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Theme/ Name of Lesson: Floor Hockey Skill Assessment

Grade Level: 3rd grade PE

Duration of the Lesson: 30m

Name of Instructor: Jozef Telecki

Materials Consulted: Alberta Program of Studies PE

Resources: hockey sticks, small dodgeballs, hockey nets, cones/pylons

Lesson Objective (SMART): Students will demonstrate their floor hockey skills such as sending,
receiving, dodging and evading, locomotion, and positive communication in a series of drills.

A3–3 respond to a variety of stimuli to create nonlocomotor sequences (dodging & evading)
A3–5 demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object, using a variety of body parts and
implements; and, perform manipulative skills individually and with others while using a variety
of pathways (sending and receiving)
C3-1 Describe and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate to context (cheering)
D3–1 express a willingness to participate regularly in physical education class (participation)

Teacher will… Students will… Time
1) Set up the two activities 0-3
- First activity has a net next to the wall
- Second activity has 5 cones separated
by roughly four feet each
2) Explain the activities to the students 3-5
- Students line up on walls opposite one
another. Net between the two lines. First
student runs to the middle of the gym
and stops, first student in line on the
other side passes the ball to the student
at the middle of the gym. Upon receiving
the pass, the student then goes and
shoots on the net. When the first student
has shot the player that passed them the
ball goes and does the same thing. The
first student goes back in the opposite
line they started with and gives their ball
to the student first in line.
- Students line up on one wall. They
dodge and evade obstacles while
cheering on their friends. When the first
student reaches the far wall then the
next student goes.

Formative Assessment: Look for understanding of both activities.

Body (you may have a range of activities)

Teacher will… Students will… Time
1) Hand out hockey sticks/balls 5-7
2) Split students, half at one activity and 7-8
half at the other.
3) Assess students in both activities. 8-17
Activity 1 sending and receiving. And
Activity 2 dodging & evading and 18-27
4) Have students swap activites 15m into 17-18
the class.

Summative assessment:
Activity 1 – sending and receiving
Activity 2 – dodging & evading and communication

Teacher will… Students will… Time
1) Have students clean up and line up. 27-
Formative Assessment (What will you look for to know students are engaged and learning?
How will you know if your outcome is being met?)

Summative Assessment all throughout the lesson:

Assessment on
- Sending
- Receiving
- Dodging & Evading
- Communication
- Participation (Ongoing throughout entire floor hockey unit)
Reflection (How do I know that my learning objectives were met? What did the lesson do well?
In what ways would you improve the lesson in the future? How did you engage your learners?):

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