Anual Report 2016 - Kasuns Cont.

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Method Development for the Determination of Poly-Isoprene Content in Raw

Rubber by Using FT-IR Spectroscopic Data.

The determination of poly-isoprene content in natural rubber is an important test

for rubber industry and the researchers since it is the polymer component present in
natural rubber. The ISO 5945-1982 test method was used for this test until the year
2015. Here, highly carcinogenic chromium trioxide is used as the oxidizer with
concentrated sulfuric acid to digest poly-isoprene in raw rubbers. Considering the
health effect with the formation of many hazardous fumes, now it is temporary
stopped to determine using that method until finding a proper alternative for those
hazardous chemicals. Therefore determination of poly-isoprene cotent by using a
spectroscopic method is very useful and suitable as it is a hazard free technique.
Then few research trials were conducted using FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo-
Nicolet-600). It is expected to do more trials to establish a test method for poly-
isoprene content in raw rubbers.
(A.M.K.S.P. Adhikari)

Investigation of Latex and Raw Rubber Properties of RRISL-2000 Series


There are few newly recommended clones developed by the Genetics and Plant
breeding department. However, most of the raw rubber and latex properties were
not yet being investigated. Therefore, as it is a very important requirement for the
institute to test and analyze those properties of RRISL-2000 series clones it was
started determination of latex and raw rubber properties of those newly
recommended clones as an ongoing project. In this regard seven clones were
selected in the Clyde Estate for testings. Few trials were conducted successfully
and it is expected to complete in the next year.
(A.M.K.S.P. Adhikari, L.P.P. Vitharana, D.M.S. Wijesekara and S.P.

Investigation of Green Strength of Selected Clones

Green strength is one of the most important parameter of natural rubber latex and it
is recorded that the natural rubber has high green strength than synthetic rubbers.
Therefore, in general natural rubber has high tensile and tare strength properties. In
this research it is expected to investigate green strength of RRISL 200 series
clones. At the first stage 3 clones with the control were studied. Three trials were
conducted for each clone. (Table 1)
Table 1: Green strength of selected clones
Clone Avg. Green Strength (MPa)
RRISL 121 (Control) 2.01
RRISL 208 0.92
RRISL 216 1.91
RRISL 219 1.01

(A.M.K.S.P. Adhikari)

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