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Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of Allah SWT, because

thanks to grace and blessing the paper "Problem Step Preparation" on "Reducing
Gaps Reviewed From the Law" I can finish as much as possible. The purpose of
this paper is to fulfill the final assignment of TPB Courses Padjadjaran University
in 2017-2018.

The topic selection and the title of the paper are based on my interest
in everything relating to the problem of gameness and by looking at the impact on
the wider community. There are still many people who are less concerned about
the gaps that occur in our country, many imbalances in a very striking society.
Hopefully later by reading this paper readers can realize the gap that occurred in
Indonesia so more people can play an active role in safeguarding the gap.

I am very aware of the many shortcomings of this paper, both in terms

of vocabulary, spelling, the use of punctuation and other things, therefore
constructive criticism and suggestions from various parties especially readers I
hope for the good in the future and as an evaluation for this paper. Thus, hopefully
this paper can qualify to get a perfect score on my TPB final project, and certainly
encourage readers to equally address the problem of disparities in Indonesia.

West Bandung, January 2018


Galih H. Ramadhan


Foreword ................................................................................................ i

Table of Contents ................................................................................... ii

Chapter I : Preliminary ............................................................................ 1

A. Background ........................................................................... 1
B. Formulation of Problem ........................................................ 1
C. Writing Purpose .................................................................... 1

Chapter II : Literature Review ................................................................ 2

A. Understanding of the Gap ..................................................... 2

B. Factor That Cause Socio-Econoic Disparities ...................... 2
C. The Impact of Social Inequality ........................................ 3
D. Examples of Social Inequalities ........................................ 4
E. The Gaps Discussed In the Law ........................................ 4

Chapater III : Discussion ........................................................................ 6

Chapter IV : Covering ............................................................................ 7

A. Conclusion ........................................................................... 7
B. Suggestion ............................................................................ 7

Bibliography .......................................................................................... 8



A. Background

Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of thousands of large and small

islands with an area of about 2 million km² and the fourth most populous population
in the world after China, India and America. Fertility or birth is one of the increasing
factors of population besides migration, the number of babies born after 2000 is still
large in number. Over the years the number of babies born in Indonesia reaches about
4.5 million babies. This high birth rate is what causes the burst of population in
Indonesia. This large population is certainly causing many problems, including
poverty, education problems, and others. Things like that, which trigger the
emergence of social inequalities in people's lives. This gap is triggered by rampant
poverty and lack of employment.

Increasing the number of people who are not accompanied by the

availability of adequate employment, resulting in the number of unemployed more
and more. This is due to lack of employment. Employment has a huge influence in the
economy of society, while the economy becomes a factor of social inequality. One of
the characteristics of labor in Indonesia is the rate of employment growth is higher
than the rate of employment growth.

The occurrence of gaps in Indonesia is at least influenced by regional and

cultural factors, but it should also be noted how the role of government to handle the
gap is seen from the side of the state law. this paper is made so that we should know
what the role of government and the law in overcoming the gap in the earth of

B. Formulation of the Problem

How the government overcomes the gap seen from the side of the law?

C. Writing Purpose

Know how to reduce the gap seen from the standpoint of the law



A. Understanding of the Gap

The gap is divided into two kinds: socio-economic disparities and

economic disparities. Social inequality is a condition in which social imbalances or
social imbalances occur in society that cause a very striking difference. The social gap
is characterized by unequal opportunities and benefits for different social positions in
a status or group of people. Social disparity can be seen from the unequal proportion
of goods or services, rewards, wealth, opportunities and punishment obtained among
the people.

Socioeconomic Inequality is a phenomenon that arises in society because

of differences in financial capability and so forth between people living in a particular
region. The economic disparity is the inequality in income distribution between high
income groups and low-income groups.

B. Factor That Cause Socio-Econoic Disparities

 Differences In Natural Resources

Natural resources are closely related to the economic level of a

region. If it can utilize natural resources well, the economic rate of a region will
increase and, on the other hand, the economic level of an area is low if the
community can not utilize the natural resources maximally.

 Government Policy

Government policy can lead to social inequalities. Examples are

policies on transmigration programs. As immigrant residents move ahead faster
than indigenous peoples, social inequality can occur. The inequality occurs
because there is an inequality between two groups that should be able to grow

 Influence of Globalization

People who can address globalization properly will be able to take

advantage of globalization to achieve progress. Meanwhile, people who can not
take advantage of globalization appropriately will not be able to take the
opportunities offered by globalization and even lag.

 Demographic Factors

Demographic conditions show growth rates and population structure,

education level, health level, differences in labor conditions, and all matters
relating to the population. Differences in the demographic condition of a region
can lead to social inequality due to differences in the productivity of the work of
the people of each region.

 Location and Geographical Condition

The location and geographical conditions of Indonesia affect the level

of development of a society. People living in the lowlands are generally easier to
build a variety of infrastructure, while people living in the highlands need time
and a long process in development because constrained natural conditions are
uphill and uneven.

 Decrease in income per capita.

 Inequality of regional development.
 Low social mobility
 Pollution of the natural environment
C. The Impact of Social Inequality

Positive impact

• Eliminates stress-triggering conditions

• Relaxing both body and soul

• Accelerate the process of human activity

• Causes a more equitable division of labor

Negative impact

• Growing laziness

• Insensitivity to something

• Easily discouraged that impedes work mobility

• The rise of social jealousy

• Many crimes occur

D. Examples of Social Inequalities

Here are some examples of social inequalities in everyday life:

• Corruptors who consume public money up to billions of rupiah are only held for
3 years while people who are thieves can be held for up to a dozen years.

• The absence of adequate transportation facilities for people with disabilities.

• People who look expensive and nice clothes are treated very well by the waiter,
in contrast to people who look ordinary.

E. The Gaps Discussed In the Law

In the law of the republic of Indonesia, the gap is discussed in paragraph

39 which reads as follows:

(1) The Government and the Regional Government shall carry out the
reconstruction as referred to in Article 36 paragraph (2) letter c in accordance with its
duties, responsibilities and authorities.

(2) The implementation of reconstruction as referred to in paragraph (1)

shall include:

 recovery and improvement of public service function in post-conflict

environment and / or area;
 recovery and provision of access to education, health and livelihoods;
 improvement of public facilities and public infrastructure of Conflict area;

 improvement of the various structures and frameworks that cause inequality
and injustice, including economic disparities;
 improvement and provision of basic basic needs fulfillment facilities for
women, children, elders and groups of people with special needs;
 repair and restoration of places of worship.



As already seen on the surface, Indonesia as an unequally dispersed island nation

will have gaps in many ways. But beyond that, the cause of the gap is the level of income or
wealth between regions within a country. With equal opportunities everyone will have better
access to existing resources. In addition everyone should also have access to employment
opportunities and other economic development benefits.

The problem of social and economic disparities should be taken seriously. Not
only that, Indonesia also needs to develop various policies that can have a direct impact on
the improvement of people's welfare. The policy is the development of services that provide
equal opportunities for all Indonesian society. The other policy is the development of training
and employment program programs for the workforce.

Based on the law of article 39 mentioned that the need for improvement of
various structures and frameworks that cause inequality and injustice, including economic
disparities. This proves that the need for development of government spending policy for
infrastructure development, education and health services. In addition, there should be social
economic assistance for households whose the purpose is to improve the welfare of the



A. Conclusion

The way in which the government can reduce gaps based on the law is to
improve the structures and frameworks as set forth in the Indonesian state law article

B. Suggestion

The suggestions that the author can provide is the need for cooperation
from various parties in the improvement of various structures. The role of the
government is crucial, but we as a community must participate in supporting policy


Subekti, Valina Singka 2015. “Dinamika Konsolidasi Demokrasi: Dari Ide Pembaruan Sistem
Politik Hingga ke Praktik Pemerintahan Demokratis”, Jakarta: Pustaka Obor Indonesia.

Materi, “10 Contoh Kesenjangan Sosial di Lingkungan Masyarakat Indonesia”, Materi IPS, 5
January 2018)

Pelajaran, ”Pengertian Kesenjangan Sosial, Faktor Penyebab dan Contohnya”, Pelajaran

untuk Indonesia,
dampak/(accesed 3 January 2018)

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2012 Tentang Penanganan Konflik


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