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[6] Even moderate elevation of arterial

Hypertension blood pressure leads to shortened life
expectancy. At severely high pressures, defined
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as mean arterial pressures 50% or more above
Jump to: navigation, search average, a person can expect to live no more than
For other forms of hypertension, see Hypertension a few years unless appropriately treated.[7]
(disambiguation). Beginning at a systolic pressure (which is peak
pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the
Hypertension end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are
contracting) of 115 mmHg and diastolic pressure
Classification and external resources (which is minimum pressure in the arteries,
which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac
cycle when the ventricles are filled with blood)
of 75 mmHg (commonly written as
115/75 mmHg), cardiovascular disease (CVD)
risk doubles for each increment of 20/10 mmHg.

Automated arm blood pressure meter showing arterial [hide]
hypertension (shown a systolic blood pressure 158 mmHg,
• 1 Classification
diastolic blood pressure 99 mmHg and heart rate of 80 beats per • 2 Signs and symptoms
minute). • 3 Causes
o 3.1 Essential hypertension
ICD-9 401.x o 3.2 Secondary hypertension
OMIM 145500  3.2.1 Adrenal
 3.2.2 Kidney
DiseasesDB 6330  3.2.3 Medications
 3.2.4 Pregnancy
MedlinePlus 000468
 3.2.5 Sleep
eMedicine med/1106 ped/1097 emerg/267 disturbances
• 4 Pathophysiology
MeSH D006973 • 5 Diagnosis
o 5.1 Measuring blood pressure
Hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which o 5.2 Laboratory tests
the blood pressure is elevated. It is also referred to as • 6 Prevention
high blood pressure or shortened to HT, HTN or • 7 Treatment
HPN. The word "hypertension", by itself, normally o 7.1 Lifestyle modifications
refers to systemic, arterial hypertension.[1]
o 7.2 Biofeedback
o 7.3 Medications
Hypertension can be classified as either essential
 7.3.1 Choice of initial
(primary) or secondary. Essential or primary
hypertension means that no medical cause can be found
• 8 Prognosis
to explain the raised blood pressure. It is common.
o 8.1 Complications
About 90-95% of hypertension is essential
hypertension.[2][3][4][5] Secondary hypertension indicates • 9 Epidemiology
that the high blood pressure is a result of (i.e., o 9.1 Children and adolescents
secondary to) another condition, such as kidney disease • 10 History
or tumours (adrenal adenoma or pheochromocytoma). • 11 Society and culture
o 11.1 Economics
Persistent hypertension is one of the risk factors for o 11.2 Awareness
strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and arterial • 12 References
aneurysm, and is a leading cause of chronic renal • 13 Further reading
• 14 External links 200 and 230 mm Hg.[14] Exercise hypertension
may be regarded as a precursor to established
o 14.1 Major studies hypertension at rest.[13][14]

[edit] Classification [edit] Signs and symptoms

Mild to moderate essential hypertension is

usually asymptomatic.[15][16][17][18][19] Accelerated
hypertension is associated with headache,
The variation in pressure in the left ventricle (blue line) somnolence, confusion, visual disturbances, and
and the aorta (red line) over two cardiac cycles ("heart nausea and vomiting (hypertensive
beats"), showing the definitions of systolic and diastolic encephalopathy). Retinas are affected with
pressure. narrowing of arterial diameter to less than 50%
of venous diameter, copper or silver wire
appearance, exudates, hemorrhages, or
A recent classification recommends blood pressure
papilledema.[20] Some signs and symptoms are
criteria for defining normal blood pressure,
especially important in infants and neonates such
prehypertension, hypertension (stages I and II), and
as failure to thrive, seizure, irritability or
isolated systolic hypertension, which is a common
lethargy, and respiratory distress.[21] While in
occurrence among the elderly. These readings are based
children hypertension may cause headache,
on the average of seated blood pressure readings that
fatigue, blurred vision, epistaxis, and bell palsy.
were properly measured during 2 or more office visits. [21]
In individuals older than 50 years, hypertension is
considered to be present when a person's blood pressure
is consistently at least 140 mmHg systolic or 90 mmHg
diastolic. Patients with blood pressures over
130/80 mmHg along with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or
kidney disease require further treatment.[8]

Systolic Diastolic
pressure pressure
Classification Image showing patient with growth hormone
kPa kPa
mmHg mmHg excess
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
Normal 90–119 12–15.9 60–79 8.0–10.5 Some signs and symptoms are especially
Prehypertensio 120– 16.0– 10.7– important in suggesting a secondary medical
n 139 18.5 11.9 cause of chronic hypertension, such as
140– 18.7– 12.0– centripetal obesity, "buffalo hump," and/or wide
Stage 1 90–99 purple abdominal striae and maybe a recent onset
159 21.2 13.2
of diabetes suggest glucocorticoid excess either
Stage 2 ≥160 ≥21.3 ≥100 ≥13.3 due to Cushing's syndrome or other causes.
Isolated systolic Hypertension due to other secondary endocrine
≥140 ≥18.7 <90 <12.0
hypertension diseases such as hyperthyroidism,
Source: American Heart Association (2003).[8] hypothyroidism, or growth hormone excess show
symptoms specific to these disease such as in
hyperthyrodism there may be weight loss,
Resistant hypertension is defined as the failure to tremor, tachycardia or atrial arrhythmia, palmar
reduce blood pressure to the appropriate level after erythema and sweating.[22] Signs and symptoms
taking a three-drug regimen (include thiazide diuretic). associated with growth hormone excess such as
Guidelines for treating resistant hypertension have coarsening of facial features, prognathism,
been published in the UK,[9] and US.[10] macroglossia,[23] hypertrichosis,
hyperpigmentation, and hyperhidrosis may occur
Excessive elevation in blood pressure during exercise is in these patients.[24]:499. Other endocrine causes
called exercise hypertension.[11][12][13] The upper normal such as hyperaldosteronism may cause less
systolic values during exercise reach levels between specific symptoms such as numbness, polyuria,
polydipsia, hypernatraemia, and metabolic alkalosis.[25] been questioned as a risk factor for adult
A systolic bruit heard over the abdomen or in the flanks essential hypertension.[31][57]
suggests renal artery stenosis. Also radiofemoral delay
or diminished pulses in lower versus upper extremities [edit] Secondary hypertension
suggests coarctation of the aorta. Hypertension in
Main article: Secondary hypertension
patients with pheochromocytomas is usually sustained
but may be episodic. The typical attack lasts from
minutes to hours and is associated with headache, On the other hand, secondary hypertension by
anxiety, palpitation, profuse perspiration, pallor, tremor, definition results from an identifiable cause. This
and nausea and vomiting. Blood pressure is markedly type is important to recognize since its treated
elevated, and angina or acute pulmonary edema may differently than essential type by treating the
occur. In primary aldosteronism, patients may have underlying cause.
muscular weakness, polyuria, and nocturia due to
hypokalemia. Chronic hypertension often leads to left Many secondary cause can cause hypertension,
ventricular hypertrophy, which can present with some are common and well recognized
exertional and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Cerebral secondary causes such as Cushing's syndrome,[58]
involvement causes stroke due to thrombosis or which is a condition where both adrenal glands
hemorrhage from microaneurysms of small penetrating can overproduce the hormone cortisol.
intracranial arteries. Hypertensive encephalopathy is Hypertension results from the interplay of
probably caused by acute capillary congestion and several pathophysiological mechanisms
exudation with cerebral edema, which is reversible.[20] regulating plasma volume, peripheral vascular
resistance and cardiac output, all of which may
Signs and symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia and be increased. More than 80% of patients with
eclampsia, can be proteinuria, edema, and hallmark of Cushing's syndrome have hypertension.[58]
eclampsia which is convulsions, Other cerebral signs Another important cause is the congenital
may precede the convulsion such as nausea, vomiting, abnormality coarctation of the aorta.
headaches, and blindness.[26]
[edit] Adrenal
[edit] Causes
A variety of adrenal cortical abnormalities can
[edit] Essential hypertension cause hypertension, In primary aldosteronism
Main article: Essential hypertension there is a clear relationship between the
aldosterone-induced sodium retention and the
hypertension.[59] Another related disorder that
Hypertension is one of the most common complex causes hypertension is apparent
disorders. The etiology of hypertension differs widely mineralocorticoid excess syndrome which is an
amongst individuals within a large population.[27] autosomal recessive disorder results from
Essential hypertension is the form of hypertension that mutations in gene encoding 11β-hydroxysteroid
by definition, has no identifiable cause. It is the more dehydrogenase which normal patient inactivates
common type and affects 90-95% of hypertensive circulating cortisol to the less-active metabolite
patients,[2][3][4][5] and even though there are no direct cortisone.[60] Cortisol at high concentrations can
causes, there are many risk factors such as sedentary cross-react and activate the mineralocorticoid
lifestyle,[28] obesity[29][30][31][32][33] (more than 85% of receptor, leading to aldosterone-like effects in
cases occur in those with a body mass index greater the kidney, causing hypertension.[61] This effect
than 25),[33] salt (sodium) sensitivity,[34][35][36][37] alcohol can also be produced by prolonged ingestion of
intake,[38][39] and vitamin D deficiency.[40][41][42] It is also liquorice(which can be of potent strength in
related to aging[43] and to some inherited genetic liquorice candy), can result in inhibition of the
mutations.[27][44][45][46][47][48] Family history increases the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme and
risk of developing hypertension.[49][50] Renin elevation is cause secondary apparent mineralocorticoid
another risk factor, Renin is an enzyme secreted by the excess syndrome.[62][63][64] Frequently, if liquorice
juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney and linked with is the cause of the high blood pressure, a low
aldosterone in a negative feedback loop.[30][51] Also blood level of potassium will also be present.[63]
sympathetic overactivity is implicated.[32][52][53][54][55] Yet another related disorder causing
Insulin resistance which is a component of syndrome X, hypertension is glucocorticoid remediable
or the metabolic syndrome is also thought to cause aldosteronism, which is an autosomal dominant
hypertension.[30][52][56] Recently low birth weight has
disorder in which the increase in aldosterone secretion norepinephrine, causing excessive stimulation of
produced by ACTH is no longer transient, causing of adrenergic receptors, which results in peripheral
primary hyperaldosteronism, the Gene mutated will vasoconstriction and cardiac stimulation. This
result in an aldosterone synthase that is ACTH- diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating
sensitive, which is normally not.[65][66][67][68][69] GRA increased urinary excretion of epinephrine and
appears to be the most common monogenic form of norepinephrine and/or their metabolites
human hypertension.[70] Compare these effects to those (vanillylmandelic acid).
seen in Conn's disease, an adrenocortical tumor which
causes excess release of aldosterone,[71] that leads to [edit] Medications
Certain medications, especially NSAIDs
Another adrenal related cause is Cushing's syndrome (Motrin/Ibuprofen) and steroids can cause
which is a disorder caused by high levels of cortisol. hypertension.[90][91][92][93][94] High blood pressure
Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the cortex of the that is associated with the sudden withdrawal of
adrenal glands. Cushing's syndrome can be caused by various antihypertensive medications is called
taking glucocorticoid drugs, or by tumors that produce Rebound Hypertension.[95][96][97][98][99][100][101] The
cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).[75] increases in blood pressure may result in blood
More than 80% of patients with Cushing's syndrome pressures greater than when the medication was
develop hypertension.[58], which is accompanied by initiated. Depending on the severity of the
distinct symptoms of the syndrome, such as central increase in blood pressure, rebound hypertension
obesity, buffalo hump, moon face, sweating, hirsutism may result in a hypertensive emergency.
and anxiety.[76] Rebound hypertension is avoided by gradually
reducing the dose (also known as "dose
[edit] Kidney tapering"), thereby giving the body enough time
to adjust to reduction in dose. Medications
Other well known causes include diseases of the commonly associated with rebound hypertension
kidney. This includes diseases such as polycystic include centrally-acting antihypertensive agents,
kidney disease which is a cystic genetic disorder of the such as clonidine[102] and beta-blockers.[101]
kidneys, PKD is characterized by the presence of
multiple cysts (hence, "polycystic") in both kidneys, [edit] Pregnancy
can also damage the liver, pancreas, and rarely, the
heart and brain.[77][78][79][80] It can be autosomal dominant Few women of childbearing age have high blood
or autosomal recessive, with the autosomal dominant pressure, up to 11% develop hypertension of
form being more common and characterized by pregnancy.[103] While generally benign, it may
progressive cyst development and bilaterally enlarged herald three complications of pregnancy: pre-
kidneys with multiple cysts, with concurrent eclampsia, HELLP syndrome and eclampsia.
development of hypertension, renal insufficiency and Follow-up and control with medication is
renal pain.[81] Or chronic glomerulonephritis which is a therefore often necessary.[104][105]
disease characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli,
or small blood vessels in the kidneys.[82][83][84] [edit] Sleep disturbances
Hypertension can also be produced by diseases of the
renal arteries supplying the kidney. This is known as
renovascular hypertension; it is thought that decreased Another common and under-recognized cause is
perfusion of renal tissue due to stenosis of a main or sleep apnea,[106][107] which is often best treated
branch renal artery activates the renin-angiotensin with nocturnal nasal continuous positive airway
system.[85][86][87] also some renal tumors can cause pressure, but other approaches include the
hypertension. The differential diagnosis of a renal Mandibular advancement splint (MAS), UPPP,
tumor in a young patient with hypertension includes tonsilectomy, adenoidectomy, septoplasty, or
Juxtaglomerular cell tumor, Wilms' tumor, and renal weight loss. Another cause is an exceptionally
cell carcinoma, all of which may produce renin.[88] rare neurological disease called Binswanger's
disease, causing dementia; it is a rare form of
multi-infarct dementia, and is one of the
Neuroendocrine tumors are also a well known cause of neurological syndromes associated with
secondary hypertension. Pheochromocytoma[89] (most hypertension.[108]
often located in the adrenal medulla) increases secretion
of catecholamines such as epinephrine and
[edit] Pathophysiology be related to elevated blood pressure include
Main article: Pathophysiology of hypertension dizziness, palpitations, easy fatiguability, and

[edit] Measuring blood pressure

Main article: Blood pressure

A diagram explaining factors affecting arterial pressure

Most of the mechanisms associated with secondary

hypertension are generally fully understood. However, Conventional (mechanical) sphygmomanometer
those associated with essential (primary) hypertension with aneroid manometer and stethoscope, used to
are far less understood. What is known is that cardiac measure blood pressure
output is raised early in the disease course, with total
peripheral resistance (TPR) normal; over time cardiac Diagnosis of hypertension is generally on the
output drops to normal levels but TPR is increased. basis of a persistently high blood pressure.
Three theories have been proposed to explain this: Usually this requires three separate
measurements at least one week apart.
• Inability of the kidneys to excrete sodium, Exceptionally, if the elevation is extreme, or end-
resulting in natriuretic factors such as Atrial organ damage is present then the diagnosis may
Natriuretic Factor being secreted to promote be applied and treatment commenced
salt excretion with the side effect of raising immediately.
total peripheral resistance.
• An overactive Renin-angiotensin system leads Obtaining reliable blood pressure measurements
to vasoconstriction and retention of sodium relies on following several rules and
and water. The increase in blood volume leads understanding the many factors that influence
to hypertension.[109][110][111][112][113][114] blood pressure reading.[122]
• An overactive sympathetic nervous system,
leading to increased stress responses.[115][116][117] For instance, measurements in control of
hypertension should be at least 1 hour after
caffeine, 30 minutes after smoking or strenuous
It is also known that hypertension is highly heritable exercise and without any stress. Cuff size is also
and polygenic (caused by more than one gene) and a important. The bladder should encircle and cover
few candidate genes have been postulated in the two-thirds of the length of the (upper) arm. The
etiology of this condition.[119][120][121] patient should be sitting upright in a chair with
both feet flat on the floor for a minimum of five
[edit] Diagnosis minutes prior to taking a reading. The patient
should not be on any adrenergic stimulants, such
Initial assessment of the hypertensive patient should as those found in many cold medications.
include a complete history and physical examination to
confirm a diagnosis of hypertension. Most patients with When taking manual measurements, the person
hypertension have no specific symptoms referable to taking the measurement should be careful to
their blood pressure elevation. Although popularly inflate the cuff suitably above anticipated
considered a symptom of elevated arterial pressure, systolic pressure. The person should inflate the
headache generally occurs only in patients with severe cuff to 200 mmHg and then slowly release the
hypertension. Characteristically, a "hypertensive air while palpating the radial pulse. After one
headache" occurs in the morning and is localized to the minute, the cuff should be reinflated to
occipital region. Other nonspecific symptoms that may 30 mmHg higher than the pressure at which the
radial pulse was no longer palpable. A
stethoscope should be placed lightly over the
brachial artery. The cuff should be at the level of the Systolic hypertension is defined as an elevated
heart and the cuff should be deflated at a rate of 2 to systolic blood pressure. If systolic blood pressure
3 mmHg/s. Systolic pressure is the pressure reading at is elevated with a normal diastolic blood
the onset of the sounds described by Korotkoff (Phase pressure, it is called isolated systolic
one). Diastolic pressure is then recorded as the pressure hypertension. Systolic hypertension may be due
at which the sounds disappear (K5) or sometimes the to reduced compliance of the aorta with
K4 point, where the sound is abruptly muffled. Two increasing age.[127]
measurements should be made at least 5 minutes apart,
and, if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 mmHg, a [edit] Laboratory tests
third reading should be done. The readings should then
be averaged. An initial measurement should include Once the diagnosis of hypertension has been
both arms. In elderly patients who particularly when made it is important to attempt to exclude or
treated may show orthostatic hypotension, measuring identify reversible (secondary) causes.
lying sitting and standing BP may be useful. The BP Secondary hypertension is more common in
should at some time have been measured in each arm, preadolescent children, with most cases caused
and the higher pressure arm preferred for subsequent by renal disease. Primary or essential
measurements. hypertension is more common in adolescents and
has multiple risk factors, including obesity and a
BP varies with time of day, as may the effectiveness of family history of hypertension.[49] Tests are
treatment, and archetypes used to record the data should undertaken to identify possible causes of
include the time taken. Analysis of this is rare at secondary hypertension, and seek evidence for
present. end-organ damage to the heart itself or the eyes
(retina) and kidneys. Diabetes and raised
Automated machines are commonly used and reduce cholesterol levels being additional risk factors
the variability in manually collected readings.[123] for the development of cardiovascular disease
Routine measurements done in medical offices of are also tested for as they will also require
patients with known hypertension may incorrectly management.[2] Tests done are classified as
diagnose 20% of patients with uncontrolled follows:
System Tests
Home blood pressure monitoring can provide a
measurement of a person's blood pressure at different Microscopic urinalysis, proteinuria,
times throughout the day and in different environments, Renal serum BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
such as at home and at work.[125] Home monitoring may and/or creatinine
assist in the diagnosis of high or low blood pressure. It Serum sodium, potassium, calcium,
may also be used to monitor the effects of medication TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone).
or lifestyle changes taken to lower or regulate blood Fasting blood glucose, total
pressure levels. Home monitoring of blood pressure can Metabolic cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol,
also assist in the diagnosis of white coat hypertension. triglycerides
The American Heart Association[126] states, "You may
have what's called 'white coat hypertension'; that means Hematocrit, electrocardiogram, and
your blood pressure goes up when you're at the doctor's Chest X-ray
office. Monitoring at home will help you measure your Sources: Harrison's principles of internal
true blood pressure and can provide your doctor with a medicine[50] others[128][129][130][131][132][133]
log of blood pressure measurements over time. This is
helpful in diagnosing and preventing potential health
Creatinine (renal function) testing is done to
identify both the underlying renal disease as a
cause of hypertension and, conversely,
Some home blood pressure monitoring devices also hypertension causing the onset of kidney
make use of blood pressure charting software. These damage. It is a baseline for monitoring the
charting methods provide printouts for the patient's possible side-effects of certain antihypertensive
physician and reminders to take a blood pressure drugs later. Glucose testing is done to identify
reading. However, a simple and cheap way is simply to diabetes mellitus. Additionally, testing of urine
manually record values with pen and paper, which can samples for proteinuria detection is used to pick
then be inspected by a doctor.
up an underlying kidney disease or evidence of diet (dietary approaches to stop
hypertensive renal damage. Electrocardiogram hypertension), which is rich in fruits
(EKG/ECG) testing is done to check for evidence of the and vegetables and low-fat or fat-free
heart being under strain from working against a high dairy foods. This diet has been shown to
blood pressure. It may also show a resulting thickening be effective based on research
of the heart muscle (left ventricular hypertrophy) or of sponsored by the National Heart, Lung,
the occurrence of a previously silent cardiac disease and Blood Institute.[137] In addition, an
(either a subtle electrical conduction disruption or even increase in daily calcium intake has the
a myocardial infarction). A chest X-ray might be used benefit of increasing dietary potassium,
to observe signs of cardiac enlargement or evidence of which theoretically can offset the effect
cardiac failure. of sodium and act on the kidney to
decrease blood pressure. This has also
[edit] Prevention been shown to be highly effective in
reducing blood pressure.
The degree to which hypertension can be prevented • Discontinuing tobacco use and alcohol
depends on a number of features including: current consumption has been shown to lower
blood pressure level, changes in end/target organs blood pressure. The exact mechanisms
(retina, kidney, heart - among others), risk factors for are not fully understood, but blood
cardiovascular diseases and the age at presentation. pressure (especially systolic) always
Unless the presenting patient has very severe transiently increases following alcohol
hypertension, there should be a relatively prolonged or nicotine consumption. Besides,
assessment period within which repeated measurements abstention from cigarette smoking is
of blood pressure should be taken. Following this, important for people with hypertension
lifestyle advice and non-pharmacological options because it reduces the risk of many
should be offered to the patient, before any initiation of dangerous outcomes of hypertension,
drug therapy. such as stroke and heart attack. Note
that coffee drinking (caffeine ingestion)
also increases blood pressure transiently
The process of managing hypertension according the
but does not produce chronic
guidelines of the British Hypertension Society suggest
that non-pharmacological options should be explored in
• Reducing stress, for example with
all patients who are hypertensive or pre-hypertensive.
relaxation therapy, such as meditation
These measures include;
and other mindbody relaxation
techniques,[138] by reducing
• Weight reduction and regular aerobic exercise environmental stress such as high sound
(e.g., walking) are recommended as the first levels and over-illumination can be an
steps in treating mild to moderate additional method of ameliorating
hypertension. Regular exercise improves blood hypertension. Jacobson's Progressive
flow and helps to reduce resting heart rate and Muscle Relaxation and biofeedback are
blood pressure.[134] Several studies indicate that also used,[139] particularly, device-
low intensity exercise may be more effective guided paced breathing,[140][141] although
in lowering blood pressure than higher meta-analysis suggests it is not effective
intensity exercise.[135] These steps are highly unless combined with other relaxation
effective in reducing blood pressure, although techniques.[142]
drug therapy is still necessary for many
patients with moderate or severe hypertension
[edit] Treatment
to bring their blood pressure down to a safe
[edit] Lifestyle modifications
• Reducing dietary sugar intake.
• Reducing sodium (salt) in the diet may be
Unless hypertension is severe, lifestyle changes
effective: It decreases blood pressure in about
such as those discussed in the preceding section
33% of people (see above). Many people use a
are strongly recommended before initiation of
salt substitute to reduce their salt intake.[136]
drug therapy. Adoption of the DASH diet is one
• Additional dietary changes beneficial to
example of lifestyle change repeatedly shown to
reducing blood pressure includes the DASH
effectively lower mildly-elevated blood pressure.
If hypertension is high enough to justify immediate use There are many classes of medications for
of medications, lifestyle changes are initiated treating hypertension, together called
concomitantly. antihypertensives, which — by varying means
— act by lowering blood pressure. Evidence
A series of UK guidelines advocate treatment initiation suggests that reduction of the blood pressure by
thresholds and desirable targets to be reached as set out 5–6 mmHg can decrease the risk of stroke by
in the following table. Of particular note is that for 40%, of coronary heart disease by 15–20%, and
patients with blood pressures between 140-159/80-99 reduces the likelihood of dementia, heart failure,
and without additional factors, that only lifestyle and mortality from vascular disease.
actions and regular blood pressure and risk-factor
review is proposed. The aim of treatment should be blood pressure
control to <140/90 mmHg for most patients, and
UK Hypertension guidelines[9] lower in certain contexts such as diabetes or
Thresholds kidney disease (some medical professionals
Target of recommend keeping levels below
for starting Group
treatment 120/80 mmHg).[147] Each added drug may reduce
the systolic blood pressure by 5–10 mmHg, so
all those with such
>160/100 <140/90 often multiple drugs are often necessary to
persisting readings
achieve blood pressure control.
If also:
Cardiovascular risk
Commonly used drugs include the typical groups
>20% per 10 years
Or have established
cardiovascular disease
>140/90 <140/90 • ACE inhibitors such as captopril,
Or have evidence end
organ damage enalapril, fosinopril (Monopril),
Or chronic kidney lisinopril (Zestril), quinapril, ramipril
disease without high (Altace)
levels albuminuria[143] o Angiotensin II receptor
Type 2 Diabetes antagonists may be used where
>130/80 <130/80 ACE inhibitors are not
Type 1 Diabetes tolerated: eg, telmisartan
>135/85 <130/80 (Micardis, Pritor), irbesartan
(Avapro), losartan (Cozaar),
Type 1 Diabetes with
valsartan (Diovan),
candesartan (Amias),
Or Type 2 Diabetes
>130/80 <130/80 olmesartan (Benicar, Olmetec)
with kidney, eye or
cerebrovascular • Calcium channel blockers such as
damage[146] nifedipine (Adalat)[148] amlodipine
(Norvasc), diltiazem, verapamil
chronic kidney disease
• Diuretics: eg, bendroflumethiazide,
>130/80 with high levels <125/75
chlortalidone, hydrochlorothiazide (also
called HCTZ)
[edit] Biofeedback
Other additionally used groups include:
Biofeedback devices can be used alone or in
conjunction with lifestyle changes or medications to • Additional diuretics such a furosemide
monitor and possibly reduce hypertension. One or low-dosages of spironolactone
example is Resperate, a portable, battery-operated • Alpha blockers such as prazosin, or
personal therapeutic medical device, sold over the terazosin. Doxazosin has been shown to
counter (OTC) in the United States. increase risk of heart failure, and to be
less effective than a simple diuretic.[149]
[edit] Medications • Beta blockers such as atenolol,
labetalol, metoprolol (Lopressor,
Main article: Antihypertensive drugs
Toprol-XL), propranolol. Whilst once
first line agents, now less directly used for this Thiazide diuretics are effective, recommended as
in the United Kingdom due to the risk of the best first-line drug for hypertension by many
diabetes.[150] experts, and are much more affordable than other
• Direct renin inhibitors such as aliskiren therapies, yet they are not prescribed as often as
(Tekturna) some newer drugs. Hydrochlorothiazide is
perhaps the safest and most inexpensive agent
Finally several agents may be given simultaneously: commonly used in this class and is very
frequently combined with other agents in a
single pill. Doses in excess of 25 milligrams per
• Combination products (which usually contain day of this agent incur an unacceptable risk of
HCTZ and one other drug). The advantage of low potassium or Hypokalemia. Patients with an
fixed combinations resides in the fact that they exaggerated hypokalemic response to a low dose
increase compliance with treatment by of a thiazide diuretic should be suspected to have
reducing the number of pills taken by the Hyperaldosteronism, a common cause of
patients. A fixed combination of the ACE secondary hypertension.
inhibitor perindopril and the calcium channel
blocker amlodipine, recently been proved to be
very effective even in patients with additional The consensus recommendations of thiazide
impaired glucose tolerance and in patients with diuretics as first-line therapy for hypertension
the metabolic syndrome.[151] stand against the backdrop that all blood pressure
treatments have side-effects. Potentially serious
side effects of the thiazide diuretics include
[edit] Choice of initial medication hypercholesterolemia, and impaired glucose
tolerance with consequent increased risk of
Unless the blood pressure is severely elevated, developing Diabetes mellitus type 2. The
consensus guidelines call for medically-supervised thiazide diuretics also deplete circulating
lifestyle changes and observation before recommending potassium unless combined with a potassium-
initiation of drug therapy. All drug treatments have side sparing diuretic or supplemental potassium. On
effects, and while the evidence of benefit at higher this basis, the consensus recommendations to
blood pressures is overwhelming, drug trials to lower prefer use of thiazides as first line treatment for
moderately-elevated blood pressure have failed to essential hypertension have been repeatedly and
reduce overall death rates. strongly questioned.[154][155][156] However as the
Merck Manual of Geriatrics notes, "thiazide-type
If lifestyle changes are ineffective or the presenting diuretics are especially safe and effective in the
blood pressure is critical, then drug therapy is initiated, elderly."[157]
often requiring more than one agent to effectively lower
hypertension. Which type of many medications should Current UK guidelines suggest starting patients
be used initially for hypertension has been the subject over the age of 55 years and all those of
of several large studies and various national guidelines. African/Afrocaribbean ethnicity firstly on
calcium channel blockers or thiazide diuretics,
The largest study, Antihypertensive and Lipid- whilst younger patients of other ethnic groups
Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial should be started on ACE-inhibitors.
(ALLHAT), concluded that thiazide-type diuretics are Subsequently if dual therapy is required to use
better and cheaper than other major classes of drugs at ACE-inhibitor in combination with either a
preventing cardiovascular disease, and should be calcium channel blocker or a (thiazide) diuretic.
preferred as the starting drug. ALLHAT used the Triple therapy is then of all three groups and
thiazide diuretic chlorthalidone.[152] (ALLHAT showed should the need arise then to add in a fourth
that doxazosin, an alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker, agent, to consider either a further diuretic (eg
had a higher incidence of heart failure events, and the spironolactone or furosemide), an alpha-blocker
doxazosin arm of the study was stopped.) or a beta-blocker.[9] Prior to the demotion of
beta-blockers as first line agents, the UK
A subsequent smaller study (ANBP2) did not show the sequence of combination therapy used the first
slight advantages in thiazide diuretic outcomes letter of the drug classes and was known as the
observed in the ALLHAT study, and actually showed "ABCD rule".[9][158]
slightly better outcomes for ACE-inhibitors in older
white male patients.[153] [edit] Prognosis
Graph showing, prevalence of awareness,
treatment and control of hypertension compared
between the four studies of NHANES[202]
Diagram illustrating the main complications of
persistent high blood pressure. It is estimated that nearly one billion people are
affected by hypertension worldwide, and this
It is based upon several factors including genetics, figure is predicted to increase to 1.5 billion by
dietary habits, and overall lifestyle choices. If an 2025.[203] The level of blood pressure regarded as
individual conscious of their condition takes the deleterious has been revised down during years
necessary preventive measures to lower their blood of epidemiological studies. A widely quoted and
pressure, they are more likely to have a much better important series of such studies is the
outcome than someone who does not. Framingham Heart Study carried out in an
American town: Framingham, Massachusetts.[204]
The results from Framingham and of similar
[edit] Complications
work in Busselton, Western Australia have been
Main article: Complications of hypertension widely applied. To the extent that people are
similar this seems reasonable, but there are
Hypertension is a risk factor for all clinical known to be genetic variations in the most
manifestations of atherosclerosis since it is a risk factor effective drugs for particular sub-populations.
for atherosclerosis itself.[159][160][161][162][163] It is an Recently (2004), the Framingham figures have
independent predisposing factor for heart failure,[110][164] been found to overestimate risks for the UK
coronary artery disease,[165][166][167] stroke,[91] renal population considerably. The reasons are
disease,[168][169][170] and peripheral arterial disease.[171][172] unclear. Nevertheless the Framingham work has
it is the most important risk factor for been an important element of UK health policy.
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, in
industrialized countries.[174] The risk is increased for: Over 90-95% of adult hypertension is of the
essential hypertension type.[2][3][4][5] It is estimated
• Cerebrovascular accident (CVAs or strokes)[91] that 43 million people in the United States have
hypertension or are taking antihypertensive
• Myocardial infarction (heart attack)[91][175][180] medication, which is almost 24% of the adult
• Hypertensive cardiomyopathy (heart failure population.[205] This proportion changes with
due to chronically high blood pressure)[180][181] race, being higher in blacks and lower in whites
[182][183] and Mexican Americans ; second it changes with
• Left ventricular hypertrophy - thickening of age, because in industrialized countries systolic
the myocardium (muscle) of the left ventricle BP rises throughout life, whereas diastolic BP
of the heart.[59][166][184][185][186] rises until age 55 to 60 years and thus the greater
• Hypertensive retinopathy - damage to the increase in prevalence of hypertension among
retina[187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199] the elderly is mainly due to systolic
hypertension; also geographic patterns, because
• Hypertensive nephropathy[175][200][201] - chronic
hypertension is more prevalent in the
renal failure due to chronically high blood
southeastern United States; another important
pressure "benign nephrosclerosis".
one is gender, because hypertension is more
• Hypertensive encephalopathy - confusion, prevalent in men (though menopause tends to
headahe, convulsion due to vasogenic edema abolish this difference); and finally
in brain due to high blood pressure. socioeconomic status, which is an indicator of
lifestyle attributes and is inversely related to the
[edit] Epidemiology prevalence, morbidity, and mortality rates of
hypertension.[2] A series of studies and surveys was then recognized as a disease a century later
conducted by National Health and Nutrition by Richard Bright in (1789-1858). The first ever
Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1976 and elevated blood pressure in a patient without
2004 to assess the trends in hypertension prevalence, kidney disease was reported by Frederick
blood pressure distributions and mean levels, and Mahomed (1849-1884).[213]
hypertension awareness, treatment, and control among
US adults, aged more than 18 years, showed that there [edit] Society and culture
is an increasing pattern of awareness, control and
treatment of hypertension, and that prevalence of [edit] Economics
hypertension is increasing reaching 28.9% as of 2004,
with the largest increases among non-Hispanic women.
[202][206] The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(NHLBI) estimated in 2002 that hypertension
cost the United States $47.2 billion dollars.[214]
For the secondary hypertension its known that primary
aldosteronism is the most frequent endocrine form of
High blood pressure is the most common chronic
secondary hypertension.[129] The incidence of exercise
medical problem prompting visits to primary
hypertension is reported to range from 1 to 10% of the
health care providers, yet it is estimated that only
total population.[14]
34% of the 50 million American adults with
hypertension have their blood pressure
Hypertension often is part of the metabolic "syndrome controlled to a level of <140/90 mm Hg. Thus,
X" its co-occurring with other components of the about two thirds of Americans with hypertension
syndrome. The other components are, diabetes mellitus, are at increased risk for cardiovascular events.
combined hyperlipidemia, and central obesity.[111][207][208] The medical, economic, and human costs of
This is especially occurring among women.[111] And untreated and inadequately controlled high blood
this co-occurrence will increase the risk of pressure are enormous. Adequate management of
cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular events.[209] hypertension can be hampered by inadequacies
in the diagnosis, treatment, and/or control of
[edit] Children and adolescents high blood pressure.[215] Health care providers
face many obstacles to achieving blood pressure
As with adults, blood pressure is a variable parameter in control among their patients, including a limited
children. It varies between individuals and within ability to adequately lower blood pressure with
individuals from day to day and at various times of the monotherapy and a typical reluctance to increase
day. And the population prevalence of high blood therapy (either in dose or number of
pressure in the young is increasing.[210] The epidemic of medications) to achieve blood pressure goals.
childhood obesity,[52] the risk of developing left Patients also face important challenges in
ventricular hypertrophy, and evidence of the early adhering to multidrug regimens and accepting
development of atherosclerosis in children would make the need for therapeutic lifestyle changes.
the detection of and intervention in childhood Nonetheless, the achievement of blood pressure
hypertension important to reduce long-term health goals is possible, and, most importantly,
risks.[210] Most childhood hypertension, particularly in lowering blood pressure significantly reduces
preadolescents, is secondary to an underlying disorder. cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as
Renal parenchymal disease is the most common (60 to proved in clinical trials[citation needed]. The medical
70%) cause of hypertension. Adolescents usually have and human costs of treating preventable
primary or essential hypertension, making up 85 to 95% conditions such as stroke, heart failure, and end-
of cases.[211] stage renal disease can be reduced by
antihypertensive treatment[citation needed]. The
[edit] History recurrent and chronic morbidities associated with
hypertension are costly to treat.
Pharmacotherapy for hypertension therefore
Some cite the writings of Sushruta in the 6th century offers a substantial potential for cost savings.[216]
BC as being the first mention of symptoms like those of Recent studies proved that the use of angiotensin
hypertension.[212] receptor blockers for treatment of hypertension is
cost-saving and cost-effective treatment
Our modern understanding of hypertension began with compared with other conventional treatment.[217]
the work of physician William Harvey (1578-1657). It [218]
[edit] Awareness

The World Health Organization attributes hypertension,

or high blood pressure, as the leading cause of
cardiovascular mortality. The World Hypertension
League (WHL), an umbrella organization of 85 national
hypertension societies and leagues, recognized that
more than 50% of the hypertensive population
worldwide are unaware of their condition.[219] To
address this problem, the WHL initiated a global
awareness campaign on hypertension in 2005 and
dedicated May 17 of each year as World Hypertension
Day (WHD). Over the past three years, more national
societies have been engaging in WHD and have been
innovative in their activities to get the message to the
public. In 2007, there was record participation from 47
member countries of the WHL. During the week of
WHD, all these countries – in partnership with their
local governments, professional societies,
nongovernmental organizations and private industries –
promoted hypertension awareness among the public
through several media and public rallies. Using mass
media such as Internet and television, the message
reached more than 250 million people. As the
momentum picks up year after year, the WHL is
confident that almost all the estimated 1.5 billion
people affected by elevated blood pressure can be

Deep Vein Thrombosis

An estimated 1 out of every 1,000 Americans
develops deep vein thrombosis each year.
This is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep
in the body. Deep vein thrombosis in the
thigh is more serious than in the lower leg,
because blood clots in the thigh are more
likely to travel to the lungs, which can lead
to serious complications
What Is Deep Vein Thrombosis?
A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms
It is important that you see your healthcare
in a vein deep in the body. Most occur in the leg or hip
provider right away if you experience any possible
veins. However, a deep vein thrombosis also can occursymptoms.
in other parts of the body. Although blood clots are How Is It Diagnosed?
nature's way of trying to prevent bleeding, they canIn order to diagnose deep vein thrombosis, your
become dangerous when precautions are not taken.doctor will need to obtain your medical history and
perform a physical exam. He or she may also order
A blood clot that develops in a vein in the thigh is usually
certain tests to make a diagnosis.
more serious than one that develops in a vein in the
lower leg. Approximately 1 out of every 1,000 AmericansSome of the more common tests used in
develops this condition each year. diagnosing DVT include:

Possible Risk Factors

Many conditions can increase your risk for deep vein • Duplex ultrasound
thrombosis. Although some of these conditions alone can • Venography.
increase your risk, your chances for developing DVT
increases further when several risk factors are
combined. (Click Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosis for
more information about the tests used to diagnose
(Click DVT Risk Factors for more information.) the condition.)

Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis Current Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis
DVT symptoms vary, depending on the amount of blood The main goals for deep vein thrombosis treatment
flow that is blocked in the legs by blood clots. Large are
may cause more noticeable symptoms, while smaller
clots may cause fewer symptoms or no symptoms at all.
In fact, only about half of the people with deep vein • Stop the clot from getting bigger
thrombosis have symptoms.
• Stop the clot from breaking off in
your vein and moving to your lungs
Common symptoms may include:
• Decrease your chance of having
another deep vein thrombosis.
• Swelling of the leg

• Pain or tenderness in the leg (the painThe

is condition is usually treated with medication.
usually in one leg and may only be present DVT medications include:
when standing or walking)

• Feeling of increased warmth in the area of • Anticoagulants

the leg that is swollen or hurts • Thrombolytics
• Thrombin inhibitors.
• Red or discolored skin.
Other treatments include a vena cava filter or graduatedWhat Is Raynaud's Phenomenon?
compression stockings. Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition that affects
the blood vessels in the fingers, toes, ears, and
(Click DVT Treatments for more information.) nose. The most common form of Raynaud's
phenomenon, Raynaud's disease, is
Associated Complications characterized by episodic attacks, called
One complication of DVT is pulmonary embolism, which vasospastic attacks, that cause the blood vessels in
occurs when a blood clot in a vein breaks off, travelsthe digits (fingers and toes) to constrict (narrow).
through your bloodstream, and lodges in your lung. Raynaud's phenomenon can occur on its own, or it
Pulmonary embolism is a serious condition that can can be secondary to another condition, such as
cause death. Superficial venous thrombosis (phlebitis) scleroderma
is or lupus.
a blood clot in a vein that is close to the surface of the
skin. Blood clots in superficial veins cannot travel toHow
the Common Is It?
lungs. Although estimates vary, recent surveys show that
Raynaud's phenomenon may affect 5 to 10 percent
Another potential complication of DVT is postphlebiticof the general population in the United States.
syndrome, which is a permanent condition that is caused
Women are more likely than men to have the
by valves in the leg veins that do not work properly.disorder. Raynaud's phenomenon appears to be
Although the body has mechanisms within itself to more common in people who live in colder
dissolve clots, the process is slow. Throughout this climates. However, people with Raynaud's who live
process, an inflammatory reaction occurs that can scarin milder climates may have more attacks during
the veins, especially the valves. The valves then failperiods
to of colder weather.
prevent blood from flowing backwards, which allows the
blood to pool in the leg veins and cause pain, swelling,
Different Types of Raynaud's Phenomenon
and sometimes varicose veins and skin ulcerations. Doctors classify Raynaud's phenomenon as either:

Other Names for Deep Vein Thrombosis

Other names used for deep vein thrombosis include: • Primary Raynaud's phenomenon
• Secondary Raynaud's phenomenon.

• Venous thrombosis
In medical literature, "primary Raynaud's
• Blood clot in the legs. phenomenon" may also be called Raynaud's
disease, idiopathic Raynaud's phenomenon, or
primary Raynaud's syndrome. The terms
Raynaud's Phenomenon "idiopathic" and "primary" both mean that the
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition that is cause is unknown.
characterized by the contraction of blood vessels
in the extremities (fingers and toes). Raynaud's
Most people who have Raynaud's phenomenon
disease, the most common form of the disorder, haveis the primary form (the milder version).
defined by episodic attacks that cause small
What Causes It?
blood vessels to constrict. Although there is no
No one knows the exact cause of Raynaud's
cure for the condition, treatment typically focuses
on reducing the number and severity of attacks,phenomenon and why there is a sudden
as well as preventing tissue damage and loss.spasmodic contraction of the small blood vessels
when exposed to cold. Finding the cause or causes of
When making a Raynaud's phenomenon diagnosis,
this condition continues to be an active area of the doctor will first gather a detailed medical
Raynaud's research. history, which includes asking questions about a
What Triggers Raynaud's Phenomenon?
For most people, an attack is usually triggered by
exposure to cold or emotional stress. In general, attacks • General health
affect the fingers or toes, but may also affect the nose, • Symptoms
lips, or ear lobes. • Family medical history
• Alcohol consumption
During an attack, the symptoms of Raynaud's • Smoking
phenomenon are caused by reduced blood supply to the • Use of drugs or medications.

Once the attack begins, a person may experience The doctor will also perform a complete physical
symptoms to the affected area that includes: exam to check for other signs of Raynaud's
phenomenon and recommend certain tests.

• Coldness Treatment for Raynaud's Phenomenon

• Changes in skin color At this point, there is no cure for Raynaud's
phenomenon. Therefore, the goals of Raynaud's
• Numbness
treatment are to reduce the number and severity
• Throbbing of attacks and to prevent tissue damage and loss in
• Tingling. the fingers and toes.

Most doctors are conservative with treatment

During an attack, symptoms can last from less than recommendations
a for this condition that is, they
minute to several hours. recommend non-drug treatments and self-help
measures first. Doctors may prescribe medications
for some patients, usually those with secondary
The period of exposure to the cold is extremely critical,
because it only takes about 20 to 30 minutes of Raynaud's phenomenon. In addition, patients are
exposure to the cold to cause potentially serious treated for any underlying disease or condition that
causes secondary Raynaud's phenomenon.
problems, such as tissue damage. This can lead to ulcers
on the fingertips and, if left untreated, even gangrene.
Bone damage may also ensue. (Click Raynaud's Self-Help Strategies for more
information on treatment methods that do not
Frequency of Raynaud's Phenomenon Attacks require medication.)
The frequency of attacks varies from patient to patient.
Some people get attacks as often as daily or severalOther Medical Conditions
times a week. While not a cause of Raynaud's phenomenon,
certain factors can increase the chances of
Making a Diagnosis developing secondary Raynaud's phenomenon.
Secondary Raynaud's phenomenon risk factors include
While spider veins are similar to varicose veins,
people with: they are smaller and closer to the surface of the
skin. These veins are often red or blue, and they
can look like tree branches or spider webs with
• Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus)their short, jagged lines. Spider veins can be found
• Scleroderma on the legs and face. They can cover either a small
or large area of skin.
• Thyroid disease
• Rheumatoid arthritis About 50 to 55 percent of American women and 40
• Sjorgren's syndrome to 45 percent of American men suffer from some
• Mixed connective tissue disease form of vein problem (spider veins or varicose
• Peripheral vascular disease
• Atherosclerosis What Causes Spider Veins?
• Stroke The backing up of blood in the veins is the cause of
• Syringomyelia spider veins.

• Dermatomyositis
The heart pumps blood filled with oxygen and
• Polymyositis nutrients to the body. Arteries carry blood from the
• Diabetes heart toward the body parts. Veins carry oxygen-
• Carpal tunnel syndrome poor blood from the body back to the heart.

• Myeloproliferative disorder.
The squeezing of leg muscles pumps blood back to
the heart from the lower body. Veins have valves
that act as one-way flaps. These valves prevent the
Other Names for Raynaud's Phenomenon blood from flowing backwards as it moves up the
Other names for the condition include: legs. If the one-way valves become weak, blood
can leak back into the vein and collect there. This
problem is called venous insufficiency.
• Raynaud's disease
• Raynaud's syndrome Where Are They Located?
• Raynaud's The force of gravity, the pressure of body weight,
and the task of carrying blood from the bottom of
• Idiopathic Raynaud's phenomenon.
the body up to the heart make legs the primary
location for spider veins. Compared with other
Spider Veins veins in the body, leg veins have the toughest job
Spider veins are smaller and less severe than of carrying blood back to the heart and endure the
varicose veins. In addition, they do not generally
most pressure. This pressure can be stronger than
lead to serious health problems. Risk factors for
the veins' one-way valves.
spider veins include sun exposure, hormonal
changes, and standing for long periods of time.
Risk Factors for Spider Veins
They are often treated with sclerotherapy or laser
surgery, and most people experience success Riskwithfactors are things that increase the chances of
these methods. developing a health condition. The more risk
What Are Spider Veins? factors you have for a particular condition, the
greater your chances of developing it. Risk factors for
same things can help ease discomfort from the
spider veins include: spider veins you already have:

• Increasing age. • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin

from the sun and to limit spider veins on
the face.

• Having family members with vein

problems or being born with weak vein valves.
• Exercise regularly to improve your
leg strength, circulation, and vein
strength. Focus on exercises that work
• Hormonal changes. These occur during your legs, such as walking or running.
puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Taking
birth control pills and other medicines
containing estrogen and progesterone also
increases the risk of varicose or spider veins. • Control your weight to avoid placing
too much pressure on your legs.

• Pregnancy. During pregnancy, there is a

huge increase in the amount of blood in the • Do not cross your legs when sitting.
body, which can cause veins to enlarge. The
expanding uterus also puts pressure on the
veins. Spider veins usually improve within three
months after delivery. A growing number of • Elevate your legs when resting as
abnormal veins usually appear with each much as possible.
additional pregnancy.

• Do not stand or sit for long periods of

• Obesity, leg injury, prolonged standing, time. If you must stand for a long time,
and other things that weaken vein valves. shift your weight from one leg to the
other every few minutes. If you must sit
for long periods of time, stand up and
move around or take a short walk every
• Sun exposure, which can cause spider 30 minutes.
veins on the cheeks or nose of a fair-skinned

• Wear elastic support stockings, and

avoid tight clothing that constricts your
Preventing Spider Veins
waist, groin, or legs.
Not all spider veins can be prevented, but some things
can reduce your chances of getting new ones. These
sclerotherapy, endovenous
techniques, or various surgeries.
• Most people experience good
Eat a low-salt diet rich in high-fiber foods.
results from treatment, although
High-fiber foods include fresh fruits and
some varicose veins will come
vegetables and whole grains, like bran. Eating
too much salt can cause you to retain water or
What Are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that
can be flesh-colored, dark purple, or
Diagnosis and Treatment
blue. They often look like cords, and
Your doctor can diagnose spider veins by looking at
appear twisted and bulging. They are
them. In addition to a physical exam, your doctor can
swollen and raised above the surface
take x-rays or ultrasound pictures of the vein to
of the skin. Varicose veins are
determine the cause and severity. You may want to
commonly found on the backs of the
speak with a doctor who specializes in vein diseases
calves or on the inside of the leg.
During pregnancy, varicose veins
called hemorrhoids can form in the
Talk to your doctor about what treatment options are
vagina or around the anus.
best for your spider veins and lifestyle. Not all cases are
the same.
About 50 to 55 percent of American
women and 40 to 45 percent of
If treatment is recommended or desired to get rid of
American men suffer from some form
spider veins, some available options include:
of vein problem. Varicose veins affect
1 out of 2 people age 50 and older.

• Sclerotherapy
What Causes Varicose Veins?
• Laser surgery. The cause of varicose veins is a
weakening of one-way valves within
the veins. When these valves weaken,
Recurrence of Spider Veins blood can leak back in the vein and
Current treatments for spider veins have high successcollect there and enlarge the vein.
rates. Over a period of years, however, more abnormal
veins can develop. There is no cure for weak vein valves,
Gravity and Varicose Veins
and over time, pressure gradually builds up in the leg
The force of gravity, the pressure of
veins. Ultrasound can be used to keep track of how body weight, and the task of carrying
badly the valves are leaking (venous insufficiency). blood from the bottom of the body up
Ongoing treatment can help keep this problem under to the heart make legs the primary
control. location for varicose and spider
Varicose Veins veins. Compared with other veins in
A common problem in people age 50 the body, leg veins have the toughest
and older, varicose veins are enlarged job of carrying blood back to the heart.
veins most commonly found on the They endure the most pressure. This
inside of the leg or on the backs of the pressure can be stronger than the
calves. Pregnant women may also have
veins' one-way valves.
them near the vagina or anus.
Treatment for may involve
What Are the Risk Factors?
While not causes of varicose veins, there
are a number of factors that increase a • Ongoing irritation,
person's chances for developing weakened swelling, and painful rashes
valves. These are known as risk factors. The on the legs.
more risk factors a person has, the greater
their chances for developing the condition.
Risk factors for varicose veins include: Current treatments for varicose veins
have high success rates compared to
traditional surgical treatments. Over a
• Increasing age period of years, however, more
• Genetics varicose veins can develop. The major
• Hormonal changes reason for this is that there is no cure
for weak vein valves.
• Pregnancy
• Obesity The single most important thing a
• Leg injury person can do to slow down the
development of new varicose veins is
Prolonged standing. Health Conditions to wear graduated compression
support stockings as much as possible
Related to Varicose Veins
during the day.
Varicose veins usually enlarge and worsen
over time. In severe cases, they can cause
health problems. These include: Preventing Varicose Veins
Prevention of varicose veins begins by:

• Severe venous insufficiency.

This severe pooling of blood in the • Knowing the risk factors
veins slows the return of blood to and the ones that apply to
the heart. This condition can cause you (see Cause of Varicose
blood clots and severe infections. Veins)
Blood clots can be dangerous,
because they can move from leg
veins and travel to the lungs.
Blood clots in the lungs are life- • Making lifestyle changes
threatening, because they can to decrease your risk factors
keep the heart and lungs from
functioning properly.

• Sores or skin ulcers can occur

on skin tissue around varicose

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