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lect tA Desi tiot al Chapter 1 Exercise Solutions BLt ny = (2.1 « 10'* yo exp ( —————5__. (10) (300) » (saeco) m= 18 x10" em Ge nm, = (1.66 x 107*)(300)/? exp (aa, Sm! ny = 2.40 x 10? m=? E12 Si nm, = (5.23 = 10°*)(400)"/? exp (aes) GaAs 24) (400)272 ais ) ny = (2.1 x 10°*)(400)°7? exp (Ga 2.44 «50? cm? Ge —0.66, . 13) ¢400)°? exp (——= 9:88 __ ny = (1.66 x 10'*){400)*? exp (aa * aT) E13 &. majority carmier: 9 = 10!" cm=* minority cartier: bo ne = My N, ty carrier: ng = 5 x 20°* cm@* nd _ (1.5 « 1079)? Aes pos Bw Be a 5 x 10t om EL4 (a) 1, =5x10" em, p, Sx 10’ em” P=po+sp= plot cm EL6 Jack = (10)(15) > 1508/ em? ELT vein (284) rot 0.025 u (0.928)10 | CS 1F ( ¢ Vy = 0.697 V bo Ve = (0.026) ( ro G5 x OF Vou 20.817 V Circuit sk = (0.026) In [Z 7“ an 08 ee(2 + ce) = Cyo(7.61)~ 7 (0.362) Cyo = 2.21 pE Et10 v; ate Tolexe (2) - 4 For ¥p =0.5: 1 5107'*exp For Vp = 0.8: 1= 107 exp For¥p=0.7: {= 107 *exp So we have Yo 1 05 2.25 4A 06 0.105 mA 07 © 493 ma db. -107** A both cases ELl! vi 1 = tafexe (2) -1] so? = (10) fore (3335) — 1] (0.026) In (10 7 BL12 ELI3 ns AT = 100°C AVp = 2x 100 = 200 mV > Vp = 0.650 — 0.2 Vp = 0450 Relka — eb Tp + Voss Wo Vo Tes 1077 A Ves = IpR+ Vo and In = Isexp (2) So 45 1p(4) + Vp 9 ip =(4~Vo)/4 mA and Yo T0326 3 teen (2) = 19 = 10709 ( Ine sexp (12) = Io 107 exp mA By tal and error: Ip = 0.864mA and Vp = 0.535 V EL.14 din; Chapter t: Exercise Soluti ELIS Power dissipation in diode = LoVo . 1.05 mW’ = fo(0.1) > Jp = Lima Veg =¥,_W=07 gy Re TS = Rath « rp * ELIT at 3 Ve | - - e ane BLS Ip = ESE 2 Ot 8 yy 21.08 ma ® ELI . % sono (#2) ecu f le Ye = vein (2) Yo = (a.026)18 ( 22 pr juncsion: Vo = (0.026)in ( 2°; ta vp 0.50 10 oy Schonky Diods: Vp = (9.026) in Ge Ie of Cm) a. ¥p = 6.299 V od oa E120 or the pa junction diode oe a jun a8 ra Geers) vo = vein (2) 0,026) In Ts BIG Vo = 0.6971 V Schorkey diode volige will be smaller R = Vp = 0.5871 0.265 = 0.4221 V — Yo Ip = Ieexe (2 +3; * 2 = leew (#2) Np2 eV \o bein - Ise = les Lot 107 4 CAZIT) oe To) Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2" edition Solutions Manual E20 Power =I. Vz 10 =1(5.6) > P= 1.79 mA 3.6 EL.22 + + Veo a Vz = Veo +lerz So Vzo = V2 -ferz Vz0 = 5.20 — (107*)(20) = 5.20 - 0.02 = 5. ‘Then Vz = 5.18 + (10 x 107") (20) => Ve = 5.38 V Chapter 1 Problem Solutions Ld (a) serie et (i) Silicon, T=275K ny, = (523x105 275)" sr{esaio*)(279) 1, = 190x10? cm? Gi) T=325K ny =(523x10'5)(325)"7 «Vase ks) Lel0" cm? (0) GaAs (i) T=275K " = (24z108\(275)°2 61ers 1, = 134x10° om? Gy T=325K nn, = (210x10")(325)?2 = t/Heere}o39) 1, = 1.63x10" cnt? i2 a ae Br? xég . o (Ga ed sqpsi2 a1) tol? = 5,23 x 10!*7% o (getty) 1.91 x 10~ = T?? exp (-s 1) By trial and error, T = 367° K boomy = 10° em= 18 =a 10? = 5.23 x 10°19? exp e E — 1.91 x 1977 = T°? exp (Ss a) By trial and error, T = 268° K 13 "4 edit lanual bo Ng = Sx 10! cm? = n-type to = Ng =5 x 10" em 18) ¢300)° xis ny = (2.10 x 10!*)(300)°" exp Gate) = (2.10 « Lo'*)(300)" (1.65 x 107") = 1,80 x 10° em oY 10°}? poe ae OEIOT yw 648 0 1074 cm? 14 . pos Ne = 10" cm (1s x 10%)? Ta 45) 300)? =0.66 = (1.66 x 10"*)(300)"!* exp ia Sa = i0=* (G0) = (1.68 « 10**)(300)"? (2.79 x 107%) = 24x10" cm 2 13)2 no =e Ge = ng = 6.76 x 10" em? Pe 1s (a) 9, = 5x10" om? 2 (15x10!) pat (sng a p,= 45x10" om? ny Se (b) n, >> p, => aetype {o) n, = N, =5x10" em? 16 2. Add Donors Nastxig" on™ b. Want po = 10° em™? = 22/Ne So n? = (20°) (7 x 10") = 7 x 10 = 900) 7 10? = (5.23 x 10!9)"7 exp ( (a6 i By oral and error, T = 324° K Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2" edition Solutions Manual 17 1=J-A=0BA 13 (2.2)15\(10} = 1 =33mA JacBodsia8 £12 g = 7.08 (ohm ~ em)-" Lo (@) For n-type, oz eL,N,= 6x10 \8S00)N, For 10° Nz $10” cm” => 136< oS 136x10" (Q—cm)" ) J=08 =0(01) => 0136S J $136x10° A/em* 10/7 410" = p= 1.01 x10 om (204) (208) iain | 7 ose 4 Vag = (0.026) al (20!) (10") Tania] > bn = (0. oxi (20°*) 0") (5x10) ce. Vou = (0.026) wf 1.12 {10") (20!) 8 Yes (0006) | Oa => My = 1.05 V (10) 084) (18 x 108)" Va. = (0.026) In oe 3h b. Vig = (0.026) In = Vn = 1.23-V Lav (18 108) 1.13 oon y, (10) ( 15x10") Vy = 01637 ¥ For N,=10" cm, Vy =0817V oxi 0.637 T a ae ar ae NM Cen) Lig wr=tono (2) roe ye 200 0.01733 2528.4 250 0.02167 3952.8 300 (0.076 5196.2 350 0.03033 6547.9 400 0.03467 3000.0 450 0.0390 9545.9 $00 0.04333 11,1803 2.1 x 10") (7°) exp (aes) ) a = vein (& eee Chapter 1: Problem Solutions Tt a, Vin 200 1.256 1.405 250 6.02x 10? 1.389 3001.80 x 10° 1370 350 oa xoh 1.349 400 24d 10? 1.327 450 2.80 x10 1.302 50 2.00 x10 1.277 uns vas 200 So zoo AAD Mo 150 Seo Te) Lis va CG =Cn(i+ 74) (2x v= tomas Pa a Va=1V Lyon : c= (1+ she) = CO, = 0.634 9) > Ve=sV¥ s yun : o=t(t+ gig) = comer 116 vy @ ¢ oft) vy For V,=5V. sy C, ={0.02) — = 0.00743 pF in Gr ? For V,=15V, sy" C,=(002{ 1+) =00118 pF { +8) , ogra +0118 (avg) = ; = 0.00962 pF ¥e(t) = vel final) +(ve (initial) — vc(final))er”* where = RC= RC, (avg) = (47110°X0.00962x10"") or T=452x10" 5 Then ve(t)=15=0+(5-O)e™" 3 arn ath( 3] 15 ‘ iS. (b) For ¥,=0¥, 002 pF For ¥,=35V. 35) C, =(0.02} 1+— = 000863 pF ant {+53} a 002 +0.00863 Cow) - Ses 10143 pF T= RC, (avg) =672410 5 Vo(t) = vel final) +(v¢(initial) — vel final))e" 35=5+(0-S)e™" =(1-e**") so that 9x10" 17 _ (2o*) (108) . Vou = (0.026) 10 Pee pee] OT a Ve siv Loyca ¢, =(028)(1+ ste) = 0.164 pF 1 1 1 TURE * eben yale ey fo = 8.38 MHz is a1 ign, 2" edition & VReiV yn Cy = (0. asi(1 4+ oi) = 0.0863 pF ann) 1 f= ERO To) fa = 13.2 MHz 118 ats Ie[ex (#) - | Yo ~0.90 =exp (<2) -1 °() 0.90 = 0.10 == (#) = Vp = Vrin (0.10) > Vp = —0.0599 V 119 13 (107?) exp (ae f= (107) exp (& T= (107) oo (4 Solutions Mant 1.20 (a) f= i,(et 1) ee 1) a ore o). (0026)te (Ber) 1.21 a. Tp 8 trex (2B 6 10 = tee ( Is = 2.03 x 107 A 15 0.8 fo = (208 x10") exp (BE Ip = 46.8 mA 4,22 1, doubles for every 5C increase in temperature 1,510 A atT = 300K For fg =OSx10"? A => T=295K For f,=S50x107 A, (2)"=50 =n =564 Where 1 equals number of SC increases. Then AT =(564)(3)= 28.2 So 2955 TS 3282K ter | lem Solut 1.23 1.26 Is(T)_ gars weiss’ asx a Tey TP. aT este £5(100} 155/5 2 Fass} 2.147 x 10! Vr@100°C = 373°K => Vp = 0.03220 Vr@ ~ 35°C => 216°K = Vp 01865 0.6 o> (saa) ne = (2147 x 10°) ¢ 0.0822 0.6 em? \ o01865 (2.147 x 10°) (1.297 20 (8.374 108) 10? Ion Vor a) * f= = onn( Ve AY>D ‘pn (10) => AVp = 59.9 mV = 60 m¥ Vee = b AD ‘p n(100) => AVp = 119.7 mV = 1200 mV Io 04S = ToRrn + Vo, Yo = Vein (2) 1.25 ‘By ofa! and error: a Io = 26 ud, Vp =04V RetoMsn 1.27 * ~ + Mpg 2 V, eT Vo 1.5 = [o(10 10") + Vp and noble) Ig=2x108a ‘ ~) Jexp (¥2 1.8 = (10 « 19") (30 10 » [exe ($2 ~i)4+ve yw cosov Ye) day teem () = (2 or) een (282 oa few (%2) 1] +¥2 fem trem (GE) = (aie) en (5 By trial and error, > = 0.046 V = 2.105 mA 15 ~ 0.046 os ‘Then 1p = SS = Ip 3 145 BA ia= TR = 060 mA di = hh + Ig = 2.705 mA b. Reverse-Bias. 7 Ls ts=30na Yo = Vein (£) = (o0ns)ta (AE) tale Ts x10 Va = (30 x 107*){20 x 10") = 0.30 ¥ Vp = -1L5 +03 > Vv Is=5x10-P A 120.50 mA Yo =(0.026)la Ga) Yp = 0479 V SaIR+¥o+¥ = (0.5 x 1077} (4.7 x 107) +.0.479+V Ysairy (b) P= 1,Vy =(05)(0.479) or P=024mW 1.29 (a) Assume diode is conducting. Then, Vp =V,=0.7¥ 02 So that Iyq = 55 => 233 44 In= ae = 504A Then Ly = Iq: — Ign =50-233 Or Ip = 268.7 WA (b) Let R, =50kQ. Diode is cutoff. vs (12) =045¥ 230+ eas }= Since V, f= 0,308 mA For reverse bias [y=0, ¥p=-15¥ 13s ares PE = OOO 0025 un = 2602 2g. 1 ig = 0.05f0q = 50 uA peak-to-peak va = tara = (26)(50) WA = vg = 1.30 mV_peake b. For{ng =0.1mA =r, ig = 0.05I pg = 5 wA peak-to-peak Ya = bate = (2605) ZV = vg =1,30 mV peak-to-peak 136 a. diode resistance re = Ve/i wo (atn)=(x Vz “= (atm)en Vr ) 026 Ve +TRs 26 + (1)(0-26) Ye, 0.026 v5 0.026 + (0.19(0.26) - 0.026 vs 0.026 + (0.01)(0.26) vavem(Z) . pn junction, Vz = (0.026)in (SS) Yj =0.500v 00 x 10-* Schottky diode, Vz = (0.026) la (————— 10 Y=o200¥ 1.38 took . aw erie pens ia Schoey: f= Is exp (4) Vela ( =(0 oreyta(S Sx = 0.1796 V Then Vq of pn junction = 0.1796 + 0.30 = 0.4796 iss fps 487x107 A Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition Solutions Manual 139 pnjunction fp =05 mA fy = 1,6" =V, =V, u(2) Is Theo Vp =(0.026) nf Schottky diode ¥, =(0026)10{ 95207) -o2siv 10" Then R= vA er) ¥ols = 0521 80.2, hheh=05x 107 Ve - 7 - sic10" aap (#2) +10" ep (#2) 205 107% Vp = (0.026) In ) = Ye Schortky diode, J, = 0.49999 mA pn junction, J; = 0.00001 mA &) Lal 1a ap (8) 2st (2) Vr Voi +Vo2 = 0.9 rn -« .9 = Vor 10 exp (Yt) = cso np (22 HE Vr Vr Va = Vzo = 5.6 V at Iz = 0.1 mA 72 =109 Jarz = (0.1)(10) =1mV Vee = 5.599 a Rmos = 110 o50+ 0.01 3.399 + (0,00863)(10} 10 ~ 5.599 fa = 8 t= "Rez Vz = Vao+lzrz Vp = Vy = 5.685 28.63 mA ’ VesallVelze= Vg = Vy = 5.389 + (0.01059)(10) = 5.705 V Veg = 9 V = Iz = 2a 88 = 6.669 mA. 051 Vz = Vo = 5.399 + (0.006669)(10) = 5.1 AVs = 5.708 ~ 5.666 > OV; = 0.039 V ) Chapter 1: Problem Solutions. eo lath Ye 12 Yes-V Leg ad = Ve _ %~5.599 | 050 ~~ oo +2 10 | 5.509 1 rae 330 * D010 alae Toro * 4] 20.0 + 559.9 = ¥o(102.5) HssssaV 1.42 als a ig=1) mA Pz = (11)(6.8} = Pz = 74.8 mW » = Bo, pms = RaU 5 300 = 135% Pz = (26)(6.8) = 176.8 mW 76.8 — 74.8 % Tae * 100 = 136% 1.43 Iarz = (0.1)(20) = 2mV Vio = 6.8 - 0.002 = 6.798 V a Re 10 ~ 6.798 5 = depbor 7 fe 6158 A Vo = Vz = Veo + Lore = 6.798 + (0.006158}(20) Mo = 6.921 V da bb fslzeth We-0.798 | % v0 + 1 6.198 toa ao [fata +4] 459.9 = Va(53) Ye = 6.791 V AM = 6.791 - 5.921 y= 013 V El uit, Is. Chapter 2 Exercise Solutions #23 mI v, = 120 sin (27608), Vs Pull-wave sectier Tums anol: 2 sos = Vy = 120-67 = 119.3 ¥ Vy, = 119.3 - 100 = 19.3 V Von Hg.3 SoC= spar, = WeONES x IO NISAT C= 2.06 x 107% = 20.6 x 107% > C= 20.6 wF 2 in(peat) = 22228 aig ms B24 be Valmas) = 24412 = 18. by = SO sin (2r60¢), Vy = 0.7, R= 10 KD . ‘a(max) = 4 +12 = Full-wave rectifier ca a a) = FFRV, ~ 260\(A0 x 102) C= 2.025 x 107? = 20.25 x 107% => C = 20.3 nF mee 2 mS we Using Bq. 2-10) we, we a worm fe = Usinwt = 12.6 “ - 126 ». wats fm = 569 ty = sn (BS) oon - Vow By symmeny, wt = 180 — 31.7 = 148.3° (Sa #2 TSsin (2608) Ym Vee Se FRO Von 5 oR Fey, = Ga TH Ra 6.2540 he (8) X 100% = 18.1% _ fe. Pea. cc uat= lz =Vae= Hom (S22) x 100% = ase 287 10 < Ves SAV, Va #56 20. < Ri 100 Te(max) oa 28 A, f.(min) = B = 0.086 A Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design. © in Solutions Manual iz(max) Vz (min) = Vi (nominal) + f2(min}rz ____(rs(max) ~ Vaile (max) - . “Vps(min) — 0.9Vz — 0.1Ves(max) - $5 (lamin (.5) . [Vesmin) ~ Vz}! (min) Ta(min) = = — 0.280 Vps(min) — 0.9V2 — 0.1Vps(max] = 00885 A — D4 = 5.6)(280) — [10 ~ 5.5](56) Velmin) = 5.6 + (0.088 <3 = 9 00.996.6) — (0.14) ‘e(min) ae OO888)(1 8) = 688 = 7352 = 246.4 % Rog = a = 0.143 = 14.3% 356 Ia(max) = $91.5 mA Power( min) = f2(max)- Vz = (0.5915)(5.8) Power = 3.31 W a = Vesa) Ve E210 (Minimmurn Zener current is zero.) For Vp,(mex) and J, (min), then 136-9 ) 1,{max) = > 230 mA “The characteristic of the minimum Zener current being one-tenth of the maximum value is violated ‘The proper circuit operation is questionable E28 (ain) = een) =e, mate (aux) E29 Vi(max) — Vi % Regulation = nominal) Vi (nominal) = 5.6 Ve (max) = Vi(nominal) + [2(max)rz = 5.6 + (0.5915)(1.5) = 6.487 solu ¥, 507 ELIS Por vr <8, Dron => Vo =-S Vw 343 V Yys-0.6V. Ip =. Dy tums on when vr = 2.5 => Vi = 18 V Imei a= Srl) 5 ip, = as, SM ol For vs 25, Sa Fe eA Ry 22k: E212 For ¥, =0, vo(max)=-2 7 Now, Sv =87, so that vo(min) = -107 E213 AS vs goes negative, D tums on and vo = +5 V. ‘AS vs goes positive, D mms off. as ‘Oumput, a square wave oscillating berween +5 and +35 vols. E214 wad, De Set I = Ip, vy = AA = 0.6 - (0.5895)(0.5) vy = 3.505 10- 38 = 0.5895 mA ae 44 9 3.508 ad = Summary 0 $41 $3.5. m=44 For vy > 3.5. D2 ans off and when vr > 9.4 = 10 4.27 mA, nal Solutions Manual E218 a I = eA Ten = (0.8)(1.8 x wo), 6.4.x 107 Tas x 10-7} ic 8) py = 12.8 mA b. We have vo = (12.8)(1) = 12.8 volts, The diods must be reverse biased so that Vps > 12.8 volts. E219 ‘The equivalent circuit is +sv Nye hy | bnew \Sm¥ a2 S-17-02 ore = sma S17 -02- 13 Is 31 ytR= ue 1+ $2 = 0.207 kA =n R= 207 ~ 15> R120 Elects jute ual Chapter 2 7 23 Problem Solutions (@)vs(max)= 160 =40V ui uy Us (b) PIV =|v.(max}=40V Reax © oe he ~~ es 19 ° =z + z ° 10 Vq = 08 V, ry 200 Pot v7 = 10 V, vy = (gop )eo- 98 = (Hm) eo 24 by = vg — 2% = vs(max) = va(max) +2V, 4. For vo(max) = 25 V => vs(max) = 25 + 2(0.7) = 40 Bb. For ve(max) = 100 V = vs(max) = 101.4 ¥ M160 0M Mora > y= 8 From part (a) PIV = 2v,(max)-V, = 2(264)-07 or PIV =S21¥ or, from part (6) PIV =2{1014) -07 PIV =2021V. uit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition lutions Manual 25 4 ve(max) = 24 V = ys(max) = 24 + 2(0.7) vs(max) = 25.4 ¥ vs(rms) = Sd = ve(rms) = 17.96 V = tu TVR C= c= 2567 at 7(60)(0.5)(s0) ~ <== ee Vow S) iDmax = elm ae 24 1D max = 5.08 A 26 (a) vj(max)=24+07 =247V or C= 5333 pF © For the half-wave rectifier or 28 v(t) = 24sinax Now iolavg) = Fhe (at We have for x, < at 0, (Vj, = 0) “ == (ql) RalfRe = 2.2]16.8 = 1.86 kO i w= (qgittgg)eenean y Vps63V, R= 120, Ve = 48 ttre SSS osm Ay stp—fe = 128-12 25 < In £120 mA > 40 < Ry <:1920 db. Pz = IaVz = (100}(48) = Pz = 460 mW Py = [,¥q = (120)(4.8) = PL S575 mw 2.13 r= Bo neoes t= Be ysis Ia=Ir— hy > [pelt mA jit An: is and b Pemex) = 400 mW = fr(max)= 2? = 40 ma = Ia(min) = fy = Te(max) = 45 — 40 = lelmin) = Sma = = Rya2ko For R, = 1752 IsStimA [,=263mA [2 =305mA Tz(max) = 40 mA > [z(min) = 57.1 — 40 10 Rus ayy Aes S852 24 4. From Eq, (2-23) $00(20 ~ 10] — $015 — 10 15 ~ (0.9){10) ~ (0.1)(30) 3000 ~ 250 = eee Ta(max) = 1.1875 A iz(min) = 0.11875 A From Bq, (2-21(b)) 20-10 = Tareas 7 BH h000 Ta(max) = b. Pe = (1.1878)(10) =» Pz = Pi = [e(max)Ve = (0.5)(10) =» Pras W 2.15 (@) As approximation, assume £,(max) and {,(min) are the same as in problem 2-14. Vo(max) = Vo(nom) + Iz(max)rz = 20 + (0.453)(2) = 20.906 Va(nom) + I2(min)ra = 20 + (0.0453)(2) = 20.0906 Vo (asia 20.906 — 20.0906 >’ %Reg= x 100% = % Reg = 4.08% 26 V, (max)-¥; (min ¥,(nom) (nom) + 1,{enax)r, ~(V, (nam) + 1,(min)r.) ¥, (nom) Reg = 100% So 4,(max)-1,(min)=0.4 4 ign, 2 edition lutions Manual ~~ = 0.006 A 1000 280: Taso? 2,{min) =0020 4 Then 1,(max)=0.1+0.02=012 4 and Vp (max)-V,_ " de{max) + 1,(min) or o(max 012+0.0006 ~ 217 Using Figure 2.17 a Ves = 20£25% = 18 < Ves < 25V Po Ves (min) : I: = La(min) + fa(max) = $420 = 25 mA ‘es(min)- Vz'_ 15-10 7 FO > Rag 25-10 R Pot I1(min) = 0 = Iz(max) = 75 mA Veo = Vz ~ Iarg = 10 —(0.025)(5) = 9.875 V Vo(max) = 9.875 + (0.075)(5) = 10.25 Vo(min) = 9.875 + (0.005)(5) = 9.90 AM = 0.35 V = Ir(max) = = Emax) = 75 mA _ 4M & FREE = Tom) * 100% = % Rog = 3.5% 218 Brom Equation (2.21¢a)) —_Ves(min)-V,_ _ 24-16 “T,(min)+f,(max) 404400 or R= 182 Also , ¥, ale cote Yo Re? oO" 2 pv, RER +r, =1824+2=2022 Then C= _ => C= 9901 Heayiyanay =? C= wr 219 Va=Veo+l2rz Vz(nom)=8V 8 = Vaa + (0.1)(0.5) => Van = 7.95 V 1, = Vole) = Ve(oom) _ 128 aay 4 Pol, =0.2A > Iz 133 A Foc fy = 1A > Iz = 0.333 A Vi (max) = Veo + Je(max}rz = 7.95 + (1.133){0.5) = 8.5165 Vi (min) = Veo + I2(min)rz = 7.95 + (0.993)(0.5) = 8.1185 ay, =04V ‘Ye(nom) ¥, ¥, =o Cate nage ee 2yRV, R=R+1,234+052350 Then g C= eas KOH > C= 00238 F 2.20 (a) For -10$ v, $0, both diodes are conducting=> vy =0 For 0 v, $3, Zener not in breakdown, so Aty,=10V, v9=35V, i, =035mA me “i At, 3 10¥, i, mA, For v, 23.43, Atv, =10V 4, =035mA Chapter blem Solution: 221 ) uc @ . os = \ Vow bx 1S 5 V = for < wen = M+07 = 1 2 vine , 1S = (9-07) wen. = T 2 Pr + 8.55 = o9(25) = bo = eur $3.42 vp = 3.7 my = 5.7 wy 215 oy = 9.42 ° 7 = (ip =0 for OS», $57 Then whe a) ip =¥t oo. 25 I I or oe For v,=15, ip =558mA A is and lutions os “7 ye % 222 tale 20 3 (a) For Dott, vy ={ 2 \20)~10= 3337 ° Then for v $333+07 =403V =v, =333¥ For v,>403, vg =v, -07: one For v,=10, v) =93 ¢ uv) i 224 -s- ~y Ht Ve f ReGSK I \ ° 4s fo uM) (&) For v, $403, i, For v; >403, iota Which yielés n= say, ~0605 ve For v;=10, ip =0895 mA waa ¥ =n 2.25 a =o ° ase e 4S uy) (2 223 a Vv, = 0.8 ° at lem. bn vy =o 2.28 5 vy = 08 2.29 c ve ve vad s 2.26 One possible example is shown, 230 Lwill tend to block the transient signals D, will limit the voltage to +14'V and -0.7 V. Power ratings depends on number of pulses per second and duration of pulse. 227 ¥,=0 toy +) @) For ¥,=-37 « b Ve as 231 232 233 234 lect nalysis and. For Figure P2.27(a) 10-06 & In = syyg5 2 is 0MmA isd Vo = Ini(9.5) > a8 93V b ins = lp =044mA Ip = ae40s Vo = Ioi{9.8) > Hy =4.8V ¢. Same as (8) a 10= Dos +06+193) 1 =0.964mA Ve = 1(9.5) => Vp = 9.16 V In = oa = b= I pi = 0.482 mA © LeIp=tn=0 B=10 b. 10 = 119.5} +0.6 + 1(0.5) L=tpj =0.94mA Ip =0 Vo = 10 ~1(0.5) > We = 107 & 10 = 19.5) 40.64 1(0.5) +5 Ls fp, =044mA Ip, =0 Vo = 10 — 1(9.5) = Vo = 5.82 V d= 19.8) 406+ 403) => Le 0s64mA Tor =I = =f, 482 mA, Ve = 10 - 119.5) = Yo = 0.842 V 2 Wet 20= Di. Do, Ds. on Massy 130,589 ms = Ina! = 16 mA = 27.6) ~ 0.589 > Ing = 14.6 mA Ios = Jo. +Io2- bh WeVeSV Di and Ds on, Dsof 1021008) 408+ 205) +5 — L=0451mA feu = Ip, = 0.226 mA In =o To = Io MY = 10 ~ 1(9.5) = 10 — (0.481)(9.5) > MeasmVv & YsSV. od Diof, Ds, Dron wee Ips = Tor - f= 7.6 - 0.589 = [pp = 7.0L mA do YssSV,W%=2V D, off, Dz, Ds on Bosav, fs CaoseomA Jor= 1p, = 3.6 mA Ip = Ios = [or — 1 = 3.6 - 0.589 = pp = 3.01 mA 235 @) Don, D, off, D, on So ly 10-0.6~(-0.6) jt Now H2-06¥, ly peas Loy = Lay ~ fo =22-125 = Ip, = 095 md @) D, on, D, on, D, of So Ig =0 10-06-44 14V, 0 [y= * Rx Tyg = Iga ~Ioy = 094-0833 Toy V, = Ly R, -5=(094Y8)-5> Chapter 2; Problem Solutions (©) All diodes are on Wasa, V,=-05" “ 10-05-44 [y= 05mA = => R= 1040 tna =05+08e1m4= 08), Ry=SkQ Try ism 29. R=293Q 2.36 For v, small, both diodes off” 95 % “GS , = 0.0908%, When ¥; -¥, =06,D, tums on. So we have ¥, -00809v, =06 =v, =0.66, v, =006 For D, on m7 06~¥5. ae Moe <2 =2 which yields vy, 24208 Now for v, >39 %206=% ,%—Vo _ Yo, Ye 06 5 65) (OS Which yields v9 = M254: or 0=> vy = LIS 237 tev stov For vy > 0. whea D; tums of pe a0 = 0.465 mA 20 vo = 1(10 kM) = 4.65 ¥ 2.38 RD lov Vo R tr, lov | a Ry =SkN, Rp = 10k Dy and Dr on > 0 210207 _0-(-10) Tor 15 = 186-10 In= mA b. Ry = 10k, Ry = 5 kM, D, off, Dz on Iazo i 2.39 (40.7) W407 | Vo 20 20 ijiia =u(bektm)=% & Wel V, = 10V Diode of Va SV, Ve =8V 9 Vp = -25V Ipzo bY =10V, = 15 V Diode on Ve Vem Heth euen-os 10 ayh 442 (arte) +" (e+) 1 i -06(5+$) 2e2=%(#) aM 6e5V 1s tio 1S 6.55 _ 6.55 fp SS - 4p tiselems Yp =06V 241 vrs, Dy off, Dz on 10-25 Ta SES o0sma ve = 10 — (0.5)(5) > wy = 7.5 V for 0 Sorc 75 For vr = 30V, D2 off, 4 =10¥ Determine vz when Vz = 10 m=25 Bae Ve = 10 = 1(10) +25 0.75 mA v4 = (0.78)(25) + 2.5 = 21.25 242 © Wave =o & Wesel, Vaasv ce Wweisy, Wossv ‘Logic “i level degrades as it goes through additional logic ates. 2.43 a. Wave =sv b Vosoev, Yy=12V c Vy s06V, Va=12V Logic “0” signal degrades as it goes through additional logic sates. 2.44 (Y, ANDY,) OR(Y, ANDY.) 2.45 10-15-02 fe SS sma 0012 83 7 R41 = Fey = HLTA R= 68170 2.46 rai 3 Vi = 10 - 1.7 - 8(0.75) » Vj 3 2.3 V 247 Ngo * Ves Raak Vae1V, [30.8 mA Ves = 1+(0.8)(2) Ves =2.6V 2.48 Ten = vebA 0.6 x 107 = (1)(1.6 x 1077) (107) 4 E34 Be For a = 0.980, 8 = For = 0,995, 8 = 49g 8 < 199 £32 2 a H w 8 3|- a 1 ala les (tAlle Is _ 0.780 So+i) = 75 = Zo0se0 A es Tet ha > Cee Je = Bla = (80.3)(9.60 #A) => fc = 0.771 mA = g=99 wn BAS? oe fy = 21.50 vA fo = alg = (0.990)(2.150) = Ie = 2.13 mA E35 = Mo 08 Te ~ Te Te 20.1 mA = 9 = 1.5 M2 Io = 1.0 mA =r Ie = 10 mA = ro E36 Ye le= (i+ ) 0.9868 mA. AtVee =10. fo = cosssey(1 + zg 2 igs li2ma = 81.25 + 6 = 80.3 Solu Manual ba = 150 i Tost =h(i+—\ = Ip = 0.9934 ms le (+35) Te = 0.9934 mA ; 0 At Vee =10 fe =(0.94)(1 +2) = Ve 0 5 BVcgy = Tepe = TA = 40.5 vols BY, BV 5, = WB BV eq, = (W100}(30) = 139 ¥ a 0.2 < Vae(on) = le =fo=0, WSSV Po 6. 3.6 Transistor is driven into saturation, Taw 25508 5 Ip east fe = Sa Mela) 5 S88 Je = 10.9 mA e : fe _ 10.9 = Nowe that Tp 453 2.41 < 8 which shows that the wansistor is indeed in saruration. Ps leVer + IeVex =(10-9)(0.2) + (4.53)(0.7) 18 + 3.17 E3.10 For Vac = 04% =07V s-0 Thea Je = Tay — fe 9.7 oy tos and Ig = SE = SOE = 0.195 mA eRe + Veg(on) = (0.195)(0.64) + 0.7 sole mA ws = V; = 0.825 ¥ Power = IcVcx + JeVae = ($.77)(0.7) + (0.195)(0.7) Power = 6,38 mW tr ircuit Analysis a Bi! For Ve =4V and fog = 1.5. mA Rex SS Rear 1S je (on) 9), Re 5 Bg) fe = BSS 10- 0.70 105070 Lares a = Rea bli ke Re= E312 lo-Ve _ 10- 6.34 Ret les Ie= 915 mA = ‘ge{om) —(-10) = 10-07 fe Re i Ip 30.930 mA Ip = fe ~ Ic = 0.930 — 0.915 > Lp = 0.0150 mA Te 0.913 FT, = 0.018 Vow = Vo ~ Ve = 6.34 ~(-0.70) > =6e6l Veg 3104 53.13 Ip = Wa Venton) _ 10-07 Re t Tg=116 mA Is 116 = lh = LIE gp 2.27 1a Gym 7 or 7 eal = tp= Sass) te fo = Pople = F018) = palit Ve = [eRe — 10 = (1.14)(4) = 10 = 5.44 Vec = 0.7 — (—S.44) = Vec = 6.4 V 3.14 = Vee —Vep(on) Re Is= 2 Re = Sho Rg nase Te = ale = (0.9920)(1.0) = Je = 0.992 mA Ig = 1g — To = 1.0 — 0.9920 => Tp = 0.0080 mA Vew = -Vac = eRe - Veo = (0.992)(1} ~ 3 => Vag = 4.01 V = [eRe + Voglon) + le Re = IpRp + Vaz(on) + (1+ 3aRs b= —t . 2-07 Ha++ Re +e = Ip = 15.1 nA utions (7S\(5.A wA) > Io = 1.13 mA Te = (14 3Me = (76}(15.1 WA) > dg = L153 mA ToRe ~teRe (1.13)(2.51 - 1.15) Vor =Veo+ ¥en =842 da = 0.18 mA > Ig = (101)(0.18) = Ig = 18.18 mA 2. So Re = Toy + Ress WO = 1380 3.17 Vao = eRe + Ven(on) + Iahp [p22 mA = [a= EE 20.0801 mA lem (4) [n= (Sea > [oa 216 mA Vow = (2.2)(1) + 0.7 + (0.0431)(S0) = Yop =5.06 V Veco =5—leRe = Vac 528 =5—(2.2)(1) E318 (1) 6 =feRe + Vps(on) + Te Re (2) 8 =JeRe + Ven(sat) + Te Re Isslatic (1) 6 =10fa $0.7 + Us + Fe)t1) (2) $= Alc $0.24 (Ie + fe)(1) (1) (83s fot Mla] x8 — 26.5 = Sle +55le (2) 48 =Sic4Ie 48=5lo+ Ip 217 = se = [p= 0.402 mA Prom (1), fe = 5.3 -11fz # Jc = 0.880 mA ig =128 md, Vee = Ves(sat) = 0.2 V E3.19 Vec = Vec(sat) = 0.2 V =0.2-(-5) _ 3-02 Jew 8229) S =a 22 os fe 20.48 mA a. fon Ea Swot ep V; + Ip Ro + Ven(on) = 0 => Vy = —(0.24)(20) — 0.7 => Vp = 5.5 lerstandin| E3.20 awe bv. ¥; = —2.5 V Transistor is active. V, =1eRe + Veelon) +feRe —5 5-35 =19(10) + 0.7 + (76)da(4) $a35— Tos (raya Je= = 0.00255 mA. = Ig 32.53 eA Te = Bg ={78)(2.55 HA) > Le = 0.191 mA Te = (1+ B)Iy = (762.55 wA) = [g= 0.194 mA Vex =10-IcRc -leRe = 10 = (0.191)(2) - (0.194)(4) Vox =8.86¥ cc. Vi = 43.5 V Transistor is in sacuration. (1) 3.5 = IpRe + Vec(on) + le Re ~ (2) 8 = TeRe + Vee(sat) + [eRe -5 (3) le = ln tle Q) 3845-07 = 10le + 4(fe + Ic) (2) 545-02 = 2c +4(le + Je) (1) 7.8 = 14le + tle (2) 9.8 =4l5 + 6lc Bx() © 2342425 + 12c 2x (2) = 1962 Bip $126 38 = Mle = Ig =0.12 mA 7.8 = 14(0.112) + 4fe = 1.568 + df = fe = 156 mA SE = 13.9.4 = in sarwaton Tes latte = te TmA Vee = Ver(sat) = 0. 5-15-02 {e(oat)= 5-15-02 i 15 1,=22=B.07 = 39 29 0754 or Ry 6k .8 V = Vee < Vaz(on) => Transistor is cutotl. Ip =Io=le=0. Veg = i0Y apter ns = 0, fa) = lar = for = ler = Ia 30 3 |. ex = lor = 0 = 453 mA sla=8mA Tay = Jae = 4.53 mA In=8mA, Io. = lor = 4 mA, Y= 0.2V £3.23 Yo =SmigRy =5~ Big and Avo _ =ARe. ay, Ry Let #2100, R.=5k2, Ry= 10042 Then Ave _ ~(100X5) Ay, 100 Want Q-point to be vg(Q- pt) =25 =5~(100)Iyq(3) ‘Then Veg - 0.7 oq = 000510 , Tyg = 0005 = 207 or Vag =12V Also Leg = Alag =(100{0.005) Or Teg =05mA E324 b. Tag is independent of 8. For Veeg =1V, Io = lect Desi 2 a= t= dors 7 A= 160 Fe Vesa 4 te = Sot cosma a5. a= ee dos 73> 40 So 40 << 160 £3.25 = Teg = 0.008375 mA 3 tno = oe 8 = 75 = [oq = (75)(0.005375) = 0.403 mA = 150 = Jeg = (150)(0.005375) = 9.806 mA Largest foo => Smallest Veeq 3-1 9s 10 Re = T= 496 kD = 414 = Re For Icg = 0. Veeg = 5 ~ (0.403)4.14) = 3.33 V For Jeg = 0.806, Veeg = 5 —(0.806)(4.14) = 1.66 V So for Re = 4.14, 1.66 V < Vee $3.33 V 3.26 Rey = Ril] Re = 92.25 > Rey =1.8 kN =(~2_ = (238 Vee (atm) = (sk @) => Vex =10V b. Ing Wen=Vex(on) | _1~07 * Bra ++ A)Re 18+ (181)(0.2) = Tog = 9.375 uA 1eg = Bing = (150}(9.375 wA) = leg = 141 mA Jeg = (1+ 8)log = Isq = 1.42 mA Veeq = 3 —IeqRe —IsqRe = 5 = (2.41)(1) — (1.42)(0.2) Solutic =07 Iaq= renaey Ing = 17.6 uA dog = Blag = (78}{17.6 uA) = leg $1.32 mA Jeg = (1+ 8¥leq = Teg = 1.34 mA Verg = 5 = (1.32)(1) ~ (1.34)(0.2) = Verg = 341 76M(17.6 wA) 3.27 area Ry + Ry = 10.25 kD, # = 150 Je = Ia. Veg =25V 5-25 So leq = Isa = TT a5 2.081 mA lag = 138 pA Taq = ETH Vael0n 20" Rew + (1 + A)Re Re Vee - Vag(on) sav» ee) 5 t+ a)RE ee T2sy + (181}(0.2) Ry = 11.25~ Rj, 50 0.0139[Ay(11.25 — Ry) + (151}(0.2)(11.25)] = 5Ry ~ (0.7){11.25} (11.25 — Ry} - (0.79(11.28) 0,1S6R, — 0.013923 + 4.72 = 56.25 — 5K, — 0.0139} ~ 5.156, + 43.66 = 0 $.156 & /(S.156)? — 4(0.0139)(43.56) FC cc > Ry 8.87 KM and Ry = 2.58 KO ‘est, lerst: hapter 3: Exercise S 53.28 120 = Fry + (1+ Bye Set Rr = (0.1)(1 + 0)Re 2) : (10) -5 45-07 Iq = 0.0278 = (qitm)oi-s+s-04 TATA) (0.0278)(1.1)(121)(0.3) = ( fa a9) - Rit Ra Rr \_ (qt) <008 — RR - Rea = ogy = Ra(0.n82) = (0.1)(1219(0.3) => R= 20.1 kd Ra = (0.181)(20.1 + Ra) => 0.81922 = 3.63 k2 => Res hee Set Rr# = (0.1) +8)Re Vp = -IgqRe = ~(0.0099)(50) Vn +43 = Wes nts Too = Taye dae ves ave (12 ain (22821072) ee =Vr (#2) = (0.026) In as) = Vee = 0.830 V Ve = Ve — Ver = —0.495 — 0.630 Vee “1 Ve = 10 ~ (0.99)(5) = 5.05 vo — Ve = 3,05 —(-1.13) Rik =6.18\V = al = 3) = Rre hah (0.1)(151)(0,.2) = 3.02 kD ‘Then Ry (0.1806) = 3.02 —> Ry = 16.7 kA 1 Ry = (0.1806}(16.7 + Re) = 0.819482 = 3.02 b Teg si mA 1p = 37 = 0.0196 mA = B= 268 53.29 Ve “rons = 0.98 Vs ve 8120. Verg = 8V feo = ($f) =as8 ma . Ry . €.98 x 107% . = View = (<8) 10) - Ver = (0.0% a Rew = RillRa, Yew (qBe)on s oe = a6 ae } 529 Teg = Ize Ve = 0.98 - 0.629 = -1.61 $e feo = = Hees Ve = 10 ~ (0.98)(5) = 5.19 wes Verg =5.1—(-1.61) > Vorg = 6.71 ¥ lea = Fpagy + fog = 3.4. mA Solutions Manual 1 1 1 £3.33 2. = fe, 42 (20) = res7 in: 2 (# (20) = Io(0.165) Vs = “ 165) +0.7 Jeg = (45) s*0 (3 Jia = = (0.992)fg Ve= leoke = 5 = (0.992)Ia(4) — =3.97lg-S Vecg = Ve Ve = [19(0.165) + 0.7] - [3.97%q ~ 5] = -3.808/q +57 -3.805lg +5753 + Iq =0.710 mA 4-07 Te: = Ree FO 4 a)Rer SFA = 4A, Icy = 1.40 mA, Ie) = 142 mA, Vou = 4 — (0.014)(23.3) £3.32 > Vp S353V. be 2a 12 = (Ver $0.7) _ Tiong, > te Yer, Yen + con ~°= os * Tey 2.4 +0.0559 = 1.40 = Veu(0.2 +0.00495) Vev=Vp2 = 515. Ver = 5.88 Is: oBse nm S308 mA. Log 3.04 mA. Jay = 304 pA Veer = (3.04)(1.5) => Vey = 4.56 V Rr = 30/100 = 33.3 k2 Vea = (So 5=+1.67V ty = BhSTa OT _ 283 “33+ 0s Bs 2mA. fe = 113 mA = UL2bA fer Van = Jay Rey — 5 = (1.13)(2)- 8 =-2.74V Ver = 3.25 V = Vo. $0.51 Lav => Vez = 0.51 +0. 1 Te = 1.90 mA = Ip, = 18.8 nA BBA fer = Tra = Tey — Toy = 1-12 = 0.0188 = 1.10 mA ee 30.51 - Revs “Typ = Rei = 4.08 40 Vaca = 2.5 = Ver = Vea — Veer Electronic Ci and D. "4 editi Chapter 3 Problem Solutions 3 Be _ 85 or 8 =09% Tea ag? 27098 ig =(14+B,)ig =(86)(6) > i, = 516 ph ape 265 Faso? Pen ig =(1+Ap)ig = (540050) => 1, = 2.70mA 32 ® For § = 110: Bg _ uo Tee = Gy = 0.99098 i For § = 180: 180 co py = ode 9.99099 < a < 0.99448 @) Ic = Aly = 1150 pA) => I, =550mA or Tq = 180{50 A) =>- Ie =9.00mA 50 5505 I, $9.0 mA Ss IcR+ Veg ~ Vee = Ic(2)+1-0.7 = Ie = 2.35 mA Te _ 2.38 Taey @ e239 mA te 34 Same Figure as Problem 3.3 For f, =120, fg oe 37 [et => 05x10" So that Jy =694x10" A Device 2; 122x10” = /,,6°™e Or Ty, 2 169x10"? A 3.40 BYc zo BYom = 862 ae ipa 3.12 BVcoe Vero = BVcee = Sr BVe po = (BVex) YB = (50) Y50 BYcgo = 184 V (@) 1,222 5 Ip=1i3md Ie -(2yun =U2mA Vyg = 24—(113)(10)-(1.12)R, = 6 so that Re = S98 KD e) 1,= = 00132md ¥, = -1,Ry = ~(0.0132)(50) => ¥, =-0658 Ign (20 = 0.987 mA 5-2 Resta? Re = 304K §=0.7 ~{~2) 10+ (76)(10) « Ip= oles i21 pA Jc = 0.906 mA Ve = 0.7 + (0.0121)(10) ~ 2 Ve=-118V Ve = Ie Rc — 8 = (0.906)(3) — 8 = Ve = ~5.28 V Vac = Ve — Ve = -1.18 ~ (—5.28) = Veg S41 @ $= (14+3)fp(10) + L0(20) + 0.7 + (1 + 3)Ja(2) 5 = [n{T60 + 20 + 152) +07 = Ja = 4.61 pA Ie = Bla = (73)(461) > Io = 0.346 mA Vo =S—(1 + S)faRe = 5 - (76)(0.00461)(103 = Yo = 1.50 3.43 (a) Figure P3.12(¢) 8 =(76)1,(10)+07+ 1,(10)-2 10-07 © 10+(76\(10) Then Te = (75), = Le = 0.906 mA and [,=0918mA = 0.01208 mA Vee =8~1gRe—TeRe -(-8) Voc = 16 -(0.918\(10)- (0.906) Re) Vee = 682-~(0.906)R Re =3IES% = BSS Rl SHISKA ‘Then 397 S Vee S4.24V (b) Figure P3.12(¢) Sa (1+ B)lgRe +f (20)+0.7 +(1+ P)1,(2) 5=(76)I,Re + [y(20) +07 + (76)! (2) Now Re =10KQ45% = 95S Ro S10SER Then 0.004435 1, 0.00481 m4 And Vo =5-(I+B)IgRe Sothat 146 <¥_153V 3.14 Ry = = R,=12012 hh o0is 2 req == (70X(ES UA) = 1.05 mA p, = Nero 5-25, g or 3810 Teg bs a Ve=-Iekep > le= Tg = 2.0 pA Ve 21-07 =-17V le = Bly + Le = 0.269 mA Ver = 3- Ve =3~(-1.7) > Vor =47V b tps Stet w05 ma 4=0.7 + leRe + (Ie +lc)Rc-$ Tat+ic=le 4 = 0.7 + f9(100) + {0.5)(8) ~ 5 Jp = 0083 3 HE = (tas =“ eoe A= 10,63, ona te 0.9140 =O = Cutoff =» Ip=0, Vo=6V =07 bv Ve =a, le = —— = Je 30.3 mA lexle > Ve ~ (0.3)(10) > Vo=3V e Ve =2V. Assume active-mode 2-0 Iga 2S a tea ia aAnic Ve = 6 = (1.3)(10) = ~7 VI ‘Transistor in saturation: tex? = Ipsl3ms Vp = 1.3 V, Veo(sat) = 0.2 Ve = Ve + Voa(sat) = 1340.2 = Ve esv Chapter 3: Problem Solutions 3.18 @) B, =100 ( Ig =01md 1. (12}on= 0.0990 ma Vq=5-(0.099\5)> Vo 505 (ii) Ig =05mA t=(1@ (05) = 0.495 mA V, =5-(0.495)(5) => ¥, =2525¥ Gi) tan3m4 Transistor is in saturation Vy =Vg_(sal)+Vz_(sat) =-08+02 => Vy = —06V @)B, = 150 150 @l,=0lmdA ip= (eho: ¥, =5~(009934\5)=> ¥, = 45037 ‘Ye change = S5 ASS c100% = 0.040% (i) 1g =05mA 1, = (#}o5- 0.4967 mA V,=5-(04967\5)=> ¥,=25174 2517-2535 PAUP A 2S? 100% = 032% 2525 (iil) Jy =2.mA_ Transistor in saturation =~0.6V Nochange = 0.09934 md % change = 3.19 s=% % noan(}+) owaussy ¢, ‘Transistor in saturation Ma = Voo(sat) = 0.2 01) =6-Vp + (0.19(9.80) = Yes 119 Lis-07 few EEE oy, wo anma 3.20 Veg =05V > Vy =05V, I, $25 - 090m rol q 0. = la (= 190) => Ly = 0.909 mA Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 2™ edition Solutions Manual 3.21 10-Vs _ 10 fe ap ag e080 ma Ve =Ve-07=2-07 213 V L3 Sp 7 2 =0.025 mA Bs Ie alg ~ [a = 0.80 ~ 0.026 > Lo = 0.714 mA Ig _ 0.174 a = 026 * B _29at cog = far 7 2 =0.8505 Vsc = Ve ~ Ve = Ve ~ (Ie Re — 10) = 2 = ((0.774)(19) ~ 10] Veo = 4.26V a 9.57 Load line developed assuming the V, voltage can change and the Ry resistor is removed. 3.22 50) =(22\u)=098 ma fe 0 Vi = 1gRe -9 = (098K 4.7)-9 or ¥, = ~4394 h -t- 0196 mA Vz = 1,Ry +¥gq(on) = (0.0196)(50) + 0.7 or V, = 168¥ 3.23 te=(Bhos)=049ma 1, = 3 = 00098 mA 31 31 Ve Ry +Veq(on) = (0.0098)(50) +0.7 or V,= 119 Vz = [gRe -9 = (0.49\4.7)—9 = -6.70¥ Then Veg =V_ —Ve = 119-(-6.7) = 789V Py 1 Mog +1 Veq = (0.49)(7.89) + (0.0098K0.7) or Py=387 mv Power Supplied = P, = f(9-V,) = (05)(9-119) Or P,=391mv 3.24 For [y= 0, then ?, 50" For 1g =05mA, Io -(2}os = 0.49 mA V, =(049)(4.7)-9=-6.70¥ > V,.=789V Ps lV eq = (049789) => P= 387 mW For Jg = LO md, Using the same catculations as above, we find P= 595 mi For [p= 15 mA, P= 626m For [g=2mA, P=480mi¥ For [9 =25mA, P=1S7mW For [, =3 mA, Transistor is in saturation. 0.7 +/,(50)=02+1,(47)-9 Tp slg =lytle ly =3-le Then, 0.7 +(3~1,\(30) = 02+J¢(4.7)-9 Which yields Z,=2916md and 1, = 0.084 mA PHLV ey + 1Vge =(0084)(0.7) +(2916)(0.2) or P= 0642 mv 3.28 Im = Ia = 5 > Ig im 50S mA Tex Ter = 0.8 mA Ver = Vex = 5 = (0.5)(4) > Vor = Veg = 3 V 3.26 Ie: Ing = 2 = pa = 240.7 Ra = Soy 7 Ae asooKo Veo - Ye Jog = Beets & Re = > Rc s8kn Tag = Veen Ves(on) | 40.7 aa = Re 699 0.0333 mA (Unchanged) Jeg = Alaq = (100)(0.0333) = fog = 3.33 mA . Veeg = Veo = IegRe = 24 ~ (3.33)(6) = Vero = 4.02V

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