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Usage of Computer in Astrology

Computer is a Modern Scientific Tool used for various purposes. Based on mathematical binary
system a computer can handle complex calculations, can display graphics, can play audio visuals
and can be connected through other devices for sharing data. In modern age computer has
become a life support system for every field. Similarly the usage of computer has become
equally important in the field of Astrology. Computer astrology programs today typically make
accurate planet position calculations, display and print these positions using astrological glyph
symbols in graphic charts, save and retrieve individuals' data to and from database files, compare
the planet positions of different charts to find the astrological aspects between them (e.g. for
compatibility), calculate the dates of important events in the future for a chart, and research the
saved chart database. Astrology programs usually come bundled with an electronic atlas,
allowing the review of the longitudes, latitudes, and time zone observance histories for cities and
towns. Many assemble interpretive text about the various element combinations in a chart into
comprehensive printed reports

During the period from 1970 – 1980, when the personal computers were becoming available,
many software programmers took this initiative to design astrology software for the astrologers.
John Michael Erlewine, an American Astrologer and Computer Programmer, had programmed
the first micro computer astrology software in 1977 with a name Matrix for a commercial
purpose. This programme was initially opposed by many astrologers but was later improved and
developed. In 1978 Mr Arun Bansal, an Indian Software Programmer and Astrologer released
the first Kundali Software based on Indian System of Astrology and the commercial release of
the software is now named Leostar. After 1980s as the popularity of computers grew many
experts, software programmers brought revolution in the field of astrology software.
Application Areas of Computers in Astrology
Computers, Astronomy and Astrology

The study of astronomy is the fundamental base for research of astrology. In astrology we need
to impact and position of celestial bodies. Therefore, astrology and astronomy has a strong
relationship from the ages. In the ancient times when our Rishis and Yogis were blessed with
special vision, they used to see and explore the entire universe. Later on some tools were also
developed to measure the position of a planet or other celestial bodies. With the passage of time
this knowledge got disappeared or was beyond the reach of researchers. In modern age, the
computer has become the very important tool for studying the complexities of universe. Satellites
and telescopes are now able to send information and data of the activities happening in the outer
world. Computer captures this data and decodes in the shape of information required. Thus we
can track the accurate position of the planets in solar system and based on the Astrological
Siddhantas, we apply this information in astrology. There are many astronomical software
available for the research purpose. With the help of information and data about the outer sky
received through satellites and telescopes, the computer programmers have been able to design
graphical representation of the universe. The advancement has further led to the development of
astronomy simulators. A simulator is a computer software that creates the virtual environment of
a real environment. An astronomy simulator also creates the virtual environment of real universe.
There are many open source and paid simulators, which represent the night sky and details such
as google sky, Space Engine, Universe Sandbox, Orbiter, Solar System Scope, Celestia,
WorldWide Telescope, Kerbal Space Program and so on. In 2014, the Matrix team claims to
launch the first virtual realistic universe simulator with a name Illustris. Illustris can recreate 13
billion years of cosmic evolution in a cube 350 million light-years on a side with unprecedented
resolution. Illustris employs a sophisticated computer program to recreate the evolution of the
universe in high fidelity. It includes both normal matter and dark matter using 12 billion 3-D
"pixels," or resolution elements. The team dedicated five years to developing the Illustris
program. The actual calculations took 3 months of "run time," using a total of 8,000 CPUs
running in parallel. If they had used an average desktop computer, the calculations would have
taken more than 2,000 years to complete. The computer simulation began a mere 12 million
years after the Big Bang. When it reached the present day, astronomers counted more than
41,000 galaxies in the cube of simulated space. Importantly, Illustris yielded a realistic mix of
spiral galaxies like the Milky Way and football-shaped elliptical galaxies. It also recreated large-
scale structures like galaxy clusters and the bubbles and voids of the cosmic web. On the small
scale, it accurately recreated the chemistries of individual galaxies. The details are available on
their website .

Computers and Astrological Calculations

Another area of major use of computers is in the field of astrological calculations. The Astrology
Sidhantas are based on mathematical formulas for creating a chart. These calculations were
earlier were done manually by applying different formulas for different results. With the
advancement in computer science, the computer software have made such complex calculations
much easier than before. Simply by adding birth time, birth date and coordinates of birth place,
the computer can calculate the complete details about a chart. Computer astrology programs
today typically make accurate planet position calculations, display and print these positions using
astrological glyph symbols in graphic charts, save and retrieve individuals' data to and from
database files, compare the planet positions of different charts to find the astrological aspects
between them (e.g. for compatibility), calculate the dates of important events in the future for a
chart, and research the saved chart database. Some generate colorful geographical maps with
lines showing where the planets rise and culminate at a significant time, usually the time of birth
or the time of inception of an organization (called astrocartography). Astrology programs usually
come bundled with an electronic atlas, allowing the review of the longitudes, latitudes, and time
zone observance histories for cities and towns. Many assemble interpretive text about the various
element combinations in a chart into comprehensive printed reports. With the help of an
Astrology Software, the astrologers can apply different Sidhanatas, can create their own
Ayanamsas and apply other geographic options. The calculations required for Panchang is also
now possible for future and past, therefore, an astrologer does not require to find the printed
Panchang Books for reference. There are commercial and open source versions of many
astrology software available. Some of the famous software Parashara, Kundali Pro, LeoStar,
Jagannath Hora are mainly used by astrologers.
Computer and Astrological Predictions

An astrologer can predict the events through detailed analysis of the Astrology charts. The events
can be related to the life of an individual (hora) or related to the masses, nations and world
through mundane astrology (samhita). An event takes place when specific combinations of
planets, rashis and nakshatras are formed. These combinations are called Yoga. When a yoga is
formed in any specific point of time in past, present or future, it indicates occurrence of a
particular event. Therefore, for an astrologer it is very important to know the precise time of
formation of a Yoga. The computer software makes this process simpler to reach to any point of
time for confirming the formation of a Yoga, hence, resulting to an accurate prediction. With the
help of astrology software the birth time rectification can also be done by changing the birth time
and relating the dates of an event to a Yoga. Dasha system can be applied more accurately with
the calculations of computer software. Computer programmers have been able to create a
database of many popular Yogas, which they feed in the software and accordingly general
reports related to many areas of life and happenings of events in a span of time can be generated
directly from the computers. Compatibility and match-making techniques are also being applied
through an astrology software.

Computer and Researcher

In modern days the research in the field of astrology has become easy. Computer is a very
important tool for the researchers. The research work needs lots of information and
knowledgebase. The fastest growth in present world is happening through Internet that has
connected the entire world. A researcher has access to research material and references, which is
available online in abundance. The information and data can be saved and compiled in an
organized format. Every research area needs some tools for experimenting and validating the
results and in field of astrology, computer is a successful and most efficient tool to support an
ongoing research work. In the last decade, the technology has grown so fast that software have
been designed for the mobile phones in shape of mobile applications and many astrology
applications have been developed for the mobile and tablet formats. There are simple tools
available that can present the research work in shape of a website. The reach of such research
work becomes global when it is hosted online for the anywhere anytime access. Computer
technology is also grouped in two segments in terms of cost, commercial versions and open
source versions. The commercial versions of software and applications are to be purchased on
cost whereas the open source community has developed equally perfect or even better software
and applications, which can be used without paying any license cost. It is the choice of the
researcher who wants to actually use the technology. Though a computer is an effective and
efficient tool in the field of Astrology, the human aspect of intelligence, wisdom and spirituality
can never be replaced by any tool.

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