Sprinkler Systems & Fire Flow: Laying Out A System Grids For Precise Pipe Lengths (Automatically Calculated)

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Sprinkler Systems & Fire Flow

The NFPA, OISD and TAC standards require that hydrant and sprinkler
distribution networks meet specific flow and pressure requirements; failing to
meet fire water demand could result in grave consequences. To help
circumvent potentially catastrophic events it is essential that a network analysis
be performed during the design stage and before modifications are made to an
existing fire water network. Pipe2018:KYPipe provides the data necessary to
ensure acceptable water flow for each line and an appropriate pressure at each
node to satisfy the fire water demand. The analysis also aids in maintenance
planning by analyzing pipe aging. Pipe2018:KYPipe network analysis helps to
ensure an efficient fire water network over time.
Pipe2018: KYPipe sprinkler and hydrant system layouts can be built with only a
mouse; right-click (RC) to add pipes, left-click (LC) to select different nodes.
Pipe layout grids can be used to precisely calculate pipe lengths. A number of
additional features have been incorporated to simplify and accelerate the task
of developing pipe system layouts and generating the corresponding data files.
Fire flow calculations can be made at hydrants, junctions or both. Therefore it is
not necessary to include hydrants in the model to calculate fire flows. However,
incorporating hydrants in KYPipe allows the user to add additional capabilities,
to plot hydrant test data, calculate fire flows, and maintain accurate, detailed
hydrant records. Hydrants may be emphasized using NFPA hydrant color
Users can select one or more hydrants for fire flow simulation and receive
calculated flow information for a variety of conditions. Some of these conditions
include: determining the pumped fire flow limit to maintain a specified pressure
throughout distribution system; free flow (through a hydrant nozzle into
atmosphere); and fire flow through a hose and nozzle connected to a hydrant.
Fire flow results are presented in a printable fire flow graph or in a detailed
hydrant report. Read more about sprinkler systems here.
Grids for Precise Pipe Lengths (Automatically
Laying Out a System

Hydrant Flow-Pressure Data Hydrant Information Maintained by the Model

Hydrants are labeled with
pressure and flow results when
an analysis is conducted.

Default Hydrant and Hose Constant / Suction Pressure at Fire Pump Calculation
A second calculation can also be performed to determine the maximum flow that maintains an
acceptable suction pressure at a fire pump. The conventional fire flow analysis determines how much
flow can be pumped out of the system and not lower the pressure in the distribution system to < 20
psi (or another specified value). This approach may overestimate the possible fire flow at locations
where there is a large capacity, such as in the vicinity of a tank. This is because conventional analysis
predicts fire flows so large they can’t be delivered to the pumper at an acceptable suction pressure
(e.g., > 0 psi) because the losses through the hydrant and hose to the pumper are far too large.
Performing a second calculation: When values are entered in the fields highlighted in the image
above, a second calculation generates the maximum flow value which maintains an acceptable
suction pressure at the fire pump. When this is lower than the first (conventional) calculation, then the
conventional approach has overestimated the potential fire flow and the second flow is a more
realistic calculation of the available fire flow.
Hyrdrant Monitor Element
The Hydrant Monitor element allows the monitor to operate with two additional hoses connected
simultaneously. The K values for the Hydrant/Monitor may be set at each individual hydrant using the
Node Information Data Menu. Then the valves that are open may by selected in the Device Data
Menu as shown:


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