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Basic Features: Present Income Tax System (1996)

What are the basic features of the present income tax system"?
SUGGESTED ANSWER:Our present income tax system can be said to have
the following basic features:

(a) It has adopted a COMPREHENSIVE TAX SITUS by using the

nationality, residence, and source rules. This makes citizens and
resident aliens taxable on their income derived from all sources while
non-resident aliens are taxed only on their income derived from within
the Philippines. Domestic corporations are also taxed on universal
income while foreign corporations are taxed only on income from

. (b) The individual income tax system is mainly PROGRESSIVE IN

NATURE in that it provides a graduated rates of income tax.
Corporations in general are taxed at a flat rate of thirty five
percent (35%) of net income.

. (c) It has retained MORE SCHEDULAR THAN GLOBAL

FEATURES with respect to individual taxpayers but has
maintained a more global treatment on corporations.

Note: Thefollowingmightalsobecitedbythebarcandidatesas features of

the income tax system:

a. Individual compensation income earners are taxed on modified

Gross Income (Gross compensation income less personal
exemptions). Self-employed and professionals are taxed on net
income with deductions limited to seven items or in lieu thereof
the forty percent (40%) maximum deduction plus the personal
exemptions. Corporations are generally taxed on net income
except for non-resident foreign corporations which are taxed on
gross income.

b. The income tax is generally imposed via the self- assessment system
or pay-as-you-file concept of imposing the tax although certain
incomes. Including income of non-residents, are taxed on the
pay-as- you-earn concept or the so called withholding tax.

c. The corporate income tax is a one-layer tax in that distribution of

profits to stockholders (except to non- residents) are not subject
to income tax.

Basic Stages or Aspects of Taxation (2006)

Enumerate the 3 stages or aspects of taxation. Explain each. (5%)

SUGGESTED ANSWER:The aspects of taxation are:

. (1) LEVYING — the act of the legislature in choosing the persons,

properties, rights or privileges to be subjected to taxation.

. (2) ASSESSMENT and COLLECTION — This is the act of executing

the law through the administrative agencies of government.

. (3) PAYMENT—theactofthetaxpayerinsettlinghis tax obligations.

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