Unit 1

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Page 1 of 10 Subject Code: 07AE302


Degree / Branch: B.E. Automobile Semester / Year: III / II

Subject Code & Title: 07AE302 ENGINEERING MECHANICS

1. A body can be in equilibrium under the action of

a. Two unequal and opposite collinear force
b. Two equal and opposite parallel forces
c. Two equal and opposite collinear forces
d. Two unequal collinear forces acting in the same direction Ans : c

2. Moment of a force about a point is

a. Same as couple
b. same as torque
c. magnitude of force multiplied by perpendicular distance
d. same as moment of couple. Ans : c

3. A couple can be balanced by

a. A force
b. A moment
c. A torque
d. An equal and opposite couple Ans : d

4. The third unknown force of coplanar concurrent system in equilibrium is

defined by
a. couple
b. funicular polygon
c. polygon of forces
d. triangle of forces Ans : d

5. The forces P= -2i -3j & Q= 3i – 4j lie in quadrants

a. first and third
b. third and fourth
c. fourth and second
d. third and and first Ans: b
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6. The resultant of two mutually perpendicular forces is square root of

(P2 –Q2) then
a. P and Q are in first and third quadrant
b. P is in first quadrant and Q is in third
c. P is real and Q is imaginary
d. P and Q both are real, but nothing can be said about their
quadrants. Ans : c

7. The resultant of two forces each equal to P/4 and acting at right angles is
a. P/2
b. P/ square root of 2
c. P/ 2 x square root of 2
d. Square root of 2 x P Ans : c

8. The resultant of two forces P & Q is R. If Q is doubled and the new

resultant is perpendicular to P then
a. P=Q
b. Q=R
c. Q = 2R
d. None of the above Ans : b

9. Two forces of 7Kg & 8 Kg respectively act simultaneously at a point. The

resultant of two forces if the angle between the two forces is 60 degrees,
will be
a. 13 Kg
b. 30 Kg
c. 169 Kg
d. None of the above Ans : a

10. If the resultant of two forces has the same magnitude as either of the
forces, then the angle between the two forces will be
a. 30 degrees
b. 60 degrees
c. 90 degrees
d. 120 degrees Ans : d

11. Two forces, whose magnitudes are P and P√2 act on particle in
directions inclined at an angle of 135 degrees to each other. The
magnitude of the resultant will be
a. 2P
b. 3P
c. P
d. None of the above. Ans : c
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12. Three forces acting on a rigid body are represented in magnitude and
direction and line of action by three sides of a triangle taken in order. The
forces are equivalent to a couple whose moment M, is equal to
a. Area of the triangle
b. Twice the area of the triangle
c. Half the area of the triangle
d. None of the above Ans : b

13. The ratio of the force and the angle between the other two forces is
constant for the given three coplanar concurrent forces in equilibrium.
This is
a. Lame’s theorem
b. Varignon’s law
c. Triangular law of forces
d. None of the above. Ans : a

14. A smooth cylinder lying on its convex surface remains in

a. Stable equilibrium
b. Unstable equilibrium
c. Neutral equilibrium
d. None of the above Ans : d

15. A uniform prism & uniform pyramid of same height lie with their base on the
surface. Which is more stable?
a. Pyramid
b. Both are equally stable
c. Prism
d. None of the above Ans : a

16. Free body diagram is an isolated diagram with

a. only internal forces acting on it
b. only body forces acting on it
c. all the forces, internal as well as external acting on it
d. none of the above Ans : c

17. The diagram showing the point of application and line of action of forces in
their plane is known as
a. space diagram
b. vector diagram
c. force diagram
d. funicular diagram Ans: a

18. Moment of force about a point is

a. Same as couple
b. Same as torque
c. Magnitude of force multiplied by perpendicular distance from the point
to the force
d. Same as moment of couple. Ans : c
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19. Opening a Fanta bottle cap is due to

a. Moment
b. Couple
c. Parallel forces
d. Torque Ans : a

20. The effect of a force remains unaltered along its line of action. This is
according to
a) Resolution
b) Newton
c) Varignon
d) Superposition of forces Ans : d

21. If a given system of concurrent forces have ∑H = 0 ; ∑ V ≠ 0 , then

resultant of the system can be
a) Zero
b) A force vertically upward (or) downward
c) A force horizontally rightward (or) leftward
d) An anticlockwise (or) clockwise moment Ans : b

22. The moment of a force

a) Occurs about a point
b) Measures the capacity to do useful work
c) Occurs only when bodies are in motion
d) Measures the ability to produce turning or twisting about an axis
or point Ans : d

23. According to the principles of transmissibility of forces, when a force

acts upon a body, its effect is

a) Minimum when it acts at C.G of the body

b) Maximum when it acts at C.G of the body
c) Different at different points of the body
d) Same at every point in its line of action Ans : d

24. When two concurrent and coplanar forces P & Q acts at an angle of 180◦
their resultant will be a
a) couple
b) Moment equal to PQ
c) Zero
d) (P – Q) Ans : c

25. If three non parallel forces held a rigid body in equilibrium, they must
a) Be equal in magnitude
b) Be concurrent
c) Be non concurrent
d) Be collinear Ans : b
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26.Conditions of equilibrium are for coplanar concurrent forces are

a) ∑ H = 0 , ∑V= 0, ∑M = 0
b) ∑ H = 0 , ∑V= 0,
c) ∑ H = 0 , ∑M = 0
d) ∑M = 0 Ans :a

27. Cycle pedaling is an example of

a) Couple
b) Moment
c) Two opposite forces
d) Two unequal parallel forces Ans : a

28. According to Lame’s theorem of three coplanar forces acting at a point

are in equilibrium then
a) P/ sin α = Q/ sin β = R/ sin γ
b) Q/ sin β = R/ sin γ
c) P/ sin α + Q/ sin β + R/ sin γ = 0
d) P/ sin α + Q/ sin β = R/ sin γ Ans : a

29. Two forces are acting at an angle of 120 degrees. The bigger force is 40
Kg and the resultant is perpendicular to the smaller one. The smaller
force will be
a) 20 Kg
b) 40 Kg
c) 80 Kg
d) 30 Kg Ans : a

30. The angle between two forces when resultant is maximum and minimum
respectively are
a) 0o and 180o
b) 180o & 0o
c) 90o & 180o
d) 0o & 90 o Ans : a

31. If a body is acted upon by a number of coplanar, non concurrent forces,

it may
a) Rotate about itself without moving
b) Be completely at rest
c) Move in one direction rotating about itself
d) All the above Ans : d

32. The magnitude of a vector quantity is

a. the dot product of the vector itself
b. the cross product of the vector with unit vector along itself
c. the dot product of the vector with unit vector along itself
d. the cross product of the vector with itself Ans : c
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33. Orthogonality of the two vectors demands that

a. their dot product equals zero
b. the magnitude of the dot and cross product are equal
c. their cross product vanishes
d. the cross product equals unity Ans : a

34. If the dot product of two vectors is zero, then

a. either of the vectors or both must be zero.
b. the vectors must be perpendicular to each other.
c. either (a) or (b) is satisfied
d. the vectors must be concurrent Ans : c

35. If the cross product of two vectors is zero, then

a. either of the vectors or both must be zero
b. the vectors must be perpendicular to each other
c. the vectors must be parallel to each other
d. the vectors must be collinear Ans : c

36. A force acts in the plane of a paper from top to bottom. An anticlockwise
moment is applied on it. The line of action of the force will shift parallel to
itself to get the simplest resultant
a. above the plane of the paper
b. under the plane of the paper
c. to the right of the given line of the action of the force in the same plane
d. to the left of the given line of the action of the force in the same plane
Ans: c

37.A plane system of forces has a single force resultant if the sum of the
a. about the origin is zero
b. about any point on the plane is zero
c. about any point on a particular line in that plane is zero
d. about any point on or outside the plane is zero Ans : c

38. For a plane system of forces to have the simplest resultant as a single
a. the force must be parallel
b. the force system must constitute moments and/or couples only
c. the force system cannot have the forces as concurrent
d. the forces system can not have an odd no of forces.
Ans : b

39. A force F acting on a rigid at a point P can be replaced by force of equal

magnitude and in the same direction at a point Q on the body, together with
a moment
a. equal in magnitude to PQ times F, acting normal to the plane of F and PQ
b. equal in magnitude to F times the distance moved in the lines of action of
the force, acting in the plane if PQ and F
c. given by F X QP
d. given by F X PQ Ans : c
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40. A rigid body is in equilibrium. Given that the moment of all the forces
acting on the body about some axis is zero and also given that forces are
concurrent, implies that
a. the resultant force is zero
b. the forces have a line of action passing through the axes
c. the resultant forces have a line of action parallel to the axis
d. any of (a) , (b) and (c) Ans : b

41. A body is acting upon by a force system. It can in general be brought to

equilibrium by the application of
a. a force acting on a suitable point on the body
b. a force acting anywhere along a suitable line
c. a force acting along a suitable line and a moment along the direction of
the force
d. a wrench acting anywhere on the body Ans : c

42. If the sum of all the forces acting on a body is zero, it may be concluded
that the body
a. must be in equilibrium.
b. can not be in equilibrium
c. may be in equilibrium provided the forces are concurrent
d. may be in equilibrium provided the forces are parallel.
Ans: c

43. One Newton of force is

a. 1Kg.m/s2
b. 1Kg.m
c. 2Kg.m
d. 1Kg.m/s Ans: a

44. S.I unit for electric current is

a. Candela
b. Watts
c. Amphere
d. Volts Ans: c

45. S.I unit for Power is

a. Candela
b. Watts
c. Amphere
d. Volts Ans: b
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46. Impulse is given by

a. Force / time
b. Force x time
c. Force x distance
d. Force / distance Ans: b

47. Lame’s theorem is applicable only for

a. Coplanar collinear forces
b. Coplanar like collinear forces
c. Coplanar concurrent forces
d. Non coplanar collinear forces Ans: c

48. Turning a steering wheel is an example for

a. Like parallel forces
b. moment of a force
c. moment of a couple
d. couple Ans: d

49. According to Newton’s second law,

a. Force is directly proportional to acceleration.
b. Force is equal to acceleration.
c. Force is twice acceleration.
d. Force is half of acceleration. Ans: a

50. Frequency in S.I unit is

a. 1/T
b. T
c. T2
d. T3 Ans: a

51. Application of the principle of science of mechanics to the practical

engineering problems is known as

a. Engineering Statics
b. Engineering dynamics
c. Engineering Mechanics
d. None of these Ans (c)

52. Pick up vector quantities in the following list

i. Force and Weight
ii. Length and Mass
iii. Time and acceleration
iv. Moment and couple

a. Both i and iv
b. Both ii and iv.
c. Both i and iii.
d. Both ii and iii. Ans: a
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53. Match the following:

i) Force - 1) N.m
ii) Moment - 2) N
iii) Momentum - 3) N.sec
iv) Impulse - 4) N.m/sec

a. i-2, ii-1, iii-4, iv-3

b. i-1, ii-2, iii-4, iv-3
c. i-4, ii-3, iii-2, iv-1
d. i-2, ii-3, iii-4, iv-1 Ans: a

54. S1: For a concurrent force system, resultant is zero.

S2: For a concurrent force system, net moment is zero.

a. S1 is correct.
b. S2 is correct.
c. Both S1 and S2 are correct.
d. Both S1 and S2 are wrong. Ans: c

55. Force in MLT system is

a. MLT-2
b. ML2T2
c. MLT-1
d. ML2T3 Ans: a

56. Pressure in MLT system is

a. MLT-2
b. MLT-3
c. ML-1T-2
d. ML2T3 Ans: c

57. S.I unit for work done is

a. Newton
b. Joule
c. N/m.
d. N.m/sec. Ans. b

58. Resultant moment will be equal to moment of all the forces. This is
a. Lame’s theorem
b. Varignon’s theorem
c. Newton’s law of forces
d. Polygon law Ans: b
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59. S1: Lame’s theorem can be applied only for three coplanar concurrent

S2: Lame’s theorem can be applied for coplanar collinear forces.

a. S1 is correct.
b. S2 is correct.
c. Both S1 and S2 are correct.
d. Both S1 and S2 are wrong. Ans: a

60. Magnitude of the unit vector is

a. Zero.
b. One.
c. Cannot be determined.
d. Negative. Ans. b

Faculty in-charge Signature of the HOD

P. Lakshmana Kumar Prof. J. Ganesh Murali,
Senior Lecturer Automobile Engineering
Automobile Engineering

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