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Aristotle War of all against all: Individuals in this state of nature seek power to achieve appetites -Realpolitik is when

ndividuals in this state of nature seek power to achieve appetites -Realpolitik is when there is a certain benefit in crossing a really hard line in order to
Politikon Zoon: political animals and are naturally social. and avoid aversions, a constant pursuit of power achieve order and stability in this context.
Teleology: accounts for features by appealing to their contribution to optimal conditions, Self-preservation: Locke’s understanding of human nature, rational and self-interested -Power politics, emphasis on pragmatism
normal functioning, or the attainment of goals of the whole systems they belong to. Tacit consent: is sufficient to become obligated but not enough for full membership-- if --Courage, impetuousness aggressiveness — but tempered with prudence (pg 17) using
A priori: based on theory not observed or empirical data-- the concept comes before you’re in a country you consent to its laws without necessarily being a citizen-- despite the economy of violence
the physical reality not explicitly stating you intend to do so, or signing some sort of formal compact --Practical application
Household: Part of the Creation of the Political Association of the State, combination of Political contract: In the social contract we agree with each other to give up some of ---Loved or feared ( pg. 43-44)
individuals, sustainable life-- a collection of which is a village our rights, but that act does not create form of government. A second, political, contract ---Lion and the fox (pg. 46) analogy refers to both acting as a strong and feared ruler
Village: (easy life) combination of families, now have ability to provide goods beyond is then created by the commonwealth to hire a government to perform prescribed tasks. while outsmarting the faithless and harmful people to keep the peace and support of the
need -- a combination of these leads to the state The political contract takes the form of a trusteeship. Government is granted limited people (Borgia)
State: (the good life is possible) combination of villages, justice is only possible in the power ---Be flexible, do what is necessary in the situation to achieve the goal of the state.
state Spoilage: (Locke) an only take what you can use before it spoils --Machiavelli’s description of functioning societies are more realistic which considers him
Arete: Excellence-- the ultimate goal of aristotle Sufficiency: Must leave as much and as good for others. Exceptions, Coins don't spoil, the bridge into entering modern political science.
Natural: Authority figure like between a parent and a child conveniently allows for unlimited accumulation of wealth. Locke
Slavery: Certain people are naturally suited to be ruled or even enslaved Civil Society: The power of reason to understand and follow natural law makes the -A state of nature is sometimes hypothetical, sometimes real, condition of affairs in
Ship of state: Organization of a political society, sailors participate in the political state of nature for Locke potentially. which there is either no government or no legitimate one.
system and get more benefits Commonwealth: rights cannot be completely alienable, doesn't make logical sense --Humans are social/rational people due to their nature to not self-destruct.
Statesman: rulers and city managers-- their only job is in politics. that one could completely give up their rights. In so doing creates a commonwealth ---Under the State of Nature, individuals are: perfectly free — not license, just lack of
Kingship: ruled by one in common interest (Benevolent) based on consent of majority authority, are naturally equal — no rank or authority, have natural rights — life, liberty,
Aristocracy: ruled by the few in common interest Explicit consent: explicitly stating you are willing to do or not do something. Ex. signing property, punish
Middle class polity: most realistic form of government is a polity with a large middle a contract. ----Increased power of reason means we not only know natural law but see it as binding,
class because the mean/middle is the balance. Trusteeship: The political contract between the government and its people do feel obligation to follow it.
Polity: ruled by the many in common interest Revolution-The political contract is void when government breaks its trust- this creates -----Do not harm others
Tyranny: ruled by one in self interest a state of war (force without right) and individuals have right to defend -----Preserve self
Oligarchy: ruled by the few in own interest themselves. Despotism- absolute, arbitrary power. Usurpation- exercise of power -----Preserve humanity
Democracy: ruled in the many in own interest (mob rule) without right. Negligence- failure to enforce law and protect rights. ----The power of reason to understand and follow natural law makes the state of nature
Mean: referring to the balance of the middle class (large mean) Mill for Locke potentially civil. Though we all can know laws of nature, we might understand
Machiavelli Mill Utilitarianism:Intended to be a moral theory, a way to “calculate” the goodness of or interpret them differently — potential for conflict.
Fortuna: Arbitrary fate. One cannot control fate but may attract good and prepare for actions, serve as a guide to behavior. “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to --Social Contract: In order to leave SON, agree to be bound by the will of the collective
bad promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness” which is part of the contract.
“dreamed up republics”: Socrates and old Philosophers are full of shit with their Happiness: Greatest happiness principle-- do whatever action leads to the greatest ---Tacit consent is sufficient to become obligated but not enough for full membership.
idealistic theories-- Machiavelli focuses on the procedural element of polysci as opposed happiness General utility: Greatest good for largest # of people ---A second, political, contract is then created by the commonwealth to hire a
to the moral aspects that would drive hypothetical societies Act utilitarianism: (Bentham) an approach that judges every act on its own and in each government to perform prescribed tasks.
Moral virtue:(Christian) excellence and proper conduct (faith, love, hope, charity) particular circumstance. the calculation is all relative, seems to justify clearly “bad” ----The political contact takes the form of a trusteeship.
Civic Virtue: (Greek) expressed highest qualities, the appropriate way of life (wisdom, actions, does not provide a clear guide for morality ----Government is granted limited power. …Democracy
justice, courage, temperance) job of the state to provide protection Rule utilitarianism: an action is right as it conforms to a rule that leads to the greatest Hobbes:
Necessity: Do what is necessary to maintain order and security. Different context gives good, or that "the rightness or wrongness of a particular action is a function of the -state of Nature is a state which there is no government
rise to new necessity. for a prince involves lying, cheating, killing, and stealing if it will correctness of the rule of which it is an instance". Much more long term focused than act --Humans are self-interested.
protect the people utilitarianism. --In a state of nature, life would be “nasty, brutish, and short.”
Glory: Long term legacy with positive connotation Summum Bonum/finis ultimus: greatest good --Constantly in a default state of war
Political realism/realpolitik: when there is a certain benefit in crossing a really hard Marx --The only standard for “good and bad” where “good” is anything that we like or want
line in order to achieve order and stability in this context, emphasis on pragmatism-- Labor theory of value: argues that the economic value of a good or service is which is entirely subjective.
operating without attention to some underlying ideology determined by the total amount of "socially necessary labor" required to produce it, ---Neither just nor unjust
Lion and Fox: analogy refers to both acting as a strong and feared ruler while rather than by the use or pleasure its owner gets from it --There’s no justice where there are no enforceable contracts.
outsmarting the faithless and harmful people to keep the peace and support of the Dialectic: Change in a linear manner. From Despotism- Feudalism- Mercantilism- --No rights other than the right or ability to self-defense
people Capitalism- Socialism- Communism. We must have the prior states in order to -In the state of nature, individuals:
Economy of violence: The most effective results from the most minimal investment of progress. History is not static. “You never step in the same river twice” --Have radical rights — even to another’s body
brutality. When violence is needed, one should be ready to commit fully. Withering away of the state: When socialism transitions into communism, the state as --Are radically free — nothing is impermissible
Agathocles: A successful tyrant who came to power by criminal means. Criminal acts an instrument of power and subjugation will no longer be necessary-- it will wither away --Are radically equal — equally liable to be killed (478)
may give a prince power, but they cannot place him among the truly great rulers of and solely focus on the administration of things --Individuals in this state of nature seek power to achieve appetites and avoid aversions,
history, whose acts are to be admired and imitated. ***Historical materialism: Physical world is all that is real. Our relationship with the a constant pursuit of power.
Raison d’etre: of state is order and stability (not making people better). material world determines social relations materials shape thought. Despotism (Gods -Social Contract: In order to leave SON, contracts are only real provided they are
Romirro de Orco: A ruthless lieutenant Cesare Borgia-- was so cruel that everyone and Slaves) -Feudalism (New tech)-Mercantilism(Rid the aristocracy) -Capitalism- enforceable must include means of enforcement.
hated him, so to deflect bad feeling from himself, Borgia had him publicly executed. Socialism-Communism Prior to this we forced to work all the time in order to survive. -Natural laws are knowledge in the state of nature through the empower of reason
Hobbes/ Locke Therefore we have very powerful individuals. Yet we learn how to produce in more 1.Endeavor peace if possible 2. Lay down rights as much as others 3. Perform
Leviathan: (Hobbes) (all powerful gov) whose purpose is to provide oder, stability and efficient ways and therefore share power/material. covenants (keep promises)
defense. Citizens are bound absolutely to follow the dictates of the sovereign except Bourgeoisie: the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of -The problem is that the laws of nature are not consistently enforceable in the state of
when it fails to provide peace and security or violates self preservation. for Hobbes a production. nature and no one has legitimate authority over others .
monarchy would be the best/most effective. Proletariat: workers or working-class people, regarded collectively. A class of laborers --The only way out is for everyone to agree to create an authority to enforce the laws.
Appetite: (hobbes) Desire for a given object or goal-- namely power must sell themselves as a commodity --The commonwealth is related and vests power in the Leviathan (all powerful
Aversion: (Hobbes) That which one wishes to avoid-- like the loss of power Means of production: the facilities and resources for producing goods-- think factories, government) whose purpose is to provide order, stability, and defense.
Reason: (Locke) The unique gift to humanity which can lead us out of the state of natural resources, money-- things like that. ---Citizens are bound absolutely to follow the dictates of the sovereign except when it
nature-- The power of reason to understand and follow nature law makes the state of Subsistence wage: Giving the workers the bare minimum to survive and work. Not a fails to provide peace and security to violates self preservation (falls back into SON).
nature for locke potentially civil dime more. This in turn. Company towns. ---Monarchies
Felicity: (Hobbes) continued success in achieving desires and continual prospering, we Dictatorship of the proletariat: a worker’s state where the working class (proletariat) SON: Locke, vigilante justice, things are unsafe as opposed to being in direct conflict.
seek it but like a cat chasing its tail it cannot be achieved. are the driving and dominant force behind the government. Contrasted with a Hobbes, essentially, everything is in the state of war/ conflict all of the time, zero
State of Nature: (Hobbes/Locke)- is a pre-political and pre-social condition, it shows dictatorship of the bourgeoisie Marx saw as the default form of government under sum game
what humans are like in their purest form before any laws capitalism
Natural Rights: (Locke) life, liberty, property, punish Aristotle
Radical equality: (Hobbes) belief that individuals, regardless of their racial -Aristocracy would be the ideal form of government a group of people in relatively strong
characteristics, are morally, politically, and legally equal and should be treated as such. skills in several forms instead of one individual statesman.
Laws of nature: Preserve his or her own life; Preserve, insofar as possible, humanity; -The most realistic form of government is a polity with a large middle class because the
Neither take away not damage anything that contributes to the preservation of mean/middle is the balance.
someone’s else’s life, liberty. provides a map for how to escape the SON. Aristotle is more idealistic since he addresses how most societies do not have a
Social contract: Terms of the social contract are to give up rights to judge, enforce, and statesman, so governments tend to naturally go from common interest to their own
punish. The goal of entering society is to protect core rights of life, liberty and interests, so it would be extremely unlikely for an aristocracy to function without self
property. (Locke) made whereby we all agree to give up all of our rights (except self interest. He is also a realist because he addresses this issue in his Theory of Entropy
pres) to a leviathan(Hobbes) (natural destruction).

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