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12, JUNE 15, 2013 2001

Free Space Communications With Beam Steering

a Two-Electrode Tapered Laser Diode
Using Liquid-Crystal SLM
Feng Feng, Ian H. White, and Timothy D. Wilkinson

Abstract—A free space optical wireless communication system modulation efficiency also with good beam quality two-elec-
with 3 degree angular coverage and 1.25 GHz modulation band- trode tapered laser diode has been reported in [10], [11]. Com-
width is reported, in which relatively narrow laser beam of a simul- pared with other sources, the tapered laser is a more compact
taneous high power, high modulation speed and ultra high mod-
ulation efficiency directly modulated two-electrode tapered laser solution. Meanwhile, high modulation efficiency feature allows
diode is steered using a nematic phase-only Liquid-Crystal On Sil- using standard optical communication component to achieve
icon Spatial Light Modulator (LCOS SLM) by displaying recon- high optical modulation amplitude without amplifying electrical
figurable 256 phase level gratings. modulation current swing like [12].
Index Terms—Beam steering, free-space optical communication, With aforementioned tapered laser diode, a 60 meter
semiconductor lasers, spatial light modulators (SLMs). error-free free space communication transmission link was
demonstrated in our previous work [13]. Relatively precise
alignment is required in the experiment. Adaptive beam
I. INTRODUCTION steering can extend coverage of free space communication
system while maintaining narrow beam, which can be used
for system auto aligning and correction of misalignment [14],
F REE space optical wireless communication has received
enormous attention duo to its abundant unregulated and
license-free optical spectrum, ease and low cost of installation,
[15]. A Liquid-Crystal On Silicon Spatial Light Modulator can
steer laser beam by displaying different holograms without
mechanical movement. Comparing other means of beam
and high data security making it a promising candidate to
steering, such as actuated mirrors[16], risley prism [17], and
provide high data rate wireless communications over certain
microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS) [18], LCOS SLM
distance for “last mile”, temporary applications and locations
has highly repeatable performance, high tolerance to pixel
where installing fiber is not feasible [1]–[4]. Thanks to its im-
errors and also capability of correction of optical aberration
munity to Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) from existing
from atmosphere turbulence and other beam manipulations,
radio frequency systems, optical wireless systems are highly
such as beam splitting. Beam steering, aberration correction
attractive for sites such as airport and hospital. Also indoor
and other optical beam manipulation operations can be per-
optical wireless has become one of the possible solutions to
formed together by superposition holograms for each operation
address dramatically increased bandwidth demand in access
[19]. Also LCOS SLM does not limit modulation bandwidth.
networks [5]–[7],
A mode-division multiplexing transmission with 12.5 GHz
Relatively long range, very high speed (Gigabits/s or more)
modulation bandwidth over OM2 multimode fiber using LCOS
free space optical wireless communication systems require a
SLM as a mode launcher is demonstrated in [30].
laser diode that has high power as well as high modulation speed
In this paper, a nematic phase-only LCOS SLM displaying
operation. A fiber based transmitter system with proper fiber
multi-phase holograms is used to actively steer directly modu-
amplifier and fiber redesign can achieve high power and high
lated two-electrode high power tapered laser diode increasing
speed modulation for free space communications [8]. However
the system angular coverage to 3 degree without any moving
this raises beam quality issue that may make beam shaping dif-
part. This work was performed in the context of building
ficult. High power can be achieved by external amplification
to building or “last mile” free space optical communication
[3] and power combining [9], which complicate systems. A si-
multaneous high power, high modulation speed and ultra high
Manuscript received January 30, 2013; revised April 05, 2013; accepted May The two-electrode tapered laser diode used in the experiment
06, 2013. Date of publication May 22, 2013; date of current version May 27, is from our previous European project named ‘BRIGHTER’[13]
2013. The work of F. Feng was supported in part by the Chinese Scholar Council
and it operates at 1060 nm. The schematic illustration and CW
and Cambridge Overseas Trust.
The authors are with the Electrical Division, Engineering Department, Uni- - characteristics of the laser diode were presented in our pre-
versity of Cambridge, CAPE Building, Cambridge, CB3 0FA, U.K. (e-mail: vious work [13]. Here laser operating principle will be described;;
in more details. Laser operating condition and its performance
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at for beam steering experiment will be introduced at the end of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2013.2262372 this section.

0733-8724/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


structure. The optical modulation amplitude is 105.4 mW, av-

erage optical output power is 154.5 mW and the extinction ratio
is 3 dB. The high modulation efficiency allows a large power
budget for optical loss.


A. Holographic Beam Steering Principle

Beam steering using LCOS SLM is essentially reconfig-
urable displaying different phase ramps to tilt an incoming
wavefront at different angles. The choice of LCOS SLM device
is a trade-off between number of phase levels that each pixel
can produce and LC switching speed. Nematic devices can
Fig. 1. Gain versus carrier density curve showing the bias operating points of
each section.
perform multilevel phase modulation, but they have slower
switching speed than Ferroelectric devices. To compensate step
disturbance and random vibrations up to certain frequency for
adaptive board-to-board free space interconnect, a Ferroelectric
Simultaneous high power, high modulation speed and high
SLM is used making use of its fast switching feature [31].
modulation efficiency make the compact tapered laser a novel
However, a Ferroelectric device is capable of only binary state
free space communication source without requiring optical am-
(amplitude or phase) modulation and requires DC balancing.
plifier in free space communication systems, which results from
With an increase in the number of phase levels, diffraction effi-
using two electrode separate excitation in a “gain levering” tech-
ciency improves. As compared in Fig. 2, 256 phase level beam
nique. The relative short index-guided single-transverse mode
steering gratings gain more power efficiency than binary ones
ridge waveguide provides spatial transverse mode filtering to
by eliminating symmetrical first order and some other higher
generate a high quality beam profile within the laser cavity. The
orders. Considering that power efficiency is most concerned
relative long gain-guided tapered section with 4 full angles am-
rather than switching speed for our application, a reflective ne-
plifies the optical power by providing sufficient gain to realize
matic phase-only LCOS SLM is used (X10468-01, Hamamatsu
high power operation. Speed of modulation can be quantified by
Photonics, 20 pitch), instead of a ferroelectric device,
a modulation current efficiency factor , through the dif-
which in theory can modulate light with polarization along
ferential gain and the photon lifetime . For standard lasers,
the LC director continuously. Beam steering was achieved by
large laser dimensions are required to achieve high power op-
displaying 2D 256 phase level gratings on the SLM.
eration, which however limits direct modulation speed duo to
Modulated laser beam bouncing off the SLM passes through
the long photon lifetime. To overcome long photon lifetime,
certain distance free space transmission path or a Fourier trans-
the ridge and tapered section are excited separately using the
form lens to form a diffraction pattern at receiver plan. The first
gain-levering technique. Separate excitation improves modula-
order spot (the signal beam) is then focused onto a photodiode.
tion bandwidth for the high power tapered laser [20].
Towards a LCOS SLM, the maximum deflection angle of the
A two-electrode laser is based on sub-linear nature of the
first order in full angle is determined by pixel pitch of SLM
gain versus carrier density characteristics of the laser as shown
device and laser wavelength , which is given by (1).
in Fig. 1. Large carrier density change in one section can be
obtained by a small injection current change in the other sec- (1)
tion. This is referred to as “gain lever” effect [20]–[23]. Under
gain-lever operation, large tapered section is biased with a high
net gain but low differential gain, nevertheless short ridge sec- B. 256 Level Phase Grating Calculation
tion is biased with a low net gain but high differential gain. The The SLM has 800 600 pixels. Duo to the laser beam is el-
gain associated with the ridge section is much smaller than that liptical, 140 600 pixels are illuminated and active which dis-
of the tapered section, because the ridge section comprises only play holograms with integer coordinates . Two dimension
a fraction of the overall cavity of the device. With the assump- phase gratings allow two dimension beam steering capability,
tion that photon density is uniform and remains lower than the comparing with one dimension device reported in [32]. The re-
saturation density in each section, the differential gain of the play field, which is related to phase-only hologram plane by the
ridge section is larger than differential gain of the tapered sec- Fourier transform, has 140 600 spatial frequency pixels in the
tion. As a result, small current swing injected in the ridge section first order replication with integer coordinates . The re-
can cause enhanced reaction in the laser net gain as illustrated in play field angular position coordinates can be described
Fig. 1 and minimizes the input current swing required for mod- by (2).
ulating the output optical power [24].
The laser is driven at a bias point of 29.96 mA Ridge current (2)
and 1181.4 mA Tapered current in beam steering experiment.
The modulation current swing in the ridge section is 16 mA. Holograms are sent to the SLM through DVI port by a com-
The slope efficiency at this operating point is 6.59 W/A, which is puter. Because of number of grayscale levels, phase holograms
more than 10 times that of a single electrode laser with the same are quantized in 256 levels. The grating calculation method was

Fig. 3. Superimposed plot of normalized intensity in replay filed at 6 different

first order positions (6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56) with 256 phase level gratings.

Fig. 2. Far filed comparison between binary hologram (a) and 256 phase level
hologram (b). Fig. 4. Variation of first order optical power in the whole replay field.

based on rounding modulo an idea linear phase profile for the number of phase levels and is the diffraction orders, where
required beam deflection to the nearest of linearly quantized 256 and is an integer.
available phase levels of . The hologram displayed to
steer laser beam to a spatial frequency , at the re-
ceiver plane can be expressed mathematically


C. Variations of Diffraction Efficiency in Replay Field

Beam steering using a pixelated SLM device, the resulting

diffraction efficiency in the far field has to account for spa-
tial and phase quantization, as well as the effect of dead space, (4)
which is reported in details in [25]. The intensity of each spatial
frequency pixel in the replay filed, when the first order For the practical system here, SLM uses 140 600 active
is steered to a target position , can be calculated as pixels, fill factor of the SLM is 0.98 [26] and 256 phase level
according to (4). , is number of pixels in , di- holograms are displayed. Form (4), we can see the effect of
mension respectively, is the fill factor of the SLM, is the sinc envelope in the diffraction efficiency as the position of the

Fig. 5. Free space holographic beam steering transmission system configurations.

first order changes in the replay field. Applied to one dimen- the tapered laser is collimated by a microscope objective and
sion grating, superimposed plot of normalized intensity of each cylindrical lens. A half wave plate is used to align polarization
replay field for 6 different first order target beam steering po- state of the laser beam with the direction of director of the
sitions and the sinc envelope effect is illustrated in Fig. 3. As nematic LC of the SLM. Laser beam reflecting back from
shown in Fig. 3, the intensity of the first order at every position the reflective nematic phase-only LCOS SLM (X10468-01,
in the replay field must be confined within the sinc envelop , and Hamamatsu Photonics, 20 pitch) which is programmed
there are still some noise orders exist even with 256 phase level with different 256 phase level holograms and displays them
gratings. Extended to two dimensions, the relative intensity of sequentially, the required far filed can be generated through
the first diffraction order at each of the possible 140 600 posi- certain distance free space propagation or a Fourier transform
tions is shown in Fig. 4, which ranges from minimum lens depending on transmission scale. Here, 5 meter free
to maximum . It is seen that optical loss increases at space propagation from the SLM to the detection focusing
outer first order positions. lens performs the Fourier transform, which is the maximum
length that can be achieved in our high power laser lab. Longer
D. High Tolerance to Pixel Errors Feature distance can be simulated by adding free space loss based on
The discrete nature of an SLM and the fact that it operates in our previous 60 meter free space transmission experiment using
the Fourier plane makes it relatively insensitive to pixel errors the tapered laser [13]. The incident half angle is less than 10
or dark pixels, thereby offering the possibility of a high-yield to maintain good phase modulation linearity. A variable neutral
fabrication process. Define the coordinates of any point in the density filter is used to simulate longer distance free space
Fourier plane or far field , the coordinates of hologram or transmission loss. At the receiving end, steered laser beam (the
SLM plane as . Then the Fourier transform can be repre- far field) is focused onto an 80 diameter ultrafast InGaAs
sented as complex amplitude in the Fourier plane photodetector (ALPHALAS UPD-70-IR2-P) by a 1 meter focal
length refracting telescope.
When conducting the experiment, the laser is kept with the
same driving condition mentioned in the last paragraph of II
section and the neutral density filter is set to different loss values
for different beam steering positions in the experiment.

B. Data Transmission
where , is number of pixels in , dimension of the SLM Data transmission eye diagrams at 1.25 Gb/s direct modula-
respectively, is the number of phase levels, is tion of the laser with pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)
the index of a phase level ( is integer and a element of bit length data are measured at five different beam
and is the transmittance of the steering positions. The first eye diagram were taken at angular
pixel. It shows that every position in the replay field is con- position (0.5 , 0.04 ) where first order is slightly off the centre
tributed by all the pixels of hologram plane and the effect of of the replay field. The 256 phase level beam steering grating,
each pixel is spread over entire replay field. Because of a great the resulting replay field and corresponding eye dram are
number of pixels in a SLM, the variation in diffraction efficiency shown in Fig. 6. Transmission eye diagrams at four extreme
is low duo to a small number of dark pixels or pixels errors. outer corner position of the steering range are also taken re-
spectively which is shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that error
IV. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION free transmission can be achieved at these positions.

A. Optical System C. Optical Loss

The experimental optical system to demonstrate beam Phase-only LCOS SLM with well designed pixel structure,
steering the two electrode tapered laser diode for free space right reflection coating and phase modulation of at operating
communication is shown in Fig. 5. The laser is directly modu- wavelength can achieve both high light utilization efficiency
lated by a pulse pattern generator. Polarized laser beam from and high diffraction efficiency close to theoretical value [27].

Fig. 6. (a) 256 phase level grating displayed on the SLM to steer laser beam to
angular position (0.5 , 0.04 ), (b) the replay field of the grating and (c) the eye
diagram at 1.25 Gb/s.

Light utilization efficiency is defined a ratio of the 0th order

diffraction light efficiency to the input light intensity, which
mainly depend on SLM reflectivity and diffraction loss caused
by pixel structure. Diffraction efficiency is defined as a ratio of
intensity of 1st order diffraction spot to intensity of 0th order
when no pattern is displayed.
The SLM device here is not designed for phase modulation
at the laser wavelength. The wrong reflection coating and phase
modulation depth less than result in a zero order, undiffracted
light in the center of the replay field, and a dimmer symmetrical
first order, which reduce power efficiency further. The diffrac-
tion efficiency model described in Section III-C assumes phase
modulation depth of the SLM is , which is not the case here.
A limited phase modulation depth, less than , also cuts down
diffraction efficiency, which is studied in [28]. The effect of
not enough phase depth to diffraction efficiency works inde-
pendently with other effects mentioned before and is constant
across the whole replay field for a given phase depth.
The breakdown of the optical power loss is indicated in
Fig. 7. Replay fields of beam steering at four corners of the steering range and
Table I. With ND filter loss set to 4 dB at near centre steering corresponding eye diagrams (1.25 Gb/s).
position and 0 dB at other four steering range corner positions,
optical power focused at the receiving end is measured with 1
cm diameter detector at the above five positions making sure positions are respectively 13.47 dBm, 10.22 dBm, 9.54 dBm,
all optical power before photodiode are measured. Measured 9.89 dBm and 9.77 dBm. The diffraction efficiency with
power at near-center, corner a, corner b, corner c, and corner d phase depth estimated in Section III at near-center, and other

TABLE I Now 8.1 pixel pitch LCOS SLM device is already commer-
POWER LOSS BREAKDOWN TABLE cially available. [29].

A simple and compact two-electrode high power and high
speed tapered laser diode is a novel laser source for free space
optical communications. Ultra-high modulation efficiency en-
ables usage of standard communication components to modu-
late huge amount of optical power. With beam steering it using a
phase-only LCOS SLM, a long distance free space optical wire-
less communication system with 3 degree error-free angular
coverage and 1.25 GHz modulation bandwidth has been inves-
tigated. With LCOS SLM, aberration caused by varying free
space condition can be adaptively sensed and corrected with the
same optical system, which can improve performance of atmos-
phere free space communication systems. More power budget
can be achieved by using a right SLM for the laser wavelength
and beam steering range can also be increased by using longer
wavelength and smaller pixel LCOS device.

The first author, F. Feng, would like to thank J. Carpenter in
the group for fruitful discussions.

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[20] C. P. Seltzer, L. D. Westbrook, and H. J. Wickes, “The “gain-lever” ef- He was appointed as a Research Fellow and an Assistant Lecturer with the
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vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 283–289, Feb. 1995. Physics with the University of Bath, Bath, U.K., in 1990. In 1996, he joined
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novel gain mechanism in the direct modulation of quantum well semi- Eck Professor of Engineering. He is currently the Head of Photonics Research
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[23] H. Olesen, J.-I. Shim, M. Yamaguchi, and M. Kitamura, “Proposal of and co-author of more than 800 publications and holds 28 patents.
novel gain-levered MQW DFB laser with high and red-shifted \FM He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Electronics Letters. Prof. White was a
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[24] A. B. Massara, S. Yang, T. J. Houle, R. P. Thilakumara, R. V. Penty,
and I. H. White, “Uncooled, 10 Gb/s operation of two-contact InGaAsP
lasers with low drive current,” in Proc. Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf. Ex- Timothy D. Wilkinson received the Undergraduate degree from Canterbury
hibit, 2001, Paper WDD72. University, Riccarton, New Zealand, and the Ph.D. degree from Magdalene Col-
[25] D. G. Leyva, B. Robertson, C. J. Henderson, T. D. Wilkinson, D. C. lege, Cambridge, U.K., in 1994.
O’Brien, and G. Faulkner, “Cross-talk analysis in a telecentric adaptive He is currently a Reader of photonic engineering in the Department of En-
free-space optical relay based on a spatial light modulator,” Appl. Opt., gineering, Cambridge University, Cambridge, and a Fellow of Jesus College.
vol. 45, pp. 63–75, 2006. He has been working in the field of photonics, devices, and systems for more
[26] Hamamatsu Photonics LCOS SLM Website Datasheet Jan. 2013 than 20 years. His current research has been into applications of holographic
[Online]. Available: technology. This includes new liquid crystal device structures based on sparse
x10468_series_kacc1172e10.pdf arrays of vertically grown multiwall carbon nanotubes, where the tubes are used
[27] Hamamatsu Photonics LCOS SLM Website Jan. 2013 [Online]. as tiny electrodes to great 3-D electric field profiles and graded refractive index
Available: structures, which may have applications such as switchable lenslet arrays and
sion/lcos-slm/lcos-slm_features.php 3-D displays.

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