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8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

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 July 18, 2017  admin



Method)  Courses
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Wind Load Calculation Design Methods:-  STEEL
Method (1) : Simpli ed Procedure as per (ASCE 7-05, Section – 6.4) for Low rise buildings in
common but to use this method you must have a lot of conditions. So, the engineers prefer
method (2). This method is an e ective for the metal building industry. Recent Posts

Method (2) : Analytical Procedure as per (ASCE 7-05, Section – 6.5) (most used method) The  WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE
typically used procedure. The main focus of this sheet by this method. 7-05 Lecture (1)
 Excel Sheet for Wind loads
Method (3) : Wind Tunnel Procedure (Tunnel testing) as per (ASCE 7-05, Section– 6.6) calculations according to ASCE 7-05
By Metric Units
Main de nitions for wind load calculation according to ASCE 7-05:  Steel Structures Course LEC. (9)
Design of Tension Members (B)
1- MWFRS or Component and Cladding: According to AISC 360-05
 Steel Structures Course LEC. (8)
The Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) such as main frames and bracing are carry the Design of Tension Members (A)
wind load and transfer the forces through members to the foundation. Also the component and According to AISC 360-05
cladding such as Purlins, Side girts, Sheeting and End gables should be designed on wind forces  Steel Structures Course LEC. (7)
to carry it. Design of Shear Members According
to AISC 360-05

The occupancy category can be determine as the follow table. the next table is a summary of Recent Comments
the original  (TABLE 1-1, ASCE 7-05) and according to the occupancy category you can
determine other parameters such as Importance factor.  Beener Khalid on Steel Structures
Course LEC. (9) Design of Tension
Members (B) According to AISC 360-
Type of building 05
 Beener Khalid on WIND LOADS
Structures and buildings that represent a low hazard to human life in case of (1)
failure, such as:  Zaid Al Halabi on Excel Sheet for
Wind loads calculations according to
– Agricultural facilities. I
ASCE 7-05 By Metric Units
– Minor storage facilities.  Structural Engineering on Excel
– Certain temporary facilities. Sheet for Wind loads calculations
according to ASCE 7-05 By Metric
All other structures except those listed in Occupancy Categories (I, III and IV). II
 Beener Khalid on Excel Sheet for
Wind loads calculations according to
Structures and buildings that represent a substantial hazard to human life in III ASCE 7-05 By Metric Units
case of failure, such as: 1/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

– structures where more than 300 people congregate in one area. Archives
– structures with daycare facilities with a capacity greater than 150.
– Health care facilities but not having surgery or emergency treatment.  July 2017
– Power generating stations.  May 2017
– Telecommunication center.  April 2017
– Jails and detention facilities.  March 2017
– elementary schools, secondary schools and colleges.  February 2017
– Sewage treatment facilities.  January 2017
– Water treatment facilities.

Structures and buildings designated as essential facilities such as:
– Hospitals and health care buildings which having surgery facilities
– Fire, ambulance, rescue, emergency vehicle garages and police stations
– Designated earthquake, hurricane and emergency shelters. IV Social Icons
– Ancillary structures such as communication towers, cooling towers.

Fuel storage tanks, re water storage tanks and electrical substation.
Pump structures and water storage facilities.  

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If Ao > (0.8 Ag) for each wall including roof of building. where:-
 Suggest Ideas
OPEN Ao = total area of openings in a wall that exposed to positive external pressure,  Support Forum
in (m2).  Themes
Ag = the gross area of that wall in which (Ao) is identi ed, in (m2).  WordPress Blog
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The next three conditions must be realized to consider the building is partially LINKS
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1. Ao > 1.10 Aoi
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2. Ao > (0.37 m2) OR Ao > (0.01 Ag) whichever is smaller
PARTIALLY 3. Aoi / Agi < 0.20
Aoi = the sum of the areas of openings in the building envelope (walls and roof)
not including Ao in (m2)  Register
Agi = the sum of the gross surface areas of the building envelope (walls and roof)  Log in
not including Ag, (m2)  Entries RSS
 Comments RSS

If the building that does not comply with the Previous requirements for open
buildings or partially enclosed buildings.


Exposure Category Description

B Where the ground surface roughness condition prevails in the upwind direction for a
distance of at least (792 m) or 20 times the height of the building, whichever is
greater. But, For buildings whose mean roof height is less than (9 m), the upwind
distance can be reduced to (457 m). 2/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

Exposure B

If the building does not classify with Exposure B or Exposure D may be de ned

as Exposure C

Exposure C

Where the ground surface roughness prevails in the upwind direction for a distance
greater than (1524 m) or 20 times the building height, whichever is greater.
Also Exposure D if the building location in sea beach strip with distance of (200 m)
or 20 times the height of the building, whichever is greater.

Exposure D


The Importance factor depend on the building  classi cation category listed in Table (1-1) and
the wind speed in the Prone Region as the following table:-

Category Wind speed (V) < 100 mph and Alaska Wind speed (V) > 100 mph

I 0.87 0.77

II 1.00 1.00

III 1.15 1.15 3/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

IV 1.15 1.15


– (V) Is the basic wind speed mile per hour (3- second gust [50- Year Mean Return Period]) and
if the wind speed determined by fastest mile method, you must be convert it to 3- second gust
by the following equation:-

V3S = 1.05 Vfm + 10.5

V3S = 3- second gust basic wind speed.

Vfm = Fastest mile basic wind speed.

– Basic wind speed should be determine from the maps according to any country, but for USA
from gure (6-1) according to ASCE 7-05.                 


In the most common structures the gust factor is taken by 0.85, but the gust factor can be
calculate depend on type of structure. There are two types of structures (Rigid Structures and
Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structures) 

– Rigid Structures: the gust-e ect factor for rigid structures shall be taken as 0.85 or
by the next formula: 

Gust factor calculation for Rigid Structures

I: = the intensity of turbulence at height Ζ , Z = the equivalent height of the structure de ned as 0.6
h, but not less than Zmin for all building heights h. B, h are de ned in Section 6.3 at ASCE 7-05 and L
= the integral length scale of turbulence at the equivalent height. Q = The background response. 

– Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structures: For exible or dynamically sensitive

structures the gust-e ect factor shall be calculated by next formula: 4/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

Gust factor calculation for Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structures


(qz) evaluated at height z shall be calculated by the following equation:-

 qz = 0.00256 Kz Kzt  Kd V2 I (lb / ft2)
[In SI: qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2 I  (N/ m2), V in m/s]

9- THE GENERAL EQUATIONS :- For the design wind pressure cases.

9.1- Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) :-

A- Rigid Buildings of All Heights:- For the MWFRS of buildings of all heights the design wind
pressures shall be determined by the following equation:-

p = q Gf Cpf  – qi (G Cpi )  (lb/ ft2) (N/ m2)

q = qz for windward walls evaluated at height z above the ground.

q = qh, for leeward walls, side walls, and roofs, evaluated at height h
qi = qh, for windward walls, side walls, leeward walls, and roofs of enclosed buildings and for
negative internal pressure evaluation in partially enclosed buildings.
qi = qz for positive internal pressure evaluation in partially enclosed buildings where height z is
de ned as the level of the highest opening in the building that could a ect the positive internal 5/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional
pressure. For buildings sited in wind-borne debris regions, glazing that is not impact resistant
or protected with an impact resistant covering, shall be treated as an opening in accordance
with Section at ASCE 7-05 For positive internal pressure evaluation, q; may
conservatively be evaluated at height h (qi = qh)
G = gust e ect factor.
Cp = external pressure coe cient from Fig. 6-6 or 6-8 
(GCpi) = internal pressure coe cient from Fig. 6-5

B. Low-Rise Building :-

The general equation for the MWFRS of low-rise buildings design wind pressure shall be
determined by the following equation:

p = qz Gf Cpf  – qi (G Cpi )  (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)

qh = velocity pressure evaluated at mean roof height h using exposure de ned in Section
(GCpj) = external pressure coe cient from Fig. 6-10
(GCp;) = internal pressure coe cient from Fig. 6-5

C. Flexible Buildings:- 

For the MWFRS of exible buildings the Design wind pressures shall be determined from the
following equation:

p = qz Gf Cpf  – qi (G Cpi )  (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)

D. Parapets :-

The design wind pressure for the e ect of parapets on MWFRS of low-rise, rigid, or exible
buildings with at, gable, or hip roofs, the design wind pressure shall be determined by the
following equation:

pp = qp G Cpn  (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)


GCpn = combined net pressure coe cient

= + 1.5 for windward parapet
= – 1.0 for leeward parapet
qp = velocity pressure evaluated at the top of the parapet
pp = combined net pressure on the parapet due to the combination of the net pressures from
the front and back parapet surfaces. Plus (and minus) signs signify net pressure acting toward
(and away from) the front (exterior) side of the parapet.

9.2- Components and Cladding :-

A. Low-Rise Buildings and Buildings with h < 18.3 m (60 ft):-

For the component and cladding elements of low-rise buildings and buildings with h < 18.3
m (60 ft) the Design wind pressure shall be determined from the following equation: :-

p = qh [ (G Cp) – (GCpi) ]  (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)

B. Buildings with h > 18.3 m (60 ft):-

p = q (GCp) – qi (GCpi ) (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)

C. Parapets :-

On the components and cladding elements of parapets the design wind pressure shall be
designed by the following equation:

p = qp(GCp – GCpi) (lb/ ft2) (N/m2)

qp = velocity pressure evaluated at the top of the parapet. 6/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional


Wind Speed-Up over Hills, Escarpments and Ridges not the same e ect.The wind speed-up
e ects at isolated hills, escarpments and ridges constituting abrupt changes in the general
topography, located in any exposure category, shall be included in the design when buildings
and other site conditions and locations of structures meet all of the following gure and
the following equations :-

Kzt =(1+ K1 K2 K3)2

and shall be determine all these items by the following table (6-4) at ACSE 7-05, But the
common value of Kzt taken by 0.85 as a general note. 7/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional


The wind Dirctionlity is de ned in Section  and it shall be determined from Table 6-4.
This factor shall only be applied when used in conjunction with load combinations witch
speci ed in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 at ASCE 7-05 

Wind Directionality Factor Kd at Table-6-4.


The Velocity Pressure Exposure Coe cient Based on the exposure category determined in above
section. The velocity pressure exposure coe cient Kz or Kh as applicable, shall be determined
from Table 6-3 at ASCE 7-05 according to the site  or the building location (the transition
zone). The Velocity Pressure Exposure Coe cient shall be determined from the next table as
ASCE 7-05.

Velocity Pressure Exposure Coe cients, Kh and Kz 8/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional


The external pressure coe cient shall be determined by the next table at ASCE 7-05 .

The External Pressure Coe cients, Cp For All hight buildings

Finally you can take this summary as a guide :

Wind Load Calculation Steps:- 

1- Determination Of wind Directionality Factor Kd (table 6-4 – page 80)

2- Determination Of wind topographic Factor Kzt may be used as 1.0   ( gure 6-4 – page 45)

Determination Of pressure exposure coe cient evaluated at height z = h,

3- (table 6-2 – page 78-79)

4- Calculating Velocity Pressure qh (Equa on 6-15 – page 27)

Classify the building (Open- Partially Enclosed – Enclosed )

5- (Paragraph 6.2 – page 21)
Based on openings Locations & Sizes

6- Determination Internal Pressure Based on Building Classi cation (GCPi) (Figure 6-5 – page 47)

Determination External Pressure Based on Building Geometry Based on

method 2 (GCP)

A. For MWFRS in buildings with Height Lesser than 18.0

B. For Walls CC in buildings with Height Lesser than 18.0 ( Figure 6.11a-
7- page 55) (Figure 6.10- page 53 & 54).

C. For roof CC in buildings with Height Lesser than 18.0  Figure 6.11b- page
56 and Figure 6.15b- page 63).

D. Apply wind Speed on MWFRS by equation 6.18 page 28

E.  Apply wind Speed on CC by equa on 6.22 page 28 9/10
8/1/2017 WIND LOADS ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-05 Lecture (1) | Structural Engineering Professional

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Excel Sheet for Wind loads calculations according to

ASCE 7-05 By Metric Units

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Beener Khalid • 14 days ago

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