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Professional Development Plan for Teachers

Name: Nada Khalil Bin Took MST: Joyce MCT: Roben Ogdol
School: FEPS Semester: 6 Date: 21th of February, 2018
Rationale/Reflection of previous practice:
In the previous semester, I focused on improving the behavior management by using the reward system to motivate children
behave well in the class and always participate.
Professional Learning Goal and Activities
Area Professional Learning Goal Strategies (how Evidence of Target Date Date Achieved
No. to do it) Progress
Towards Goal
2. Using different voice - To motivate March 15, 2018
tones students to do
an activity, I
can raise my
voice so they
can focus on the
thing that they
need to focus

Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________

MCT Signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________

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