Ibm 4767-002 Pcie Cryptographic Coprocessor (HSM)

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Use the IBM® hardware security module

(HSM) to provide a flexible solution to your

high-security cryptographic processing needs.

IBM 4767-002 PCIe Cryptographic Coprocessor (HSM)

The use of cryptography is a crucial
element of modern business
applications. These applications use
cryptography in a variety of ways to
protect the privacy and confidentiality
of data, ensure its integrity, and
provide user accountability through
digital signature techniques.
The IBM 4767 PCIe Cryptographic
Coprocessor is an HSM. This HSM is
a programmable PCIe card that
offloads computationally intensive
cryptographic processes from the
hosting server, and performs
sensitive tasks unsuitable for less
secure general-purpose computers. It
Highlights is a key product for enabling secure
 A high-end secure  IBM Common Cryptographic Internet business transactions, and is
coprocessor implemented on Architecture (CCA) API and suited for a wide variety of secure
a PCIe card with a multi-chip security architecture cryptographic applications.
embedded module  Maximum flexibility and maximum In April 2016, the IBM 4767 became
 Foundation for secure trust while operating in physical the latest generation of the IBM
applications, such as high- environments that have minimum cryptographic coprocessor family.
assurance digital signature physical security The 4767 is currently undergoing
generation or financial certification to the U.S. Government
 Suitable for high-security
transaction processing NIST standard FIPS 140-2, “Security
processing and high-speed
Requirements for Cryptographic
 Custom software options cryptographic operations
Modules” at security level 4, the
 Hardware to perform AES,  Visa Data Secure Platform (DSP) highest security level possible.
DES, T-DES, HMAC, random Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE)
number generation, SHA-1, including Visa FPE encryption,
SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- decryption, and translation.
512, MD5, HMAC, and large  AES encryption, decryption, and
number modular math translation using CBC, ECB, or
functions for RSA (up to GCM mode.
4096-bit), ECC Prime Curve
and other public-key  Tamper-responding
cryptographic algorithms programmable secure hardware
designed to meet FIPS 140-2
 Secure code loading that Level 4 certification, the highest
enables updating of the level of security
functionality while installed in
application systems

The 4767 HSM includes sensors to protect against attacks involving power manipulation, temperature manipulation,
and penetration of the secure module.

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 1

IBM provides the Common
Cryptographic Architecture
(CCA) Support Program that
you can load into the
coprocessor (HSM) to perform
cryptographic functions
common in the finance industry
and in Internet business
applications. You can also add
custom functions to the HSM
using an available
programming toolkit or through
IBM consulting services.

Typical applications
What is a secure HSM?
The IBM 4767 PCIe
A secure HSM is a general-purpose computing environment that
Cryptographic Coprocessor
withstands both physical and logical attacks. The device must run the
(HSM) is suited to applications
programs that it is supposed to run, with confidence that those programs
requiring high-speed
have not been modified. You must be able to (remotely) distinguish
cryptographic functions for
between the real device and application, and a clever impersonator.
data encryption and digital
signing, secure storage of The HSM must remain secure even if adversaries carry out destructive
signing keys, or custom analysis of one or more devices. Many servers operate in distributed
cryptographic applications. environments where it is difficult or impossible to provide complete
These can include financial physical security for sensitive processing. In some applications, the
applications such as PIN motivated adversary is the end user. You need a device that you can trust
generation and verification in even though you cannot control its environment.
automated teller and point-of-
Cryptography is an essential tool in secure processing. When your
sale transaction servers,
application must communicate with other distributed elements, or assert or
Internet business and Web-
ascertain the validity of data that it is processing, you will find cryptography
serving applications, Public
an essential tool.
Key Infrastructure applications,
smart card applications, and
custom proprietary solutions.
Applications can benefit from
the strong security
characteristics of the HSM and
the opportunity to offload
computationally intensive
cryptographic processing.

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 2

IBM 4767 hardware public/private key pair which is manipulation, and temperature
The IBM 4767 hardware stored in the device. The manipulation. From the time of
provides significant tamper detection circuitry is manufacture, the hardware is self-
performance and architectural activated at this time and protecting by using tamper sensors
extensions over its remains active throughout the to detect probing or drilling attempts.
predecessor while enabling useful life of If the tamper sensors are triggered,
future growth. The secure the coprocessor, protecting the 4767 HSM destroys critical keys
module contains redundant this private key as well as and certificates, and is rendered
IBM PowerPC 476 processors, other keys and sensitive data. permanently inoperable. Note
custom symmetric key and The public key of the therefore that the 4767 HSM must be
hashing engines to perform coprocessor is certified at the maintained at all times within the
AES, DES, T-DES, SHA-1, factory by an IBM private key temperature, humidity, and
SHA-384, SHA-512, and SHA- and the certificate is retained barometric pressure ranges
2, MD5 and HMAC as well as in the coprocessor. specified. Refer to the environmental
public key cryptographic Subsequently, requirements section of the technical
algorithm support for RSA and the private key of the references table on the last page.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography. coprocessor is used to sign the
A pair of batteries mounted on the
Other hardware support coprocessor status responses
coprocessor board provides backup
includes a secure real-time which, in conjunction with a
power when the 4767 HSM is not in
clock, hardware random series of public key
a powered-on machine. These
number generator and a prime certificates, demonstrate that
batteries must only be removed
number generator. The secure the coprocessor remains intact
according to the documented battery
module is protected by a and is genuine.
replacement procedure to avoid
tamper responding design that
zeroizing the coprocessor and
protects against a wide variety Tamper responding design
rendering it permanently inoperable.
of attacks against the system. The 4767 HSM has been
A battery replacement kit can be
designed to meet the FIPS
obtained from IBM (Part Number
Reliability, Availability, and 140-2 Level 4 requirements by
Serviceability (RAS) protecting against attacks that
Hardware has also been include probe penetration or
designed to support the other intrusion into the secure IBM 4767 software
highest level of RAS module, side-channel attacks,  IBM-supplied IBM Common
requirements that enables the power Cryptographic Architecture (CCA)
secure module to self-check at as a no-charge support program
all times. This is achieved by feature:
running a pair of PowerPC  Or choose customization options:
processors in lock step and — IBM custom development to
comparing the result from your specification
each cycle by cycle. Also all — Toolkit under custom contracts
interfaces, registers, memory, and export control
cryptographic engines, and
buses are protected at all
times using parity, ECC, or
CRC. Power on self-tests that
are securely stored inside the
secure module verify the
hardware and firmware loaded
on the module is secure and
reliable at every power on.

Embedded certificate
During the final manufacturing
step, the coprocessor
generates a unique

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 3

CCA Support Program  IBM System z—selected models offer
highlights an optional Crypto Express5S
CCA includes these capabilities: (CEX5S) feature. Support is provided
 AES, DES, and T-DES based by ICSF cryptographic services in
data confidentiality and z/OS. Support for the Crypto
message integrity – AES, DES Express5S feature is provided for
and T-DES CBC encryption Linux on IBM System z by the CCA
and decryption, DES and T- for Linux on System z rpm, available
DES MACs, CMAC, and from
HMAC pciecc2/ordersoftware.shtml
 Digital signature generation
and verification using RSA or Custom software support
ECC with formatting according The 4767 HSM contains firmware to
to PKCS#1, ISO 9796-1, and manage its specialized hardware and
ANSI X9.31. RSA keys up to to control loading of additional software
4096 bits. ECC keys using based on coprocessor-validated digital
NIST prime curves up to 521 signatures. Software support includes
bits and Brainpool curves up the embedded Linux operating system
to 512 bits. and special device drivers, which
 Hashing using SHA-1, SHA- provide the platform for application
224, SHA-256, SHA-384, support. Custom applications can be
SHA-512, MD5, and RIPEMD- written to run within the HSM, using the
160. internal APIs to perform cryptographic
 PIN processing—several functions. Developing additional
generation and verification functions through User Defined
processes, many PIN block Extensions (UDXs) using CCA as a
formats, PIN translation to starting point can be more economical
change keys or formats and less time-consuming than creating
an entirely new application.
 Support for German Banking
Industry Committee, Die Special key management functions and
Deutsch Kreditwirtschaft (DK),  Initialization and backup options PIN processing routines are typical
financial services  User Defined Extension (UDX) extensions.
 Variable-length symmetric facility can be used to add custom
functions to the standard CCA When an application is substantially
key-token that meets key
command set. Custom functions different from CCA, or is proprietary, a
bundling requirements,
execute inside the secure module of complete custom application can be
enforces key usage, and
the IBM 4767, with the same built on the embedded Linux
tracks a key's lifecycle events
security as the other CCA functions. environment. Very different approaches
and pedigree.
 Generation of high-quality random to cryptographic processing or even
 Key distribution based on
numbers non-cryptographic applications that
AES, DES, and RSA. Key
 Refined key typing, to block require a secure processing
agreement using Elliptic Curve
attacks through misuse of the key- environment can be developed for the
Diffie-Hellman (ECDH).
management system HSM.
 Secure generation of
symmetric and asymmetric
keys, including AES, DES, 4767 technology in IBM servers
and T-DES, RSA (up to 4096 The following IBM server families
bits), and ECC (Prime curves support 4767 technology, either
up to 521 bits and Brainpool directly or as orderable features.
curves up to 512 bits).  x86—IBM 4767 can be ordered and
 Support for smart card installed. CCA support program for
applications using the EMV® each supported operating system
specifications can be downloaded from the product

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 4

CCA Support Program
Programming custom Alternatively, IBM offers a Custom software support
applications toolkit that you can use to Courses are held periodically to
The 4767 HSM represents a create and debug custom provide education about the IBM
specialized programming applications yourself. Toolkit 4767 and CCA. The courses can also
environment with its own tools, documentation can be be taught at your location, worldwide.
debug aids, and code release obtained from the These courses cover programming
procedures. Rather than learn product website. Because this for the CCA API and the IBM 4767
to create applications for this is a specialized programming installation and configuration.
specialized environment, environment and there are
In addition, custom courses can be
customers can obtain custom special considerations related
arranged to cover other topics
programming services through to the export and import of
including programming and
an experienced IBM Global cryptographic
debugging applications that operate
Services department or implementations, the toolkit is
within the IBM 4767.
selected contractors. IBM is available only under special
pleased to jointly develop contracts. Generally, in
specifications and quote on addition to the actual toolkit,
custom solutions. customers will need to
purchase consulting time for
education and ongoing
support. Any export or import
considerations will be part of
the toolkit custom contract.

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 5

HSM technical specifications:
IBM 4767 PCIe Cryptographic Coprocessor

Physical characteristics © Copyright IBM Corporation 2016

Card type: Half-length PCIe card IBM Corporation

PCI Local Bus Specification 2.2 Integrated Marketing Communications,
Server Group
PCIe specification 1.1
Route 100
Voltage: +3.3 VDC ± 10% 23.44 W max Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States of America
System requirements April 2016

This section describes requirements for the system in which the 4767 is References in this publication to IBM products or
services do not imply that IBM intends to make them
installed. available in every country in which IBM operates.
Software (downloadable from IBM CCA Support Program for use on: Consult your local IBM business contact for
information on the products, features, and services
HSM 4767 link of product  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 (64-bit) available in your area.
website):  SUSE Linux 12 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)
IBM, the IBM logo,, System z, Power
Hardware The coprocessor can be installed in a Systems, and z/OS are trademarks or registered
select x86 server. For a list of IBM- trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States,
approved x86 servers for the 4767, go to other countries or both.
the HSM 4767 link of the product website. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in
From there, click on the Approved x86 the United States, other countries, or both.
servers link.
SET Secure Electronic Transaction, Secure
Electronic Transaction, SET and the SET Secure
Environmental requirements From the time of manufacture, the IBM Electronic Transaction design mark are trademarks
4767 PCIe Cryptographic Coprocessor and service marks owned by SET Secure Electronic
card must be shipped, stored, and used Transaction LLC.
within the following environmental EMV is a trademark owned by EMVCo LLC.
specifications. Outside of these
specifications, the IBM 4767 tamper Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the
sensors can be activated and render the properties of their respective companies.
IBM 4767 permanently inoperable. IBM hardware products are manufactured from new
parts, or new and used parts. Regardless, our
IBM 4767 warranty terms apply.
Photographs shown are of engineering prototypes.
Shipping: Card should be shipped in original IBM packaging (electrostatic Changes may be incorporated in production models.
discharge bag with desiccant and thermally insulated box with gel packs). This equipment is subject to all applicable FCC rules
Temp shipping -34°C to +60°C and will comply with them upon delivery.
Pressure shipping min 550 mbar
Humidity shipping 5% to 100% RH Information concerning non-IBM products was
obtained from the suppliers of those products.
Storage: Card should be stored in electrostatic discharge bag with desiccant. Questions concerning those products should be
Temp storage +1°C to +60°C directed to those suppliers.
Pressure storage min 700 mbar All customer examples described are presented as
Humidity storage 5% to 80% RH illustrations of how those customers have used IBM
products and the results they may have achieved.
Operation (ambient in system) Actual environmental costs and performance
Temp operating +10°C to +35°C characteristics may vary by customer.
Humidity operating 8% to 80% RH
Operating altitude (max) 10 000 ft equivalent to 700 mbar min

For more information

Documentation and publications, ordering procedures, and news
concerning the IBM 4767 PCIe Cryptographic Coprocessor can be
found at the product website, or call IBM DIRECT at
1-800-IBM-CALL, or contact your IBM representative.

IBM 4767 PCIe HSM 6

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