gustavo Piga 2010 Leading economists revisit a provocative essay by
John Maynard Keynes, debatingKeynes's vision of growth, inequality,
work, leisure, entrepreneurship, consumerism, and the searchfor happiness
in the twenty-first century.
Ronan Gerald MacDonald 1960 Keynes and the Demand for Money

Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences Tony Lawson, Tony Lawson, Hashem

Pesaran 2009 John Pheby The main objective of this chapter is to arrive at
a clearer understanding of aspects of Keynes' methodology. In order to
achieve this I think it is both interesting and instructive to consider some
Popperian criticisms that have been ...
Short of Euphoria (on Tax Reform) ; U.S. Fiscal Policy, ...Richard Abel
Musgrave 1987
Skandar Keynes MiniBio Phil 73 ~autofilled~
Soviet views on John Maynard Keynes 1969
Sport in Milton Keynes: Milton Keynes Dons F.C., ...Source: Wikipedia
2011 Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles
available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Pages: 29.
Summary of Keynes: Return of the Master Robert Skidelsky Capitol
Reader 2013 Keynes experienced the Great Depression firsthand. He was
troubled that savings were being used to finance speculation instead of
being invested into productive assets. In fact, Keynes coined the term
'profit inflation' to refer to a rise in stock ...
The Applied Mathematics of J.m. Keynes' Theory of ...Michael Emmett
Brady 2006 This is an abridged edition of my 2004 book, " Essays on J M
Keynes and..." that concentrates on Keynes mathematical modeling of his
theory of effective demand in chapters 20 and 21 of his General
Theory(1936). I have added three ...
The architecture and planning of Milton Keynes Derek Walker 1982
The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry ...Benn Steil
2013 Reveals how the blueprint for the post-World War II economic order
was actually drawn.
The Big Three in Economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and ...Mark
Skousen History comes alive in this fascinating story of opposing views
that continue to play a fundamental role in today's politics and economics.
The Business Cycle After Keynes: A Contemporary Analysis Σελίδα 8 A.
W. Mullineux 1984 Chapter 2 will discuss business cycle modelling in the
period following the publication of Keynes's General Theory in 1936, to
1975, when two major new contributions to business cycle theory and
modelling were made. Chapter 3 will discuss ...

The Cambridge Companion to Keynes Σελίδα 322 Roger E. Backhouse,

Bradley W. Bateman 2006 ... 186 Marzola, A. 264, 265 mass
communication 257 mass production 257 Massachusetts Institute of
Technology 21 mathematical economics 36, 38, 78 mathematical rigour
259 mathematics, Keynes's scepticism over 72 Marshall's warnings ...
The Claims of Common Sense: Moore, Wittgenstein, Keynes ...John
Coates 2007 The Claims of Common Sense investigates the importance
for the social sciences of the ideas developed in Cambridge philosophy
between the two World Wars.
The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes Τόμος 7 John Maynard
Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: A revision ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Essays in ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Indian ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain)
The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes: rethinking ...John
Maynard Keynes, Donald Moggridge, Royal Economic Society (Great
Britain) 1981
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: The general ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
The Development of Keynes' Economic Theories. Tjardus Greidanus
1939. The Moral Philosophy of Management: From Quesnay to Keynes
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes: How the Second ...Bernard
C. Beaudreau 2006 It is the story of a nation that failed to exploit a
homegrown technology and consequently sputtered and failed while
another (i.e. the United States) prospered. It is the story of the tragedy that
was the fall of the British Empire.
The Economic Consequences of Peace John Maynard Keynes 2014
The success of the book established Keynes' reputation as a leading
economist. When Keynes was a key player in establishing the Bretton
Woods system in 1944, he remembered the lessons from Versailles as well
as the Great Depression.
The Economic Law of Motion of Modern Society: A ...H. J. Wagener, J.
W. Drukker, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen. Faculteit der Economische

Wetenschappen 1986 The contributors assess the theories and

interpretations of those theories of Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter.
The Economics of Keynes: A New Guide to the General Theory Mark
Hayes 2008 Keynes's liquidity-preference theory of interest has been the
subject of many detailed criticisms, and perhaps the most telling is one of
the oldest, namely that the conventional 'safe' rate of interest is left
'hanging by its own bootstraps'. Yet this ...
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by ...John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money J. Keynes
2007 Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still
continue today. This new edition features a new Introduction by Paul
Krugman which discusses the significance and continued relevance of The
General Theory .
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The General Theory of Transformational Growth: Keynes ...Edward J.
Nell 2005 This book attempts a comprehensive rethinking of economics,
including a revision of methodology, redrawing the line between micro and
The General Theory Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 219 Professor Geoffrey Harcourt,
a commonplace that what is widely known as 'Keynesian' economics is
not the economics that John Maynard Keynes develops in The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
The Global Crisis of 2008 and Keynes's General Theory Σελίδα 38 Fikret
Causevic 2014 Abstract Due to the intellectual influence previously
enjoyed by Keynes' General Theory, this chapter is dedicated to a
commentary on Keynes's great work, whose influence was largely
recovered during the current global financial and ...
The Impact of Japanese Investment on the New Town of ... Σελίδα 7
Alexander Roy 1998 picture of the new town of Milton Keynes and
outlines the extent of foreign investment into the city. FDI and the UK

economy Foreign direct investment has increased twentyfold since the

1960s, growing much faster than either world trade or ...
The Impact of Keynes on Economics in the 20th Century Luigi L.
Pasinetti, Bertram Schefold 1999 ' Gordon Fletcher, European Society for
the History of Economic Thought the Impact of Keynes on Economics in
the 20th Century reconsiders the nature and significance of Keynes's
theories and economic policies.
The Keynes Mutiny Justyn Walsh 2011 THE KEYNES MUTINY
explores the secrets behind the incredible stock market success of John
Maynard Keynes.
The Keynes Solution: The Path to Global Economic Prosperity Paul
Davidson 2009 The Path to Global Economic Prosperity Paul Davidson.
tumbled downward and the economies of the rest of the free world also
collapsed, there was a severe drop in the demand for gasoline and other
petroleum products. Simultaneously ...
The Legacy of Keynes and Friedman: Economic Analysis, ...William
Johnson Frazer 1994 Keynes and Friedman, two monetary revolutionaries
of this century, are shown reacting against orthodoxy in different ways.
The Life and Times of J. Neville Keynes Σελίδα 1 Phyllis Deane 2001
John Neville Keynes was born in 1852, one of only two children in a
middleclass Salisbury family, whose forebears had settled in the town in
the middle of the eighteenth century. His grandfather, also a John Keynes
(1782–1852), had owned ...
The Making of Keynes' General Theory Richard F. Kahn, Raffaele
Mattioli Foundation 1984 This 1984 book describes the development of
thought, both of Keynes and others, culminating in the publication in 1936
of Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
The Milton Keynes planning manual Milton Keynes Development
Corporation 1992
The Mind and the Market: Capitalism in Western Thought Σελίδα 317
Jerry Z. Muller 2007
The Money Makers: How Roosevelt and Keynes Ended the ...Eric
Rauchway 2015 InThe Money Makers, the distinguished historian Eric
Rauchway shows how FDR and his brilliant team of advisersJohn
Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and Cordell Hullpaved the way
for economic recovery.

The New Economics: Keynes and the Chaos of the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Anatol Murad 1985
The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and Public ...Seymour
E. Harris 2005 This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the
original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks,
notations, marginalia and flawed pages.
The Open Economy Macromodel: Past, Present and Future: ...Arie Arnon,
D.E. Moggridge University of Toronto We should be very grateful to
James Boughten for this paper. By using new sources, it throws ...
The philosophy and economics of J.M. Keynes Bill Gerrard, John Hillard
1992 This important book explores the significance of Keynes beyond the
confines of the orthodox debate.
The Philosophy of Keynes's Economics: Probability, ... Σελίδα 71 Jochen
Runde, Sohei Mizuhara 2003 Introduction Writing the history of the ideas
of John Maynard Keynes is a complex and difficult business. Keynes led
a complex and busy life, and this fact alone would make the scholar's work
complicated all the more so since Keynes left so ...
The Plan for Milton Keynes Mark Clapson, Mkdc, Milton Keynes
Development Corporation, 2013 The UK's largest new town, Milton
Keynes, is the product of a transatlantic planning culture and a plan for a
relatively low-density motorised city generously endowed with roads,
parklands, and the infrastructure of cabling for communications ...
The Policy Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 128 Harold
L. Wattel 1985 10. Relevance. of. Keynes. for. Developing. Countries. H.
W. Singer. I wish to dedicate this paper to Dudley Seers, whose essay ' 'The
Limitations of the Special Case"1 has been one of my chief sources of
guidance. His death a few months ...
The Political and Economic Thought of the Young Keynes: ... Σελίδα 1
Carlo Cristiano 2014 Keynes's life is usually narrated as the story of the
young philosopher and mathematician who tried to revolutionize the theory
of probability and ended up becoming the great economist, who
revolutionized the theory of Money and contributed ...
The relationship between Sraffa and Keynes: toward a ...David Rogers
Andrews 1993

The Return to Keynes Σελίδα 184 Bradley W. Bateman, Toshiaki Hirai,

Maria Cristina Marcuzzo 2010 Keynes, Sraffa, and the Latter s "Secret
Skepticism" Heinz D. Kurz Introduction The relationship between Keynes
and Sraffa was very close in some respects and quite the converse in other
respects. Keynes was deeply impressed by Sraffa's ...
The Scope and Method of Political Economy John Neville Keynes 1973
The State of Interpretation of Keynes John B. Davis 1994 This collection
as a whole adds to our general understanding of Keynes's work, and
contributes to the current revival of interest in Keynes.
The Summit: Bretton Woods, 1944: J. M. Keynes and the ...
The Way the World Works Σελίδα 321 Bishop of Hippo Wanniski 1998
How much further coincidence that the most important book of the
twentieth century, in the same vein, has been Keynes's General Theory,
which does nothing less than argue the benefits and magic of public debt?
This is a magic that will work ...
This is a new release of the original 1951 edition.Quotes by Keynes John
This volume, along with its companion volume, Methodology,
Microeconomics and Keynes is published in honour of Victoria Chick,
inspired by her own contributions to knowledge in all of these areas and
their interconnections.
Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure Σελίδα 125
Roger W Garrison 2002 These potted, mechanistic versions of
Keynesianism describe neither the actual workings of the economy nor
Keynes's understanding of them. After a wholesale rejection of these sorts
of models, our focus shifts to rational expectations with ...
Tony Aspromourgos 1994 A Comparison of the Theories of
Entrepreneurial ...
Towards the Managed Economy: Keynes, the Treasury and the ...Roger
Middleton 2013 This is a major study of economic policy making in
Britain between the wars.
Una questione di tempo. I nipoti di Keynes e la ... Σελίδα 87 Luigi
Cavallaro 2004 Luigi Cavallaro. retta tra la compressione del debito
pubblico e il riesplodere del problema della disoccupazione di massa: cfr.

G. Mazzetti, Quel pane da spartire. Teoria generale della necessità di

redistribuire il lavoro, Bollati Boringhieri, ...
Understanding Keynes' General Theory Brendan Sheehan 2009 This
book is a comprehensive guide for those seeking to fully understand
Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, and
especially those approaching the work for the first time.
Une sorte de diable, les vies de J. M. Keynes: Les vies de ...Alain Minc
2007 Côté hommes, ce sonttoujoursles mêmes: Leonard Woolf, Lytton
Strachey, Thoby Stephen, Clive Bell et naturellement Keynes,rejoints par
Duncan Grant et quelques autres, frères, beauxfrères, alliés... Côté femmes,
il s'agit essentiellement ...
Unemployment After Keynes: Towards a New General Theory. John R.
Hudson 1988 The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American
War and the Financial System, August 1914 ...John Maynard Keynes
What Keynes Means Anatol Murad 1962 To find out more information
about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
Where Keynes Went Wrong: And why World Governments Keep
...Hunter Lewis 2009 Presents an overview of the economic theories of
John Maynard Keynes and offers a critique of the Keynesian economic
strategy of borrowing and spending which has been used by the current
Obama administration to deal with the fiscal crisis ...
Who Killed John Maynard Keynes?: Conflicts in the ...W. Carl Biven
1989 Briefly summarizes Keynes' economic theories, explains why these
theories have fallen from favor, and examines their replacements
Why White, Not Keynes? Inventing the Post-War ... Σελίδα 11 James M.
Boughton 2002 This concern was doubtless a motivation for his
longstanding interest in U.S. economic and financial support for Latin
America, which dated from the mid1930s and continued right up to the
time of his death in 1948.10 II. Why Not Keynes?


A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936 Σελίδα 103 J. E. King

2002 This is the cul-de-sac of Classical Keynesianism, being driven to
recommend measures designed to reduce employment or enlarge
unemployment in the midst of levels of unemployment that are already
too large. It is here that weeds have ...
A Modern Guide to Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic ...Eckhard
Hein, Engelbert Stockhammer 2011 This well-documented book will
prove to be the essential guide for researchers and graduate students in
macroeconomics and political economy. It will also prove inspiring to a
wider audience interested in modern Keynesian macroeconomics.
A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics Richard P. F. Holt, Steven
Pressman 2002 Eichner's classic A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics
(1978) is still seen as the definitive staging post for those wishing to
familiarise themselves with the Post-Keynesian School. This book brings
the story up-to-date.
A Propensity to Self-subversion Σελίδα 139 Albert O. Hirschman 1995
Albert O. Hirschman. Ji chapter How the Keynesian Revolution Was
Exported from the United States Free Trade and Keynesianism: Parallels
in Their Rise and Decline "We are all Post-Keynesians now" — to
paraphrase and bring up to date a ...
Access to History: Britain 1945-2007 Michael Lynch 2008 Every so often
a particular financial or economic theory arrives to dominate its time. For
most of the period between the late 1940s and the late 1970s, Keynesianism
provided the basic frame of reference. John Maynard Keynes (1883–
1946), ...
Alternative Institutional Structures: Evolution and Impact Σελίδα 273
Sandra Batie, Nicholas Mercuro 2008 In the early 1980s, PKI emerged as
inflation, unemployment, business cycles, and structural economic change
combined to seriously undermine the neoclassical Keynesianism that
dominated American academic and policy circles after World ...
An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics, Second edition: Σελίδα 508
Thomas Cate 2013 Neoclassical. Synthesis. (Bastard. Keynesianism).
With the publication of Keynes's General Theory, economists began what
was to be a long and arduous attempt to understand and interpret Keynes's
message. One particularly influential ...
An Unfortunate Alliance: Keynesianism and the ...1993

Australian Economy and Neo-liberalism: Manufacturing, ... Σελίδα 176

Celal Bayari 2012 Manufacturing, Trade and Bilateral Links with Japan in
the Post-Keynesian Age Celal Bayari. The book discussed the processes
that led to the dissolution of the Bretton Woods system and the decline of
Keynesianism. It has also been shown ...
Baptized Inflation: A Critique of "Christian" Keynesianism Ian Hodge
1986 These books never sold well, but they became briefly popular in the
economics departments of several equally obscure Christian colleges.
Baptized Inflation is a refutation of the writings of Douglas Vickers. But it
is more than this.
Basic Income Guarantee and Politics: International ...R. Caputo 2012 On
the one hand, the group coalesced around Ichiro Ozawa (secretarygeneral
of the DPJ when they first took power), along with thePeople's NewParty,
seemtohave inherited traditional LDPstyle Keynesianism. Onthe other
hand, thegroup ...
Bastard Keynesianism: The Evolution of Economic Thinking ...Lynn
Turgeon 1997 This book discusses changes in economic thinking, and the
importance of Military Keynesianism in winning the Cold War.
Beyond Keynesianism: the socio-economics of production and ...Egon
Matzner, Wolfgang Streeck 1991
Bringing the State Back In Peter B. Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Theda
Skocpol 1985 4. StateStructuresandthe. Possibilitiesfor“Keynesian”.
Responses. tothe. Great Depressionin Sweden,. Britain,. andtheUnited.
States. Margaret Weir and Theda Skocpol When the Great Depression of
the 1930s swept across the Western ...
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the ... Σελίδα 401
Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma, Malcolm Sawyer 2005 It was also from this
Robinsonian perspective that Harcourt wrote and continues to write the
history of Post-Keynesian economic thought, covering the Cambridge
capital controversy, the Post-Keynesian revival of classical political
economy, ...
Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial ... Σελίδα 121 Jeffrey M.
Chwieroth 2009 CHAPTER FIVE KEYNESIANISM generally prevailed
during the first fifteen years of the Bretton Woods system, with capital
controls situated firmly within the boundaries of legitimate policy practice.
But the 1960s were a decade of significant ...

Capitalism and Social Democracy Σελίδα 79 Σελίδα 211 Adam Przeworski

1985 Adam Przeworski. short-lived austerity policy of the mid-1970s,
Keynesianism provided the only framework for such a compromise. The
crisis of Keynesianism is a crisis of democratic capitalism. Economic
Alternatives Keynesian Economics is ...
Capitalism, Socialism, and Post-Keynesianism: Selected ...Geoffrey
Colin Harcourt 1995 As this volume demonstrates, Dr Harcourt is an all-
rounder, a political economist who has written on applied issues, theory,
policy, intellectual biography and analytical histories of economic theory.
Capitalism's inflation and unemployment crisis: beyond ...Sidney
Weintraub 1978 -
China's New Place in a World in Crisis: Economic, ... Σελίδα 137 Ross
Garnaut, Ligang Song, Wing Thye Woo 2009 During this period of crisis,
John M. Keynes published The. 137. Economic. crisis,. Keynesianism.
and. structural. imbalance. in. China. 8. Economic crisis, Keynesianism
and structural imbalance in China Xiaolu Wang and Fan Gang.
Complexity, Endogenous Money and Macroeconomic Theory: ...Mark
Setterfield 2006 The nature of the relationship between complex dynamics
and Post Keynesian Economics2 (PKE) has been a controversial matter for
some time. Some argue that it is a distraction that leads innocent Post
Keynesians into 'classical sin'.
Contesting the Australian Way: States, Markets and Civil ... Σελίδα 94 Paul
Smyth, Bettina Cass 1998 CHAPTER. 6. Unmaking. the. Australian.
Keynesian. Way. Tim Battin In the late 1970s and the 1980s it was a
commonplace preoccupation of the Right to decry Keynesianism as the
cause of economic ill, while today the same protagonists ...
Crisis and Innovation in Asian Technology Σελίδα 1. William Walton
Keller, Richard J. Samuels 2003 New ideas, such as Keynesianism or
communism, can have the same effect.2 ' Peter J. Katzenstein, Small States
in World Markets: Industrial Policy in Europe (Ithaca: Cornell University
Press, 1985); and Peter Gourevitch, Politics in Hard ...
Critical Realism in Economics: Development and Debate Σελίδα 21 Steve
STEP. Neo-Ricardian. economics. and. Post-Keynesianism. Stephen
Pratten1 Introduction The position of neo-Ricardian economics2 remains
controversiaL Specifically, there is significant ...

Cycles, Growth and the Great Recession Annalisa Cristini, Stephen

Fazzari, Edward Greenberg 2014 1. Minsky. as. a. critic. of.
Keynesianism. Riccardo. Bellofiore. I first met Hyman Minsky in the late
1970s. He was often in Italy, one of the reasons being his collaboration
with Confindustria's Centro Studi (research centre). His firstfriendship
and ...
Deflecting the Crisis: Keynesianism, Social Movements, and ...Mark
Frezzo 2009
Development and Future Studies: India and the Third World Σελίδα 70.
1993 Two interesting papers were presented respectively by B. Littleboy
and L. A. Duhs entitled respectively, "The Role of Keynesianism in the
process of Economic Development" and "Competing Perspectives on
Development Policy." A case is ...
Discourses of Global Climate Change: Apocalyptic Framing ...Jonas
Anshelm, Martin Hultman 2014 The second most dominant discourse is
what we call “Green Keynesianism”. Green Keynesianism was the most
widespread of the discourses that opposed Industrial Fatalism in the global
climate debate. The Green Keynesian discourse is ...
Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics Mark
Skousen 1992 The contributors of this volume analyze the main tenets of
Keynesianism--the multiplier and accelerator, the Phillips curve, the
paradox of thrift, Keynesian development theory, progressive taxation,
deficit spending and countercyclical ...
Economic Thought Since Keynes: A History and Dictionary of ...Michel
Beaud, Gilles Dostaler 2005 The triumph of Keynesianism may have
given the illusion that it dominated the stage, that The General Theory
had effectively dethroned classical theory. The acknowledgement, by
Pigou,1 of the validity of Keynes's theory constituted, in a way, ...
Economics as an Art of Thought: Essays in Memory of G.L.S. ...Peter Earl,
G. C. Harcourt and Claudio Sardoni" 1 INTRODUCTION George Shackle
is to Post Keynesianism what John Hicks (or, rather, JR) was to
mainstream nee-classical economics. Both made ...
Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their ...Theodore
Rosenof 2000 New Deal Theorists and Their Legacies, 1933-1993
Theodore Rosenof. Keynesianism, unlike neoclassical Keynesianism, was

longrun in outlook. Further, Hansenian Keynesianism was very much

focused on the historic role of technology, ...
Economics of Illusion, The Σελίδα 228. 2007 . 17. Concluding Remarks:
Keynesianism — Progress or Retrogression? Keynesianism— an
Inflation-Deflation Theory of Employment In order to pass a general
judgment on Keynesianism the term must be defined. This is not easy
because ...
Economics, Politics, and American Public Policy Σελίδα 36 James J.
Gosling, Marc Allen Eisner 2015 Fiscal. Policy. In the 1960s, officials had
great self-assurance in their ability, informed by Keynesianism, to fine-
tune the economy and achieve full employment with relative price
stability. A decade later, a vexing combination of high inflation ...
Economics--Mathematical Politics Or Science of Diminishing ...Alexander
noted in chapters 3 and 4, for a long time after 1945, it might confidently
have been said that Keynesian macroeconomics would ultimately provide
the sort of explanatory and predictive ...
Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World Richard
P F Holt, Steven Pressman 2014 Kalecki's. Investment. Theory: A.
Critical. Realist. Approach. [T]he determination of investment decision ...
remains,to my mind, the centralpièce deresistance of economics.
(Kalecki1971, 165) Introduction Professing Post Keynesian economists ...
Employee Relations in Context Σελίδα 104 David Farnham 2000 Where
economic policy focuses on creating the economic conditions necessary
for full employment (Keynesianism), it strengthens union bargaining
power in the labour market and the workplace, whilst weakening that of
management. Where ...
Encyclopedia of Governance Mark Bevir 2006 Keynesianism is an
economic theory based on the works of the Cambridge economist John
Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) that argues state intervention in a market
economy is both desirable and necessary to avoid destabilizing levels of ...
English for Business Studies Student's Book: A Course for ...Ian
MacKenzie 2010 MICHAEL KITSON ... we still have the business cycle,
OK, we can still have the possible problems of a downturn, which makes
the argument for what I think is standard Keynesianism, the way you
manipulate budget balances or budget deficits ...

English for Business Studies Teacher's Book: A Course for ...Ian

Mackenzie 2002 For over a quarter of a century after the second world war,
the governments in many industrialized countries successfully used
Keynesian policies. But after the oil crisis in 1973-4, many countries began
to experience 'stagflation a prolonged ...
Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory in Historical Perspective Σελίδα 44.
Kim Kyun, Kyun Kim 2006 Starting in the late 1940s, the popularity of
cycle theories began to decline, and they were eventually replaced by
Keynesian macroeconomics. The usual explanation for this redirection of
aggregate economics stresses both the advent of ...
Finance at the Threshold: Rethinking the Real and ... Σελίδα 163 Mr
Christopher Houghton Budd 2012 In the undivided world that then comes
into view, monetarism, which predates Keynesianism, needs to be
understood in quite a new way. It is a world in which 'output gap
monetarism' in particular has a special, even apolitical relevance.
Financial Keynesianism and Market Instability...Riccardo Bellofiore,
Piero Ferri 2001
From Keynesianism to Monetarism: The Evolution of UK ...Peter Kenway
1994 InFrom Keynesianism to Monetarism,Peter Kenway examines the
evolution of the macroeconometric models of the British economy from
the late 1960s onwards.
From Keynesianism to Neoliberalism: Shifting Paradigms in ...T I. Palley
From Military Keynesianism to Post Keynesian Militarism: ...Ruth
Wilson Gilmore 1998
Frontiers in Economics Σελίδα 101. Klaus F. Zimmermann 2002 Demand-
side economics are based on Keynesianism, which attributes
unemployment to a shortage of aggregate demand. This concept presumes
rigid adjustment mechanisms for wages and prices, which are analyzed in
the theory of ...
Gender, the State, and Social Reproduction: Household ... Σελίδα 32 Kate
Bezanson 2006 In economic and social policy, the neo-liberal approach
thus stands in sharp contrast to Keynesian welfare statism. Where Fordist-
Keynesianism endorsed some degree of collective responsibility for social
risk and encouraged solidarity ...

Global Keynesianism: Unequal Exchange and Global Exploitation Gernot

Kohler, Arno Tausch 2002 Unequal Exchange and Global Exploitation
Gernot Kohler, Arno Tausch. Chapter 12 Migration and Unequal Exchange
Navigating Between Scylla And Charybdis. Tentative Generalizations On
The Global Scale Under the conditions of ...
Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Institutional ... Σελίδα 126
Mark Blyth 2002 The precise domestic forms that embedded liberalism
took in our two cases, growthsmanship in the United States and Rehn-
Meidner in Sweden, were in a broad sense both Keynesian regimes. That
is, although John Maynard Keynes himself ...
Handbook of Critical Issues in Finance Σελίδα 105 Jan Toporowski, Jo
Michell 2012 15. Financial. Keynesianism. Riccardo. Bellofiore. In an
interview for Challenge magazine in 1988, the American financial
economist Hyman P. Minsky said that, before he was called a
postKeynesian, he would call himself a 'financial ...
Historical Perspectives on Macroeconomics: Sixty Years ...Philippe
Fontaine, Albert Jolink 2005 7. KEYNESIANISM. AND. BRITISH.
LABOUR. MARKET. POLICY. From. the. 1930s. to. the. 1980s. William.
R. Garside. Over the past two decadesor so therehas been a substantial
volume of research into the links between Keynes« thinking ...
History and Biography: Essays in Honour of Derek Beales Σελίδα 203 T.
C. W. Blanning, David Cannadine 2002 10 THE HISTORICAL KEYNES
CLARKE 01-IN Maynard Keynes lent his name to the most influential
paradigm in J the political economy of the mid-twentieth century. During
the ...
History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective Σελίδα 493 E. K.
Hunt, Mark Lautzenheiser 2015 Chapter. 18. Contemporary. Economics.
II: Institutionalism. and. Post-Keynesianism. When the Great Depression
of the 1930s and the rapid industrialization of the Soviet economy of that
era created a crisis of confidence in neoclassical theory, ...
Ideas in Economics Σελίδα 211 R. D. Collison Black 1986 R. D. Collison
Black. 10 Keynes's Economics: A Revolution in Economic Theory or in
years ago the phrase 'we are all Keynesians now'2 was commonplace.
Keynesian ...

Imperialism in the 21st Century: War, Neo-liberalism & ... Σελίδα 33 Doug
US. IMPERIALISM. There is a further myth about the postwar "boom",
that is, that the US imperialist rulers sacrificed their own narrow interests
at the end of World War II to rebuild the world ...
In Defense of Post-Keynesian and Heterodox Economics: ... Σελίδα 87
Frederic S. Lee, Marc Lavoie 2012 5. Post. Keynesianism,. heterodoxy,.
and. mainstream. economics1. David. Dequech. An interesting debate has
emerged in recent years regarding the concepts and the intellectual contents
of orthodox, heterodox, and mainstream economics.
In the Long Run We're All Dead: The Canadian Turn to ... Σελίδα 45.
Timothy Lewis 2013 However, with this cure no Keynesian can agree: the
essence of the Keynesian system is that it cures unemployment. One can
stop the increase in corporate prices and trade-union wages by direct
action. (I've long thought such action ...
In the Name of Social Democracy: The Great Transformation,
...Gerassimos Moschonas 2002 10. In. Search. of. New. Prophets: From.
Keynesianism. to. Liberalism. The Questioning of the Social-Democratic
Compromise The Keynesian Equation Jammed In becoming the flagship
of the socialist and social-democratic parties, Keynesian ...
Industrial Policy (Routledge Revivals): USA and UK Debates. Grahame
Thompson 2014 Despite all this, Piore and Sabel formally insist that
Keynesianism mightbe revived and markets could be stabilized so that
mass production might provide a basis for renewed prosperity onthe other
sideof the present industrial divide.
Institutions and Innovation: Voters, Parties, and Interest ... Σελίδα 71
Marcus Kreuzer 2001 Organization. and. Ossification: Socialists,.
Keynesianism,. and. Catch-. AH. Politics. In the late nineteenth century,
the Section francaise de I'internationale ouvriere (SFIO) and the
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) were ...
Institutions and the Role of the State Σελίδα 103 Leonardo Burlamaqui,
Ana C‰lia Castro, Ha-Joon Chang 2000 There was increasing unease
with even the limited version of 'Keynesianism' that had made its way into
the mainstream. Consequently, the neoclassical fundamentalists mounted
a counter-attack. Emanating from Chicago and elsewhere, this ...
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 198
John Cunningham Wood 1994 We are all familiar with the Thatcher

government's explicit reliance on the stiff winds of international

competition to restructure British industrial capitalism. This perspective is
based on the rejection of Keynesian theory and returns, instead, ...
John Maynard Keynes: Keynesianism Into the Twenty-first ...Soumitra
Sharma 1998 '. . . this volume provides the reader with interesting and
thoughtful interpretations.
Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning: ‘Where ...Sylvie
Rivot 2013 First, there is the necessity to clearly disentangle Keynes from
what Friedman considers his Keynesian opponents. Second, there is the
necessity to disentangle in the statements, critiques and arguments put
forward by Friedman the ones that ...
Keynes and His Critics: Treasury Responses to the ...G. C. Peden 2004
Treasury Responses to the Keynesian Revolution, 1925-1946 G. C. Peden.
Introduction John Maynard Keynes gave his name to a revolution in
economic thought, associated with his seminal work, The General Theory
of employment, interest ...
Keynes' Economics (Routledge Revivals): Methodological Issues Senior
Lecturer in Social Sciences Tony Lawson, Tony Lawson, Hashem Pesaran
2009 12. KEYNESIANISM. IN. GERMANY. Juergen Backhaus
Introduction It is generally known, and Keynes himself was certainly not
hesitant in recognising, that the first full-scale application of his General
Theory had taken place in Germany well ...
Keynes' General Theory: Seventy-Five Years Later Σελίδα 77 Thomas
Cate 2012 4. Dead. or. alive? The. ebbs. and. flows. of. Keynesianism.
over. the. history. of. macroeconomics. Michel DeVroey
INTRODUCTION A fine way to make sense of the history of a given
discipline is to bring out the milestones that marked its ...
Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy: Essays in ...Peter
Kriesler, Claudio Sardoni 2002 Booth, A. (1983) 'The “Keynesian
revolution” in economic policy making', Economic History Review, 36
(1):103 – 23. Bradford, W. and Harcourt, G.C. (1997) 'Units and
definitions', in G.C.Harcourt and P.Riach (eds) (1997) A Second Edition
of ...
Keynes, the Keynesians and Monetarism Σελίδα 1 Tim Congdon 2007
One debate – that between Keynesianism and monetarism – has good
claims to be the most protracted and intense of all. It started quietly in the

USA in the late 1950s, with the publication of influential academic papers
arguing that the ...
Keynes: The Twentieth Century's Most Influential Economist Peter Clarke
2010 T. Epilogue. British. and. American. Keynesianism. policy. 'Since
Bretton Woods, the world has been living on a financial model, the
AngloSaxon model,' said the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, happy to
salute the G20 meeting in April ...
Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 64 Alan Coddington 2013 ... what was
'really' there. I therefore shall not be concerned with the authenticity or
doctrinal purity of Hicks's Keynesianism.1 In considering Hicks's
contribution to Keynesian Economics, I shall be concerned with two
distinct but related matters.
Keynesianism and the Keynesian revolution in America: a ...Lorie
Tarshis, O. F. Hamouda, Betsey Barker Price 1998 This book will be of
great interest to scholars interested in the history of economic thought and
Keynesian Economics.
Keynesianism and the Scandinavian models of economic policy Jukka
Pekkarinen 1988
Keynesianism as Fulfillment. 2013 This essay is composed of three
chapters that contextualize the Keynesian Revolution within trends in
history of economic thought and trends in institutional transformations in
American public administration.
Keynesianism restropect and prospect 1963
Keynesianism Today: A Critique of Theory and Economic Policy Irina
Mikhaĭlovna Osadchai︠a︡ 1983
Keynesianism Vs. Monetarism Under Indian Conditions: ...Indian
Economic Association. Conference 1980
Keynesianism Vs. Monetarism: And Other Essays in Financial ...Charles
P. Kindleberger 2013 The clash of Keynesianism and 'monetarism' is
intense today at the levels of theory and policy. The contention of this
article is that it has been so for at least 250 years.' Keynesianism is loosely
defined as the economic view that, left to itself.
Keynesianism Vs. Montarism: And Other Essays in Financial ...Charles
P. Kindleberger 2005 This book was first published in 1985.

Keynesianism, monetarism and the crisis of the state Simon Clarke 1988
. . . makes a significant contribution. Tom Bottomore, University of
Sussex, UK
Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State Simon Clarke 1988
First published in 1988, this book has acquired new relevance in the wake
of the global financial crisis.
Keynesianism, Neo-Keynesianism, Post-Keynesianism: ...Ivanciu
Nicolae-Văleanu 1982
Keynesianism, Social Conflict, and Political Economy Massimo De
Angelis 2000 Shows that there is more to economics than dry models and
esoteric equations.
Macroeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics Σελίδα 36. Alvaro
Cencini 2012 Keynesian Economics: a neoclassical interpretation of
Keynes's theory The expression Keynesian Economics will here be used
to cover the work of all those economists who, although more or less
inspired by Keynes's macroeconomic theory, ...
Macroeconomic Instability and Coordination: Selected ... Σελίδα 52. Axel
Leijonhufvud 2000 3. Keynesianism,. Monetarism. and. rational.
expectations: some. reflections. and. conjectures*. To what extent is
Keynesianism discredited? Is there anything left? Did Monetarism score a
total victory? Must rational expectations make New ...
Markets, Unemployment, and Economic Policy Σελίδα 238 Philip Arestis,
J. Gabriel Palma, Malcolm C. Sawyer 1997 INTRODUCTION Geoff
Harcourt has been a major contributor to, and proponent of, postKeynesian
Economics. Within the broad diversity of Post-Keynesian Economics
(see Hamouda and Harcourt 1988) two different approaches can be ...
Marxist Political Economy: Essays in Retrieval : Selected ... Σελίδα xix
Geoffrey Pilling, Doria Pilling 2012 For example, the critical dissection
of Keynesianism is of potentially more significance, and prominence,
when it has both some prospect of being adopted and historical experience
of its successes and failures are closer to hand. Thirty years ...
Medium-run Keynesianism: Hysteresis and Capital Scrapping 1988
Modern Macroeconomics: A Post-Keynesian Perspective Stanley Bober
2015 Originally published in 1988, this book combines a systematic
exposition of Post-Keynesianism analysis with an account of its historical

Modernization and the Crisis of Development in Africa: The ...Jeremiah I.

Dibua 2006 From the 1950s to the 1970s, neo-Keynesianism, which
occupied an ascendant position in the modernization paradigm, advocated
state intervention in the economies of African countries. This gave rise to
the developmental state philosophy ...
Monetarism, Economic Crisis and the Third World Σελίδα 149 Karel
INTERNATIONAL KEYNESIANISM It must be said at the outset that
international Keynesianism is not a solution to the world crisis any more
than monetarism provides a solution. Keynesianism ...
Monetary Theory, 16E Σελίδα 277 M C Vaish 2009 CHAPTER 21
Keynesianism Versus Monetarism In recent years, eminent economists
have spent their substantial energy and time in specifying the issues on
which the Keynesians and the monetarists have been sharply divided.
While some ...
Money in a Free Society: Keynes, Friedman, and the New ...Tim Congdon
2011 Old Keynesianism The first might be characterized as
“Keynesianism as it is usually understood,” or “Old Keynesianism.” Old
Keynesianism certainly originates in Keynes's work, particularly in a
theory of national-income determination ...
Money, credit, and prices in Keynesian perspective: ...Alain Barrère,
Université de Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne 1989
Money, Investment and Consumption: Keynes's Macroeconomics ...O. F.
Hamouda 2011 What is presumed under the name of Keynes is, however,
in fact Keynesianism – in sum, government interventionism in the form of
three policies, all geared to promote consumerism in order to sustain
employment: (1) there must be ...
New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 59 John Pheby
1989 4. Subjectivism. and. Post-. Keynesianism: Towards. a. Better.
Understanding. Stephan. Böhm. INTRODUCTION The title of this
chapter may give rise to serious misunderstandings; it requires immediate
clarification. In keeping with the general ...
New Keynesian Economics / Post Keynesian Alternatives Roy Rotheim
2013 Does it actually build upon Keynes' work? In this volume, leading
post Keynesian economists challenge New Keynesianism both on the
grounds that it is not Keynesian, and does not provide an adequate account
of our current economic problems.

No Local: Why Small-Scale Alternatives Won't Change The World Greg

Sharzer 2012 After World War II, states in the Global North were broadly
Keynesian, based ona compromise between capitaland labor. Capital
introduced new production techniques without fear of socialist take–
over,andin return forlabor's peace, thestate ...
On Political Economists and Modern Political Economy: ...G. C. Harcourt,
Claudio Sardoni 2003 F. Hamouda There have been several review and/or
interpretive articles on Post-Keynesianism and Post-Keynesian
Economics in the last dozen years or so: Harris (1975), Eichner and Kregel
(1975), Shapiro (1977), Davidson (1980a, 1981), ...
On Political Economists and Political Economy Σελίδα 209 Professor
Geoffrey Harcourt, Claudio Sardoni 2013 F. Hamouda There have been
several review and/or interpretive articles on Post-Keynesianism and
Post-Keynesian Economics in the last dozen years or so: Harris (1975),
Eichner and Kregel (1975), Shapiro (1977), Davidson (1980a, 1981), ...
Open Economy Macrodynamics: An Integrated Disequilibrium ...Toichiro
Asada 2003 It represents the view of supply side Keynesianism (where
capital is always fully employed)5 and thus can be used to show the real
differences between the two kinds of Keynesianism considered here. It
provides a variety of dynamic results ...
Our Daily Bread: Wages, Workers, and the Political Economy ...Geoff
Mann 2012 Nonetheless, while the politics so important to the approach
has helped denaturalize capitalist class relations in a rigorous way, the
economic analysis on which it rests is in effect a rehashed Keynesianism
that cannot take us much further than ...
Overaccumulation, Underconsumption, and the Crisis of ...Andrew
Richard Timming 2002
Perspectives on Keynesian Economics Σελίδα v Arie Arnon, Jimmy
Weinblatt, Warren Young 2010 Since Keynes the Economist and his ideas
will be discussed within this volume, I will not venture down the lane of
“Keynesian Economics”. Nevertheless, I would like to say a few words
about Keynes the man, the philosopher, the leader – his ...
Plenty of Nothing: The Downsizing of the American Dream ...Thomas I.
Palley 2000 This work offers an alternative to conventional economic
wisdom. It aims to provoke debate amongst economists and the general
public about the most stubborn problems in the American economy.

Political Economy and Global Capitalism: The 21st Century, ...Robert

Albritton, Bob Jessop, Richard Westra 2010 Chapter 5 MONETARY
INFLATION TARGETING1 Alfredo Saad-Filho The transition from the
Keynesian 'golden age' ...
Politics and Jobs: The Boundaries of Employment Policy in ... Σελίδα 27
Margaret Weir 1993 Two. Creating. an. American. Keynesianism. IN
1938, the United States embarked on its first experiment with Keynesian-
style macroeconomic management. Prodded by a sharp economic
downturn that had sent unemployment rates shooting ...
Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and the Macro ...T. Palley
1996 Fluctuations in the level of debt service burdens give rise to
fluctuations in aggregate demand which can then cause business cycles.
Post Keynesian Methodology: Development and ...Kant Tatjana 2010
Keynes’ work on methodology was not insignificant.
Post Keynesian Monetary Economics Σελίδα 30 1992 provided that just
the one blemish of excessive saving was going to be removed [that is, by
Samuelson's "skillful use of fiscal and monetary policy"].17 Keynesian
demand management foundered in the decade of the 1970s. Up to that point
it ...
Post Keynesianism: Quite Wrong And/or Nothing New? Geoffrey Colin
Harcourt 1982
Post-Keynesian Principles of Economic Policy Σελίδα 135 Claude Gnos,
Louis-Philippe Rochon 2005 In 1997 European politicians promulgated
the growth and stability pact condemning as abominations all the errors of
the past Keynesianism, socialism, and welfare rights, because they
dreamed of anchoring the future of the European Union ...
Profits, Taxes, and the State Σελίδα 71 Richard Jankowski 1998 BRITISH.
The claim that a conflict over income distribution brought on the inflation
spiral starting in the late 1960s is made by both the political left and right.
However, such a claim ...
Public Finance and Public Choice: Analytical Perspectives Σελίδα 340
John Cullis, Philip Jones, Philip R. Jones 2009 This can be justified by the
fact that Keynesianism was the accepted dominant macro-intellectual

tradition and that in this tradition a key role, if not the key role, is
government manipulation of fiscal policy weapons to achieve economy-
wide ...
Reconstructing Keynesian Economics with Imperfect ...Robin Lapthorn
Marris 1991 Qualifications for admission appeared to be brains and
Keynesianism, but they could be traded off. A number of interesting
visitors came in, Kenneth Arrow, Milton Friedman (before he invented
monetarism), Robert Solow. Well-known ...
Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Volume 2: ...Carl Chiarella,
Peter Flaschel, Willi Semmler 2013 This book represents the second of
three volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of
Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the
disequilibrium adjustment processes characterizing the financial, the ...
Reconstructing Keynesian Macroeconomics Τόμος 2 Carl Chiarella, Peter
Flaschel, Willi Semmler 2012 This book represents the second of three
volumes offering a complete reinterpretation and restructuring of
Keynesian macroeconomics and a detailed investigation of the
disequilibrium adjustment processes characterizing the financial, the ...
Re-forming the State: The Politics of Privatization in ... Σελίδα 87 Hector
E. Schamis 2002 Chapter. 5. Great. Britain. From. Keynesianism. to.
Thatcherism. and. Beyond. This chapter shifts the analysis from market
reform carried out in a developing, import-substituting economy under a
repressive authoritarian regime to an ...
Regional Economic Change in Europe: A Neo-Schumpeterian Vision. Gert
J. Hospers 2004 At that time, the defensive Keynesian approach of the City
of Copenhagen was replaced by a Schumpeterian growth orientation that
paved the way for fruitful regional cooperation by local politicians across
the Sund in the 1990s. First, we ...
Remaking the Italian Economy Σελίδα 35 Richard M. Locke 1995 Unlike
the situation in most other advanced industrial nations, in Italy the new
economics of Keynesian demand management did not play a dominant role
in postwar economic policy (De Cecco 1989).1 Luigi Einaudi and the other
neoclassical ...
Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution: Keynes, Hayek, and ... Σελίδα 86
Tyler Beck Goodspeed 2012 Indeed, Alvin Hansen, who not only brought
Keynesianism to academic America but also, with Hicks, embalmed

Keynes in the neo-Walrasian IS/LM model, declared chapter 17 merely

“another detour which could be omitted without sacrificing ...
Ron Paul's Farewell to Congress Keynesianism continues to thrive,
although today it is facing healthy and enthusiastic rebuttals. Believers in
military Keynesianism and domestic Keynesianism continue to
desperately promote their failed policies, as the economy languishes in ...
Socialism: Past and Future Michael Harrington 2011 After World War II,
it is said, the socialists belatedly joined a Keynesian revolution that was,
so to speak, handed to them as a free gift. That was not the case. The
shattering events of the thirties did lead to anguished socialist
reconsideration ...
Sport and the Transformation of Modern Europe: States, ... Σελίδα 171
Alan Tomlinson, Christopher Young, Richard Holt 2013 Decisively, the
decades following the Second World War from 1945 to 1970 were unified
by the advance of Keynesian welfarism in Europe. For Mazower and Judt,
the po st—war economic miracle was facilitated and, indeed, characterized
by ...
State Building and Late Development Σελίδα 95 David Waldner 1999 I he
material in this chapter covers the period of precocious Keynesianism —
195o to 198o in Turkey and 1963 to 198o in Syria. Chapter 9 discusses the
post198o period, when Syria and Turkey experimented with new political-
economic ...
Summary of Liberty Defined : 50 Essential Issues That ...Capitol Reader
2013 For all too long now, the United States has been subject to a form of
compulsory “Keynesianism” wherein wealth is by stealth drained from the
poor, the middle class and the justly rich in order to supposedly be
redistributed to others. This is the ...
Teaching Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 134. Jesper Jespersen,
Mogens Ove Madsen 2013 8. Teaching. macroeconomics: seeking.
inspiration. from. Paul. Davidson. Finn. Olesen. INTRODUCTION. As it
is known from the history of economic thought, Post Keynesianism is
heterodox in so far that, according to Arestis (1996), it consists ...
The 21st-Century Case for a Managed Economy: The Role of ...Sean
Harkin 2010 A. Broader. Keynesianism. Because it recognises irrational
fluctuations as an inevitable feature of the economy, the feedback model is
especially useful in explaining serious dislocations of the kind we have
experienced over the past three ...

The American Political Economy: Institutional Evolution of ...Marc Allen

Eisner 2013 The KennedyJohnson years marked a clear departure from the
economic policies of earlier postwar presidents. Johnson, in particular,
advocated a far more aggressive brand of Keynesianism designed to
achieve full employment and support ...
The coming of Keynesianism to America: conversations with ...David C.
Colander, Harry Landreth 1996 . . the most important merit of this book is
simply that it is a good read which conveys the excitement of being a
Keynesian at the end of the 1930s.
The Crises of Capitalism: A Different Study of Political ... Σελίδα 95 Saral
K. Sarkar 2012 IV. Stagflation—The. Decline. of. Keynesianism. and. the.
Rise. of. Neo-Liberalism. In the mid-seventies, the long boom—and with
it the “golden age” of capitalism — came to an end. In the previous twenty-
five years one could emphatically ...
The Crisis of Keynesian Economics (Routledge Revivals) Σελίδα vii
Geoffrey Pilling 2014 PREFACE This book is a Marxist critique of certain
aspects of Keynesianism. Whilst it concentrates on a review of Keynes'
writings rather than the vast literature which has grown up amongst his
followers over the last 40 years and more, ...
The Currency of Ideas: Monetary Politics in the European Union Kathleen
R. McNamara 1998 Chapter. Four. Capital. Control,. Keynesianism,. and.
Bretton. Woods. The European Union's efforts at monetary cooperation
cannot be understood fully without examining the Bretton Woods system.
The same features crucial to the later EU ...
The Democracy Makers: Human Rights and the Politics of ... Σελίδα 196
Nicolas Guilhot 2012 Indeed, the hegemonic diffusion of Keynesian ideas
in the policy process “determined the main kinds of expertise (training in
macroeconomics) and the sort of analysis (aggregate economic analysis)
that would be given most weight in public ...
The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth: Macro Foundations Carl
Chiarella, Peter Flaschel 2000 Keynesian. monetary. growth: the. missing.
prototype. In this chapter, we shall further improve the general
disequilibrium version of the Tobin type models of chapter 2. We recall
that this version was already considerably extended and ...
The Economics of Global Turbulence: The Advanced ... Σελίδα 187 Robert
Brenner 2006 The Reagan-Thatcher revolution advertised itself, in this
context, as confronting the underlying economic problems that

Keynesianism had papered over and perpetuated. Through a policy of

restriction of credit and of government borrowing, ...
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics Σελίδα 582 P. J. Boettke
1998 Theoretical and historical overview What is new Keynesianism? It
is essentially an approach, or the result of that approach, to
macroeconomics. That is to say, it is a set of economic theories and
observations produced by directing attention ...
The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 29. J. E. King
2012 J. E. King. in the economy, or when its own liquidity preference
rises, it raises both the loan price and non-price requirements, so that some
borrowers pay higher rates at the same time as other borrowers – those
unable to meet the non-price ...
The End of Normal: The Great Crisis and the Future of Growth James K.
Galbraith 2014 Carter's energy policies were ineffective, and soon enough
he found himself up against a trade deficit, a declining dollar, and rising
inflation—the traditional limits of Keynesianism in economies open to the
world. Carter reverted to budget ...
The End of Parliamentary Socialism: From New Left to New ...Leo
Panitch, Colin Leys 2001 The abandonment of Keynesianism and the
inauguration of monetarism in Britain by a Labour Government was a
denning moment in the politics of 'globalisation'. As governments tried to
cope with the inflationary effects of industrial militancy ...
The First Great Recession of the 21st Century: Competing ... Σελίδα 128
šscar Deju¾n, Eladio Febrero, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo 2011 The
collapse of EMH is just one expression of a more fundamental crisis at the
root of contemporary economic theory in both of its major wings, which
this writer has called 'Hybrid Keynesianism' and 'Retro-Classicalism'. The
crisis is ultimately ...
The Global Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt? Σελίδα 46 Steven
Kates 2011 2. Traditional. monetary. economics. vs. Keynesianism,.
creditism. and. base-ism. Tim. Congdon. How is the Great Recession to be
explained from an intellectual standpoint? The argument here is that the
heart of the problem is the lack of an ...
The Global Great Recession Σελίδα 25 E. Ray Canterbery 2011 E. Ray
EARLY NEW DEAL YEARS Keynes had sensed a lack of confidence by

consumers that blighted the business community. Confidence is precisely

what Franklin D.
The Great Economic Debate: Failed Economics and a Future ...Cy Gonick
1987 One predictable response will be an urgent call for a return to old-
fashioned Keynesian expansionism. This is, at best, a simplistic and short-
term solution which would eventually come up against some of the very
same barriers that made ...
The Impact of Keynes on Economics in the 20th Century Luigi L.
Pasinetti, Bertram Schefold 1999 Gordon Fletcher, European Society for
the History of Economic Thought the Impact of Keynes on Economics in
the 20th Century reconsiders the nature and significance of Keynes's
theories and economic policies.
The Kreisky Era in Austria Σελίδα 119 Günter Bischof, Anton Pelinka
Austro-Keynesianism. Reconsidered. Kurt W. Rothschild The 1 978
Economic Survey of Austria by the OECD (Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development) opened with the following sentence: "The
most remarkable feature of ...
The Liberal Party and the Economy, 1929-1964 Σελίδα 166 Peter Sloman
2015 6. Clement. Davies. and. Liberal. Keynesianism,. 1945–56. The
decade which followed the Second World War was the Liberal Party's
nadir, a period in which—as David Dutton has put it—the party stood 'on
the brink of oblivion'.1 Labour's ...
The Limits of Transparency: Ambiguity and the History of ... Σελίδα 87
Jacqueline Best 2007 [5]. Hollowing. Out. Keynesianism: Crisis. and.
Collapse. in. the. Bretton. Woods. Regime. In the realm of macro-
economics, at least, problems and issues were coming to be treated as
technical rather than ideological. James Tobin A decade of ...
The Making of a Post-Keynesian Economist: Cambridge Harvest G. C.
Harcourt 2012 Cambridge Harvest G. C. Harcourt. and weak demand,
other things being equal, tend to keep down the rate of inflation. On the
other hand, nobody has ever believed that higher inflation will in itself be
a cause of lower unemployment. Certainly ...
The Making of Global Capitalism Σελίδα 133 Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin
2012 There was no little irony in Richard Nixon's intoning, in 1971, of the
phrase Milton Friedman had coined in 1965—“We are all Keynesians
now”—just as the crisis of Keynesianism was becoming most visible.1 By
the early 1970s the ...

The Military Industrial Complex At 50. David Swanson 2013 Pitfalls. of.
Military. Keynesianism. By. Dave. Shreve. "You cannot qualify war in
harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty and you cannot refine it; and those
who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions
a people can ...
The Oil Shocksof 1973. and. 1979: Keynesianism. and. Beyond. Global.
economic. situation. In virtually all OECD countries, the decades following
the Second World War were characterised by almost continuous and
unprecedented ...
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: ...G. C.
Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 1. INTRODUCTION. INVITED to
contribute to this Handbook a chapter dealing with “Sraffa's role in the
criticism of mainstream theory and the development of Post-Keynesian
theory,” I asked myself whether such a contribution was ...
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1:
...Geoffrey Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 1. INTRODUCTION. INVITED
to contribute to this Handbook a chapter dealing with “Sraffa's role in the
criticism of mainstream theory and the development of Post-Keynesian
theory,” I asked myself whether such a contribution was ...
The Policy Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 48 Harold L.
Wattel 1985 But the Keynesian influence on public policy as we see it
today is the result of the application or misapplication of his views,
primarily those conveyed in The General Theory, by his disciples. As is
often the case, with the passage of time an ...
The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism Across ...Peter A.
Hall 1989 " The contributors to this volume take that assertion seriously.
The Power of Economic Ideas: The Origins of Keynesian ... Σελίδα 225
Alex Millmow 2010 9. Australia,. 1936–1938: the. nascent. Keynesian.
state? Introduction. The two grand themes of this monograph are, to repeat,
the influence of economists' ideas on Australian public policy in the 1930s
and whether their assimilation of ...
The Return to Keynes Σελίδα 94 Bradley W. Bateman, Toshiaki Hirai,
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo 2010 Tobin's Keynesianism Robert W. Dimand
Introduction In September 1936, when James Tobin was an eighteen-year-
old sophomore taking principles of economics (Ec A) at Harvard, his tutor,
Spencer Pollard (a graduate student who was also ...

The Revolution That Never Was Will Hutton 2012 Summary

KEYNESIANISM IS NOW seen by many as close to the root of all
economic evil, and the reaction against government attempts to manage the
economy has included a reaction against not just Keynesianism as it was
practised, but ...
The Sages: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Paul Volcker, and ... Σελίδα 8
Charles R. Morris 2009 “Neo-Keynesian” is the mathematized version of
Keynesianism that reigned in the 1950s and 1960s. The “New
Keynesians” are present-day economists like Paul Krugman, who have
tried to correct the deficiencies of neoKeynesianism and ...
The Sources of Social Power: Volume 4, Globalizations, ... Σελίδα 129
Michael Mann 2012 Introduction: Neoliberalism Here I will chart the shift
in the dominant form of political economy from neo-Keynesianism to
neoliberalism before moving onto neoliberal tribulations as the century
ended. Chapter 11 will follow up by analyzing ...
The Strange Non-death of Neo-liberalism Colin Crouch 2013 Privatized.
Keynesianism: Debt. in. Place. of. Discipline. Although overall the
financial crisis of 2008—9, briefly discussed in Chapter 1, can be seen as
a gigantic market failure, it can also be argued that it occurred precisely
because some ...
The Strange Survival of Liberal England: Political ... Σελίδα 153 E. H. H.
Green, D. M. Tanner 2007 It was reported that Labour leaders would tell
a conference of businessmen and academics 'that the party has turned its
back on Keynesian Economics and “the old ways of corporatism”'.1 In
fact, Blair used his speech to insist that Keynes's ...
The 'Uncertain' Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics: ...Stephen
Dunn 2010 Many specific attempts at defining Post Keynesianism (such
as those of Hamouda and Harcourt, 1988; Lawson, 1994a; Lee, 1998,
2000b; King, 2003) generally begin by examining the theories and
approaches of those who explicitly accept ...
The Welfare State as Crisis Manager: Explaining the ... Σελίδα 1962 Peter
Starke, Alexandra Kaasch, Franca Van Hooren 2013
Think-Tanks, Social Democracy and Social Policy H. Pautz 2012 This
contextualisation encompasses an outline of the rise of British welfare state
and German Sozialstaat after the Second World War,a discussionof the
faltering hegemonyofthe Keynesian paradigm and theascendancyof
neoliberalism inthe ...

Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure Σελίδα 125

Roger W Garrison 2002 These potted, mechanistic versions of
Keynesianism describe neither the actual workings of the economy nor
Keynes's understanding of them. After a wholesale rejection of these sorts
of models, our focus shifts to rational expectations with ...
Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical ... Σελίδα 33 Paul
Lewis 2004 Introduction1 Post Keynesian Economics has many critics.
To many it represents a loose association of ignorant and incoherent idiot
savants who know what they are against but do not know what they are for.
Unable to do the sophisticated ...
Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO Σελίδα 8 Richard Peet
2003 In general, post-war Keynesian economic theory established the
legitimacy of state intervention in market economies with the aim of
achieving growth and employment levels decided on the basis of social
policy. Since Keynes, economists ...
Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt, The Σελίδα 208 19. Keynesianism. in. a.
Nutshell. Iohn Maynard Keynes was, basically, an inflationist. This has
not been clearly recognized because he never spelled out, step by step, the
consequences of his proposed remedy for unemployment and ...


Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre Σελίδα 381 Wolfgang Cezanne 2005

Nach der Keynesianischen Attacke gegen die klassischen Vorstellungen
formierte sich in den 50er Jahren als Gegenposition zum Keynesianismus
und Rückbesinnung auf klassisches Gedankengut die Chicago-Schule des
Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik jenseits des ... Σελίδα 149 Elmar Altvater,
Kurt Hübner, Michael Stanger 2013 In diesen Restriktionen, die allgemein
aus der politisch nicht in Frage gestellten Autonomie des privaten
Kapitalsektors resultieren, ist wesentlich das Scheitern des
Keynesianismus unter den konkreten Krisenbedingungen der siebziger
Jahre ...
An Analysis of Austrian Output Growth at a Sectoral Level Σελίδα 33.
Gerhard Rünstler 1993 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans
Seidel zum 65. Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb.

(Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch., Die

wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
Austro-Corporatism: Past, Present, Future Σελίδα 117. Günter Bischof,
Anton Pelinka 1996 Ferdinand Lacina, "Austro-Keynesianismus," in F.
Weber/T. Venus, eds., Austro-Keynesianismus in Theorie und Praxis, 15-
20. Gerhard Lehmbruch, "Osterreichs sozialpartnerschaftliche System im
internationalen Vergleich," in Methoden der ...
Austro-Keynesianismus in Theorie und Praxis Fritz Weber, Theodor
Venus, Franz Vranitzky 1993
Austro-Keynesianismus: Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65. ... Σελίδα 3.
Peter Mitter, Andreas Wörgötter 2013 Seidel selbst definiert "Austro-
Keynesianismus" als öffentliches Nachfragemanagement, das mit Hilfe
eines Systems von Förderungen für Investitionen, Exporte und den
Arbeitsmarkt differenzierter handhabbar ist. Eine Absicherung gegen ...
Das Inflation Targeting: unter dem Aspekt der ... Σελίδα 43. Sebastian
Boerner 2009 Dabei basieren die nachfolgenden Ausführungen auf der
Einbettung der erwartungstheoretischen Ansätze in eine
theoriegeschichtliche Systematik der einzelnen Schulen vom
Keynesianismus über den Monetarismus bis hin zur Neuen ...
Das Projekt eines monetären Keynesianismus. Hajo Riese, Karl Betz 2001

Das tradierte Konzept der Staatswissenschaft Σελίδα 9. Helge Peukert

2005 Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg standen die Wirtschaftswissenschaften
durch das Konzept der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und später infolge der
Rezeption des Keynesianismus und der Einführung des
Sachverständigenrates und anderer ...
Der Einfluss des Keynesianismus auf die deutsche ...Andreas Wältner
Der Keynesianismus I: Theorie und Praxis Keynesianischer ...Gottfried
Bombach, Hans-Jürgen Ramser, Manfred Timmermann 1981 Über
Keynes und den Keynesianismus: eine Studie zur ...Axel Leijonhufvud
1973 Der Keynesianismus IV: Die beschäftigungspolitische ...
Der Keynesianismus II: Die beschäftigungspolitische ... Σελίδα 222 G.
Bombach, H.-J. Ramser, M. Timmermann 2013 Die
beschäftigungspolitische Diskussion vor Keynes in Deutschland.
Dokumente und Kommentare G. Bombach, H.-J. Ramser, M.

Timmermann, W. Wittmann. 8. Über Arbeitsbeschaffung Wilhelm

Grotkopp Die Wirtschaftswende, Sonderheft, ...
Der Keynesianismus III.: Die geldund ...Gottfried Bombach 1981
Der Keynesianismus V: Makroökonomik nach Keynes Σελίδα 222 G.
Bombach, H.-J. Ramser, M. Timmermann 2013 Der Keynesianismus I
Theorie und Praxis Keynesianischer Wirtschaftspolitik Entwicklung und
Stand der Diskussion Herausgeber: G. Bombach, H.-J. Ramser,
M.Timmermann, W. Wittmann Nachdruck. 1981. VIII, 296 Seiten
Der Keynesianismus VI: Der Einfluß Keynesianischen Denkens
...Gottfried Bombach, Hans J. Ramser, Hajo Riese 2013 Zur Einführung
Wenn dieser VI. und letzte Band der Reihe „Der Keynesianismus“
erschienen ist und – so hoffen wir – jenes Echo gefunden haben wird wie
die vorangegangenen fünf Bände (wobei auch vereinzelte konstruktive
Kritiken ...
Der Keynesianismus Τόμος 6 Gottfried Bombach 1976 Grundzüge der
Volkswirtschaftslehre: Makroökonomie Σελίδα 99. Helmut Wienert 2008
11.1 Schwächen des Keynesianismus in der praktischen Anwendung
11.1.1 Grundlegende Probleme Die Keynesianische Theorie ist von vielen
Politikern zunächst euphorisch begrüßt worden, stellte sie doch eine
praktikable ...
Der Keynesianismus, I III.. Τόμος 1. 1976
Der Keynesianismus: Die beschäftigungspolitische ... Τόμος 4. 1976
Der linke Keynesianismus. Christoph Deutschmann 1973
Der optimale Geldmengenbegriff Σελίδα 19. Gerhard Förster, Rainer Ertel
... und der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität, erlebt heute eine Neuauflage in Form
der Monetarismus-Keynesianismus-Debatte. Wie schon hinter dem Streit
der Bankingmit der Currencytheorie sowohl konjunkturpolitische als auch
ordnungspolitische ...
Die Finanzkrise 2008 denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun: ... Σελίδα 17.
Philip J. Klaedtke 2015 Zwei weitere Denkstile, die sich in ihren Ansätzen
ganz oder größtenteils unterscheiden, sind der Keynesianismus und die
Chicagoer-Schule. Beide sind die weltweit bekanntesten Denkstile und
genießen im Vergleich zur Österreichischen ...

Die Internationale Politische Ökonomie der Weltfinanzkrise Σελίδα 15.

Oliver Kessler 2011 Der. privatisierte. Keynesianismus,. die.
Finanzialisierung. des. ,alltäglichen. Lebens'. und. die. Schuldenfalle.
Brigitte. Young. 1 Einleitung Die globale Finanzkrise hat ihren Ursprung
im US-amerikanischen Subprimebankensektor und löste ...
Die Keynesianische Prägung der japanischen Wirtschaftspolitik. Andreas
Goerdeler, Dirk Vieser Während Stop-and-Go-Maßnahmen der
Fiskalpolitik in der vorherrschenden Position des hydraulischen
Keynesianismus zur Wiederherstellung des sich dann reproduzierenden
Gleichgewichts ausreichen, müssen fiskalpolitische ...
Die tägliche Dosis Liberalismus Σελίδα 34. Gérard Bökenkamp, Michael
von Prollius 2014 Wirtschaftspolitik. Japan. und. die. Abenomics:
Keynesianismus. von. rechts. In vielen wichtigen politischen Fragen
versagt das politische RechtsLinks-Schema. Das trifft auch auf die
Wirtschaftspolitik zu. Keynesianismus wird gemeinhin als ...
Dirk Ruff 2001 Der Keynesianismus I Τόμος 2
Eckhard Hein, Arne Heise, Achim Truger 2003 Der Keynesianismus: Die
unterschiedlichen Auffassungen in ...
Forschungsbericht Τεύχη 303-315 Σελίδα 49. 1992 Austro-
Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65. Geburtstag 1990. VI,
102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. DM
55,ISBN 3-7908-0514-9 Die wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung
Österreichs bis zu ...
Fractionally Integrated Models with ARCH Errors Σελίδα 49. Michael A.
Hauser 1993 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65.
Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche
Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch., Die wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung
Österreichs bis zu ...
G. Bombach, K.-B. Netzband, H.-J. Ramser 1983 Vergleich von
Keynesianismus und Monetarismus
Geldpolitik zwischen Monetarismus und Keynesianismus Jürgen Pätzold
Geschichte der Nationalökonomie Σελίδα 203. Otmar Issing 2014 Hans-
Joachim Jarchow Keynesianismus Der Keynesianismus1 Hans-Joachim
Jarchow 1. Die Keynesianische Revolution Die Vorstellung von einem

ökonomischen System, das sich selbst reguliert und dadurch

Gleichgewicht auf den ...
Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens: Paradigmenwechsel in ...Bernd
Ziegler 2008 Monetarismus und Keynesianismus differieren sehr stark in
ihren Forschungsstrategien und Theorien über aggregierte Ausgaben. Die
Keynesianische Theorie richtet ihr Augenmerk schwerpunktmäßig auf die
Bestimmungsgründe der ...
Gesetzliche Mindestlöhne aus der Sicht der Neoklassik und ...Katrin
Schrimpf 2008 Die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit sowie der seit Mitte der 1990er
Jahre kontinuierlich wachsende Niedriglohnsektor in Deutschland drängt
die Bundesregierung zum Handeln.
Gewerkschaften und Keynesianismus: eine ...Ingo Schmidt 1997
Gottfried Bombach, Hans-Jürgen Ramser, Manfred Timmermann
Grundlegungen eines monetären Keynesianismus : ausgewählte ...2001
Grundlegungen eines monetären Keynesianismus : ausgewählte ...Karl
Betz 2001
Grundlegungen eines monetären Keynesianismus : ausgewählte ...Karl
Betz 2001
Grundlegungen eines monetären Keynesianismus: Das Projekt ...Hajo
Riese 2001
Grundzüge der analytischen Makroökonomie Σελίδα 2 Thorsten Hens,
Carlo Strub 2006 Die Klassik und der Keynesianismus bilden dabei die
grossen theoretischen Gegenpole. Die ≪General Theory≫ von Keynes
löste in den 1930er Jahren die bis dahin durchgehend klassischen Modelle
ab. Während bis zum Ende der 1970er ...
Interactions Between International Migration and ... Σελίδα 238. Asaf
Razin, Efryaim Tsadḳah 1993 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für
Hans Seidel zum 65. Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb.
(Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. Die
wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
John Maynard Keynes: Biographie von Keynes Keynes im ...Timo
Felber 2010 Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL
Wirtschaftsund Sozialgeschichte, Note: 1,3, Universitat Siegen,
Veranstaltung: Merkantilismus und Neomerkantilismus, Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: John Maynard Keynes, einer der ...

Kapitalismus, Korporatismus, Keynesianismus Τόμος 10. 1984

Kapitalismus, Korporatismus, Keynesianismus Τόμος 10. Hans-
Christoph Schröder, Hans-Jürgen Puhle, Helmut Berding 1984
Kapitalismus, Korporatismus, Keynesianismus. Hans-Jürgen Puhle 1984
Keynes aus nachKeynesscher Sicht: Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr ...Karl
Georg Zinn 2013 Damit dürfte auch die monetaristische Theorie an
schulbildendem Einfluß verlieren. Ob damit allerdings auch eine Rückkehr
des Keynesianismus als wirtschaftspolitischer Orientierungslehre
verbunden sein wird, läßt sich noch nicht erkennen ...
Keynesianische Makroökonomik: Zins, Beschäftigung, ... Σελίδα 375.
Peter Flaschel, Gangolf Groh, Hans-Martin Krolzig 2012 7. Ausblick:
Gereifter. Keynesianismus. In diesem abschließenden Kapitel werden wir
in seinen späteren Abschnitten Entwicklungen der Makroökonomik und
insbesondere der Konjunkturund Inflationstheorie darstellen, auch was
eigene ...
Keynesianismus ohne Keynes: Der dt. Beitr. zur Entwicklg ...Jörg Ohl
Keynesianismus Scheitern der Theorie und Möglichkeit der ...Catrin
Knußmann 2007 Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Politik
Internationale Politik Allgemeines und Theorien, Note: 2,0, Johannes
Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Veranstaltung: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft,
14 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, ...
Keynesianismus und Gegenwart: zu Krise und ...Reinhard Hellmuth 1987

Keynesianismus und Monetarismus. 1977

Keynesianismus. und. seine. Kritiker. Keynes gilt heute als einer der
einflussreichsten Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er war der intellektuelle
Vater des New Deal in den USA und seine Lehre wurde nach dem Zweiten
Weltkrieg in allen ...
Klassik, Neoklassik, Keynes und Keynesianismus. 1994
Klassik, Neoklassik, Keynes und Keynesianismus. Klaus-Dieter John
Konjunktur und Beschäftigung. Geschichte der Neoklassik ...2015 Diese
Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den in der Geschichte dominantesten

Ökonomien, nämlich der Neoklassik und dem Keynesianismus. Im ersten

Teil der Hausarbeit wird speziell auf die Theorien der Paradigmen
Krise und Anpassungsbestrebungen des Keynesianismus unter ...Reinhard
Hellmuth 1986
Kurswechsel für Deutschland: Die Lehren aus der Krise Σελίδα 114.
Berthold Huber 2010 Postdemokratie. und. die. Krise. des. »privatisierten.
Keynesianismus«. Colin. Crouch. Die gegenwärtige Krise ist mehr als ein
Konjunktureinbruch, mehr auch als eine Wirtschaftskrise. Sie verweist auf
grundlegende Probleme neoliberaler ...
Merkantilismus und Keynesianismus. Albert Hahn 1957
Mit der Krise leben lernen: Finanzpolitik und Geldanlage ... Σελίδα 52.
Eric Frey 2009
Modeling Exchange Rates: Long-run Dependence Versus ... Σελίδα 33.
Michael A. Hauser, Robert M. Kunst, Erhard Reschenhofer 1992 Austro-
Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65. Geburtstag 1990. VI,
102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. Die
wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
Nichts dazugelernt? Monetarismus und Keynesianismus in der ...2010
Reader Keynesianismus: Grundlage Arbeitskreis ...1983
Rückkehr des Keynesianismus: Anmerkungen aus ...Anton-Heinz
Schmidt 2010
Sachverständigenrat zwischen Keynesianismus und ...Renate Faust 1979
Seasonality in the Austrian Economy: Common Seasonals and ...Robert M.
Kunst 1992 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65.
Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche
Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. DM 55,ISBN 3-7908-0514-9 Die wirtschaftliche
Sonderentwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
Simon Winzer 2012 Diese Arbeit hat als Thema den Keynesianismus.
Some Evidence on Hysteresis in Unemployment Rates Σελίδα 46. Albert
Jäger, Martin Parkinson 1991 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für
Hans Seidel zum 65. Geburtstag; 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb.

(Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. DM 55,ISBN 3-

7908-0514-9 Die wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
Sozialdemokratie und Keynesianismus: von der ...Michael Held 1982
Staatsverschuldung: Ursachen im internationalen Vergleich Σελίδα 133.
Uwe Wagschal 2013 3.2.2 Der Keynesianismus Die bekannteste und
populärste Rechtfertigung für eine verstärkte Verschuldung, vor allem in
Zeiten nachlassenden wirtschaftlichen Wachstums, lieferte der
Keynesianismus. Die Theorie vom „deficit spending“ war ...
Stock Markets Efficiency and Volatility Tests: A Survey Σελίδα 41 Chien-
Te Hsu 1993 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschrift für Hans Seidel zum 65.
Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche
Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. DM 55,ISBN 3-7908-0514-9 Die wirtschaftliche
Sondererrtwicklung Österreichs bis zu ...
Strukturalismus, Neostrukturalismus und ...Kai Bethke 1998 Jahrbuch Fur
Neue Politische Okonomie Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 78. Erik Boettcher, Philipp
Herder-Dorneich, Karl-Ernst Schenk 1984 ... 1 haben JAMES M.
BUCHANAN und RICHARD E. WAGNER einen ähnlich provozierenden
Angriff auf den Keynesianismus vorgetragen wie 1956 MILTON
FRIEDMAN, der die Keynesianer durch Formulierung seiner
Neoquantitätstheorie ...
The "new values" and consumer behaviour: some empirical ...Lorenz
Lassnigg 1991 Austro-Keynesianismus. Festschritt für Hans Seide« zum
65. Geburtstag 1990. VI, 102 S. 8 Abb. (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche
Beiträge, Bd. 38) Brosch. Die wirtschaftliche Sonderentwicklung
Österreichs bis zu ...
Über Keynes und den Keynesianismus (On Keynesian Economics
Über Keynes und den Keynesianismus: eine Studie zur ...1973 Neu-
Keynesianismus: der neue wirtschaftspolitische Mainstream?
Versuch einer umfassenden Ökonomologie: Im Dialog mit ...Thomas
Potyka 2011 Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich VWL
Geschichte, Note: 1,3, Katholische Hochschule fur Sozialwesen Berlin,
Veranstaltung: Entwicklungen und normative Grundlagen von
Sozialpolitik im internationalen Vergleich, Sprache: ...

Volkswirtschaftslehre: Paradigmenorientierte Einführung in ...Michael

Heine, Hansjörg Herr 2013 In diesem Lehrbuch werden die verschiedenen
volkswirtschaftlichen Denkschulen didaktisch aufbereitet.
Vom hydraulischen Keynesianismus zur radikalen politischen ...Kai
Eicker-Wolf 2003
Vom Keynesianismus zum Staatssozialismus zum ...? 2007
Von Glanz und Ende des Austro-Keynesianismus : (Hans ...1987
Vor dem Keynesianismus: die Planwirtschaftsdebatte der ...Matthias von
Bergen 1995
Wie steht es mit dem Comeback des Keynesianismus?: ...Anton-Heinz
Schmidt 2009
Wirtschaft als Wissenschaft: Die Volkswirtschaftslehre in ... Σελίδα 11.
Jan-Otmar Hesse 2010 Das faszinierte sogar einen erklärten Gegner des
Keynesianismus wie Friedrich August von Hayek: »Although I am rather
afraid of popularising this aspect of theory too much, I have established
myself as a sort of voluntary sales agent to try to ...
Wirtschaftspolitische Konzeptionen nach Keynesianismus und ...Horst
Hanusch 1994
Makroökonomik: Theorie, Empirie und Politikanalyse Σελίδα 398

Uwe Westphal 2013

11.2 Keynesianismus, Monetarismus und Neue Klassik Die
makrotheoretische und stabilitätspolitische Diskussion der sechziger und
siebziger Jahre ist durch die Kontroverse zwischen Keynesianismus und
Monetarismus geprägt.
Die Dagoberts: Eine Weltgeschichte des Reichtums – von ...

Detlef Gürtler 2014

Die. Griechen: von. Krösus. zum. Kultur-. Keynesianismus. Was
verdanken wirdenGriechennicht alles! DieerstenWerke der Weltliteratur,
die Grundlagen der Mathematik, der Physik, der Philosophie, der
Sozialwissenschaft, ...

John Maynard Keynes: Eine Einführung

Gerhard Willke 2012

Gerhard Willke hat seine 2003 erschienene Einführung entsprechend
aktualisiert und um ein Kapitel zur Keynes-Renaissance in der
gegenwärtigen Krise erweitert.
Ist John Maynard unser Steuermann?: Plädoyer für die ...1993
Wirtschaftspolitik in der modernen Sozialdemokratie: von ...2000
Keynesianische Ansätze der Beschäftigungstheorie. Markus Kühbauch
2004 Die "Keynes ́sche" Theorie erschien das erste mal 1936 in dem Buch
"General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" von J. M.
Keynesianische Global Governance Gegenmodell zur ...Robert Conrad
2002 Die Protestaktionen, die Ende Juli 2001 das G-8-Gipfeltreffen in
Genua begleiteten, hätten ohne den tragischen Tod eines Demonstranten
wahrscheinlich die Problematik der Globalisierung niemals so
medienwirksam in Szene setzen können, wie ...
Die KEYNESsche Langfristprognose. Sonja Heinen 2011 Der
Keynesianismus bildet die Grundlage staatlicher Nachfragepolitik.
Die Entwicklung moderner wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher ...Philipp Glinka
2012 Das vorliegende Buch befasst sich mit einem Vergleich der
wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Theorien 'Keynesianismus' und
'Monetarismus', ihren zugrundeliegenden Annahmen und Hypothesen
sowie den darauf basierenden Handlungsempfehlungen an die ...
Arbeitsmarkttheorie und Arbeitsmarktpolitik Σελίδα 148. Michael Bolle
2013 Der Grund hierfür liegt darin, daß weder die Neoklassik noch der
Keynesianismus in der Lage sind, der Theorie des allgemeinen
Gleichgewichts eine Theorie der Marktprozesse gegenüberzustellen.
Während die Neoklassik letztlich an die ...
Die große Ernüchterung: Wirtschaftspolitik, Expertise und ... Σελίδα 112.
Tim Schanetzky 2007 Auch dabei spielten die Institutionen der
Politikberatung eine zentrale Rolle, da der Siegeszug des Keynesianismus
eine doppelte Basis hatte: Er begnügte sich nicht mit der
makroökonomischen Modellbildung und einer »diagnostischen« ...

Makroökonomik und neue Makroökonomik Σελίδα 154. Bernhard

Felderer, Stefan Homburg 2013 Damit stellt der Keynesianismus zugleich
den Glauben an die Selbstheilungskräfte des Marktes in Frage, und es kann
nicht wundernehmen, daß „Klassische“ und „Keynesianische“ Autoren
eine ganz unterschiedliche Attitüde gegenüber ...
Bundeswehrreform und Konversion: Nutzungsplanung in ... Σελίδα 19.
Laura Müller 2013 Der so genannte „Keynesianismus“ baute vor allem
auf einer antizyklischen Wirtschaftspolitik des Staates und der Erreichung
von Vollbeschäftigung auf (Harvey 2004: 10). Mit der Auszahlung hoher
Löhne sollte aktiv der Konsum gefördert ...
Neokonservatismus in den USA: Eine Herausforderung Σελίδα 70. Jakob
Schissler 2013 Der Keynesianismus wurde durch die Entwicklung der
Realität wissenschaftssoziologisch auf den Platz einer
wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Schule mit unterschiedlichen Richtungen
zurückverwiesen, der zwar für konkrete ökonomische und ...


Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik jenseits des ... Σελίδα 13. Elmar Altvater,

Kurt Hübner, Michael Stanger 2013 Das. Grundproblem. alternativer.
Wirtschaftspolitik: Vom. Keynesianismus. zum. Post-Keynesianismus.
Aus heiterem Himmel kam die Krise Mitte der 70er Jahre nicht. Doch daß
das „Weltmarktungewitter“ (Marx, MEW Bd. 13, S. 156) so heftig ...
Ausgewählte Konjunkturtheorien von der Klassik bis zum ...Stefan
Rodemann 2011 Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich VWL
Konjunktur und Wachstum, Note: 1,3, Leibniz Akademie Hannover
Verwaltungsund Wirtschaftsakademie Hannover, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: Im Rahmen dieser Abschlussarbeit wird das ...
Außenwirtschaft: Festschrift ; Klaus Rose zum 60. Geburtstag Σελίδα 78
Hans-Rimbert Hemmer 1988 PostKeynesianische. Aspekte.
verteilungskonfliktbedingter. Stabilitätsprobleme. in. offenen.
Volkswirtschaften. Von HERMANN BARTMANN Inwieweit können und
müssen verteilungskonfliktbedingte Stabilitätsprobleme geschlossener ...
Berliner Debatte Initial: Zeitschrift für ... Τόμος 19 Σελίδα 16 2008 ...
folglich nicht nur temporären (zyklisch stabilisierenden), sondern
dauerhaften Charakter erhalten: den Post-Keynesianismus.4 Die auf dem

Post-Keynesianismus fußende Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik erklärt aber

nicht nur dauerhaften, ...
Beschäftigungspolitik im Spiegel der Arbeitsmarkttheorien Σελίδα 66
Thomas Neubauer 2008 Hödl, Erich; Müller, Gerhard (Hrsg.), Die
Neoklassik und ihre Kritik, Frankfurt New York 1986. Hoffmann, Hubert,
PostKeynesianische Ökonomie – Übersicht und Orientierung, in: Post-
Keynesianismus: Ökonomische Theorie in der Tradition von ...
Betriebsform, Wachstum und Wettbewerb Σελίδα 85. Joachim Böhler
2013 Aspekt der Unsicherheit ökonomischer Entscheidungen an. Infolge
dieser Unsicherheit sind Ungleichgewichte im Post-Keynesianismus der
Regelfall, Gleichgewichte stellen Ausnahmesituationen dar. Unsicherheit
unterscheidet sich von der in ...
Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel Σελίδα 8583 1987
Neuerscheinungen: I\jstKeynesianische Ökonomie Post-Keynesianismus
ökonomische Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes, Katecki und Sraffa Mit
Beitragen von K. Dietrich. H. Hoffmann, J. Kromphardt, K. Kühne, H. D.
Kurz. H Riese.
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie: in vierundzwanzig Bänden F.A. Brockhaus
Wiesbaden (Firm) 1994 Postglazial Post-Keynesianismus Post umfaßt
Überweisungen von Konto zu Konto, Bareinzahlungen auf Postgiround
andere Konten, Barauszahlungen aufgrund vorgelegter Postschecks,
Eurocheques und durch Geldautomaten, ...
Bürger, ohne Arbeit: Für eine radikale Neugestaltung der ...Wolfgang
Engler 2010 Der Nationalökonom und Präsident des Münchener ifo
Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung gibt in seinem jüngsten Buch ein
bezeichnendes Beispiel für einen Post-Keynesianismus, der in die
krudesten Dogmen der von Keynes kritisierten Klassik ...
Business Cycles and Depressions: An Encyclopedia Σελίδα 400 David
Glasner 2013 Riese, H. 1986. Theorie der Inflation. Tubingen: J. C. B.
Mohr. -. 1987. “Aspekte eines monetaren Keynesianismus. Kritik der
postKeynesianischen Okonomie und Gegenentwurf.” In Post-
Keynesianismus. Okonomische Theorie in der ...
Cambridge journal of economics Τόμος 14 Σελίδα 217 1990 Elastizitéit
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Kalecki und Sraffa, Marburg, Metropolis Kurz, H. D. 1987B. Technical
change, growth ...

Classical Political Economy and Modern Theory: Essays in ...Neri

Salvadori, Christian Gehrke, Ian Steedman 2013 ... Economy, vol. 95 (4),
pp. 870—81. Heinz D. Kurz, 1987. Elastizitat der industriellen Produktion,
Kapitalakkumulation und Einkommensverteilung, in Post-
Keynesianismus — Okonomische Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes,
Kalecki und ...
Das Konzept PRAXIS im 21. Jahrhundert: Karl Marx und die ...Horst
Müller 2015 ... „historischen Sozialwissenschaft“, so dass die gewohnte
Kapitalismus und Neoliberalismuskritik wie auch die sonst noch gängigen
Ansätze eines Vulgär oder auch Post-Keynesianismus überschritten
werden können: Bereits letzterer hätte ...
Das politische System Deutschlands: Systemintegrierende ...Frank Pilz,
Heike Ortwein 2008 Wenn das Angebot die Nachfrage übersteigt, werden
für Vertreter des Post-Keynesianismus die Produktion bzw. das
Volkseinkommen und damit die Ersparnisse so lange zurückgehen, bis
schließlich die Entscheidungen von Angebot und ...
Der kanadische Föderalismus: Eine ... Σελίδα 267 Jörg Broschek 2009 ...
and US“, das den Strukturwandel des kanadischen Staates und der
politischen Ökonomie im Gefolge von NAFTA sowie dem
Paradigmenwechsel zum Post-Keynesianismus tiefgründig und auf
unterschiedlichen Politikebenen analysiert, ein.
Der Keynesianismus III.: Die geldund ... Σελίδα 310 Gottfried Bombach
1981 Röpkes spätere Kritik am Post-Keynesianismus Worauf Röpkes
ganze Kritik am Post-Keynesianismus letztlich zielt, ist der Dogmatismus,
mit dem Keynes und die Keynesianer eine in der Krise, also in einer
Ausnahmesituation, erforderliche ...
Der Keynesianismus VI: Der Einfluß Keynesianischen Denkens
...Gottfried Bombach, Hans J. Ramser, Hajo Riese 2013 ... Geld, die die
Knappheit von Geld“ konstituiert. (b) Die markttheoretische Aporie des
Post-Keynesianismus. Es gehört zu den Fehlentwicklungen des Post-
Keynesianismus der Nachkriegsära, daß er, fixiert auf eine
nachfrageinduzierte ...
Der Stand und die nächste Zukunft der Geldforschung: ... Σελίδα 196 Hajo
Riese, Hans-Joachim Stadermann, Otto Steiger 1993 Geld, Kredit und
ökonomische Dynamik in marktvermittelten Ökonomien — die Vision
einer Geldwirtschaft. München. Hoffmann, H. (1987).

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Die europäische Antwort auf die soziale Frage: eine ... Σελίδα 54. Annette
Maurer 1993 Ökonomische Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes, Kalecki
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41 Kromphardt, Jürgen, Die neue ...
Die Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens Σελίδα 243. Fritz Söllner 2014
Innerhalb des Post-Keynesianismus existieren zwar verschiedene
Strömungen, doch gibt es – neben der Opposition zur Neoklassik –
genügend Gemeinsamkeiten, die die Zusammenfassung zu einer Schule
rechtfertigen: Erstens wird von ...
Die Goldene Regel als Wettbewerbsgleichgewicht Σελίδα 15 Thomas Huth
2015 Circus u.a.), dessen Mitglieder damals in nicht unerheblicher Zahl
mehr oder weniger stark marxistisch inkliniert waren, woraus dann der
„Post-Keynesianismus" hervorging. Keynes selbst II. Kritik des
normativen Theorems Mit anderen Worten: ...
Die Grenzproduktivitätstheorie der Verteilung Haisheng Zhou 2010
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich VWL Mikrookonomie,
allgemein, Note: 2, Universitat Trier, Veranstaltung: Seminar
Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch, Anmerkungen:
Theoretisch werden die Einflussfaktoren ...
Die Keynesianische Prägung der japanischen Wirtschaftspolitik Andreas
Goerdeler, Dirk Vieser Coddington fächert den Post-Keynesianismus in
drei Grundpositionen auf: Hydraulischer Keynesianismus, rekonstituierter
Reduktionismus und Fundamentalismus (vgl. A. Coddington 1976). Die
Einteilung Coddingtons nutzend sollen diese ...
Economic Abstracts Τόμος 12,Τεύχη 13-24 Σελίδα 31 1964 Von der
Keynesianischen Lehre zum Post-Keynesianismus: das gleichgewichtige
Wachstum, Stabilität und Konjunkturschwankungen, das
Konjunkturmodell von Hicks, dynamisches Gleichgewicht,
Substituierbarkeit der Produktionsfaktoren.
Eigentumsökonomik Σελίδα 64. Gunnar Heinsohn, Otto Steiger 2008 Auf
die Idee jedoch, daß der Schuldner bei der Belastung seines Vermögens
einen besonderen, wenn auch immateriellen Verlust an Eigentumsprämie
erleidet, kommt diese Schule nicht. 3b Der Post-Keynesianismus Als eine
Schule, die sich ...

Eine Einführung in die Geschichte des ökonomischen ...Hans Werner

Holub 2012 Der nächste Schritt der Keynes-Rezeption bestand im so
genannten „POST-KEYNESIANISMUS“, dessen unterschiedliche
Ansatzpunkte schon einleitend angedeutet wurden. Es gibt aber auch
andere (als die von mir gewählte) Einteilungen ...
Eine entwicklungspolitische Diskussion des Ansatzes von ... Σελίδα 55
Fedor Böhmert 2004 Die drei zuletzt aufgelisteten Thesen, die damit
ökonomisch noch nicht ausreichend begründet sind, will Elsenhans
darüber hinaus mit Hilfe von Neoklassik und Keynesianismus (vor allem
des Post-Keynesianismus)126 fundieren.
Eine finanzwissenschaftliche beurteilung der biersteuer in der Gotz
Braunmuller 1968 511 Der Post-Keynesianismus Im Anschluß an Keynes
entwickelte sich zunächst ein wachstumstheoretischer Ansatz, der als Post-
Keynesianismus bezeichnet wird. Bei diesen Untersuchungen spielen die
Investitionen eine Schlüsselrolle.
Einkommensverteilung, technischer Fortschritt und ... Σελίδα 183 Peter
Kalmbach, Gerhard Huber, Hagen Krämer 2005 Der Post-Keynesianismus
propagiert also nichts anderes als das bis in die siebziger Jahren
vorherrschende Keynesianische Standard-Modell, das er sonst immer als
„BastardKeynesianismus" verteufelt nicht zuletzt, weil er die Frage der ...
Engendering der Makroökonomie und Handelspolitik: ... Σελίδα 248 Gülay
Caglar 2009 London, New York: Routledge, 1-10 Barnett,
Kathleen/Grown, Garen (2004): Gender Impacts of Government Revenue
Collection: The Case of Taxation. London: Commonwealth Secretariat
Bartmann, Herrmann (2000): Post-Keynesianismus.
Europaische Hochschulschriften : Reihe V: Volksund ...1968 Er
unterscheidet zwischen dem Post-Keynesianismus (Domar, Harrod,
Hicks, Kaldor)43 einerseits und der Neo-Neoklassik (Solow, Robinson,
Meade) andererseits. Unter dem Post-Keynesianismus werden jene
Wachstumstheorien verstanden, ...
Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Volkswirtschaft: 3.500 Begriffe ... Σελίδα 197
Dirk Piekenbrock 2013 Keynesianer, –> Fiskalisten. Keynesianische
Positionen, –> Keynessche Lehre, –> Neue Keynesianische
Makroökonomik,–> Post-Keynesianismus. Keynesianische
Wachstumstheorie,–> Wachstumstheorie. Keynesianismus,
Sammelbegriff für ...

Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Wirtschaft: 4.500 Begriffe ... Σελίδα 241

Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2012 Post-Keynesianismus: Dieser
betont, dass sich Märkte im stetigen Ungleichgewicht befinden, da
unternehmerische Entscheidungen, v.a. Investitionsentscheidungen,
unsicher sind, Wirtschaftspläne nicht gleichzeitig aufgestellt werden und ...
Gabler Lexikon Umweltund Wirtschaftspolitik Σελίδα 274 Michael
Olsson, Dirk Piekenbrock 2013 Post-Keynesianismus Post-
Keynesianismus. Noch nicht als abgeschlossen zu betrachtende
Weiterentwicklung der – Keynesschen Lehre. Wesentlich für die
postKeynesianischen Theorien ist der Verzicht auf das geschlossene
Gerüst der ...
Gabler Volkswirtschafts Lexikon Σελίδα 584 Ute Arentzen, Heiner
Brockmann, Heike Schule 2013 aber auch Grund zur Rückbesinnung auf
Keynes durch den → Post-Keynesianismus. Keynesianische
Wachstumstheorie, –>Wachstumstheorie 2., 3. Keynesianismus,
Sammelbegriff für die → Keynessche Lehre und die daran
anknüpfenden ...
Gabler Wirtschafts-Lexikon Σελίδα 23. Ute Arentzen, Eggert Winter 2013
Post-Keynesianismus post graduated, nach dem Erwerb eines
akademischen Grades erfolgend. – PostGraduated-Ausbildung: Vgl. →
Managementschulen. postindustrielle Gesellschaft, –>
Dienstleistungsgesellschaft. postKeynesianische ...
Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon: Die ganze Welt der Wirtschaft: ...2013
Gablers Wirtschafts Lexikon Σελίδα 936 Reinhold Sellien, Helmut Sellien
2013 Besondere Versendungsformen möglich: –>Einschreiben, –
>Luftpost und –>Eilzustellung. postKeynesianische Geldtheorie,
Weiterentwicklung der –»Keynesschen Lehre (vgl. auch –»Post-
Keynesianismus) auf Basis des IS-LMModells, das ...
Geld und Kredit: Einführung in die Geldtheorie und Geldpolitik Manfred
Borchert 2003 Monetarismus der zweiten Art s. Neuklassische Theorie
Geldnachfrage 141 ff. –Geldpolitik 246 ff. Transmission 182 ff. vs. Post-
Keynesianismus 148 ff. Monetary approach s. Zahlungsbilanzausgleich,
Monetärer Ansatz Monetary targeting s.
Geschichte der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Dogmenhistorische ... Σελίδα 157
Gerhard Kolb 2015 Es handelt sich um Vertreter der postKeynesianischen
Ökonomie (gelegentlich auch als neoKeynesianische Ökonomie benannt),

die innerhalb des Post-Keynesianismus durchaus verschiedene

Strömungen, je nach Hervorhebung der realen ...
Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens: Paradigmenwechsel in ...Bernd
Ziegler 2008 ... sich gegenwärtig drei Hauptströmungen unterscheiden:
der Keynesianismus im Sinne der neoklassischen Synthese, die Neue
Keynesianische Makroökonomik (auch als NeoKeynesianismus
bezeichnet) und der Post-Keynesianismus.
Gewerkschaften und Keynesianismus: eine ... Σελίδα 59 Ingo Schmidt
1997 4.2 Post-Keynesianismus Gegenüber der Vorstellung,
gewerkschaftliche Ziele und die Bedingungen kapitalistischer
Akkumulation stünden dauerhaft in einem harmonischen Verhältnis
zueinander, setzt der Post-Keynesianismus an der ...
Grundkonzeptionen der Konjunkturund Wachstumsanalyse: ...Hermann
Bartmann 1985
Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre Σελίδα 68 Arnold Heertje, Heinz-
Dieter Wenzel 2013 ... Effektive Nachfrage, Erwartungsbildung,
Multiplikatorprozess, Unterbeschäftigungsgleichgewicht,
Globalsteuerung, Deficit spending, IS-LM-Konzept, Neoklassische
Synthese, Neue Keynesianische Makroökonomik, Post-
Keynesianismus ...
Grundzüge der Geldtheorie und Geldpolitik Σελίδα 31 Ralph Anderegg
2007 Eine erste Weiterentwicklung erfolgt durch den neoklassischen
Kassenhaltungsansatz der Cambridge Schule, weitere Ansätze entstehen
durch Keynes, den Post-Keynesianismus, die monetaristische Geldlehre
und die Neue Klassische ...
Handlungsspielräume aktueller argentinischer ... Σελίδα 13 Sebastian Iring
2006 24 „Was für den Post-Keynesianismus die
Wertaufbewahrungsfunktion, ist für die orthodoxe Geldtheorie die
Tauschmittelfunktion des Geldes. Die neoklassische Orthodoxie erklärt die
Entstehung des Geldes als Mittel zur Erleichterung des ...
Hauptwerke der Emotionssoziologie Σελίδα 34 Konstanze Senge, Rainer
Schützeichel 2012 Kontexte: Behavioral Economics, Post-
Keynesianismus und Wirtschaftssoziologie Die Behavioral Economics
stellen eine Form der heterodoxen Ökonomie dar, die die paradigmatische
Vormachtstellung der Neoklassik theoretisch in Frage ...

Herausforderungen an die Wirtschaftspolitik an der ... Σελίδα 283 Lutz

Hoffmann, Irmgard Nübler, Harald Trabold 1999 ... bei entsprechender
Lohndisziplin auf. Der Post-Keynesianismus hat deshalb sein Waterloo
auch nicht so sehr, wie es eine gängige Meinung will, dank der
fragwürdigen Sekundärwirkungen von Fiskalprogrammen erlebt (bleibt
die ...
Inside the capitalist firm: an evolutionary theory of the ... Σελίδα 312 Dunn,
Malcolm 2014 Hirshleifer, J., Riley, J. G. (1979), The Analytics of
Uncertainty and Information, in: Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 20,
1463–1484. Hoffmann, H. (1987), PostKeynesianische Ökonomie
Übersicht und Orientierung, in: Post-Keynesianismus ...
Institutionelle Strukturen und makroökonomische ... Σελίδα 787 Paul-
Günther Schmidt 2005 ... 571, 575, 579 ff, 607 f., 61 1, 615, 618, 634 Post-
Keynesianismus, 60, 65 f., 136 f., 142, 156 f., 163,559
Postmonetaristischer Ansatz, 78 ff, 102 ff, 158 ff, 514 f., 540 ff, 559, 579
Präsidentschaftswahlen, siehe Wahlen Präsidialdemokratie, 374 f.
J. Silvio Gesell Die Revolution des Geldsystems Dr. Peter Echevers H.
Analog zur freiwirtschaftlichen Kritik an der postKeynesianischen
Rezeption des „ÜrKeynes“ kommt Riese zu der Erkenntnis, dass die erste
Zinstheorie vom Post-Keynesianismus übernommen wurde, dass die
zweite jedoch verschüttet ...
Kapitalproduktivität und Entwicklung: über die Bedeutung ... Σελίδα 128
Karl Strasser 1966 Es wurde vielmehr versucht, einen kurzen Überblick
über verschiedene Sichtungen der modernen Wachstumstheorie zu geben.
Während so das Modell von Joan Robinson eindeutig dem Post-
Keynesianismus zugerechnet werden kann und ...
Key to Economic Science and Managerial Sciences Τόμος 32 1985 Capital
formation/Risk and uncertainty/Decision theory; models/ lnvestment
selection/Keynesian school. Falkinger, J./ lnvestitionen und echte
Unsicherheit bei Keynes und im Post-Keynesianismus 14p.A5 (Jahrbuch
fur Sozialwissenschaft; ...
Key to Economic Science Τόμος 12,Τεύχη 1-14 Σελίδα 723 1964 Von der
Keynesianischen Lehre zum Post-Keynesianismus: das gleichgewichtige
Wachstum, Stabilität und Konjunkturschwankungen, das
Konjunkturmodell von Hicks, dynamisches Gleichgewicht,
Substituierbarkeit der Produktionsfaktoren.

Keynes aus nachKeynesscher Sicht: Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr ...Karl

Georg Zinn 2013 Es steht zu erwarten oder gar zu befürchten, daß die
Versuche, den Post-Keynesianismus weiterzuentwickeln, auch in dieser
Richtung arbeiten werden. Das kann dann auch zu einer Vervollkommnung
führen, die die gleichen Sackgassen ...
Keynes, Sraffa, and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory: ... Σελίδα 431
Neri Salvadori, Christian Gehrke 2012 Elastizität der industriellen
Produktion, Kapitalakkumulation und Einkommensverteilung, in Post-
Keynesianismus f Ökonomische Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes,
Kalecki und Srajfa, Marburg: Metropolis, pp. 85417. Heinz D. Kurz, 1987.
Kleines Lexikon der Politik Σελίδα 258 Dieter Nohlen 2007 Allerdings
besitzen Sozialdemokratie und — > Gewerkschaften bis heute eine größere
Sympathie für Keynesianische Wirtschaftssteuerung, und ihnen
nahestehende Wissenschaftler haben ihn zum Post-Keynesianismus
Kompakt-Lexikon Wirtschaft: 5.400 Begriffe nachschlagen, ...Springer
Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014 Post-Keynesianismus 438 Menschenraub;
(2) amstrichterliche Beschlüsse bei strafgerichtlichen Untersuchungen etc.,
Beschlagnahme von Postsendungen; (3) Abwehr von drohenden Gefahren
für die freiheitlich-demokratische ...
Kompakt-Lexikon Wirtschaftstheorie: 1.800 Begriffe ... Σελίδα 177
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014 Post-Keynesianismus: Vertreter
des Post-Keynesianismus behaupten, dass sich Keynes' Nachfolger und
Interpreten mit ihren Versuchen, das Werk von Keynes gleichsam in einen
Kanon von ökonomischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und in einen ...
Komparativer Vorteil, Währungskonkurrenz und Entwicklung: ...2012
Konjunkturpolitik: Quantitative Stabilisierungspolitik bei ... Σελίδα 214
Gunther Tichy 2013 1443 Post-Keynesianismus Das NKM-Modell stellt
insoweit eine neue Neoklassische Synthese dar, als auch in diesem Modell
echte Unsicherheit und makroökonomische Aspekte der
Erwartungsbildung nicht berücksichtigt werden die ...
Krisen, Prozesse, Potenziale: Beiträge zum 4. ... Σελίδα 72 Simon Scholz,
Julian Dütsch 2015 Diese konkurrierenden Pole bilden auch hier wieder
die Endpunkte eines Kontinuums, zwischen denen sich verschiedene
Denkschulen, wie die Verhaltensökonomik oder der Post-
Keynesianismus, positionieren lassen. In Abbildung 1 ...

Lexikon der Volkswirtschaft: über 2200 Begriffe für ... Σελίδα 459
Michael Hohlstein 2009 Monetarismus (= Neoquantitätstheorie) l Post-
Keynesianismus Neue Keynesianische Makroökonomik (NKM) Neue
Klassische Makroökonomik (NCM) (= Monetarismus vom Typ II) Abb.
50: Makroökonomische Theorien im ...
Lohn und Gewinn: Volksund betriebswirtschaftliche Grundzüge Heinz-J.
Bontrup 2008 607 Benannt nach dem britischen Ökonomen Arthur Cecil
Pigou (1877. 4.7 Keynesianischer Ansatz 271 4.7.5 Zur neoklassischen
Synthese und zum Post-Keynesianismus.
Macroeconomic Theory: Diversity and Convergence Σελίδα 83 Gary
Mongiovi, Christof Rühl 1993 Riese, H. (1986) Theorie der Inflation,
Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr. Riese, H. (1987) 'Aspekte eines monetaren
Keynesianismus Kritik der postKeynesianischen Okonomie und
Gegenentwurf, in Post-Keynesianismus. Okonomische Theorie in der ...
Marktstruktur und gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung: ... Σελίδα 114.
Bernhard Gahlen 2013 Diese prinzipiell nicht übersteigbare Hürde der
Unsicherheit begründet im Post-Keynesianismus einerseits die fast schon
agnostische Forschungshaltung in der Manier von G.S. Shackle,
andererseits aber die reichhaltige und lebendige ...
Menschenrecht auf Arbeit?: sozialethische Perspektiven Σελίδα 95
Johannes Rehm, Hans Günter Ulrich, Heinz-Josef Bontrup 2009 ... des
Neoliberalismus und auf der anderen Seite der auf den Staat setzende
Keynesianismus und seine Weiterentwicklung zu einem Post-
Keynesianismus auch als „Keynes-Plus" bezeichnet. Die herrschenden
Eliten aus Wirtschaft, Politik, ...
Money, Distribution Conflict and Capital Accumulation: ... Σελίδα 199
Eckhard Hein 2008 Kurz, H.D. (1987b) 'Elastizitat der industriellen
Produktion, Kapitalakkumulation und Einkommensverteilung', in Post-
Keynesianismus. Okonomische Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes,
Kalecki und Sraffa (Marburg: Metropolis). Kurz, H.D. ...
Money, Markets, and the State: Social Democratic Economic ...Ton
Notermans 2007 Oslo: Aschehoug/Norges Bank. Riese, Hajo (1986),
Theorie der Inflation. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. (1987A), “Aspekte eines
monetären Keynesianismus — Kritik und Gegenentwurf.” In K. Dietrich
et al., Post-Keynesianismus. Marburg: Metropolis ...
Neues Geld alte Geldpolitik?: die EZB im ... Σελίδα 64 Arne Heise 2002
lange Zeit unklar, welche Kriterien den Post-Keynesianismus als ein

eigenständiges Paradigma bzw. eine Theorieschule auszeichnen würden.

Seine Beiträge wurde in erster Linie als negativ gesehen: als Opposition
zum Mainstream der ...
New politics: integrative Wirtschaftspolitik für das 21. ...Arne Heise 2001

Ökonomische Ideengeschichte: Volksund ... Σελίδα 71 Gerhard Kolb 2015

Dabei handelt es sich um Vertreter des Post-Keynesianismus, die
durchaus verschiedene Strömungen, je nach Hervorhebung der realen oder
der monetären Theorieelemente, repräsentieren. Zur Gruppe der eher
fundamentalistisch ...
Policy games: die Interaktion von Lohn-, Geldund ... Σελίδα 14 Toralf
Pusch 2009 6F ̈ur den Post-Keynesianismus gilt dies ganz explizit auch
langfristig. Die NeuKeynesianer gehen eher von einem kurzfristigen
Einfluss beispielsweise von Geldund Fiskalpolitik aus, was sie nicht daran
hindert, deren aktiven Einsatz zu ...
Politische Bildung und Globalisierung Σελίδα 239 Christoph Butterwegge,
Gudrun Hentges 2013 Post-Keynesianismus. ist die Tatsache, dass das
größte gesellschaftliche Experiment des vergangenen Jahrhunderts,
nämlich der Versuch, eine Gesellschaft auf dem Prinzip sozialer Gleichheit
und Gerechtigkeit aufzubauen, seine Effizienz ...
Politische Macht transnationaler Unternehmen in der ... Σελίδα 128
Thomas Dürmeier 2015 B. im Post-Keynesianismus, in der Ökologischen
Ökonomik oder der Österreichischen Schule, statt. VI.4.2 Der Niedergang
der Macht als ökonomische Kategorie Spätestens mit dem Aufstieg der
neoklassischen Ökonomik als dominierender ...
Post-Keynesianismus – Wikipedia. Post-Keynesianismus ist eine
wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Richtung, die sich, neben anderen Schulen, in
der Nachfolge von John Maynard Keynes sieht. In einer weiten
Definition rechnet man zum Post-Keynesianismus alle Ökonomen, die ...
Post-Keynesianismus. 1994
Post-Keynesianismus. von Professor Dr. Hermann Bartmann I.
Allgemeines: Weiterentwicklung der – Keynesschen Lehre. Während für
die –> Neue Keynesianische Makroökonomik die allgemeine
Gleichgewichtstheorie Bezugspunkt der ...
Post-Keynesianismus: Piero Sraffa, Micha Kalecki, Joan ...Bcher Gruppe,
Piero Sraffa 2010

Problemlösen mit Entscheidungstabellen Σελίδα 25 Helmut Dressler,

Helmut Wagner 1975 Letztere bilden die Grundlage des sogenannten
„Post-Keynesianismus" (vgl. z.B. Eichner [Hrsg., 1979]). 24 Aufgrund der
gleichgewichtstheoretischen Betrachtung können wir für das aggregierte l
. Kapitel: Zur Frage der Notwendigkeit von ...
Prokla Τόμος 31 Σελίδα 240 2001 In einem kürzlich erschienenen Artikel
(Chick 2000) habe ich mich mit dieser Theorie aus einer Perspektive
auseinandergesetzt, die man als diejenige des „britischen Post-
Keynesianismus" bezeichnen könnte: makroökonomisch ist das ...
Sinnes Wandel Σελίδα 100 Jens Harms 2012 ... sondern auch in
Spezialgebiete der jeweiligen Fächer eingeführt: Dazu gehörten unter
anderem die Theorie der sozialistischen Marktwirtschaft von Oskar Lange,
der Post-Keynesianismus Joan Robinsons, die soziologische
Systemtheorie ...
Stabilisierungspolitik Σελίδα 95 Horst Friedrich 2013 A. Die
postKeynesianische Stabilisierungskonzeption I. Die Grundannahme der
Instabilität des marktwirtschaftlichen Systems Die entscheidende
Grundannahme im System von Keynes bzw. seiner Nachfolger (Post-
Keynesianismus) ist die ...
Teilzeitkräfte und Aushilfen Karl-Heinz Badura 1984 ie Umweltgüter aus
ehemalig freien Gütern werden zu knappen und damit zu wirtschaftlichen
Gütern und müssen daher nun einen Preis erhalten. Im Post-
Keynesianismus ist diese offene Tür zur Ökologie die unterschiedliche
Zielrichtung der ...
The Evolution of Economic Theory: Essays in Honour of ...Volker Caspari
2013 ... in Post-Keynesianismus, ökonomische Theorie in der Tradition
von Keynes, Kalecki und Sraffa, Marburg: Metropolis, pp. 119–164.
“Umweltpolitikschafft Beschäftigung”, in E. Matzner, J. Kregel and A.
Roncaglia (eds), Arbeit für alle ist ...
Theorie der Inflation Σελίδα 67 Hajo Riese 1986 Dabei ist an der
Liquiditätspräferenztheorie des Post-Keynesianismus mit ihrer
Orientierung am 15. Kapitel der General Theory bereits Kritik geübt
worden; wichtiger ist an dieser Stelle, daß auch der Keynesianische
Fundamentalismus die ...
Theorie und Praxis der Besteuerung: Eine kritische Einführung Otto Roloff
2013 Es läßt sich zeigen, daß die genannte These im Rahmen der
neoklassischen Keynes-Interpretation wie auch im Rahmen des Post-

Keynesianismus gültig ist. Nach der neoklassischen Theorie beinhaltet

Steuerwiderstand bei entsprechenden ...
Übergänge: Zeitgeschichte zwischen Utopie und Machbarkeit ...Hellmuth
Günther Bütow, Werner Süss 1989 Die Einsicht in diesen für die
Grundkonstellation des Wirtschaftswunders charakteristischen
Zusammenhang bleibt aufgrund ihrer jeweils anderen paradigmatischen
Fundierung sowohl dem Post-Keynesianismus als auch der Neoklassik ...
Unternehmensökonomie: Eine allgemeine Theorie der ...Wolfram Braun
2013 Mit diesem zuletzt genannten Aspekt, dem Verhältnis von
Neoklassik und Post-Keynesianismus will ich die Überlegungen zu den
theoretischen Grundlagen strategischer Unternehmensführung einleiten. §
1 Einleitung I. Die Allgemeine ...
Untersuchungen zur Einkommensverteilung im Wirtschaftswachstum
Georg H. Küster 1969 Wie schon mehrfach festgestellt, obliegt die
Steuerung des Verteilungsund Wachstumsprozesses in der Neoklassik der
interdependenten Preismechanik, im Post-Keynesianismus der
interdependenten Einkommensmechanik. Dieser ...
Volkswirtschaftslehre 2: Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik Σελίδα 22
Dietmar Dorn, Rainer Fischbach, Volker Letzner 2010
Wertaufbewahrungsmotiv (siehe folgenden Abschnitt). Der Post-
Keynesianismus arbeitet insbesondere (in Ergänzung zu Keynes) mit dem
Portfolioansatz. Dieser erklärt, warum Wirtschaftssubjekte ihr Vermögen
(= ihr Portfolio) in der Regel auf ...
Volkswirtschaftslehre: Paradigmenorientierte Einführung in ... Σελίδα v
Michael Heine, Hansjörg Herr 2013 Ein Schwerpunkt stellt der Post-
Keynesianismus dar. Dieser Ansatz wurde weiterentwickelt und
konkretisiert. Neben dem postKeynesianischen Ansatz wurde die
Entwicklung der neoklassisch beeinflussten Keynesinterpretation
genauer ...
Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen regionaler ... Σελίδα 41 Joachim
Vesper 2013 Obwohl hier von Post-Keynesianismus die Rede ist, fällt es
schwer sich diesen als einheitliche Theorie vorzustellen, denn dieser eine
eher eine Denkungsart als eine Theorie zu sein. Dem ZU1folge lohnt es
sich, die älteren Schriften nicht in ...
Wachstumstheorie und politische Implikationen: Growth ...Martin Hendrik
Hoppe 2011 Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die Frage nach

volkswirtschaftlichem Wachstum ist in unserer Gesellschaft

Währungsreform und soziale Marktwirtschaft: Erfahrungen ...Wolfram
Fischer 1989 Der Post-Keynesianismus leitet zwar die Notwendigkeit
einer diskretionären Politik ab, thematisiert dabei aber lediglich die
kurzfristigen Wirkungen monetärer Impulse, allen voran auf die
Beschäftigung (bzw., wie im FlemingMundell-Modell, ...
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Τόμος 35 Σελίδα 329 2009 Zur Zukunft des
Post-Keynesianismus Engelbert Stockhammer, Paul Ramskogler 1.
Einleitung Der Post-Keynesianismus (PK) ist in einer kritischen Phase.
PostKeynesianische Ökonominnen (PKÖ) haben sich in einem zunehmend
feindlichen ...
Wirtschaftsideen: Von der Antike bis zum Neoliberalismus Σελίδα 132
Gerhard Kolb 2008 ... Pionierunternehmer 41,123 politische Okonomie 56
politische Okonomie der „natürlichen“ Freiheit 33 Portfolioansatz 102
Post-Keynesianismus 94 Präferenzskalen 71 Präsozialismus 46
prästabilierte Harmonie 24 Preislehre 69 Preistheorie ...
Wirtschaftstheorie als Verhaltenstheorie Σελίδα 83 Wolfgang Rippe,
Hans-Peter Haarland 1980 Dieser Ansatz sei sowohl angebotsals auch
nachfrageorientiert und lasse sich nicht in das Schema „Post-
Keynesianismus" oder „Neoklassik" eingliedern. Hierdurch gelänge es,
Fragen wie die Wirkung einer „exogenen Fortschrittsrate" auf ...
Wohlstandssicherung in der Weltwirtschaftswende: Bewahrung ...Heinz
Hamann 1979 Es wäre auch unvorstellbar, daß ganz allgemein dort, wo
des Post-Keynesianismus ' Wachstumsthesen befolgt worden sind, gleiche
"Kunstfehler" um im medizinischen Jargon zu bleiben praktiziert worden
sind. Gerade, weil es so ist, wie es ...
Zeitschrift Für Die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft: J. C. B. Mohr 1990 ...
durch den Widerspruch und den Wechsel der Paradigmen von der
Neoklassischen Synthese, der Neuen Klassischen Makrookonomie (NCM
), der Ncuen Keynesianischen Makrookonomie (NKM), dem Post-
Keynesianismus oder der Neuen ...
Zeitschrift Für Wirtschaftsund Sozialwissenschaften 1993 Der kritische
Impetus und die Vielseitigkeit ihres Werkes sichern Robinson aber wohl
weiterhin den Status einer Zentralfigur des Post-Keynesianismus. Gerade
insofern der Band Robinson stärker als konstruktive Theoretikerin
kapitalistischer ...

Zukunftsfähigkeit und Teilhabe: Alternativen zur Politik ... Σελίδα 120

Klaus Dräger, Annelie Buntenbach, Daniel Kreutz 2000 ... FAZ vom
18.11. Post-Keynesianismus 1987: Post-Keynesianismus. Ökonomische
Theorie in der Tradition von Keynes, Kalecki und Sraffa, Marburg. Prantl
1999: Heribert Prantl, Rot-Grün. Eine erste Bilanz, Hamburg. Priewe
1999: Jan Priewe, ...


A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936 J. E. King 2002 This

text provides a history of the post Keynesian approach to economics since
A Modern Guide to Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic ...Eckhard
Hein, Engelbert Stockhammer 2011 INTRODUCTION The focus on a
monetized production economy is, for many postKeynesians, a distinctive
feature of the Post-Keynesian school. Thus, it comes as no surprise that
Post-Keynesian monetary theory claims to be distinct from ...
A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 1 Richard P. F. Holt,
Steven Pressman 2002 Introduction A Guide to Post Keynesian
Economics was published in 1978. This slim volume, edited by Alfred
Eichner, provided a non-technical introduction to Post Keynesian thought.
It contained essays from some major Post Keynesian ...
A Post Keynesian Perspective on 21st Century Economic Problems Paul
Davidson 2002 Full employment policies must consider effective demand
and structural and technological change: a prime point of Pasinetti's
political economy Mathew Forstater After Keynes and Sraffa, heterodox
political economy has taken several ...
Advanced Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics: J E King 2015
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions
to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the
worldos leading scholars.
Alternatives to Economic Orthodoxy: A Reader in Political ... Σελίδα 140.
Randy Pearl Albelda, Christopher Eaton Gunn, William Waller 1987 A
Reader in Political Economy Randy Pearl Albelda, Christopher Eaton
Gunn, William Waller. Alternative Analyses of Short and Long Run in
Post-Keynesian Economics FERNANDO CARVALHO The following
article gives the reader a sense ...

Among economists: reflections of a neo-classical post ...Jan Pen 1984

An Alternative Macroeconomic Theory: The Kaleckian Model ...John E.
King 2012 lE. King Michael Kalecki (1899-1970) was one of the most
important, and also one of the most underrated, economists of the twentieth
An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics, Second edition: Σελίδα 134
Thomas Cate 2013 After earning his MBA he enrolled in the graduate
program at the University of Pennsylvania to study economics. ... As one
of the leading American Post Keynesians, Davidson has been a vocal and
unrelenting critic of mainstream economics, ...
An Introduction to Post-Keynesian and Marxian Theories of ...Peter M.
Lichtenstein 1983
Australian Economy and Neo-liberalism: Manufacturing, ...Celal Bayari
2012 These themes form the focus of this book, which presents an analysis
of Australia's economic orthodoxy and its effects. (Series: Global Cultural
and Economic Research Vol. 10)
Austrian Economics in Debate Σελίδα 192 Willem Keizer, Bert Tieben,
Rudy van Zijp 1997 The comparative advantages of the Austrian and Post-
Keynesian styles of thought EmietEM.. Wubben In this chapter, we will
address the comparative advantages of the styles of thought ingrained in
Austrian and Post-Keynesian Economics.
Beyond the monetarists: Post-Keynesian alternatives to ...David Crane,
Canadian Institute for Economic Policy 1981 This book is a collection of
papers from the Canadian Institute for Economic Policy sponsored
Conference on Post-Keynesian Alternatives.
British Politics in the Post-Keynesian Era Trevor A. Smith 1986
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the ... Σελίδα 401
Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma, Malcolm Sawyer 2005 It was also from this
Robinsonian perspective that Harcourt wrote and continues to write the
history of Post-Keynesian economic thought, covering the Cambridge
capital controversy, the Post-Keynesian revival of classical political
economy, ...
Classical, Neoclassical and Keynesian Views on Growth and ...Neri
Salvadori, Carlo Panico 2006 12. Entry. and. stationary. equilibrium.
prices. in. a. Post-Keynesian. growth. model'. Antonio. D'Agata. 12.1.

INTRODUCTION. The recent theory of endogenous growth has

revitalized the neoclassical growth theory by showing that it is able to ...
Competition, technology, and Money: classical and ...Mark A. Glick 1994
Featuring original work by leading classical and Post-Keynesian
economists, this volume will be welcomed by students, teachers and
researchers interested in developing alternatives to the neo-classical
Complexity, Endogenous Money and Macroeconomic Theory: ...Mark
Setterfield 2006 20. Institutionalist-Post. Keynesian. economics. and. the.
Post. Monetarist. new. consensus. Chris. Niggle. This chapter interprets the
history of macroeconomics over the last 30 years as a dialectical struggle
between two opposing visions of ...
Contemporary post Keynesian analysis L. Randall Wray, Mathew
Forstater 2004 . . this book usefully presents topical issues in the field of
post Keynesian Economics. . . this collection deserves praise for exposing
readers to the tradition of economic thought built on the work of Keynes
and the Cambridge tradition.
Controversies in post Keynesian Economics. Paul Davidson 1991 Policy
Options The book is an excellent, clearly written introduction to post
Keynesian Economics. Martin H. Wolfson, University of Notre Dame, US
This book is a skilful and refreshing introduction to a neglected field of
economic research.
Credit, Money and Macroeconomic Policy: A Post-Keynesian ...Claude
Gnos, Louis-Philippe Rochon 2011 While some of the chapters address
the recent crisis as well as adjustments to the Basel Accord, others analyze
the required changes to the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies.
Credit, Money, and Production: An Alternative ...Louis-Philippe Rochon
1999 Rochon (economics and banking, Kalamazoo College) uses a
horizontalist perspective to offer a historical overview of the Post-
Keynesian and circuit approaches to endogenous Money, and provides an
informed critique of the development of post ...
Critical Realism in Economics: Development and Debate Σελίδα 21. Steve
Fleetwood 2002 Stephen Pratten1 Introduction The position of neo-
Ricardian economics2 remains controversiaL Specifically, there is
significant debate regarding the extent to which neo-Ricardianism can be
incorporated within a coherent PostKeynesian ...

Currencies, Capital Flows and Crises: A Post Keynesian ...John T. Harvey

2009 Breaking from conventional wisdom, this book provides an
explanation of exchange rates based on the premise that it is financial
capital flows and not international trade that represents the driving force
behind currency movements.
Distribution and Growth after Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide Eckhard
Hein 2014 As already argued in Chapter 2 of this book, since the very start
the main purpose of Post-Keynesian distribution and growth theory has
been to extend Keynes's principle of effective demand from the 'short
period' or the 'short run', taking the ...
Economic Thought Since Keynes: A History and Dictionary of ...Michel
Beaud, Gilles Dostaler 2005 In the postwar period, concealed in part by
the pre-eminence of Keynesianism, the ascent of neoclassical economics
... New Keynesian developments After Keynes's death, those close to him
and many in the rising tide of authors referring to ...
Economics, Sustainability, and Natural Resources: ... Σελίδα 67 Shashi
Kant, R. Albert Berry 2006 Post-Keynesian Economics is one of the many
heterodox schools of thought in economics, such as the Marxist,
Institutionalist and neo-Ricardian schools. Its members mainly deal with
macroeconomic issues, but Post-Keynesian Economics ...
Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World Richard
P F Holt, Steven Pressman 2014 Introduction Post Keynesian economist
Alfred Eichner (1976, 1983) argued that developing a complete economic
paradigm must follow a certain historical trajectory. It must first provide a
theoretical explanation of how real economies work, ...
Employment, Growth and Development: A Post-Keynesian Approach.
Claude Gnos, L. P. Rochon, D. Tropeano 2012 'The editors of this volume
have brought together an invaluable set of essays on each of these issues.
Essays in Honour of Victoria Chick: Methodology, ...Victoria Chick,
Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai 2002 15. TECHNOLOGY. AND. THE.
KEYNESIAN. THEORY. Fabiana Santos and Marco Crocco We first met
Victoria in 1995 when we both came to the UK for our Ph.D. As a ...
Essays in Post-Keynesian inflation James H. Gapinski, Charles Edward
Rockwood, Abba Ptachya Lerner 1979

Evolutionary Controversies in Economics: A New ... Σελίδα 73 Japan

Association for Evolutionary Economics, Yuji Aruka 2001 We reconsider
the dynamic theory of debt and capital from a postKeynesian perspective.
First, we present a microeconomic model of the debt effect on investment
activity which is based on the "principle of increasing risk" in the manner
of ...
Explaining Prices in the Global Economy: A Post-Keynesian ...Henk-Jan
Brinkman 1999 Section 3.1 will discuss the theoretical assumption
underlying the Post-Keynesian markup model that prices are determined
by costs and not by demand. Section 3.2 will outline the postKeynesian
markup pricing model and specify the price ...
Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays ...Steven
M. Fazzari, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou 1992 CHAPTER. EIGHT.
Keynesian. Theories. of. Investment. and. Finance: Neo,. Post,. and. New.
STEVEN. FAZZARI. Investment theory has long been the subject of much
economic research and a corresponding amount of controversy. One of ...
Foundations of International Economics: Post-Keynesian ...Johan Deprez,
John T. Harvey 2002 This unique collection presents a Post-Keynesian
perspective on international economics and trade. All the major areas in
international economics are covered, with the Post-Keynesian approach
giving a welcome fresh perspective.
Foundations of Post-Keynesian economic analysis Marc Lavoie 1992
Werner Meissner, Kyklos . . . this book provides a worthwhile introduction
to a literature that constructively challenges the orthodoxy. Brenda l.
Spotton, Canadian Journal of Economics Lavoie s methodological analysis
is praiseworthy. . .
From pre-Keynes to post-Keynes. Abba Ptachya Lerner 1977
Future Directions for Heterodox Economics Σελίδα 127. John T. Harvey,
Robert F. Garnett 2008 CHAPTER 7 Quantity and Price Systems: Toward
a Framework for Coherence between Post-Keynesian and Sraffian
Economics Andrew B. Trigg There is much confusion in Post-Keynesian
Economics about the degree of coherence within ...
Gardiner C. Means, Institutionalist and Post Keynesian Σελίδα 80 Warren
J. Samuels, Steven G. Medema 1990 Warren J. Samuels, Steven G.
Medema. explicitly raised the question of a hiatus between saving and
investment. Second, he concentrated on the inflexibility of prices as a cause
and/or aggravator of instability, in both real and nominal terms.

Growth and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of A. P. ...P.

Arestis, Philip Arestis, J. S. L. McCombie 2007 4. Keynes,. Post.
Keynesian. analysis,. and. the. open. economies. of. the. twenty-first.
century. Paul. Davidson. INTRODUCTION. It is often said by mainstream
economists that Post Keynesian theory's contribution to economic theory
is all ...
In Defense of Post-Keynesian and Heterodox Economics: ...Frederic S.
Lee, Marc Lavoie 2012 This book makes it clear that Post
Keynesian/heterodox economics is, in spite of internal problems, a viable
and important approach to economics and that it should resist the attempts
of the critics to bury it.
Interactions in Political Economy: Malvern After Ten Years. Steven
Pressman 2002 Keynesianism, who liberated himself from mainstream
macroeconomics only after an arduous and protracted intellectual struggle
(King 1995). The next generation of Post Keynesian theorists had no such
difficulty. Paul Davidson (1930¥) ...
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics. M. Lavoie 2009 This book
offers an accessible introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics, showing
that there is an alternative to neoclassical economics and its free-market
economic policies.
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Τόμος 28,Τεύχη 3-4. 2006
Keynes and Hayek: The Money Economy Σελίδα 160 G R Steele 2002 9
Austrians and Post-Keynesians 'Marginalism' is only a calculating
technique borrowed from mathematics and applicable in various sciences,
whereas subjectivism forms the core of a specific science of human action.
As far as Austrian ...
Keynes and Macroeconomics After 70 Years: Critical ... Σελίδα 137. L.
Randall Wray, Mathew Forstater 2009 9. Capital. accumulation,. income.
distribution,. technical. progress. and. endogenous. Money. in. a. Post.
Keynesian. macrodynamic. model. Luciano Dias Carvalho and José Luís
Oreiro INTRODUCTION The objective of this chapter is to ...
Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy: Essays in ...Peter
Kriesler, Claudio Sardoni 2002 Richard Kozul-Wright1
INTRODUCTION It is an interesting feature of Post-Keynesian thought
that despite its intellectual rotation around a very specific axis, its evolution
(and influence) is, to a large extent, due to economists who not only ...

Keynes, Uncertainty and the Global Economy: Beyond Keynes, ...Sheila

C. Dow, John Hillard 2002 When, some years ago, I tried (unsuccessfully)
to articulate a Post Keynesian labour economics, I attributed my failure to
the neglect of this branch of economics by Post Keynesian theorists, who
had for the most part left criticism of neoclassical ...
Macroeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics Σελίδα 42 Alvaro
Cencini 2012 2. Keynesian,. new. Keynesian,. and. Post-Keynesian.
economics. Keynesian Economics: a neoclassical interpretation of
Keynes's theory The expression Keynesian Economics will here be used
to cover the work of all those economists who, ...
Macroeconomic Methodology: A Post-Keynesian Perspective Σελίδα 53
Jesper Jespersen 2011 PROLOGUE. The purpose of this chapter is to give
the theory-of-science background to the development of a realist-inspired,
macroeconomic methodology that can serve as a foundation for Post-
Keynesian macroeconomic theory. It is crucial ...
Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy Σελίδα 365 D. N. Dwivedi 2005 In
this chapter, we discuss briefly the Post-Keynesian developments in
macroeconomics, viz., the modern monetarism, new classical
macroeconomics and the supply-side economics. The Post-Keynesian
developments in macroeconomics ...
Markets, Unemployment, and Economic Policy Σελίδα 238. Philip
Arestis, J. Gabriel Palma, Malcolm C. Sawyer 1997 INTRODUCTION
Geoff Harcourt has been a major contributor to, and proponent of,
postKeynesian Economics. Within the broad diversity of Post-Keynesian
Economics (see Hamouda and Harcourt 1988) two different approaches
can be ...
Methodology, Microeconomics and Keynes: Essays in Honour ...Philip
Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Sheila Dow 2002 Chick and the coherence debate
in post-Key nesian economics Chick (1995) argues that Post-Keynesian
Economics (PKE) should be viewed ' ... as a way of thinking, a method of
approach, inspired at root by Keynes and Kalecki and their ...
Micha? Kalecki in the 21st Century. J. Toporowski, L. Mamica 2014
Kaldor, N.(1983) ‘Keynesian Economics after fiftyyears', inD. Worswick
andJ. Trevithick (eds), Keynes and the Modern World, Cambridge:
Cambridge UniversityPress, 1–28. Kalecki, M. (1944) 'Professor Pigou on
theclassical stationary state: a ...

Millennial Keynes: An Introduction to the Origin, ... Σελίδα 164 Bruno

Ventelou, Gregory P. Nowell 2004 That does not alter, however, the fact
that the research program opened by Keynes was based on the relationship
between Money and uncertainty. The Post-Keynesians The Post-
Keynesians, as their name indicates, see their work as an ...
Miniset H. Keynesian & Post-Keynesian Economics. TAYLOR &
FRANCIS 2007 Covering the work of many of the leading theorists of the
Keynesian and Post-Keynesian traditions the titles in this set examine
both the Keynesian contribution to economic thoughts and analyze its
Monetary Policy and Central Banking: New Directions in ...Louis-Philippe
Rochon, S. Y. Olawoye 2012 Has the economic and financial crisis
changed the way we conduct monetary policy? Is quantitative easing
consistent with the endogeneity of Money? These are but two of the
questions this new book explores.
Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: A Post-Keynesian ...Claude
Gnos, Louis-Philippe Rochon 2009 '. . . the book gives a widespread
representation of the state of Post-Keynesian Economics and is thus
recommendable for all interested readers that look for such an overview.'
Ralf Fendel, Jahrbücher f. Nationalökonomie u. Statistik
Money and Households in a Capitalist Economy: A Gendered ...Zdravka
focus on the interaction between monetary and gender processes in a
pecuniary culture under a framework consistent with the ...
Money and Macrodynamics: Alfred Eichner and Post-Keynesian ...Marc
Lavoie, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Mario Seccareccia 2015 Featuring
chapters by many of Eichner's disciples, this book celebrates his rich
contributions to Post-Keynesian Economics, and demonstrates that his
work is in many ways as valid today as it was over two decades ago.
Money in Motion: The Post Keynesian and Circulation Approaches
Ghislain Deleplace, Edward J. Nell 1996 This volume provides a treatment
of endogenous Money and its relationship to finance. It compares
American Post-Keynesian and French circulation school as two ways of
analyzing Money in the economy.
Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy Σελίδα ix L. Randall
Wray, Mathew Forstater 2006 This volume presents a selection of papers

presented at the Eighth International Post Keynesian Workshop, organized

by Paul Davidson, Jan Kregel, Mathew Forstater and L. Randall Wray, and
held at the University of Missouri–Kansas City ...
Money, Macroeconomics and Keynes: Essays in Honour of ...Philip
Arestis, Meghnad Desai, Professor of Economics and Director of the
Centre for Study in Global Governance Meghnad Desai 2013 Introduction
Victoria Chick devoted two critical essays to the comparison of the theory
of the monetary circuit with her own version of the Post-Keynesian theory
of Money. The first essay (Chick 1986) was published in Monnaie et
production, ...
New directions in post+Keynesian Economics John Pheby 1989 John
Hillard, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
Newsletter The Pheby-edited essays should prove useful to anyone
interested in Post-Keynesian Economics.
New Keynesian Economics / Post Keynesian Alternatives Σελίδα 1 Roy
Rotheim 2013 INTRODUCTION Royj Rotheim This collection began
with a paper given at the Post Keynesian Study Group, University College
London, in the Fall of 1993, called 'On Butterflies'Wings and Hurricanes:A
Post Keynesian Critique of New ...
On a Post-Keynesian Stream from France and Italy: The ...Joseph Halevi,
Rédouane Taouil 1998
On Political Economists and Modern Political Economy: ...G. C. Harcourt,
Claudio Sardoni 2003 F. Hamouda There have been several review and/or
interpretive articles on Post-Keynesianism and Post-Keynesian
Economics in the last dozen years or so: Harris (1975), Eichner and Kregel
(1975), Shapiro (1977), Davidson (1980a, 1981), ...
On Political Economists and Political Economy Σελίδα 209 Professor
Geoffrey Harcourt, Claudio Sardoni 2013 F. Hamouda There have been
several review and/or interpretive articles on Post-Keynesianism and Post-
Keynesian Economics in the last dozen years or so: Harris (1975), Eichner
and Kregel (1975), Shapiro (1977), Davidson (1980a, 1981), ...
Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics: Confronting ...Richard P. F.
Holt, Steven Pressman, Clive L. Spash 2009 This book argues that
mainstream economics, with its present methodological approach, is
limited in its ability to analyze and develop adequate public policy to deal
with environmental problems and sustainable development.

Post Keynesian econometrics, microeconomics and the theory ...Sheila C.

Dow, John Hillard 2002 This is the first of two volumes celebrating
Keynes's contribution to economics, and the development of post
Keynesian Economics in recent years.
Post Keynesian Economic Theory: A Challenge to ...Philip Arestis,
Thanos Skouras 1985 "This collection of major new essays offers a full
range of alternative ways of looking at the economy.
Post Keynesian Economics. Ed. by K.K. Kurihara. 1954
Post Keynesian Economics: An Annotated Bibliography. John E. King
1995 G.C. Harcourt, The Economic Journal Every university library
should have this book.
Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and the Macro ...T. Palley
1996 Fluctuations in the level of debt service burdens give rise to
fluctuations in aggregate demand which can then cause business cycles.
Post Keynesian macrodynamics: a more General Theory. Michael Alan
Salant 1982 The aim of this book is to present an alternate macroeconomic
theory by which stagnation & inflation may be studied in domestic &
international contexts. This book will interest readers interested in
Post Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory, Second Edition Σελίδα 127 Paul
Davidson 2011 Keynes had searched for a simplification of his Treatise on
Money when he concluded that his critics 'simply failed to grasp' his
elaborate monetary analysis.1 The result was a less rigorous monetary
specification in The General Theory where ...
Post Keynesian Methodology Kant Tatjana 2010 Seminar paper from the
year 2009 in the subject Business economics Economic and Social History,
grade: A (1,0), Charles University in Prague, language: English, abstract:
Keynes' work on methodology was not insignificant.
Post Keynesian Monetary Economics Stephen Rousseas 1998 A Post
Keynesian critique of monetarism and of contemporary Keynesian theory,
calling for a return to the original ideas of John Maynard Keynes.
Post Keynesian monetary economics Stephen William Rousseas 1992
Post Keynesian Price Theory Frederic S. Lee 1999 This involves
discussing the work of Gardiner Means, Philip Andrews, and Michal

Kalecki as well as the developers of the doctrines, such as Edwin Nourse,

Paolo Sylos Labini, Harry Edwards, Josef Steindl and Alfred Eisner.
Post Keynesian Theory and Policy: A Realistic Analysis of ...Paul
Davidson 2015 How did economic ÒexpertsÓ worldwide fail to predict
the financial crisis of 2007-2008? Eminent economist Paul Davidson
discusses how mainstream economic theory may not be applicable to the
world of experience.
Post Keynesian Theory of Growth and Distribution Carlo Panico, Neri
Salvadori 1993
Post-Keynesian Economic Theory Paul Wells 1995 The book presents a
constructive Post-Keynesian critique of contemporary macroeconomic
conceptualization and practice.
Post-Keynesian Economics Malcolm C. Sawyer 1988 Co-operative
Economics News Service Post-Keynesian Economics denotes a loose
grouping of economists who regard the insights of Keynes and Kalecki as
the starting point for both a critique of conventional equilibrium analysis
and the basis ...
Post-Keynesian Economics Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Post-
Keynesian Economics is a school of economic thought with its origins in
The General Theory of John Maynard Keynes, although its subsequent
development was influenced to a large degree by Michał Kalecki, Joan
Robinson, Nicholas ...
Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 3 Kenneth K. Kurihara 2013
MONEY is the central concept in the economics of John Maynard Keynes.
Viewing his work as a whole, this proposition seems hardly debatable.
With respect to his General Theory of employment, it may be less
obvious, although the title of ...
Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations Marc Lavoie 2014 The
book is a considerably extended and fully revamped edition of the highly
successful and frequently cited Foundations of Post-Keynesian Economic
Analysis, published in 1992.
Post-Keynesian Empirical Research and the Debate on ... Σελίδα viii
Chaiechi, Taha 2014 Recent years have evidenced a burgeoning of
quantitative forms of modelling within the Post-Keynesian tradition. Over
much of the Post-WWII period, Keynesian Economics has contributed to
the development of National Income Accounting ...

Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on ...G.

Harcourt, Peter Kriesler, Joseph Halevi 2015 In the first volume of Post-
Keynesian Essays from Down Under, Halevi, Harcourt, Kriesler and
Neville bring together a collection of their most influential papers on
Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki.
Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume III: Essays ...Joseph
Halevi, G.C. Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2015 Joseph Halevi, G. C. Harcourt,
Peter Kriesler and J. W. Nevile bring together a collection of their most
influential papers on Post-Keynesian thought.
Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics: Essays in Honour of Ingrid Rima
Mathew Forstater, Gary Mongiovi, Steven Pressman 2007 Post Keynesian
Economics developed in the latter half of the twentieth century, following
publication of the General Theory (Keynes, 1964 [1936]). Some of the
main figures in this endeavor were Paul Davidson, John Kenneth
Galbraith, ...
Post-Keynesian principles of economic policy Claude Gnos, Louis-
Philippe Rochon 2006 This book gathers carefully selected and original
papers by a number of distinguished post Keynesian writers from Europe
and the Americas and converges on the principles that should guide post
Keynesian economic policy in the 21st century.
Post-Keynesian Theorists and the Theory of Economic ...Sukhamoy
Chakravarty 1987
Post-Keynesian Theory and the Transmission Mechanism of ...Takis
Economopoulos 1990 These authors include mainly Chick, Davidson,
Minsky and Wojnilower, who base their hypotheses on the collected works
of Keynes and Kalecki.
Post-Keynesian Views of the Crisis and Its Remedies Σελίδα 87 Óscar
Dejuán, Eladio Febrero Paños, Jorge Uxo Gonzalez 2013 4. The. debt.
trap. Óscar. Dejuán. Introduction A debt trap can be compared with
quicksand. Both share the same fate: whatever you do, you become more
and more trapped. If people in quicksand stay still, the sand will swallow
them up little ...
Prices, Profits, and Financial Structures: A ...Gökhan Çapoğlu 1991 This
is an innovative and important, albeit highly controversial, book which
attempts in a coherent, analytical framework to relate the pricing, profit
and financing decisions of a firm to its investment decisions; by viewing
competition as ...

Pricing Theory in Post-Keynesian Economics: A Realist Approach Paul

Downward 1999 This timely book explores the defining features of post
Keynesian Economics through an examination of pricing, and empirically
investigates pricing behaviour from the post Keynesian point of view.
Recent Developments in Post-Keynesian Economics Arestis, Chick
Victoria 1992 Cooperative Economic News Service This book presents
new work by leading Post-Keynesian economists in the areas of
methodology, pricing, distribution and policy.
Teaching Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 12 Jesper Jespersen, Mogens
Ove Madsen 2013 The outline ofthis chapter is the following. First, I will
provide some background information about how I became interested in
Post-Keynesian Economics. This will be followed by a short discussion
on the various strategies that can be adopted ...
The Changing Firm: Contributions from the History of ... Σελίδα 340.
Marco Enrico Luigi Guidi, Daniela Parisi 2005 MICROFOUNDATIONS
ON THE THEORY OF THE FIRM by Rosaria Rita Canale 1. Introduction
Looking through contributions about microeconomic theory, from classics
to ...
The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 397 J. E.
King 2012 Crotty, J.R. (1996), 'Is New Keynesian investment theory
really “Keynesian”? Reflections on Fazzari and Variato', Journal of Post
Keynesian Economics, 18 (3), 333–57. Cynamon, B.Z. and S.M. Fazzari
(2008), 'Household debt in the consumer ...
The Joan Robinson Legacy Σελίδα 168 1991 CHAPTER THIRTEEN Joan
Robinson's Post-Key nesianism Omar F. Hamouda Joan Robinson is the
scholar who should be most credited for attempting to bring together three
strands of economic thinking: (i) the Marshall-Keynes, (ii) the ...
The Keynesian Multiplier Σελίδα 1 Claude Gnos, Louis-Philippe Rochon
2008 Multiplier analysis is a central focus of Keynesian – and Kaleckian
– macroeconomics. It is the basis upon which much of Keynesian and
Post-Keynesian theory of employment and aggregate demand is based. It
is, in particular, what gives ...
The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith Σελίδα 1 STEVEN PRESSMAN
2013 John Kenneth Galbraith and the Post Keynesian Tradition in
Economics STEVEN PRESSMAN Department of Economics and

Finance, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ, USA

ABSTRACT This paper discusses some of the key ...
The Making of a Post-Keynesian Economist: Cambridge Harvest G. C.
Harcourt 2012 Introduction: The. Making. of. a. Post-Keynesian.
Economist: Cambridge. Harvest. Introduction My favourite novelist is E.
M. Forster. He was an Honorary Fellow of King's, the first of my four
Cambridge Colleges, when I went to King's as a ...
The Megacorp and Macrodynamics: Essays in Memory of Alfred
...William S. Milberg 1992 19. PHILIP. ARESTIS. Economic. Policies.
in. a. Post-Keynesian. World. The purpose of this chapter is to ascertain
the economic policies implied by the Post-Keynesian paradigm and also to
examine the extent to which these policies can be ...
The Money supply in the economic process: a post Keynesian ...Marco
Musella, Carlo Panico 1995 Roger E. Backhouse, The Economic Journal
The editors of this important collection bring together a selection of
previously published articles which outline the role of the Money supply
in the economic process from a post Keynesian ...
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: ...G. C.
Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 This two volume Handbook contains
chapters on the main areas to which Post-Keynesians have made sustained
and important contributions.
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1:
...Geoffrey Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 These two volumes cover the
principal areas to which Post-Keynesian economists have made distinctive
The Philosophy of Keynes's Economics: Probability, ... Σελίδα 111 Jochen
Runde, Sohei Mizuhara 2003 9. Probability. and. uncertainty. in.
Keynes's. The. General. Theory. Donald. Gillies. The Post Keynesians and
the problem In the fast two decades, a great deal of attention has been
devoted to the question of probability and uncertainty in ...
The Post-Keynesian approach to economics: an alternative ...Philip
Arestis 1992 . . . I (still) recommend this book as necessary reading for
those interested in developing an alternative to orthodox economics, and I
would also recommend it as useful reading for a first-year graduate macro

The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core ...G. C. Harcourt

2006 This is a major contribution to Post-Keynesian thought.
The 'Uncertain' Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics: ...Stephen
Dunn 2010 Lee (1990–91) outlines the significance of these debates and
the challenge of marginalism for Post Keynesianism more generally. 8 It
should be pointed out that although the title of Lee's (1998) book is perhaps
misleading that was not his ...
Toward a New Economics: Essays in Post-Keynesian and ... Σελίδα 3.
Alfred S. Eichner 1985 Essays in Post-Keynesian and Institutionalist
Theory Alfred S. Eichner ... In recognition of the fact that its core derives
from the efforts by several of Keynes' closest associates at Cambridge
University, in the years following his death in 1945, ...
Towards a Post Keynesian Theory of the Multinational ...Stephen P. Dunn,
Staffordshire University. Division of Economics 1997
Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical ... Σελίδα 33. Paul
Lewis 2004 Introduction1 Post Keynesian Economics has many critics.
To many it represents a loose association of ignorant and incoherent idiot
savants who know what they are against but do not know what they are for.
Unable to do the sophisticated ...

Keynesian Economics

A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936. J. E. King 2002 This

text provides a history of the post Keynesian approach to economics since
A Modern Guide to Keynesian Macroeconomics and Economic ...Eckhard
Hein, Engelbert Stockhammer 2011 1. History. and. methods. of. post-.
Keynesian. economics. Marc. Lavoie. 1. INTRODUCTION Presenting
the history and methods of post-Keynesian Economics is a feat that can
hardly be accomplished in a short essay, and so I start right away ...
A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 1 Richard P. F. Holt,
Steven Pressman 2002 Introduction A Guide to Post Keynesian
Economics was published in 1978. This slim volume, edited by Alfred
Eichner, provided a non-technical introduction to Post Keynesian thought.
It contained essays from some major Post Keynesian ...

A Reformulation of Keynesian Economics Jagdish Handa 2015 This

book's many insights and innovations include: discarding the classical
concepts of the long run and the short run in favour of the behavioural
concepts of the planning period (the long term) and the short term (the
operating period); ...
Advanced Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics: J E King 2015
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions
to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the
worldÕs leading scholars.
Alternatives to Economic Orthodoxy: A Reader in Political ... Σελίδα 140
Randy Pearl Albelda, Christopher Eaton Gunn, William Waller 1987
Alternative Analyses of Short and Long Run in Post-Keynesian
Economics FERNANDO CARVALHO The following article gives the
reader a sense of the diversity and wide range of economic analysis within
the school of thought called ...
An Alternative Macroeconomic Theory: The Kaleckian Model ...John E.
King 2011 lE. King Michael Kalecki (1899-1970) was one of the most
important, and also one of the most underrated, economists of the twentieth
An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics, Second edition: Σελίδα 672
Thomas Cate 2013 Sidney Weintraub is remembered as a promoter of Post
Keynesian Economics. He and Paul Davidson were co-founders of the
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. Weintraub was born in New York
City in 1914. After studying at the London ...
An Essay in Keynesian Economics G. Krishnan-Kutty 1969
An Introduction to Keynesian Economics. 1977
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the ... Σελίδα 274
Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma, Malcolm Sawyer 2005 John E.King That
post-Keynesian thinking has obtained at least a toehold in the Australian
economics profession is due, in very large part, to the influence of Geoff
Harcourt. As I suggest in the first section of this chapter, respect for (and ...
Contextual Development Economics: A Holistic Approach to ...Matthias
P. Altmann 2010 A Holistic Approach to the Understanding of Economic
Activity in Low-Income Countries Matthias P. Altmann ... In their view,
both neoclassical and Keynesian Economics were inappropriate for
analysing the economic characteristics that set ...

Controversies in post Keynesian Economics. Paul Davidson 1991 Policy

Options The book is an excellent, clearly written introduction to post
Keynesian Economics. Martin H. Wolfson, University of Notre Dame, US
This book is a skilful and refreshing introduction to a neglected field of
economic research.
Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics Mark
Skousen 1992 The contributors of this volume analyze the main tenets of
Keynesianism--the multiplier and accelerator, the Phillips curve, the
paradox of thrift, Keynesian development theory, progressive taxation,
deficit spending and countercyclical ...
Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World Richard
P F Holt, Steven Pressman 2014 “Kalecki's Monetary Economics.” In J.E.
King, ed., An Alternative Macroeconomics Theory: The Kaleckian Model
and Post Keynesian Economics, Boston: Kluwer. Earl, P. 1984. The
Corporate Imagination: How Big Companies Make Mistakes.
Essays in Macrodynamic Economics Σελίδα 45 Kenneth K. Kurihara 1972
Chapter 3 Contributions and Limitations of Keynesian TheoryMy general
purpose in this essay1 is to delineate the essential contributions of Keynes's
General Theory and its fundamental limitations,2 with a specific view to
indicating the ...
Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics A. Thirlwall 2015 Ever
since I read Keynes's The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money (1936) as a graduate student in the United States in 1962, I have
never lost faith in Keynes's economics for an understanding of the
functioning of capitalist ...
Fiscal Policy in the Context of Planning: An Analysis of ...Baidyanath
Misra 1966
Foundations for New Economic Thinking: A Collection of Essays. Sheila
C. Dow 2012 A Collection of Essays Sheila C. Dow. modelling', Economic
Journal, 105 (431), 1001–31. Coates, J. (1996) The Claims of Common
Sense: Moore, Wittgenstein, Keynes and the Social Sciences (Cambridge:
Cambridge University 'Keynes, ...
Foundations of post-Keynesian economic analysis Σελίδα 428. Marc
Lavoie 1992 Davidson. P. (1980), 'The dual-faceted Keynesian
revolution: Money and Money wages in unemployment and production
flow prices'. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 2 (3), Spring, 291-307.
Davidson, P. (1982-3), 'Rational expectations: ...

Franco Modigliani and Keynesian Economics: Theory, Facts ...Antonella

Rancan 2016 This is the first book to place Modigliani's thought in its
proper historical context, showing how it related to wider economic
concerns and examining the social and political implications of his
Guide for: 21st Century Keynesian Economics: ...Cram101 Textbook
Reviews 2014 Never Highlight a Book Again! Just the FACTS 101 study
guides give the student the textbook outlines, highlights, practice quizzes
and optional access to the full practice tests for their textbook.
In Defense of Post-Keynesian and Heterodox Economics: ... Σελίδα 87
Frederic S. Lee, Marc Lavoie 2012 Post Keynesian Economics is part of
this discussion. It has been identified as opposed to neoclassical
economics, but also accused of not being united around anything positive,
beyond this negative stance. Some Post Keynesians have ...
Introducing Keynesian Economics Peter Pugh, Chris Garratt 2000 This
book lucidly explains the Keynesian revolution, and paints a vivid picture
of Keynes the man.
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics. M. Lavoie 2009 This book
offers an accessible introduction to post-Keynesian Economics, showing
that there is an alternative to neoclassical economics and its free-market
economic policies.
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Τόμος 28,Τεύχη 3-4. 2006
Kalecki's Principle of Increasing Risk and Keynesian Economics Tracy
Mott 2009 Nearly seventyfive years later, it is probably safe to say that
John Maynard Keynes's (1964, [1936]) General Theory of
Employment, Interest, and Money caused more problems for economics
than it gave solutions. The blame for this can be laid ...
Keynes and Public Policy After Fifty Years: Economics and ...John
Maynard Keynes, O. F. Hamouda, John N. Smithin 1988
Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: A 'Revolution in ...Luigi L.
Pasinetti 2007 Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians traces the historical
development of Keynesian Economics.
Keynes and the modern world: proceedings of the Keynes ...George David
Norman Worswick, James Anthony Trevithick 1983 This volume presents
the proceedings of the major conference held to celebrate the centenary of
the birth of John Maynard Keynes at King's College, Cambridge.

Keynes and the Quest for a Moral Science: A Study of ...D. W. Parsons
2010 Keynes and the Quest for a Moral Science is an accessible, highly
readable account which will appeal to scholars and students in the field of
economics, history of economics, public policy and history of ideas.
Keynes' Economics (Routledge Revivals): Methodological Issues Senior
Lecturer in Social Sciences Tony Lawson, Tony Lawson, Hashem Pesaran
MODELS. Simon Wren-Lewis Introduction A discussion of the treatment
of expectations in Keynesian econometric models is almost bound to be
conducted in terms of responses to the ...
Keynes' Economics: Methodological Issues Tony Lawson, M. Hashem
Pesaran 1985
Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics. Nicholas
Wapshott 2011 From their first face-to-face encounter to the heated
arguments between their ardent disciples, Nicholas Wapshott here unearths
the contemporary relevance of Keynes and Hayek, as present-day
arguments over the virtues of the free market and ...
Keynes, Uncertainty and the Global Economy: Beyond Keynes, ...Sheila
C. Dow, John Hillard 2002 1 . The. microeconomic. foundations. of.
Keynesian. economics. Athol. Fitzgibbons. The adjustment process has not
been successfully described as optimising behaviour, [so that it] carries
conviction in our profession. This failure, neither ...
Keynesian & Post-Keynesian Economics. 2003 Covering the work of
many of the leading theorists of the Keynesian and Post-Keynesian
traditions the titles in this set examine both the Keynesian contribution to
economic thoughts and analyze its limitations.
Keynesian Economic Policies. Alain Barrere 1990 This collection of
essays is a plea for a renewal of policies based on the most fundamental
ideas of Keynes as well as on recent developments in economic theory.
Keynesian Economics and Price Theory: Re-orientation of a ... Σελίδα 1
Masayuki Otaki 2015 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction to Part 1
Keynes (1936, Chap. 2) argues: For it is far from being consistent with the
general tenor of the classic theory, which has taught us to believe that
prices are governed by marginal prime cost in ...
Keynesian Economics in the Stream of Economic Thought Σελίδα 120.
Harlan Linneus McCracken 1961 The major economic problem has been

one of growth, dynamics, and inflation. Of course, a defense might be

offered for Keynesian Economics on the grounds that it is a depression
economics and was never designed for such postwar ...
Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 1. Alan Coddington 2013 1. Introduction.
1. The Keynesian connection This book is about the efforts of economists
to assimilate, develop and refine Keynesian ideas about how an economy
may be managed so as to counteract a particular kind of malfunctioning
to ...
Keynesian Economics, The Cancer in America Σελίδα 1 John Shannon
2012 Economics is the study ofthe production, distribution, consumption,
and recycling (disposition) of goods and services. Humans have unlimited
wants. There are scarce resources compared to the unlimited wants. Ifwe
lived in a world where ...
Keynesian Economics. Mabel F. Timlin 1977
Keynesian Economics: a selected bibliography. Robert Goehlert 1984
Keynesian Economics: a symposium V. B. Singh 1956
Keynesian Economics: Past Confusions Future Prospects. Axel
Leijonhufvud 1989
Keynes's General Theory, the rate of interest and ...Geoff Tily, John
Maynard Keynes 2007 This book argues that Keynesian economists have
betrayed Keynes's theory and policy conclusions, while seeking to re-
establish and re-interpret his conclusions
Macroeconomic Theory, 13E Σελίδα 342. M C Vaish 2009 The practical
policy conclusions of Keynesian Economics which are contained in
Keynes' book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
are not relevant for every economy and for all times. When Keynes wrote
his magnum ...
Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 2: Keynesian ...Roger E.
Backhouse, Andrea Salanti 2000 9 New Keynesian macroeconomics: the
role of theory and evidence HUW D. DIXON One can say that the new
classical challenge has been met: Keynesian Economics has been
reincarnated with a firm microeconomic muscle Mankiw (1992: ...
Millennial Keynes: The Origins, Development and Future of ...Bruno
Ventelou, Gregory P. Nowell 2015 Both a grounding in the origins and

development of Keynesian Economics, this study also looks at the

ongoing significance of his work.
Miniset H. Keynesian & Post-Keynesian Economics. TAYLOR &
FRANCIS 2007 Covering the work of many of the leading theorists of the
Keynesian and Post-Keynesian traditions the titles in this set examine
both the Keynesian contribution to economic thoughts and analyze its
Monetarism and the Demise of Keynesian Economics G.R. Steele 1989
Money and Macrodynamics: Alfred Eichner and Post-Keynesian ...Marc
Lavoie, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Mario Seccareccia 2015 Featuring
chapters by many of Eichner's disciples, this book celebrates his rich
contributions to post-Keynesian Economics, and demonstrates that his
work is in many ways as valid today as it was over two decades ago.
Money, employment, and interest: towards a reconstruction ...Shōzaburō
Fujino 1987 Fujino discusses the behavior of firms under uncertain
demand; analyzes output-inventory, output-backlog, and fixed investment
decisions; evaluates the approach to macroeconomic behavior of output
and prices by means of aggregate supply ...
New directions in post+Keynesian Economics John Pheby 1989 John
Hillard, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
Newsletter The Pheby-edited essays should prove useful to anyone
interested in post-Keynesian Economics.
New Keynesian Economics / Post Keynesian Alternatives Σελίδα 1 Roy
Rotheim 2013 I wrote that paper, a very early version ofthe one contained
in the current volume, to come to grips with the publication ofa
'Symposium on Keynesian Economics Today' in the Winter 1993 issue of
the journal ofEconoinic Perspectives (as well ...
New Keynesian Economics: Coordination failures and real ... Τόμος 2. N.
Gregory Mankiw, David Romer 1991 These two volumes bring together
a set of important essays that represent a "new Keynesian" perspective in
economics today.
New Keynesian Economics: Imperfect competition and sticky ...N.
Gregory Mankiw, David Romer 1991 These two volumes bring together
a set of important essays that represent a "new Keynesian" perspective in
economics today.

On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes: ...Axel

Leijonhufvud 1979
On the reappraisal of Keynesian Economics: a revised and ...A. G. Hines
On the reappraisal of Keynesian Economics: a revised and ...Albert
Gregorio Hines 1971
Outlines and Highlights for 21st Century Keynesian ...Cram101 Textbook
Reviews 2010 Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the
outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional
online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific.
Accompanys: 9780230236011 .
Perspectives on Keynesian Economics Arie Arnon, Jimmy Weinblatt,
Warren Young 2010 This book combines historical and policy-oriented
perspectives on the relevance of the Keynesian approach for economic
theory, policy, and crisis analysis.
Post Keynesian econometrics, microeconomics and the theory ...Sheila C.
Dow, John Hillard 2002 This is the first of two volumes celebrating
Keynes's contribution to economics, and the development of post
Keynesian Economics in recent years.
Post Keynesian Economic Theory: A Challenge to ...Philip Arestis,
Thanos Skouras 1985 "This collection of major new essays offers a full
range of alternative ways of looking at the economy.
Post Keynesian Economics. Ed. by K.K. Kurihara. 1954
Post Keynesian Economics: An Annotated Bibliography. John E. King
1995 G.C. Harcourt, The Economic Journal Every university library
should have this book.
Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and the Macro ...T. Palley
1996 Fluctuations in the level of debt service burdens give rise to
fluctuations in aggregate demand which can then cause business cycles.
Post Keynesian Price Theory Σελίδα 1 Frederic S. Lee 1999 Poverty of
Post Keynesian price theory If one is going to write a book on Post
Keynesian price theory, it would, from the reader's viewpoint, be nice to
know what ``Post Keynesian Economics'' is. However, this is the wrong
way of looking at it.

Post-Keynesian Economic Theory Paul Wells 1995 The book presents a

constructive post-Keynesian critique of contemporary macroeconomic
conceptualization and practice.
Post-Keynesian Economics Malcolm C. Sawyer 1988 Co-operative
Economics News Service Post-Keynesian Economics denotes a loose
grouping of economists who regard the insights of Keynes and Kalecki as
the starting point for both a critique of conventional equilibrium analysis
and the basis ...
Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 3 Kenneth K. Kurihara 2013
[CHAPTER ONE] The Theory of a Monetary Economy Dudley Dillard ".
. . Money is the father of private property." — Max Weber, General
Economic History. MONEY is the central concept in the economics of
John Maynard Keynes. Viewing ...
Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations Σελίδα 596 Marc Lavoie
2014 Dalziel, P.C. (1990), 'Market power, inflation, and incomes policy',
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 12 (3), Spring, 424–38. Dalziel, P.
and M. Lavoie (2003), 'Teaching Keynes's principle of effective demand
using the aggregate labor ...
Pricing Theory in Post-Keynesian Economics: A Realist Approach Paul
Downward 1999 This timely book explores the defining features of post
Keynesian Economics through an examination of pricing, and empirically
investigates pricing behaviour from the post Keynesian point of view.
Productive labour and effective demand, including a ...Sidney Harry
Coontz 1966
Recent Developments in Post-Keynesian Economics Arestis, Chick
Victoria 1992 Cooperative Economic News Service This book presents
new work by leading post-Keynesian economists in the areas of
methodology, pricing, distribution and policy.
Reconstructing Keynesian Economics with Imperfect ...Robin Lapthorn
Marris 1991 As the present book physically went to press, there was in
fact announced for publication in mid-1991, a two-volume essay collection
on new Keynesian Economics edited by Gregor Mankiw and David
Romer. This evidently prospectively ...
Short of Euphoria (on Tax Reform) ; U.S. Fiscal Policy, ...Richard Abel
Musgrave 1987

Teaching Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 148 Jesper Jespersen,

Mogens Ove Madsen 2013 Keynes's General Theory Seventy-Five Years
Later, edited by Thomas Cate, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.
19–34. Chick, Victoria (1995): 'Is there a case for Post Keynesian
Economics?', Scottish Journal ofPolitical Economy, ...
The Crisis in Keynesian Economics [by] Sir John Hicks John Hicks 1974
A Critique of Keynesian Economics. Walter Allan 1993 This book brings
together articles by international political economists on Keynesian
Economics and its legacy.
The Crisis of Keynesian Economics (Routledge Revivals) Σελίδα 59
Geoffrey Pilling 2014 3 THE FOUNDATION OF KEYNES'
ECONOMICS To historians of economic theory the triumph of the
neoclassical syn— thesis should appear as most inappropriate, for the basis
of Keynes's formal training in the economics of Ricardo and ...
The Critics of Keynesian Economics. Henry Hazlitt 1960
The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 397 J. E.
King 2012 Crotty, J.R. (1996), 'Is New Keynesian investment theory
really “Keynesian”? Reflections on Fazzari and Variato', Journal of Post
Keynesian Economics, 18 (3), 333–57. Cynamon, B.Z. and S.M. Fazzari
(2008), 'Household debt in the consumer ...
The failure of the "new economics": an analysis of the ...Henry Hazlitt
1959 Canonization. Uses of refutation.
The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics. John Eatwell, Murray Milgate
2011 This book is about the fall and rise of Keynesian Economics.
Eatwell and Milgate range widely across the landscape that defines their
subject matter.
The General Theory Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 238. Professor Geoffrey Harcourt,
Peter Riach 2006 INTRODUCTION The distinction between Keynesian
Economics and the economics of Keynes (see Leijonhufvud 1968) is
nowhere clearer than in the treatment of expectations and uncertainty.
Although Keynes invoked what we would now ...
The New Keynesian Economics: Unemployment, Search, and ...Jeff
Frank 1986 This major new book examines both traditional and recent
macroeconomics models on the basis of their microeconomics foundations.
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1: ...G. C.
Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 This two volume Handbook contains

chapters on the main areas to which Post-Keynesians have made sustained

and important contributions.
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 1:
...Geoffrey Harcourt, Peter Kriesler 2013 These two volumes cover the
principal areas to which Post-Keynesian economists have made distinctive
The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics. Vol. 1: ... Τόμος 1.
eoffrey Colin Harcourt, Peter Kreisler 2013 These two volumes cover the
principal areas to which Post-Keynesian economists have made distinctive
The Philosophy of Keynes's Economics: Probability, ... Σελίδα 111 Jochen
Runde, Sohei Mizuhara 2003 9. Probability. and. uncertainty. in. Keynes's.
The. General. Theory. Donald. Gillies. The Post Keynesians and the
problem In the fast two decades, a great deal of attention has been devoted
to the question of probability and uncertainty in ...
The Post-Keynesian approach to economics: an alternative ...Philip
Arestis 1992 . . . I (still) recommend this book as necessary reading for
those interested in developing an alternative to orthodox economics, and I
would also recommend it as useful reading for a first-year graduate macro
The Relevance of Keynesian Economic Policies Today Philip Arestis, M.
Sawyer 2014 Or could its use to tackle unemployment be put back on the
political agenda? These essays examine the potential relevance of
Keynesian policies for Europe, America, the developing world and the
global economy.
The Revolution That Never Was Will Hutton 2012 Keynesian Economics
is on the defensive. Its public reputation is low: it has come to be
synonymous with large budget deficits, unsuccessful attempts to contain
inflation with income policies, and failing economic growth. Among
economists its ...
The Role of R. G. Hawtrey in Keynesian Economics and the ...E. G. Davis
The Stockholm School of Economics Revisited Σελίδα 295. Lars Jonung
1991 DAVID LAIDLER1 Nowadays Keynesian Economics is the most
visible legacy of the debates about macroeconomic issues that marked the

1920s and 1930s. That is because Keynes and his associates were
successful, in the well-defined ...
The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core ...G. C. Harcourt
2006 This is a major contribution to post-Keynesian thought.
The 'Uncertain' Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics: ... Σελίδα 6
Stephen Dunn 2010 In what follows we begin by making a positive
contribution to the development of Post Keynesian Economics by refuting
allegations of incoherence and detailing some of the implications of this
ontological vision more broadly. The book is ...
Why Reaganomics and Keynesian Economics Failed James E. Sawyer

The Economic Consequences of Peace

A Companion to Fritz Lang Joe McElhaney 2014 During the proceedings

of the Paris Peace Conference in early 1919, the “Big Three” – Woodrow
Wilson, David Lloyd George, ... British economist John Maynard Keynes,
in The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920), wrote that this ...
A New Deal for the World. Elizabeth Borgwardt 2007 Skidelsky, John
Maynard Keynes, 3: 99; FDR, Press Conferences, No. 702 (Dec. 17, 1940),
PPA, 1940, 608. ... John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences
of the Peace; see also Keynes, A Revision of the Treaty: Being a Sequel
to ...
A Revision of the Treaty, Being a Sequel to the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes 2015 This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
A Revision of the Treaty. John Maynard Keynes 2006 I argued that
much of it was impossible; but I do not agree with many critics, who held
that, for this very reason, it was also harmless. -from "The State of
Opinion" Almost immediately after its ratification, it became clear that the

A Revision of the Treaty; Being a Sequel to the Economic ...John

Maynard Keynes 2013 This is a reproduction of a book published before
A Treatise on Money: Two Volumes Complete in One John Maynard
Keynes 2011 Keynes had begun a theoretical work to examine the
relationship between unemployment, Money and prices back in the 1920s.
The work, Treatise on Money, was published in 1930 in two volumes. We
reproduce this two volume edition in one volume.
A Treatise on Probability. John Maynard Keynes 2007 First published
in 1920, this is the foundational work of probability theory, which helped
establish the author's enormous influence on modern economic and even
political theories.
A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and ...Thorstein
Veblen 1993 Keynes,. The. Economic. Consequences. of. the. Peace. It is
now something like a year since this book was written. And much of ... But
for all their vulpine secrecy, Review of John Maynard Keynes, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace.
Access to History: War and Peace: International Relations ...David
Williamson 2009 John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) A British
economist and civil servant who represented the Treasury at the Paris ...
Increasingly, as a result of the devastating criticisms in The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, which was a brilliant ...
Activities 1944-1946: The Transition to Peace John Maynard Keynes,
Donald Edward Moggridge 1979 This edition contains all Keynes's
published writings, including less accessible articles and letters to the
press, as well as previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda
and minutes, drafts and economic correspondence.
Beyond the Balance of Power: France and the Politics of ... Σελίδα 197
Peter Jackson 2013 The first was a transformation of the European
strategic balance through peace conditions that would weaken German ...
2 John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace
(London, 1919), 32 and 35 respectively: 'His theory ...
Bonds without Borders: A History of the Eurobond Market Σελίδα 9 Chris
O'Malley 2014 The principal representative of the British Treasury at the
Paris Peace Conference, John Maynard Keynes, resigned ... of the
reparations demands, and subsequently protested publicly in the best-
selling book The Economic Consequences of ...

Breakdown and Rebirth, 1914 to the Present Σελίδα 49 Thomas Garden

Barnes, Gerald D. Feldman 1982 Keynes resigned from the British
delegation to the peace conference in protest over the reparations question,
and his Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) was a widely read
and devastating criticism of the treaty. Keynes probably exaggerated
Germany's inability to pay reparations, but his emphasis upon the need for
economic reconstruction and for a responsible ... But if this is so, then,
most From John Maynard Keynes, Essays in Persuasion (New York:
Norton, 1963), pp.
Britain, France and Germany and the Treaty of Versailles: ...Nick Shepley
2015 John Maynard Keynes, the British economist and a member of the
delegation at the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles at the
end of World War One said in his book The Economic Consequences of
the Peace, written in 1920 ...
Capitalist Revolutionary: John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 77 Roger E.
Backhouse, Bradley W Bateman 2011 John Maynard Keynes Roger E.
Backhouse, Bradley W Bateman ... The financial success of The Economic
Consequences of the Peace enabled him to support himself by his
journalism, consultancy, and government advice while becoming, ...
Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945-1955: The ... Σελίδα 1 John
Gillingham 2004 Although John Maynard Keynes, who thus described
the European economy, quit'e properly blamed the Allied heads of ... John
Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (London,
1919), 1' Jon Jacobson, "ls There a New ...
Desolation and Enlightenment: Political Knowledge After ... Σελίδα 16 Ira
Katznelson 2003 John Maynard Keynes' foretelling in 1919 was
confirmed: “vengeance, I dare predict, will not limp. Nothing can then
delay ... John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences ofthe Peace
(London: Macmillan, 1919), p. 268. 56. Merridale ...
Dinosaur Derivatives and Other Trades Σελίδα 187. Jeremy Josse 2014
107, quotes Keynes as saying this. See The Economic Consequences of
the Peace, John Maynard Keynes, 1919, p. 78. 8. See 2011 FDIC National
Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households, September 20, 2011,
page 3 (FDIC ...
Economic Discrimination Against the United States in ... Σελίδα 62 Otto
Hieronymi 1973 Economic and political planning in the two leading
Western nations was aimed primarily at avoiding a return to the chaotic ...

Cf. also John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the

Peace, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, ...
Economic Theories of Peace and War Σελίδα 275 Fanny Coulomb 2004
Keynes, J.M. (1971a [1919]) 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace',
in Moggridge, D. (ed.) The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes,
Vol. 2, Macmillan, St Martin's Press, for the Royal Economic Society. —
— (1971b) 'Activities ...
Economics as Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek, and the ... Σελίδα 276.
Kenneth R. Hoover 2003 Donald E. Moggridge, Maynard Keynes: An
Economist's Biography (London: Routledge, 1992), 254-58. 2. Robert J.
Skidelsky, John ... John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences
of the Peace, ed. Donald Moggridge (London: ...
Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their ...Theodore
Rosenof 2000 Initially predominant in New Deal economic analysis, the
structural approach was challenged and eventually displaced by another
longrun perspective: that originating with John Maynard Keynes. ...
Keynes came to prominence with The Economic Consequences of the
Peace (1919), his blistering attack on the Treaty of Versailles, which was
followed by his public policy advocacy of the 1920s and what ...
Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics: Σελίδα 94 Roger W Garrison,
Norman Barry 2014 ECONOMIC. THEORY. Friedrich Hayek and John
Maynard Keynes have come to represent two sharply opposed political ...
The pre-1914 prosperity had been inherently fragile, as he had argued in
The Economic Consequences of the Peace ...
Essays in Our Changing Order Σελίδα 462 Thorstein Bunde Veblen, León
PEACE1 It is now something like a year since this book was written. ...
where it appeared as a review of The Economic Consequences of the
Peace, by John Maynard Keynes (New York, 1920).
Essays on John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 174.Milo Keynes 1975 Milo
Keynes. Minister's fluency and ability in arguing a case, as when he
overthrew the French in the argument over the ... of Clemenceau and
Wilson, in The Economic Consequences of the Peace, and indeed did not
publish it until 1933.
From Belloc to Churchill: Private Scholars, Public ... Σελίδα 206. Victor
Feske 2000 Churchill's history of the Great War offered an implicit rebuke
to the influential Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), whose

author, John Maynard Keynes, had clearly cribbed his style of portraiture
from his Bloomsbury associate.
Global Citizen – Challenges and Responsibility in an ... Σελίδα ix Aksel
Sterri 2015 The world must have looked small to the great economist John
Maynard Keynes. Before the outbreak of the First World War, in the
famous essay The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), he
writes: “The inhabitant of London could ...
Global Population: History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth Σελίδα 60
Alison Bashford 2014 Population and the Peace The postwar world was
ushered in by the Paris Peace Conference. and by its critics: the Germans,
the Japanese, and John Maynard Keynes. advisor to the british prime
minister david lloyd George, Keynes came to disagree sharply with the ...
Where Keynes saw economic consequences, bowman saw geographical
solutions, an opportunity for boundaries to be redrawn in a ...
Government and the Economy: An Encyclopedia: An Encyclopedia. David
A Dieterle Ph.D., Kathleen M. Simmons 2014 The Economic
Consequences of the Peace. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Howe.
Keynes, John Maynard. 1913. Indian Currency and Finance. London:
Royal Economic Society. Selected Works about John Maynard Keynes
MaynardKeynes.org ...
Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius Σελίδα 505. Sylvia Nasar
2011 John Maynard Keynes to Florence Keynes, Keynes Papers, King's
College Archive. John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of
the Peace (London: Macmillan and Co., 1920), 233 (note 1). John
Maynard Keynes to Duncan Grant, ...
Great Powers: America and the World After Bush. Thomas P.M. Barnett
2009 Again, if Roosevelt had not created that liberal economic order, then
Truman's subsequent initiation of the containment ... Roosevelt's solution
set like this: word (The Economic Consequences of the Peace), prophet
(John Maynard Keynes),
How Fascism Ruled Women: Italy, 1922-1945 Σελίδα 289 Victoria de
Grazia 1992 John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the
Peace (1920; New York: Harper and Row, 1971), pp. 9-26. 4. Gunnar
Myrdal, Population: A Problem for Democracy (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1940); as well as Alva ...
Indian Currency and Finance. John Maynard Keynes 2006 Published
in 1913, this is the first book from the renowned economist, and

demonstrates the beginnings of the philosophies of macroeconomics and

government intervention into economic matters that would characterize his
later work.
John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 86. Vincent Barnett 2013 by the Allies
during the First World War will be left to Keynes himself. ... The Economic
Consequences of the Peace Keynes's 1919 book The Economic
Consequences of the Peace was the first to bring its author international
recognition (and ...
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 204
John Cunningham Wood 1994 Economic Journal 56 (June): 172-187. .
1971. The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. 2, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace. London: Macmillan, St. Martin's
Press, for the Royal Economic Society. . 1979. The Collected ...
John Maynard Keynes: A Biography Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 491. Robert Jacob
Alexander Skidelsky 2000 She poured out her worries to Maynard's
newphew Maurice Hill, who was staying with her. ... Etienne Mantoux's
The Carthaginian Peace, subtided The Economic Consequences of Mr.
Keynes and published within a few weeks of Maynard's ...
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Σελίδα 43 Charles R. McCann
1998 When, in 1919, he wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace,
Mr. Keynes did a good day's work for the world, in helping it back towards
sanity. But he did a bad day's work for himself as an economist. For he
discovered then, and his ...
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 194. Charles
Robert McCann 1998 The Economic Consequences of the Peace. By
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe,
1920. Pp. 298. $2.50. The prime importance of this book (now in its
thirtieth thousand and under wide discussion) consists not ...
John Maynard Keynes: Free Trader or Protectionist? Σελίδα 70. Joseph
R. Cammarosano 2013 the surface, this advice seems to be incongruous
with the tenets of free trade, but is entirely consistent with Keynes's long
held ... J. M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (New
York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920), 99–100.
John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy Σελίδα 5. Mark Blaug 1990
Keynes had earlier held pacifist objections to the war, and in the course of
the discussions leading up to the ... Consequently, he resigned from the

British delegation and returned to England to write The Economic

Consequences of the Peace, ...
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as savior, 1920-1937. Robert
Skidelsky 1994 The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as saviour, 1920-1937 Robert
Skidelsky 1995 It was Keynes's weekend retreat during the war and he
wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace there in the summer of
1919. He spent the following two summers at Charleston as well, working
on the proofs of his Treatise on ...
Justice and the Genesis of War Σελίδα 141 David A. Welch 1995 For the
first time between the wars but not for the last the more perspicacious of
the two Powers deferred to the less.77 John Maynard Keynes's The
Economic Consequences of the Peace was the most forthright and most
influential assault ...
Keynes Σελίδα 133. Robert Cord 2007 The Collected Writings of John
Maynard Keynes, Volume II: The Economic Consequences of the Peace
(Macmillan St Martin's Press for the Royal Economic Society: 1971) p 174.
28. The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Volume II: ...
Keynes, Uncertainty and the Global Economy: Beyond Keynes, ...Sheila
C. Dow, John Hillard 2002 Keynes, J.M. (1971-1989) 'Indian Currency
and Finance', The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Volume
I, London: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society. 'The Economic
Consequences of the Peace', The Collected Writings of ...
Keynes: The Twentieth Century's Most Influential Economist Peter Clarke
2010 The name of John Maynard Keynes first came to wide public
attention, on both sides of the Atlantic, in 1920. Still under ... The
Economic Consequences of the Peace focused public opinion on the
defects of the recent Versailles Peace Treaty.
Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace: A Reappraisal. Jens
Hölscher 2015 As is known, the Essays in Persuasion 1 of John Maynard
Keynes constitute a relevant attempt to find a solution to the most ...
Keynes«s Essays are significantly related to Economic Consequences of
the Peace for two main reasons: first, ...
Liberalism and War: The Victors and the Vanquished Σελίδα 70. Andrew
Williams 2005 The policy has been blamed for destroying economies,

even for the outbreak of the Second World War. ... such classic anti-
reparations texts as John Maynard Keynes' Economic Consequences of
the Peace (1920), although we can still read ...
Liberalism and War: The Victors and the Vanquished Σελίδα 70. Andrew
J. Williams 2006 The policy has been blamed for destroying economies,
even for the outbreak of the Second World War. ... such classic anti-
reparations texts as John Maynard Keynes' Economic Consequences of
the Peace (1920), although we can still read ...
Life and Death in the Cinema of Weimar Germany, 1919--1924 2008 8 See
John Maynard Keynes' The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)
for a sober defense of this position. In this text he believed that such a
vindictive approach would surely sow the angry seeds for revenge. political
support on the ...
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World Liaquat Ahamed
2009 What an extraordinary episode in the economic progress of man that
age was which came toanend in August 1914! —JOHN MAYNARD
KEYNES, The Economic Consequences of the Peace IN 1914, London
stood at the center of an ...
Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Σελίδα 143 Donald
Moggridge 2002 ... of the same name, one of whom wrote the Economic
Consequences of the Peace, and the other A Treatise on Probability. ...
In The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, the editors were
committed to republishing all of Keynes's ...
Michael Huemer 2012 Kant, Immanuel. 1957. Perpetual Peace, ed. and tr.
Lewis White Beck. Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill. ... Keynes, John Maynard.
1920. The Economic Consequences of the Peace. New York: Harcourt,
Brace and Howe. King, Martin Luther. 1991.
Non-Mainstream Dimensions of Global Political Economy: ...Byasdeb
Dasgupta 2013 78, 2004. Keynes, John Maynard (1926) The End of
Laissez-Faire, republished in The End of Laissez-Faire: The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, BN Publishing 2009, available online at:
www.amazon.com/End—Laissez—Faire— ...
Pacifism Σελίδα 100 David A. Martin 2013 The efforts of the peace party
in the Commons continued to give evidence of recovered confidence. ...
Parliament: from the Labour Leader, and the I.L.P., from the New
Statesman and the National Executive of the Labour Party—and from John
Maynard Keynes. (b) 1919—1931 Keynes's The Economic

Consequences of the Peace provided radicals with an Authorized Version

of the peace to set alongside ...
Plan B: How Leaving the Euro Can Save Ireland Cormac Lucey Lucey
2014 58. 59. 60. John Moran (2013), 'Alternatives to Austerity', speech
given to MacGill Summer School, 2 August, available from: ... John
Maynard Keynes (1920), The Economic Consequences of the Peace, New
York: Howard Brace, p. 225. 55.
Public Policy in International Economic Law: The ICESCR in ...Diane A.
Desierto 2015 249 As Keynes presciently declared in his The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, “the perils of the future lay not in frontiers or
sovereignties but in food, coal, and transport.”250 1. John Maynard
Keynes on state intervention in the ...
Recessions and Depressions: Understanding Business Cycles. Todd A.
Knoop 2004 The most cited book was John Maynard Keynes's The
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936), ... War I.
Keynes's The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920) was an
amazingly prescient critique of the peace treaty ...
Reviving the Invisible Hand: The Case for Classical ... Σελίδα 17 Deepak
Lal 2010 of the twilight of the Edwardian era which marked the high
watermark of Pax Britannia, John Maynard Keynes wrote in his great
book on The Economic Consequences of the Peace: What an
extraordinary episode in the economic progress of ...
Saving Europe: Anatomy of a Dream Carlo Bastasin 2015 2. Raymond
Aron,“Il destino dellenazioni [Thedestiny of nations]” (Soveria Mannelli,
Italy: Rubbettino editore), p.67. 3. John Maynard Keynes, The Economic
Consequences of the Peace (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Howe,
The Big Three in Economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and ...Mark
Skousen 2015 Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes Mark
Skousen. the 1930s, including Joan Robinson. ... Distressed by the
proceedings, he resigned and wrote The Economic Consequences ofthe
Peace (1920). It became a bestsellerand ...
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature Laura
Marcus, Peter Nicholls 2004 If this seems a bit premature, it should be
noted that prescient British observers had been predicting another war at
least since the publication of John Maynard Keynes's Economic
Consequences of the Peace ten years earlier. Keynes had ...

The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 22.

John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) ... For a
peace of magnanimity or of fair and equal treatment, based on such
'ideology' as the Fourteen Points of the President, could only have the effect
of ... This is the policy of an old man, whose most 22 THE ECONOMIC
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: A revision ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971 In June
1921, Keynes had proposed to Alfred Harcourt that he prepare for
publication at the end of 1921 'a final revised edition' of The Economic
Consequences of the Peace. For this edition he proposed to write a new
introduction of some 40 ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: The ...Policy
Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 116. Harold L. Wattel
1986 9 The Influence of Keynesion Thought on Germon Economic Policy
Dudley Dillord From World War I Through World War II John Maynard
Keynes had a special relation with Germany dating from his participation
in the Versailles peace ...
The Common Good of Constitutional Democracy: Essays in ...Martin
Rhonheimer, William F. Murphy Jr. 2013 FOURTEEN Capitalism, free
Market economy, and the Common Good The Role ofthe State in the
Economy Author's note: The ... the great British economist John Maynard
Keynes calls the essential characteristic of capitalism the “intense appeal
to the ... (1926), republished in Keynes, The End of LaissezFaire: The
Economic Consequences of the Peace (New York: Prometheus Books,
2004), 43. 2. Ibid.
The Deluge: The Great War and the Remaking of Global Order ...Adam
Tooze 2014 16, 156–84. 30. R. Skidelsky, John Maynard Keynes: Hopes
Betrayed, 1883–1920 (London, 1983), vol. 1,317. 31. J. M. Keynes, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace (London, 1919), 5, reiterated 253.
32. Ibid., 146–50. 33. Ibid., 269. 34.
The Dust of Empire: The Race for Mastery in the Asian ... Σελίδα 17 Karl
Ernest Meyer 2004 The First World War and its ambiguous peace
bewildered and disheartened even the heartiest imperialists. ... This was
followed in two years by The Economic Consequences of the Peace by
John Maynard Keynes, an assault on theVersailles ...

The Economic Consequences of Peace. John Maynard Keynes 2014

The success of the book established Keynes' reputation as a leading
economist especially on the left.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace HardPress, Keynes John
Maynard 1883-1946 2013 Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Scholar's Choice ...John
Maynard Keynes 2015 This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace The Original ...John
Maynard Keynes 2012 The Classic Account of the Versailles Peace
Treaty This book gave economist John Maynard Keynes a huge influence
on perceptions of the peace treaty signed after World War I -an influence
that has been controversial ever since.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace. John Maynard Keynes 1920

The Economic Consequences of the Peace. John Maynard Keynes 1920

December 19 19 Reprinted January ...
The Economic Consequences of the Peace. John, Keynes, John Maynard
2009 The Case for Gold: A Minority Report of the U.S. Gold ...Ron Paul,
Lewis E. Lehrman, United States Gold Commission 1982 The following
10 years should be ones of prosperity, high real economic growth, and low
levels of unemployment. ... John Maynard Keynes rhapsodized on the
world before 1914 in The Economic Consequences of the Peace: What
an ...
The Economic Consequences of the Peace: A More Generous Peace John
Keynes 2015 The Economic Consequences of the Peace. By John
Maynard Keynes. COMPLETE EDITION. A More Generous Peace. The
Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) is a book written and
published by John Maynard Keynes.

The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Keynes, John Maynard 2013

This classic work has been transcribed and edited by real humans from the
physical version. This quality work is free from defects in grammar and
formatting that often happen with machine transcribed versions.
The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology Σελίδα 468 J. B.
Davis, D. Wade Hands 2011 Keynes, John Maynard (1926), The End
ofLaissez-Faire, republished (2009) in The End of Laissez-Faire: The ... of
the Peace, BN Publishing, …
The End of Normal: The Great Crisis and the Future of Growth. James K.
Galbraith 2014 To see what was new about this, it's useful to distinguish
this period both from the nineteenth-century Victorian mentality described
by Karl Marx in Capital or John Maynard Keynes in The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, and from the ...
The Essential Keynes John Maynard Keynes 2015 Full of irony and wit,
they offer a dazzling introduction to a figure whose ideas still have urgent
relevance today. John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) is widely
considered to have been the most influential economist of the 20th century.
The Euro Crisis and Its Aftermath Σελίδα 3 Jean Pisani-Ferry 2014
“Balancing the Economic See-Saw,” speech to the Plymouth Chamber of
Commerce and Industry's 187th Anniversary ... The sentence is attributed
to Lenin by John Maynard Keynes in his 1919 The Economic
Consequences of the Peace, but ...
The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy Lloyd B. Thomas 2011
John Maynard Keynes famously described this process in hisbrilliant early
polemic work, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (London:
Macmillan,1918), as follows: “By acontinuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, ...
The Gold Standard at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: ... Σελίδα 241
Steven Bryan 2010 Keynes, John Maynard. 1913. Indian Currency and
Finance. London: MacMillan. ——. 1920. The Economic Consequences
of the Peace. London: Macmillan. ——. 1925. The Economic
Consequences of Mr. Churchill. London: Hogarth Press.
The Great Depression and New Deal: Documents Decoded Σελίδα 163
Mario R. DiNunzio 2014 INTRoDucTIoN John Maynard Keynes was a
highly respected British economist whose work challenged traditional ...
Keynes left the conference in disgust, and in 1919 he published The
Economic Consequences of the Peace, in which he ...

The Invisible Hand: Economic Thought Yesterday and Today Σελίδα 86.
Ulrich van Suntum 2005 In 1936 the English economist John Maynard
Keynes published his "General Theory of Employment, Interest and ...
on the "Economic Consequences of the Peace", in which he denounced
the Treaty of Versailles and the punitive reparations ...
The Means to Prosperity, the Great Slump of 1930, the ...John Maynard
Keynes 2012 Three of Keynes' classic works in a single volume.
The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the ...Alfred C.
Mierzejewski 2014 Inflation economics also prevented the Reichsbahn
from charging adequate tariffs. ... the recent book by Bruce Kent, and the
classic forerunner of all of this literature, The Economic Consequences of
the Peace by John Maynard Keynes ...
The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law Since ... Σελίδα 284
Lawrence Raful, Herbert R. Reginbogin, Christoph Safferling 2006 The
great irony of war is that the more catastrophic and widespread its
destructive consequences, the less likely that those caught in ... 2 John
Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace 225
(Harcourt, Brace & Howe 1920).
The Origin of Financial Crises: Central Banks, Credit ... Σελίδα 64 George
Cooper 2008 As Keynes predicted, the consequences of the post-World
War I peace treaty was disastrous. The treaty contributed to Germany's
bankruptcy, hyperinflation and economic collapse. Having witnessed these
events firsthand, ... 36 Once again John Maynard Keynes appears in the
story. Following World War I, Keynes became ...
The Policy Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 116. Harold
L. Wattel 1985 The. Influence. of. Keynesian. Thought. on. German.
Economic. Policy. Dudley. Dillard. From World War I Through World
War II John Maynard Keynes had a special relation with Germany dating
from his participation in the Versailles peace ...
The Power to Tax: Analytic Foundations of a Fiscal ... Σελίδα 109 Geoffrey
Brennan, James M. Buchanan 2006 John Maynard Keynes, The
Economic Consequences of the Peace, p. 236 Money creation can be and
frequently has been used by government as a device for raising revenue. In
this chapter, we wish to examine Money creation as a revenue ...
The Second World War Σελίδα 321 Spencer C. Tucker 2003 J. W. Wheeler
Bennett, Brest Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace, March 1918 (London, 1938),
pp. ... John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace

(New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920), Étienne Mantoux, Le

Paix ...
The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the ... Σελίδα 229 Erez
Manela 2007 Writing on the peace conference began immediately with
accounts from some of the participants. ... the British delegation to the
conference, were John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of
the Peace (London: Macmillan, 1919); ...
Treatise on Money, V1: The Pure Theory of Money John Maynard
Keynes 2013 This is a new release of the original 1930 edition.
Two Sides to the Coin: A History of Gold Σελίδα 159 Adam Wasserman
2010 1 John Maynard Keynes in The Economic Consequences of Peace,
1919. The opening passage of John Maynard Keynes' classic work, The
Economic Consequences of Peace Time, particularly resonated with the
interwar period and the ...
Volume 9: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Σελίδα 217 Guttorm Fløistad
2007 It ranks with Lytton Strachey's Eminent Victorians and John
Maynard Keynes' The Economic Consequences of the Peace as a
Bloomsbury polemic. Art and Eminent Victorians, published four years
apart, changed the interpretation of visual art ...
What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of ... Σελίδα 79
H. W. Brands 1998 ... including John Maynard Keynes, who stomped out
of the negotiations and tore off his scathing Economic Consequences of
the Peace. The conservative opposition in America to even Wilson's
attenuated treaty, combined with the president's ...

A Treatise on Probability

A "second Edition" of The General Theory Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 465 Geoffrey

Colin Harcourt, P. A. Riach 1997 (1973a) The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money in The Collected Writings of John
Maynard Keynes, Vol. VII, London: Macmillan. (1973b) A Treatise on
Probability, in The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol.
A Model of the Universe: Space-time, Probability, and Decision Storrs
McCall 1994 shall, on the other hand, be much concerned with 'objective'
probability, so-called, or objective chance. ... The logical theory of
probability was originally put forward by John Maynard Keynes in A
Treatise on Probability in 1921, and was ...

A Revision of the Treaty John Maynard Keynes 2006 I argued that

much of it was impossible; but I do not agree with many critics, who held
that, for this very reason, it was also harmless. -from "The State of
Opinion" Almost immediately after its ratification, it became clear that the
A Revision of the Treaty: Being a Sequel to The Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society 1971 This definitive edition
contains all Keynes's published writings, including less accessible articles
and letters to the press, as well as previously unpublished speeches,
government memoranda and minutes, drafts and economic
A Revision of the Treaty; Being a Sequel to the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes 2013 This is a reproduction of a book published before
A Tract on Monetary Reform John Maynard Keynes 2009 This book, is
devoted to the need for stable currency as the essential foundation of a
healthy world economy.
A Treatise on Money: 1, The pure theory of Money John Maynard
Keynes 1971 This edition contains all Keynes's published writings,
including less accessible articles and letters to the press, as well as
previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda and minutes,
drafts and economic correspondence.
A Treatise on Probability. Introd. by Norwood Russell Hanson John
Maynard Keynes, Norwood Russell Hanson 1962
A Treatise on Probability. John Maynard Keynes 2013 -This is his
attempt to overcome Humean skepticism by asserting that theoretically
grounded hypotheses need only exhibit finite probability to form the basis
of science and rational action.
A Treatise on Probablitiy. John Maynard Keynes 1921
Activities 1914-1919: The Treasury and Versailles. Elizabeth Johnson,
Royal Economic Society (Gran Bretanya) 1971
Activities 1931-1939: world crises and policies in Britain ...John
Maynard Keynes, Donald Moggridge, Royal Economic Society (Great
Britain) 1982

Activities 1944-1946: The Transition to Peace John Maynard Keynes,

Donald Edward Moggridge 1979 This edition contains all Keynes's
published writings, including less accessible articles and letters to the
press, as well as previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda
and minutes, drafts and economic correspondence.
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter L. Bernstein 2012
Kendall, Maurice G., and R. L. Plackett, eds., 1977. Studies in the History
of Statistics and Probability, Vol. II. New York: Macmillan.∗ Keynes, John
Maynard, 1921. A Treatise on Probability. London: Macmillan.∗ Keynes,
John Maynard, 1924.
Biography of an Idea: John Maynard Keynes and the General ...David
Felix 1995 John Maynard Keynes and the General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money David Felix ... The better way —
Keynes's way — would be given by the proper study of probability, hence
the Treatise on Probability. This was to reject ...
Causation, Chance and Credence: Proceedings of the Irvine ...B. Skyrms,
W.L. Harper 2012 Proceedings of the Irvine Conference on Probability
and Causation B. Skyrms, W.L. Harper. Edwards, A. W. F. (1978) ...
Keynes, John Maynard (1921) A Treatise on Probability (London:
Macmillan). Kirk, G. S. and Raven, J. E. (1957) The ...
Central Banking, Asset Prices and Financial Fragility Σελίδα 296 Éric
Tymoigne 2008 Keynes, J. M. (1921) A Treatise on Probability, London:
Macmillan; reprinted in D. E. Moggridge (ed.) (1971) The Collected
Writings ofJohn ... (1971) The Collected Writings of John Maynard
Keynes, vol. 5 and vol. 6, Macmillan: London.
Classical Probability in the Enlightenment Σελίδα 188 Lorraine Daston
1995 4.1 Introduction By the turn of the eighteenth century,
mathematicians had come to think about probabilities in at least four ... 1
See, for example, John Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on Probability
(London: Macmillan, 1921); Richard Von Mises, ...
Economics as Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek, and the ... Σελίδα 278
Kenneth R. Hoover 2003 Skidelsky, Keynes, vol. 1, 153. 6. John
Maynard Keynes, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, ed.
R. B. Braithwaite, vol. 8, A Treatise on Probability (London:
Macmillan/Cambridge University Press for the Royal Economic
Society, ...

Edgeworth on Chance, Economic Hazard, and Statistics Σελίδα 433

Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, Philip Mirowski 1994 Edgeworth to Wilson,
no date [1923] This correspondence begins with Edgeworth taking note of
Wilson's review of John Maynard Keynes' Treatise on Probability.
Edgeworth begins the letter by suggesting he has reviewed the book
twice: ...
Eléments d'épistémologie. Carl Hempel 2012 10L'une d'elles aété
proposée par John Maynard Keynes, dans son livre, A Treatise on
Probability, London, Macmillan &Company, 1921. 11 Carnapadonné
unexposé court et élémentaire de l'essentielde ces idées danssonarticle
«Statistical ...
Essays in BiographyJohn Maynard Keynes, Geoffrey Keynes 2013 This
is a new release of the original 1951 edition.
Essays in Persuasion John Maynard Keynes 2013 This is a new release
of the original 1932 edition.
Essays on J.M. Keynes And--: (mathematics, Probability, ...Michael
Emmett Brady 2004 This book of 26 new essays on John Maynard
Keynes shows that,first, Keynes had a fully operational approach to the
estimation and calculation of both probabilities and expected
values.However,this approach has been completely overlooked due ...
Evidence: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide Σελίδα 12
Oxford University Press 2010 Keynes, John Maynard. A Treatise on
Probability. London: Macmillan, 1973. The earliest and most complete
truly modern work based on positive relevance. To be sure, much
mathematical groundwork was laid well before Keynes, but the ...
Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution: Studies of the ... Σελίδα 352 David
Laidler 1999 Reprinted 1971-88 in The Collected Writings of John
Maynard Keynes, vol. II, ed. D. Moggridge and E. Johnson. London:
Macmillan, for the Royal Economic Society. (1921). A Treatise on
Probability. London: Macmillan. Reprinted 1971-88 in ...
Foundations of Geometry and Induction Jean Nicod 2014 If certaintyis
lacking altogether, the very possibility of probability remains tobe
established, andthe whole theory of induction mustbe done over. We
propose in this work to ... John Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on
Probability. We shall attackhis ...

Handbook of the History of Logic: Inductive logic Σελίδα 162 Dov M.

Gabbay, John Hayden Woods 2004 By contrast, the insight of Johnson's
treatment of probability was not grasped by his contemporaries, and his ...
I can do is, with the utmost respect to Mr Johnson, to parody Mr Hobbes'
remark about the treatises of Milton and Salmasius: 'very good
mathematics; I have rarely seen better. ... The economist John Maynard
Keynes (1883–1946), one of the leading celebrities of the last century,
embraced the ...
If A, Then B: How Logic Shaped the World Σελίδα 323 Michael Shenefelt,
Heidi White 2013 Translated by Günter Zöller. Indianapolis: Bobbs-
Merrill, 1950. Keynes, John Maynard. A Treatise on Probability. Seaside,
Ore.: Watchmaker, 2007. Kitto, H. D. F. The Greeks. 1952. Reprint,
London: Penguin, 1991. Kneale, William, and Martha ...
Indian Currency and Finance John Maynard Keynes 2006 Published
in 1913, this is the first book from the renowned economist, and
demonstrates the beginnings of the philosophies of macroeconomics and
government intervention into economic matters that would characterize his
later work.
Inductive Logic Σελίδα 162. Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods 2011 By
contrast, the insight of Johnson's treatment of probability was not grasped
by his contemporaries, and his ... I can do is, with the utmost respect to Mr
Johnson, to parody Mr Hobbes' remark about the treatises of Milton and
Salmasius: 'very good mathematics; I have rarely seen better. ... The
economist John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), one of the leading
celebrities of the last century, embraced the ...
Instrumental Reasoning and Systems Methodology: An ... Σελίδα 147
Richard Mattessich 1978 5.2 Modern Views on Induction In the twentieth
century the interest in inductive logic was reborn with A Treatise on
Probability (1921) by John Maynard Keynes. A highly productive period
of intense concern for and dispute about the probability ...
Joan Robinson: Critical Assessments of Leading Economists Prue Kerr,
Geoffrey Colin Harcourt 2002 Keynes and the Possibility of Crisis'.
Cambridge Journal of Economics. 4. pp. 23,36: reprinted in Eatwell and
Milgate (1983) pp. 149,66: reference is to this reprinted version. Keynes.
John Maynard ( 1921 ) A Treatise on Probability (London: ...
John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 116 Vincent Barnett 2013 This chapter
will examine two of these contributions — A Treatise on Probability and

A Reuision of the Treaty — in more detail. These books are sometimes

regarded as lesser works in the Keynes oeuvre, but they are still important
for ...
John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 64. Hyman P. Minsky 1976. In order to
complete the picture we have to fill that hole: Keynes's theory is incomplete
without a model of the endogenous generation of ... He worked on his A
Treatise on Probability, which was published in 1921, on and off for
fifteen years.
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 369.
John Cunningham Wood 1994 The argument itself, however, is based on
the mistaken premise that Keynes asserts in A Treatise on Probability that
the frequency theory would be justified in an atomic world, a premise
Bateman has defended elsewhere (Bateman, 1987).
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Σελίδα 3 Charles R. McCann
1998 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, by
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, (Macmillan, 5s.) ... reader will wish to
know much more about this book than he was content to know about, say,
Mr. Keynes's own Treatise on Probability.
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 366. Charles
Robert McCann 1998 A Treatise on Probability. By JOHN MAYNARD
KEYNES. 466 pp. London: Macmillan and Co., 1921. Price 18.r. net.
Probability, rather than mathematical certainty, is ascribed to the inductive
sciences; probability is the guide of life and practice ...
John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy Σελίδα 4 Mark Blaug 1990 It
depicted probability as a degree of confidence in rationally held beliefs and
not as an objective frequency of occurrence of actual events. However, by
the time he came to publish A Treatise of Probability, Keynes had already
acquired world ...
Keynes and Hayek: The Money Economy Σελίδα 214 G R Steele 2002
Keynes, J.M. [1919] (1971) The Economic Consequences of the Peace,
vol. II, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, edited by D.E.
Moggridge, London: Macmillan. Keynes, J.M. [1921] (1973) A Treatise
on Probability, vol. VIII, The ...
Keynes and His Battles Σελίδα 336 Gilles Dostaler 2007 Black, Max
(1967), 'Probability', in Paul Edwards (ed.) ... 464–79. Blaug, Mark (1990),
John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy, Houndsmills, Basingstoke:

Macmillan. Blaug, Mark ... Broad, Charlie D. (1922), 'A Treatise on

Probability. By J.M. ...
Keynes as Philosopher-Economist: The Ninth Keynes Seminar ...R.M.
O'Donnell 1991 Keynes, J. M. (1973a) The Collected Writings of John
Maynard Keynes, Vol. VII, The General Theory, Royal Economic
Society. Keynes, J. M. (1973b) The Collected Writings of John Maynard
Keynes, Vol. VIII, A Treatise on Probability, Royal ...
Keynes aus nachKeynesscher Sicht: Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr ...Karl
Georg Zinn 2013 Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr der „Allgemeinen Theorie”
von John Maynard Keynes Karl Georg Zinn ... Bartmann und John
arbeiten mit Rückgriff auf die Keynesschen Schriften "A Treatise on
Probability" (1921), "A Treatise on Money" (193O), die ...
Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty: ... Σελίδα 233 Jorg
Bibow 2013 Keynes, J.M. ([1919] 1971) 'The Economic Consequences
of the Peace', repr. in The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes,
London: Macmillan, vol. 2. Keynes, J.M. ([1921] 1973) A Treatise on
Probability, repr. in The Collected Writings of ...
Keynes, J.M. (1921), A Treatise on Probability, London: Macmillan.
Keynes, J.M. (1925) ... A Treatise on Probability', The Collected Writings
of John Maynard Keynes, Volume VIII, London: Macmillan for the Royal
Economic Society. 'Essays in ...
Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy: Essays in ...Peter
Kriesler, Claudio Sardoni 2002 (1973a) The Collected Writings of John
Maynard Keynes, vol. VIII, A Treatise on Probability, London:
Macmillan. (1973b) The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes,
vol. XIII, London: Macmillan. (1973c) The Collected ...
Keynes, Uncertainty and the Global Economy: Beyond Keynes, ...Sheila
C. Dow, John Hillard 2002
Keynes's General Theory for Today: Contemporary Perspectives Jesper
Jespersen, Mogens Ove Madsen 2012 Keynes's early cognition of the
concept of time Mogens Ove Madsen1 INTRODUCTION John Maynard
Keynes wanted to revolutionize the way world thinks about ... Keynes's
almost forgotten Treatise on Probability (1921, drafts 1907/1908).
Las consecuencias económicas de la paz. John Maynard Keynes 2002
Enviado a Francia para participar en los preparativos del tratado de
Versalles, Keynes se mostró en desacuerdo con lo que se pretendía hacer,

porque pensaba que lo importante no era exigir reparaciones a los

alemanes, sino reconstruir la ...
Makroökonomik: Modellierung, Paradigmen und Politik Σελίδα 292
Michael Berlemann 2006 John Maynard Keynes wurde 1883 als Sohn
eines Professors für Logik und Politische ̈Okonomie in Cambridge
geboren. ... Weitere wichtige Werke sind ,,A Treatise on Probability”
(1921), ,,Tract on monetary reform” (1923), ,,A treatise on ...
Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Σελίδα 143 Donald
Moggridge 2002 Along with the General Theory, the Treatise on
Probability is the most thoroughly documented of Keynes's 'acts of
creation'. ... In The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, the
editors were committed to republishing all of Keynes's ...
Money, Financial Instability and Stabilization Policy Σελίδα 101 L.
Randall Wray, Mathew Forstater 2006 Dillard, D. (1948), The Economics
of John Maynard Keynes, New York: Prentice-Hall. ... The Collected
Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vols V–VI: A Treatise on Money, D.
Moggridge (ed.) ... VIII: A Treatise on Probability, D. Moggridge (ed.) ...
New Perspectives on Keynes Σελίδα 120. Allin Cottrell, Michael S.
Lawlor 1995 Keynes, John Maynard. 1972. Essays in Biography. Vol. 10
of The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Edited by D. E.
Moggridge. London: Macmillan. . [1921] 1973. A Treatise on Probability.
Vol. 8 of The Collected Writings of John ...
On Interpreting Keynes: A Study in Reconciliation Σελίδα 320 Bruce
Littleboy 2013 Keynes, John Maynard, The General Theory of
Employment Interest and Money, London, Macmillan, 1936. ... 2, 1971
—vol. vii: The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money,
1973 —vol. viii: A Treatise on Probability, 1973 —vol. ix: ...
Philosophy of the Economy: An Aristotelian Approach Σελίδα 100 Ricardo
F. Crespo 2013 A Treatise on Probability, London: MacMillan. Keynes,
John Maynard. 1936. The General Theory of employment, interest and
Money. London: MacMillan. Keynes, John Maynard. 1973. A Treatise on
Probability, the collected writings of John ...
Principles of Ethical Economy Σελίδα 20 P. Koslowski 2001 3 For the
Cambridge tradition of ethics and economics, with G. E. Moore and John
Maynard Keynes,7 Mandeville's paradox became a crucial stimulus. The
question posed by ... and John Maynard Keynes. A Treatise on
Probability (London.

Probability Foundations of Economic Theory Σελίδα 94 Charles McCann

2003 V. KEYNESAN. ECONOMICS 193. The economic theories of
John Maynard Keynes descend in large measure from his views on the
nature of uncertainty, probability, measurability, and the theory of
knowledge as presented in the Treatise on ...
Probability Theory: Philosophy, Recent History and ... Σελίδα 97 Vincent
F. Hendricks, Stig Andur Pedersen, Klaus Frovin Jørgensen 2001 THE
John Venn's 1866 Treatise on Probability The Logic ... Francis Y.
Edgeworth and John Maynard Keynes, but the latter did not subscribe to
the theory Venn had developed.
Pure Inductive Logic Jeffrey Paris, Alena Vencovská 2015 We have been
motivated to write this monograph by a wish to provide an introduction to
an emerging area of Uncertain Reasoning, Pure Inductive Logic. Starting
with John Maynard Keynes's 'Treatise on Probability' in 1921 there have
been ...
Science, Decision and Value Σελίδα 203 J.J. Leach, Robert E. Butts, G.A.
Pearce 2012 Kemeny, J. G., “Fair Bets and Inductive Probabilities',
Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1955b), 263–73. Kemeny, J. G., “Carnap's
Theory ... Keynes, John Maynard, A Treatise on Probability, Macmillan,
London, 1921. Kneale, William, Probability ...
Statistical and Inductive Probabilities. Hugues Leblanc 2012 Statistical and
Inductive Probabilities offers an evenhanded treatment of this issue,
asserting that both statistical and inductive probabilities may be treated as
sentence-theoretic measurements, and that the latter qualify as estimates of
Statisticians of the Centuries Σελίδα 358 C.C. Heyde, E. Seneta 2001
JOHN. MAYNARD. KEYNES. b. 5 June 1883 d. 21 April 1946 Summary.
Keynes was a philosopher-economist whose ... as A Treatise on
Probability, it had a significant impact on the philosophy of probability at
the time, but its influence has ...
Teaching Post Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 134 Jesper Jespersen,
Mogens Ove Madsen 2013 However, Post Keynesianism is in many ways
fundamentally linked to the writings of John Maynard Keynes; for
example, ... Primarily it has to do with the kind of economic understanding
that Keynes presented in his A Treatise on Probability, ...

Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero John Maynard

Keynes 2003 La Teoría general de lord Keynes ha adquirido un lugar tan
destacado en la literatura económica de nuestros días que es difícil
encontrar un libro o artículo sobre economía donde no se cite.
The Cambridge Companion to Carnap Σελίδα 281 Richard Creath, Michael
Friedman 2007 Thisis howmatters stoodin 1921,the year John Maynard
Keynes's Treatise on Probability appeared. Keynes's Treatise contains a
useful summary of much ofthis debate;see also Zabell(1989).Thenext
several decades saw increasing ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes Τόμος 8. 1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: A treatise ...1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Essays in ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1972
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Indian ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain)
The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes: rethinking ...John
Maynard Keynes, Donald Moggridge, Royal Economic Society (Great
Britain) 1981
The Economic Consequences of Peace John Maynard Keynes 2014 The
success of the book established Keynes' reputation as a leading economist.
When Keynes was a key player in establishing the Bretton Woods system
in 1944, he remembered the lessons from Versailles as well as the Great
The Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes 1920

The Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes. John

Maynard Keynes 2009 A passage from the book.
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Scholar's Choice ...John
Maynard Keynes 2015 This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
The Essential Keynes. John Maynard Keynes, Robert Skidelsky 2016
Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by
introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary
authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.

The Failure of Risk Management: Why It's Broken and How to ...Douglas
W. Hubbard 2009 Economist John Maynard Keynes's 1921 book,
Treatise on Probability, did invoke equations, but it was more about
philosophy and pure mathematics than risk in decision making. Nor was
there much attention paid to ''optimization'' problems ...
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by ...John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The General Theory: Volume 2 Overview, Extensions, Method ...G. C.
Harcourt, P. A. Riach 2005 (1973b) A Treatise on Probability, in The
Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. VIII, London:
Macmillan. (1973c) The General Theory and After. Part 1: Preparation,
in The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol.
The History of Economic Thought: A Reader Σελίδα 590 Steven G.
Medema, Warren J. Samuels 2003 (1921) A Treatise on Probability,
London: Macmillan. (1923) A Tract on Monetary Reform, London:
Macmillan. (1930) A Treatise on Money, 2 vols, London: Macmillan.
(1971-1989) The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes.
London: ...
The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, ...David J.
Hand 2014 notion of probability: “The most fundamental principle of all
in gambling is simply equal conditions ... of Money, ... The eminent
economist John Maynard Keynes was a ... of logical probability,
describing it in his book A Treatise on Probability.
The Making of Keynes' General Theory Σελίδα xxiv. Richard F. Kahn,
Raffaele Mattioli Foundation 1984 1 92 1 Publication of A Treatise on
Probability by John Maynard Keynes (London: Macmillan). 1922
Publication of Money by Dennis H. Robertson, with an Introduction by
John Maynard Keynes (London : Nisbet & Co). 1923 Publication of A ...
The Means to Prosperity, the Great Slump of 1930, the ...John Maynard
Keynes 2012 Three of Keynes' classic works in a single volume.
The Nature of Economic Thought: Selected Papers 1955-1964 G. L. S.

The first of John Maynard Keynes's principal works was A Treatise on

Probability, and the second was A Treatise on Money.A casual reader of
these titles might suppose them to represent ...
The Nature of Macroeconomics: Instability and Change in ... Σελίδα 162
Athol Fitzgibbons 2002 Keynes, John Maynard (1921), A Treatise on
Probability in The Collected Writings ofJohn Maynard Keynes, vol. VIII
(1973), London: Macmillan. Keynes, John Maynard (1933), Essays in
Biography, in The Collected Works ofJohn Maynard ...
The New Economics: Keynes and the Chaos of the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Anatol Murad – 1985.
The Philosophy of Keynes's Economics: Probability, ... Σελίδα 243 Jochen
Runde, Sohei Mizuhara 2003 Probability, Uncertainty and Convention
Jochen Runde, Sohei Mizuhara ... CWVIII (1973) A Treatise on
Probability, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol. VIII,
London: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society (first published ...
The Political and Economic Thought of the Young Keynes: ...Carlo
Cristiano 2014 The existence of any significant connection that would
associate the early John Maynard Keynes with politics and ... by virtue of
the approach adopted – focuses predominantly on the Treatise on
Probability, the philosophical work by ...
The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought Σελίδα 388.
Alessandro Roncaglia 2006 This is the projectwhich, with his scientific
activity and his direct involvement, Keynes endeavoured to carry out. ...
This work, taken up again in 1920 when Keynes had already acquired fame
as an economist, was further revised and finally published as the Treatise
on Probability. ... In this tradition we also find Maynard's father, John
Neville Keynes, who attempted in his 1891 book an eclectic synthesis ...
The World of Mathematics Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 1448 James Roy Newman
2000 This theorem was the first attempt to deduce statistical measures
from individual probabilities and Bernoulli claimed that it took ... For two
excellent definitions, from which mine has been synthesized. see John
Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on ...
Théorie générale de l'emploi, de l'intérêt et de la ...Encyclopaedia
Universalis 2015 La notoriété acquise vaut à Keynes d'être conseiller
financier de la Couronne, gouverneur de la Banque d'Angleterre, ce qui le
conduit, ... par ailleurs, un Traité des probabilités (A Treatise on
Probability, 1921) et de remarquables portraits dans ses Essais de

biographie ... détachent cependant l'ouvrage de R. F. Harrod, La Vie de

John Maynard Keynes (The Life of John Maynard Keynes, 1951) et
l'écrit ...
Thoughtful Economic Man: Essays on Rationality, Moral ... Σελίδα 159 J.
Gay Tulip Meeks 1991 (1948), Theory of Probability (2nd edition),
Oxford University Press. Keynes, J.M. (1921), A Treatise on Probability.
London: Macmillan (references are to Vol. VIII of The Collected Writings
of John Maynard Keynes, with its editorial foreword by ...
Tra Stato e mercato. Libertà, impresa e politica nella ... Σελίδα 219
Francesco Pulitini 2011 (1883-1946) Studioso che ha influenzato in
profondità il ventesimo secolo, John Maynard Keynes è nato a ... Frutto
di queste molteplici passioni sarà A Treatise on Probability, finito già
prima della Grande Guerra, ma pubblicato solo nel 1921.
Transactions Τόμος 22 Σελίδα 553 Actuarial Society of America 1921 His
subsequent remarks indicate that influenza is likely to be among such
plagues. A Treatise on Probability. John Maynard Keynes. Macmillan
and Co., Ltd., London, 1921. Pp. xi + 466. The keynote of this work is
struck in the preface: "In the ...
Treatise on Money, V1: The Pure Theory of Money. John Maynard
Keynes 2013 This is a new release of the original 1930 edition.
Turbulence in Economics: An Evolutionary Appraisal of ... Σελίδα 368
Francisco Lou 1997 1978 Keynes, John Maynard (TM, 1930), Treatise on
Money, London: Macmillan Keynes, John Maynard (GT, 1936), The
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London:
Macmillan Keynes, John Maynard (1937), 'The General ...
Uncertain Inference Σελίδα 80 Henry E. Kyburg, Jr, Choh Man Teng 2001
when ordinary language uses "probability" to express some epistemic
notion: to express the weight of evidence, or the ... The logical approach
was explicitly adopted by John Maynard Keynes in his 1 92 1 book, A
Treatise on Probability ...
Une sorte de diable, les vies de J. M. Keynes: Les vies de ...Alain Minc
2007 Cesontles trois tomesde Robert Skidelsky, malheureusement non
traduitsen français : John Maynard Keynes : Hopes ... publiées séparément
enanglais, dont il existe un certain nombre de traductions françaises : A
Treatise on Probability, ...

Unemployment as a World Problem: Lectures on the Harris ...Quincy

Wright, John Maynard Keynes, Karl Pribram 2012
Wilhelm R”pke's Political Economy Σελίδα 201 Samuel Gregg 2010
Keynes, John Maynard (1919), The Economic Consequences of the Peace,
London: Macmillan, reprinted in John Maynard Keynes (2007), The
Economic ... Keynes, John Maynard (1921), A Treatise on Probability,
London: Macmillan & Co.

Indian Currency and Finance

A Currency Board Approach to Reform Steve H. Hanke, Lars Jonung, Kurt

Schuler ... Keynes, John Maynard (1971 [1913]) Indian Currency and
Finance, in The Collected Writings ofJohn Maynard Keynes, 1,
London:Macmillan. Keynes ...
A Journey Through Economic Time: A Firsthand View John Kenneth
Galbraith 1995 Traces the evolution of the world economy from World
War I to the present, discussing such issues as the Russian Revolution, the
Depression, Roosevelt and the New Deal, Reaganomics, and the fall of
A Revision of the Treaty John Maynard Keynes 2006 I argued that
much of it was impossible; but I do not agree with many critics, who held
that, for this very reason, it was also harmless. -from "The State of
Opinion" Almost immediately after its ratification, it became clear that the
A Revision of the Treaty: Being a Sequel to The Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society 1971 This definitive edition
contains all Keynes's published writings, including less accessible articles
and letters to the press, as well as previously unpublished speeches,
government memoranda and minutes, drafts and economic
A Tract on Monetary Reform John Maynard Keynes 2009 This book, is
devoted to the need for stable currency as the essential foundation of a
healthy world economy.
A Tract on Monetary Reform John Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic
Society 1971 This edition contains all Keynes's published writings,

including less accessible articles and letters to the press, as well as

previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda and minutes,
drafts and economic correspondence.
A Treatise on Money: Two Volumes Complete in One. John Maynard
Keynes 2011 Keynes had begun a theoretical work to examine the
relationship between unemployment, Money and prices back in the 1920s.
The work, Treatise on Money, was published in 1930 in two volumes. We
reproduce this two volume edition in one volume.
A Treatise on Probability. John Maynard Keynes 2007
Activities 1931-1939: world crises and policies in Britain ...
Activities 1944-1946: The Transition to Peace. John Maynard Keynes,
Donald Edward Moggridge 1979 This edition contains all Keynes's
published writings, including less accessible articles and letters to the
press, as well as previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda
and minutes, drafts and economic correspondence.
Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old
texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to
America's Money Machine Σελίδα 170. The Keynesian Influence John
Maynard Keynes was not the father of the trend toward government
intervention in the economy that has been traced in the preceding pages,
but he was its heritor and its ... his book Indian Currency and Finance.
Anand G. Chandavarkar 1989 Activities 1940-1946: Shaping the Post-war
World: ...
Applied Dynamic Economics Τόμος 8 Kenneth K. Kurihara 2003
Collecting together papers from international journals, this book
encompasses economics and the philosophical, historical, technical and
practical facets of the real world.
Aspects of the Novel E. M. Forster 2010 Still, it would be wrong to reduce
this book to its most famous line of argument and enquiry. Aspects of the
Novel also discusses the difference between story and plot, the
characteristics of prophetic fiction, and narrative chronology.
Barons of Banking. Bakhtiar Dadabhoy 2013 In 1913, the Chamberlain
Commission (Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency), was

appointed to study and ... One of the members of the Commission was the
young economist and sometime civil servant, John Maynard Keynes ...
Biography of an Idea: John Maynard Keynes and the General ...David
Felix 1995 John Maynard Keynes and the General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money David Felix ... Office time, he used his
practical experience there in his early writings, including his first published
book, Indian Currency and Finance (1913).
Brave New World Economy: Global Finance Threatens Our Future
Wilhelm Hankel, Robert Isaak 2011 Brave New World Economy points
the way; the rest is up to us.
Breve tratado sobre la reforma monetaria. John Maynard Keynes 1992
Conjunto de estudios clásicos que Keynes sustenta en ejemplos del proceso
productivo de Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña y otros países de Europa.
Collected Writings: Indian Currency and Finance Τόμος 1. John
Maynard Keynes 1985
Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics Σελίδα 63. John Laurent, John
Nightingale 2001 But did Marshall's most famous pupil, John Maynard
Keynes, adopt his teacher's methodology in this respect, and if so, ... In his
first book, Indian Currency and Finance, for instance, Keynes refers to
the 'economic organism' (Keynes, 1913, p.
Das Ende Des Laissezfaire: Ideen Zur Verbindung Von Privat ...John
Maynard Keynes 2011 Hauptbeschreibung Zehn Jahre vor dem
Erscheinen seiner General Theory hat John Maynard Keynes 1926 eine
kleine Schrift mit dem Titel The End of Laissez-faire vorgelegt, die noch
im gleichen Jahr unter dem Titel Das Ende des Laissez-Faire.
Economic History Τεύχη 9-15 1934
Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren. John Maynard Keynes
1987 Keynes and India: A Study in Economics and Biography
Eine Einführung in die Geschichte des ökonomischen ...Hans Werner
Holub 2012 Paul Strathern stellt fest: „Trotz seines sagenhaften
Arbeitspensums, das er sein Leben lang beibehielt, fand Keynes noch Zeit,
sich zu amüsieren. ... EINIGE WERKE VON KEYNES „Recent
Economic Events in India“ (1909); „Indian Currency and Finance“
(1913); ... 1926); 66 John Maynard Keynes Einige Werke von Keynes.

Ensayos biográficos: políticos y economistas. John Maynard Keynes

1992 Una esplendida galeria de retratos de los politicos mas notables de su
tiempo y de los economistas cuya obra admiro (Malthus, Jevons,
Marshall), que ilustra admirablemente el genio de Keynes para transmitir
la esencia del personaje en unas ...
Essays and Sketches in Biography. John Maynard Keynes 2013 This is
a new release of the original 1956 edition.
Essays in Biography. John Maynard Keynes, Geoffrey Keynes 2013
This is a new release of the original 1951 edition.
Essays in Persuasion John Maynard Keynes 2013 This is a new release
of the original 1932 edition.
Essays on John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 144 Milo Keynes 1975 Milo
Keynes. Indian Currency and Finance proved to be of great value. He
was already well known and trusted by Sir Robert Chalmers, Joint
Permanent Secretary with Bradbury, and Basil Blackett, with both of
whom he had worked closely on ...
First published in 1920, this is the foundational work of probability theory,
which helped establish the author's enormous influence on modern
economic and even political theories.
General Theory Of Employment , Interest And Money Σελίδα xiii John
Maynard Keynes 2007 Life of John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) John
Maynard Keynes was born on 5 June 1883 in Cambridge, England. ...
under the title Indian Currency and Finance (1913), in which he made a
detailed study of the Indian monetary system.
Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius Sylvia Nasar 2011 From
the author of A Beautiful Mind, a sweeping history of the invention of
modern economics that takes you from Dickens’ London to modern
Indian Currency and Finance Keynes John Maynard 1883-1946 2013
Indian Currency and Finance, by John Maynard Keynes,...John
Maynard Keynes 1913
Indian Currency and Finance. John Maynard Keynes 2006 Published
in 1913, this is the first book from the renowned economist, and
demonstrates the beginnings of the philosophies of macroeconomics and

government intervention into economic matters that would characterize his

later work.
Introduction to International Political Economy David N. Balaam,
Bradford Dillman 2015 A complete and accessible overview of how
politics and economics collide in a global context This text surveys the
theories, institutions, and relationships that characterize IPE and highlights
them in a diverse range of regional and ...
John Maynard Keynes 2013 This historic book may have numerous
typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned
copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed.
Not illustrated. 1922 edition. Excerpt: .
John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 41 Vincent Barnett 2013 Keynes had
already been teaching a course at Cambridge on 'The Currency and
Finances of India' in 1910–11, and had then continued with a course on
'The Monetary Affairs of India' in 1912–13. In one of his 1912 lectures, he
noted in a ...
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 508
John Cunningham Wood 1994 Second series John Cunningham Wood.
reader was left to wonder what lay back in the preceding 32 chapters that
merited only partial belief. Keynes did not have to pretend in his Indian
Currency and Finance, which was a supple union of a ...
John Maynard Keynes, Donald Edward Moggridge, Royal Economic
Society (Great Britain) 1980 This edition contains all Keynes's published
writings, including less accessible articles and letters to the press, as well
as previously unpublished speeches, government memoranda and minutes,
drafts and economic correspondence.
John Maynard Keynes, Donald Moggridge, Royal Economic Society
(Great Britain) 1982
John Maynard Keynes, Elizabeth Johnson, Donald Moggridge 1978
John Maynard Keynes's masterful account of issues relating to Indian
currency in the early twentieth century, first published in 1913.
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Charles R. McCann 1998
This important collection draws upon an enormous range of sources, from
the popular press to academic journals, and includes responses from
Germany, Italy, and France as well as the UK and North America. Volume
One contains reviews of ...

John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 34. Charles

Robert McCann 1998 4. Keynes'. Indian. Currency. and. Finance. *. E.
W. Kemmerer. •Source: The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. XXVIII,
no. 2 (February 1914), pp. 373-377. This book, by the editor of the
Economic Journal, stands in the first rank among the ...
John Maynard Keynes: Eine Einführung Σελίδα 166. Gerhard Willke
2012 Mathematik-Examen und Vertiefung des Studiums der Ökonomik
(wöchentlich frühstückt Keynes bei seinem Lehrer Pigou) . Erste
Anstellung beim India Office (bis 1908); 1913 veröffentlicht Keynes
darüber Indian Currency and Finance .
John Maynard Keynes: Free Trader or Protectionist? Σελίδα 29. Joseph
R. Cammarosano 2013 objectives and insistence on national self-
determination would lead Keynes to an open break with the free trade
dogma. In the next ... See chapter 2 of Indian Currency and Finance for
a complete treatment of the gold exchange standard.
John Maynard Keynes: Hopes betrayed, 1883-1920 Σελίδα 272. Robert
Jacob Alexander Skidelsky 1986 ii Indian Currency and Finance
Keynes's continuing interest in Indian finance went beyond the affairs of
Bimla Sarkar. Following his retirement from the India Office he played a
delicate part, acting as public defender and private critic, of India's ...
John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy Σελίδα 4. Mark Blaug 1990
This was no less important for Lytton Strachey, Forster and Keynes, who
were homosexual or bisexual, than for ... Out of this work grew his first
book in economics, Indian Currency and Finance (1913), a descriptive
study of the pre-war working ...
Keynes and Economic Development: The Seventh Keynes ... Σελίδα 28
A.P. Thirlwall 1987 APPENDIX: KEYNES AND INDIA (This appendix
relies heavily on two books: Keynes's own book Indian Currency and
Finance (1913), and Vol. XV of the Collected Writings of John Maynard
Keynes, Activities 1906–1914 India and Cambridge ...
Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty: ... Σελίδα 234 Jorg
Bibow 2013 Keynes, J.M. ([1926a] 1972) 'The end of laissez-faire', repr.
in The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, London: ... Keynes,
J.M. ([1926c] 1981) 'Minutes of evidence: Royal Commission on Indian
Currency and Finance', repr. in D.
Keynes. Robert Cord 2007 A biography of the man behind the greatest
economic theory of the 20th century

Laissez-Faire and Communism. John Maynard Keynes 2008 This scarce

antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original.
Las consecuencias económicas de la paz. John Maynard Keynes 2002
Enviado a Francia para participar en los preparativos del tratado de
Versalles, Keynes se mostró en desacuerdo con lo que se pretendía hacer,
porque pensaba que lo importante no era exigir reparaciones a los
alemanes, sino reconstruir la ...
Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds Σελίδα 15 Margaret Bald,
Nicholas J. Karolides 2014 ... and content: “Keynes and Keynesian
Economics” offers a biographical sketch representing John Maynard
Keynes's early life, ... After graduating from Cambridge University,
Keynes served initially in the British civil service in the India Office and
then as a ... theory to practical problems brought him recognition; during
World War I, after publishing two articles on war finance, ... “There is no
subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of Society than to
debauch the currency.
London: Macmillan. ——. 1987. Industrial Structure, Capital Markets, and
the Origins of British Economic Decline. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Keynes, John Maynard. 1913. Indian Currency and
Finance. London: MacMillan. ——.
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World. Liaquat Ahamed
2009 —JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, The Economic Consequences of
the Peace IN 1914, London stood at the center of an elaborate network ...
International commerce boomed as European capital flowed freely around
the globe, financing ports in India, rubber plantations in ... It was the
anchor for most currencies, it provided the foundation for banks, and in a
time of war or panic, it served as a store of safety.
Monetary Theory, 16E M C Vaish 2009 The Sixteenth Edition Has Been
Thoroughly Revised And Updated. The Book Is Divided Into Five Parts
Viz Money And Prices; Trade Cycle And S
On Skidelsky's Keynes and Other Essays: Selected Essays of ...G. Harcourt
2016 Harrod, R. F. (1951), The Life of John Maynard Keynes, London:
Macmillan. ... Kaldor, N. (1982), 'Keynes as An Economic Adviser', in A.
P. Thirlwall (ed.) ... Keynes, J.M. (1913), Indian Currency and Finance,
London: Macmillan, C.W., vol.
Pioneers of Development Economics: Great Economists on ...Jomo K.S.
2005 Keynes, Kaldor and Economic Development Atniya Kumar Bagchi

Both John Maynard Keynes and Nicholas Kaldor believed in ... of Keynes
and Kaldor included analysis of the macroeconomics of growth, the nature
and implications of financial ... The first phase lasted from his entry into
the India Office until the time he was defending his Economic
Consequences of ... the bankers who hankered after the pre-war (gold)
parities of the major currencies, especially sterling (Keynes 1919).
Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance 1913 1914, ...1993
Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance 1913 1914, ...1993
Russian Currency and Finance: A Currency Board Approach to ...Steve H.
Hanke, Lars Jonung, Kurt Schuler 2005
Teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero John Maynard
Keynes 2003 La Teoría general de lord Keynes ha adquirido un lugar tan
destacado en la literatura económica de nuestros días que es difícil
encontrar un libro o artículo sobre economía donde no se cite.
The Age of Stagnation: Why Perpetual Growth is ...Satyajit Das 2016
Written for the lay reader and peppered with witty anecdotes, this
immensely readable book clearly explains the missteps that created the
current dilemma, why a recovery has proved elusive, and the difficult
remedies that must eventually be ...
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World Niall Ferguson
2008 Why buy insurance or real estate? And what exactly does a hedge
fund do? This is history for the present. Ferguson travels to post-Katrina
New Orleans to ask why the free market can’t provide adequate protection
against catastrophe.
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes Τόμος 14. Donald
Moggridge 1973
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. 1989 A Revision of
the Treaty; Being a Sequel to the Economic ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Indian ...1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Indian ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain)
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Volume 14, ...John
Maynard Keynes, Elizabeth Johnson, Donald Moggridge 1987 This
volume, together with volumes 13 and 29, provides an insight into the
development of Keynes's thinking in the monetary field from the time of

the Tract in 1923 to the Treatise in 1930, onward to The General Theory
in 1936, and after ...
The Collected Writings: Indian Currency and Finance. ...1971
The Economic Consequences of Peace John Maynard Keynes 2014 The
success of the book established Keynes' reputation as a leading economist.
When Keynes was a key player in establishing the Bretton Woods system
in 1944, he remembered the lessons from Versailles as well as the Great
The Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes 1920

The Economic Consequences of the Peace John Maynard Keynes. John

Maynard Keynes 2009
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Scholar's Choice ...John
Maynard Keynes 2015 This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by ...John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money John
Maynard Keynes 2009 This new edition of Keynes' classic text includes
a foreword by Paul Krugman.
The Gold Standard at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: ... Σελίδα 241
Steven Bryan 2010
The International Trading System, Globalization and History. Kevin H.
O'Rourke 2004
The Making of Keynes' General Theory Σελίδα 50. Richard F. Kahn,
Raffaele Mattioli Foundation 1984 In 1913 he was appointed a member of
the Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency. ... Keynes, vol.
1. 3. Roy F. Harrod, The Life of John Maynard Keynes, p. 163. 4. Ibid.,
p. 145. 5. Keynes, vol. iv. part of the next twelve years of his ...
The Means to Prosperity, the Great Slump of 1930, the ...John Maynard
Keynes 2012 Three of Keynes' classic works in a single volume.

The New Economics: Keynes and the Chaos of the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Anatol Murad 1985
The Political and Economic Thought of the Young Keynes: ...Carlo
Cristiano 2014 Abandoning the stereotyped image of Keynes in his early
years, so often described as a young connoisseur interested in philosophy
and with little inclination for politics, this book sees his perfect fusion of
political vision and economic ...
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 11, ...David
Ricardo, Piero Sraffa 1973 The last volume of this collection is a
comprehensive index to the previous ten volumes of "The Works and
Correspondence of David Ricardo.
The World's Monetary System: Toward Stability and ... Τόμος 4 Jo Marie
Griesgraber, Bernhard G. Gunter 1996 An insidera (TM)s view of a
parliamenta (TM)s role in approving and overseeing government spending.
Treatise on Money, V1: The Pure Theory of Money John Maynard
Keynes 2013 This is a new release of the original 1930 edition.
Unemployment as a World Problem: Lectures on the Harris ...Quincy
Wright, John Maynard Keynes, Karl Pribram 2012
What Economists Do: A Journey through the History of ... Σελίδα 146
Attiat F. Ott, With Sheila Vegari 2013 ... Collected Scientific Papers,
Samuelson took on the task of evaluating the man and his theory, John
Maynard Keynes, ... Keynes's other contributions (such as The Indian
Currency and Finance and The Economic Consequences of Peace).

A Revision of the Treaty

John Maynard Keynes 2006 I argued that much of it was impossible; but
I do not agree with many critics, who held that, for this very reason, it was
also harmless. -from "The State of Opinion" Almost immediately after its
ratification, it became clear that the ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: A revision ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: A revision ...1971
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 275 Charles
Robert McCann 1998 •Source: The New Republic, vol. XXX, no. 378 (1

March 1922), pp. 24-25 [joint review]. A Revision of the Treaty by JOHN
MAYNARD KEYNES. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company. $2.00.
What Next in Europe? by FRANK A. VANDERLIP.
A Revision of the Treaty: Being a Sequel to The Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes, Royal Economic Society 1971 This definitive edition
contains all Keynes's published writings, including less accessible articles
and letters to the press, as well as previously unpublished speeches,
government memoranda and minutes, drafts and economic
A Revision of the Treaty; Being a Sequel to the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes 2013 This historic book may have numerous typos and
missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the
original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not
illustrated. 1922 edition. Excerpt: .
The Policy Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 116 Harold
L. Wattel 1985 From World War I Through World War II John Maynard
Keynes had a special relation with Germany dating from his participation
... he wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) and two years
later A Revision of the Treaty (1922).
Policy Consequences of John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 116 Harold L.
Wattel 1986 In June 1919 Keynes resigned from the British delegation and
returned to Cambridge University, where he wrote The Economic
Consequences of the Peace (1919) and two years later A Revision of the
Treaty (1922). These experiences ...
The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes Τόμος 5 John Maynard
Keynes, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) 1971
A Revision of the Treaty, Being a Sequel to the Economic ...John
Maynard Keynes 2015 This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 284 Vincent Barnett 2013 XIX, p.318.
Harrod, The Life ofJohn Maynard Keynes, p.349. Skidelsky,John
Maynard Keynes: The Economist as Saviour 1920–37, p.184. ... J.M.
Keynes, A Revision of the Treaty (London: Macmillan, 1922), list of
advertisements, p.5.

John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 223

John Cunningham Wood 1994 The French reparations bill, by the
calculations of Keynes, would be equivalent to 2,600 million (65 milliard
francs), or more ... Keynes advocated a rejection, or at least A Revision of
the Treaty that would restore the older trade relations between ...
The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Activities; ...71
Essays in Persuasion Σελίδα 19. John Maynard Keynes 2011 John
Maynard Keynes. 3. Proposals for the Reconstruction of Europe (19 19)
(i) The Revision of the Treaty Are any constitutional means open to us for
altering the Treaty? President Wilson and General Smuts, who believe that
to have secured ...
The American Way of Strategy: U.S. Foreign Policy and the ...Michael
Lind 2006 Another myth, influenced by John Maynard Keynes's book
The Economic Consequences ofthe Peace (1919), holds that the ... In a
second book entitled A Revision of the Treaty (1922), Keynes declared:
"That [France] has anything to fear from ...
Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics Σελίδα 63 John Laurent, John
Nightingale 2001 But did Marshall's most famous pupil, John Maynard
Keynes, adopt his teacher's methodology in this respect, and if so, did
Keynes accept Marshall's ... 101), and in A Revision of the Treaty nations
are 'vast organic units' (Keynes, 1922, p. 10).
Trading with the Bolsheviks: The Politics of East-West ... Σελίδα 96
Andrew J. Williams 1992 For many years the holy writ was that of John
Maynard Keynes' 1920 Ewnomic Crmsequences of the Peacez, and The
Revision of the Treaty which asserted that it was French and, to a lesser but
important degree, British, demands for ...
Breakdown and Rebirth, 1914 to the Present Σελίδα 49 Thomas Garden
Barnes, Gerald D. Feldman 1982 ... that Germany refuses to observe the
whole or part of her obligations under the present Treaty with regard to
reparation, the whole or part of ... The most outstanding and effective critic
of the Treaty of Versailles was the great British economist John Maynard
Keynes (1883-1946). ... thus helped pave the way for its revision.
Liberalism and War: The Victors and the Vanquished Σελίδα 70 Andrew
Williams 2005 If the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 that ended the First
World War has come in for general opprobrium the reparations clauses
have received far worse. ... be the impression one gets in reading accounts
of such classic anti-reparations texts as John Maynard Keynes' Economic

Consequences of the Peace (1920), although we can still read that and its
sequel A Revision of the Treaty (1921) with profit today.
Liberalism and War: The Victors and the Vanquished Σελίδα 70 Andrew
J. Williams 2006 If the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 that ended the First
World War has come in for general opprobrium the reparations clauses
have received far worse. ... be the impression one gets in reading accounts
of such classic anti-reparations texts as John Maynard Keynes' Economic
Consequences of the Peace (1920), although we can still read that and its
sequel A Revision of the Treaty (1921) with profit today.
Monetary Policy and Politics: Rules Versus Discretion Σελίδα 122 George
Macesich 1992 The fact is that statesmen of widely divergent views
between the wars distrusted Keynes, notwithstanding his brilliance and
creativity. See The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 17,
Activities 1920-1922: Treaty Revision and ...
Essays on John Maynard Keynes. Milo Keynes 1975 The book is a
biography by many authors.Access to History: War and Peace:
International Relations ...David Williamson 2009 The peace treaties of
1919–20 were seen by some contemporaries as a triumph of democracy,
the rule of law, selfdetermination and collective security ... Key figure
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) A British economist and civil servant.
A Companion to Woodrow Wilson. Ross A. Kennedy 2013 (Keynes
1920: 38-40, 50) The author of this most devastating verdict about
Woodrow Wilson as one of the peacemakers at Paris in 1919 was John
Maynard Keynes, the later famous economist, who had represented the
British treasury at the Paris Peace Conference. He wrote his condemnation
of the Versailles Treaty a few months after its signing. ... Keynes's verdict
proved to be a godsend to the Berlin government in assisting it in its efforts
to discredit and to revise the Versailles ...
A Revision of the Treaty: being a sequel to the economic ...1971 Social
Work Values and Ethics Σελίδα 259. Frederic G. Reamer 2013 Federal
Trade Commission (FTC): NASW consent agreement with, 50; “restraint
of trade” in NASW by, 50 FERPA. ... 33–34 Kagle, Jill, 120, 200 Kant,
Immanuel, 70, 173 Keith-Lucas, Alan, 19–20 Kennedy Institute of Ethics,
7 Keynes, John Maynard, 158 Kirk, Stuart, ... (1979), 50 NASW Code of
Ethics (2008), 52–66 NASW Code of Ethics Revision Committee, 27–28,
52–53 NASW Occupational index 259.

From Versailles to Pearl Harbor: The Origins of the Second ...Margaret

Lamb, Nicholas Tarling 2001 In the decade between the signing of the
major peace treaties and the onset of the Great Depression, the statesmen
ofEurope ... was providedby the publication in 1919 of The Economic
Consequences of thePeace by the British economist John Maynard
Keynes. ... on the originsof doing built up a case against German war guilt
and the war and in so strengthened the case for revision of the treaty.
John Maynard Keynes: Critical Responses. Charles R. McCann 1998
This important collection draws upon an enormous range of sources, from
the popular press to academic journals, and includes responses from
Germany, Italy, and France as well as the UK and North America. Volume
One contains reviews of ...
Makroökonomik: Modellierung, Paradigmen und Politik Σελίδα 292.
Michael Berlemann 2006 John Maynard Keynes wurde 1883 als Sohn
eines Professors für Logik und Politische ̈Okonomie in Cambridge
geboren. Es liegt ... mit Deutschland (,,The economic consequences of
peace” (1919) sowie ,,A Revision of the Treaty” (1922)).
Revision of the Treaty, RP/1 RP/7. 1993. 1 Mikrofilm. 1993 .The Collected
Writings of John Maynard Keynes South Asian ...John Maynard
Keynes, Elizabeth Johnson, Donald Moggridge 2014 Keynes
revolutionised the theory and practice of modern economics.
The Edinburgh Companion to the History of Democracy Σελίδα 298.
Benjamin Isakhan, Stephen Stockwell 2012 Germany had effectively
bankrupted itself fighting the war and the peace treaty now demanded far
more in reparation payments to the Allies than initially anticipated. ... The
economist John Maynard Keynes, who resigned in protest from the British
peace delegation, denounced the ...


Adam Smith, 11, 28, 32, 34, 47, 48, 68, American, 35, 43, 45, 47, 50, 62, 68, 69,
82, 102, 187 75, 77, 96, 108, 109, 113, 115, 118, 121,
Alexander Roy, 104 122, 125, 155, 161, 216
Alfred Marshall, 34, 37, 38, 41 Bibliography, 163, 175
Amartya Sen, 34

Biography, 63, 65, 66, 75, 79, 82, 86, 98, 121, 127, 167, 182, 185, 186, 198, 199,
115, 182, 184, 186, 194, 195, 199, 203, 202, 215
207, 208 Employment, 5, 15, 18, 20, 29, 44, 63, 79,
Britain, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 50, 60, 83, 97, 104, 105, 108, 113, 122, 139,
64, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78, 85, 86, 87, 94, 157, 170, 171, 173, 187, 191, 192, 194,
96, 99, 103, 107, 109, 110, 123, 126, 197, 199, 202, 204, 207, 208, 213
181, 188, 193, 201, 206, 209, 212, 214, Encyclopedia, 29, 109, 113, 141, 155, 169,
215 183
British Government, 38, 43, 49 Finance, 38, 62, 66, 69, 83, 88, 91, 99,
Cambridge, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 114, 115, 122, 158, 167, 183, 185, 186,
28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 55, 58, 60, 61, 190, 196, 198, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209,
66, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 85, 89, 95, 96, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214
97, 103, 110, 113, 127, 141, 146, 155, Financial System, 108
156, 160, 167, 168, 170, 171, 183, 187, Financial Times, 51, 52, 64, 69, 71
194, 196, 199, 201, 208, 209, 210, 211, France, 39, 78, 162, 180, 181, 209, 216,
215, 218 218
Cambridge University Press, 30, 32, 33, Friedman, 16, 17, 24, 35, 48, 49, 50, 51,
75, 77, 211 56, 69, 73, 87, 91, 98, 99, 105, 117, 120,
Capital, 20, 69, 79, 80, 107, 110, 119, 121, 123, 127, 201
125, 130, 147, 149, 155, 157, 159, 169, Galbraith, 34, 47, 51, 69, 126, 165, 166,
190, 211 190, 205
Capital Structure, 107, 130 General theory, 1, 4, 5, 44, 45, 49, 56, 63,
Capitalism, 48, 65, 69, 89, 105, 111, 122, 78, 79, 83, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98,
125, 127, 188 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 112,
Collected Writings, 32, 68, 77, 96, 103, 117, 128, 173
182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 192, 194, 195, Geopolitics, 183
197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, George Akerlof, 26, 34, 51, 52, 53
207, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218 German Sozialstaat, 129
cycles, 35, 109, 122, 163, 175 Germany, 39, 40, 41, 43, 62, 66, 78, 117,
development theory, 97, 112, 170 181, 186, 188, 191, 209, 215, 216, 218
ECONOMETRIC, 172 Global, 63, 69, 70, 93, 98, 104, 105, 112,
economic analysis, 40, 121, 125, 158, 169, 115, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 139,
170, 182 155, 158, 160, 162, 172, 183, 185, 186,
Economic Analysis, 15, 105, 164 188, 198, 207
Economic Consequences, 32, 39, 40, 41, Great Depression, 36, 42, 43, 47, 96, 102,
42, 57, 58, 62, 74, 76, 94, 103, 179, 180, 103, 110, 115, 190, 201, 213, 218
181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, Great War, 33, 41, 182, 188
189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 201, 205, 211, Harrod, 14, 19, 65, 76, 100, 144, 165, 204,
212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 211, 213, 215
Economic Consequences of the Peace, Hayek, 11, 16, 21, 28, 49, 50, 54, 55, 69,
39, 40, 41, 57, 58, 62, 74, 94, 179, 180, 72, 77, 81, 87, 91, 101, 123, 138, 159,
181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 172, 182, 194, 197
189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 201, 205, 211, History of Economic, 15, 88, 105, 115,
213, 215, 217 127, 202, 203
Economic crisis, 111 IMF, 47, 51, 52, 53, 64, 68, 71, 72, 110,
Economic Policy, 87, 93, 115, 118, 119, 130
122, 155, 160, 188 Influence, 67, 73, 106, 188, 191, 206
Economic Principles, 74 influence of economists', 128
Economic Theories, 80, 103, 182 Interest, 5, 44, 63, 79, 83, 91, 94, 97, 104,
Economist, 36, 51, 56, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 105, 108, 116, 139, 170, 171, 173, 187,
73, 75, 76, 77, 84, 89, 93, 94, 98, 118,

191, 192, 194, 197, 199, 202, 204, 207, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,
208, 213 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
International Economics, 158 176, 177, 178, 179, 191, 195, 200, 206,
John Hicks, 34, 48, 112, 177 211
John Maynard Keynes, 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, Keynesian activism, 50
14, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 59, Keynesian Economics, 10, 31, 34, 35, 48,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 49, 50, 51, 119, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 160, 161, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171,
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, Keynesian economists, 50, 178
108, 109, 113, 115,116, 117, 128, 134, Keynesian principles, 50
139, 150, 163, 164, 171, 173, 176, 179, Keynesian theorists, 159, 160
180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, Keynesianische, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 26, 132,
188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 143, 144, 145,
196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151
204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, Keynesianische Revolution, 12, 133
212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 Keynesianischen, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23,
Joseph Schumpter, 73 24, 25, 130, 132, 142, 143, 147, 153
Joseph Stiglitz, 26, 34, 51, 53 Keynesianism, 8, 29, 30, 49, 56, 87, 93,
Kaldor, 11, 21, 34, 144, 160, 211 97, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,
Kaldorian Economics, 170 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
Keynes, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 130, 157, 159, 162, 168, 170, 198, 200
29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, Keynesianismus, 8, 9, 13, 21, 23, 24, 27,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 28, 29, 31, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 144, 145, 146, 149
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, Keynes's, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 81, 86, 88, 89, 93, 97,
106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 115, 117, 101, 104, 105, 109, 119, 127, 157, 170,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 184, 198, 199, 217
126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, Lexikon, 144, 145, 148, 149
135, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, Liberalism., 68, 77, 116, 125
146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156, Lloyd George, 38, 39, 61, 79, 90, 179
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, Macrodynamic Economics, 170
165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, Macroeconomic, 56, 83, 111, 119, 149,
175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 155, 156, 158, 160, 163, 169, 173
183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, Major Economicts, 29
191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, Marx, 12, 20, 28, 32, 66, 83, 97, 102, 104,
199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 140, 142, 187, 190
207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, Marxist, 55, 119, 125, 157
215, 216, 217, 218 monetären, 31, 131, 134, 149, 150
Keynesian, 8, 9, 10, 20, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, monetarism, 50, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120,
31, 32, 34, 35, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 123, 126, 160, 163
53, 55, 56, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79, 80, 81, 83, Monetarism, 50, 51, 69, 89, 92, 93, 114,
84, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 117, 118, 119, 120, 174
104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, Monetary, 17, 30, 34, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49,
115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 52, 56, 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 75, 77, 78,
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 87, 88, 91, 95, 101, 120, 122, 125, 145,
137, 147, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,

161, 163, 170, 176, 193, 198, 202, 205, Sozialdemokratie, 137, 139, 148
209, 210, 211, 214, 217 Story of Economic, 183, 208
Monetary History, 17, 49 Thatcherism, 123
Money, 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 19, 27, 30, 31, 32, Theory, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24,
33, 35, 42, 44, 46, 47, 55, 59, 63, 64, 66, 26, 28, 29, 30, 67, 72, 73, 77, 79, 80, 93,
68, 72, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 91, 95, 97, 98, 102, 106, 111, 113, 114, 115,
92, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 106, 118, 120, 134, 139, 142, 148, 149, 151,
107, 108, 111, 120, 130, 139, 149, 156, 155, 156, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,
159, 161, 162, 163, 167, 170, 171, 173, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176,
174, 176,180, 187, 191, 192, 193, 194, 177, 178, 187, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198,
197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 199, 200, 202, 204, 207, 208, 211, 213,
208, 211, 212, 213, 214 214
neoklassisch, 23, 152 Thomas Piketty, 34
Neo-liberalism, 110, 116, 129, 155 Tobin, 9, 21, 22, 27, 31, 34, 125, 127, 128
Neo-Ricardian, 96, 111 Treatise on Probability', 198, 200
Neo-Schumpeterian, 123 unemployment, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 44, 47,
NeuKeynesianismus, 10, 26 48, 50, 98, 109, 111, 114, 116, 122, 127,
Nobel Prize, 36 130, 170, 178, 180, 189, 206
Open Economy, 92, 106, 121 United States, 17, 35, 43, 47, 49, 53, 55,
Paul Krugman, 34, 51, 52, 53, 104, 129, 62, 77, 90, 103, 109, 115, 122, 124, 170,
202, 213 181, 189
Political Economy, 69, 73, 76, 93, 101, Varoufakis, 34
107, 117, 119, 121, 122, 125, 142, 154, Walrasian general, 78
159, 162, 174, 186, 198, 205, 209 War, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51,
postKeynesianische, 8, 145, 151 55, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 71, 76, 81, 89,
PostKeynesianismus, 10, 11, 23, 140, 94, 95, 102, 108, 110, 116, 121, 124,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 127, 128, 129, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184,
149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 205, 211,
Post-Keynesians, 19, 27, 109, 159, 161, 215, 216, 217
167, 178 Wealth, 49, 203
Risk, 147, 171, 194, 202 World Bank, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 68, 130
Robert Solow, 21, 23, 27, 34, 123 απασχόλησης, 4, 6
Robinson, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30, Γενική Θεωρία της Απασχόλησης του
31, 34, 97, 144, 147, 153, 164, 166, 187, Τόκου και του Χρήματος, 4
196 Ένγκελς, 7
Roosevelt, 43, 63, 105, 183, 205 Κέινς, 5
Samuelson, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 34, 48, Κέυνς, 4, 5, 6
122, 214 κεϋνσιανό, 6
Schumpeter, 15, 16, 41, 56, 67, 73, 97, 104 Φρίντμαν, 4

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