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Integrated Skills
Varianta 2
 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 90 de minute.

I. You will watch an excerpt from an interview with singer Lenny Kravitz. For questions 1–
5 choose the best answer (A, B, or C).
10 points
1. Singer Lenny Kravitz grew up in a family of
A. people of different religions and backgrounds.
B. people who consistently discussed matters like religion and race around the house.
C. people who were very religious.

2. On his first day of school, Lenny Kravitz was surprised when a fellow student
A. labelled his father as white.
B. started bullying him because of his skin colour.
C. offered him a welcome gift.

3. The interaction with the little boy made Lenny Kravitz realise that
A. the boy’s way of thinking was similar to his own.
B. the boy’s way of thinking was shared by many other people.
C. the boy was actually trying to be nice to him.

4. Lenny Kravitz felt his cultural heritage had been smashed to pieces
A. while talking to his schoolmates about his family.
B. during his lunch break.
C. upon filling in some school forms.

5. Six-year-old Lenny’s mother told him he should accept the fact that
A. society will never know how to define his background.
B. he will only be seen as black by society.
C. society will have to attach labels to all people.

II. Write a 250-280-word opinion essay on the following statement: Definitions belong to
the definers, not the defined. (Toni Morrison) 50 points

Olimpiada de limba engleză clasa a XII-a, SECȚIUNEA A Varianta 2

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