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Οδυσσέας Γκιλής



Mark Mazower. Πόλη των φαντασμάτων

Θεσσαλονίκη 2016


Πόλη των Φαντασμάτων, Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι, 1430-1950» του Mark
Mazower. .................................................................................................................................. 4
Από εργασίες μου για Θεσσαλονίκη ......................................................................................... 7
Αγοράς. Πέμπτη, Δεκεμβρίου 27, 2007. ................................................................................. 10
Από την βιβλιοπαρουσίαση στην Biblionet. Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι
14301950. Mark Mazower. μετάφραση: Κώστας Κουρεμένος Αλεξάνδρεια, 2006. ............. 12
Εφημερίδα ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ. Η αλήθεια για τον Μαζάουερ και η ιστορική διαστρέβλωση.
05.03.2013. Κωνσταντίνος Χολέβας........................................................................................ 13
Από τη Βικιπαίδεια,. Βιογραφία .............................................................................................. 15
Έργα Συγγραφέας .................................................................................................................... 16
Greek ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Greece ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Salonica ................................................................................................................................... 73
Macedonia ............................................................................................................................... 90
Byzantine, Byzantium ............................................................................................................ 106
Hellenic, Hellenistic, Hellenism ............................................................................................. 122
Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων ................................................... 136
ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟ ............................................................................................................................. 144

Πόλη των Φαντασμάτων, Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι,

1430-1950» του Mark Mazower.

Βιβλιοκριτική στο βιβλίο «Πόλη των Φαντασμάτων, Χριστιανοί,

Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι, 1430-1950» του Mark Mazower. Ιωάννης
Φιλίστωρ 26 Μαρτίου 2011 του Ιωάννη Τουλουμάκου. Ομ. Καθηγητής
Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Α.Π.Θ. δημοσιεύτηκε στο τεύχος "Μακεδονικά
, 2007, ΛΣΤ" της Εταιρείας των Μακεδονικών Σπουδών. Σε παλαιότερες
εποχές οι πρωτοετείς φοιτητές της Ιστορίας μάθαιναν, πως επιστημονικό
αλλά και ηθικό χρέος του ιστορικού είναι να «βρει τι πραγματικά συνέβη»,
δηλ. την αλήθεια, μακριά από κάθε πάθος και οργή και ότι αν δεν μπορέσει
να βρει την αλήθεια, επειδή οι γνωστικές δυνατότητες είναι περιορισμένες,
πρέπει πάντως η αναζήτησή της να αποτελεί σε κάθε περίπτωση τον μόνο
σκοπό του, ακριβέστερα: να είναι στάση ζωής. Εκτός από την αντίληψη
αυτή, υπήρξαν όμως ήδη από την αρχαιότητα και άλλες όπως ότι η Ιστορία
μπορεί να αποβλέπει στην τέρψη ή τον εντυπωσιασμό, ή ακόμη να είναι
θεραπαινίδα προκαταλήψεως ή ιδεοληψίας. Υπήρξαν και υπάρχουν και
σήμερα και, όπως γνωρίζω, τείνουν να παραμερίσουν την πρώτη. Το
βιβλίο του M. Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων,
μπορεί να ανήκει στη δεύτερη ή τρίτη κατηγορία, σίγουρα όμως δεν ανήκει
στην πρώτη, ή σε άλλη διατύπωση, δεν θέλει να βρει «τι πραγματικά
συνέβη», δηλ. την αλήθεια. Έχει ένα σαφή «προγραμματικό χαρακτήρα»,
όπως δείχνουν οι επιλογές των μαρτυριών (όπου και όπως γίνονται στο
βιβλίο), οι σχετικές κρίσεις του αλλά και ο ίδιος ο τίτλος του βιβλίου. «Η
ατμόσφαιρα της πόλης είναι ακόμη στοιχειωμένη από τα φαντάσματα των
μεγάλων ιστορικών κοινοτήτων που τη μοιράστηκαν, από τις περιπέτειες
των λαών και των ανθρώπων που συναντήθηκαν στην πολυτάραχη ιστορία
της. Στη ζωντανή τους μνήμη είναι αφιερωμένο αυτό το βιβλίο». Με αυτές
τις φράσεις κλείνει το διαφημιστικό σημείωμα στο εξωτερικό περίβλημα
του βιβλίου φράσεις που αποδίδουν τις εκτενείς σχετικές δηλώσεις του
συγγρ. στην Εισαγωγή [(«η αληθινή πρόκληση δεν είναι απλά και μόνο να
διηγηθείς την ιστορία αυτής της εντελώς ξεχωριστής πόλης ως ιστορία
πολιτιστικής και θρησκευτικής συνύπαρξης στις αρχές του εικοστού

πρώτου αιώνα αυτού του είδους οι από καιρό ξεχασμένες ιστορίες

βρίσκουν πρόθυμα αφτιά, που τις περιμένουν και τις αποζητούν αλλά το
να δεις τις εμπειρίες των Χριστιανών, των Εβραίων και των
Μουσουλμάνων σαν στοιχεία μιας ενιαίας, ολιστικής ιστορικής
αφήγησης» (σ. 29)].
BiblioNet : Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων / Mazower, Mark
...Τι είναι αυτό που κάνει τη Θεσσαλονίκη μια τόσο μοναδική πόλη; Νέα
κι ωστόσο ήδη κλασική, αυτή η μελέτη αναζητεί την απάντηση στα
πεντακόσια χρόνια της ...
Diavazō Τεύχη 471-474 Σελίδα 146 2007 ριν από λίγο καιρό, με αφορμή
το βιβλίο του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, πόλη τιυν φαντασμάτων
(εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια), είχα μια συζήτηση μ' έναν άξιο γιατρό, ετών
σαράντα και κάτι. Όταν αναφέρθηκα στη παρουσία της πολυπληθούς ...
Enteuktērio Τόμος 19,Τεύχη 74-75 Σελίδα 190 2006 Ό Μάρκ Μαζάουερ,
καθηγητής Ιστορίας στό ΒίτββΛ (Ζοΐ1θ§θ τού Λονδίνου καί στό
Πανεπιστήμιο (ΙοΙιιιτλΙηβ της Νέας Υόρκης, μέ τά προηγούμενα βιβλία
του πού ... Τό πιό πρόσφατο βιβλίο του, Θεσσαλονίκη: Πόλη τών
Mark Mazower : "Θεσσαλονίκη η Πόλη των φαντασμάτων" Λέσχη του
...31 Οκτ 2008 10 δημοσιεύσεις 6 συντάκτες Ο Mark Mazower
παρουσιάζει στο Βιβλίο του πολλά στοιχεία από άρθρα εφημερίδων, ...
«Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων: Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι
και ... (Για κάποιον που θέλει να εκπονήσει εργασία ή μελέτη με σχετική ...
MAZOWER MARK Πολιτεία Στην εξαιρετικά πρωτότυπη αυτή ιστορία
του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ διαλύει τα τρέχοντα ... Παρά την επιστημονική
μεθοδολογία της, η μελέτη αυτή δεν αποφεύγε. .... Χίτλερ, Σκοτεινή
ήπειρος, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων) αναλαμβάνει εδώ να ...
Βιβλιοκριτική στο βιβλίο «Πόλη των Φαντασμάτων, Χριστιανοί ...26 Μαρ
2011 Το βιβλίο του M. Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των
φαντασμάτων, μπορεί ... Εκεί μάλιστα ο συγγρ. παραπέμπει στη μελέτη
του Αιμ. Δημητριάδη ...
Έλληνες στο Λονδίνο Νίκανδρος Μπούρας 2014 Σε αυτές τις συζητήσεις
είχε πάρει μέρος και ο ιστορικός Mark Mazower, ο οποίος συμμετείχε
συχνά στις εκδηλώσεις της ΕΛ.Ε.Μ.Ε.Π., γνωστός στην Ελλάδα από τα
βιβλία του Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ και Θεσσαλονίκη: Η Πόλη των

Η «ύπουλος θωπεία» Λένα Διβάνη 2014 ΌτανοιΤούρκοι εισέβαλαν στην

πόλη, κατόρθωσε ναδιασώσει τηβιβλιοθήκη και πολλά απότα
εργαστηριακά όργανατου ... της πόλης βλ. αναλυτικά Mark Mazower,
Θεσσαλονίκη,πόλη των φαντασμάτων: Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι
καιΕβραίοι, ...
Η αλήθεια για τον Μαζάουερ και η ιστορική διαστρέβλωση | δημοκρατία
5 Μαρ 2013 Η Θεσσαλονίκη, η οποία εόρτασε πέρσι τα 100 χρόνια από
την απελευθέρωσή ... τον Βρετανό ιστορικό Μαρκ Μαζάουερ. Στο βιβλίο
του «Θεσσαλονίκη, η Πόλη των φαντασμάτων» προσπάθησε να πει ότι
επί Οθωμανών η πόλη ...
Η Εβραία νύφη Νίκος Δαββέτας Laurence Rees: Οι Ναζί και η τελική
λύση, εκδόσεις Πατάκης, Mark Mazower: Μετά τον πόλεμο και
Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια, Gotz
Αly: Το λαϊκό κράτος του Χίτλερ, εκδόσεις Κέδρος. Hagen Fleischer: Οι ...
...Περίληψη Τι είναι αυτό που κάνει τη Θεσσαλονίκη μια τόσο μοναδική
πόλη; Νέα κι ωστόσο ήδη κλασική, αυτή η μελέτη αναζητεί την απάντηση
στα 500 χρόνια ...
Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων | Βιβλία Public Θεσσαλονίκη,
Πόλη των φαντασμάτων Χριστιανοί, μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι 1430...
πόλη; Νέα και ωστόσο ήδη κλασική, αυτή η μελέτη αναζητεί την απάντηση
στα ... ιστορία, ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ αρχίζει αυτή την ιστορία της
Θεσσαλονίκης από ...
Θεσσαλονίκη. Πόλη των φαντασμάτων – Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια Τι είναι
αυτό που κάνει τη Θεσσαλονίκη μια τόσο μοναδική πόλη; Νέα και ωστόσο
ήδη κλασική, αυτή η μελέτη αναζητεί την απάντηση στα πεντακόσια ... και
ελληνική ιστορία, ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ αρχίζει αυτή την ιστορία της
Θεσσαλονίκης από την ...
Θεσσαλονίκη. Πόλη των φαντασμάτων , Mark Mazower , Αλεξάνδρεια
...1 Οκτ 2006 Περιγραφή: Ένα σπουδαίο βιβλίο για μια πόλη μοναδική όχι
μόνο στην Ευρώπη, αλλά και σε ολόκληρη την ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας.
Ίων Δραγούμης: Ο ασυμβίβαστος Γιάννης Α. Μάζης 2016 978∙ επίσης,
Mark Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη: Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, μτφρ. Κώστας
Κουρεμένος, Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια, 2006. 690. Ίων ∆ραγούμης, Κοινότης,
Έθνος και Κράτος, σ. 16768. 691. Κωνσταντίνος Σβολόπουλος, Η
ελληνική εξωτερική ...

Κωνσταντινούπολη. Η πόλη των απόντων: Αλέξανδρος Μασσαβέτας 2016

Κάποτε Βαρκελώνη του Λεβάντε και Madre de Israel, η Θεσσαλονίκη
είναι σήμερα μία μονολιθικά ελληνόφωνη και ... Ο Mark Mazower πολύ
σωστά αποκάλεσε τη Θεσσαλονίκη «Πόλη των Φαντασμάτων», αλλά ο
τίτλος προσήκει εξίσου και στη ...
Τα "καθαρά χέρια" της Χρυσής Αυγής: Εφαρμογές ναζιστικής
καθαρότητας Κωστής Παπαιωάννου ... εννοιών», στο Έξι κείμενα για το
ρατσισμό, Παρασκήνιο 1998, σελ. 70-71. 48 more-
1046. Αναλυτικότερα για το θέμα, Marc Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη
των φαντασμάτων, μτφρ.
τον Μαζάουερ για τη Θεσσαλονίκη– άφωνο το κοινό [βίντεο] Iefimerida
28 Ιαν 2013 ... αποδομεί τον ιστορικό Μαρκ Μαζάουερ για το βιβλίο του
για τη Θεσσαλονίκη, άκουσε τον ποιητή να τον επαινεί. ... Η Πόλη των

Από εργασίες μου για Θεσσαλονίκη

Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ ΑΠΟ Θεσσαλονίκη SELANIK

SOLUN Θεσσαλονίκη 2013.
Αρχίζω με λίγα αποσπάσματα από τις πρώτες αναφορές για τη
Θεσσαλονίκη. Οι πρώτες αναφορές στους κλασικούς. Στράβων,
Γεωγραφικά για τη Θεσσαλονίκη. 3ος π. Χ. Πολύβιος ιστορικός, Βίτων
μηχανικός. Υπάρχει μια εργασία μου με τίτλο, ΓΚΙΛΗΣ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ.
Θεσσαλονίκη στους κλασσικούς.
Αμέσως μετά παραθέτω ένα χρονολογικό πίνακα με Σύνοψη της ιστορίας
της πόλης μας. 25.04.2012 από TJ News.
Σύντομη ιστορία της πόλης της Θεσσαλονίκης μέχρι το 1948.
Με βάση αυτόν τον πίνακα βάζω χρονολογικά σελίδες με φωτογραφίες της

Εργασίες μου στο SCRIPD. ΓΚΙΛΗΣ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ. Θεσσαλονίκη στους

κλασσικούς, ΓΚΙΛΗΣ ΟΔΥΣΣΕΑΣ. Πυλαία Θεσσαλονίκης 2008 .

Μετά από 65, περίπου, σελίδες χρονολογική παράθεση φωτογραφιών

βάζω φωτογραφίες με βάση τα διάφορα ονόματα της Θεσσαλονίκης.


Οι πρώτες αναφορές στους κλασικούς.

Οδυσσέας Γκιλής. Επιμέλεια συλλογής και επεξεργασίας υλικού. ΤΑ

Θεσσαλονίκη 2013
Εισαγωγικό σημείωμα
Απολαύστε εδώ, διάφορα κείμενα και φωτογραφίες που συγκέντρωσα
Αντιγράφω από το πρόγραμμα της έκθεσης27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012…
Las Incantadas (Οι Μαγεμένες), στη διάλεκτο των Ισπανόφωνων
Εβραιών της Θεσσαλονίκης, είναι τέσσερις λίθινοι πεσσοί της ύστερης
αρχαιότητας (3oς5oς αι.) με ανάγλυφες μορφές φυσικού μεγέθους, που
βρέθηκαν στην αρχαία αγορά της Θεσσαλονίκης. Η εικόνα τους και ο
θρύλος τους αποτελούν ένα από τα σύμβολα της πόλης.

Οι ΜαγεμένεςLas Incantadas που εκτίθενται στο Λούβρο.

Από αλλού δανείζομαι ότι το 1753 ο Βρετανός ζωγράφος Stuart μαζί με

τον αρχιτέκτονα Revett επισκέπτονται το σπίτι, όπου βρίσκονταν τα
«είδωλα», με τη μεσολάβηση του Βρετανού προξένου.

Ο ιστορικός Βακαλόπουλος γράφει «ΕΝΑΣ ΓΑΛΛΟΣ ΕΛΓΙΝ ΣΤΗ

ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ (1864)» του Απόστολου Βακαλόπουλου.
Παρά τη συνεχή δημοσίευση νέων ειδήσεων για την ιστορία της
Θεσσαλονίκης κατά τη διαχρονική της περίοδο τόσον από αρχαιολόγους,
όσο και ιστορικούς, διαλανθάνουν εντούτοις την προσοχή μας ορισμένες
μαρτυρίες που βρίσκονται σποραδικά σε ορισμένα περιηγητικά βιβλία,
που δεν αναφέρονται άμεσα σ’ αυτήν, αλλά σε άλλους τόπους.

Ο ερευνητής πρέπει να έχει την υπομονή ν’ αναζητήσει, έστω και αν

πρόκειται να χάσει πολύτιμο χρόνο, τις διάσπαρτες αυτές μαρτυρίες, να
τις συλλέξει και να τις συνθέσει σ’ ένα ομοιόμορφο ιστορικό σύνολο
συγκρίνοντάς τις με άλλες γνωστές πληροφορίες.
Αυτές τις σκέψεις κάνει κανείς, όταν διαβάζει στο βιβλίο του Emm.
Miller, Le mont Athos. Vatopedi. L’ile de Thasos, Paris 1889, σ. 336366
—τις εντυπώσεις του—σε επιστολές προς τη γυναίκα του καταγραμμένες
από τη σύντομη παραμονή του στην πόλη του Θερμαϊκού.
Συνεχίζει ο Βακαλόπουλος «με την πρόθυμη συγκατάθεση του
σουλτάνου, καθώς και του πασά της πόλης—ν’ αρπάξει ένα ωραίο
αρχαίο μνημείο, τις λεγόμενες κατά το καστιλιάνικο ιδίωμα των
Ισπανοεβραίων Incantadas (Μαγεμένες) ή τα λεγόμενα από τους
Έλληνες «Είδωλα», δηλαδή να μιμηθεί την πράξη που πριν 64 χρόνια
είχε κάνει στην Αθήνα ο γνωστός λόρδος Θωμάς Brice, κόμης Elgin,
αφαιρώντας από το Ερέχθειο ορισμένα μάρμαρα και κόρες.
Και ενώ για την επιστροφή των Ελγίνειων μαρμάρων έγινε και γίνεται
μεγάλος θόρυβος, αγνοήθηκε τελείως το ίδιο πράγμα για το μνημείο
Incantadas της Θεσσαλονίκης, που υψωνόταν άλλοτε στον χώρο της
αρχαίας αγοράς της.
Ο Miller, γνωστός για τις αρχαιολογικές και ιστορικές του έρευνες στη
Θάσο και την αρπαγή ορισμένων μαρμάρων, οσμίζεται νέα λεία,
πλουσιότερη, όταν μαθαίνει κατά το τέλος Σεπτεμβρίου αρχές
Οκτωβρίου 1864, παραμονές της αναχώρησής του από τη Θάσο για τη
Θεσσαλονίκη, ότι στην πόλη αυτή είχαν αρχίσει να κατεδαφίζουν τα
τείχη της.»
Και παρακάτω «Ο Miller έρχεται με γαλλικό πολεμικό στη Θεσσαλονίκη
στις 30 Οκτωβρίου 1864 προερχόμενος από τη Θάσο. Δεν προσορμίζεται
στο γνωστό από την αρχαιότητα λιμάνι της, αλλά στην περιοχή των
Μύλων του Αλλατίνι, γιατί εκεί σκόπευαν να μεταφέρουν κρυφά τα
γλυπτά των Incantadas, ώστε να μην αντιληφθεί ο λαός ότι επρόκειτο να
τα φυγαδεύσουν στο εξωτερικό, όπως άλλωστε τον είχε συμβουλεύσει ο
πρόξενος της Γαλλίας Pontcharra.»

Τα παραπάνω αποσπάσματα είναι… «Το παραπάνω κείμενο είναι από το

ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ δημοσιευμένα μεταξὺ 19811990», ἐκδ. ΒΑΝΙΑΣ,
Θεσσαλονίκη 1991, σελ. 5057.»

Αλλού Σχετικό άρθρο από το ιστολόγιο: Από τον Βισάλτη

αναφέρεται «Πρόκειται για μια πραγματική λεηλασία, όμοια με αυτή
του Παρθενώνα. Οι "Καρυάτιδες της Θεσσαλονίκης" σήμερα εκτίθενται
στο Μουσείο του Λούβρου. Τα τελευταία κομμάτια από αυτό το μνημείο,

ένα πραγματικό έργο τέχνης, και που είχε στην κατοχή της η εβραϊκή
οικογένεια, θα πουληθούν λίγο πριν το 1917 σε Άγγλους.
Ότι, και αν ,έχει απομείνει από αυτό, θα έρθει να καταστρέψει και να το
διαγράψει από τον χώρο και την μνήμη της πόλης η μεγάλη πυρκαγιά του
1917. Στην Θεσσαλονίκη θα παραμείνουν μόνο οι θρύλοι...»

Θυμίζω και το βιβλίο Για τις "μαγεμμένες" του Άρη Παπάζογλου που
εκδόθηκε το 2011. Καθώς και το Las Incantadas αταξίδευτη
μαγεμένη, έκδ. Αφοι Κυριακίδη. Θεσσαλονίκη.

Σημειώνω και την εκδήλωση στην αρχαία αγορά


"INCANTADAS',της Αρχαίας Αγοράς. Πέμπτη, Δεκεμβρίου 27, 2007.

Από αλλού δανείζομαι ότι «Η πρώτη και σημαντικότερη ενημέρωση

των Θεσσαλονικέων για την ΣΤΟΑ ΤΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΛΩΝ,
πραγματοποιήθηκε χάρις στο θαυμάσιο επιτοίχιο Ημερολόγιο του
1995, που εξέδωσε η Πολιτιστική Πρωτεύουσα, όπου η ευγενική
χειρονομία του γνωστού συλλέκτη Σάββα Δεμερτζή επέτρεψε να
γίνουν ευρύτερα γνωστά τα «Είδωλα» και η Στοά, από τα χαρακτικά
της έκδοσης «The Antiquities of Athens» του 1753.»

Μορφές των μαγεμένων «Η Μαινάδα, ο Διόνυσος, η Αριάδνη, η Λήδα,

ο Γανυμήδης, ο Διόσκουρος, η Αύρα και η Νίκη»…

Και VIDEO υπάρχει …Σκηνή από τις «Μαγεμένες», ένα βίντεο με θέμα
τον λαϊκό θρύλο για τα γλυπτά της στοάς των ειδώλων της Αρχαίας
Αγοράς της Θεσσαλονίκης, που θα προβληθεί στη Ροτόντα.
Συνάντησα και αυτό… Ο Ντίνος Χριστιανόπουλος πρότεινε ακόμη μια
ονομασία το 1997 για τα "είδωλα" της Θεσσαλονίκης: "Οι Λαγγεμένες".
Πρέπει να προσθέσω ακόμα … Las Incantadas, Σχέδιο του Cousinery με
τη ρωμαϊκή στοά των Incantadas (Μαγεμένων ή Ειδώλων)…. Drawing
by Cousinery of the Roman portico of the 'Incantadas' ('Enchanted' ones
or 'Idols') in the courtyard of a Jewish house in Thessaloniki, 19th cent.
Εγγραφή σε πίνακα English: Las Incantadas, Thessaloniki.

Και ο ποιητήςλογοτέχνης Γιώργος Ιωάννου… Γιώργος Ιωάννου

Χρονολόγιο. ΠΑΡΑΛΛΗΛΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ (2) ..στο έργο του Las
Incantadas, Γ. Ιωάννου, Η σαρκοφάγος. Δεν είναι πολύς καιρός που
διάβασα σ' ένα σπάνιο βιβλίο για το μνημείο με τις Μαγεμένες, τις Las
Incantadas, όπως τις έλεγαν οι ισπανόφερτοι Εβραίοι της πόλης μας...
ένα χτίσμα στολισμένο με κόρες και άλλα αγάλματα, εκεί σε μια γωνιά
της σημερινής πλατείας Δικαστηρίων. Τα 'χουν ξεσηκώσει, βέβαια κι
αυτά τα λείψανα... και τώρα βρίσκονται ποιος ξέρει πού πεταμένα, στο
μουσείο του Λούβρου. Κι όμως εγώ πιστεύω πως τα πράγματα αυτά τα
έχω δει με τα ίδια μου τα μάτια στημένα στον τόπο τους...

Οδυσσέας Κ. Γκιλής. Επιμέλεια συγκέντρωσης, ταξινόμησης υλικού

Θεσσαλονίκη. στους Αρχαίους Ελληνες Κλασσικούς. Θεσσαλονίκη 2006.

Εισαγωγική σημείωση
Που συναντάμε το όνομα της πόλης στα κείμενα των αρχαίων Ελλήνων
κλασσικών, των Βυζαντινών και θρησκευτικών, θεολόγων συγγραφέων.
Ταξινομημένα κάτα αιώνα και συγγραφέα συναντάμε 700, περίπου,
αποσπάσματα. Βέβαια οι Οικονομικές μου σπουδές δεν με νομιμoποιούν
να διεκδικώ φιλολογικές και ιστορικές δάφνες, αλλά η αγάπη μου και το
πάθος για την αρχαία Ελλήνική γραμματεία και την Θεσσαλονίκη, μαζί με
τη βοήθεια του προγράμματος Thesaurus Lingua Graecaάδεια για τη
χρήση του έχω έδωσαν τα παρακάτω αποτελέσματα. Ακόμα θεωρώ
χρήσιμο να τονίσω ότι η προσπάθεια αυτή δεν είναι βέβαια ιστορία της
Θεσσαλονίκης μέσα από τα αρχαία Ελληνικά κείμενα. Απλά είναι
ενδεικτική συγκέντρωση αποσπασμάτων από τα αρχαία κλασσικά
Ελληνικά έργα. Από τον 8ο π.Χ. αιώνα και μέχρι τον 4ο αιώνα π.Χ. δηλαδή
της ιδρύσης της πόλης το 316 π.χ. από τον Κάσσανδρο είναι φυσικό να
μην υπάρχουν αναφορές με το όνομα Θεσσαλονίκη. Η περιοχή της
Θεσσαλονίκης κατοικήθηκε ήδη από τα προϊστορικά χρόνια, ενώ η πόλη
της Θεσσαλονίκης ιδρύθηκε το 316315 π.Χ. από τον Κάσσανδρο, στο
μυχό του Θερμαϊκού Κόλπου.
Ακολουθεί άλλη έρευνα με το όνομα Θέρμη.
Δεν υπάρχουν ακόμα επαρκή στοιχεία που να αποδεικνύουν την
ταυτότητα αυτής της πόλης· όμως, πληθαίνουν οι ενδείξεις που οδηγούν
στην άποψη ότι η πόλη που προϋπήρχε στη θέση της Θεσσαλονίκης
ήταν η Θέρμη, που έδωσε και στον κόλπο την ονομασία Θερμαίος και
αργότερα Θερμαϊκός.1… Ως πυρήνας της νέας πόλης λειτούργησε, όπως
ήταν φυσικό, η Θέρμη, και ο Κάσσανδρος για να αυξήσει τον πληθυσμό
της, διευκόλυνε ή επέβαλε την εγκατάσταση κατοίκων από τους
αγροτικούς πληθυσμούς της περιοχής.

Από την βιβλιοπαρουσίαση στην Biblionet. Χριστιανοί,

Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι 14301950. Mark Mazower.
μετάφραση: Κώστας Κουρεμένος Αλεξάνδρεια, 2006.

Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι και Εβραίοι 14301950. Mark Mazower.

μετάφραση: Κώστας Κουρεμένος Αλεξάνδρεια, 2006.
Από την βιβλιοπαρουσίαση στην Biblionet. Τι είναι αυτό που κάνει τη
Θεσσαλονίκη μια τόσο μοναδική πόλη; Νέα κι ωστόσο ήδη κλασική, αυτή
η μελέτη αναζητεί την απάντηση στα πεντακόσια χρόνια της νεότερης
ιστορίας της, κατά τα οποία αναδείχθηκε πρώτα ως οθωμανική και
αργότερα ως ελληνική μητρόπολη. Στην ίδια περίοδο ήταν επίσης μια
εβραϊκή πόλη, καταφύγιο για χιλιάδες Σεφαραδίτες κυνηγημένους από την
ισπανική Ιερά Εξέταση. Χριστιανοί, μουσουλμάνοι και εβραίοι
σχημάτιζαν έτσι μια από τις πιο πολύμορφες κοινωνίες της Μεσογείου και
της Ευρώπης.Ξαναζωντανεύοντας αριστοτεχνικά αυτό τον χαμένο κόσμο,
ο συγγραφέας μας οδηγεί, ανάμεσα από ερειπωμένες ρωμαϊκές αψίδες,
βυζαντινές εκκλησίες και τουρκικά τζαμιά, στα ταβερνεία και τα χαμάμ,
τους κήπους, τα παλάτια και τα μπορντέλα της παλιάς πόλης· εκεί όπου
αιγύπτιοι έμποροι και ουκρανοί σκλάβοι, τούρκοι πασάδες και ευρωπαίοι
ταξιδιώτες διασταυρώνονταν με Ορθόδοξους προσκυνητές, Καθολικούς
ιεραπόστολους, ισπανόφωνους ραβίνους και δερβίσηδες Σούφι, αλλά και
με αλβανούς ληστές και κατασκόπους των Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων εκεί όπου
ακόμα και οι λούστροι, οι χαμάληδες και οι μικροπωλητές μιλούσαν μισή
ντουζίνα γλώσσες στην προκυμαία και το παζάρι.

Η καθημερινή ζωή και η εθνοτική και θρησκευτική αλληλεπίδραση είναι

θέματα που ερευνά διεξοδικά ο Μαζάουερ, προτού δείξει πώς αλλάζει η
τύχη της πόλης στον εικοστό αιώνα, με την κατάρρευση της
αυτοκρατορίας και την έλευση των εθνικών κρατών. Πόλεμος, πυρκαγιά,
προσφυγιά, γενοκτονία και ολοκαύτωμα αλλάζουν ριζικά τη
Θεσσαλονίκη, που χάνει πρώτα τους μουσουλμάνους της, με την
ανταλλαγή πληθυσμών, κι έπειτα τους εβραίους, στο δρόμο για το
Άουσβιτς. Αυτό που αναδύεται αργά μέσα απ' τις στάχτες είναι μια
σύγχρονη, δυναμική ελληνική "συμπρωτεύουσα". Ωστόσο η ατμόσφαιρα
της πόλης είναι ακόμα στοιχειωμένη από τα φαντάσματα των μεγάλων
ιστορικών κοινοτήτων που τη μοιράστηκαν, από τις περιπέτειες των λαών
και των ανθρώπων που συναντήθηκαν στην πολυτάραχη ιστορία της. Στη
ζωντανή τους μνήμη είναι αφιερωμένο αυτό το βιβλίο.

Εφημερίδα ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ. Η αλήθεια για τον Μαζάουερ και η

ιστορική διαστρέβλωση. 05.03.2013. Κωνσταντίνος Χολέβας.

Η Θεσσαλονίκη, η οποία εόρτασε πέρσι τα 100 χρόνια από την

απελευθέρωσή της, έπεσε θύμα προσφάτως μιας συστηματικής ιστορικής
διαστρέβλωσης από τον Βρετανό ιστορικό Μαρκ Μαζάουερ. Στο βιβλίο
του «Θεσσαλονίκη, η Πόλη των φαντασμάτων» προσπάθησε να πει ότι
επί Οθωμανών η πόλη ευημερούσε και οι Ελληνες ζούσαν καλά, ενώ τώρα
η πόλη μαράζωσε. Προτείνει μία πολυπολιτισμική Θεσσαλονίκη στη θέση
της σημερινής Θεσσαλονίκης, που έχει καθαρά ελληνορθόδοξο
χαρακτήρα. Στο τελευταίο τεύχος του περιοδικού «ΑΡΔΗΝ» (Ιανουαρίου
Φεβρουαρίου 2013) γνωστοί λόγιοι και ιστορικοί αντικρούουν τον
Μαζάουερ. Κρίνω σκόπιμο να παρουσιάσω ορισμένα χαρακτηριστικά
σημεία των άρθρων:

Ο συγγραφέας Γιώργος Καραμπελιάς σημειώνει για τον Μαζάουερ:

«Είναι στρατευμένος προπαγανδιστής μιας αντίληψης που δεν θέλει να δει
τη συνολική εικόνα, μια ελληνική πόλη 2.300 χρόνων συνδεδεμένη πάντα
με την ευρύτερη μοίρα του Ελληνισμού, αλλά απομονώνει μία περίοδο
τεσσάρων ή πέντε αιώνων κατά την οποία κατοικούνταν μετά τη βίαιη
κατάληψή της και εξανδραποδισμό των κατοίκων της και από άλλες
εθνότητες ως το αποκλειστικό και αποφασιστικό κέντρο της ιστορίας της.
Και γιατί άραγε ο συγγραφέας μας δεν εκκινεί, όπως είναι και πιο φυσικό
για κάθε ιστορικό βιβλίο, με ένα κεφάλαιο σχετικό με την προοθωμανική
Θεσσαλονίκη, τη Συμβασιλεύουσα του πολιτισμού και των κοινωνικών
αγώνων; Διότι σ’ αυτή την περίπτωση θα αναδεικνυόταν η συνέχεια της
πόλης και προφανώς τα μεγάλα της φαντάσματα, με τους Ζηλωτές και την
επανάστασή τους, τον Ευστάθιο και την ελληνομάθειά του, τον Γρηγόριο

Παλαμά, τον Νικόλαο Καβάσιλα! Ομως σε άλλα φαντάσματα στόχευε ο

συγγραφέας, εκείνα του Οθωμανισμού αποκλειστικά!».

Ο ιστορικός Γιάννης Ταχόπουλος είναι ο συγγραφέας του βιβλίου «Η

Θεσσαλονίκη, ο Μαζάουερ και τα φαντάσματα του οθωμανισμού» και
στο κείμενό του παρατηρεί για τον Μαζάουερ: «Υποστηρίζει ότι οι
Μικρασιάτες πρόσφυγες του 1922 δεν ήταν Ελληνες και εξισώνει τη
σφαγή των Μικρασιατών με τα ανύπαρκτα δεινά μουσουλμάνων της
Μακεδονίας, οι οποίοι αποζημιώθηκαν με υπερδιπλάσιες περιουσίες
Ελλήνων στη Μικρασία και δεν έφυγαν για τη Τουρκία κατασφαγμένοι.
Είναι χαρακτηριστικό ότι ο Μαζάουερ δεν αναφέρει ότι στην πόλη αυτή,
στα 1911, οι πρόδρομοι του Κεμάλ Ατατούρκ, οι Νεότουρκοι, αποφάσισαν
επίσημα σε συνέδριό τους την εξόντωση ή την εκδίωξη των χριστιανικών
εθνών της οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας, απόφαση την οποία
πραγματοποίησαν στη Μικρασία και επιχείρησαν να πραγματοποιήσουν
προηγουμένως στη Μακεδονία. [...] Αποσιωπά τη μονομερή τρομοκρατία
των Βουλγάρων κομιταζήδων στη Μακεδονία, στο διάστημα έως την
έναρξη του Μακεδονικού Αγώνα ώστε να εξισώσει ηθικά και σε επίπεδο
βιαιοτήτων τους επιτιθέμενους Βουλγάρους και τους αμυνόμενους
Ελληνες. Μάλιστα αποκαλεί τους Μακεδονομάχους ληστές και
εξελληνισμένος Αλβανοσλάβους».

Ο πρόεδρος της Εταιρίας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών Νίκος Μέρτζος

επισημαίνει: «Ποιον ακριβώς λόγο είχε ο καθηγητής της Ιστορίας να
παραποιήσει σφόδρα εκ προθέσεως την Ιστορία; Γιατί παγίδεψε τους
αναγνώστες του σ’ αυτή τη μαρμίτα των φαντασμάτων και των
φαντασιώσεων; Και γιατί τη συγκεκριμένη πόλη, τη Θεσσαλονίκη;

Απάντηση. Και στα τρία αυτά ερωτήματα απαντά αυτοπροσώπως ο

δράστης απερίφραστα. Στη σελ. 554 του συγκεκριμένου βιβλίου του
ομολογεί: "Καθώς τα μικρά κράτη ενσωματώνονται σ’ έναν ευρύτερο
κόσμο ένα άλλο μέλλον χρειάζεται ένα άλλο παρελθόν". Κοντολογίς
παραδέχεται ότι κατασκεύασε ένα άλλο παρελθόν της Θεσσαλονίκης το
οποίο ουδέποτε υπήρξε στην πραγματικότητα, αλλά το οποίο είναι
απαραίτητο για να ταιριάζει κουτί "στο άλλο μέλλον" και στον άλλο ρόλο
για τον οποίο κάποιοι προορίζουν τη Θεσσαλονίκη στον "ευρύτερο
κόσμο", όπου τα "μικρά κράτη ενσωματώνονται"... Σε διάστημα
μικρότερο της από το 1990 η μεσοβαλκανική ζώνη έχει κατακερματισθεί
σε μικρά θνησιγενή κρατίδια αλληλοϋποβλεπόμενα.... Η βαλκανική
σκακιέρα μένει ανοικτή στους δύο Μεγάλους Παίκτες».

Για μία ακόμη φορά η Ιστορία υποτάσσεται σε σκοπιμότητες.


Από τη Βικιπαίδεια,. Βιογραφία

Από τη Βικιπαίδεια,.Ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ (αγγλ. Mark Mazower) (γενν.

1958 στο Λονδίνο) είναι Βρετανός ιστορικός και δημοσιογράφος.
Ο Μαζάουερ σπούδασε Κλασική Φιλολογία και Φιλοσοφία στο
Πανεπιστήμιο της Οξφόρδης και Διεθνείς σχέσεις στο πανεπιστήμιο Τζονς
Χόπκινς της Βαλτιμόρης, απ' όπου αποφοίτησε το 1981 και το 1983
αντίστοιχα. Έκανε τη διδακτορική του διατριβή στο πανεπιστήμιο της
Οξφόρδης. Στη συνέχεια διετέλεσε Καθηγητής Ιστορίας στο
Πανεπιστήμιο του Μπίρκμπεκ (Birkbeck) του Λονδίνου, στο
Πανεπιστήμιο του Σάσσεξ και στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πρίνστον. Προς το
παρόν, είναι καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κολούμπια της Νέας Υόρκης.
Το έργο του
Το έργο του Μαζάουερ ερευνά ιδιαίτερα τα περί της ελληνικής ιστορίας
της νεότερης εποχής, της ιστορίας των Βαλκανίων και της ιστορίας του
εθνικοσοσιαλιστικού κράτους στην Ευρώπη και των ιδεολογιών στον 20ο
αιώνα. Τα βιβλία του έχουν μεταφραστεί σε αρκετές γλώσσες. Έγινε
ιδιαίτερα γνωστός με το βιβλίο του Σκοτεινή ήπειρος.
Εκτός αυτού, εργάζεται και ως δημοσιογράφος, ιδιαίτερα για την αγγλική
εφημερίδα Φαϊνάνσιαλ Τάιμς (Financial Times).

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... 4 MAZOWER. 5 MAZOWER, p. 259. The Righteous Among the
Nations: From Michael MATSAS, The Illusion 258.
A New Age of Extremes?: Historical Relections of the ...Mark Mazower
A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern ...Molly
Greene 2000 ... Mark Mazower, Tia Kolbaba, and Peter Brown in
particular for sharing with me their wisdom and insight on the Greek world
and the world of the eastern Mediterranean. When she was here, Professor
Judith Herrin was a wonderful colleague ...
After Civil War: Division, Reconstruction, and ... Σελίδα 118 Bill Kissane
2014 In Ourselves and Others: The Development of Greek Macedonian
Identity since 1912, edited by P. Mackridge and ... In After the War Was

Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943–1960,

edited by M. Mazower, 24–41.
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation... Σελίδα 21
Mark Mazower 2000 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in
Greece, 19431960 Mark Mazower ... This collection of essays has
attempted to contribute to the mapping out of Greece in the 1940s in these
directions, histories of a polity fragmented and ...
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, ...Mark
Mazower 2000. Eastern. Macedonia: Three. Generations. Xanthippi
Kotzageorgi-Zytnari with Tassos Hadjianastassiou The first interview I
conducted on the Bulgarian occupation of the Second World War
occurred when I was sixteen. It was on 29 September, ...
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State
...Mark Mazower 2000 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in
Greece, 1943-1960 Mark Mazower. Italian, took the decision to align
themselves with EAM/ELAS as soon as the first guerrilla bands appeared
in their ... at that time that the outcome of this war would be determined
exclusively by our Allies, England, America and Russia.
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State
...Mark Mazower - 2000 - Stathis N. Kalyvas This chapter aims to
question, and help revise, one of the central, indeed hegemonic,
assumptions in the study of the Greek Civil War : that the Left (the
National Liberation Front — EAM — and the Communist Party of
Greece ...
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the ... Σελίδα 229
Davide Rodogno 2012 ... (vilayets) remaining under direct Ottoman
government were Adrianople (roughly corresponding to today's Thrace),
Scutari (in today's Albania), Janina (northwestern Greece), and ... —Mark
Mazower, “An International Civilization,” 2006.
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the ... Σελίδα 229
Davide Rodogno 2012 ... (vilayets) remaining under direct Ottoman
government were Adrianople (roughly corresponding to today's Thrace),
Scutari (in today's Albania), Janina (northwestern Greece), and ... —Mark
Mazower, “An International Civilization,” 2006.
Aldous Huxley: An English Intellectual Nicholas Murray 2009 ... Gertler
and Samuel Koteliansky ('Kot“), the translator and friend of Lawrence, at
the Restaurant Bienvenu in Greek Street, with Maria offering to sit for

Gertler. ... As historians such as Mark Mazower in Dark Continent (1998)

have shown, the ...
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi 2013
An Ode to SALONIKA: The Ladino Verses of Bouena Sarfatty Σελίδα
277 Renée Levine Melammed 2013 In Greece, this is the Heptapyrgion
citadel in SALONIKA, where Eliaou was apparently stationed at one time.
See coplas 398 and 425. 56. See copla 173. 57. See copla 186a. 58.
Mazower points out that hundreds of Jewish young men fought in ...
An Unpatriotic History of the Second World War Σελίδα 520 James
Heartfield 2012 ... 1984, p 169 RJB Bosworth, Mussolini's Italy, London,
Allen Lane, 2005, p 521, 522 Mark Mazower, Hitler's Empire, London,
... Greek Resistance Army, London, Merlin Press, 1980, p 4267; Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece, New Haven, ...
Aristotle Tziampiris 2000 ( 1 992), Skopje, Winds of War in the Balkans,
A. A. Livani, Athens [in Greek]. Lygeros Stavros. (1996) ... Mazower
Mark. ( 1 996), inroduction to the Study of Macedonia', Journal of Modern
Greek Studies, vol. 14, pp. 22935. Mearsheimer John.
Arms and the woman: just warriors and Greek feminist identity Margaret
Poulos 2009 just warriors and Greek feminist identity Margaret Poulos.
1983: 26). While the ... Mazower argues that Venizelos's response to the
effects of the Depression in Greece after 1929 was resourceful but
ultimately inadequate. The policies of linking ...
Athens John Gill 2011 The city suffered disproportionately during the
occupation, whenit found itself host to anotherpopulation influx, “several
hundred thousand” (Mazower) including refugees, Greek exservicemen
displaced from theirposts in the wartime chaosand ...
Austrian Greek encounters over the centuries: history... Σελίδα 75 Herbert
Kröll 2008 Bilaterale Aussenpolitik im europaischen Umfeld. Wien
Miinchen: Verlag fiir Geschiche und Politik, Oldenbourg, 1996, pp.
468656, map 1. 20 Steiner, The Lights, pp. 100123; Stavrianos, The
Balkans, pp. 580590; Mazower, Dark Continent, ...
Balkanistica Τόμοι 2022 Σελίδα 215 2007 On the contrary they were
relieved of the political instability of the Byzantines and the Greeks
replaced the Venetian tradesmen in the towns. The villages and peasantry,
however, were the driving force in the Balkans. Mazower argues rightly ...

Balkans Beyond Nationalism and Identity: International ...Pavlos

Hatzopoulos 2007 In proposing a description of ‘the Balkans’ as a
contested political concept, the book argues for a completely fresh
interpretation of the region’s composition.
Balkans Into Southeastern Europe, 19142014: A Century of ...John Lampe
2014 Following from where Mark Mazower left off in his Epilogue to
The Balkans (New York: Modern Library, 2001), I emphasize ... Its
successor states and the rest of the region, with no help from
nonCommunist Greece, were not managing their ...
Bearing Gifts to Greeks: Humanitarian Aid to Greece in the ... Σελίδα 34
Richard Clogg 2008 10. Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar
Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991), pp. 7981. 11. Sokratis Petmezas, 'I
Anaptyxi tis Agrotikis Oikonomias', paper presented at the conference on
The Greek Economy in the 19th Century (18301914), ...
Becoming a Subject: Political Prisoners During the Greek ... Σελίδα 69
Polymeris Voglis 2002 Report of the British Legal Mission to Greece
(London, 1946), 26. For the role of Charles Wickham and the British Police
and Prisons Mission, see Mark Mazower, "Policing the AntiCommunist
State in Greece, 1 922 1 974," in The Policing of ...
Book Review Digest Τόμος 91 Σελίδα 1358 1995 REVIEW: Society
v31 p95 My/Je '94. George Windhol, (1300w) REVIEW: Times Lit Suppl
no4754 p9 My 13 94. Anson Rabinbach (3800w) MAZOWER, MARK.
Inside Hitler's Greece; the experience of occupation, 194144. 437p il maps
$30 ...
Britain and the Greek Economic Crisis, 19441947: From ... Σελίδα 25
Athanasios Lykogiannis 2002 With firms able to abuse monopoly power
to the detriment of the rest of the economy, it was clear that much of Greek
... Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis, 210–24, 250–56;
Dritsas, “Bank Industry Relations in InterWar ...
British Women's Travel to Greece, 18401914: Travels in ...Churnjeet
Mahn 2012 Martels,Zweder Von,Ed.TravelFact andTravelFiction:
Studieson Fiction, Literary Tradition, ScholarlyDiscovery and
Observationin Travel Writing. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1994. Mazower, Mark.
The Balkans. London: Weidenfield, 2000. Mazower, Mark.
British Women's Travel to Greece, 18401914: Travels in ...Churnjeet
Mahn 2012 Martels,Zweder Von,Ed.TravelFact andTravelFiction:
Studieson Fiction, Literary Tradition, Scholarly Discovery and

Observationin Travel Writing. Leiden: E. J.Brill, 1994.Mazower, Mark.

The Balkans. London: Weidenfield, 2000. Mazower, Mark.
Bulletin Τόμοι 31-32 Modern Greek Studies Association 1999
Bulletin of JudaeoGreek Studies Τεύχη 813 Σελίδα 22 1991 Yet it is
equally a work of impressive scholarship. Mazower is a professional Greek
historian whose work on Eleftherios Venizelos and the modernization of
Greek political life has begun to appear in articles in the learned press. He
brings to ...
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Τόμος 24 Σελίδα 309 2000
Michael Matsas, The Illusion of Safety: The Story of the Greek Jews
During the Second World War. ... Mazower is the only other historian to
reference the Berry cable, but he omits the vitally important quote about
the 'exception' of Salonica and ...
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage... Σελίδα 104 George
C. Papavizas 2006 Decisive fighting took place in Macedonia and Epirus
during the GreekItalian War of ¡940–¡94¡. Greek Macedonia su›ered a ...
The world witnessed with horror the annihilation of the lawabiding Jewish
population in Thessaloniki (Mazower ...
Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse After the ... Σελίδα 164
Roni Stauber 2010 Photini Constantopoulou and Thanos Veremis,
Documents on the History of the Greek Jews. Records from the ... Mark
Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991);
Inside Hitler's Greece; Dark Continent. Europe's ...
Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: ... Σελίδα 240
Victor Roudometof 2002 Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian
Question Victor Roudometof. Malkii, Lisa. 1992. ... "Russia and the
BulgarianGreek Church Question in the Seventies of the Nineteenth
Century." Etudes Historiques ... Pp. 12950 in Mark Mazower (ed.) ...
Commies and Queers": Narratives that Supported the ... Σελίδα 40 Holly
S. Heatley 2007 The opposing forces can be divided generally into the
nationalists, called the Greek National Army (GNA), and the ... According
to Special Counsel to the President “Mark Mazower, “Review: Historians
at War: Greece, 19401950,” The ...
Contemporary European history Τόμος 10 Σελίδα 486 2001 In the 1940s
a significant proportion of the Greek rural population was engaged in
waged labour on large privately owned ... the GDA, the iptfthini or the

cadreinchargeoil '4 Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler': Greece: The

Experience of Otrupation, ...
Crime, Histoire et Sociétés, 1999/2 Σελίδα 95 International Association
for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice Mark Mazower, (Ed.),
The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century, Oxford, Berghahn,1997,
262 p.,... against communism, 19231945; Mazower, M., Policing the Anti
Communist State in Greece, 19221974; Jeffrey, K., ...
Cultural Representation in Historical Resistance: ... Σελίδα 36 Linda S.
Myrsiades, Kostas Myrsiades 1999 Complexity and Construction in
Greek Guerrilla Theater Linda S. Myrsiades, Kostas Myrsiades ...
resistance was fragmented and inchoate like "the political and geographical
features of wartime Greece itself" (Mazower 36 INTRODUCTION VII.
Culture and Customs of Greece Σελίδα 29 Artemis Leontis 2009 Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
1993), 41. 48. Franciszek Piper, “The Number of Victims,” in Holocaust:
Critical Concepts in Historical Studies, ed. David Cesarani and Sarah
Kavanaugh (New ...
Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century Mark Mazower 2009
Unflinching, intelligent, Dark Continent provides a provocative vision of
Europ's past, present, and futureand confirms Mark Mazower as a
historian of valuable gifts. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Desolation and Enlightenment: Political Knowledge After ... Σελίδα 27 Ira
Katznelson 2003 ... York: Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 9. Greek
in origins, referring to a burnt offering to the Lord, 'holocaust' carries with
it an often unexamined ... Also see, Mark Mazower, Dark Continent, pp.
161–162, and Michael André Bernstein, “The ...
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the TurcoGreek ...Onur
Yildirim 2007 Reconsidering the TurcoGreek Exchange of Populations,
1922–1934 Onur Yildirim ... I am particularly indebted to Mark Mazower
and Bruce Clark for encouraging me to conceive this book and to Suraiya
Faroqhi and Norman Stillman for their ...
Discourse theory and cultural analysis: media, arts and ... Σελίδα 138 Nico
Carpentier, Erik Spinoy 2008 Close, D.H. (1993) The Greek Civil War,
19431950: Studies of Polarization. London, New York: ... Mazower, M.
(Ed) (2000) After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation,
and State in Greece, 19431960. Princeton, Oxford: ...

Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and ...Richard C.

Frucht 2005 Ionian Vision: Greece in Asia Minor, 1919–1922. London:
Hurst, 2000. Mavrogordatos, George. Stillborn Republic: Social Coalitions
and Party Strategies in Greece, 1922–1936. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1983. Mazower, Mark.
Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and ...Richard C.
Frucht 2005
El imperio de Hitler Mark Mazower 2008 Mark Mazower nos habla
en estas páginas de la conquista de nuevas tierras, de su colonización con
800.000 germanos étnicos, de las formas de explotación o de las
resistencias, pero también de los grandes proyectos Hitlerianos de futuro
El imperio de Hitler Mark Mazower 2008 Mark Mazower nos habla
en estas páginas de la conquista de nuevas tierras, de su colonización con
800.000 germanos étnicos, de las formas de explotación o de las
resistencias, pero también de los grandes proyectos Hitlerianos de futuro
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship Σελίδα 228 Paschalis
M. Kitromilides 2008 333 (see Note 3); Mazower (1989), 'I Ellada kai i
oikonomiki krisi tou 1931', in Veremis and Goulimi (eds), Venizelos, p.
181 (see Note 25). 34. Nikos Melios and Apostolos Papadopoulos (1992),
'To kopaidiko zitima sta plaisia tou astikou ...
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship Σελίδα 229 Paschalis
M. Kitromilides 2008 280–6; Mazower, Greece and the Interwar
Economic Crisis, pp. 143–76 (see Note 38). 44. Daphnis, I Ellas, vol. II,
pp. 72–5 (see Note 1); Karamanlis, O Eleftherios Venizelos, pp. 251–5 (see
Note 43). 45. PepelassiMinoglou, 'O Venizelos kai ...
Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the ...Cathie Carmichael
2003 This book will be of interest to students and researchers of European
studies, history and comparative politics.
Europa und sein Osten: Geschichtskulturelle Herausforderungen
Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2012 ... In 1945 and the
years to follow Germans were expelled from Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary and Yugoslavia, Poles from the Soviet Union, and Macedonians
from Greece. ... 3 Mark Mazower: The Strange Triumph of Human

European Industry and Banking Between the Wars: A Review ...Peter

Ledsam Cottrell, Håkan Lindgren, Alice Teichova - 1992 - For a general
discussion of Greek history until 1923, see D. Dakin, Hie Unification of
Greece 1770-1923 (1972). ... For the economic crisis, see K. Kostis, Oi
Trapezes kai he krisi 1929-32 [Banks and Crisis] (Athens, 1986) and M.
Mazower, 'He ...
Europe's Greece: A Giant in the Making Σελίδα 118 A. Kalaitzidis 2009
In the 1990s film Ulysses Gaze, Greek director Theo Angelopoulos
attempts to traverse this historical cycle of the ... with Venice and
established a network of trading houses between Odessa, Alexandria and
Marseille” (Mazower 2004, 123).
Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the ... Σελίδα 461 Christian
Gerlach 2010 242, 245, 359–60; cf. Mazower, Inside, pp. 27, 34; Stavros
B. Thomadakis, “Black markets, inflation and force in the economy of
occupied Greece,” in John O. Iatrides (ed.), Greece in the 1940s: A Nation
in Crisis (Hanover and London: New ...
Famine and Death in Occupied Greece, 19411944 Σελίδα 221 Violetta
Hionidou 2006 Table 11.1 Class and occupational classification of the
interwar Greek population Class Subclass Bourgeoisie Bourgeois ... 4
Mark Mazower, 'The Messiah and the bourgeoisie: Venizelos and politics
in Greece, 1909–1912', The Historical ...
Famine Demography: Perspectives from the Past and Present Tim Dyson,
Cormac Ó Gráda 2002 The Italians occupied the Cycladic islands in the
following fortnight (Mazower 1993: 50; The Times, 7 May 1941, 4). On
16 April, the Greek Minister of War essentially dissolved the army
(Hondros 1983: 52). At the beginning of May, large ...
Feeding the Democracy: The Athenian Grain Supply in the ... Σελίδα 60
Alfonso Moreno 2007 Its context, presented by Mazower, is the complete
breakdown of Greece's market infrastructure soon after the Nazis entered
Athens on 27 April 1941: Greece was disintegrating into a patchwork of
isolated regional units. The various provinces ...
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in ...Anastasia N.
Karakasidou 2009 "Combining the thoughtful use of theory with a vivid
historical ethnography, this is an important, courageous, and pioneering
work which opens up the whole issue of nationbuilding in northern
Greece."—Mark Mazower, University of Sussex

First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 2005 In this
comprehensive history, Columbia Professor Mark Mazower describes the
complicated and often fractious relationship among these groups. Mazower
begins in the fifteenth century and ends in the twentieth, when Greek
sovereignty, ...
Genres of Recollection: Archival Poetics and Modern Greece P. Papalias,
Penelope Papailias 2006 Mark Mazower (1995) has described how the
legacy of EAM/ELAS was used strategically by PASOK's founder, the ...
The EAM/ELAS resistance movement was cast as part of an unfolding
drama of “national liberation” linking the Greek ...
German Antipartisan Warfare in Europe, 19391945 Colin D. Heaton 2001
This new book uses exclusive interviews with German and Allied soldiers
and commanders as well as civilian irregulars who participated in irregular
warfare, either as partisans or guerrillas during World War II. These
interviews prove ...
German Foreign Office Documents on the Holocaust in ... Σελίδα 38 Irith
DublonKnebel 2007 141 That night, 2425 March 1944, Greek and
nonGreek Jews from Athens and outlying areas were rounded up in a
coordinated operation.142 The Athenian Jews were ... 144 Testimony of
Miron Artemis (Batish), YV 03/9035; Mazower, p.
Germany’s War Debt to Greece: A Burden Unsettled N. Christodoulakis
2014 3 The Axis methodsofexpropriation andpillaging in Greece have
been documented in several accounts and studies. Two comprehensive and
interesting accounts are Mazower (1994, Inside Hitler's Greece: The
Experienceof Occupation ...
Globalisation, Migration and Socioeconomic Change in ... Σελίδα 262
Panos Arion Hatziprokopiou 2006 ... of origin, neighbourhood contact
and professional occupation, rather than on ethnic identification (Mazower
2004). But the spectres of history haunt presentday developments in
another way too. In Greek popular culture of previous decades ...
Gonda Van Steen 2014 “The Political Speech of Iakovos Kambanelles
in His Play, Our Grand Circus” (in Greek). Paper delivered at the ... in
Greece, 1922–1974.” In Mazower, ed., The Policing of Politics in the
Twentieth Century: Historical Perspectives, 129–150.
Greece - Σελίδα 135 Thanos Veremēs, Márkos Dragoúmis - 1998 -
Mazower makes good use of the information available in Greek. ... This
comprehensive study of the Greek economy between 1833 and 1843 relies

heavily on the works of F. Thiersch (1833) and F. Strong ... 1929-32 (The
banks and the crisis.
Greece and Britain since 1945 Second Edition Σελίδα 100 David Wills
2014 Mark Mazower, 1131. Athens: Alexandria Editions. Messolora,
Athina J. 1959. A Brief History of the Evolution of Nursing in Greece,
Athens. Moschovi, Alexandra. 2007. “Distance and Proximity.” In Work,
ed. Alex Moh, 2435. Kuala Lumpur: ...
Greece and the Balkans: Identities, Perceptions and ... Σελίδα 2 Dēmētrēs
Tziovas 2003 Balkans 1804— 1ppp: Nationalism, War and the Great
Powers (1999), or Mark Mazower's The Balkans (2000) offer a
comprehensive examination of the history of the Balkans, that is
complemented by the reprint of L.S. Stavrianos's classic ...
Greece and the Cold War: Front Line State, 19521967 Σελίδα 187
Evanthis Hatzivassiliou 2006 2 E. Dimitrakopoulos, Ta Chersaia Synora
tis Helladas [Greece's Land Borders], Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan
Studies, ... [The Crown and the Swastika: Greece of occupation and
resistance], two vols, Athens: Papazisis, 1995; M. Mazower, ...
Greece and the inter-war Economic crisis / Mark Mazower -- Oxford
[England]: Clarendon Press, 1991 -- xii, 334 p. ; 23 cm. -- (Oxford
historical monographs)
Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis Mark Mazower 1991 This
study of Greece in the interwar period, however, demonstrates that there
was no simple correlation between economic and political crisis.
Greece in a changing Europe: between European integration ...Kevin
Featherstone, Kostas Ifantis 1996 This book is the outcome of a large
conference held at the London School of Economics on 16-17 June 1994.
... Andreas Andrianopoulos, Dr Georgios Markopouliotis, Professor Nicos
Mouzelis, Dr Mark Mazower, Dr Jane Cowan, Dimitris ...
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 Mazower, Mark. Greece and the InterWar
Economic Crisis. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. Mazower studies the
Greek experience of the interwar economic crisis which reveals the
complexity of the links between economics and politics.
Greece in Print Τεύχη 176187 Σελίδα 10 2003 After the War Was Over,
M. Mazower IN GREEK 1. Oi MayiaoEc; xr\q E^vpvrig, M. MeiuapiSri
2. Mnv TJat; Tlori Mdvoq Ero TaxoSponEio, E. KouXdyXoo 3. Omv

EKkouifE o Nirae, I. RaXou 4. O Aicbvaq rcov AaBupivOcov, P.

TaXavaKn. 5.
Greece Since 1945: Politics, Economy and Society Σελίδα 41 David H.
Close 2014 4 5 6 7 Notes 1 On conditions in this period, see especially
Giorgos Margaritis, History of the Greek Civil War (in Greek, 2000) ...
Gre 164; Mark Mazower, 'Three forms of political justice,19445'; Eleni
Haidia, 'The punishment of collaborators in ...
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy ...V. Fouskas,
C. Dimoulas 2013 4. Freris(1986)p. 39and Tsoukalas (1985)pp. 263ff;
Seealso, SpyrosTzokas (2002)Eleftherios Venizelosand the Experiment of
Bourgeois Modernisation (1928–1932) (Athens: Themelio), pp. 99 ff.
Mazower (1991)Greeceand theInterWar ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall ...Brewer David
2012 6 Gordon, History of the Greek Revolution, vol. I, p. 322 7
Mazower, Salonica, p. 28 8 Mazower, Salonica, pp. 48–51 9 Bernard
Randolph in Molly Mackenzie, Turkish Athens, Reading, 1992, p. 37; de
la Guilletière in Andrews, p. 80 10 George ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall ...Brewer David
2012 Turkish Rule from the Fall of Constantinople to Greek Brewer
David. 6 Gordon, History of the Greek Revolution, vol. I, p. 322 7
Mazower, Salonica, p. ... 126 12 Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism
since 1780, p. 57 13 Runciman, The Great ...
Greece: A Country Study Σελίδα 345 Glenn Eldon Curtis, Library of
Congress. Federal Research Division 1995 The Stillborn Republic: Social
Coalitions and Party Strategies in Greece, 19221936. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1983. Mazower, Mark. Greece and the Interwar
Economic Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Mazower ...
Greece: Ethnicity and Sovereignty 18201994 Atlas and ... Σελίδα 99 J. M.
Wagstaff 2002 The Greek harvest of 1941 was 1530 per cent lower than
in normal times (Mazower 1993, 26), mainly because of Greek
mobilisation and the disruption caused by the fighting. Much of the
available food was requisitioned by the German army.
Greece: Modern Architectures in History Σελίδα 265 Alexander Tzonis,
Alcestis P. Rodi 2013 It ultimately resulted in the invitation to form a
Greek ciam group. See Στάμος Παπαδάκης, 'Ο συνεταιρισμός ... Mark
Mazower, Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του μεσοπολέμου (Athens,
2002). Τζόκας, Σπύρος, Ο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος και το ...

Greece: Modern Architectures in History Σελίδα 265 Alexander Tzonis,

Alcestis P. Rodi 2013It ultimately resulted in the invitation to form a
Greek ciam group. See Στάμος Παπαδάκης, 'Ο συνεταιρισμός ... Mark
Mazower, Η Ελλάδα και η Οικονομική Κρίση του μεσοπολέμου
(Athens, 2002). Τζόκας, Σπύρος, Ο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος και το ...
Greece: The Modern Sequel : from 1831 to the Present Σελίδα 170
Giannēs Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs 2002 And third, in 1932 Greece
was obliged to suspend interest and amortisation payments on its foreign
debt. ... 7480. 15For a brief appraisal of the Greek economy in the interwar
period see M. Mazower and T. Veremis, 'The Greek Economy ...
Greece: The Modern Sequel : from 1831 to the Present Σελίδα 170
Giannēs Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs 2002 1 1-30. For a comprehensive
analysis in English see Mazower, Greece and the Inter War Economic
Crisis, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. 22Panos Kazakos, 'Post War
Economic History' (unpublished), 1999, pp. 14 170 The Economy.
Greecea Jewish History Σελίδα xi K. E. Fleming 2010 The Jewish
Museum of Greece and its director, Zanet Battinou, are also due deep
thanks. Several of the ... Mark Mazower shared documents with me and
was generous in the time he spent discussing this project. Niki Kekos
graciously did a ...
Greece's New Political Economy: State, Finance and Growth ...G.
Pagoulatos 2016 Mavrogordatos G. (1988) Between Pityokamptes and
Procroustes, Athens: Odysseas (in Greek). Maxfield S. (1990) Governing
... Mazower M. (1991) Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis, Oxford:
Oxford UP. Mazower M. (1998) Dark ...
Greek America Τόμος 5,Τεύχη 15 Σελίδα 16 1999 NATIONAL BANK
OF GREECE BostonCambridgeAthcms The Boston Globe Forgets the
Facts to Prove a Point.MEDIA WATCHOn January 25th, Business Week
published a review of Mark Mazower's book, Dark Continent, which ...
Greek Ritual Poetics Σελίδα 228 Dimitrios Yatromanolakis, Panagiotis
Roilos 2004 Until then, Mark Mazower has warned of how difficult it
will be "to take a fresh look at the Balkans, without seeing them refracted
through the prism of 'the Balkans' we have lived with for so long."3 The
region's identity always already originates ...
Historia (kōmikotragikē) tu neoellēniku kratus : 1830 ...1993

History and Popular Memory: The Power of Story in Moments ...Paul A

Cohen 2014 Gone were the days, Mark Mazower writes, “when it was
possible for ethnic Germans to rise to high positions in Tsarist
administrations, and for diplomats representing the Ottoman Empire in
international congresses to be Greek. The war of ...
History of Artificial Cold, Scientific, Technological and ... Σελίδα 280
Kostas Gavroglu 2013 (Greek Edition: Mazower, M. 2002. Η Ελλάδα
και η Οικονομική Κρίση του Mεσοπολέμου (μτφ. Μαρκέτος, Σ.). Αθήνα:
Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης). Petrick, G. 2006. The arbiters of
taste: Producers, consumers and the industrialization ...
History of the Turkish Jews and Sephardim: Memories of a ...Elli Kohen
2007 This book presents aliving history of the Turkish Jews.
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe Σελίδα x Mark Mazower
2013 Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe Mark Mazower ... Ethniko
Apeleftherotiko Metopo/Ellinikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos
(National Liberation Front/Greek People's Liberation Army) ECE
Economic Commissionfor Europe GPO Generalplan Ost ...
Hitler's Europe Ablaze: Occupation, Resistance, and ...Philip Cooke, Ben
Shepherd 2014 J.L. Hondros, Occupation and Resistance: The Greek
Agony 1941–44 (New York, 1983). 46. C.M. Woodhouse, The ... On the
causes and course of the December 1944 fighting, see Mazower, Inside
Hitler's Greece, pp. 368–72; Close, The ...
CONTINUED J MOD GREEK STUD.14(1)96 . A.D. Dimarogonas 205 .
HA Patrinos : 208 BOOK REVIEWS The Origins of the Greek CivilWar,
by D.H. Close. M. Mazower 177 Children in Turmoil During the Greek
CivilWar, 194649 Today's ...
Hybrid Forms of Peace: From Everyday Agency to PostLiberalism O.
Richmond, A. Mitchell 2011 Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,
1941–1945, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. 38.
Alberto Melucci, 'Social Movements andthe Democratisation ofEveryday
Life', in John Keane(ed.), Civil Societyand the State ...
Hybrid Forms of Peace: From Everyday Agency to PostLiberalism O.
Richmond, A. Mitchell 2011 Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,
1941–1945, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. 38.
Alberto Melucci, 'Social Movements andthe Democratisation ofEveryday
Life', in John Keane(ed.), Civil Societyand the State ...

Iakōvos D. Michaēlidēs, Hagen Fleischer, Ηλιας Νικολακοπουλος 2006

Ideas Τόμοι 14 Σελίδα 36 1992 Therefore, there had to be another story
that hadn't been told — the impact of the German occupation on Greek
society. POND: MAZOWER: POND: How do you encapsulate that
impact? MAZOWER: What occurred in Greece during the war ...
Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of ... Σελίδα 15 John Lampe,
Mark Mazower 2004 The Case of TwentiethCentury Southeastern
Europe John Lampe, Mark Mazower ... Romania and Greece (1998), with
new ones for Slovenia and Croatia added in 1996 and 1999, has fortunately
been published for books and journal articles ...
Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of ... Σελίδα 121 John Lampe,
Mark Mazower 2004 The heroes of IMRO have ascribed meanings that
have proven important in the creation of a Macedonian national ... passed
since the death of Yane Sandanski, the great Macedonian revolutionary
and fighter of our national-liberation struggle; ...
Imagining Europe: Myth, Memory, and Identity Σελίδα 29 Chiara Bottici,
Benoît Challand 2013 historians did not hesitate to define Europe as the
“Dark Continent” (Mazower 2000). ... in one of its member states but
cannot recognize themselves in past European experiences such as
Christendom, Greek philosophy, or the Enlightenment.
Income Convergence During the Disintegration of the World ...Branko
Milanovi? 2002 ... there could be 800,000 men in Europe unprotected by
any legal organisation recognized by international law" (quoted in
Mazower, 2000, p.63). ... 691). ls Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, 13.
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 194144. Mark
Mazower 2001 This book is the first full exploration of the experience of
occupation from the perspective of those that endured it and from those
that imposed it it tells the stories of resistance fighters and black
marketeers, teenage German ...
Insight Guides Greek Islands Insight, Martha Ellen Zenfell 1993 For her
own book, Nicholson s Guide to the Greek Islands, she travelled to more
than 50 of them, armed only with a ... Mark Mazower, who wrote the
history section, was born in 1958 and educated at universities in Oxford
and Bologna. He has ...

Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: A ... I. Grigoriadis

2012 20 According to Mazower, Thessaloniki's Jews were able to take
a leading role in theeconomic and social life of the city only afterthe
pogrom decimated thecity's Greek population, following the outbreak of
theGreek Warof Independence ...
Ionian Vision: Greece in Asia Minor, 1919–1922. London: Hurst, 2000.
Mavrogordatos, George. Stillborn Republic: Social Coalitions and Party
Strategies in Greece, 1922–1936. Berkeley: University of California Press,
1983. Mazower, Mark.
Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1942–1943 Σελίδα 203 Emil Kerenji
2014 ... War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and
Collaboration (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001); Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–
44 (New Haven, CT: Yale University ...
Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1942–1943 Σελίδα 203 Emil Kerenji
2014 ... War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and
Collaboration (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001); Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–
44 (New Haven, CT: Yale University ...
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Τόμος 15,Τεύχη 12 Σελίδα 179 2005
When the Greek army entered the city at the end of the Balkan Wars ( 1 9
1 2 1 3) and annexed it to the young Greek state, ... Mazower's expertise is
modern Greece and he seems to be more thoroughly conversant with the
last hundred years, ...
Krieg und Verbrechen: Situation und Intention: Fallbeispiele Σελίδα 41
Timm C. Richter 2006 Kazimierz Leszczynski, Berlin 1965. 3 Hagen
Fleischer, Im Kreuzschatten der Mächte. Griechenland 19411944,
Frankfurt 1986; Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece. The Experience
of Occupation 1941 1944, New Haven 1993; Eberhard ...
Kurt Waldheim: a case to answer? Jack Saltman 1988
La ciudad de los espíritus: Salonica desde Suleimán el ...Mark Mazower
La Lettre Sépharade Τεύχη 2031 Σελίδα 63 2005 Many ethnic groups
fell under the Macedonian banner, but most were not ethnic Greek. It
included Vlachs ... In a real sense Mazower's recounting of the life of

SALONIKA in the 20th century is really Greece's goal of Hellenization.

The great fire of ...
Le Long Retour 19451952: L'histoire tragique des ...Ben Shephard, John
E. Jackson 2014 The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton,
19401945, 1986, p. 76 ; Gilbert (éd.), Finest Hour, 1983, p. 743 ; Olsen
(éd.), Harold Nicolson, 1984, p. 19. [2]. Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,
2001, p. 2348 ; Black, A Cause for Our Times, 1992, ...
Le Long Retour 19451952: L'histoire tragique des ...Ben Shephard, John
E. Jackson 2014 The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton,
19401945, 1986, p. 76 ; Gilbert (éd.), Finest Hour, 1983, p. 743 ; Olsen
(éd.), Harold Nicolson, 1984, p. 19. [2]. Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,
2001, p. 2348 ; Black, A Cause for Our Times, 1992, ...
Le ombre dell'Europa Mark Mazower 2013 Ricostruendo la storia del
XX secolo Mark Mazower verifica questa ipotesi mettendola a confronto
con i fatti, e soprattutto concentrando l’attenzione sui mutamenti sociali e
sul rapporto tra le vicende politiche e le ideologie: democrazia ...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica Σελίδα 12
Eugenia Russell 2013 The differences of opinion between Baer and
Mazower are outside the scope of this work, especially as they are outlined
... Prow],35 and Ο Ζητιάνος [1897, The Beggar],36 one might say by that
forgotten Émile Zola of Modern Greek letters,37 ...
Long Journey to the Border: A Life of John Mulgan Σελίδα 355 Vincent
O'Sullivan 2011 Orders issued by Fieldmarshal Wilhelm keitel, quoted
in Mazower, p.153. michael Ward to Paul day, 3 February 1965. Report on
Experience, p.86. ibid., p.87. Ward, pp.150–2. Jm, 'report of Work of allied
military mission in area 3, Greece', ...
Lord Strangford at the Sublime Porte (1821): The Eastern ... Σελίδα 330
Theophilus C. Prousis, Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane 2010 St.
Clair, That Greece Might Still Be Free, 67, writes: "It seems certain... that
during the terrible summer of 1821 several tens ... Mazower, The Balkans:
A Short History, 4465, with examples of cultural, social, and religious
interactions between ...
Mark Mazower 1996 Greece, European Political Cooperation and the
Macedonian ...
Mazower, M., Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century (London,
1998). Mazower, M., 'Structures of authority in the Greek resistance,

19411944', in T. Kirk and A. McGelligott, (eds) Opposing Fascism.

Community, Authority and Resistance ...
Mediterranean Quarterly: A Journal of Global Issues Σελίδα 146 1994
Mazower notes that the Greek right returned to power, thanks mainly to
the intervention of Winston Churchill. Then the right wing resumed the
same Communistbashing policies it had pursued before the war, despite its
own wretched record of ...
Memory and Migration in the Shadow of War: Australia's ... Σελίδα 7 Joy
Damousi 2015 Australia's Greek Immigrants after World War II and the
Greek Civil War Joy Damousi ... Riki van Boeschoten, 'The impossible
return: coping with separation and the reconstruction of memory in the
wake of the Civil War', in Mazower (ed.) ...
Meta ton polemo: hē anasynkrotēsē tēs oikogenias tu ethnus ...Mark
Mazower, Eirēnē Theophylaktopoulou 2003 "Εχθρος» εντος των τειχων:
οψεις του δωσιλογισμου στην ...
Modern Greece: A History since 1821 Σελίδα 244 John S. Koliopoulos,
Thanos M. Veremis 2009 402p. Marder, Brenda. Stewards of the Land:
The American Farm School and Modern Greece. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1979. 234p. Mayes, Stanley. Makarios: A Biography.
London: Macmillan, 1981. Mazower, Mark. Greece and ...
Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to Know Σελίδα 216 Stathis
Kalyvas 2015 24. Kostis, “Ta kakomathimena paidia tis istorias,” 623–
33. Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1991), 13–18, 237. David H. Close, The Origins
of the Greek Civil War (London: Longman, ...
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook Τόμοι 2021 Σελίδα 416 2005 The
irony of the whole situation does not escape Mazower, who notes: "Was
the function of the Israeli Custodian of Absentee ... While Mazower deals
in part with the city's Greek administration, the whole tone of this section
of the work is not ...
Modern Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: Guerrillas ... Σελίδα 69
Ian Frederick William Beckett 2001 ... 1981); H.H. Gardner, Guerrilla
and Counterguerrilla Warfare in Greece, 1941—45 (Washington, 1962);
Paul H. Hehn, ... Reich (Oxford, 1992); Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's
Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941—44 (New Haven, ...

Mussolini Warlord: Failed Dreams of Empire, 1940-1943 H. James

Burgwyn 2013 A perceptive analysis of the first year of Italy's occupation
of Greece can be found in Lidia Santarelli, “Fra coabitazione e ... Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation (New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, ...
Mussolini Warlord: Failed Dreams of Empire, 19401943 H. James
Burgwyn 2013 A perceptive analysis of the first year of Italy's occupation
of Greece can be found in Lidia Santarelli, “Fra coabitazione e ... Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation (New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, ...
Mussolini's Greek Island: Fascism and the Italian ... Σελίδα 252 Sheila
Lecoeur 2015 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece,
19431960 (Princeton, Princeton UP, 2000) Mazower, Mark, Hitler's
Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe (London Penguin, 2008) Ministère
du Commerce et de l'Industrie, 'Mouvement ...
Narrating Trauma: On the Impact of Collective Suffering Σελίδα 160
Ronald Eyerman, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Lillian Chavenson Saden
Professor of Sociology Jeffrey C Alexander 2015
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ...Mark
Mazower 2008 Networks of Power in Modern Greece provides exciting
new perspectives on Greek history and society. The collection presents
pioneering work on the Greek merchant marine and the role of women in
the Greek War of Independence.
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honour of John
Campbell Mark Mazower 2008 It is a Greece vastly different from
classical Greece and from Greece of Byzantine and post-Byzantine times,
but a ... and from Byzantium to post-Byzantine Greece, and rejecting the
end-product of that myth — i.e. Greek speaking Greeks and ...
No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological ...Mark
Mazower 2009 This is a story told through the clash of personalities,
such as South African statesman Jan Smuts, who saw in the UN a means
to protect the old imperial and racial order; Raphael Lemkin and Joseph
Schechtman, Jewish intellectuals at odds ...
Oberammergau in the Nazi Era: The Fate of a Catholic ... Σελίδα 296
Helena Waddy 2010 30. Tieke, Caucasus and the Oil, 99–117, 191–219,
301–28; Lanz, Gebirgsjäger, 161–67; Pössinger, Lebensbilder eines

Gebirgsjäger, 88; Bartov, Germany's War and the Holocaust, 3–32. 31.
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, 159; GPT 63/28 ...
Old and New Islam in Greece: From Historical Minorities to ... Σελίδα xix
Konstantinos Tsitselikis 2012 ... book was Professor Haralambos
Papastathis' exhorta tion to enlarge a study on the legal status of Greece's
Muslims. ... Yannis Kolakis, Christina Koulouri, Giorgos Koutzakiotis,
Argyris Mamarelis, Mark Mazower, Iakovos Mihailidis, Haris ...
Orthodox Christians in the Late Ottoman Empire: A Study of ...Ayse Ozil
2013 It is therefore a great pleasure, once again, to thank my supervisors:
Mark Mazower encouraged me to pursue this work ... My sincere thanks
go to Molly Greene not only for tirelessly discussing with me questions of
Ottoman Greek history, but ...
Ourselves and others: the development of a Greek ... Σελίδα 70 Peter
Mackridge, Eleni Yannakakis 1997 the development of a Greek
Macedonian cultural identity since 1912 Peter Mackridge, Eleni
Yannakakis. 'others' that, on account of ... Cf. Mark Mazower, Greece and
the InterWar Economic Crisis, Oxford 1991, pp. 2901. 3. David Close,
The ...
Paths to International Justice: Social and Legal Perspectives Σελίδα 29
MarieBénédicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly 2007 ... of the minorities
protection scheme, and an additional sixteen pages to one case study from
that era, (Greek) 'Minority ... Berman 1993; Buwalda 1994; Fink 1995;
Finney 1995; Kymlicka 1995; Cornwall 1996; Herman 1996; Mazower
1997; ...
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia : The Rural ... Σελίδα vi
Elisabeth Kontogiorgi 2006 I am most grateful to Professor Mark
Mazower, Who read my thesis, made most valuable criticisms and
suggestions, ... St Antony's College, Oxford; the London School of
Economics, and King's College, London; the Archive of the League of ...
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural ... Σελίδα 40
Elisabeth Kontogiorgi 2006 Such massacres are only the extreme form
of a national struggle between mutually indispensable neighbours,
instigated by this fatal western idea'.79 More succinct perhaps is Mark
Mazower's remark that 'ethnic cleansing' whether in the ...
PostCosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence Caroline
Humphrey, Vera Skvirskaja 2012 Examining the way people imagine
and interact in their cities, this book explores the postcosmopolitan city.

Postwar Reconstruction in Europe: International ...Mark Mazower,

Jessica Reinisch, David Feldman 2011 This collection of essays offers
new insights into the aftermath of the Second World War.
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 Tony Judt 2006 Malcomson,
Scott L. Borderlands—Nation and Empire. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1994.
Mazower, Mark. After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family,
Nation, and State in Greece, 1943–1960. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, ...
Reading Greek America: Studies in the Experience of Greeks ...Spyros D.
Orfanos 2002 Studies in the Experience of Greeks in the United States
Spyros D. Orfanos ... been known to succumb to bribery and become
informants for those who were in power (for further historical information,
see Clogg, 1992; Mazower, 1993).
Red Acropolis, Black Terror: The Greek Civil War and the ... Σελίδα 282
André Gerolymatos 2004 The Greek Civil War and the Origins of
SovietAmerican Rivalry, 19431949 André Gerolymatos ... Mazower,
Mark, "The Cold War and the Appropriation of Memory: Greece after
Liberation," in The Politics of Retribution in Europe: War and Its ...
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, ...Mark
Mazower 2006 How this bustling, cosmopolitan and tolerant world
emerged and then disappeared under the pressure of modern nationalism is
the subject of this remarkable book.
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II Keith Lowe
2012 Quoted in Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, pp. 295–6. 6. TNA:
PRO WO 204/8832, SACMED to Scobie, 15 November 1944. See also
Churchill to Eden, 7 November 1944, TNA: PRO FO 371/43695;
Alexander, p. 66. 7. Mazower, Inside Hitler’s ...
SEER Southeast Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs 2004 A
literature review Borderland Outline descriptions Whoever arrives in
Greece will be dazzled by the light sweeping the country. Stepping into a
... For this is the trenchant irony of Mazower's account: just at the moment
that the struggle for the ...
Shattered Illusions: Albania, Greece and Yugoslavia Nicolas J. Costa
1998 In this carefully crafted volume, Michael Kort describes the wartime
circumstances and thinking that form the context for the decision to use
these weapons, surveys the major debates related to that decision, and
provides a comprehensive ...

Skoteinē Epeiros: ho eurōpaïkos eikostos aiōnas 2001

Skoteinē Epeiros: ho eurōpaïkos eikostos aiōnas. Mark Mazower - 2001
Social Change and Education in Greece: A Study in Class ...S. Themelis
2013 During thereign of the colonels (1967–1974)the andartes
werelegally proclaimed as “enemies” of the Greek state(Mazower,
2001)and itwas onlyafter 1974that the persecutions against the mofficially
ceased.The restoration of democracy and ...
Sociological Papers Τόμος 11 Σελίδα 55 2006 According to Molho, this
assistance attached the Jews to the Greek state. 61 Lewkowicz, 2006,p. 47.
62 Ahmad, 1982, p. 417. 63 Avdela, 1998, p. 426. 64 Mazower, 2004, pp.
301304. 65 Lefeuvre Meuelle, 1916, pp.234238. 66 Figures ...
Solvay: History of a Multinational Family Firm Σελίδα 175 Kenneth
Bertrams, Nicolas Coupain, Ernst Homburg 2013 In large parts of
Europe, stretching from Finland and Lithuania to Greece and Turkey, there
was actually a prolongation of the war. Extreme ideological movements
followed on ... 7' Quoted in Mazower (1999), ix—x. 8.1 THE
Spotlights on Russian and Balkan Slavic Cultural History Σελίδα 76
Alexandra Iōannidou, Christian Voss 2009 While the Germans proceeded
with the slaughter of the Greek Jews, and his local friends were busy
pocketing the as " as Senutrc properties, he sensed that the war was taking
an ... In english, see the accessible MARK MAZOWER 1995.
Stewards of the Land: The American Farm School and Greece ...Brenda
L. Marder 1979 The American Farm School and Greece in the Twentieth
Century Brenda L. Marder ... Historian Mark Mazower writes, "From
1950 onward, Greece was at peace but it was a strange, strained peace
guarded by what was formally a democratic ...
Stirring the Greek Nation: Political Culture, Irredentism ... Σελίδα 290
Giannēs D. Stephanidēs 2007 MaupoyopSdToc,, Mera^v TliwoKapmn
koli TlpoKpovcnn: Oi enayyeXpariKeq opyavcboeiq orn onpepivr\
EXXada [Between Pityocamptes and Procroustes: Organized Interests in
Contemporary Greece], 2nd edn, Athens: Obvoaeaq. Mazower ...
Studies in the Interwar European Economy Σελίδα 218 Derek Howard
Aldcroft 1997 Mazower, M. (1985), L'economia greca durante la grande
depressione dei primi anni '30', Rivista, di Storia Economica, 2. Mazower,

M. (1991a), 'Banking and economic development in interwar Greece', in

H. James, H. Lindgren and A.
Swastika over the Acropolis: Reinterpreting the Nazi ... Σελίδα 485 Craig
Stockings, Eleanor Hancock 2013 Reinterpreting the Nazi Invasion of
Greece in World War II Craig Stockings, Eleanor Hancock. CHAPTER
SEVENTEEN THE ... AWM 54, 534/2/27. The arrival of German forces
in Athens is wellsummarized in Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece ...
Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies, 1993, 3 Σελίδα 217 Andrew
D. Dimarogonas 1998 TLSThe Times Literary Supplement. N4697 (Apr
9). P27. Book Review, English. 6687. Mazower, M.; Goldstein, E.
(Reviewer). 1993. "Greece And The Interwar EconomicCrisis." Journal Of
Modern Greek Studies. Vol. 11, N2 (Oct). P301302.
Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe Benjamin
David Lieberman 2006 For the authoritative history of Salonica, see
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews, 14301950 ... Greeks and Macedonians disputed the right to use
symbols of the ancient Macedonia of Alexander the Great.
The Axis Empire in Southeast Europe, 19391945 Σελίδα 347 Jean W.
Sedlar 2007 187; Mazower, pp. 300301; Fleischer, pp. 13435. 72 Close,
pp. 9, 71, 7375. 7778, 8182, 102; Mazower, p. 289; Hondros (1970), pp.
18182, 18788; Fleischer, pp. 135, 399; E. C. W. Myers, Greek
Entanglement (London: Rupert HartDavis, ...
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos
2013 Identity, Culture, and Politics in Greece after 1989 V. Calotychos
... “Greek Town DevelopsBarteringSystem Without Euro. ... 2006.
Crossing New Europe: Postmodern Travel and the European Road Movie.
London:Wallflower Press. Mazower ...
The Balkans in world history Σελίδα 134 Andrew Wachtel 2008 Lampe,
John, and Mark Mazower, eds. Ideologies and ... The Movement for
Greek Independence, 17701821: A Collection of Documents. New York:
... Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek
Macedonia, 18701990.
The Balkans in world history Σελίδα 134 Andrew Wachtel 2008 Lampe,
John, and Mark Mazower, eds. Ideologies and ... The Movement for
Greek Independence, 17701821: A Collection of Documents. New York:
... Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek
Macedonia, 18701990.

The Balkans: A Short History Mark Mazower 2007 The Balkans is a

magnificent depiction of a vitally important region, its history and its
prospects. From the Hardcover edition.
The British and the Balkans: Forming Images of Foreign ...Eugene Michail
2011 i would particularly like to thank Pat Thane, Paul Betts, Mark
Mazower and rod kedward for all their support and advice in different
phases ... Greek Foundation of state scholarships (ikY) for its financial
support in the first phase of my research.
The British Journal of Holocaust Education Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 230 1994
As it was, Churchill's antiStalinism brought with it a readiness to
compromise with many Greek nationalists who had collaborated with
Germany against the partisans. Whilst Mazower recounts the social history
aspects of his subject with skill, ...
The Case for Sovereignty: Why the World Should Welcome ...Jeremy A.
Rabkin 2004 Countrybycountry responses differed considerably, from a
high of 88 percent of Greeks holding the United States as a ... For a survey
of collaborationist trends in Western Europe in 194041, see Mark
Mazower, Dark Continent: Europe's ...
The Case for Sovereignty: Why the World Should Welcome ...Jeremy A.
Rabkin 2004 Countrybycountry responses differed considerably, from a
high of 88 percent of Greeks holding the United States as a ... For a survey
of collaborationist trends in Western Europe in 194041, see Mark
Mazower, Dark Continent: Europe's ...
The Church of Greece Under Axis Occupation Σελίδα 304 Panteleymon
Anastasakis 2014 4 (1988): 391–403; Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth
Century, 30–33. 56. Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth Century, 33;
Fleming, Greece, 76–80; Mazower, Salonica, 298–310. 57. Fleming,
Greece, 77–79; Plaut, Greek Jewry in the ...
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From HunterGatherers ... John
Bintliff 2012 The chronological start to this period is the end of Turkish
domination and the foundation of the Greek state in 1830. ... at the imperial
capital of Istanbul by Çelik (1986) and Mansel (1995), and at the city of
Thessaloniki by Mazower (2004)).
The Continuities of German History: Nation, Religion, and ... Σελίδα 229
Helmut Walser Smith 2008 56 John Horne and Alan Kramer, German
Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial (New Haven, 2001), appendix 1,

where these are listed. Mark Mazower, “Military Violence and National
Socialist Values: The Wehrmacht in Greece 1941–1944,” ...
The Continuities of German History: Nation, Religion, and ... Σελίδα 229
Helmut Walser Smith 2008 56 John Horne and Alan Kramer, German
Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial (New Haven, 2001), appendix 1,
where these are listed. Mark Mazower, “Military Violence and National
Socialist Values: The Wehrmacht in Greece 1941–1944,” ...
The cultural values of Europe Hans Joas, Klaus Wiegandt, Europäische
Akademie Otzenhausen 2008 What is the cultural identity of Europe?
Are there specifically European values? Questions like these are at the
centre of a considerable number of political and scholarly debates in
contemporary Europe.
The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and ...Marc Baer
2010 Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 281. 4. K. E. Fleming, Greece:
A Jewish History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008), 68–69. 5.
Benaroya became the architect of Greek socialism, founding the Greek
Socialist Labor Party (SEKE) ...
The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and ...Marc Baer
2010 Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 281. 4. K. E. Fleming, Greece:
A Jewish History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008), 68–69. 5.
Benaroya became the architect of Greek socialism, founding the Greek
Socialist Labor Party (SEKE) ...
The Emergence of IsraeliGreek Cooperation Σελίδα 43 Aristotle
Tziampiris 2014 following the defeat of the Hellenic Army in Asia
Minor and what is referred to (with much justification) in Greek
historiography as the ... 17; Mazower 1993, p. ... The result was the
destruction of the Greek Jews (see Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3).
The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The ... Σελίδα 38
Benjamin Thomas White 2011 Crossing the Aegean: An Appraisal of
the 1923 Compulsory Population Exchange between Greece and Turkey
(Oxford: Berghahn, 2003). Mark Mazower, 'Minorities and the League of
Nations in Interwar Europe', Daedalus (1997), 126(2): ...
The Foreign Policies of PostYugoslav States: From ...S. Keil, B. Stahl
2014 No serious external assistance was offeredto impede orredirect
Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia from invading ... potentlythan in
the postYugoslav states, where 'national memories and old hatreds
resurfaced' (Mazower 1998, 396).

The Genocide Files Σελίδα 19 Harry Scott Gibbons 1997 They were
branded as traitors by the Greeks, and if Mazower's allegation is correct,
then Grivas would have been a traitor, too. Mazower quotes an unnamed
observer's assessment of the loyalties of Grivas and his 'X' group. "Today
(they arc) ...
The Ghosts of Plaka Beach: A True Story of Murder and ... Σελίδα 240
Stylianos Perrakis 2006 In Mazower, After the War was Over, 14283.
Keeley, Edmund, and Philip Sherrard, eds. Voices of Modern Greece.
Selected poems by C. P. Cavafy, Angelos Sikelmnos, George Seferui,
Odysseus Elytui, Nikos Gatsos, translated and edited by ...
The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism Gabriela
Kütting 2010 In Greece, I am indebted to the many civil servants, civil
society representatives, lawyers and local business owners who were ...
Oliver Rackham, Kostas Andriotis, Mark Mazower, Dimitrios
Theodossopoulos, Karin Berthold and Nikos Perakis ...
The Greek Civil War David H. Close 2014 A Nation in Crisis (1981),
p.65; JohnL. Hondros, aGreece and the German occupation«, in David H.
Close, ed., The Greek Civil War. Studies of Polarization (1993), p. 45;
Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece. The Experience of Occupation, ...
The Greek Civil War: essays on a conflict of ... Σελίδα 156 Philip
Carabott, Thanasis D. Sfikas 2004 League for Democracy in Greece
Archive. Modern Greek Archives, King's College London, London.
Mazower, M. 1993. Inside Hitler's Greece. The Experience of Occupation.
New Haven. Mazower, M. 1997. 'Policing the anticommunist state ...
The Greek Civil War: essays on a conflict of ... Philip Carabott, Thanasis
D. Sfikas 2004
The History of Greece Σελίδα 197 Elaine Thomopoulos 2011
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Forced Settlement of
Refugees 19221930. Oxford, England: ... Kyrou, Alexandros K. ”The
GreekAmerican Community and the Famine in AxisOccupied Greece. ...
Mazower, Mark, ed. After the ...
The Homoerotics of Orientalism Σελίδα 448 Joseph A. Boone 2014
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews 1420–1950 (London: HarperCollins, 2004), 145–46, 104. ... In
Ottoman literature, the profession of the boy dancer is frequently filled by
Greek, Jewish, and gipsy youths.

The Italian Army in Slovenia: Strategies of Antipartisan ... Σελίδα xi

The Italian Army in Slovenia: Strategies of Antipartisan ... Σελίδα xi
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi 2013 Works such as those by Richard C. Lukas
on Poland,1 Lutz Klinkhammer on Italy,2 Mark Mazower on Greece,3
and Felix Römer on Russia,4 have proven to be extremely important in
understanding the policies and strategies of the Third ...
The Jewish Quarterly Τόμοι 4243 Σελίδα 10 1995 Mark Mazower is
the author of Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation 1941
1944 (Yale), which has just been issued in paperback. With the Jewish
presence, especially just before the war, there was a great liveliness in
The Journal of European Economic History Σελίδα 603 1988 Economic
Diplomacy between Great Britain and Greece in the 1930s Mark
Mazower Christ Church, Oxford In the demonology of modern Greek
history, foreign interests feature prominently, and foreign economic
interests perhaps most ...
The Journal of Military History Τόμος 66,Τεύχη 34 Σελίδα 1243 2002
Donn A. Starry Fairfax Station, Virginia After the War Was Over:
Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece, 194360. Ed. Mark
Mazower. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000. Maps. Notes.
The Last Ottoman Century and Beyond: The Jews in Turkey ...Minna
Rozen 2005 85 On the role of the megali idea in the development of the
Greek state, see G. Augustinos, "The Dynamics of Modern Greek
Nationalism: The Great Idea ... See also M. Mazower, Greece and the
InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991), p. 43.
The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece 1941-1949 Kevin
Featherstone, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Argyris Mamarelis 2011 The
Muslim Minority of Greece 1941-1949 Kevin Featherstone, Dimitris
Papadimitriou, Argyris Mamarelis, Georgios ... Ioropia rov E/llrjvucou
Etupv/liov lloléuov, 1946-1949 [History of the Greek Civil War (1946-
49)]. Vol. ... Mazower M. 1998.
The Life and Twelvenote Music of Nikos Skalkottas Σελίδα 53 2011
Greek. Period. Everything is a big disappointment.I A Bitter Homecoming
Skalkottas left Berlin in the throes of National ... pushed the country off
the gold standard and resulted in the devaluation of the drachma (Mazower,
1991, 143202).

The Logic of Violence in Civil War Σελίδα 393 Stathis N. Kalyvas 2006
Several Greek archives, for instance, are either inaccessible or in poor
condition.1 I had the good fortune to locate a major ... research into the
wartime period is almost impossible on the basis of Greek archives alone”
(Mazower 1993:423).
The Making of Modern Romanian Culture: Literacy and the ...Alex
DraceFrancis 2006 ... Mark Mazower and Dimitris Uvanios at Birkbeck
College, Karin Friedrich and Jacqueline Glomski at the Warburg Institute
(Forum on Early Modern Central Europe) ... Index Should a book in
English use Romanian or Greek Acknowledgements.
The Making of the Greek Crisis (Penguin Specials): New ...James Pettifer
2012 In this new Penguin Short, the leading Balkan commentator and
Oxford University historian James Pettifer explores the reasons for
Greece's current situation, tracing the deep fissures caused by unresolved
issues dating back to the Second ...
The mirror of antiquity: 20th century British travellers ... Σελίδα 56 David
Wills 2007 (Hadjipateras and Fafalios 1995: 157) Greek communist
leader Aris Veloukhiotis also elected to refer to history when in ... by the
Allies to the band of andartes under Zervas, which positioned itself as
anticommunist (Mazower 2001:141, 314).
The Neurological Emergence of Epilepsy: The National ... Σελίδα xi Vasia
Lekka 2014 This book is, in fact, an extended version of my Ph.D. thesis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, ... UCL's
professors Sonu Shamdasani and Axel Körner, as well as David and Mark
Mazower for their excellent support and ...
The origins of the Greek Civil War David H. Close 1995 Yet it has
received less attention than it deserves from historians. In this striking and
original study, David Close does justice to both the domestic context of the
conflict and also to its international significance.
The Palgrave Dictionary of AngloJewish History W. Rubinstein, Michael
A. Jolles 2011 ... named the DeadSea Works). Following wartime active
service he was for a period with the British Economic Mission to Greece,
where he privately helpedthe decimated Jewish community ... 1954);
The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century: ... Σελίδα 129 Mark
19221974. 'Law in whose name; order for whose benefit?' Mark Mazower

... persuaded Congress to give the green light for military and financial
assistance to Greece on an unprecedented scale, ...
The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and ...István Deák, Jan
T. Gross, Tony Judt 2009 This book sheds light on the collective amnesia
that overtook European governments and peoples regarding their own
responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanityan amnesia that
has only recently begun to dissipate as a result ...
The Psychosocial and Organization Studies: Affect at Work Kate Kenny,
Marianna Fotaki 2014 (Greek). Crisis. Yannis Stavrakakis Introduction:
the European context Crisis is usually discussed in more or less ... runs the
danger of returning to its forgotten legacy as a 'Dark Continent', to use
Mark Mazower's expression (Mazower, 1999).
The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece, 1945–1946. In After
the War Was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in
Greece, 1943–1960, ed. M. Mazower. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press. Halbwachs ...
The Quest for Classical Greece: Early Modern Travel to the ...Lucy Pollard
2015 At the same time, they often admired the Turks, about whom they
had fewer preconceptions. This is a major contribution to reception and
postRestoration ideas about antiquity.
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ... Σελίδα 119 Margaret
E. Kenna 2013 Leon, George P. 1976 The Greek Socialist Movement
and the First World War: the Road to Unity. New York and Guildford: ...
Oxford: Clarendon Press. Mazower, Mark 1993 Inside Hitler's Greece: the
experience of Occupation, 19411944.
The South Slav Journal Τόμοι 1617 1995 The three first listed are
collections of essays by Greek, British, American and GreekAmerican
academics. ... New Europe, 1941-1944' by Mark Mazower, 'Greek Policy
and the European Community 1974-1993' by James Pettifer, 'Greece
and ...
The SS Hunter Battalions: The Hidden History of the Nazi ... Σελίδα 405
Alexander Perry Biddiscombe 2006 NAUK; 'PIC Memoranda on Greek
Resistance Organisations', 15/ 12/43; 'Greece; Political' 0125/0121, 6/1 1
/43; Bovington to ... 170 Mazower. 32830; 'Arrests of Security Battalion
Leaders and Govt. Crisis', 28/6/44, HS 5/248, NAUK; Greek ...

The Tablet Σελίδα 21 2004 "Muslims turned into Turks, Christians into
Greeks," says Mazower of the 1920s. He relates in chilling detail the
expulsion of the Muslims of Salonica after the First World War and the
extermination of the Jews in the Second; and how the lovely ...
The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History ...James
Edward Miller 2009 For investor's complaints, “Le Krach de
MyliKalamata Responsabilité du Gouvernement Hellénique” (1891),
Stefanos Dragoumis Papers, series 2, box 53, Railroads: Folder 2, GLA;
Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis.
The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History ...James
Edward Miller 2009 For investor's complaints, “Le Krach de
MyliKalamata Responsabilité du Gouvernement Hellénique” (1891),
Stefanos Dragoumis Papers, series 2, box 53, Railroads: Folder 2, GLA;
Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis.
The War for Legitimacy in Politics and Culture, 1938-1948 Σελίδα 222
Martin Conway, Peter Romijn 2008
Towards Autarchy: The Recovery from Crisis in Greece : ...Mark
Mazower 1987
Unholy Alliance: Greece and Milošević's Serbia Σελίδα 156 Takis Michas
2002 13. Mark Mazower, "High Political Stakes," Index on Censorship
30, no. 2 (Mar. Apr., 2001): 135. On the minorities problem in Greece, see
Hugh Poulton, Balkans: Minorities and States in Conflict; Panayotis
Dimitras, "Minorites: Un plus ou un ...
Unlawful Combatants: A Genealogy of the Irregular Fighter Sibylle
Scheipers 2015 It traces the development of the dichotomy of the
irregular and the regular, which found its foremost expression in the
modern law of armedconflict, into the twentyfirst century and provides a
critique of the concept of the unlawful ...
Walking in the European City: Quotidian Mobility and Urban ...Dr Evrick
Brown, Dr Timothy Shortell 2014 eleni Sideri Thessaloniki in the Age
of Mobility Thessaloniki is the second biggest city in Greece, with a
population of ... the First World War (Mazower 2004). in the twentieth
century, the city was Hellenized with an inflow of Greek refugees from ...
War in the Balkans: An Encyclopedic History from the Fall ... Σελίδα 129
Richard C. Hall 2014 A Concise History of Greece. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992. Mazower, Mark. Hitler's Europe: How

the Nazis Ruled Europe. New York: Penguin, 2008. Mazower, Mark.
Inside Hitler’s Greece. New Haven, CT: Yale University ...
War in the Balkans: An Encyclopedic History from the Fall ... Σελίδα 129
Richard C. Hall 2014 A Concise History of Greece. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992. Mazower, Mark. Hitler's Europe: How
the Nazis Ruled Europe. New York: Penguin, 2008. Mazower, Mark.
Inside Hitler’s Greece. New Haven, CT: Yale University ...
War of Extermination: The German Military in World War II Σελίδα 146
Hannes Heer, Klaus Naumann 2004 The Wehrmacht in Greece, 1941–
44* Mark Mazower. Shortly. before dawn on 16 August 1943 several
troop carriers drove down a dirt road south of the town of Arta in
northwestern Greece. They came to a halt a short distance from the
village ...
Wendepunkte: Schlüsselentscheidungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg Ian
Kershaw 2014 Die schrecklichen Lebensumstände am Ende der
deutschen Besatzung und in der Übergangszeit bis zum Ausbruch des
Bürgerkriegs sind anschaulich beschrieben in Mazower, Inside Hitler's
Greece, S. 362–373. 203 Siehe van Creveld, ...
Works such as those by Richard C. Lukas on Poland,1 Lutz Klinkhammer
on Italy,2 Mark Mazower on Greece,3 and Felix Römer on Russia,4 have
proven to be extremely important in understanding the policies and
strategies of the Third ...
Έδαφος και μνήμη στα Βαλκάνια: Ο "γεωργικός εθνικισμός" στην Ελλάδα
...Σπυρίδων Πλουμίδης - 2013 - M. Mazower, Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική
κρίση, ό.π., σ. 126. Σωκράτης Πετμεζάς, «Αγροτική οικονομία», στο: Χ.
Χατζηιωσήφ (επιμ.), Ιστορία της Ελλάδας του 20ού αιώνα, τόμ. Β ́, μέρος
1, Αθήνα 2002, σσ. 215, 223. Νικόλαος Μαρτίνος ...
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου / Mark
Mazower; μετ. Σπύρος Μαρκέτος -- Αθήνα: Μορφωτικό Ιδρυμα Εθνικής
Τραπέζης, 2002 -- 431 σ. ;

Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower

2002 Stage of Emergency: Theater and Public Performance under ...


A Comparative Study of PostOttoman Political Influences ...2008

Bulgarian society has a successful history of maintaining a relatively
peaceful multicultural environment over centuries.
A Concise History of Greece Σελίδα 306 Richard Clogg 2013 Elisabeth
Kontogiorgi, Population exchange in Greek Macedonia: the rural
settlement of refugees 1922–1933 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006) Mark
Mazower, Greece and the interwar economic crisis (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1991) John S.
A concise history of Greece 2003
A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change Robert Bideleux, Ian
Jeffries 2007 This in turn causeda 'polarisationof politics' andpersuaded
millions of people to join resistance'cells' (Mazower 1993: xvi). The
prominence of Communistsin several resistance movements, above all
those of Greece, Yugoslaviaand Albania, ...
A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 Σελίδα 140 Stanley G. Payne 1996
These events, however, quickly produced polarization in Greece, where
society was broadly divided between Liberals and conservative Populists.
... 20. M. Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford,
A History of Greece Nicholas Doumanis 2009 For the Great Depression,
there is Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis
(Oxford, 1991) and for interwar politics, G. Mavrogordatos, Stillborn
Republic (Berkeley, CA, 1983), while the experience of the Second World
War is ...
A History of the Holocaust Σελίδα 446 Saul S. Friedman 2004 Mazower,
Inside Hitler's Greece, p. 243. 29. Molho and Nehama. In Memoriam, p.
97. 30. Safrian. Die Eichmann Manner, p. 244: Levin, Holocaust, p. 52 1 ;
Molho and Nehama. In Memoriam, pp. 1034. 31. Molho and Nehama, In
Memoriam, ...
A memorial book of the deportation of the Greek Jews: ... Σελίδα 258
Aure Recanati 2006 The Italians did not use the brutal methods of the
Germans in dealing with the Greek population. They were reluctant to burn
... 4 MAZOWER. 5 MAZOWER, p. 259. The Righteous Among the
Nations: From Michael MATSAS, The Illusion 258.
A New Age of Extremes?: Historical Relections of the ...Mark Mazower

A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern ...Molly

Greene 2000 ... Mark Mazower, Tia Kolbaba, and Peter Brown in
particular for sharing with me their wisdom and insight on the Greek world
and the world of the eastern Mediterranean. When she was here, Professor
Judith Herrin was a wonderful colleague ...
After Civil War: Division, Reconstruction, and ... Σελίδα 118 Bill Kissane
2014 ''Women ofthe Family, Women ofthe Nation: National
Enculturation Among Slav Speakers in Northwest Greece. ... In After the
War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece,
1943–1960, edited by M. Mazower, 24–41.
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation... Σελίδα 24
Mark Mazower 2000 Mark Mazower Nazi occupation in Greece, as
elsewhere in Europe, led to a complete breakdown of state and society. The
Civil War that followed was the culmination of numerous clashes between
different groups, each with its own vision of ...
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the ... Σελίδα 229
Davide Rodogno 2012 ... (vilayets) remaining under direct Ottoman
government were Adrianople (roughly corresponding to today's Thrace),
Scutari (in today's Albania), Janina (northwestern Greece), and ... —Mark
Mazower, “An International Civilization,” 2006.
Aldous Huxley: An English Intellectual Nicholas Murray 2009 ... Gertler
and Samuel Koteliansky ('Kot“), the translator and friend of Lawrence, at
the Restaurant Bienvenu in Greek Street, with Maria offering to sit for
Gertler. ... As historians such as Mark Mazower in Dark Continent (1998)
have shown, the ...
An Ode to SALONIKA: The Ladino Verses of Bouena Sarfatty Σελίδα
277 Renée Levine Melammed 2013 In Greece, this is the Heptapyrgion
citadel in SALONIKA, where Eliaou was apparently stationed at one time.
See coplas 398 and 425. 56. See copla 173. 57. See copla 186a. 58.
Mazower points out that hundreds of Jewish young men fought in ...
An Unpatriotic History of the Second World War Σελίδα 520 James
Heartfield 2012 ... 1984, p 169 RJB Bosworth, Mussolini's Italy, London,
Allen Lane, 2005, p 521, 522 Mark Mazower, Hitler's Empire, London,
... Greek Resistance Army, London, Merlin Press, 1980, p 4267; Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece, New Haven, ...
Arms and the woman: just warriors and Greek feminist identity Margaret
Poulos 2009 just warriors and Greek feminist identity Margaret Poulos.

1983: 26). While the ... Mazower argues that Venizelos's response to the
effects of the Depression in Greece after 1929 was resourceful but
ultimately inadequate. The policies of linking ...
Athens John Gill 2011 We have Metaxas to thank for the other major
public holiday in the Greek calendar, “Ohi Day” on 28 October, when
Metaxas ... The historian Mark Mazower, in his finelyresearched Inside
Hitler's Greece, believes that the Nazi depredations on ...
AustrianGreek encounters over the centuries: history... Σελίδα 75 Herbert
Kröll 2008 Bilaterale Aussenpolitik im europaischen Umfeld. Wien
Miinchen: Verlag fiir Geschiche und Politik, Oldenbourg, 1996, pp.
468656, map 1. 20 Steiner, The Lights, pp. 100123; Stavrianos, The
Balkans, pp. 580590; Mazower, Dark Continent, ...
Balkan Strongmen: Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of ... Σελίδα 188
Bernd Jürgen Fischer 2007 A number of evident shifts in the Greek
economy appeared during Metaxas's tenure in power. ... 1935-1939" (The
Development of the Greek Economy's Basic Indicators, 1935-1939),
Greece 1936-44, 148-52; Mark Mazower, Greece and the ...
Balkans Beyond Nationalism and Identity: International ...Pavlos
Hatzopoulos 2007 In proposing a description of ‘the Balkans’ as a
contested political concept, the book argues for a completely fresh
interpretation of the region’s composition.
Balkans Into Southeastern Europe, 19142014: A Century of ...John Lampe
2014 Following from where Mark Mazower left off in his Epilogue to
The Balkans (New York: Modern Library, 2001), I emphasize ... Its
successor states and the rest of the region, with no help from
nonCommunist Greece, were not managing their ...
Bearing Gifts to Greeks: Humanitarian Aid to Greece in the ... Σελίδα 34
Richard Clogg 2008 10. Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar
Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991), pp. 7981. 11. Sokratis Petmezas, 'I
Anaptyxi tis Agrotikis Oikonomias', paper presented at the conference on
The Greek Economy in the 19th Century (18301914), ...
Becoming a Subject: Political Prisoners During the Greek ... Σελίδα 52
Polymeris Voglis 2002 Political Prisoners During the Greek Civil War
Polymeris Voglis. Chapter 3 ... The real power over all Greece outside
Athens lay in the hands of the EAM organizations. Giannis Kordatos, a ...
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, 314315. 4. George ...

Book Review Digest Τόμος 91 Σελίδα 1358 1995 REVIEW: Society

v31 p95 My/Je '94. George Windhol, (1300w) REVIEW: Times Lit Suppl
no4754 p9 My 13 94. Anson Rabinbach (3800w) MAZOWER, MARK.
Inside Hitler's Greece; the experience of occupation, 194144. 437p il maps
$30 ...
Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace... Σελίδα 437 Billie
Melman 1998 See letters of Greek tobacco workers from all over
Macedonia and the protest from a Committee of Refugee Tobacco
Workers, Fos, Apr. 2 and 3, 1914; ... Mark Mazower, Greece and the
InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991),44,59,8688.
Britain and the Greek Economic Crisis, 19441947: From ... Σελίδα 25
Athanasios Lykogiannis 2002 With firms able to abuse monopoly power
to the detriment of the rest of the economy, it was clear that much of Greek
... Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis, 210–24, 250–56;
Dritsas, “Bank Industry Relations in InterWar ...
Bulletin of JudaeoGreek Studies Τεύχη 813 Σελίδα 22 1991 Yet it is
equally a work of impressive scholarship. Mazower is a professional Greek
historian whose work on Eleftherios Venizelos and the modernization of
Greek political life has begun to appear in articles in the learned press. He
brings to ...
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Τόμος 24 Σελίδα 309 2000
Michael Matsas, The Illusion of Safety: The Story of the Greek Jews
During the Second World War. ... Mazower is the only other historian to
reference the Berry cable, but he omits the vitally important quote about
the 'exception' of Salonica and ...
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage... Σελίδα 104 George
C. Papavizas 2006 Decisive fighting took place in Macedonia and Epirus
during the GreekItalian War of ¡940–¡94¡. Greek Macedonia su›ered a ...
The world witnessed with horror the annihilation of the lawabiding Jewish
population in Thessaloniki (Mazower ...
Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse After the ... Σελίδα 164
Roni Stauber 2010 Sheltering Jews during the German Occupation of
Greece,” Odyssey (July–August 1995), p. 38. Ibid., p. 41. Photini ... Mark
Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991);
Inside Hitler's Greece; Dark Continent. Europe's ...
Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: ... Σελίδα 240
Victor Roudometof 2002 Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian

Question Victor Roudometof. Malkii, Lisa. 1992. ... "Russia and the
BulgarianGreek Church Question in the Seventies of the Nineteenth
Century." Etudes Historiques ... Pp. 12950 in Mark Mazower (ed.) ...
Commies and Queers": Narratives that Supported the ... Σελίδα 40 Holly
S. Heatley 2007 The opposing forces can be divided generally into the
nationalists, called the Greek National Army (GNA), and the ... According
to Special Counsel to the President “Mark Mazower, “Review: Historians
at War: Greece, 19401950,” The ...
Contemporary European history Τόμος 10 Σελίδα 486 2001 In the 1940s
a significant proportion of the Greek rural population was engaged in
waged labour on large privately owned ... the GDA, the iptfthini or the
cadreinchargeoil '4 Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler': Greece: The
Experience of Otrupation, ...
Crime, Histoire et Sociétés, 1999/2 Σελίδα 95 International Association
for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice Mark Mazower, (Ed.),
The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century, Oxford, Berghahn,1997,
262 p.,. ... against communism, 19231945; Mazower, M., Policing the Anti
Communist State in Greece, 19221974; Jeffrey, K., ...
Croissance urbaine et développement capitaliste: le ...Guy Burgel 1981
Cultural Representation in Historical Resistance: ... Σελίδα 36 Linda S.
Myrsiades, Kostas Myrsiades 1999 Complexity and Construction in
Greek Guerrilla Theater Linda S. Myrsiades, Kostas Myrsiades ...
resistance was fragmented and inchoate like "the political and geographical
features of wartime Greece itself" (Mazower 36 INTRODUCTION VII.
Culture and Customs of Greece Σελίδα 29 Artemis Leontis 2009 Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
1993), 41. 48. Franciszek Piper, “The Number of Victims,” in Holocaust:
Critical Concepts in Historical Studies, ed. David Cesarani and Sarah
Kavanaugh (New ...
Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century Mark Mazower 2009
Unflinching, intelligent, Dark Continent provides a provocative vision of
Europ's past, present, and futureand confirms Mark Mazower as a
historian of valuable gifts. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Democracy and Peace Making: Negotiations and Debates 1815-1973
Director Centre of International Studies Cambridge University History
Faculty and Tutor to Graduates Philip Towle, Philip Towle 2004

Desolation and Enlightenment: Political Knowledge After ... Σελίδα 27 Ira

Katznelson 2003 ... York: Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 9. Greek
in origins, referring to a burnt offering to the Lord, 'holocaust' carries with
it an often unexamined ... Also see, Mark Mazower, Dark Continent, pp.
161–162, and Michael André Bernstein...
Développement Inégal de L'Europe: Σελίδα 51 Jean Batou, Thomas David
1998 M. Mazower semble ne pas saisir cette dynamique, lorsqu'il note:
«the land reform, together with foreign loans, purchased peasant backing
for Venizelist rule, pushing industrialization into second place»
(MAZOWER, Greece and the InterWar ...
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the TurcoGreek ...Onur
Yildirim 2007 Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis, 77–
78. 56. League of Nations, The Greek Refugee Settlement, 52–54. 57.
“Société des Nations, SousComite Grec du Conseil, Séance tenue le 5 Sep
tembre 1925 à 17 heures sous la ...
Discourse theory and cultural analysis: media, arts and ... Σελίδα 138 Nico
Carpentier, Erik Spinoy 2008 220228 in J.O. Iatrides (Ed) Greece in the
1940s: A Nation in Crisis. Hanover: University Press of New ... Mazower,
M. (Ed) (2000) After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family,
Nation, and State in Greece, 19431960. Princeton, Oxford: ...
Early Photographic Panoramas of Greece Evi Antonatos, Marie Mauzy
2003 Famed for its place in ancient history. Greece has been a popular
tourist destination for hundreds of years. This remarkable new book
compiles riveting photographs of Greece dating back to the early 20th
El imperio de Hitler Mark Mazower 2008 Mark Mazower nos habla
en estas páginas de la conquista de nuevas tierras, de su colonización con
800.000 germanos étnicos, de las formas de explotación o de las
resistencias, pero también de los grandes proyectos Hitlerianos de futuro
Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece Σελίδα 204 Andrew Dalby 2010 and 1922
note also Thanos Veremis, The military in Greek politics: from
independence to democracy (London: 1997). ... For the 1920s and 1930s
see Mark Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis
(Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1991) ...
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship Σελίδα 229 Paschalis
M. Kitromilides 2008 280–6; Mazower, Greece and the Interwar

Economic Crisis, pp. 143–76 (see Note 38). 44. Daphnis, I Ellas, vol. II,
pp. 72–5 (see Note 1); Karamanlis, O Eleftherios Venizelos, pp. 251–5 (see
Note 43). 45. PepelassiMinoglou, 'O Venizelos kai ...
Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the ...Cathie Carmichael
2003 This book will be of interest to students and researchers of European
studies, history and comparative politics.
Europa und sein Osten: Geschichtskulturelle Herausforderungen
Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2012 ... In 1945 and the
years to follow Germans were expelled from Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary and Yugoslavia, Poles from the Soviet Union, and Macedonians
from Greece. ... 3 Mark Mazower: The Strange Triumph of Human
Europe's Greece: A Giant in the Making Σελίδα 118 A. Kalaitzidis 2009
In the 1990s film Ulysses Gaze, Greek director Theo Angelopoulos
attempts to traverse this historical cycle of the ... with Venice and
established a network of trading houses between Odessa, Alexandria and
Marseille” (Mazower 2004, 123).
Europe's Last Red Terrorists: The Revolutionary ... Σελίδα 12 George
Kassimeris 2001 The aftermath of the First World War, culminating in
the most devastating defeat of the Greek armed forces by the Turks in Asia
Minor in ... tK See Mark Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic
Crisis (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp.
Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the ... Σελίδα 461 Christian
Gerlach 2010 242, 245, 359–60; cf. Mazower, Inside, pp. 27, 34; Stavros
B. Thomadakis, “Black markets, inflation and force in the economy of
occupied Greece,” in John O. Iatrides (ed.), Greece in the 1940s: A Nation
in Crisis (Hanover and London: New ...
Famine and Death in Occupied Greece, 19411944 Σελίδα 11 Violetta
Hionidou 2006 During the early stages of the Second World War and
during the period of Greek neutrality, that is up to October 1940, the
effects of extensive prewar trade between Greece and ... 13 M. Mazower,
Greece and the interwar economic crisis ...
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in ...Anastasia N.
Karakasidou 2009 "Combining the thoughtful use of theory with a vivid
historical ethnography, this is an important, courageous, and pioneering
work which opens up the whole issue of nationbuilding in northern
Greece."—Mark Mazower, University of Sussex

Formalizing Displacement: International Law and Population ...Umut

Özsu 2015 In fact, as Barton pointed out proudly, '[t]he first transfer of
Moslem and Greek populations under the terms of the Treaty of ... 8–11;
Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1991), 74–9; Elisabeth ...
German Antipartisan Warfare in Europe, 1939-1945 Colin D. Heaton 2001
This new book uses exclusive interviews with German and Allied soldiers
and commanders as well as civilian irregulars who participated in irregular
warfare, either as partisans or guerrillas during World War II. These
interviews prove ...
German Foreign Office Documents on the Holocaust in ... Σελίδα 38 Irith
DublonKnebel 2007 141 That night, 2425 March 1944, Greek and
nonGreek Jews from Athens and outlying areas were rounded up in a
coordinated operation.142 The Athenian Jews were ... 144 Testimony of
Miron Artemis (Batish), YV 03/9035; Mazower, p.
Germany’s War Debt to Greece: A Burden Unsettled N. Christodoulakis
2014 3 The Axis methods of expropriation and pillaging in Greece have
been documented in several accounts and studies. Two comprehensive and
interesting accounts are Mazower (1994, Inside Hitler's Greece: The
Experienceof Occupation ...
Globalisation, Migration and Socioeconomic Change in ... Σελίδα 262
Panos Arion Hatziprokopiou 2006 ... of origin, neighbourhood contact
and professional occupation, rather than on ethnic identification (Mazower
2004). But the spectres of history haunt presentday developments in
another way too. In Greek popular culture of previous decades ...
Greece Σελίδα 135 Thanos Veremēs, Márkos Dragoúmis 1998 northern
Greece. Mazower makes good use of the information available in Greek.
The interwar period is rich in primary and secondary sources and a new
generation of economic historians (Riginos, Dritsa. Minoglu, Pantelakis,
Kostis and ...
Greece a Jewish History Σελίδα xi K. E. Fleming 2010 The Jewish
Museum of Greece and its director, Zanet Battinou, are also due deep
thanks. Several of the ... Mark Mazower shared documents with me and
was generous in the time he spent discussing this project. Niki Kekos
graciously did a ...
Greece and Britain since 1945 Second Edition Σελίδα 100 David Wills
2014 Mark Mazower, 1131. Athens: Alexandria Editions. Messolora,

Athina J. 1959. A Brief History of the Evolution of Nursing in Greece,

Athens. Moschovi, Alexandra. 2007. “Distance and Proximity.” In Work,
ed. Alex Moh, 2435. Kuala Lumpur: ...
Greece and the Balkans: Identities, Perceptions and ... Σελίδα 2 Dēmētrēs
Tziovas 2003 Balkans 1804— 1ppp: Nationalism, War and the Great
Powers (1999), or Mark Mazower's The Balkans (2000) offer a
comprehensive examination of the history of the Balkans, that is
complemented by the reprint of L.S. Stavrianos's classic ...
Greece and the Cold War: Front Line State, 19521967 Σελίδα 187
Evanthis Hatzivassiliou 2006 2 E. Dimitrakopoulos, Ta Chersaia Synora
tis Helladas [Greece's Land Borders], Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan
Studies, ... [The Crown and the Swastika: Greece of occupation and
resistance], two vols, Athens: Papazisis, 1995; M. Mazower ...
Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis. Mark Mazower 1991 This
study of Greece in the interwar period, however, demonstrates that there
was no simple correlation between economic and political crisis.
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 Maroulis maintains that in the case of countries
like Greece, the structure of the balance of payments underpins the
structure of the economy and not vice versa. 2674. Mazower, Mark. Greece
and the Inter War Economic Crisis. Oxford: ...
Greece in Print Τεύχη 176187 Σελίδα 10 2003 After the War Was Over,
M. Mazower IN GREEK 1., M. MeiuapiSri 2. Mnv TJat; Tlori Mdvoq Ero
TaxoSponEio, E. KouXdyXoo 3. Omv EKkouifE o Nirae, I. RaXou 4. O
Aicbvaq rcov AaBupivOcov, P. TaXavaKn. 5.
Greece since 1945: Politics, Economy and Society David H. Close 2014
A useful reference book to recent decades is George A. Kourvetaris and
Betty A. Dobratz, A Profile of Modern Greece. In Search of Identity ... The
Twentieth Century (1983, the second of two volumes), and Mark
Mazower, The Balkans. A Short ...
Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian ...Aristotle
Tziampiris 2000 ( 1 992), Skopje, Winds of War in the Balkans, A. A.
Livani, Athens [in Greek]. ... Mazower Mark. ( 1 993), Inside Hitler s
Greece, Yale University Press, London. Mazower Mark. (1996),
inroduction to the Study of Macedonia', Journal of Modern ...

Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy ...V. Fouskas,
C. Dimoulas 2013 4. Freris(1986)p. 39andTsoukalas (1985)pp. 263ff;
Seealso, SpyrosTzokas (2002)Eleftherios Venizelosand the Experiment of
Bourgeois Modernisation (1928–1932) (Athens: Themelio), pp. 99 ff.
Mazower (1991)Greece and the Inter War ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall ...Brewer David
2012 6 Gordon, History of the Greek Revolution, vol. I, p. 322 7
Mazower, Salonica, p. 28 8 Mazower, Salonica, pp. 48–51 9 Bernard
Randolph in Molly Mackenzie, Turkish Athens, Reading, 1992, p. 37; de
la Guilletière in Andrews, p. 80 10 George ...
Greece: A Country Study Σελίδα 345 Glenn Eldon Curtis, Library of
Congress. Federal Research Division 1995 The Stillborn Republic: Social
Coalitions and Party Strategies in Greece, 19221936. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1983. Mazower, Mark. Greece and the Interwar
Economic Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Mazower ...
Greece: Ethnicity and Sovereignty 18201994 Atlas and ... Σελίδα 99 J. M.
Wagstaff 2002 The Greek harvest of 1941 was 1530 per cent lower than
in normal times (Mazower 1993, 26), mainly because of Greek
mobilisation and the disruption caused by the fighting. Much of the
available food was requisitioned by the German army.
Greece: Modern Architectures in History Σελίδα 265 Alexander Tzonis,
Alcestis P. Rodi 2013 It ultimately resulted in the invitation to form a
Greek ciam group. See Στάμος Παπαδάκης, 'Ο συνεταιρισμός ... Mark
Mazower, Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του μεσοπολέμου (Athens,
2002). Τζόκας, Σπύρος, Ο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος και το ...
Greece: The Modern Sequel : from 1831 to the Present Σελίδα 170
Giannēs Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs 2002 And third, in 1932 Greece
was obliged to suspend interest and amortisation payments on its foreign
debt. ... For a comprehensive analysis in English see Mazower, Greece and
the Inter War Economic Crisis, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
Greece's New Political Economy: State, Finance and Growth ...G.
Pagoulatos 2016 Mavrogordatos G. (1988) Between Pityokamptes and
Procroustes, Athens: Odysseas (in Greek). Maxfield S. (1990) Governing
... Mazower M. (1991) Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis, Oxford:
Oxford UP. Mazower M. (1998) Dark ...
Greek America Τόμος 5,Τεύχη 15 Σελίδα 16 1999 NATIONAL BANK
OF GREECE Boston CambridgeAthcms The Boston Globe Forgets the

Facts to Prove a Point.MEDIA WATCHOn January 25th, Business Week

published a review of Mark Mazower's book, Dark Continent, which ...
Greek Ritual Poetics Σελίδα 228 Dimitrios Yatromanolakis, Panagiotis
Roilos 2004 Until then, Mark Mazower has warned of how difficult it
will be "to take a fresh look at the Balkans, without seeing them refracted
through the prism of 'the Balkans' we have lived with for so long."3 The
region's identity always already originates ...
History and Popular Memory: The Power of Story in Moments ...Paul A
Cohen 2014 Gone were the days, Mark Mazower writes, “when it was
possible for ethnic Germans to rise to high positions in Tsarist
administrations, and for diplomats representing the Ottoman Empire in
international congresses to be Greek. The war of ...
History of the Turkish Jews and Sephardim: Memories of a ...Elli Kohen
2007 This book presents aliving history of the Turkish Jews.
Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi ... Σελίδα 386
Götz Aly 2008 12526; Mazower, Greece, pp. 7172. 29. Kriegstagebuch,
vol. 3, p. 109. 30. Altenburg to Foreign Office, Berlin, Jan. 26, 1944, PA
AA In! Ig 190, p. 60. On Logothetopoulos's "resistance," see Apostolu,
"Exception," pp. 1 808 1 . 31. Facsimile in ...
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe Mark Mazower 2013
The powerful, disturbing history of Nazi Europe by Mark Mazower, one
of Britain's leading historians and bestselling author of Dark Continent and
Governing the World Hitler's Empire charts the landscape of the Nazi
imperial imagination ...
Hitler's Europe Ablaze: Occupation, Resistance, and ...Philip Cooke, Ben
Shepherd 2014 Reprisals of the German occupation forces in
Macedonia, 1941–44) (Athens, 2007). 48. Close, The Origins of the Greek
Civil War, p. 115. 49. On the causes and course of the December 1944
fighting, see Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, pp.
CONTINUED J MOD GREEK STUD.14(1)96 . A.D. Dimarogonas 205 .
HA Patrinos : 208 BOOK REVIEWS The Origins of the Greek CivilWar,
by D.H. Close. M. Mazower 177 Children in Turmoil During the Greek
CivilWar, 1946-49 Today's ...
Hybrid Forms of Peace: From Everyday Agency to PostLiberalism O.
Richmond, A. Mitchell 2011 Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,

1941–1945, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. 38.
Alberto Melucci, 'Social Movements andthe Democratisation ofEveryday
Life', in John Keane(ed.), Civil Societyand the State ...
Ideas Τόμοι 14 Σελίδα 36 1992 Therefore, there had to be another story
that hadn't been told — the impact of the German occupation on Greek
society. POND: MAZOWER: POND: How do you encapsulate that
impact? MAZOWER: What occurred in Greece during the war ...
Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of ... Σελίδα 15 John Lampe,
Mark Mazower 2004 The Case of TwentiethCentury Southeastern
Europe John Lampe, Mark Mazower ... Romania and Greece (1998), with
new ones for Slovenia and Croatia added in 1996 and 1999, has fortunately
been published for books and journal articles ...
Imagining Europe: Myth, Memory, and Identity Σελίδα 29 Chiara Bottici,
Benoît Challand 2013 historians did not hesitate to define Europe as the
“Dark Continent” (Mazower 2000). ... in one of its member states but
cannot recognize themselves in past European experiences such as
Christendom, Greek philosophy, or the Enlightenment.
Income Convergence During the Disintegration of the World ... Branko
Milanovi? 2002 ... there could be 800,000 men in Europe unprotected by
any legal organisation recognized by international law" (quoted in
Mazower, 2000, p.63). ... 691). ls Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, 13.
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 194144. Mark
Mazower 2001 This book is the first full exploration of the experience of
occupation from the perspective of those that endured it and from those
that imposed it it tells the stories of resistance fighters and black
marketeers, teenage German ...
Insight Guides Greek Islands Insight, Martha Ellen Zenfell 1993 For her
own book, Nicholson s Guide to the Greek Islands, she travelled to more
than 50 of them, armed only with a ... Mark Mazower, who wrote the
history section, was born in 1958 and educated at universities in Oxford
and Bologna. He has ...
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: A ...I. Grigoriadis
2012 20 According to Mazower, Thessaloniki's Jews were able to take
a leading role in theeconomic and social lifeof the city only afterthe
pogrom decimated thecity's Greek population, following the outbreak of
theGreek Warof Independence ...

Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1942–1943 Σελίδα 203 Emil Kerenji

2014 ... War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and
Collaboration (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001); Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–
44 (New Haven, CT: Yale University ...
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Τόμος 15,Τεύχη 12 Σελίδα 179 2005
When the Greek army entered the city at the end of the Balkan Wars ( 1 9
1 2 1 3) and annexed it to the young Greek state, ... Mazower's expertise is
modern Greece and he seems to be more thoroughly conversant with the
last hundred years, ...
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora Τόμοι 2930 Σελίδα 86 2003 Eventually,
the NBG's deputy governor Emmanuel Tsoud eros suggested it should
instead become a purely commercial bank and hand over its privilege of
note issue to a new central bank, which was to become the Bank of Greece
(Mazower ...
Krieg und Verbrechen: Situation und Intention: Fallbeispiele Σελίδα 41
Timm C. Richter 2006 Kazimierz Leszczynski, Berlin 1965. 3 Hagen
Fleischer, Im Kreuzschatten der Mächte. Griechenland 19411944,
Frankfurt 1986; Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece. The Experience
of Occupation 1941 1944, New Haven 1993; Eberhard ...
Kurt Waldheim: a case to answer? Jack Saltman 1988
La ciudad de los espíritus: Salonica desde Suleimán el ...Mark Mazower
La Lettre Sépharade Τεύχη 2031 Σελίδα 63 2005 Many ethnic groups
fell under the Macedonian banner, but most were not ethnic Greek. It
included Vlachs ... In a real sense Mazower's recounting of the life of
SALONIKA in the 20th century is really Greece's goal of Hellenization.
The great fire of ...
Le Long Retour 19451952: L'histoire tragique des ...Ben Shephard, John
E. Jackson 2014 The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton,
19401945, 1986, p. 76 ; Gilbert (éd.), Finest Hour, 1983, p. 743 ; Olsen
(éd.), Harold Nicolson, 1984, p. 19. [2]. Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece,
2001, p. 2348 ; Black, A Cause for Our Times, 1992, ...
Le ombre dell'Europa Mark Mazower 2013 Ricostruendo la storia del
XX secolo Mark Mazower verifica questa ipotesi mettendola a confronto

con i fatti, e soprattutto concentrando l’attenzione sui mutamenti sociali e

sul rapporto tra le vicende politiche e le ideologie: democrazia ...
Long Journey to the Border: A Life of John Mulgan Σελίδα 355 Vincent
O'Sullivan 2011 Orders issued by Fieldmarshal Wilhelm keitel, quoted
in Mazower, p.153. michael Ward to Paul day, 3 February 1965. Report on
Experience, p.86. ibid., p.87. Ward, pp.150–2. Jm, 'report of Work of allied
military mission in area 3, Greece', ...
Macedonia Mark Mazower 1996
Mediterranean paradoxes: politics and social structures in ...James Kurth,
James F. Petras 1993 Explains networks of investment, the immobility
of the Greek economy in the late nineteenth century, and the limited
penetration of industrialization ... Mark Mazower, Greece and the Inter
War Economic Crisis (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991).
Mediterranean Quarterly: A Journal of Global Issues Σελίδα 146 1994
Mazower notes that the Greek right returned to power, thanks mainly to
the intervention of Winston Churchill. Then the right wing resumed the
same Communistbashing policies it had pursued before the war, despite its
own wretched record of ...
Memory and Migration in the Shadow of War: Australia's ... Σελίδα 7 Joy
Damousi 2015 Australia's Greek Immigrants after World War II and the
Greek Civil War Joy Damousi ... Riki van Boeschoten, 'The impossible
return: coping with separation and the reconstruction of memory in the
wake of the Civil War', in Mazower (ed.) ...
Meta ton polemo: hē anasynkrotēsē tēs oikogenias tu ethnus ...Mark
Mazower, Eirēnē Theophylaktopoulou 2003
Modern Banking in the Balkans and WestEuropean Capital in ...Kostas P.
Kostis 1999 Greek banking deregulation and privatisation', D.Phil,
thesis, University of Oxford, 1997. 12. See M. Mazower, Greece and the
Interwar Economic Crisis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. 13. C.
Hadziiossif, The Old Moon: Industry in the ...
Modern Greece: A History since 1821 Σελίδα 244 John S. Koliopoulos,
Thanos M. Veremis 2009 402p. Marder, Brenda. Stewards of the Land:
The American Farm School and Modern Greece. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1979. 234p. Mayes, Stanley. Makarios: A Biography.
London: Macmillan, 1981. Mazower, Mark. Greece and ...

Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to Know Σελίδα 216 Stathis

Kalyvas 2015 24. Kostis, “Ta kakomathimena paidia tis istorias,” 623–
33. Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1991), 13–18, 237. David H. Close, The Origins
of the Greek Civil War (London: Longman, ...
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook Τόμοι 2021 Σελίδα 416 2005 The
irony of the whole situation does not escape Mazower, who notes: "Was
the function of the Israeli Custodian of Absentee ... While Mazower deals
in part with the city's Greek administration, the whole tone of this section
of the work is not ...
Modern Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: Guerrillas ... Σελίδα 69
Ian Frederick William Beckett 2001 ... 1981); H.H. Gardner, Guerrilla
and Counterguerrilla Warfare in Greece, 1941—45 (Washington, 1962);
Paul H. Hehn, ... Reich (Oxford, 1992); Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's
Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941—44 (New Haven, ...
Mussolini Warlord: Failed Dreams of Empire, 1940-1943 H. James
Burgwyn 2013 A perceptive analysis of the first year of Italy's occupation
of Greece can be found in Lidia Santarelli, “Fra coabitazione e ... Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation (New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, ...
Mussolini's Greek Island: Fascism and the Italian ... Σελίδα 206 Sheila
Lecoeur 2015 143 Agriantoni and Fenerli, p. 96 Agriantoni, 'I
metaschimatismi', p. 607; Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic
Crisis, p. 285 Kolodny, 'HermoupolisSyra', p. 220 'Eis ton topon avton tha
leipsi!', Elevtheros Kosmos, 9 March 1940, p.
Narrating Trauma: On the Impact of Collective Suffering Σελίδα 160
Ronald Eyerman, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Lillian Chavenson Saden
Professor of Sociology Jeffrey C Alexander 2015
National Histories, Natural States: Nationalism and the ... Σελίδα 170
Robert Shannan Peckham 2001 Nationalism and the Politics of Place in
Greece Robert Shannan Peckham. homicide trends in Athens, ... Mark
Mazower, Greece and the interwar economic crisis (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1991), p.4L 23. BickfordSmith, Greece under King ...
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ...Mark
Mazower 2008 Networks of Power in Modern Greece provides exciting
new perspectives on Greek history and society. The collection presents

pioneering work on the Greek merchant marine and the role of women in
the Greek War of Independence.
No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological ...Mark
Mazower 2009 This is a story told through the clash of personalities,
such as South African statesman Jan Smuts, who saw in the UN a means
to protect the old imperial and racial order; Raphael Lemkin and Joseph
Schechtman, Jewish intellectuals at odds ...
Oberammergau in the Nazi Era: The Fate of a Catholic ... Σελίδα 296
Helena Waddy 2010 30. Tieke, Caucasus and the Oil, 99–117, 191–219,
301–28; Lanz, Gebirgsjäger, 161–67; Pössinger, Lebensbilder eines
Gebirgsjäger, 88; Bartov, Germany's War and the Holocaust, 3–32. 31.
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, 159; GPT 63/28 ...
Old and New Islam in Greece: From Historical Minorities to ... Σελίδα xix
Konstantinos Tsitselikis 2012 ... book was Professor Haralambos
Papastathis' exhorta tion to enlarge a study on the legal status of Greece's
Muslims. ... Yannis Kolakis, Christina Koulouri, Giorgos Koutzakiotis,
Argyris Mamarelis, Mark Mazower, Iakovos Mihailidis, Haris ...
On Greece see Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience
of Occupation, 1941–44, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993,
chapter 3; Gyorgy Ranki, The Economics of the Second World War,
Vienna: Bohlau Verlag, 1993, pp ...
Orthodox Christians in the Late Ottoman Empire: A Study of ...Ayse Ozil
2013 It is therefore a great pleasure, once again, to thank my supervisors:
Mark Mazower encouraged me to pursue this work ... My sincere thanks
go to Molly Greene not only for tirelessly discussing with me questions of
Ottoman Greek history, but ...
Ourselves and others: the development of a Greek ... Σελίδα 70 Peter
Mackridge, Eleni Yannakakis 1997 the development of a Greek
Macedonian cultural identity since 1912 Peter Mackridge, Eleni
Yannakakis. 'others' that, on account of ... Cf. Mark Mazower, Greece and
the InterWar Economic Crisis, Oxford 1991, pp. 2901. 3. David Close,
The ...
Paths to International Justice: Social and Legal Perspectives Σελίδα 29
MarieBénédicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly 2007 ... of the minorities
protection scheme, and an additional sixteen pages to one case study from
that era, (Greek) 'Minority ... Berman 1993; Buwalda 1994; Fink 1995;

Finney 1995; Kymlicka 1995; Cornwall 1996; Herman 1996; Mazower

1997; ...
Popular Autocracy in Greece, 19361941: A Political ... Σελίδα 137 P.J.
Vatikiotis 2014 Nevertheless, Greece was a Mediterranean society still
influenced by tradition and religion. ... See Mark Mazower, Greece and
the Inter WarEconomic Crisis, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, and Ioanna
PepelasiMinoglou, The Greek State ...
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural ... Σελίδα 40
Elisabeth Kontogiorgi 2006 Such massacres are only the extreme form
of a national struggle between mutually indispensable neighbours,
instigated by this fatal western idea'.79 More succinct perhaps is Mark
Mazower's remark that 'ethnic cleansing' whether in the ...
Populism and Crisis Politics in Greece Takis S. Pappas, Palgrave Connect
(Online service) 2014 Yesterday, the whole world was watching Greece
as its Parliament voted to pass a divisive package of austerity ... Mark
Mazower, TheNew York Times, 29 June 2011 While writing this book I
fancieditas a little stone trying to hittwo birds.
PostCosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence Caroline
Humphrey, Vera Skvirskaja 2012 Examining the way people imagine
and interact in their cities, this book explores the postcosmopolitan city.
Postwar Reconstruction in Europe: International ...Mark Mazower,
Jessica Reinisch, David Feldman 2011 This collection of essays offers
new insights into the aftermath of the Second World War.
Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 Tony Judt 2006 Malcomson,
Scott L. Borderlands—Nation and Empire. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1994.
Mazower, Mark. After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family,
Nation, and State in Greece, 1943–1960. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, ...
Reading Greek America: Studies in the Experience of Greeks ...Spyros D.
Orfanos 2002 Even priests are often viewed as untrustworthy, because
priests had historically sometimes been known to succumb to bribery and
become informants for those who were in power (for further historical
information, see Clogg, 1992; Mazower, ...
Red Acropolis, Black Terror: The Greek Civil War and the ... Σελίδα 282
André Gerolymatos 2004 The Greek Civil War and the Origins of
SovietAmerican Rivalry, 19431949 André Gerolymatos ... Mazower,

Mark, "The Cold War and the Appropriation of Memory: Greece after
Liberation," in The Politics of Retribution in Europe: War and Its ...
Rethinking Violence: States and Nonstate Actors in Conflict Σελίδα 129
Erica Chenoweth, Adria Lawrence 2010 This difference is directly
attributable to Greece's failed military campaign to retake the Anatolian
Peninsula and the flight to Greece of hundreds of ... Mark Mazower,
Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991).
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews ...Mark
Mazower 2007 As the acclaimed historian Mark Mazower follows the
city’s inhabitants through plague, invasion, famine, and the disastrous
twentieth century, he resurrects a fascinating and vanished world. From the
Trade Paperback edition.
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II Keith Lowe
2012 Quoted in Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, pp. 295–6. 6. TNA:
PRO WO 204/8832, SACMED to Scobie, 15 November 1944. See also
Churchill to Eden, 7 November 1944, TNA: PRO FO 371/43695;
Alexander, p. 66. 7. Mazower, Inside Hitler’s ...
SEER Southeast Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs 2004 A
literature review Borderland Outline descriptions Whoever arrives in
Greece will be dazzled by the light sweeping the country. Stepping into a
... For this is the trenchant irony of Mazower's account: just at the moment
that the struggle for the ...
Shakespeare and the Second World War: Memory, Culture, ...Irena
Makaryk, Marissa McHugh 2012 The essays demonstrate how the wide
variety of ways in which Shakespeare has been recycled, reviewed, and
reinterpreted from 1939–1945 are both illuminated by and continue to
illuminate the War today.
Shattered Illusions: Albania, Greece and Yugoslavia Nicolas J. Costa
1998 In this carefully crafted volume, Michael Kort describes the wartime
circumstances and thinking that form the context for the decision to use
these weapons, surveys the major debates related to that decision, and
provides a comprehensive ...
Social Change and Education in Greece: A Study in Class ...S. Themelis
2013 During thereign of the colonels (1967–1974)the andartes
werelegally proclaimed as “enemies” of the Greek state(Mazower,
2001)and itwas onlyafter 1974 that the persecutions against themofficially
ceased.The restoration of democracy and ...

Solvay: History of a Multinational Family Firm Σελίδα 175 Kenneth

Bertrams, Nicolas Coupain, Ernst Homburg 2013 In large parts of
Europe, stretching from Finland and Lithuania to Greece and Turkey, there
was actually a prolongation of the war. Extreme ideological movements
followed on ... 7' Quoted in Mazower (1999), ix—x. 8.1 THE
Stage of Emergency: Theater and Public Performance under ...Gonda Van
Steen 2014 “The Political Speech of Iakovos Kambanelles in His Play,
Our Grand Circus” (in Greek). Paper delivered at the ... in Greece, 1922–
1974.” In Mazower, ed., The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century:
Historical Perspectives, 129–150.
Stewards of the Land: The American Farm School and Greece ...Brenda
L. Marder 1979 The American Farm School and Greece in the Twentieth
Century Brenda L. Marder ... Historian Mark Mazower writes, "From
1950 onward, Greece was at peace but it was a strange, strained peace
guarded by what was formally a democratic ...
Stirring the Greek Nation: Political Culture, Irredentism ... Σελίδα 290
Giannēs D. Stephanidēs 2007 MaupoyopSdToc,, Mera^v Tliwo Kapmn
koli Tlpo Kpovcnn: [Between Pityocamptes and Procroustes: Organized
Interests in Contemporary Greece], 2nd edn, Athens: Obvoaeaq.
Mazower ...
Swastika over the Acropolis: Reinterpreting the Nazi ... Σελίδα 485 Craig
Stockings, Eleanor Hancock 2013 Reinterpreting the Nazi Invasion of
Greece in World War II Craig Stockings, Eleanor Hancock. CHAPTER
SEVENTEEN THE ... AWM 54, 534/2/27. The arrival of German forces
in Athens is wellsummarized in Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece ...
Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies, 1993, 3 Σελίδα 217 Andrew
D. Dimarogonas 1998 1993. "A Handbook Of Byzantine Studies
German." Athenaeum. Vol. 81, N2, 1993. P697698. Book Review, Italian.
6685. Mazower, M.; Chang, C. Tourtellotte, P. A. (Reviewer). 1993.
"Greece And The Interwar Economic Crisis." Historia.
The American Historical Association's guide to historical ...Mary Beth
Norton, Pamela Gerardi, American Historical Association 1995 Greece
and the British connection, 'Oxford: Clarendon, 1977. Balanced ...
Discussion of rise of Greek communism from interwar obscurity to
wartime predominance and ... [RC] 33.287 Mark Mazower. Greece ...

The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos

2013 Identity, Culture, and Politics in Greece after 1989 V. Calotychos
... “Greek Town DevelopsBarteringSystem Without Euro. ... 2006.
Crossing New Europe: Postmodern Travel andtheEuropeanRoad Movie.
London: Wallflower Press. Mazower ...
The Balkans: A Short History Mark Mazower 2007 The Balkans is a
magnificent depiction of a vitally important region, its history and its
prospects. From the Hardcover edition.
The Battle For History: Refighting World War Two John Keegan 2010
M. Dank, The French Against the French (Philadelphia, 1974); G.
Hirschfeld and P. Marsh, Collaboration in France (Oxford, 1989). A.
Beevor and A. Cooper, Paris after the Liberation (London, 1994). Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece (New ...
The British and the Balkans: Forming Images of Foreign ...Eugene Michail
2011 i would particularly like to thank Pat Thane, Paul Betts, Mark
Mazower and rod kedward for all their support and advice in different
phases ... Greek Foundation of state scholarships (ikY) for its financial
support in the first phase of my research.
The British Journal of Holocaust Education Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 230 1994
As it was, Churchill's antiStalinism brought with it a readiness to
compromise with many Greek nationalists who had collaborated with
Germany against the partisans. Whilst Mazower recounts the social history
aspects of his subject with skill, ...
The Cambridge Companion to European Modernism Σελίδα 244 Pericles
Lewis 2011 D. Tziovas, “Introduction,” in Greek Modernism and
Beyond (Lanham, MD: Lexington 1997), pp. 1–23. Trans. Theodora Vasils
... M. Mazower, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford
University Press, 1991). For a good bilingual ...
The Case for Sovereignty: Why the World Should Welcome ...Jeremy A.
Rabkin 2004 ... 8 percent of respondents overall identifying the EU as a
threat to peace, though 14 percent in Greece and 9 percent in ... For a
survey of collaborationist trends in Western Europe in 194041, see Mark
Mazower, Dark Continent: Europe's ...
The Church of Greece Under Axis Occupation Σελίδα 304.Panteleymon
Anastasakis 2014 4 (1988): 391–403; Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth
Century, 30–33. 56. Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth Century, 33;

Fleming, Greece, 76–80; Mazower, Salonica, 298–310. 57. Fleming,

Greece, 77–79; Plaut, Greek Jewry in the ...
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From HunterGatherers ...John
Bintliff 2012 The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From
HunterGatherers to the 20th CenturyAD, First Edition. ... of their impact,
at the imperial capital of Istanbul by Çelik (1986) and Mansel (1995), and
at the city of Thessaloniki by Mazower (2004)).
The Continuities of German History: Nation, Religion, and ... Σελίδα 229
Helmut Walser Smith 2008 56 John Horne and Alan Kramer, German
Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial (New Haven, 2001), appendix 1,
where these are listed. Mark Mazower, “Military Violence and National
Socialist Values: The Wehrmacht in Greece 1941–1944,” ...
The cultural values of Europe Hans Joas, Klaus Wiegandt, Europäische
Akademie Otzenhausen 2008 What is the cultural identity of Europe?
Are there specifically European values? Questions like these are at the
centre of a considerable number of political and scholarly debates in
contemporary Europe.
The Emergence of IsraeliGreek Cooperation Σελίδα 43 Aristotle
Tziampiris 2014 following the defeat of the Hellenic Army in Asia
Minor and what is referred to (with much justification) in Greek
historiography as the ... 17; Mazower 1993, p. ... The result was the
destruction of the Greek Jews (see Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3).
The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The ... Σελίδα 38
Benjamin Thomas White 2011 Crossing the Aegean: An Appraisal of
the 1923 Compulsory Population Exchange between Greece and Turkey
(Oxford: Berghahn, 2003). Mark Mazower, 'Minorities and the League of
Nations in Interwar Europe', Daedalus (1997), 126(2): ...
The Foreign Policies of PostYugoslav States: From ...S. Keil, B. Stahl
2014 No serious external assistance was offeredto impede orredirect
Montenegro, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia from invading ... potentlythan in
the postYugoslav states, where 'national memories and old hatreds
resurfaced' (Mazower 1998, 396).
The Ghosts of Plaka Beach: A True Story of Murder and ... Σελίδα 240
Stylianos Perrakis 2006 In Mazower, After the War was Over, 14283.
Keeley, Edmund, and Philip Sherrard, eds. Voices of Modern Greece.
Selected poems by C. P. Cavafy, Angelos Sikelmnos, George Seferui,
Odysseus Elytui, Nikos Gatsos, translated and edited by ...

The Global Political Economy of the Environment and Tourism Gabriela

Kütting 2010 In Greece, I am indebted to the many civil servants, civil
society representatives, lawyers and local business owners who were ...
Oliver Rackham, Kostas Andriotis, Mark Mazower, Dimitrios
Theodossopoulos, Karin Berthold and Nikos Perakis ...
The Greek Civil War Σελίδα 29 David H. Close 2014 Mazower,
Greece, p. 249. 24. M. Attalides and N. Mouzelis, 'Greece', in M.S. Archer
and S. Giner, eds,Contemporary Europe: Class, Status and Power (1971),
p. 175; Nikos P. Mouzelis, Modern Greece. Facets of Underdevelopment
(1978), pp.
The Greek Civil War: essays on a conflict of ...Philip Carabott, Thanasis
D. Sfikas 2004
The Greek media in World War I and its aftermath: the ... Σελίδα 227
Georgia Eglezou 2009 160161. 8 Mavrogordatos, Stillborn Republic, pp.
6061 & G. Mavrogordatos, 'Konstantinos A o "Dodecatos"', Istorika, 151,
Eleftherotypia 19 September 2002, pp.1621. 9 Mazower, Greece and the
Interwar Economic crisis, p. 6. 10 Llewellyn ...
The History of Greece Σελίδα 197 Elaine Thomopoulos 2011
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Forced Settlement of
Refugees 19221930. Oxford, England: ... Kyrou, Alexandros K. ”The
GreekAmerican Community and the Famine in AxisOccupied Greece. ...
Mazower, Mark, ed. After the ...
The Homoerotics of Orientalism Σελίδα 448 Joseph A. Boone 2014
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews 1420–1950 (London: HarperCollins, 2004), 145–46, 104. ... In
Ottoman literature, the profession of the boy dancer is frequently filled by
Greek, Jewish, and gipsy youths.
The Italian Army in Slovenia: Strategies of Antipartisan ... Σελίδα xi
Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi 2013 Works such as those by Richard C. Lukas
on Poland,1 Lutz Klinkhammer on Italy,2 Mark Mazower on Greece,3
and Felix Römer on Russia,4 have proven to be extremely important in
understanding the policies and strategies of the Third ...
The Jewish community of SALONIKA: history, memory, identity Σελίδα
7 Bea Lewkowicz 2006 Modern history developed very slowly in
postCivil War Greece, and the discipline as a whole remained rather
conservative, concentrating on political and diplomatic rather than on
social history (see Mazower 1995: 42). Consequently, Greek ...

The Jewish Quarterly Τόμοι 4243 Σελίδα 10 1995 Mark Mazower is

the author of Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation 1941
1944 (Yale), which has just been issued in paperback. With the Jewish
presence, especially just before the war, there was a great liveliness in
The Journal of Military History Τόμος 66,Τεύχη 34 Σελίδα 1243 2002
Donn A. Starry Fairfax Station, Virginia After the War Was Over:
Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece, 194360. Ed. Mark
Mazower. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000.. Notes.
The Kalamata Diary: Greece, War, and Emigration Eduardo D. Faingold
2010 In The Kalamata Diary: Greece, War and Emigration, Eduardo D.
Faingold carefully analyzes and contextualizes the major events in modern
Greek history about which Salivaras writes in her diary.
The Last Ottoman Century and Beyond: The Jews in Turkey ... Minna
Rozen 2005 According to one source, 1 .5 million refugees settled in
Greece in the aftermath of the First World War.87 If we balance the
demographic effects of the ... See also M. Mazower, Greece and the
InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991), p. 43.
The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece 1941-1949 Kevin
Featherstone, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Argyris Mamarelis 2011
The Life and Twelvenote Music of Nikos Skalkottas Σελίδα 53 Eva
Mantzourani 2011 Greek. Period. Everything is a big disappointment.I
A Bitter Homecoming Skalkottas left Berlin in the throes of National ...
pushed the country off the gold standard and resulted in the devaluation of
the drachma (Mazower, 1991, 143202).
The Logic of Violence in Civil War Σελίδα 393 Stathis N. Kalyvas 2006
Several Greek archives, for instance, are either inaccessible or in poor
condition.1 I had the good fortune to locate a major ... research into the
wartime period is almost impossible on the basis of Greek archives alone”
(Mazower 1993:423).
The Making of Modern Romanian Culture: Literacy and the ...Alex
DraceFrancis 2006 ... Mark Mazower and Dimitris Uvanios at Birkbeck
College, Karin Friedrich and Jacqueline Glomski at the Warburg Institute
(Forum on Early Modern Central Europe) ... Index Should a book in
English use Romanian or Greek Acknowledgements.

The Making of the Greek Crisis (Penguin Specials): New ...James Pettifer
2012 In this new Penguin Short, the leading Balkan commentator and
Oxford University historian James Pettifer explores the reasons for
Greece's current situation, tracing the deep fissures caused by unresolved
issues dating back to the Second ...
The mirror of antiquity: 20th century British travellers ... Σελίδα 56 David
Wills 2007 25th March 1941 finds Greece at the height of her heroic
endeavours and at the summit of her glory. ... aid was given by the Allies
to the band of andartes under Zervas, which positioned itself as
anticommunist (Mazower 2001:141, 314).
The Muslim Minority of Greece 19411949 Kevin Featherstone, Dimitris
Papadimitriou, Argyris Mamarelis, Georgios ... ['The armed nationalist
warlords of northern Greece during the Occupation], in Marantzidis N.
(ed.). ... Mazower M. 1998.
The Neurological Emergence of Epilepsy: The National ... Σελίδα xi Vasia
Lekka 2014 This book is, in fact, an extended version of my Ph.D. thesis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, ... UCL's
professors Sonu Shamdasani and Axel Körner, as well as David and Mark
Mazower for their excellent support and ...
The Origins of the Greek Civil War Σελίδα 29 David H. Close 1995
Mazower, Greece, p. 249. 24. M. Attalides and N. Mouzelis, 'Greece', in
M.S. Archer and S. Giner, eds,Contemporary Europe: Class, Status and
Power (1971), p. 175; Nikos P. Mouzelis, Modem Greece. Facets of
Underdevelopment (1978), pp.
The origins of the Greek Civil War David H. Close 1995 Yet it has
received less attention than it deserves from historians. In this striking and
original study, David Close does justice to both the domestic context of the
conflict and also to its international significance.
The Palgrave Dictionary of AngloJewish History W. Rubinstein, Michael
A. Jolles 2011 ... named the DeadSea Works). Following war time active
service he was for a period withthe Britis hEconomic Mission to Greece,
where he privately helpedthe decimated Jewish community ... 1954);
The Policing of Politics in the Twentieth Century: ... Σελίδα 129 Mark
1974. 'Law in whose name; order for whose benefit?' Mark Mazower ...

persuaded Congress to give the green light for military and financial
assistance to Greece on an unprecedented scale, ...
The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and ...István Deák, Jan
T. Gross, Tony Judt 2009 This book sheds light on the collective amnesia
that overtook European governments and peoples regarding their own
responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanityan amnesia that
has only recently begun to dissipate as a result ...
The Psychosocial and Organization Studies: Affect at Work Kate Kenny,
Marianna Fotaki 2014 (Greek). Crisis. Yannis Stavrakakis Introduction:
the European context Crisis is usually discussed in more or less ... runs the
danger of returning to its forgotten legacy as a 'Dark Continent', to use
Mark Mazower's expression (Mazower, 1999).
The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece, 1945–1946. In After
the War Was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in
Greece, 1943–1960, ed. M. Mazower. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press. Halbwachs ...
The Quest for Classical Greece: Early Modern Travel to the ...Lucy Pollard
2015 At the same time, they often admired the Turks, about whom they
had fewer preconceptions. This is a major contribution to reception and
postRestoration ideas about antiquity.
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ... Σελίδα 114 Margaret
E. Kenna 2013 (For an account of what was happening in mainland
Greece, see Mazower 1993: Chapter 23 and Epilogue). As soon as they
could get transport, Anafiot migrants left the city to return to their place of
origin where they had at least some security ...
The SS Hunter Battalions: The Hidden History of the Nazi ... Σελίδα 405
Alexander Perry Biddiscombe 2006 NAUK; 'PIC Memoranda on Greek
Resistance Organisations', 15/ 12/43; 'Greece; Political' 0125/0121, 6/1 1
/43; Bovington to ... 172 Mazower. 35253; 'Suggested Plan for the
Prevention of the Seizure of Power by EAM/ELAS in Greece at the ...
The Tablet Σελίδα 21 2004 Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews 14301950 Mark Mazower HarperCollins, £25 Tablet
... the forced exchanges of 1922 saw more than 30,000 Muslim refugees
depart from presentday Greece to be replaced by 100,000 ...
The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History ...James
Edward Miller 2009 See also airgram 974 from Athens, june 21, I950,

78I.00/62150, DSCF, RG 59, NA. For European pressures, folder I9 50,

box 2, Plastiras Papers, BA. On the horrors of the Civil War, Mazower,
Inside H itler's Greece. On U.S. policy and wartime ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia ...Geoffrey
P. Megargee, Martin Dean 2009 Some 74 Greek Jewish communal
leaders, including Koretz and his family, and another 367 Jews of Spanish
... Eleni Haidia, “The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece,
1945–1946,” in Mark Mazower, ed., After the War Was Over: ...
The War for Legitimacy in Politics and Culture, 1938-1948 Σελίδα 146
Martin Conway, Peter Romijn 2008 Twice there was a Country
(Cambridge, 1996), p. 196; J. Tomasevich War and Revolution in
Yugoslavia, 1941-1945. Occupation and Collaboration (Stanford, 2001)
and The Chetniks (Stanford, 1975). 61. M. Mazower Inside Hitler's
Tobacco, Arms, and Politics: Greece and Germany from World ...Mogens
Pelt 1998 Greece and Germany from World Crisis to World War,
192941 Mogens Pelt ... See Greek Refugee Problem, League of Nations,
Geneva 1926. p.15;p.93. ... Mark Mazower, Greece and the Inter War
Economic Crisis, Oxford 1991, pp.8788.
Towards Autarchy: The Recovery from Crisis in Greece : ...Mark
Mazower 1987
Transterritorialität und Nationale Abgrenzung: ...SusanneSophia Spiliotis
Unlawful Combatants: A Genealogy of the Irregular Fighter Sibylle
Scheipers 2015 It traces the development of the dichotomy of the
irregular and the regular, which found its foremost expression in the
modern law of armedconflict, into the twentyfirst century and provides a
critique of the concept of the unlawful ...
Walking in the European City: Quotidian Mobility and Urban ...Dr Evrick
Brown, Dr Timothy Shortell 2014 eleni Sideri Thessaloniki in the Age
of Mobility Thessaloniki is the second biggest city in Greece, with a
population of ... the First World War (Mazower 2004). in the twentieth
century, the city was Hellenized with an inflow of Greek refugees from ...
War of Extermination: The German Military in World War II Σελίδα 146
Hannes Heer, Klaus Naumann 2004 The Wehrmacht in Greece, 1941–
44* Mark Mazower. Shortly. before dawn on 16 August 1943 several

troop carriers drove down a dirt road south of the town of Arta in
northwestern Greece. They came to a halt a short distance from the
village ...
Wendepunkte: Schlüsselentscheidungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg Ian
Kershaw 2014 Die schrecklichen Lebensumstände am Ende der
deutschen Besatzung und in der Übergangszeit bis zum Ausbruch des
Bürgerkriegs sind anschaulich beschrieben in Mazower, Inside Hitler's
Greece, S. 362–373. 203 Siehe van Creveld, ...
Yalkut Moreshet: Holocaust Documentation and Research 2005 116; C.
Photini and T, Veremis, eds., Documents on the History the Greek Jews,
Records from the Historical Archives of ... CXXXIII, Boulder, 1983;
Mark Mazower, Greece and the Inter War Economic Crisis, Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1991, pp.
Young people in the maelstrom of occupied Greece: the ... Σελίδα 123
Jewish Youth of Greece, Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece
2009 wo of these chapters are from books on the Occupation of Greece
(the work of Hagen Fleischer and Mark Mazower, both translated into
Greek in the '90s). In his latest work on Salonica and the three different
religious communities that were ...
Εχθρος» εντος των τειχων: οψεις του δωσιλογισμου στην ...Iakōvos D.
Michaēlidēs, Hagen Fleischer, Ηλιας Νικολακοπουλος 2006
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου. Mark Mazower


A City Apart: Sarajevo in the Second World War Σελίδα 12 Emily Greble
Balic 2007 Salonica's Muslims began the compulsory trek to Turkey,
while Greek immigrants flooded the city. Mark Mazower notes that by
1930, only a fraction of Salonica’s population even remembered life in the
Ottoman Empire.24 By contrast, in 1918, ...
A Laboratory of Transnational History: Ukraine and Recent ... Σελίδα 49
Heorhiĭ Volodymyrovych Kasʹi͡anov, Philipp Ther 2009 ... Western
Civilization: An Urban Perspective (Lexington, MA, 1973); for a recent
contribution to the literature of cities in borderlands, see Mark Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 14301950
(London, 2004).

A moveable empire: Ottoman nomads, migrants, and refugees Reşat

Kasaba 2009 For the effects of ethnic unmixing on Salonica, see Mark
Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (New York: Knopf, 2005). on the
(re)formation of Greek nationalism, see Michael Herzfeld, Ours Once
More (New York: Pella, 1986), and Michael ...
A scapegoat for all seasons: the Dönmes or CryptoJews of ...Rıfat N. Bali
2008 ... the word "Selanik" (Salonica).1 Its subject was the Terakki
schools, originally established in Salonica and later moving to ... Mark
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews
14301950, (London : Harper Perannial), ...
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, ...Mark
Mazower 2000 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece,
19431960 Mark Mazower ... conjunction with numerous other festivities
commemorating two heroic moments in Greek history: the "liberation" of
SALONIKA from the Ottomans by the Greek ...
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the ... Σελίδα 229
Davide Rodogno 2012 Gypsies and Jews also inhabited the area; the
largest and most important Jewish community lived in Salonica.1
ethnically and religiously, Macedonia was even more mixed than Syria
and ... —Mark Mazower, “An International Civilization,” 2006.
Alexandrian Cosmopolitanism: An Archive Σελίδα 329 Hala Halim 2013
I allude here to Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts and Freud,
“Mourning and Melancholia.” 1. OF GREEKS, BARBARIANS,
Politis, L'Hellénisme et l'Egypte moderne: Histoire ...
American Apostles: When Evangelicals Entered the World of ...Christine
Leigh Heyrman 2015 ... of California Press, 1973); Finkel, Osman's
Dream, 428–32; Mansel, Levant, 46– 51; Mark Mazower, Salonica, City
of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430–1950 (London:
HarperCollins, 2004), 125–32; John Julius Norwich, The 31.
American Jewish History Τόμος 93,Τεύχη 14 Σελίδα 441 2007 7 A
register from 1905 similarly recorded over 350 Jewish families who had
settled in SALONIKA from many of the same ... ed., Pinkas HaKehillot
— Yavan (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1998); Mark Mazower, Salonica,
City of Ghosts: Christians, ...
An Ode to SALONIKA: The Ladino Verses of Bouena Sarfatty Σελίδα
267 Renée Levine Melammed 2013 70. Mazower, Salonica, City of

Ghosts, 371, 372, quotation on 374. 71. Hadar, “Aspects of Family Life,”
191, 211; and Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 364. 72. There were
also Jewish prostitutes and wet nurses (Mazower, Salonica, City of ...
Annihilation: Volume II: The European Rimlands 1939-1953 Σελίδα 451
Mark Levene 2013 Also Andrew Apostolou, 'The Exception of
SALONIKA: Bystanders and Collaborators in Northern Greece', HGS,
14:2 (2000) ... population connived in Jewish destruction is also
corroborated in Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, ...
Artisans of Empire: Crafts and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans Suraiya
Faroqhi 2009 Değişim Süresince İzmir'de Sanayileşme (Izmir: Dokuz
Eylül Yayınları) Maury, Bernard, André Raymond, Jacques Revault, Mona
Zakarya (1983). Palais et maisons du Caire, vol. 2 (Paris: Éditions du
CNRS) Mazower, Mark (2004). Salonica: ...
Ataturk: An Intellectual Biography Σελίδα 15 M. Şükrü Hanioğlu 2011
Salonica—famous in ancient times as Cicero's home in exile, and later as
the hometown of Cyril, coinventor of the Glagolitic alphabet and ... 16
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
findesi cle Salonica 15.
Balkan Breakthrough: The Battle of Dobro Pole 1918 Σελίδα 177 Richard
C. Hall 2010 Notes. Introduction. 1. On SALONIKA see Mark
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts (New York: Vintage, 2004). 2. “We”
and “we” [sic]. Archive of Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, Hoover Institute,
Stanford, California (hereafter referred to as Ferdinand), ...
Balkan Strongmen: Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of ... Σελίδα 142
Bernd Jürgen Fischer 2007 Compared to other port cities of the Empire
like Beirut and Izmir, SALONIKA was the least Islamized city. ... For an
excellent work on Salonica see Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews 14301950, London: ...
Barbarism and Civilization: A History of Europe in Our Time Σελίδα 842
Bernard Wasserstein 2007 Urban society: Robert Eric Dickinson, The
West European City (2nd edn., London, 1961); John Lukacs, Budapest
1900: A Historical Portrait of a City and its Culture (New York, 1988);
Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (London, 2004); ...
Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship ...Julia
Phillips Cohen 2014 86. israélites, June 29, 1911, 203; “The Sultan at
Salonica,” Jewish Chronicle, June 30, 1911, 8; L'Univers israélite,June 30,

... Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, Jews

(New York: Vintage Books, 2006), 249–251.
Between Jewish Tradition and Modernity: Rethinking an Old ...Michael
A. Meyer, David N. Myers 2014 An excellent work on Salonica under
Ottoman and then Greek rule is Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts
(London, 2004). Salonica had been conquered by Greece in 1912. The
transfer to Greek Christian rule after more than four centuries ...
Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning Timothy Snyder 2015
... material interests, consult Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries, 251– 56. 26 In
the first weeks Mazower, Salonica, 402–3. This account of the war in
Greece follows generally Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece, 1, 14, 18, 20,
235, 238, 240, 244, 250, 251,
Cities Into Battlefields: Metropolitan Scenarios... Σελίδα 18 Stefan Goebel,
Derek Keene 2011 Initially, it seemed as if multinational Salonica might
withstand the crucible of war, for violence against Muslims was a ...
Focusing on Belgrade under Austrian 47 M. Mazower, Salonica: City of
Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 14301950 ...
Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the ... Σελίδα 216
Meltem Toksöz, Biray Kolluoglu (Eds) 2014 13 Mark Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christian, Muslim and Jews, 1430–1950 (New
York, 2004). 14 This idea is clearly expressed by Marie Carmen Smyrnelis
in her PhD dissertation. See: MarieCarmen Smyrnelis, Une société hors
de ...
City of Rhetoric: Revitalizing the Public Sphere in ... Σελίδα 242 David
Fleming 2008 ... allegiances” (32); Mike Davis's “Fortress Los Angeles”
about a 1940s downtown where “crowds of Anglo, black, and Mexican
shoppers of all ages and classes mingled” (159); Mark Mazower's
Salonica, City of Ghosts, about the religious, ...
Civil Liberties, National Security and Prospects for ... Σελίδα 75 Esther D.
Reed, Michael Dumper 2012 21 T. Modood, R. Berthoud, J. Lakey et
al., Ethnic Minorities in Britain: Diversity and Disadvantage (London:
Policy Studies Institute, 1997), pp. 334–8. 22 O. Roy, Globalised Islam
(London: C. Hurst & Co., 2004). 23 E.g., M. Mazower, Salonica, ...
Common Ground in a Liquid City: Essays in Defense of an ...Matt Hern
2010 4. Statistics Canada, “Income Trends in Canada,” 5. Mark
Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (New York: Knopf, 2005), ...

Communities of Memory: On Witness, Identity, and Justice Σελίδα 211

William James Booth 2006 179. Pierre Vidal Naquet, "Salonique
dejudaisee," in Lesjuifs, 436; Wieviorka and Niborski, Les livres du
souvenir, 5657; Lapierre, Le silence de la memoire, 23738. Mark
Mazower discusses the emergence of modern Salonica ...
Conflicted Memories: Europeanizing Contemporary Histories Σελίδα 77
Konrad Hugo Jarausch, Thomas Lindenberger, Annelie Ramsbrock 2007
For two recent brilliant examples, see Timothy Snyder, The
Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-
1999 (New Haven, 2003); and Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews, ...
Conflicting Loyalties in the Balkans: The Great Powers... Σελίδα 261
Hannes Grandits, Nathalie Clayer, Robert Pichler 2011 When a direct
rail link between Salonica and AustriaHungary was established in 1888,
several Greek newspaper commentators warned that the city would be
inundated by European women of loose morals (Mark Mazower,
Salonica: City of ...
Conversion and Apostasy in the Late Ottoman Empire Σελίδα 101 Selim
Deringil 2012 This was symbolized by the warships from various
countries that anchored off Salonica and trained their guns on the citadel.
... I33 As aptly put by Mazower: “The symbolic power of the 1876 murders
lay precisely in the fact that the victims were ...
Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire Σελίδα 105 Mehrdad Kia 2011 Mark
Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts, Christians, Muslims, and Jews (New
York: Random House, 2006), 35. 27. Bernard O'Kane, Treasures of Islam:
Artistic Glories of the Muslim World (London: Duncan Baird Publishers,
2007), 166.
Das Dritte Reich und die Juden: die Jahre der Verfolgung ...Saul
Friedländer 2007 53 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews, 143019 ;o, London 2004, S. 402, 411. 54
Zur Rolle von Simonides und Altenburg vgl. insbesondere Andrew
Apostolu, «The Exception of SALONIKA: Bystanders and ...
Die Judenverfolgung und vernichtung in griechischen ...Daniela
Atanassova 2014 Genau wie in vielen anderen Ländern, so lässt sich auch
in Griechenland eine langjährige Präsenz von jüdischer Bevölkerung

Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great's Empire Robin
Waterfield 2012 For some of the later history of the city, see Mark
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts (London: HarperCollins, 2005).
Chapter 8 . The main ancient sources are DS 18.5863, 73, 19.125, 1732,
34.78, 3744; Plutarch, Life of Eumenes 1 39.
El imperio de Hitler Mark Mazower 2008 Mark Mazower nos habla
en estas páginas de la conquista de nuevas tierras, de su colonización con
800.000 germanos étnicos, de las formas de explotación o de las
resistencias, pero también de los grandes proyectos Hitlerianos de futuro
Empires und Nationalstaaten im 19. Jahrhundert Σελίδα 111 Ulrike von
Hirschhausen, Jörn Leonhard 2010 Deutsche, Letten, Russen und Juden
in Riga 1860– 1914, Göttingen 2006; Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of
Ghosts. Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–1950, London 2004; Mark
Mazower, Der dunkle Kontinent. Europa im 20. Jahrhundert ...
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire Σελίδα 504 Ga b́ or A ǵ oston, Bruce
Alan Masters 2010 In 1880, the population of SALONIKA was
estimated to be 100,000 people, and 150,000 in 1909. ... Bruce Masters
Further reading: Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (Christians,
Muslims and Jews 1430–1950) (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, ...
European Cities in the Modern Era, 1850-1914 Σελίδα 86 Friedrich Lenger
2012 In many cities, such as Lublin and Salonica, Jews made up the
largest ethnic group before World War I.90 While Breslau represented ...
Eine polnische Stadt im Hinterhof der Moderne (1815–1914), Cologne
2006, 161; Mazower, Salonica, 6.
First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life. 2005 Briefly
Noted Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews,
14301950. By Mark ... In this comprehensive history, Columbia Professor
Mark Mazower describes the complicated and often fractious relationship
among these groups.
Frontiers of Ottoman Studies Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 284 Colin Imber, Keiko
Kiyotaki 2005 See also, Mark Mazower, 'Salonica between East and
West 18601912', Dialogs 1 (1994), 10427. 1 Traian Stoianovich, The
Conquering Balkan Orthodox Merchant', Journal of Economic History 20
(1960), 2448. On manifestations of Greek ...
Germans as Minorities during the First World War: A Global ...Professor
Panikos Panayi 2014 3 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts :

Christians, Muslims andJews, 1430–1950 (new york, 2006); Gilles

Veinstein (ed.), Salonique, 1850–1918: La 'ville desjuifs' et le réveil des
Balkans (Paris, 1992). 4 edhem eldem, '“levanten” kelimesi ...
Golden Harvest: Events at the Periphery of the Holocaust Σελίδα 43 Jan
Tomasz Gross, Irena Grudzinska Gross 2012 When the oldest Greek
Jewish community was deported from Salonica, “as soon as they were
marched away, people rushed into their houses, tore up floorboards and
battered down walls and ... Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts.
Greece Σελίδα 278 2008 ... from the city you will encounter today, read
the acclaimed historian Mark Mazower's Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews, 14301950 (HarperCollins, 2004). S
8.30am3pm TueSun) sprawls eastwest across the square.
Greece a Jewish History Σελίδα 51 K. E. Fleming 2010 Because in
understanding SALONIKA, you will understand, I think[,] the picture of
Greek Jewry. ... SALONIKA's history, so eloquently told in Mark
Mazower's recent Salonica, City of Ghosts, is an Ottoman history, and
the history of its Jews is an ...
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 In the nineteenth chapter of his book (235261),
Mazower writes about the demise of the Greek Jews during the Holocaust.
... They Say Diamonds Don't Burn: The Holocaust Experiences of Rene
Molho of SALONIKA, Greece. Berkeley: Judah L.
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall ...Brewer David
2012 322 7 Mazower, Salonica, p. 28 8 Mazower, Salonica, pp. 48–51
9 Bernard Randolph in Molly Mackenzie, Turkish Athens, Reading, 1992,
p. 37; de la Guilletière in Andrews, p. 80 10 George Wheler, in Andrews,
p. 100 11 Andrews, p. 79 (de ...
Habsburg Lemberg: Architecture, Public Space, and Politics ...Markian
Prokopovych 2009 32 Babejová, FindeSiècle Pressburg; Mazower,
Salonica, The City of Ghosts, 173271. 33 Jaroslav Isajevyč et al., ed.,
Istorija Lvova v trioch tomach [History of Lviv in three volumes], vol. 2,
“17721918” (Lviv: Centr Jevropy, 2007); John J.
History of the Turkish Jews and Sephardim: Memories of a ...Elli Kohen
2007 This book presents aliving history of the Turkish Jews.
Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe Mark Mazower 2013
The powerful, disturbing history of Nazi Europe by Mark Mazower, one

of Britain's leading historians and bestselling author of Dark Continent and

Governing the World Hitler's Empire charts the landscape of the Nazi
imperial imagination ...
How India Became Territorial: Foreign Policy, Diaspora... Σελίδα 176 Itty
Abraham 2014 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts : Christians,
Muslims and Jews 1430–1950 (New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing
Group, 2007). 5. Those were the lucky ones. The unlucky ones became
stateless and were awarded Nansen passports ...
Ideas Τόμοι 14 Σελίδα 34. 1992 MAZOWER: Three things. ...
MAZOWER: The book began as a consequence of some work I did for a
... He'd spent some time in what is now Bosnia, and then he had come to
SALONIKA in northern Greece in the summer of 1943, coincidentally ...
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-44 Mark
Mazower 2001 This book is the first full exploration of the experience of
occupation from the perspective of those that endured it and from those
that imposed it it tells the stories of resistance fighters and black
marketeers, teenage German ...
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: ...I. Grigoriadis
2012 See Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians,Muslims and Jews, 1430–1950(London, NewYork,Toronto
&Sydney:Harper Perennial, 2001). 21 The jurisdiction of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate did significantly expand inthemid ...
Jerusalem en biografi Simon Sebag Montefiore 2014 ... sameksistens og
kultur imellemøstlige byer i følgende bøger: Sylvia Auld og Robert
Hillenbrand, Ottoman Jerusalem: Living City 15171917; Philip Mansel,
Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean; Mark
Mazower, Salonica: ...
Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early ...Matt Goldish
2008 The day mentioned, Tish'a beAv, is the traditional Jewish day of
mourning for the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and Romans
in ancient times. Bibliography: Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts.
Before us, the rabbinic court signed ...
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Τόμος 15,Τεύχη 12 Σελίδα 179. 2005
Mazower confidently gives the fascinating account from 1 430, when the
Ottomans seized the city, to 1950, when a Greek ... The great strength of
Salonica is the brilliant exposition of the last century: the Balkan Wars,
the stationing of Allied ...

La ciudad de los espíritus: Salonica desde Suleimán el ...Mark Mazower

2009 Postwar Reconstruction in Europe: International ...Mark Mazower,
Jessica Reinisch, David Feldman 2011 This collection of essays offers
new insights into the aftermath of the Second World War.
La Lettre Sépharade Τεύχη 2031 Σελίδα 62 2005 Mark Mazower
JEWS 14301950 SALONIKA, for many of the readers of the Lettre
Sepharade, evokes very special memories. It was the city that loved ones
came from; it was the ...
Land of Progress: Palestine in the Age of Colonial ... Σελίδα 124 Jacob
Norris 2013 recruited from SALONIKA to work in the Haifa docks as
ship loaders, or stevedores, were relatively small in number ... 133 See
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and
Jews, 1430–1950 (London: Harper, 2005), 405–7.
Länder und Regionen Σελίδα 259 Wolfgang Benz 2010 Bruce Masters,
Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World. The Roots of
Sectarianism, Cambridge 2001. Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of
Ghosts. Christians, Muslims and Jews 14301950, London 2004. Stanford
J. Shaw, The Jews of the ...
Less than Nations: CentralEastern European Minorities ... Σελίδα 380
Giuseppe Motta 2014 7“At the height of the influx –in the weeks and
months which followed the fall of Smyrna–Salonica was stretched to
breaking point”. M.Mazower, Salonica. City of Ghosts. Christians,
Muslims and Jews. 14301950, London, 2004, pp.356360.
Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean Philip Mansel
2010 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims
and Jews 1430–1950 (2004), p. 250. 16. Veinstein, Salonique, pp. 105,
116. 17. Elias Petropoulos, Old Salonica (Athens, 1980), pp. 66– 8. 18. I.
Canudo, Combats d'Orient (1917), ...
Life Stories: A Guide to Reading Interests in Memoirs... Σελίδα 22
Maureen O'Connor 2011 ... Third Reich to Allied lines. Elie Wiesel
referred to The Lost as a ”highly colored tapestry” (Wiesel, 2006), much
like Mark Mazower's Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
]ews, 14301950. Montgomery, Charles (1968) The Shark ...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica Σελίδα 11
Eugenia Russell 2013 Mark Mazower's Salonica City of Ghosts,28
with its rich references to a cosmopolitan29 metropolis best captured in the

romantically loaded term Salonique, brings the same concept of the

Byzantine Commonwealth, of course modified, to the ...
Lord Strangford at the Sublime Porte (1821): The Eastern ... Σελίδα 330
Theophilus C. Prousis, Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane 2010
Mazower, The Balkans: A Short History, 4465, with examples of cultural,
social, and religious interactions between Ottoman ... On reprisal attacks
and sectarian strife in Salonica and its environs, see Mazower, Salonica,
City of Ghosts...
Making Yugoslavs: Identity in King Aleksandar's Yugoslavia Σελίδα 254
Christian Axboe Nielsen 2014 See also Mark Mazower, Salonica, City
of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430–1950 (New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 2005). See, for example, Eugen Weber, Peasants into
Frenchmen: The Modernization of France, 1870–1914 (Stanford: ...
Mehmet Tütüncü 2001 Jewish religious leaders in Salonica and
elsewhere in the Empire opposed the new regulations, because the changes
... in the Ottoman Empire, Darwin Press, 1992) p.l 10 17 Mark Mazower,
"Salonica Between East and West, pp.
Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to KnowRG Σελίδα 216 Stathis
Kalyvas 2015 Mark Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic
Crisis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), 13–18, 237. David H. ...
Mark Mazower, Salonica City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews
1430–1950 (New York: Knopf, 2005); Kostis, “Ta ...
Nationalism R.J.B Bosworth 2013 M. Mazower, Salonica: City of
Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–1950 (2004, London: Harper
Collins), pp. 71–75, 474. Y. Slezkine, The Jewish Century (2004,
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press), pp. 4–5. Ibid. p. 29. For one ...
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ...Mark
Mazower 2008 Networks of Power in Modern Greece provides exciting
new perspectives on Greek history and society. The collection presents
pioneering work on the Greek merchant marine and the role of women in
the Greek War of Independence.
No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological ...Mark
Mazower 2009 This is a story told through the clash of personalities, such
as South African statesman Jan Smuts, who saw in the UN a means to
protect the old imperial and racial order; Raphael Lemkin and Joseph
Schechtman, Jewish intellectuals at odds ...

Now is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century Σελίδα 98 Jelle
Bouwhuis 2009 34. en/nea_vraveio.htm
(accessed 10 March 2009). 35. M. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430 1950 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
2005), 305. 36. According to Mazower, the location ...
On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions Σελίδα 162 Joan Cocks
2014 For a vivid evocation of multicultural life in Salonica under the
Ottomans and its disintegration after the rise of nationalism, see Mark
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–
1950 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, ...
On The Eve: The Jews of Europe before the Second World War Bernard
Wasserstein 2012 Ibid., 352. 43. Ibid., chapter 6. 44. Gentille
ArdittyPuller, “Poésie d'une Salonique disparu,” Le Judaïsme Sépharadi,
n.s., 11 (July 1956). 45. Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts
(London, 2004), 304. 46. Rena Molho, Salonica and Istanbul: ...
Ondokuzuncu yuzyılda Mersin ve Akdeniz Dünyası: Σελίδα 56 Filiz
Calislar Yenisehirloglu, Tamer. Gok 2002 on. the. Eve. of. Empire. This
migrant population constituted 20.3% of the Muslim population of
Salonica in l83l . ... Mark Mazower, "Salonica Between East and West,
l860- l9l2", Hellenic Studies Review, n. l, l994. pp. l04l27. For a general ...
Orphans and Destitute Children in the Late Ottoman Empire Σελίδα 189
Nazan Maksudyan 2014 2 (2002): 149–64; Mark Mazower, Salonica:
The City of Ghosts (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), 230–31; Timothy
Mitchell, Colonising Egypt (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988).
23. Midhat Paşa, Midhat Paşa'nın Hatıraları, 53. 24.
Other Combatants, Other Fronts: Competing Histories of the ...Alisa
Miller, Laura Rowe, James Kitchen 2011 15 On the dönme, see Mark
Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (London: Harper Perennial, 2005),
75f; Caroline Finkel, Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire
(London: John Murray, 2006), 280. secondary school in Salonica and ...
Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early ...Michelle
Campos 2011 Mazower, Salonica, 80. 30. See for example the
firstperson accounts in Edib, House with Wisteria; and Sciaky, Farewell to
Salonica. See also Kirli, “The Struggle over Space.” 1. Darwaza,
Mudhakkirat, 181. 2. Frumkin, Derekh shofet ...
Paradise Lost Giles Milton 2011 For midwar Bournabat, see Turrell,
Scrapbook, and Eldon Giraud, Days of my Years. For more on Salonica,

see Horton, Recollections, and the following: Alan Palmer, The Gardeners
of SALONIKA, London, 1965; Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of ...
Presents2014 a concise history of the Balkans that takes to task popular
late twentiethcentury theories that promote nonintervention in Balkan
disputes, and also includes a chronology, several maps, and a bibliography.
Rebels and Radicals: Icaria 1600-2000 Σελίδα 72 Anthony J. Papalas
2005 The Levant and Steamship service from Salonica to Istanbul: Mark
Mazower, “Salonica between East and West,” pp. 106–108. Revival of
sail ships: Gerald S. Graham, “The Ascendancy of Sailing Ships 1850–
1885,” Economic History Review ...
Rethinking Violence: States and Nonstate Actors in Conflict Σελίδα 94
Erica Chenoweth, Adria Lawrence 2010 9–21; Iakovos Michailidis,
Metakini seis Slavofonon Plithysmon. O Polemos ton Statistikon
[Slavophone Population Movement. The War of Statistics] (Athens:
Kritiki, 2003). 29. Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and ...
KORYTOWSKI Nos vestígios de mesquitas, igrejas e sinagogas, nos
traços culturais e lingüísticos que sobrevivem de modo fragmentário e
residual na Salônica de hoje, Mazower investiga o trabalho da memória e
do esquecimento nessa cidade em que se ...
Salonica and Istanbul: social, political and cultural ... Σελίδα 44 Rena
Molho 2005 If this systematic exception reinforces the need to undertake
the research of the particularity of Salonica's Jewish ... Mark Mazower,
Salonica City of Ghosts Christians, Muslims and Jews, 14301950,
London, 2004; Minna Rozen, The Last ...
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, ...Mark
Mazower 2006 How this bustling, cosmopolitan and tolerant world
emerged and then disappeared under the pressure of modern nationalism is
the subject of this remarkable book.
Salonicco, città di fantasmi: cristiani, musulmani ed ...Mark Mazower
2007 Enver Pasha. Gerd Numitor 2011 Please note that the content of
this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other
free sources online.
Science among the Ottomans: The Cultural Creation and ... Σελίδα 197
Miri Shefer Mossensohn 2015 Eyal Ginio, “Marginals in an Ottoman

Town: The Case of Eighteenth Century SALONIKA” (PhD diss., Hebrew

University of Jerusalem, 1998). 82. Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of
Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430–1950 (New York: ...
Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence ... Σελίδα 209
Bedross Der Matossian 2014 On Salonica after the Revolution, see
David Farhi, “Yehudei Śaloniḳa beMahpekhat haTurkim haTze'irim,”
Sefunot 15 (1981): 135–152. See also Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of
Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews 1430–1950 (New ...
Spatial Conceptions of the Nation: Modernizing Geographies ...Nikiforos
Diamandouros, Caglar Keyder, Thalia Dragonas 2010 University Press,
1972); M. Mazower, The Balkans: from the end of Byzantium to the
present day (London, Phoenix Press, Orion Books, 2001). M. Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430–1950
(London, Harper ...
Stanley Spencer: journey to Burghclere Σελίδα 89 Paul Gough 2007 2
Even in the most expansive histories of the war ther e are few if any
references to 'Macedonia', 'SALONIKA', or 'Bulgaria'. ln ... Today as
THESSALONIKA she is Greece's second city, (see Mark Mazower,
Salonica: City of Ghosts, Harper Collins, ...
Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe Benjamin
David Lieberman 2006 CHAPTER 2: FAREWELL TO SALONICA 1.
Leon Sciaky, Farewell to Ottoman Salonica (Istanbul, 2000, first published
as Farewell to Salonica, 1946). For the authoritative history of Salonica,
see Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: ...
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos
2013 ... EwaandLaura Rascaroli. 2006. Crossing New Europe:
Postmodern Travel andtheEuropeanRoad Movie. London:Wallflower
Press. Mazower ... Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews, 1430–1950. New York: AlfredA. Knopf.
The Balkans: A Short History Mark Mazower 2007 The Balkans is a
magnificent depiction of a vitally important region, its history and its
prospects. From the Hardcover edition.
The Book Review Digest: Annual cumulation Σελίδα 869. 2005
MAZOWER, MARK. Salonica, City of Ghosts; Christians, Muslims, and
Jews, 14301950. 490p il maps 2005 Knopf 1. Thessalonike (Greece)—
History SUMMARY: This is a history of the Greek city. Index.

The Burden of Silence: Sabbatai Sevi and the Evolution of ...Cengiz

Sisman 2015 As Mazower notes, “By a strange twist of fate it was the
Muslim followers of a Jewish messiah who helped turn late nineteenth
century Salonica into the most liberal, progressive and revolutionary city
of the empire.”52 Salonica’s star had been ...
The Cambridge Companion to European Modernism Σελίδα 244 Pericles
Lewis 2011 M. Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts (London:
HarperCollins, 2004). Booklength translations of Anagnostakis's poems
are by K. Friar (The Target: Selected Poems, New York: Pella, 1980) and
P. Ramp (Poems, Nottingham: Shoestring 1998), ...
The Challenge of Pluralism: Paradigms from Muslim Contexts Abdou
FilaliAnsary, Sikeena Karmali Ahmed 2009 M. Mazower, The Balkans:
A Short History, New York: Modern Library, 2002, p. 66. Mazower, pp.
63–4 M. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and
Jews, 1430–1950, London: HarperCollins, 2004. B. Lewis, The Jews of ...
The Church of Greece Under Axis Occupation Σελίδα 304 Panteleymon
Anastasakis 2014 Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth Century, 33;
Fleming, Greece, 76–80; Mazower, Salonica, 298–310. 57. Fleming,
Greece, 77–79; Plaut, Greek Jewry in the Twentieth Century, 33;
Mazower, Salonica, 301–10. 58. Fleming, Greece, 77–80.
The DÃnme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and ...Marc Baer
2010 Iōannēs K. Chasiōtēs, “First After the First and Queen of the
Worthy: In Search of Perennial Characteristics and Landmarks in the
History of Thessaloniki,” in Thessaloniki: Queen of the Worthy, ed. id.,
28; Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, ...
The Economist Τόμος 373 Σελίδα 80 2004 Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews. By Mark Mazower. HarperCollins; 544
pages; £25. To be published in America by Knopf in April 2005 EGHTY
years ago, workers from Save the Children, a British charity, were
labouring ...
The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The ... Σελίδα 225
Benjamin Thomas White 2011 Mazower, Mark, No Enchanted Palace:
The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009). Mazower, Mark,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims ...
The Familiar Enemy: Chaucer, Language, and Nation in the ...Ardis
Butterfield 2009 ... P. A. Knapp, 'Chaucer Imagines England (in

English)', both in Lavezzo, ed., Imagining aMedieval English Nation, 191–

233 and 131–60; and Charles King's review of M. Mazower, Salonica,
City of Ghosts, in TLS, November 19 (2004) 8–9.
The First World War in the Middle East Σελίδα 220 Kristian Ulrichsen,
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen 2014 Allain Bernede, '“The Gardeners of
SALONIKA”: The Lines of Communication and the Logistics of the
French Army of the East, October 1915November 1918', War and Society,
16, 1998, pp.545. Mazower, City of Ghosts, pp.31516.
The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean Σελίδα 720 David
Abulafia 2011 4. A. Nevzat, Nationalism amongst the Turks of Cyprus:
the First Wave (Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, Humaniora, Oulu, 2005). M.
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–
1950 (London, 2004), p. 6. Ibid., p. 194.
The Great War and the Origins of Humanitarianism, 1918-1924 Bruno
Cabanes 2014 158 Some of the refugees were fleeing to Salonica, others,
“herded upon every kind of craft that could float,” to the Greek islands ...
157 158 159 Quoted in Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, 174 The tragedy of being stateless: ...
The Homoerotics of Orientalism Σελίδα 448 Joseph A. Boone 2014
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews 1420–1950 (London: HarperCollins, 2004), 145–46, 104. Tellingly,
the verb used on this occasion, “fleurit,” is the same—“fleurissent”—used
in the novel's first reference ...
The Jewish community of SALONIKA: history, memory, identity Σελίδα
7 Bea Lewkowicz 2006 As Rena Molho puts it: Today, at the university
in SALONIKA, there is not a department, not a course, nothing about the
Jews ... (quoted in Varouxakis 1995: 14) Mark Mazower suggests that the
historiographical silence concerning the Jews of ...
The Jewish Quarterly Τεύχη 209212 Σελίδα 76 2008 A crucial phase of
this expansion, so far as the Jews are concerned, was the annexation of the
city of Salonica ... of the ethnically and religiously plural city at the
beginning of the twentieth century, and Mark Mazower's Salonica: City
of Ghosts ...
The Jews and prostitution in Constantinople, 1854-1922 Σελίδα 12 Rıfat
N. Bali 2008 1 David BenGurion, who would later become Israel's first
prime minister, studied law in Salonica for a year before moving on ... It

was as a result of this phenomenon of late 19th century immigration that

both 1 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of ...
The Lost Worlds of Rhodes: Greeks, Italians, Jews and ... Σελίδα 128
Nathan Shachar 2013 The Greek takeover of Salonica later the same
year and the subsequent interventions in that SephardiTurkishGreek city
followed more ruthless ... 10 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts
(London, 2004), Part III, “Making the City Greek”.
The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern ... Σελίδα 44
Ugur Ümit Üngör 2012 The Young Turk leadership predominantly
originated from three areas: Salonica,172 the area from Monastir ... 170
Quoted in: Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims
and Jews, 1430–1950 (London: HarperCollins, 2004), ...
The SAGE Handbook of Historical Theory Σελίδα 199 Nancy Partner,
Sarah Foot 2013 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews 14301950 (2004) follows a chronologically ordered
threepart structure marking the islamisation of Salonica, its contacts with
Europe in the later period, and the final ...
The shaping of the Ottoman Balkans, 13501550: the ...Heath W. Lowry
2008 130 [emphasis is mine]. Dimitriadis, 1983: p. 21 1 [emphasis is
mine]. w Dimitriadis, 1983 pp. 265267 [emphasis is mine], * Mark
Mazower: Salonica: City of Ghosts (Christians. Muslims and Jews,
14301950). London (Harper Collins), 2004. p.
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ...Margaret E. Kenna
2013 ... neverentirely shake off'(Mazower 1991: 21),at least for thosein
GreeceandEurope who were in favourof themonarchy. ... northern Greece:
three from SALONIKA, twofromLarissa, and oneeach fromFlorina,
Kavalla, Drama, Rodopi, and Evros.
The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in Western Thought
Frederick Quinn 2008 Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts,
Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430—1950 (New York: Harper Perennial,
2004), 474. 46. “Spain: Moorish Festivals Must Not Offend Muslims,”
www.westernresistance .com/blog/archives/003105.htrnl; ...
The Tablet Σελίδα 21 2004 In this monumental and gripping story,
Mazower shows how Salonica, the very symbol of Ottoman multi
ethnicity, was also a city in which opportunities for some came at the
expense of the sufferings of others. The year 1430, when the ...

The Undivided Past: History Beyond Our Differences David Cannadine

2013 4. 71. Fletcher, Crossandthe Crescent, pp. 20–21;N. Matar,
“JohnLockeand the Turbanned Nations,” Journalof Islamic Studies
2(1991): 67–77; Karabell, People of the Book, pp. 158–79; O'Shea,
SeaofFaith, pp. 277–83; M. Mazower, Salonica, ...
The Unexpected Story of Nathaniel Rothschild Σελίδα 275 John Cooper
2015 of Salonica, wresting it from its Ottoman rulers on 8 November
1912. ... Salonica was a city with a Jewish population estimated at between
60,000 and 90,000, but it also contained significant Greek ... Mark
Mazower, Salonica City of Ghosts.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia ...Geoffrey
P. Megargee, Martin Dean 2009 ... these ghettos and the destruction of
Thessalonike's Jewish community: Andrew Apostolou, “The Exception of
SALONIKA'. ... CT: Yale University Press, 1993); Mark Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430–1950 ...
The Wars before the Great War: Conflict and International ... Σελίδα 82
Dominik Geppert, William Mulligan, Andreas Rose 2015 The British
consul in Salonica witnessed the process of forced migration and reported
about the refugees: The result of the ... 30 Quoted in Mark Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430– 1950
(London: ...
Thus Says the LORD: Essays on the Former and Latter ... Σελίδα 92 John
J. Ahn, Stephen L. Cook 2009 ... Mediterranean, cf. Mark Mazower,
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 1430–1950
(New York: Random House, 2005), 195–96. 27. Cf. J. W. Rogerson, The
Bible and Criticism in Victorian Britain: ...
Transformative Political Leadership: Making a Difference ... Σελίδα 198
Robert I. Rotberg 2012 For details, see Mark Mazower, Salonica, City
of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews (New York, 2004); M. Sukru
Hanioglu, Ataturk: An Intellectual Biography (Princeton, 2011), 18, sheds
doubt on the likelihood that Mustafa Kemal’s father ...
Women and the City, Women in the City: A Gendered ... Σελίδα 10 Nazan
Maksudyan 2014 ... and Stefan Weber, eds., The Empire in the City:
Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire (Beirut: Orient
Institut der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 2002); Mark
Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, ...

Young people in the maelstrom of occupied Greece: the ... Σελίδα 123
Jewish Youth of Greece, Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece
2009 Two of these chapters are from books on the Occupation of Greece
(the work of Hagen Fleischer and Mark Mazower, both translated into
Greek in the '90s). In his latest work on Salonica and the three different
religious communities that were ...
Εχθρος» εντος των τειχων: οψεις του δωσιλογισμου στην ...Iakōvos D.
Michaēlidēs, Hagen Fleischer, Ηλιας Νικολακοπουλος 2006 TürkYahudi
Buluşmaları Σελίδα 111.
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower
2002 Humanitarian Intervention: A History Σελίδα 216 Brendan Simms,
D. J. B. Trim 2011 Historian Mark Mazower writes that the consuls
recalled the massacres of Bulgarians of 1876 and feared an indiscriminate
massacre of Salonica's Christians by enraged Ottoman soldiers. As we saw
in Chapter 7, in 1860 the European powers ...
Θεσσαλονικη: Πόλη των φαντασμάτων ; Χριστιανοι, ...2006
Στη σκιά των σουλτάνων: Περιδιάβαση στη Θεσσαλονίκη και ...Κώστας
Ιορδανίδης 2013 Περιδιάβαση στη Θεσσαλονίκη και ελληνοοθωμανικά
παράλληλα Κώστας Ιορδανίδης ... Sultans in Splendour (1988) Mark, of
Mazower Salonica, City Gosts (2004) McDonnell Lillooet Nordlinger, A
Messianic Epihany (2008) Melek Hanim, ...


A concise history of Greece 2003

A CorpusDriven Approach to Language Contact: Endangered ...Evangelia
Adamou 2016 At the end of the nineteenth century, the numerous
Slavicspeaking communities of Ottoman Macedonia had the choice ...
Nevertheless, as Mazower notes, “a sense that speaking Bulgarian implied
belonging to a Bulgarian nation was slow to ...
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, ...Mark
Mazower 2000 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece,
1943-1960 Mark Mazower ... the myths, the heroic events, the ideology,
and the recurrent themes of imagination ("Macedonia is Greek"),
continuity, danger, and sacredness had fostered ...

After Yugoslavia: Identities and Politics within the ...R. Hudson, G.

Bowman 2011 Lampe, J.R.and Mazower, M.(eds), Ideologies
andNational Identities: The Case of Twentieth Century
SoutheasternEurope ... 'Macedonian Security Council against Partitioning
of Kosovo', Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, 24 August ...
Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the ... Σελίδα 229
Davide Rodogno 2012 Macedonian nationalists drew the wrong lessons
from previous interventions and did not realize that from the European ...
Intervention. in. the. Ottoman. Macedonian. Provinces. (1903–08). —
Mark Mazower, “An International Civilization,” 2006.
An Agenda for the Western Balkans: From Elite Politics to ... Σελίδα 121
Nikolaos Papakostas, Nikolaos Passamitros 2014 However, these
historical complications, debates, assumptions and vindications are not
unique to the Macedonian case ... position as a "polyglot ethnic
kaleidoscope"—as Mazower (2000: 102) describes themis not the focus of
this paper, ...
Annihilation: Volume II: The European Rimlands 1939-1953 Σελίδα 505
Mark Levene 2013 David Arney (Skopje: Macedonian Review Editions
1985). Mayer, Arno, Why did the Heavens Not Darken?: The 'Final
Solution'in History (London and New York: Verso, 1990). Mazower,
Mark, Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century ...
Athens John Gill 2011 John Gill's cultural guide explores the origins,
development and contemporary face of Athens, offering an accessible
analysis of its social history, architecture and representation in painting,
literature and film.
Balkan Smoke: Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria Mary C.
Neuburger 2012 From a letter written by Gote Delchev and Gyorche
Petrov, in Bozhinov and Kosev, Macedonia, 448. 91. See William Eleroy
Curtis, The Turk ... For a recent narrative ofthese bombings see Mazower,
Salonica, 268. It seems unlikely that it is a ...
Balkans and Islam: Encounter, Transformation... Σελίδα 172 Ayşe Zişan
Furat, Hamit Er 2012 Koinova, M.“Minorities of Southeast Europe:
Turks of Macedonia.” Center for Documentation and information on
Minorities in Europe– Southeast Europe, 1997. Mazower, M. A Short
History of the Balkans. New York: Random House, Modern ...
Bearing Gifts to Greeks: Humanitarian Aid to Greece in the ...Richard
Clogg 2008 Bearing Gifts to Greeks focuses on the underdocumented

work of the relief agencies involved in dealing with wartime famine and
humanitarian aid in Greece during the tripartite German, Italian and
Bulgarian occupation and the ensuing civil ...
Blood Ties: Religion, Violence and the Politics of ...Ipek K. Yosmaoglu
2013 Religion, Violence and the Politics of Nationhood in Ottoman
Macedonia, 1878–1908 Ipek K. Yosmaoglu ... Identities: TheCase of
TwentiethCentury Southeastern Europe, edited by John Lampeand Mark
Mazower (Budapest, 2004), 110–30.
Children of the Greek Civil War: Refugees and the Politics ...Loring M.
Danforth, Riki Van Boeschoten 2012 ... 128, 161, 166, 175, 181–82,
236–37, 275, 302n7 love, 123, 132, 142, 154 Macedonia: geographical
territory, 34, 198; Greek ... Greek Macedonian, 77 Marshall, George, 58
material objects, 233–36, 275 Matthews, Kenneth, 37, 55 Mazower, ...
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage... Σελίδα 252 George
C. Papavizas 2006 by Mazower 2000). No one up to that time mentioned
“Macedonians” or a “Macedonian nation” (author's comment). 18. See
note 5 of this chapter. 19. General Lyndon Simmons, a British delegate to
the Congress of Berlin, announced at the ...
Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: ... Σελίδα 240
Victor Roudometof 2002 MazarakisAenian, John C. 1992. The
Macedonian Question and the Birth of the New Macedonian Question.
Athens: Dhodhoni [in Greek]. Mazower, Mark. 1996. "Introduction to the
Study of Macedonia." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 14 (2) ...
Commies and Queers": Narratives that Supported the ... Σελίδα 40 Holly
S. Heatley 2007 According to Special Counsel to the President “Mark
Mazower, “Review: Historians at War: Greece, 19401950,” The ... See
also John S. Koliopoulos, Plundered Loyalties: World War II and Civil
War in Greek West Macedonia (New York: New ...
Contested Ethnic Identity: The Case of Macedonian ... Σελίδα 295 Chris
Kostov 2010 1: Od predistori skoto vreme do krajot na XVIII vek
[History of the Macedonian People, vol. 1: From ... Austin, Robert C.
'Greater Albania: The Albanian State and the Question of Kosovo,
19122001' In John R. Lampe and Mark Mazower, eds.
Crossing the Aegean: An Appraisal of the 1923 Compulsory ...... in Italy,
was previously a senior official in the RSC and had supervised the project
of rural resettlement in Macedonia. ... and thoroughgoing analysis of these

policies and their political and economic implications see Mazower 1991:
Culture and Customs of Greece Σελίδα 235 Artemis Leontis 2009
Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia, 1870–1990. Chicago:
University of ... Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural
Settlement of Refugees 1922–1930. Oxford, UK: Clarendon ... Mazower,
Mark. Inside Hitler's Greece: ...
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies Τόμος 12 Σελίδα 203 2004
For a more detailed discussion of the history and politics of organizations
formed by Macedonian child refugees, see Brown, ... Iatrides, and Smith;
Close; Hondros; Iatrides; Iatrides and Wrigley; and Mazower (Hitler's
Greece, After the War).
Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and ...Richard C.
Frucht 2005 The Greek Struggle in Macedonia, 1897–1913.
Thessaloniki: Institute for ... Nationalism and Communism in Macedonia:
Civil Conflict, Politics of Mutation, National Identity. New Rochelle,
NY:A. D. ... Mazower, Mark. Greece and the InterWar ...
Economic and Political Development Ethics: Europe and Beyond Bruno S.
Sergi, William T. Bagatelas 2007 Macedonia in 2000, a year after the
NATO bombing campaign against Serbia. ... As historian Mark Mazower
phrases it, "The outcome of the war was that there were no outright victors
— a recipe for continued uncertainty in the region and a ...
Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 18001914 Σελίδα 631 Carl
Cavanagh Hodge 2008 turned into a way for nationalists to introduce
national identities: Greek, Bulgarian, and even “Macedonian.” This
threatened the cosmopolitan identity of the ... FURTHER READING:
Mazower, Mark. Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims ...
Entangled Histories of the Balkans Volume Three: Shared ...Roumen
Daskalov, Alexander Vezenkov 2015 ... Dobrudja; Moldavia; Wallachia
Lysimachus (king of Thrace) 11, 47 Macedonia autocephalous church 389
Bulgarian ... Ivan Marinov, Dimităr 83 Matkovski, A. 362–363 Mazower,
Mark 411 106–107 measuring units 402 Medieval Bulgaria ...
Entangled Histories of the Balkans Volume Two: Transfers ...Roumen
Daskalov, Diana Mishkova 2013 The first Macedonian schools and
media—like the daily newspaper Nova Makedonija—were established by
Tito's combatants ... John Lampe and Mark Mazower (Budapest and New
York: Central European University Press, 2004), 110–130.

Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the ...Cathie Carmichael

2003 This book will be of interest to students and researchers of European
studies, history and comparative politics.
EthnoBaroque: Materiality, Aesthetics and Conflict in ... Σελίδα 126
Rozita Dimova 2013 loose union between the former Yugoslav republics
failed, Macedonia, following Slovenia and Croatia, announced its ...
Balkans and of Macedonia, see Berman 1993; Brown 1994; Cowan 2008;
Dimova 2006; Friedman 1997: Mazower 2000; ...
Europa und sein Osten: Geschichtskulturelle Herausforderungen
Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2012 ... In 1945 and the
years to follow Germans were expelled from Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary and Yugoslavia, Poles from the Soviet Union, and Macedonians
from Greece. ... 3 Mark Mazower: The Strange Triumph of Human
Europäische Öffentlichkeit: transnationale Kommunikation ...Jörg
Requate, Martin Schulze Wessel 2002 »GreaterKosovo«, Serbia and
Macedonia: The Roots and Implications of the Concept of »Greater
Kosovo«, In: Central Europe Review 3 (2001), Nr. 26 und 27 vom 24.
September ... 45 S. dazu Mark Mazower, The Balkans. A Short History.
European Access Τεύχη 34 Σελίδα 183 2001 2369 Guzelova,
Irena/Wagstyl, Stefan Macedonia on road to Civil War as rebels near
Skopje FT 9.6.01, p14 Source URL: .... 2388 Mazower, Mark Crimes
without frontiers FT 7.7.01, p10 Notes: EUROPEAN ACCESS 2001
NO.4, AUGUST 183 ...
Extremely Violent Societies: Mass Violence in the ... Σελίδα 465 Christian
Gerlach 2010 189; Mazower, Inside, p. 131. British officers could drive
by car in these ... 58 Mazower, Inside, pp. 113, 120 (for antiguerrilla
operations generally, see ... 1943, quoted after Mazower, Inside, p. 56. 71
Danforth, Macedonian Conflict, pp. 53–4.
Famine Demography: Perspectives from the Past and Present Tim Dyson,
Cormac Ó Gráda 2002 The Italians occupied the Cycladic islands in the
following fortnight (Mazower 1993: 50; The Times, 7 May 1941, 4). ...
Thus, Bulgarians occupied the northern part of Greece on their borders,
that is, eastern Macedonia and western Thrace; the ...
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in ...Anastasia N.
Karakasidou 2009 "Combining the thoughtful use of theory with a vivid
historical ethnography, this is an important, courageous, and pioneering

work which opens up the whole issue of nationbuilding in northern

Greece."—Mark Mazower, University of Sussex
German Antipartisan Warfare in Europe, 19391945 Σελίδα 359 Colin D.
Heaton 2001 Ses Mazower, Inside Hitler s Greece, p. 77. Ibid. p. 1. ...
N581/16. m This was when 100,000 Greek farmers were forced out of
Macedonia and Western Thrace by Bulgarian forces and replaced by
Bulgarian settlers. Other regions were ...
Globalization and Sovereignty Σελίδα 95 John A. Agnew 2009 ...
'"Conquering the souls': nationalism and Greek guerrilla warfare in
Ottoman Macedonia, 19041908," Byzantine and ... "Bonds made power:
clientelism, nationalism, and party strategies in Greek Macedonia
(19001950)," in M. Mazower (ed.) ...
Greece Σελίδα 278 2008 In the very early 20th century, Macedonia was
Europe's Wild East, a vast Ottoman possession caught up in the sound and
... historian Mark Mazower's Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews, 1430-1950 (HarperCollins, 2004).
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 The contributions by Erik Goldstein, Philip
Carabott, and Mark Mazower focus on various aspects of European ... The
first part summarizes the struggle of Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek
nationalists over Macedonia from 1895 to 1945.
Greece in the Twentieth Century Σελίδα 150 Fotini Bellou, Theodore A.
Couloumbis, Theodore C. Kariotis 2013 98; and A. Rossos, 'Document:
The Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia: A British Officer's Report 1994',
Slavonic ... For an excellent study of occupied Greece, see M. Mazower,
Inside Hitler's Greece (London: Yale University Press, 1993).
Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian ...Aristotle
Tziampiris 2000 MazarakisAenian C. J. (1992), The Macedonian
Question, Dodoni, Athens. Mazower Mark. ( 1 993), Inside Hitler s
Greece, Yale University Press, London. Mazower Mark. ( 1 996),
inroduction to the Study of Macedonia', Journal of Modern ...
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy ...V. Fouskas,
C. Dimoulas 2013 Mazower (1991)Greeceand theInterWar
EconomicCrisis (Oxford: ClarendonPress),p.251. ... Since June 1948, the
KKE becameincreasingly dependenton Tito's representative in
Macedonia, Svetozar VulkmanovicTempo, who never kept secret ...

Greece: The Modern Sequel : from 1831 to the Present Σελίδα 69 Giannēs
Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs 2002 See also the following: Stefan
Troebst, 'Yugoslav Macedonia, 1944 1953: Building the Party, the State
and the ... Civil War, February 1946 to August 1946, London, 1985; Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, ...
Hellenisms: Culture, Identity, and Ethnicity from ... Σελίδα 434 Katerina
Zacharia 2008 ... Martin 1988 Martin 1994 Massey 1994 Masson 1996
Masson 1998 Mazower 2002 Cyril A. Mango, "Discontinuity with the
Classical Past in ... Oliver Masson, "Macedonian Language," in S.
Hornblower and A. Spawforth (eds), OCD3 (Oxford).
Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia Σελίδα 290 Dimitar
Bechev 2009 ''Memories of the Bulgarian Occupation of Eastern
Macedonia: Three Generations.'' In After the War was Over:
Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece, 1943– 1960, ed.
Mark Mazower. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press ...
Humanitarian Intervention: A History Σελίδα 216 Brendan Simms, D. J.
B. Trim 2011 Evans declared that the issue of Macedonia was not merely
political but also a 'question humanitaire' – the aim was to save the ...
Historian Mark Mazower writes that the consuls recalled the massacres
of Bulgarians of 1876 and feared an ...
Identity Studies, Vol 2: Σελίδα 94 Zaal Andronikashvili, Giorgi
Maisuradze, Efrat SadrasRon 2010 Kočo Racin, a famous Macedonian
interwar Marxist poet and activist, has written a pamphlet on the history of
the ... See Mazower, Mark, “Introduction to the Study of Macedonia”,
Journal ofModern Greek Studies 14.2, (1996): 229-235.
Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of ... John Lampe, Mark
Mazower 2013 The Case of TwentiethCentury Southeastern Europe
John Lampe, Mark Mazower. was not ... the TitoStalin split of 1948,
however, the Bulgarian government was free to change course and
challenge the legitimacy of the Macedonian nation.
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-44 Mark
Mazower 2001 This book is the first full exploration of the experience of
occupation from the perspective of those that endured it and from those
that imposed it it tells the stories of resistance fighters and black
marketeers, teenage German ...
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: ... I. Grigoriadis
2012 20 According to Mazower, Thessaloniki's Jews were able to take

a leading role in theeconomic and social lifeof the city ... following the
outbreak of theGreek Warof Independence andthe suppression of
revolutionary activities in Macedonia.
Jochen Böhler, Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2014
The conflict in antebellum Macedonia (1903–1908) between the native
Macedonian Slav national movement and Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia,
represented the first instance of modern political violence among ... 9
Mark Mazower: The Balkans.
La ciudad de los espíritus: Salonica desde Suleimán el ...Mark Mazower
La Lettre Sépharade Τεύχη 2031 Σελίδα 63 2005 Many ethnic groups
fell under the Macedonian banner, but most were not ethnic Greek. It
included Vlachs ... In a real sense Mazower's recounting of the life of
SALONIKA in the 20th century is really Greece's goal of Hellenization.
The great fire of ...
Law, force, and peace Macedonia and Kosovo Σελίδα 147 Svetomir
Škariḱ, Nadica Mihajlovska 2002 n Macedonia, the NLA representatives
(National Liberation Army or, Ushtira Clirmatare Kombatare) carry out the
attacks. ... British historian Mark Mazower very precisely notices that:
"The war in Former Yugoslavia did not begin with the ethnic ...
Legacies of Violence: Eastern Europe’s First World War Σελίδα 29
Locating Capitalism in Time and Space: Global ... Σελίδα 203 David
Nugent 2002 Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood
in Greek Macedonia, 1870-1990. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. .
2000a. "Protocol and Pageantry: Celebrating the Nation in Northern
Greece." In Mark Mazower, ed., After the ...
Loyal Unto Death: Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia Keith
Brown 2013 Trust and Terror in Revolutionary Macedonia Keith Brown.
ethnonationalism. ... As Mark Mazower writes, “revolutionary violence
produced national affiliations as well as being produced bythem”
(Mazower 2000: 99). Late nineteenth and early ...
Macedonia and the Macedonians: A History Σελίδα 335 Andrew Rossos
2013 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Lampe, John R.,
and Mark Mazower. Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of
Twentieth Century Southeastern Europe. New York: Central European
University Press, 2003. Lape, L'uben.

Macedonia: Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans Σελίδα 32 John Phillips

2004 The Italians used the Albanians to annex part of Kosovo and western
Macedonia where Albanian populations were already ... Mazower's astute
comment that 'nationalism could only offer a basis for rule over such a land
with the aid of extreme ...
Macedonia's Childgrandfathers: The Transnational Politics ...Keith Brown
2003 of Memory in the Wake of the Civil War," Mark Mazower, ed.,
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation and ... 71
Nakovski describes cases of mistreatment by Greek teachers of
Macedonian children in Poland and tensions ...
Michael Ondaatje: Haptic Aesthetics and Micropolitical Writing Milena
Marinkova 2011 At the time when the novel is set, Macedonia
(nowadays FYROM) did not exist as an independent nationstate. ... 1983);
Mark Mazower, The Balkans (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2000);
and Hugh Poulton, Who Are the Macedonians?
Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory ... Σελίδα 27
Hans J. Vermeulen, Martin BaldwinEdwards, Riki van Boeschoten 2015
Τhe GreekTurkish population exchange. In E.J. Zürcher (Ed.), Turkey in
the twentieth century (pp. 255–270). Berlin: Klaus Schwarz. Kofos, E.
(1964). Nationalism and communism in Macedonia. Thessaloniki:
Institute for Balkan Studies.
Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe Σελίδα 265 Anna Krŭsteva,
Anelia Kasabova, Diana Karabinova 2010 He also knows that on his
children's documents "born in the Republic of Macedonia" will be written
and that nothing "on ... M. Mazower, After the War was Over:
Reconstructing the Family, Nation and State in Greece, 19431960,
Princeton ...
Modern Greece: A History since 1821 Σελίδα 244 John S. Koliopoulos,
Thanos M. Veremis 2009 Livanios, Dimitris. The Macedonian
Question. Britain and the Southern ... Mazower, Mark. Greece and the
InterWar Economic Crisis. ... The Gardeners of SALONIKA: The
Macedonian Campaign 1915–1918. London: Andre Deutsch, 1965. 286p.
Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to KnowRG Stathis Kalyvas 2015
40 Mark Mazower, “The Messiah and the Bourgeoisie: Venizelos and
Politics in Greece, 1909–1922,” Historical ... Population Exchange in
Greek Macedonia (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006); Dakin, The
Unification of Greece, 243.

Mother Teresa, a saint from Skopje Σελίδα 19 Hiromi Josepha Kudo 2006
There were few Albanians living in Macedonia, and hence, as is the case
in other parts of the world, from the remote past conflicts between different
groups were noticed with regard to both ... 144 According Mark
Mazower's book entitled ...
Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe Σελίδα 264 Brian Jenkins,
Spyros A. Sofos 2003 59 The main moderate force is the Alliance for
Macedonia, a threeparty coalition force which has so far kept the
nationalist ... 12, 1993; also, for an excellent overview of the context in
which the dispute has developed, see M.Mazower, 'Classic ...
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ... Σελίδα 109
Mark Mazower 2008 Essays in Honor of John Campbell Mark
Mazower ... MACEDONIA. (19001950). Basil C. Gounaris As long as I
can remember, military parades in Thessaloniki were headed by a platoon
of Makedonomachoi, veterans wearing a black ...
Newsletter Τεύχη 4860 Σελίδα 26 1999 Mark Mazower, The Balkans,
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 2000, ix+160 pp., maps The
easternEuropean ... and critical issues, including the wars in former
Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, etc., in the light of European
Ondokuzuncu yuzyılda Mersin ve Akdeniz Dünyası: Σελίδα 56 Filiz
Calislar Yenisehirloglu, Tamer. Gok 2002 During the Roman and
Byzantine Empires Salonica was the only metropolitan city of
Macedonia. It was conquered ... Mark Mazower, "Salonica Between East
and West, l860 l9l2", Hellenic Studies Review, n. l, l994. pp. l04l27. For
a general ...
Ourselves and others: the development of a Greek ... Σελίδα 247 Peter
Mackridge, Eleni Yannakakis 1997 the development of a Greek
Macedonian cultural identity since 1912 Peter Mackridge, Eleni
Yannakakis. Drasis ethelonton ... Mazower, Mark, 'Historians at War:
Greece, 1940-1950', The Histor ical Journal, vol. 38, no. 2 (1995), pp.
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural ... Σελίδα 40
Elisabeth Kontogiorgi 2006 Such massacres are only the extreme form
of a national struggle between mutually indispensable neighbours,
instigated by this fatal western idea'.79 More succinct perhaps is Mark
Mazower's remark that 'ethnic cleansing' whether in the ...

Prodigal Daughter: A Journey to Byzantium Myrna Kostash 2012 58

Mark Mazower, the city's most recent historian, summarized: “Saint
Dimitrios had triumphed again—over the Slavs. ... without his having once
made mention ofthe exYugoslav Macedonians as a separate ethnic or
national identity in the ...
Recon textualising East Central European History: Nation... Σελίδα 85
Robert Pyrah, Marius Turda 2010 These are disparate communities of
highlanders from around the Pindus Mountains in historical Macedonia,
who speak ... 34; and Mark Mazower, Minorities and the League of
Nations in Interwar Europe, Daedalus, 126 (Spring 1997), 4763.
Rethinking Violence: States and Nonstate Actors in Conflict Σελίδα 94
Erica Chenoweth, Adria Lawrence 2010 Also see PKA, The State of
Affairs of the Population in Western Macedonia, Eliakis to the President
of the Council of Ministers, ... Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims and Jews 1430–1950 (New York: Vintage, 2006) ...
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews... Σελίδα 457
Mark Mazower 2006 Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 14301950 Mark
Mazower ... H. N. Brailsford, Macedonia: Its Races and their Future
(London, 1906), 103, 184185. ... "Brigandage in Macedonia," Apple tons
Journal: A Magazine of General Literature (Nov.
SEER Southeast Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs 2003 ...
Mafia”) and as a writing on the wall of the failure of the EU (Kosovo
mission, engagement in BosniaHerzegovina, Macedonia,
SerbiaMontenegro). In his book “The Balkans. A Short History” Mark
Mazower, a historian teaching in the UK and ...
Senior High School Library Catalog Σελίδα 527 H.W. Wilson Company
2002 Choice Includes bibliographical references Mazower, Mark The
Balkans: a short history. Modern Lib. 2000 xliii ... Bosnia. and.
Hercegovina,. Macedonia. Black, Eric Bosnia; fractured region. Lerner
Pubis. 1999 96p il maps (World in conflict) ...
Stanley Spencer: journey to Burghclere Σελίδα 89 Paul Gough 2007 and
turned his back on Macedonia, Stanley hoped it was a final act of closure
on his war experience. ... Today as THESSALONIKA she is Greece's
second city, (see Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts, Harper
Collins, London, 2004).
State, Faith, and Nation in Ottoman and PostOttoman Lands Frederick F.
Anscombe 2014 Macedonia also illustrates the limited appeal of

nationalism and the continuing threat to the empire posed by the Christian
powers of Europe. Each of the ... 39 Mark Mazower, The Balkans: A
Short History (New York: Modern Library, 2000), 39.
Steam over Macedonia, 18701912: socioeconomic change and ...Vasilēs
K. Gounarēs, Basil C. Gounaris 1993 He was the first one to attract my
academic interest to Macedonia, a region which has been the source of
many stories ... I also received much appreciated comments from Dr.
Patrick O'Brien of St. Antony's College and Dr. Mark Mazower.
Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe Benjamin
David Lieberman 2006 For the authoritative history of Salonica, see
Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and
Jews, 14301950 ... Greeks and Macedonians disputed the right to use
symbols of the ancient Macedonia of Alexander the Great.
The Axis Empire in Southeast Europe, 19391945 Σελίδα 341 Jean W.
Sedlar 2007 6970; Aydin Babuna, "The Albanians of Kosovo and
Macedonia: Ethnic Identity Superseding Religion," Nationalities Papers,
... 96 Close, p. 73; Fleischer, pp. 7071; Miller, pp. 12728; Hoppe, pp. 9293;
Crampton, p. 125. 97 Mazower, p.
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos
2013 Ourselves and Others:The Development ofaGreek Macedonian
Cultural Identity Since 1912. Oxford, New York: Berg. ... 2006. Crossing
New Europe: Postmodern Travel andtheEuropeanRoad Movie.
London:Wall flower Press. Mazower ...
The Balkans in the New Millennium: In the Shadow of War ...Department
of Peace Studies Tom Gallagher, Tom Gallagher 2005 Mazower, Mark
(2001), 'High political stakes', Index on Censorship, No. 2. ... Perry,
Duncan (1997), 'The Republic of Macedonia: finding its way', in Dawisha,
Karen and Parrott, Bruce (eds), Politics, Power, and the Struggle for
Democracy in ...
The Balkans in world history Σελίδα 134 Andrew Wachtel 2008 Lampe,
John, and Mark Mazower, eds. Ideologies and National Identities. ...
Mazower, Mark. The Balkans: A Short History. ... Karakasidou, Anastasia.
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek
Macedonia, 1870-1990.
The Balkans, 18041999: nationalism, war and the great powers Misha
Glenny, Tom Nairn 1999 ... Elena background, 455 downfall, 459
political influence, 454 relations with King Carol, 443, 446 Macedonia,

956, 1723 ... Maslese, Veselin, 249 Matica Hrvatska, 590 Maurer, Ion
Gheorghe, 597 Mavrokordatos, Alexander, 30, 33 Mazower, ...
The Balkans: A Short History Mark Mazower 2007 The Balkans is a
magnificent depiction of a vitally important region, its history and its
prospects. From the Hardcover edition.
The British and the Balkans: Forming Images of Foreign ...Eugene Michail
2011 i would particularly like to thank Pat Thane, Paul Betts, Mark
Mazower and rod kedward for all their support and advice in different
phases of this ... List ofAbbreviations Bsa: British school at athens MrF:
Macedonian relief Acknow ledgements.
The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The ... Σελίδα 38
Benjamin Thomas White 2011 ... Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood
in Greek Macedonia, 18701990 (London: University of Chicago Press,
1997), chs 57; ... Mark Mazower, 'Minorities and the League of Nations
in Interwar Europe', Daedalus (1997), 126(2): 4763.
The Greek Civil War David H. Close 2014 5 The armed unitsin
Thessaly and Macedonia seemtohave been each basedin sometown
orvillage. Many oftherecruits belonged to ... adeath. squads« by Mark
Mazower, who described theirghastly activities. Even the largest of
these ...
The Greek Civil War: essays on a conflict of ...Philip Carabott, Thanasis
D. Sfikas 2004
The Grooves of Change: Eastern Europe at the Turn of the ...J. F. Brown
2001 ... 91, 92, 95, 119, 122 Lutfi, Yunal, 206 Macedonia, 7, 101, 103,
14143, 163, 18789, 192, 239; Albanians in, 7, 16870, ... 109 Marshall Plan,
44 Masaryk, Thomas, 26, 57, 58 Maurras, Charles, 233 Mazower, Mark,
241 Mearsheimer, John J., ...
The Homoerotics of Orientalism Σελίδα 129 Joseph A. Boone 2014 This
gazer is Samuel, a Jewish Macedonian vagabond who exudes animallike
sensuality as he examines Loti with ... eyewitnesses cited by historian
Mark Mazower, “young Jewish men offering 'every kind of encounter we
might desire.'”32 In ...
The Jewish community of SALONIKA: history, memory, identity Σελίδα
50 Bea Lewkowicz 2006 While Germany kept strategically important
zones, such as the area of SALONIKA, Western Macedonia and Eastern

Thrace, ... relatively safe because the Italian authorities did not comply
with German deportation demands (Mazower 1993: 250).
The Kalamata Diary: Greece, War, and Emigration Eduardo D. Faingold
2010 In The Kalamata Diary: Greece, War and Emigration, Eduardo D.
Faingold carefully analyzes and contextualizes the major events in modern
Greek history about which Salivaras writes in her diary.
The Kosovo Crisis: The Last American War in Europe? Σελίδα 16 Tony
Weymouth, Stanley Henig 2001 ... Montenegrins for Muslims; Muslims
for Macedonians; Macedonians for Albanians... (Fields 1999) We must
be careful not to draw the same conclusion about Serbs and Kosovo
Albanians. Mazower goes on to conclude that the causes of war ...
The Last Ottoman Century and Beyond: The Jews in Turkey ...Minna
Rozen 2005 the greater part of Macedonia, most of Thrace, and an
enclave surrounding the city of Smyrna (Izmir).85 Territorial ... Mazower
himself (based on E.G. Mears, Greece Today: The Aftermath of the
Refugee Impact [Stanford, Calif., 1929], pp.
The Last Ottomans: The Muslim Minority of Greece 1941-1949 Kevin
Featherstone, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Argyris Mamarelis 2011 Mazower
M. 1998. Dark Continent. Europe's Twentieth Century. ... Mazower M.
2001. Inside Hitler's Greece. The Experience of ... [The Pomaks and the
Torbeshes in Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia]. Sofia. Meinardus R. 2002.
'Muslims: Turks ...
The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiography, Politics Σελίδα 136
Victor Roudometof 2000 Makedonikos Agon kai ta eis Thrakin gegonota
[The Struggle for Macedonia and the Events in Thrace] (Athens, 1978).
... See also an interesting account by M. Mazower, 'The Cold War and the
Appropriation of Memory: Greece after Liberation ...
The Macedonians: Their Past and Present Σελίδα 161 E. Damianopoulos
2012 Italy occupied most of Greece and Croatia while Bulgaria occupied
Vardar Macedonia including Aegean Macedonia east ... Crete, some
Aegean islands, and, importantly, Athens and its port Piraeus (Kroener et
al., 2003; Mazower, 1993: 21).
The Making of the Greek Crisis (Penguin Specials): New ...James Pettifer
2012 In this new Penguin Short, the leading Balkan commentator and
Oxford University historian James Pettifer explores the reasons for
Greece's current situation, tracing the deep fissures caused by unresolved
issues dating back to the Second ...

The New Balkans: Disintegration and Reconstruction Σελίδα 124 George

A. Kourvetaris 2002 The Falsification of Macedonian History, Athens.
Mazower, M. 1994. "The Bigger Balkan Conflict," War Report 3/4, 3.
Michailidis, I. 1995. "Traditional Friends and Occasional Claimants:
Serbian claims in Macedonia between the wars," Balkan ...
The Origins of the Greek Civil War Σελίδα 86 David H. Close 1995
29; Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, pp. 269, 2703; Margarites, Apo, p.
203. 31. Fleischer, Stemma ... 634. 34. Evangelos Kofos, Nationalism and
Communism in Macedonia (SALONIKA, 1964), pp. 12347; Stavrakis,
Moscow, pp. 12931; Nars ...
The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central ...Tomasz
Kamusella 2009 Yugoslav communists), published Aegean Macedonian
brochures and periodicals in Cyrillic. ... Lehr Splawihski 1949: 44;
Magocsi 2002: 6, 12, 85, 87, 98, 115, 200; Mazower 2005: 243; McCarthy
1997: 109110, 316317; Miodyński 2000: ...
The Politics of Majority Nationalism: Framing Peace... Σελίδα 65
Neophytos Loizides 2015 Greek scholars were not an exception in
portraying the Macedonian issue in ethnocentric terms. According to
Andrew Rossos: ... As Mazower argues: [S]pecial attention was paid to
Bulgarian atrocities of every kind. Such evidence one can ...
The Politics of NationBuilding: Making CoNationals... Σελίδα 119 Harris
Mylonas 2013 Integrating Western Macedonia: Intentions and Policies
The population residing in Greek Macedonia was far from being ...
however, officials had to finalize and recalibrate them after 19 1 3 .23 As
Mazower put it, “Much time, money and effort ...
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ... Σελίδα 119 Margaret
E. Kenna 2013 Mazower, Mark 1993 Inside Hitler's Greece: the
experience of Occupation, 19411944. New Haven 8( London: Yale ... 4
December 1994: 24—25. Rossos, Andrew 1991 'The Macedonians of
Aegean Macedonia: a British BIBLIOGRAPHY 119.
The SS Hunter Battalions: The Hidden History of the Nazi ... Σελίδα 405
Alexander Perry Biddiscombe 2006 HW 19/199, NAUK. 170 Mazower.
32830; 'Arrests of Security Battalion Leaders and Govt. Crisis', 28/6/44,
HS 5/248, ... NAUK;'Infortnation on PAO and the Different Categories of
Armed Peasants in Macedonia', HS 5/627, NAUK;'EASAD and ...
The Usable Past: Greek Metahistories Σελίδα 220 Keith S. Brown, Yannis
Hamilakis 2003 both Greeks and Macedonians; they are "Greek

Macedonians. ... For more information on the Macedonian conflict see

Cowan 2000, Danforth 1995, Karakasidou 1997, Mackridge and
Yannakakis 1997, and Roudo metof ... Mazower, Mark.
Transnational actors in Central and East European transitions Mitchell
Alexander Orenstein, Stephen R. Bloom, Nicole Lindstrom 2008
Conspiracy theories abound, as the timing of the assassination took place
days before a MacedonianGreek ... Mazower's chapter, "Empires,
Nations, Minorities," is especially good on how the West's support for
Central European ...
Truth Recovery and Transitional Justice: Deferring Human ...Iosif Kovras
2014 In the aftermath of the Civil War, an estimated 35,000–40,000
Macedonians fled to Yugoslavia and other countries in Eastern ... by
descent' (Έλληνες το γένος'), thereby excluding many SlavMacedonian
refugees (Close 2003; Mazower 1995).
Unholy Alliance: Greece and Milošević's Serbia Σελίδα 156 Takis Michas
2002 25, 2001. 7. Mazower, Balkans, 105. 8. ... Mark Mazower, "High
Political Stakes," Index on Censorship 30, no. 2 (Mar. Apr. ... three
SlavMacedonian activists, and a number of NGOs for the recognition of a
Macedonian and a Turkish minority.
War in Peace: Paramilitary Violence in Europe After the ... Σελίδα 147
Robert Gerwarth, John Horne 2013 Nowhere was this friction more
apparent than in Macedonia, 3 the last region to be 'liberated' from the
Ottomans. ... As Mark Mazower notes, under the Ottomans, 'Macedonia
was a region with no clear borders and not even a formal existence ...
War in the Balkans: An Encyclopedic History from the Fall ... Σελίδα 373
Richard C. Hall 2014 Mazower, Mark. Inside Hitler's Greece. New
Haven, CT: ... The Politics of Terror: The Macedonian Revolutionary
Movements, 1893–1903. Durham, NC: Duke University ... Macedonia:
Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans. New Haven, CT: Yale ...
WarReport Τεύχη 1430 Σελίδα 37 1992 Mark Mazower is reader in
history at the University of Sussex. ... According to this view, Greece's
concern over Albania and Macedonia are based on the fear of an east west
(and majority Muslim) alliance former Turkistfumelia lacedonia, ...
Yugoslavia and Its Historians: Understanding the Balkan ... Σελίδα 271
Norman M. Naimark, Holly Case 2003 See also Ohrid Agreement;
Yugoslavia, lands/provinces/ republics of; Yugoslavia, successor states of

Macedonian question ... Anton Gustav, 123 Matvejevic, Predrag, 39 May

Declaration, 121 May, Karl, 22 Mazower, Mark, 17 Mazuranic, Ivan, ...
Εχθρος» εντος των τειχων: οψεις του δωσιλογισμου στην ...Iakōvos D.
Michaēlidēs, Hagen Fleischer, Ηλιας Νικολακοπουλος 2006
Λεηλασία Φρονημάτων: Το Μακεδονικό Ζήτημα Στα Χρόνια Της
...Giannēs Koliopoulos 1999 People wondered about the attitude of the
Slav Macedonians: would they fight with the rest of the Greeks? ...
19411944), 2 vols, Athens (n.d.); Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece:
The Experience of Occupation, 19411944, New Haven and ...
Ρούμελη: ταξίδια στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα Patrick Leigh Fermor 1991 Travels
in Northern Greece.

Byzantine, Byzantium

A Companion to Byzantium Σελίδα 19 Liz James 2010 The legacy of

Byzantium is clearly evident in the ecclesiastical art, architecture, and
spiritual life of Mount Athos, ... is at the root of the religious and political
tensions in the Balkans today and the rise of nationalism there (Mazower
A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East Σελίδα 455 Soraya
Altorki 2015 ... past, and yet also as “Eastern,” because of its Eastern‐
Roman (i.e., Byzantine) heritage (Herzfeld 1987; Green 2005: 2). ...
millions into residual and barely tolerated minorities who resided on the
periphery of such states (Mazower 1998: 42).
A Corpus Driven Approach to Language Contact: Endangered ...Evangelia
Adamou 2016 The Balkans are notorious for a long multilingual tradition
during the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, which drew the ...
Nevertheless, as Mazower notes, “a sense that speaking Bulgarian implied
belonging to a Bulgarian nation was slow to ...
A History of Eastern Europe 17401918: Empires, Nations ... Σελίδα 275
Ian D. Armour 2012 ... 1973, 'The Phanariots and the Byzantine
Tradition', in R. Clogg (ed.), The Struggle for Greek Independence: Essays
to Mark the ... Mazower, M., 2000, The Balkans, London. McCarthy, J.,
1997, The Ottoman Turks: An Introductory History to ...
A Terrible Beauty: British Artists in the First World War Σελίδα 242 Paul
Gough 2010 Later, the city stood alongside Constantmople as a bastion

of Byzantium's orthodoxy. After the First Balk.m War, m i9i2, Greece

reclaimed her from the Ottoman Empirc. Today as THESSALONIKA
she is Greece's second city. See Mark Mazower ...
All the Names of the Lord: Lists, Mysticism, and Magic Σελίδα 215
Valentina Izmirlieva 2008 Maguire, Henry, ed. Byzantine Magic.
Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1995. ... In Byzantine Magic, ed.
Henry Maguire, 155–77. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks ... Mazower,
Mark. Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, ...
American Book Publishing Record: ABPR annual cumulative 2000
AFTER the war was over: 949.507'4 reconstructing the family, nation, and
state in Greece, 19431960 / Mark Mazower, editor. .... 949.6'0144
Byzantium J Balkan frontier: a political study of the Northern Balkans,
9001204 / Paul Stephenson.
Approaches to Byzantine Architecture and Its Decoration: ... Σελίδα 64
Mark Joseph Johnson, Robert G. Ousterhout, Amy Papalexandrou 2012
... S. Curcié, ”Architectural Significance of Subsidiary Chapels in Middle
Byzantine Churches,” JSAH 36 (1977): 94110, ... I. K. Hassiotis
(Thessaloniki, 1997), 98110; and M. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts:
Christians, Muslims, and Jews, ...
Archaeologies of Internment Σελίδα 202 Adrian Myers, Gabriel
Moshenska 2011 ... the study of Minoan civilisation, Mycenaean
kingdoms, Classical citystates, Hellenistic kings, and the Byzantine
Empire. ... the field of history and political science in the last decade (e.g.
Margaritis 2002; Mazower 2000; Nikolakopoulos et al.
Athens John Gill 2011 At some distance from Constantinople, it was only
a minor outpost of the Byzantine navy and like Athens itself it was ... in
Never on Sunday, and less bucolic displays of workingclass culture as the
Nazis (per Mark Mazower's researches)
Balcanica Τόμος 37 Σελίδα 332 2007 Tbe Balkans from the End of
Byzantium to tbe Present Day, a book by the British historian Mark
Mazower, is a significant contribution to modern historiography, Balkan
studies in particular. The writer has been awarded twice: in 2000
(Wolfson ...
Balkanistica Τόμοι 2022 Σελίδα 214 2007 Reviewed by Giil Tokay
Marmara University, Turkey Mark Mazower's The Balkans: A Short
History is undoubtedly one of the ... They argue that the Ottoman Empire

was the successor of the universal state, the Byzantine Orthodoxy, but
these ...
Bilderwelten Weltbilder: die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit ...Ulrike
Tischler, Ioannis Zelepos 2010 6n^aÖn, veo ßtaxcrräpi. ßoüKevTpo n,
artöyovo. r\ Ta Tpia ua^i:" Cf. Bakirtzis, napouaiaan, tou ßtß/Uou tou
Mark Mazower. Unveröff. Manuskript [Thessaloniki 2007], [p. 5]. Ders..
The Urban Continuity and Size of Late Byzantine Thessaloniki.
Book review digest Τόμος 96 Σελίδα 682 H.W. Wilson Company 2000
GREECE; the legacy: essays on the history of Greece, ancient, Byzantine,
and modern: edited by John A. Koumoulides. ... Mary Lefkowitz, Ronald
Syme, Joseph Gill, Donald Nicol, Bernard Knox, David Hunt, Edward
Peck, and Mark Mazower.
Bulgaria Σελίδα 468 Jonathan Bousfield, Dan Richardson 2002 Mark
Mazower The Balkans (UK, Phoenix). ... aDimitri Obolensky The
Byzantine Commonwealth (UK, g Phoenix; US, Nicolson). Classic z work
on the spread of Christianity m and Byzantine culture in the Balkans H
during the Middle Ages; ...
Bulletin Τόμοι 3132 Σελίδα 38 Modern Greek Studies Association 1999
... FACULTY Mark
Mazower (Birkbeck College, University of London) will ... a
comprehensive undergraduate curriculum in Byzantine and Modern Greek
Studies leading to a Certificate in Hellenic ...
Bulletin of JudaeoGreek Studies Τεύχη 813 Σελίδα 1 1991 ... in progress
Forthcoming publications Recent publications Book notes Notes on
periodicals Mark Mazower: Greek Jewry ... JMGS JQR JRH JSJ
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne
Ephemerides Theologicae ...
Bulletin of the Royal Institute for InterFaith Studies 2001 The modern
Greek nation, as Peckham, Mazower and Jusdanis show us, also contains
within itself more different 'nations' than may be adequately — or at least
comfortably ... All worked on classical Greece as well as the Byzantine
and ...
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Τόμος 24 Σελίδα 309 2000
Mazower is the only other historian to reference the Berry cable, but he
omits the vitally important quote about the 'exception' of Salonica and
avoids the issue of wartime antiSemitism (Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's
309 Bthmtine and Modern ...

Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome Σελίδα 175

Timothy Peter Wiseman 2002 Two forms of alterite are thus at work:
Byzantium suffers from a 'western' and 'enlightened' perspective, while
both ... Mark Mazower, The Balkans (London 2000). argues against the
'Balkan character', and contends that nationalism in the ...
Common Ground in a Liquid City: Essays in Defense of an ... Σελίδα 24
Matt Hern 2010 the second most important Byzantine city after Con—
stantinople. I knew all this ... City of Ghosts. Mark Mazower writes:
[Thessaloniki] is a densely thriving human settlement whose urban
character has never been in question, a city whose ...
Corfu & the Ionian Islands: The Rough Guide Σελίδα 235 John Gill 1997
General survey of the period and its infinite convolutions in Greece, with
Frankish, Catalan, Venetian, Byzantine and Ottoman struggles for power.
lohn ... Mark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of
Occupation 194144 (Yale UP).
Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and ...Richard C.
Frucht 2005 The Byzantine Empire. Washington, DC: Catholic
University of America Press, 1992. .. The Greeks: Classical, Byzantine,
and Modern. New York:Thames and Hudson, 1985. ... Mazower, Mark.
Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis.
Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures ...Melvin
Ember, Carol R. Ember, Ian Skoggard 2004 Dalven, R. (1990). The Jews
ofloannina. Philadelphia: Cadmus Press. De Lange, N. (1986).
HebrewGreek Genizah fragments and their bearing on the culture of
Byzantine Jewry. In Proceedings, Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies
Ethnologia Balkanica Τόμοι 1011 Σελίδα 29 2006 In: Journal of the
Society of Architectural Historians 60, 2: 136157. Mango, Cyril 1991:
Approaches to Byzantine Architecture. In: Oleg Grabar (ed.), Muqarnas
VIII: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture. Leiden: Brill, 4044.
Mazower, Mark ...
Europa. Ediz. Inglese Σελίδα 54 Michelin Travel Publications 2000
Further reading History Byzantium: The Early Centuries John Julius
Norwich (Penguin 1990) Byzantium: The Apogee ... James
GrahamCampbell (Facts on File 1994) Dark Continent: Europe's
Twentieth Century Mark Mazower (Penguin ...

Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in ...Anastasia N.

Karakasidou 2009 "Combining the thoughtful use of theory with a vivid
historical ethnography, this is an important, courageous, and pioneering
work which opens up the whole issue of nationbuilding in northern
Greece."—Mark Mazower, University of Sussex
First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 2005 In 1430,
Sultan Murad II conquered ThesSalonica, the second city of Byzantium,
for the Ottomans. ... In this comprehensive history, Columbia Professor
Mark Mazower describes the complicated and often fractious relationship
among these ...
Fodor's Greece: with Great Cruises & the Best Islands Fodor's Travel
Guides 2015 From north to south, this land is heritagerich. “Even today,
houseowners sometimes dream that beneath their cellars lie Turkish
janissaries and Byzantine necropolises,” wrote historian Mark Mazower
in his 2004 book Salonica: City of Ghosts ...
Getting to Know the Manager: Episodes Recorded in ...Vladimir Radovic
2014 Mark Mazower – Governing the World, The History of anIdea,
The Penguin Press, New York, 2012 11. Alexander William Kinglake –
Eothen: Traces of Travel ... Ostrogorsky – History of the Byzantine
State, Rutgers University Press, 1969.
Globalisation, Migration and Socioeconomic Change in ... Σελίδα 85
Panos Arion Hatziprokopiou 2006 Historically, Thessaloniki has been
an important commercial port and a major city in two empires: the
Byzantine and the ... The historian Mark Mazower (2004: 12) describes
it evocatively as 'A forest of denselypacked apartment blocks and ...
Globalization and Sovereignty Σελίδα 95 John Agnew 2009 ...
'Conquering the souls': nationalism and Greek guerrilla warfare in
Ottoman Macedonia, 1904–1908,” Byzantine and ... “Bonds made power:
clientelism, nationalism, and party strategies in Greek Macedonia (1900–
1950),” in M. Mazower (ed ...
Governing the World?: Addressing "Problems Without Passports"
Presidential Professor Director Ralph Bunche Institute for International
Studies Thomas G Weiss, Thomas G. Weiss 2015 ... Roman, Byzantine,
Ottoman, British, fascist, Soviet, American—or the religious
equivalents—in particular, the Catholic ... Columbia University historian
Mark Mazower's masterful overview of ideas about Governing the World
contains no ...

Greece Σελίδα 278 Paul Hellander 2008 ... today, read the acclaimed
historian Mark Mazower's Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims
and Jews, 1430–1950 ... BYZANTINE CHURCHES Thessaloniki's
enormous, 5thcentury Church of Agios Dimitrios (%2310 270 008;
Agiou ...
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 In Reconstructing the Family, Society and the
Nation in Greece, 19441950, edited by Mark Mazower. ... Galatariotou's
interpretations are of relevance to scholars interested in Byzantium and in
the Greek Christian Orthodox tradition in modern ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall ...Brewer David
2012 322 7 Mazower, Salonica, p. 28 8 Mazower, Salonica, pp. 48–51
9 Bernard Randolph in Molly Mackenzie, Turkish Athens, ... 345 17
Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, vol. I, pp. 79–80 18
Panayiotákis, Kríti, vol. II, p. 448 Chapter 11: ...
Greece: A Country Study Σελίδα 345 Glenn Eldon Curtis, Library of
Congress. Federal Research Division 1995 Mazower, Mark. Greece and
the Interwar Economic Crisis. Oxford: Oxford ... Glasgow: Fontana, 1980.
Norwich, John Julius. Byzantium: The Apogee. New York: Knopf, 1992.
Obolenski, Dimitri. The Byzantine Commonwealth, 5001453.
Greek Islands Σελίδα 345 Insight Guides, Jeffery Pike 1998 Byzantine
History & Culture Michael Psellus. Fourteen Byzantine ... Norwich, John
Julius, Byzantium (three volumes): The Early Centuries, The Apogee &
The Decline (VikingPenguin, 1988 1995). The most ... Mazower, Marc.
Inside Hitler's ...
Greek Islands Σελίδα 455 Marc Dubin, Natania Jansz, John Fisher 1998
Byzantine Style and Civilization (Penguin, o/p in US) and Mistra (Thames
& Hudson, o/p in US) are more slanted towards ... WORLD WAR II AND
ITS AFTERMATH Mark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece: The
Experience of Occupation 194144 ...
Greek Ritual Poetics Σελίδα 450 Dimitrios Yatromanolakis, Panagiotis
Roilos 2004 Byzantium in the Ninth Century: Dead or Alive? Aldershot:
... Martlew, I. 2000. Studies in the Byzantine Novel, University of Western
Australia, thesis presented for degree of Ph.D. Mastoraki, J. 1983. ...
Mazower, M. 2000. The Balkans: A Short ...
Hellenic Temples and Christian Churches: A Concise History ...Vasilios
Makrides 2009 Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts: Christian,

Muslims, and Jews, 1430– 1950 (London: Harper Perennial, 2005), 474–
75. 2. ... Alan D. Crown, “The Samaritans in the Byzantine Orbit,” Bulletin
of John Rylands Library 69 (1986): 96–138.
Hellenisms: Culture, Identity, and Ethnicity from ... Σελίδα 434 Katerina
Zacharia 2008 ... 1986 Martin 1988 Martin 1994 Massey 1994 Masson
1996 Masson 1998 Mazower 2002 Cyril A. Mango, "Discontinuity with
the Classical Past in Byzantium," in M. Mullet and R. Scott (eds)
Byzantium and the Classical Tradition (Birmingham) ...
Higher Education Management and Development in Central, ...Attila
Pausits, Ada Pellert ... and Yannakakis (1997); Mazower (2000); OECD
(1995); Papandreou (1996); Pettifer (1993); Poulton (1991; 1995); Powell
... of the Greek heritage: oriental and Byzantine on the one hand;
occidental and romanticrevolutionary on the other.
Historia (kōmikotragikē) tu neoellēniku kratus : 1830 ...1993
Historical Dictionary of Byzantium Σελίδα 571 John H. Rosser 2012
Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia. Oxford: British
... Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994–98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in
Western Cilicia. Cambridge: McDonald ... Mazower, M. The Balkans: A
Short History. London: ...
History of the Byzantine Jews: A Microcosmos in the ... Σελίδα 180 Elli
Kohen 2007 MAZOWER, M. (2005) SALONICA City of Ghosts.
Christians, Muslims and Jews 14301950, p. 22. Alfred A. Knopf: New
York. 1 1 lc/2. CORMACK, R. (1969) "Mosaic decoration of S.
Demetrios," Annual of the British School of Athens, 64:1752, ...
History of the Turkish Jews and Sephardim: Memories of a ...Elli Kohen
2007 This book presents aliving history of the Turkish Jews.
Humanities index Τόμος 19 Σελίδα 441 1993
Ideologies and National Identities: The Case of ...John Lampe, Mark
Mazower 2013 The Case of TwentiethCentury Southeastern Europe
John Lampe, Mark Mazower ... Most likely, it was a desire to
deSerbianize Njegoš, to make his resting place less Byzantine and thereby
to bring his body into line with the interpretive ...
Insight Guide Greece Σελίδα 374 Melissa De Villiers, Insight Guides
1998 Norwich, John Julius, Byzantium (3 vols): The Early Centuries, The
Apogee & The Decline (Viking Penguin, 19881995). The most readable

and ... Byzantine Style and Civilization. (Penguin, UK only). ... Mazower,
Marc. Inside Hitler's Greece: ...
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism ...I. Grigoriadis
2012 20 According to Mazower, Thessaloniki's Jews were able to take
a leading role in theeconomic and social lifeof the ... Ecumenical
Patriarchate did significantly expand inthemid Ottomanera in the Balkans
compared tothelate Byzantine years.
Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare ...Max Boot 2013
... 175, 305 Matthews, HerbertL., 436–37 Mau Mau(1952–60),93, 318,
367, 375, 390, 391, 392, 404 Maurice, Byzantine ... 241 Maximilian,
Emperor of Mexico, 122 Mazower, Mark,308, 312 Mazzini, Giuseppe,12,
110, 112,113, 115, 122, 342, ...
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 127 1992 London: I.
B. Tauris. 351pp. Mazower, Mark (1991): Greece and the InterWar
Economic Crises. ... Birmingham: Centre for Byzantine and Modern
Greek Studies. 286pp. Neumann, Erich (1971 ...
Kampos: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek Τεύχος 14 Σελίδα 118
2006 The intellectual concentration upon the classical past also led to a
relative dismissal of the extant Byzantine and Ottoman remains. Antoinette
Moses admitted at the end of the 1970s ... (Mazower 2004: 474). The
Byzantine period was likewise ...
La Lettre Sépharade Τεύχη 2031 Σελίδα 62 2005 Illustrations, maps,
notes, glossary and index Mazower probably refers to
their ... Thus the city's origins began around the 4th century B.C.E. It was
a Greek, Roman, and Byzantine city with abrupt ...
Legacies of Violence: Eastern Europe’s First World War Jochen Böhler,
Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Joachim von Puttkamer 2014 73 For a fuller
discussion of this point, see Dimitris Livanios: 'Conquering the Souls'.
Nationalism and Greek Guerrilla Warfarein Ottoman Macedonia, 1904–
1908, in: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1999), 195–221. 74 Mark
Mazower: ...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica Σελίδα 11
Eugenia Russell 2013 As for the idea ofthe Byzantine Commonwealth
more generally, it was a concept coined by Obolensky in the ... Mark
Mazower's Salonica City of Ghosts ,28 with its rich references to a
cosmopolitan29 metropolis best captured in the romantically ...

Mazower himself (based on E.G. Mears, Greece Today: The Aftermath of

the Refugee Impact [Stanford, Calif., 1929], pp. ... "The Compulsory
Exchange of Populations: GreekTurkish Peacemaking," Byzantine and
Modern Greek 256 Chapter 9.
Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian ... Σελίδα 24 Zana
Vathi 2015 Also relevant, however, were the emerging nationstate and
its ideology (Mazower 2004). ... Although the city's history is marked by
significant discontinuities, the different pasts, notably the Roman,
Byzantine and Ottoman periods, were largely ...
Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to Know Σελίδα 206 Stathis
Kalyvas 2015 Mark Mazower, “Democracy's Cradle, Rocking the
World,” New York Times, June 29, 2011, A27 Samuel Huntington, The
Clash of Civilizations and the ... Averil Cameron, Byzantine Matters
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014), 46–67.
Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics Ines
Angeli Murzaku 2015 Mazower, M. (2000) The Balkans: From the End
of Byzantium to the Present Day, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Meyendorff, J. (1989) Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, Crestwood, NY:
St Vladimir's Seminary Press. (1998) A Study of ...
Music in the Balkans Σελίδα 319 Jim Samson 2013 Georgios poniridis
(1887–1982), whose early works include a Byzantine Chant for choir and
orchestra (1924), was one of several to have explored the transitions
between postByzantine sacred music and con temporary ... 32 Mazower
Nationalism and War Σελίδα 258 John A. Hall, Siniša Malešević 2013
... with the final outcome decided exclusively by the direct involvement of
the great powers (Glenny 1999, Mazower 2000). ... Coming of Christ and
the consequent restoration of the Byzantine Empire (Roudometof 2001 ;
Stoianovich 1994).
Nationbuilding and identity in Europe: the dialogics of ... Σελίδα 205
Rodanthi Tzanelli 2008 Mango C. (1998) Byzantium. London: Phoenix
Giant. Mani L. and R. Frankenberg (1985) 'The ... translated by I.
Cunnison. London: Cohen & West. Mazower M. (2000) 'Three Forms of
Political Justice: Greece, 19441945', in M. Mazower (ed.) ...
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ... Σελίδα 133
Mark Mazower 2008 Essays in Honor of John Campbell Mark
Mazower. ginning of modern Greek history. ... It is a Greece vastly

different from classical Greece and from Greece of Byzantine and

postByzantine times, but a Greece all the same. The laments of the ...
New Europe College Regional Program Yearbook Σελίδα 215 2001
Therefore, the model of Church power in the region during medieval times
was also borrowed from Byzantium. ... Byzantine and the Ottoman Empire
in respect to exercise of power and the centralized role of the state (see M.
Mazower, 2000).
Newsletter Τεύχη 4860 Σελίδα 26 1999 Mark Mazower, The Balkans,
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 2000, ix+160 pp., maps The
easternEuropean region ... The book covers the region's history from the
Roman period up to the present; it closely examines the Byzantine and ...
Now is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century Σελίδα 98 Jelle
Bouwhuis 2009 According to Mazower, the location of that Jewish
cemetery remains unacknowledged at the university, despite pleas by ...
The seamless merger of past and present also collapsed for me when I
visited Thessaloniki's Museum of Byzantine ...
Ondokuzuncu yuzyılda Mersin ve Akdeniz Dünyası: Σελίδα 56 Filiz
Calislar Yenisehirloglu, Tamer. Gok 2002 During the Roman and
Byzantine Empires Salonica was the only metropolitan city of
Macedonia. It was conquered ... Mark Mazower, "Salonica Between
East and West, l860 l9l2", Hellenic Studies Review, n. l, l994. pp. l04l27.
For a general ...
Ourselves and others: the development of a Greek ... Σελίδα 247 Peter
Mackridge, Eleni Yannakakis 1997 Mazower, Mark, 'Historians at War:
Greece, 1940-1950', The Histor ical Journal, vol. 38, no. 2 (1995), pp.
5023. ... Millet, G., and Talbot Rice, D., Byzantine Painting at Trebizond,
London 1936. Minority Rights Group — Greece, 'The ...
Overcoming Fragmentation in Southeast Europe: Spatial ... Σελίδα 132
Grigoris Kafkalas, Panayiotis Getimis 2012 ... of the Ottoman Empire
and earlier still to one of the core regions of the Eastern Roman and then
Byzantine Empire. ... the peoples of the Balkans and even more so by
Western analysts, see Mazower 2000, xxvxliii; Todorova 1997, 2137.
Peloponnese and Athens Σελίδα 470 Dana Facaros, Linda Theodorou
2008 Mazower, Mark, Inside Hitler's Greece (Yale Nota Bene, 2001).
Indepth study of life in Greece during the Occupation. ... Rice, David
Talbot,/4rt of the Byzantine Era (Thames & Hudson, 1963). Runciman,
Steven, The Great Church in Captivity ...

Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural ... Σελίδα 104

Elisabeth Kontogiorgi 2006 83 Mazower, InterWar Economic Crisis, 44,
513. 84 See M. Dritsa, ... 85 J. Petropulos, 'The Compulsory Exchange of
Populations: GreekTurkish Peacemaking, 19221930', Byzantine and
Modern Greek Studies, 2 (1976), 149. Liberals ...
Portrait of a Greek Imagination: An Ethnographic Biography ...Michael
Herzfeld 1997 Peasant Society in the Late Byzantine Empire: A Social
and Demographic Study. Princeton: Princeton University Press. . 1992.
Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Hampshire: Variorum.
... Mazower, Mark. 1993. Inside Hitler's ...
Postcosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence Caroline
Humphrey, Vera Skvirskaja 2012 Thus was invented a narrative of
continuity, for which Byzantium was primarily Greek and Orthodox and
the Ottoman period was ... While Athens reinvented its ancient past,
ThesSalonica stressed its Orthodox Byzantine one (Mazower 2005).
Prodigal Daughter: A Journey to Byzantium Myrna Kostash 2012 A
Journey to Byzantium Myrna Kostash. 300 For historical accounts of ...
Mark Mazower's Salonica, City of Ghosts : Christians, Muslims and
Jews 1430–1950, is a recent marvelous exposition ofits intercommunal
history. The fraught territories ...
Public Library Core Collection: A Selection Guide to ... Σελίδα 1159 John
Greenfieldt, Patrice Bartell 2008 Publ Wkly Includes bibliographical
references Mazower, Mark Salonica, City of Ghosts; Christians, Muslims,
and Jews, ... Byzantine Empire "A Borzoi Bk." This is the second volume
of a threevolume narrative ...
Rebels and Radicals: Icaria 1600-2000 Σελίδα 294 Anthony J. Papalas
2005 ... provides a useful sketch of the period and repeats the local
tradition that Byzantine authorities used Icaria as a place of ... Polymeris
Voglis, “Between Negation and Self Negation: Political Prisoners in
Greece, 1945–1950, in Mark Mazower, ...
Regime Change in the Yugoslav Successor States: Divergent
...Mieczysław P. Boduszyński 2010 This division roughly corresponds
to an older division between the Eastern (later Byzantine) and Western
Roman Empires, ... is based on several sources, including Tomasevich
(1955), Pleština (1992), Lampe (2000), and Mazower (2000).
Salonica and Istanbul: social, political and cultural ... Σελίδα 44 Rena
Molho 2005 This probably explains why the bibliography for the

postByzantine period on the history of this city is so limited in size ... Mia
idiaiteri koinotita (in Greek, The Jews of Salonica 18561919: A Particular
Community), Athens, 2001; Mark Mazower, ...
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews, ...Mark
Mazower 2006 How this bustling, cosmopolitan and tolerant world
emerged and then disappeared under the pressure of modern nationalism is
the subject of this remarkable book.
Secularism Soviet Style: Teaching Atheism and Religion in ...Sonja
Luehrmann 2011 Mazower, Mark. 2004. Salonica, City of Ghosts :
Christians, Muslims and Jews, 1430–1950 ... 2001a [1964]. Byzantine
iews of Islam. In his The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church.
Crestwood, NY: St. ladimir's Seminary Press, 89–114.
Serbia Σελίδα 391 Laurence Mitchell 2013 Malcolm, Noel Kosovo: A
Short History Harper Perennial, 2002 Mazower, Mark The Balkans
(Universal History) ... Art of the Byzantine Era Thames & Hudson, 1986
Language Davidovic', Mladen (ed) SerbianiEnglish EnglishiSerbian
Concise ...
Serbian Orthodox Fundamentals: The Quest for an Eternal ...Christos
Mylonas 2003 Mazower, Mark, The Balkans (London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 2000). McCarthy ... A Study of Gregory Palamas, translated by
G. Lawrence (London: Faith Press, -, The Byzantine Legacy in the
Orthodox Christianity (Crestwood: St. 1964).
St. Demetrius of ThesSalonica: Cult and Devotion in the ... Σελίδα 131
Eugenia Russell 2010 Nevertheless, the fervency and intensity of the cult
as it was in late Byzantine times can never be recaptured. Thus to ... Many
readers may already have read Mark Mazower's celebrated account,
Salonica, City of Ghosts (London, 2004).
Symbols of Defeat in the Construction of National Identity Σελίδα 290
Steven Mock 2011 Portrayals of the Byzantine and Ottoman Heritages
from Within and Without,” in C. Koulouri (ed.), Clio in the ... “How to Use
a Classic: Petar Petrovi ́cNjegoˇs in the Twentieth Century,” in John
Lampe and Mark Mazower (eds.), Ideologies and ...
Synopsis Σελίδα 117 Andrew D. Dimarogonas 1999 "The late Byzantine
army University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992." The American Historical
Review. Vol. 99 (feb. '94) p. 21113. ... Vol 87, N4 (marApr), 1994.
P325326. Book Review. 3761. Bartov O Reviewer, Mazower.M;. 1994.
"Inside ...

Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies, 1993, 3 Σελίδα 217 Andrew

D. Dimarogonas 1998 Book Review, French. 6684. Mazal, O.,
Montanari, F. (Reviewer). 1993. "A Handbook Of Byzantine Studies
German." Athenaeum. Vol. 81, N2, 1993. P697698. Book Review, Italian.
6685. Mazower, M.; Chang, C. Tourtellotte, P. A. (Reviewer) ...
The Age of Intelligent Cities: Smart Environments and ... Σελίδα 105
Nicos Komninos 2014 ... and over the course of its history has gone
through a series of transformations and cultures. It has seen Hellenistic,
Roman, Byzantine, Venetian, Ottoman, and again Greek periods, all of
which have left their mark on the city. Mark Mazower ...
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos
2013 Mazower (2000:145–156) devotes theepilogue to hisbook,The
Balkans,to the ... the first Marxisttreatise in Greeksociety, assigns prideof
place to “Byzantium, towhich wehave the greatest historical and
psychological relation” (1989: For 109).
The Balkans. 2006 Making War In The Name Of God. Christopher
Catherwood 2008 Renowned historian Christopher Catherwood vividly
recounts a saga of passion and prejudice that laid the foundation for our
own troubled age.
The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day Mark
Mazower 2002 Winner of the Wolfson History Prize, this book sheds
light on what has been called the tinderbox of Europe, whose troubles have
ignited wider wars for hundreds of years.
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church: A Sociohistorical Analysis ...James
Lindsay Hopkins 2009 A Sketch of the Economic, Juridical and Artistic
Preconditions of Bulgarian PostByzantine Art and its Place in the
Development of the Art of the Christian ... Madol, H. R. Ferdinand of
Bulgaria: The Dream of Byzantium. ... Mazower, M. The ...
The Byzantines Σελίδα 222 Averil Cameron 2009 'The Byzantine
empire, 1118–1204', in David Luscombe and Jonathan RileySmith (eds),
New Cambridge Medieval ... 'The profane aesthetic in Byzantine art and
literature', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 53, 189–205. ... Mazower, Mark
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter Gatherers ...John
Bintliff 2012 The long and winding road: Land routes in Aetolia
(Greece) since Byzantine times.” In H. Kamermans and K. Fennema

(eds.), Interfacing the Past. Leiden: Analecta Leidensia 28, 343–351.

Cherry, J. F., J. C. Davis, and E. Mantzourani (1991).
The Eagle has Two Faces: Journeys through Byzantine Europe Alex
Billinis 2011 Journeys through Byzantine Europe Alex Billinis ... New
York: Random House, 2001. Mazower, Mark, Salonica: City of Ghosts
London: Harper Perennial, 2005. Nicol, Donald M., The Immortal
Emperor Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ...
The European Union and South East Europe: The Dynamics of ...Andrew
Geddes, Charles Lees, Andrew Taylor 2013 ... facade democracy,
produced a state seeking to dominate society while remaining autonomous
(Mazower 2001: 147). ... the European mainstream because of the lengthy
Ottoman rule and Byzantine legacy and the widespread stereotype of ...
The Genocide Files Σελίδα 19 Harry Scott Gibbons 1997 They were
branded as traitors by the Greeks, and if Mazower's allegation is correct,
then Grivas would have been a traitor, too. Mazower quotes an ... He called
himself Dighenis, after a legendary Byzantine hero. The original Dighenis
is said ...
The Golden Chain: Fifty Years of the Jewish Quarterly Σελίδα 130.
Natasha Lehrer 2003 Autumn 1970 HOMAGE TO SALONIKA, THE
CAPITAL OF VANISHED WORLDS Mark Mazower From the text of
a ... tis EvropisThessaloniki 1997: Thessaloniki, classical city,
Hellenistic city, Roman, Byzantine and Balkan, city of the East, city ...
The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean Σελίδα 758 David
Abulafia 2011 ... 414 Mandelli, Giovanni 380 Mantua 117, 406 Manuel
I Komnenos, Byzantine emperor 294, 300, 319, 322, 324, 328, 329 ... 230
Mausoleum of Halikarnassos 386 Maxentius 219 Maximilian, Ferdinand
557, 558 Mazara 264, 279 Mazower, ...
The Greek Islands Σελίδα 659 Dana Facaros, Michael Pauls 2007 Rice,
David Talbot./W of the Byzantine Era (Thames & Hudson, 1963). ...
Athens (cont'd) museums (cont'd) Athens City 89 Benaki 912 Byzantine.
and other ... Mazower, Mark, Inside Hitler's Greece (Yale Nota Bene,
2001). Indepth study of life ...
The Ionian Islands Σελίδα 283 Nick Edwards, John Gill 2003 General
survey of the period and its infinite convolutions in Greece, with Prankish,
Catalan, Venetian, Byzantine and Ottoman struggles for power. John Julius
... Mark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation

The Jewish Quarterly Τεύχη 209212 Σελίδα 76 2008 The Byzantine

empire considered itself to be the heir and representative of the Roman
empire; the population of the ... of the ethnically and religiously plural city
at the beginning of the twentieth century, and Mark Mazower's Salonica:
City of ...
The Last Ottoman Century and Beyond: The Jews in Turkey ...Minna
Rozen 2005
The Legend of Basil the Bulgar Slayer Σελίδα 151 Paul Stephenson 2003
XI, with new pagination, 116 "The legend of Leo the Wise," ZRVI 6
(1960), 5993, 78; repr. in his Byzantium and its image ... (Athens, 1999)
Mazower, M., "Introduction to the study of Macedonia, " JMGS 14
(1996), 22935 McCormick, M., ...
The Making of the Greek Crisis (Penguin Specials): New ...James Pettifer
2012 In this new Penguin Short, the leading Balkan commentator and
Oxford University historian James Pettifer explores the reasons for
Greece's current situation, tracing the deep fissures caused by unresolved
issues dating back to the Second ...
The Mirror of Antiquity: 20th Century British Travellers ... Σελίδα 33
David Wills 2009 Mark Mazower has noted that, throughout the
Balkans, newlyindependent states have looked “to the medieval or ...
During the early years of the modern Greek state, the Byzantine period
was considered by the ruling elite to have been one of ...
The Modern Balkans: A History Σελίδα 191 Richard C. Hall 2012 ...
Country (Cambridge, 1996) -, and Marvin R. Jackson, Balkan Economic
History 1550–1950 (Bloomington, in, 1982) Luttwak, Edward N., The
Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire (Cambridge, ma, 2009) Mazower,
Mark, The Balkans, ...
The Mountains of Montenegro: A Walker's and Trekker's Guide Rudolf
Abraham 2015 Also of interest by Dimitri Obolenski is Byzantium and
the Slavs (St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1994). ... (London: Granta, 2000);
and Mark Mazower, The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the
Present Day (London: Phoenix Press, 2002).
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica Τόμος 8;Τόμος 20 Σελίδα 204
Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc 1998 Studies on the Demography of the
Byzantine Empire (1972), a collection of articles. ... The Byzantine
Commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 500145.1 (1971, reissued 1982). ... The
impact of the Axis occupation is investigated by Mark Mazower.

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia Σελίδα 204 1995

The Political Economy of Predation: Manhunting and the ... Σελίδα 97
Mehrdad Vahabi 2015 Mazower (2000) considers the twentieth century
the darkest century with regard to the scale of conflict and new levels of ...
controversy is the way the relationship among the great dynastic empires
of the past (the long centuries of Byzantine, ...
The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central ...Tomasz
Kamusella 2009 ... LehrSplawihski 1949: 44; Magocsi 2002: 6, 12, 85,
87, 98, 115, 200; Mazower 2005: 243; McCarthy 1997: 109110, 316317;
... Greek was the official language of the eastern half of the Roman Empire
and then of Byzantium until the fall of ...
The Rough Guide to the Ionian Islands Σελίδα 79 John Gill, Nick Edwards
2000 General survey of the period and its infinite convolutions in Greece,
with Frankish, Catalan, Venetian, Byzantine and Ottoman struggles for
power. ... Mark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of
Occupation 194144 (Yale UP).
The SAGE Handbook of European Studies Σελίδα 43 Chris Rumford
2009 ... of Western European civilization we can speak of a
GraecoRoman civilization, the Judeo-Christian civilization, Byzantine–
Russian civilization. ... This too is the case in Mazower's (1998) survey of
twentiethcentury Europe, Dark Continent.
The shaping of the Ottoman Balkans, 13501550: the ...Heath W. Lowry
2008 265-267 [emphasis is mine], Mark Mazower: Salonica: City of
Ghosts (Christians. ... fortress (together with all its towers and curtain
walls) is a Byzantine structure which the Ottomans took over upon their
conquest of the city. lnterestingly, ...
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ...Margaret E. Kenna
2013 ... Communist Party (KKE) and the GreekItalian war, 1940–1:
ananalysis of Zahariadis' three letters', Byzantine and Modern Greek
Studies 5: 165–185... Mazower, Mark1993 InsideHitler’s
Greece:theexperience ofOccupation, 1941–1944.
The Tablet Σελίδα 21 2004 Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews 14301950 Mark Mazower HarperCollins, £25 Tablet
... The year 1430, when the Byzantine city fell to Sultan Murad II, appeared
at first to be a catastrophe for the Christians and a triumph ...

Tormented by history: nationalism in Greece and Turkey Σελίδα 207

Umut Özkirimli, Spyros A. Sofos 2008 (1996) 'Conflicting views on
Byzantium in Contemporary Greece: Romeic/Neoorthodox vs.
Hellenic/Neopagan', paper ... Mazower, Mark (2000) The Balkans,
London: Weidenfeld and Nicol son. McCarthy, Justin (1983) Muslims
and ...
Why the nations rage: killing in the name of God Σελίδα 175 Christopher
Catherwood 2002 Mazower, Mark. The Balkans. London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 2000. McGrath, A. E. Luther's Theology of the ... Norwich, John
Julius. Byzantium: The Early Centuries. London: Viking, 1988. .
Byzantium: The Apogee. London: Viking, 1991.
Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman: Mission and Power in ... Σελίδα 79
Anne Rice Pierce 2003 Even religious categories were fluid, however:
"Neither the Byzantine nor the Ottoman Empires were ethnically based
polities. ... 6 Like Mark Mazower, Ann Wilson dispels the idea that
nationalism was historically determined: In the highly ...
Εκκλησιαστικη γραμματολογια και κειμενα πατερικης ...Δημητριος Γ
Τσαμης 2008
Εχθρος» εντος των τειχων: οψεις του δωσιλογισμου στην ...Iakōvos D.
Michaēlidēs, Hagen Fleischer, Ηλιας Νικολακοπουλος 2006
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower
Η μάστιγα της Ασίας: 1993
Ιωσηφ Φιλαγρης η Φιλαγριος: ενας λογιος κρητικος ιερωμενος ...Γεωργιος
Κ Παπαζογλου 2008

Hellenic, Hellenistic, Hellenism

A concise history of Greece 2003

A History of the Holocaust Σελίδα 445 Saul S. Friedman 2004 Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation 194144
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993), p. ... Alexander Kitroeff,
'Documents: The Jews in Greece, 1941-1944 Eyewitness Accounts',
Journal of the Hellenic ...

A New Age of Extremes?: Historical Relections of the ...Mark Mazower

A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern ...Molly
Greene 2000 Dimitri Gondicas, executive director of the Program in
Hellenic Studies at Princeton University, was, and continues to be, ...
Mark Mazower, Tia Kolbaba, and Peter Brown in particular for sharing
with me their wisdom and insight on the Greek ...
After Civil War: Division, Reconstruction, and ... Σελίδα 118 Bill Kissane
2014 Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 23, no. 1: 83–104.
KaradimouYerolympou, Aleka. ... the War Was Over: Reconstructing the
Family, Nation and State in Greece, 1943–1960, edited by M. Mazower,
221–46. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University ...
After the War was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation... Σελίδα ii
Mark Mazower 2000 Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in
Greece, 19431960 Mark Mazower. PRINCETON MODERN GREEK
STUDIES This series is sponsored by the Princeton University Program in
Hellenic Studies under the auspices of the Stanley ...
Audiovisual Media and Identity Issues in Southeastern Europe Eckehard
Pistrick, Nicola Scaldaferri, Gretel Schwörer 2011 Mazower, Mark (ed.)
2000. After the War Was Over. Reconstructing the Family, Nation ...
Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, Zakopoulou, Ersi. 2000. PolitikƝ
dƝmografia tou nomou Ioanninǀn, ...
Bearing Gifts to Greeks: Humanitarian Aid to Greece in the ... Σελίδα 79
Richard Clogg 2008 The chapter entitled 'The Famine', in Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: the Experience of Occupation, 194144
(New Haven, 1993), pp. 2352, combines ... America', Journal of the
Hellenic Diaspora, V (1979): 4561. For a crosscultural ...
Becoming a Subject: Political Prisoners During the Greek ... Σελίδα ix
Polymeris Voglis 2002 Mark Mazower's thorough knowledge of this
historical era, helped me to think in a broader and comparative ... book
while I was the Ted and Elaine Athanas siades Postdoctoral Fellow in the
Program in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University, ...
Book review digest Τόμος 96 Σελίδα 682 H.W. Wilson Company 2000
... Jasper Griffin, Mary Lefkowitz, Ronald Syme, Joseph Gill, Donald
Nicol, Bernard Knox, David Hunt, Edward Peck, and Mark Mazower.
They cover aspects of Hellenism in classical, Roman, Byzantine, and
modern times. ... A few of the essays ...

Bulletin Τόμος 33 Σελίδα 42 Modern Greek Studies Association 2001

D COLLOQUIA Before Nationalism: Religion and Identity in the
Orthodox and Ottoman Worlds May 11, 2001 Participants: Dimitri
Gondicas (Hellenic Studies) Welcome Mark Mazower (Birkbeck
College, University of London) Introduction Laura ...
Bulletin of JudaeoGreek Studies Τεύχη 2331 Σελίδα 3 1999 Leigh
Gibson: 'Jewish Antagonism or Christian Polemic: the Case of the
Martyrdom of Pionius' ('From Hellenistic Judaism ... Mark Mazower:
'Orientalism and Reality in 19thcentury Salonika' (Centre for Byzantine,
Ottoman and Modern Greek ...
Bulletin of the Royal Institute for InterFaith Studies 2001 See David
Constantine, Early Greek Travellers and the Hellenic Ideal (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1984). ... II Mark Mazower, ed., After the
War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece,
19431960 ...
Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History ... Σελίδα ii
Molly Greene 2010 Princeton Modern Greek Studies This series is
sponsored by the Princeton University Program in Hellenic Studies with
the ... Nation, and State in Greece, 1943–1960 edited by Mark Mazower
Notes from the Balkans: Locating Marginality and ...
Central and South Eastern Europe Σελίδα 382 1st/E 2000 Chief of the
General Staff of the Hellenic Army: LtGen Kon STANTINOS
PaNAGIOTAKIS. Chief of the General Staff of the Hellenic ... Mazower,
M. Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation 194144. New
Haven, CT, Yale University ...
Central and SouthEastern Europe 2004 Σελίδα 306 Europa Publications
2003 Chief of the General Staff of the Hellenic National Defence: Gen.
GEORGE ANTONAKOPOULOS. Chief of the General ... Mazower, M.
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation 1941^4. New
Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 1995.
Claiming Macedonia: The Struggle for the Heritage... Σελίδα 252 George
C. Papavizas 2006 The Struggle for the Heritage, Territory and Name of
the Historic Hellenic Land, 18622004 George C. Papavizas. Vattis 2002).
None of these groups identified itself as ... by Mazower 2000). No one up
to that time mentioned “Macedonians” or ...
Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse After the ... Σελίδα 162
Roni Stauber 2010 Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, pp. 117–18.

Christos D... /Hellenic Intelligence Service June 1943; Constantopoulou

and Veremis, Documents on the History of the Greek Jews, p. 270.
Entry.16/65281, 18 ...
Contemporary European history Τόμος 10 Σελίδα 486 2001 ... according
to Mazower,“ struggled to exercise her agency against the background of
her stifling and domineering male ... eds., The Metaxas Dictatorship:
Aspens of Greece, 1936-1940 (Athens: Hellenic Foundation for Defence
and Foreign ...
Dialogos: Hellenic Studies Review David Ricks, Michael Trapp 2014
Hellenic Studies Review David Ricks, Michael Trapp ... Margaret
McCabeLondon Mark MazowerLondon Margaret MullettBelfast
Diálogos: Hellenic Studies Review is the journal of the Centre for Hellenic
Studies, King's College London.
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the TurcoGreek ...Onur
Yildirim 2007 I am particularly indebted to Mark Mazower and Bruce
Clark for encouraging me to conceive this book and to Suraiya ... the
Program in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University, the Center for
Mediterranean Studies at Rethymnon (Crete), the ...
Discourse theory and cultural analysis: media, arts and ... Σελίδα 138 Nico
Carpentier, Erik Spinoy 2008 Mazower, M. (Ed) (2000) After the War
Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation, and State in Greece, 1943-
1960. ... War Repressive Anticommunism and the U.S. TrumanMcCarthy
Era,' Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora XIII (3 & 4): 575.
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship Σελίδα 317 Paschalis
M. Kitromilides 2008 See also M. Mazower, Greece, p. ... industrial
credit, the NBG had set up in 1927, together with the Hambros Bank in
London, the company Hellenic and General Trust – but in crisis conditions
lending was restricted to a small number of firms.
Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 18001914 Σελίδα 631 Carl
Cavanagh Hodge 2008 Hellenic and Bulgarian nationalists fought over
Salonica, but were also divided among themselves. In 1871, a few
Bulgarians in Salonica left the ... FURTHER READING: Mazower, Mark.
Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims and Jews, ...
European Resistance in the Second World War Σελίδα 110 Philip Cooke,
Ben H. Shepherd 2013 Hellenic Army General Staff, An Abridged
History of the GreekItalian and GreekGerman War (Athens 1997). 5. ...

The reader is directed to Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The

Experience of Occupation, 1941–44 (New Haven, Conn., ...
EuropeanAmerican Relations and the Middle East: From Suez ...Daniel
Möckli, Victor Mauer 2010 He is the author of 'The Civil War in
Evrytania', in After the War Was Over: Reconstructing the Family, Nation,
and State in Greece, 1943–60, edited by M. Mazower (Princeton
University Press, 2000) and of articles in Journal of the Hellenic ...
Europe's Last Red Terrorists: The Revolutionary ... Σελίδα 251 George
Kassimeris 2001
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in ...Anastasia N.
Karakasidou 2009 "Combining the thoughtful use of theory with a vivid
historical ethnography, this is an important, courageous, and pioneering
work which opens up the whole issue of nationbuilding in northern
Greece."—Mark Mazower, University of Sussex
Germans as Minorities during the First World War: A Global ...Professor
Panikos Panayi 2014 Chapter 9 spies, Victims, Collaborators and
humanitarian interventionists: The Germans on the Hellenic and ottoman
... 3 Mark Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts : Christians, Muslims
andJews, 1430–1950 spies, Victims, Collaborators and ...
Greece Σελίδα 237 Thanos Veremēs, Márkos Dragoúmis 1998 London:
Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College, 1995. 130p. The papers of this
collection attempt to ... There are also papers by Dimitris Tziovas, Eric
Goldstein, Mark Mazower and James Pettifer. 681 Greece and the new
Europe in the ...
Greece in a changing Europe: between European integration ...Kevin
Featherstone, Kostas Ifantis 1996 ... been held without the generous
financial support extended by The Hellenic Foundation, The London
Hellenic Society ... Andreas Andrianopoulos, Dr Georgios
Markopouliotis, Professor Nicos Mouzelis, Dr Mark Mazower, Dr Jane
Cowan, ...
Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works ...Stratos
E. Constantinidis 2000 In this important and innovative study, Mazower
examines how the occupation was experienced by ordinary people on a
daily basis. Mazower uses German and other archival sources. ... Journal
of the Hellenic Diaspora 12/2 (1985):4362.

Greece in Print Τεύχη 176187 Σελίδα 10 2003 A Short History of the

Balkans, M. Mazower 3. ... After the War Was Over, M. Mazower IN
GREEK 1. ... H A varponi), Data for the Best Sellers column are provided
by the Hellenic Litera ture Society, Cosmos Publishing Co., Diavazo ...
Greece since 1945: Politics, Economy and Society David H. Close 2014
194550«, and Tassoula Vervenioti, aLeftwing women between politics and
family«, in Mazower (ed.) ... question and the guerrilla war in northern
Greece on the eve of the Truman Doctrine«, Journal of the Hellenic
Diaspora 21 (1995), 80.
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy ...V. Fouskas,
C. Dimoulas 2013 Bruce R.Kuniholm(1984) The NearEast Connection:
Greece and Turkey in the Reconstruction and Securityof Europe, 1946–52
(Massachusetts: Hellenic College Press), p. 16. 16. Mazower(1991)
GreeceandtheInterWar Economic Crisis(Oxford: ...
Greece: Modern Architectures in History Σελίδα 265 Alexander Tzonis,
Alcestis P. Rodi 2013 Mark Mazower, Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση
του μεσοπολέμου (Athens, 2002). ... 1960); Ιωάννης Πολύζος, Η
εγκατάσταση των προ chapter four: Hard Times: The Third Hellenic
Civilization, War and Reconstruction 1 Bert Birtles, Exiles in ...
Greek America Τόμος 5,Τεύχη 15 Σελίδα 16 1999 MEDIA WATCHOn
January 25th, Business Week published a review of Mark Mazower's
book, Dark Continent, which argues ... Below is the response forwarded to
Business Week by the American Hellenic Media Project (AHMP), a
nonprofit ...
Greek Society in the Making, 18631913: Realities... Σελίδα x Philip
Carabott 1997 I am also grateful to Professor Judith Herrin (Director,
Centre for Hellenic Studies) for her encouragement, Professor Roderick
Beaton (King's College London), Professor Peter Mackridge (St Cross
College, Oxford), Dr Mark Mazower ...
Greek Today: A Course in the Modern Language and Culture Σελίδα xv
Peter Bien 2004 ... Joshua Katz, Vassilis Lambropoulos, Richard Martin,
Mark Mazower, Dimitris Nollas, Dia Philippides, James Rankin, Eleni
Tzelebi, and Maria TzevelekouPoulou for reviewing selected sections of
the manuscript. ' The Program in Hellenic ...
Hellenic Communication Service, LLC,
Greeklanguage. Macartney, C. A. ”The Greek Settlement.” Refugees:

The Work of ... Mazower, Mark, ed. After the War Was Over:
Reconstructing the Family, Nation ...
Hellenic Temples and Christian Churches: A Concise History ...Vasilios
Makrides 2009 See also Hellenic religion; Paganism Marxism, 92 Mary,
Virgin, 99, 127, 166, 178, 210; attributes given to, 167; cult of, 207; ... 56
Mauropous, John, 181, 230, 243 Mavrokordatos, Alexandros, 249
Mavrokordatos, Nikolaos, 249 Mazower, Mark, ...
Hellenism abroad: a continuous struggle to maintain its ... Σελίδα 215
Jordan A. Tsolakides 2006 Koliopoulos, John S., and Veremis, Thanos,
Greece The Modern Sequel, from 1821 to Present, New York University
Press, 2002. Mazower, Mark, Salonica. City of Ghost, 14301950. Alfred
A. Knopf, New York 2005. Panagopoulos, E. P., New ...
Historia (kōmikotragikē) tu neoellēniku kratus : 1830 ...1993
M. Mazower 177 The Phantasm of Theory Literature Criticism History
Modern Greek, by D. Dimiroulis. V. Calotychos 182 Essays Modem
Greek, by Z. Lorenzatos. L Kemperidis '. 186 Topographies of Hellenism
Mapping the Homeland, ...
Humanism Tony Davies 2008 It isasif MatthewArnold's worst
nightmare, the final overthrow of culture, withits Hellenic 'sweetness
andlight', bythe ... with pridethis epochal encounter between a resurgent
Germany andthe 'symbol of modern culture' (Mazower 1993: 8).
Humanities index Τόμος 19 Σελίδα 441 1993
Imperialism, Art and Restitution Σελίδα 86 John Henry Merryman 2006
... to the soldiers 'who have died for the Great Hellenic heritage on the
borders of the west'.36 During the Second World War, ... 37 See Mark
Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–
44 (New Haven, London: Yale ...
Infamy and Revolt: The Rise of the National Problem in ... Σελίδα 24 Dean
J. Kostantaras 2006 See William W. McGrew, "The Land Issue in the
Greek War of Independence,' in Hellenism and the First Greek War of ...
Mark Mazower's 77ie Balkans, (New York: Modem Library, 2002) must
be said to represent a recent example of this ...
Instilling Religion in Greek and Turkish Nationalism: A ... Σελίδα 43
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis 2012 This is best observed in the “Hellenic
Nomarchy,” an anonymous work which chastised Orthodox religious

authorities and ... According to Mazower, Thessaloniki's Jews were able

to take a leading role in the economic and social life of the city ...
Journal of Mediterranean Studies Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 146 1992 The very
adjective 'Greek', in many contexts, is automatically understood to refer to
the classical and Hellenistic periods. Modern ... For a discussion of the
concepts of Romiosyni and Hellenism see Tziovas 1986: 7785. ...
Mazower, M. 1991.
Journal of Modern Hellenism Τεύχη 2324 Σελίδα 10 2007 Mazower,
Mark. Salonica: City of Ghosts. New York: Alfred Knopf, 2004.
Moutsopoulos, N.K. Thessaloniki: 19001917. Thessaloniki: M. Molho
Publications, 1980. Sachar, Howard M. A History of the Jews in the
Modern World. New York: Alfred ...
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora Τόμοι 3133 Σελίδα 107. 2005 '2R.
Frezis, Alliance. 'Statistics of Central Board of Jewish Communities of
Greece. 2M. Mazower, Inside Hitlers Greece (USA, 1995), 97102 3M.
Matsas, The Illusion Of Safety. The Story of Greek Jews During the
Second World War (New York, ...
Joy Damousi 2015
Kallithea Bellou, 'Identity and difference: First and second generation
Greeks in Australia', in Hellenic Studies Forum (eds.), Greeks in English
Speaking ... 134–135; p. 141. 14 Mark Mazower, 'Introduction', in Mark
Mazower (ed.) ...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica Σελίδα 11 Eugenia
Russell 2013 Mark Mazower's Salonica City of Ghosts ,28 with its
rich references to a cosmopolitan29 metropolis best captured in the ...
Mark Mazower, 'Salonica between East and West, 1860–1912', Dialogos:
Hellenic Studies Review 1 (1994): 104–27; 'An ...
Looting ofthe Hellenic Republic by the Euro, the Political Elite and the
Investment Community, London and New York, 2011 Matthews, K.,
Memories of a Mountain: War Greece 1944–1949, London, 1972
Mazower, M., Inside Hitler's Greece: ...
Mazower, Mark, Greece and the InterWar Economic Crisis (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1991). Mazower, Mark, Inside Hitler's Greece: The
Experience of ... in Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, Vol. 23, No. 1
(Special Issue, 1997), pp. 5982.
Memory and Migration in the Shadow of War: Australia's ...

Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian ... Σελίδα 24 Zana

Vathi 2015 Early policies were broadly related to the nationstate building
process and the foundation of the NeoHellenic state in Greece in the
nineteenth ... Also relevant, however, were the emerging nationstate and
its ideology (Mazower 2004).
Migration and Insecurity: Citizenship and Social Inclusion ... Σελίδα 46
Niklaus Steiner, Robert Mason, Anna Hayes 2013 Dimitreas, Y. (1998)
Transplanting the Agora: Hellenic Settlement in Australia, Sydney: Allen
and Unwin. Doumanis, N. (1999) 'The Greeks in ... Mazower, M. (2000)
'Introduction' in M. Mazower (ed.) After the War Was Over:
Reconstructing the ...
Music in the Balkans Σελίδα 46 Jim Samson 2013 'Mountains come
first' is the apt quotation (from Fernand Braudel) that introduces the first
chapter of Mark Mazower's ... referring to the Hellenic traditions of north
pindus, to the illyrian idioms of albania and the Dinaric alps, and to a rather
dif ...
Muzikologija: časopis Muzikološkog instituta Srpske ...2007 ... All
historic information not related to music in this paper is unless otherwise
stated from: Mark Mazower, 'Introduction', in Mark Mazower (ed.) ...
EITON = Eviaía Opyávcoori Nécov = Uniform PanHellenic Youth
National Histories, Natural States: Nationalism and the ... Σελίδα 170
Robert Shannan Peckham 2001 homicide trends in Athens, 1850-1936",
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 25/2 (1997): 814. 15. See Peckham "The
... Mark Mazower, Greece and the interwar economic crisis (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1991), p.4L 23. BickfordSmith, Greece ...
Networks of Power in Modern Greece: Essays in Honor of ... Σελίδα 107
Mark Mazower 2008 Essays in Honor of John Campbell Mark
Mazower. Hamilakis, Yannis (2007) The ... Livanios, Dimitris (2008)
"The Quest for Hellenism: Religion, Nationalism and Collective Identities
in Greece", in Katerina Zacharia (ed.), Hellenisms: Culture ...
Ondokuzuncu yuzyılda Mersin ve Akdeniz Dünyası: Σελίδα 56 Filiz
Calislar Yenisehirloglu, Tamer. Gok 2002 568. George Hoffman,
Thessaloniki: The Impact of a Changing Hinterland', East European
Quarterly, v. 2, n. l, pp. l27. Mark Mazower, "Salonica Between East and
West, l860 -l9l2", Hellenic Studies Review, n. l, l994. pp. l04l27. For a
general ...

Overcoming Fragmentation in Southeast Europe: Spatial ... Σελίδα 33

Grigoris Kafkalas, Panayiotis Getimis 2012 Gligorov, V., Kaldor, M.
and L.Tsoukalis (1999) Balkan Reconstruction and European Integration,
joint paper, Hellenic ... Lampe, J. (2004) 'Reconnecting the Twentieth
Century Histories of Southeastem Europe', in J.R. Lampe, M. Mazower ...
Paths to International Justice: Social and Legal Perspectives Σελίδα 29
MarieBénédicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly 2007 ... MacArthur Foundation,
the Princeton Hellenic Studies Program, the British Academy–Leverhulme
Foundation and the ... Berman 1993; Buwalda 1994; Fink 1995; Finney
1995; Kymlicka 1995; Cornwall 1996; Herman 1996; Mazower 1997; ...
Problems of identities in the Balkans Σελίδα 157 Slobodan G. Markovich,
Eric Beckett Weaver, Vukašin Pavlović 2006 "The HellenicRomeic
distinction has another role in Greek discourse, one less obtrusive but
nevertheless fundamental to the ideological ... 1 1 Thus making invisible,
see Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts, Christians, Muslims and
Jews ...
Prudentia Τόμοι 3132 Σελίδα 141 1999 What concerns us here, is the
youthful, additional Lindsayean accompaniment of Hellenicinspiredor
sourced ... Age of Extremes (London, 1994), 2135; Mark Mazower, Dark
Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century (London, 1998), 1105.
Reading Greek America: Studies in the Experience of Greeks ...Spyros D.
Orfanos 2002 ... become informants for those who were in power (for
further historical information, see Clogg, 1992; Mazower, 1993). ... an
unusual blend of identifying as European and accentuating the legacy of
the classical Hellenic period (which the rest ...
Rebels and Radicals: Icaria 16002000 Σελίδα 339 Anthony J. Papalas
2005 Lykogiannis, A. “The Bank of Greece, 75 Years: 1928–2003,”
Journal of Hellenic Diaspora 21.1 (2003), 77–98. Lymberake, M. Ta ...
Mazower, M. Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation
1941–1944 (Yale, 1993). Mazower, M.
Red Acropolis, Black Terror: The Greek Civil War and the ... Σελίδα 282
André Gerolymatos 2004 Leontis, Artemis, Topographies of Hellenism:
Mapping the Homeland. ... Mazower, Mark, "The Cold War and the
Appropriation of Memory: Greece after Liberation," in The Politics of
Retribution in Europe: War and Its Aftermath, edited by Istvan ...
RtBetween Two Motherlands Z Theodora Dragostinova 2011 Mando
Dalianis and Mark Mazower, “Children in Turmoil during the Civil War:

Today's Adults,” in Mazower, After the War Was Over, 91–104. 32. TsPA,
f. 146b ... “The GreekBulgarian Frontier and the Hellenic Claims”; GLA,
APhD, 75.1.3, 13.
Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia: Studia Z Historii, Kultury i ...2002
Mazower, M. 2000. A Tormented Life, The New York ... 1:871872).
Mendels, D. 1979. Hellenistic Utopia and the Essenes, HThR 72: 207222.
... The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World, vol. 13.
Oxford. Schilrer, E. 1979.
Spotlights on Russian and Balkan Slavic Cultural History Σελίδα 94
Alexandra Iōannidou, Christian Voss 2009 Journal of the Hellenic
Diaspora 1988(15.12): 3347. ... In: MARK MAZOWER (ed.) ... LAIOU-
THOMADAKIS, ANGHELIKI, “The Politics of Hunger: Economic Aid
to Greece, 1943 1945”, Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 1980(7.2): 2742.
Swastika over the Acropolis: Reinterpreting the Nazi ... Σελίδα 619 Craig
Stockings, Eleanor Hancock 2013 Mazower, M. 'Historians at War:
Greece, 19401950' (review article), The Historical Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2,
1995. McDougall ... 'The Eden Dill Mission & the Fall of Greece', seminar
given to the Hellenic Observatory, London, 22 February 2011, ...
Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies, 1993, 3 Σελίδα 141 Andrew
D. Dimarogonas 1998 Journal Of Hellenic Studies. Vol. 113, 1993. PI
931 94. Book Review, English. 4586. Clarke, M. (Reviewer); Faraone, C.
A. 1993. "Talismans And Trojan Horses Guardian Statues In Ancient
Greek Myth And Ritual." Hermathena. N155 (Win).
The Ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad Σελίδα ix Seth Schwartz
2014 I owe the rest to the goodwill and ingenuity of Mark Mazower and
Margaret Edsall. ... Walter Ameling and John Ma gave me important
advice about Hellenistic Jerusalem, and John sent me in addition some not
yet published papers which ...
The Balkan Prospect: Identity, Culture, and Politics in ...V. Calotychos
2013 My colleagues attheProgram in Hellenic Studiesat Columbia, Karen
Van Dyck and Stathis Gourgouris, readwith generosity one, perhaps
evenmore than one, version ofthis manuscript. Michael Herzfeld, Mark
Mazower, and Nelson Moe ...
The Dodecanese and the East Aegean Islands Σελίδα 497 Marc Dubin
2002 BMark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of
Occupation 194144 (Yale UP). Somewhat ... In case of difficulty, usually

obtainable through The Hellenic Centre, 1618 Paddington Street, London

W1U 5 AS ®020/7487 5060. Adrian ...
The Emergence of IsraeliGreek Cooperation Σελίδα 43 Aristotle
Tziampiris 2014 following the defeat of the Hellenic Army in Asia
Minor and what is referred to (with much justification) in Greek
historiography as the Catastrophe, there was an influx after 1923 of tens of
thousands of Greek refugees ... 17; Mazower 1993, p.
The Golden Chain: Fifty Years of the Jewish Quarterly Σελίδα 130
Natasha Lehrer 2003 Autumn 1970 HOMAGE TO SALONIKA, THE
CAPITAL OF VANISHED WORLDS Mark Mazower From the text of
a ... tis EvropisThessalomki 1997: Thessaloniki, classical city, Hellenistic
city, Roman, Byzantine and Balkan, city of the East, city ...
The Greek Civil War David H. Close 2014 Mazower, Inside Hitler's
Greece,pp. 325,346; Daskalakes, Istoria, I, pp. 52, 289;D.G. Katsimangles,
E Anelixis tou Astynomikou Thesmou kaites Astynomikes .... EAM,. The
workers« resistance«, Journal ofthe Hellenic Diaspora, 11, 3 (1984) ...
The Greek Civil War: essays on a conflict of ...Philip Carabott, Thanasis
D. Sfikas 2004
The Greeks: The Land and People Since the War James Pettifer 2012
The History of Greece Σελίδα 197 Elaine Thomopoulos 2011
The Ionian Islands and Epirus Jim Potts 2013 Salonica fell on 29 March
1430, according to Mark Mazower (2004): “A few months later, Ottoman
troops went on to ... “Janina obeyed and remained an important centre of
Hellenic learning throughout the Ottoman period: indeed one of ...
The Jewish community of Salonika: history, memory, identity Σελίδα 7
Bea Lewkowicz 2006 The results were summarised as follows: In the
narration of the historical course Hellenism any indications of the
existence of ... (quoted in Varouxakis 1995: 14) Mark Mazower suggests
that the historiographical silence concerning the Jews of ...
The Jewish Quarterly Τεύχη 209212 Σελίδα 76 2008 ... beginning with
the successful revolution of 1821, embodied new conceptions of Greek (or
'Hellenic') identity within ... of the ethnically and religiously plural city at
the beginning of the twentieth century, and Mark Mazower's Salonica:
City of ...

The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiography, Politics Σελίδα 96

Victor Roudometof 2000 In After the War Was Over: New Approaches
to the Social History of 1940s Greece, Mark Mazower, editor, Princeton:
Princeton University Press. ... Athens: Hellenic Foundation for Defense
and Foreign Policy, Occasional Papers No. 3. . 1991.
The Origins of the Greek Civil War Σελίδα 85 David H. Close 1995
756, 114, 223, 502; A.E. Laiou, 'The resistance in Evros', Journal of the
Hellenic ... A. Augoustidis, 'EEAM, the workers' resistance', Journal of the
Hellenic Diaspora, 11, 3 (1984), pp. 612, 65 ... 521; Mazower, Inside
Hitler's Greece, p. 135 ...
The Politics of NationBuilding: Making CoNationals... Σελίδα 234 Harris
Mylonas 2013 “Islam at the EU Border: Explaining the Policies of
Greece and Bulgaria toward Muslims in the Past Three Decades,”
presentation at the Constantine Karamanlis Chair in Hellenic and
Southeastern European Studies, ... Mazower, Mark. 1997.
The Princeton University Library Chronicle Τόμος 61 Σελίδα 311 1999
HELLENIC STUDIES Br1t1sh m1l1tary m1ss1on to Greece. Operational
Intelligence Files, 19481949. A series of twenty summary reports collected
by Major Brian E. Dillon as a British military officer. Gift of Professor
Mark Mazower.
The Quest for Classical Greece: Early Modern Travel to the ...Lucy Pollard
2015 At the same time, they often admired the Turks, about whom they
had fewer preconceptions. This is a major contribution to reception and
postRestoration ideas about antiquity.
The Rise of the Left in Southern Europe: AngloAmerican ... Sotiris Rizas
2015 103¥35, 167¥253. B. Kuniholm, The Near East Connection: Greece
and Turkey in the Reconstruction and Security of Europe, 1946–52
(Brookline, MA: Hellenic College Press, 1984), pp. 34¥8. M. Byrnes, ...
57¥90, on p. 80 and M. Mazower, ...
The Role of banks in the interwar economy Σελίδα 228 Harold James,
Håkan Lindgren, Alice Teichova 1991 It is revealing that the nearest
institutional equivalent to the Agricultural Bank was a private venture, the
Hellenic and ... the lack of the sort of difficulties which led in Italy to the
formation of IRI made it less urgent for the Greek 228 Mark Mazower.
The Selected Letters of Nikos Kazantzakis Σελίδα ii Nikos Kazantzakis,
Peter Bien 2012 PriNcetoN ModerN Greek StudieS This series is
sponsored by the Princeton university Program in Hellenic Studies with

the ... and State in Greece, 1943–1960, edited by Mark Mazower Notes
from the Margins: Shifting Socialities of Place and ...
The Social Organization of Exile: Greek Political ...Margaret E. Kenna
2013 Mazower, Mark1993 InsideHitler’s Greece:theexperience
ofOccupation, 1941–1944. New Haven &London: Yale University Press.
Mazower, Mark 1994 'Salonica between EastandWest 1860–1912',
Dialogos: Hellenic Studies ...
The South Slav Journal Τόμοι 1617 1995 Modern Period: Aspects of a
Troubled Relationship, Centre for Hellenic Studies 1995. ... by Dimitris
Tziovas; 'Greece & the New Europe, 1941-1944' by Mark Mazower,
'Greek Policy and the European Community 19741993' by James
Pettifer, ...
The Tablet Σελίδα 21 2004 Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews 14301950 Mark Mazower HarperCollins, £25 Tablet
... Jews in the Second; and how the lovely skyline of minarets in Salonica
has disappeared since Hellenism replaced Ottomanism.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia ...Geoffrey
P. Megargee, Martin Dean 2009 The Merten Trial (1957–1959) and
GreekGerman Relations,” in Mazower, After the War Was Over, pp. ...
Alexandros Kitroeff, “The Jews in Greece, 1941–1944: Eyewitness
Accounts,” Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 12:3 (1985): VOLUME II: ...
The Writer's Handbook 2007 Σελίδα 605 Barry Turner 2006 Runciman
Award The AngloHellenic League, c/o The Hellenic Centre, 16—18
Paddington Street, London W1U 5AS S020 7486 9410 Fax 020 7486 4254
... 2005 winner: Mark Mazower Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians,
Muslims and Jews.
Έλληνες στο Λονδίνο Νίκανδρος Μπούρας 2014 Marketos S.,
Lascaratos J., Diamandopoulos A.: «The links between the Medical School
of Padua and the Hellenic Medical World», Medicina Nei Secoli,4 (1992),
pp.4558 Mazower, Mark: Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experienceof
Occupation, ...
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower
Θεσσαλονικη: Πόλη των φαντασμάτων ; Χριστιανοι, ...2006

Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων

(De)kata Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 206 2005 ... στην Αμερική και προ δεκαετίας
στην Ελλάδα), Η Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ και τη
βιογραφία του οικονομολόγου Τζον Μέιναρντ Κέινς από τον Ρόμπερτ
Σκιντέλκι. Η δήμαρχος Αθηναίων διαβάζει το Βαμπίρ και κανίβαλοι
Anti Τεύχη 754759 Σελίδα 3 2002 Καλφόπουλος: Συνέντευξη με τον
ιστορικό Μαρκ Μαζάουερ 26Ρεπόρτερ: Κακαουνάκια 'μ, Γρυλλάκια 'μ,
Κοκκαλάκια 'μ··· 28ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΣΚΗΝΗ: Η βαλκανική μιζέρια
31Ευάγγελος Αρεταίος: Ηγέτες με ικανότητα 32Αοτέρης Χουλιάρας: ...
Anti Τεύχη 886891 Σελίδα 13 2007 ... τρελό τον Σβορώνο και τον
Βακαλόπουλο και μας λένε τι καλά που περνάγαμε με τους Τούρκους και
τι προοδευτικό που ήταν το οθωμανικό; ΜΑΖΑΟΥΕΡ Επίσης, γιατί δεν
πετάγεται μέχρι το Λονδίνο να ρωτήσει τον αστέρα Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, ...
Chronika Τόμος 29,Τεύχος 207 Τόμος 32,Τεύχος 224 Σελίδα 11 2007 ...
το ΕΑΜ οργανωμένη από «δυναμικούς ομοθρήσκους», από «ορισμένα
στελέχη που συνδέονται με το ΕΑΜ», για να αποφευχθεί η επανάληψη της
περίπτωσης Κόρετς στη Θεσσαλονίκη (Π). Ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ κάνει λόγο
για οργανωμένο σχέδιο ...
Chronika Τόμος 29,Τεύχος 207 Τόμος 32,Τεύχος 224 Σελίδα 11 2007
... το ΕΑΜ οργανωμένη από «δυναμικούς ομοθρήσκους», από «ορισμένα
στελέχη που συνδέονται με το ΕΑΜ», για να αποφευχθεί η επανάληψη της
περίπτωσης Κόρετς στη Θεσσαλονίκη (Π). Ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ κάνει λόγο
για οργανωμένο σχέδιο ...
Diavazō Τεύχη 471474 Σελίδα 146 2007 ριν από λίγο καιρό, με αφορμή
το βιβλίο του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, πόλη τιυν φαντασμάτων
(εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια), είχα μια συζήτηση μ' έναν άξιο γιατρό, ετών
σαράντα και κάτι. Όταν αναφέρθηκα στη παρουσία της πολυπληθούς ...
Diavazō Τεύχη 471474 Σελίδα 146 2007 ριν από λίγο καιρό, με αφορμή
το βιβλίο του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, πόλη τιυν φαντασμάτων
(εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια), είχα μια συζήτηση μ' έναν άξιο γιατρό, ετών
σαράντα και κάτι. Όταν αναφέρθηκα στη παρουσία της πολυπληθούς ...
Diavazō Τεύχη 471474 Σελίδα 146. 2007 ριν από λίγο καιρό, με αφορμή
το βιβλίο του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ Θεσσαλονίκη, πόλη τιυν φαντασμάτων

(εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια), είχα μια συζήτηση μ' έναν άξιο γιατρό, ετών
σαράντα και κάτι. Όταν αναφέρθηκα στη παρουσία της πολυπληθούς ...
Enteuktērio Τόμος 19,Τεύχη 7475 Σελίδα 190 2006 Ό Μάρκ Μαζάουερ,
καθηγητής Ιστορίας στό τού Λονδίνου καί στό Πανεπιστήμιο της Νέας ...
Τό πιό πρόσφατο βιβλίο του, Θεσσαλονίκη: Πόλη τών φαντασμάτων. ...
από μή Έλληνα καί μή Χριστιανό (ό Μαζάουερ. άν δέν άπατώμαι, είναι
Εβραίος) καί προσπαθεί νά ανακαλέσει τήν πολυεθνική, ...
Enteuktērio Τόμος 19,Τεύχη 7475 Σελίδα 190 2006 Ό Μάρκ Μαζάου
ερ, καθηγητής Ιστορίας στό ΒίτββΛ (Ζοΐ 1θ§θ τού Λονδίνου καί στό
Πανεπιστήμιο (ΙοΙιιιτλΙηβ της ... ή Θεσσαλονίκη τοϋ Μαζάουερ
χαιρετίστηκε ήδη ώς αριστοτεχνική σύνθεση πηγών καί παλαιότερων
αφηγήσεων γιά τήν πόλη.
Hellēnistes: hē Hellada den tous plēgōnei Σελίδα 56 Amalía Negrepónte
1999 Είχα μαθητές μου ανθρώπους κι επιστήμονες της ποιότητας του
Μάικλ Λιουέλιν Σμιθ είναι ο σημερινός Βρετανός πρέσβης στην Αθήνα,
του Μάικλ Χέρζφελντ ελληνιστής κοινωνικός ανθρωπολόγος, του Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ ελληνιστής ιστορικός ...
Historia tēs Helladas tou 20ou aiōna: Deuteros Pankosmios Polemos
...Chrēstos Ch Chatzēiōsēph 1999 ... 347 Λιθουανία Π 39 Λιμεναρχείο
Αλεξάνδρειας ΓΙ 274 Μαγγιώρου Λουκία Γ2 280, 283 Μαγιόπουλος Ηλ.
Γ2 49 Μαγκριώτης Δημήτριος Ι. Γ2 222 Μαζάουερ Μαρκ Π 182 // Γ2 160
ΜαζαράκηςΑινιάν Αλέξανδρος ΓΙ 204, 306 Μαζινό γραμμή ΓΙ ...
Historia tēs Helladas tou 20ou aiōna: Ho mesopolemos Σελίδα 153
Chrēstos Ch Chatzēiōsēph 1999 Λιάκος Αντώνης, Η Σοσιαλιστική
Εργατική Ομοσπονδία Θεσσαλονίκης (Φεντερασιόν) και η Σοσιαλιστική
Νεολαία. Τα καταστατικά τους, Παρατηρητής, Θεσσαλονίκη ...
Μαζάουερ Μαρκ, Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου,
Historia tēs Helladas tou 20ou aiōna: Ho mesopolemos Σελίδα 153
Chrēstos Ch Chatzēiōsēph 1999 Μαζάουερ Μαρκ, Η Ελλάδα και η
οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου, μτφρ. Σπύρος Μαρκέτος, ΜΙΕΤ,
Αθήνα 2002. Μάξιμος Σεραφείμ, Κοινοβούλιο ή δικτατορία;, Μ.
Τριανταφύλλου και Σία, Θεσσαλονίκη 1930. Μαυρογορδάτος Γιώργος Θ.
Historiography of modern and contemporary Greece 18332002: Paschalis
Kitromilides, Τ. Ε Σκλαβενίτης, Κεντρο Νεοελληνικων Ερευνων (Εθνικον
Ιδρυμα Ερευνων) 2004 [ 1986] , σ. 296348 και ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, Στην
Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ. Η εμπειρία της Κατοχής, Αθήνα 1994 [1993], σ.

263293. Βλ. επίσης Οι Εβραίοι της Ελλάδας στην Κατοχή, επιμ. Ρ.

Μπενβενίστε, Θεσσαλονίκη 1998 και Ρίκα Μπενβενίστε, «Η ...
Historiography of modern and contemporary Greece 18332002: Paschalis
Kitromilides, Τ. Ε Σκλαβενίτης, Κεντρο Νεοελληνικων Ερευνων (Εθνικον
Ιδρυμα Ερευνων) 2004 [ 1986] , σ. 296348 και ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, Στην
Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ. Η εμπειρία της Κατοχής, Αθήνα 1994 [1993], σ.
263293. Βλ. επίσης Οι Εβραίοι της Ελλάδας στην Κατοχή, επιμ. Ρ.
Μπενβενίστε, Θεσσαλονίκη 1998 και Ρίκα Μπενβενίστε, «Η ...
Ho allos en diōgmō: hē eikona tou heuraiou stē logotechnia, zētēmata
...Phrankiskē Ampatzopoulou 1998 Μαμζορίδης Λάζαρος, «Περί
Ελλήνων και Εβραίων της Θεσσαλονίκης», στο Ν. Σφενδόνη,
Μακεδονιχόν Ημερολόγιον, 1940 ... Μαζάουερ Μαρκ, «Οι συνέπειες του
Διωγμού των Εβραίων για την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης», στον τόμο Οι
Εβραίοι της ...
Ho allos en diōgmō: hē eikona tou heuraiou stē logotechnia, zētēmata
...Phrankiskē Ampatzopoulou 1998 Βάνιας 1997. Μαρκέτος Σπόρος,
«Έθνος χωρίς Εβραίους: απόψεις της ιστοριογραφικής κατασκευής του
ελληνισμού», περ. Σύγχρονα Θέματα, 5253 (1994), σ. 5269. Μαζάουερ
Μαρκ, «Οι συνέπειες του Διωγμού των Εβραίων για την πόλη της ...
Ho Evraïkos typos stēn Hellada Σελίδα 469 Rafail Frezis, Israēlitikē
Koinotēta Volou 1999 Η περίπτωση της Θεσσαλονίκης». ... «Η εβραική
παρουσία στη Θεσσαλονίκη», σελ.1352, Ναρ Αλμπέρτος. ... Οι εβραικές
συνοικίες στις βορειοελ λαδίτικες πόλεις στο τέλος της τουρκοκρατίας»
σελ.1524, Μαζάουερ Μαρκ. «Το εβραικό ζήτημα ...
Ho Evraïkos typos stēn Hellada Σελίδα 469 Rafail Frezis, Israēlitikē
Koinotēta Volou 1999 Οι εβραικές συνοικίες στις βορειοελ λαδίτικες
πόλεις στο τέλος της τουρκοκρατίας» σελ.1524, Μαζάουερ Μαρκ. «Το
εβραικό ζήτημα και η κατοχή. Σιωπές, πηγές,προτάσεις».σελ.8990,
Σπέγκλερ Αξιοπούλου Μπάρμπαρα. «Μεθοδολογικές ...
Ho hellēnismos tēs diasporas: ho thaumastos kainourios kosmos Eustathios
Pelagidēs 2006 Με ελληνικά, όμως, θέματα ασχολούνται και αξιόλογοι
Αμερικανοί Ελληνιστές: Έντμοντ Κήλυ Πίτερ Μπίεν Κάρεν Βαν Ντάικ
Μαρκ Μαζάουερ κ.ά. (ΠΗΓΗ: ΣΑΕ, Κατάλογος Ελληνιστών Ερευνητών
στην 3η Γενική Συνέλευση, Θεσσαλονίκη ...
Ho hellēnismos tēs diasporas: ho thaumastos kainourios kosmos Eustathios
Pelagidēs 2006 Με ελληνικά, όμως, θέματα ασχολούνται και αξιόλογοι
Αμερικανοί Ελληνιστές: Έντμοντ Κήλυ Πίτερ Μπίεν Κάρεν Βαν Ντάικ

Μαρκ Μαζάουερ κ.ά. (ΠΗΓΗ: ΣΑΕ, Κατάλογος Ελληνιστών Ερευνητών

στην 3η Γενική Συνέλευση, Θεσσαλονίκη ...
Ho Politēs Τεύχη 135139 Σελίδα 48 2005 Μάρκ Μαζάουερ, εισ.έπιμ.
Δημήτρης Τζιό βας, έκδ. Βιβλιοπωλείον της Εστίας ... Ινστιτούτο
Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών ("Ιδρυμα Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη),
Θεσσαλονίκη 2005, σελ. 383. Λουκάς Κούσουλας, Ό Μακρυγιάννης καί
τό σκά νταλο, έκδ.
K. Τόμοι 1112 Σελίδα 101 2006 ... πρώτα για να μπορεί να γράψει
θέατρο. Αν και η πρώτη του σχετική συγγραφική απόπειρα έγινε μετά την
επιστροφή του από το Παρίσι, στα 1929 1 . Βλ. Γιώργος Θεοτοκάς ,
Τετράδια ημερολογίου 19391953. πρόλογος Μαρκ Μαζάουερ ...
Mēn apaleipheis pote ta ichnē ...: o rolos tōn gynaikōn stē ... Σελίδα 120
Theodossia Pavlidou, Rüdiger Bolz, Institouto Gkaite (Athens, Greece)
1998 ... εφαρμόστηκαν τα φυλετικά μέτρα στη Θεσσαλονίκη για τους
56.000 Εβραίους, το Ε.Α.Μ. δεν ήταν σε θέση να προσφέρει βοήθεια
τέτοιας τάξεως. ... Β', εκδ. Παπα ζήση, Αθήνα 1995 και Μαρκ Μαζάουερ,
Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ, Αθήνα 1966.
Mēn apaleipheis pote ta ichnē ...: o rolos tōn gynaikōn stē ... Σελίδα 120
Theodossia Pavlidou, Rüdiger Bolz, Institouto Gkaite (Athens, Greece)
1998 ... Χάγκεν Φλάισερ, Στέμμα και Σβάστικα, τ.Β', εκδ. Παπα ζήση,
Αθήνα 1995 και Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ, Αθήνα 1966.
Η εξέταση των ιδιαίτερων συνθηκών κατά τόπους, όπως ο αριθμός 120
Nea hestia Τεύχος 1784 Σελίδα 1099 2005 Μάρκ Μαζάουερ,
εισαγ.έπιμ. Δ. Τζιόβας, Βιβλιοπωλεϊον της «"Εστίας», Αθήνα 32005. 8
'Εμμ. I. Μοσχονάς, Βιβλιογραφία Γιώργου Θεοτοκα 19221973, ΙΙηίνεβίΐγ
5&Κ&Ο Ρτεδδ, Θεσσαλονίκη 22004. Ή αξια τοϋ αρχείου φαίνεται καί άπό
τή ...
Oikonomikos tachydromos Τόμοι 23702373 Σελίδα 84 1999 Το
αφιέρωμα περιλαμβάνει:Έκθεση «Οι συναγωγές της Θεσσαλονίκης:
Καταστροφή και ... με τη συμμετοχή, μεταξύ άλλων, και των Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ, Στήβεν Μπόουμαν. Φραγκίοκης Αμπατζόγλου. Επίσης, έχουν
προγραμματιστεί διαλέξεις και ...
Oikonomikos tachydromos Τόμοι 23702373 Σελίδα 84 1999
Επιστημονική ημερίδα από την Ελλάδα, τις ΗΠΑ, τη Βρετανία και το
Ισραήλ, με θέμα το «Ολοκαύτωμα στην Ελλάδα», με τη συμμετοχή,

μεταξύ άλλων, και των Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, Στήβεν Μπόουμαν. Φραγκίοκης

Αμπατζόγλου. Επίσης, έχουν ...
pankosmios polemos: scheseis KKE kai diethnous kommounistikou
kentrou. Grēgorēs Pharakos 2004 «Ένα ισχυρό αίσθημα πατριωτισμου
κέντριζε το λαό ώστε να υποστηρίξει την Αντίσταση»: Μαρκ Μαζάουερ,
Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ. Η εμπειρία της κατοχής. Εκδόσεις
«Αλεξάνδρεια», Αθήνα 1994, σ. 314. Φαράκος, Εξουσία, ό.π., τ. Α', σ.
Skoteinē Epeiros: ho eurōpaïkos eikostos aiōnas Mark Mazower 2001
Tachydromos Τεύχη 3539 Σελίδα 38 1993 Συγγραφέας είναι ο νεαρός
(ηλικίας 35 μόλις χρόνων) βρετανός ιστορικός Μαρκ Μαζάουερ. Ο
Μαζάουερ πρωτοεπισκέφθηκε την Ελλάδα όντας ακόμη φοιτητής
(σπούδασε αρχαία ελληνικά και φιλοσοφία στο Πανεπιστήμιο της
Αλλάζει πουκάμισο το φίδι. Κώστας Ακρίβος Λίγο προτού φτάσουμε στο
Μπογιάτι, εδέησε να ανοίξω την εφημερίδα. Μια από τα ίδια. Η ρετσινιά
τού να είσαι Έλληνας. Γύρισα τσατισμένος σελίδα. Ο ιστορικός Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ κατέθετε τη δική του αλήθεια: «Μετά τη μεταπολίτευση όλοι
είχαν ...
Έλληνες στο Λονδίνο Νίκανδρος Μπούρας 2014 Σε αυτές τις συζητήσεις
είχε πάρει μέρος και ο ιστορικός Mark Mazower, ο οποίος συμμετείχε
συχνά στις εκδηλώσεις της ΕΛ.Ε.Μ.Ε.Π., γνωστός στην Ελλάδα από τα
βιβλία του Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ και Θεσσαλονίκη: Η Πόλη των
Εμφύλια πάθη: 23+2 νέες ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις για τον Εμφύλιο.
Στάθης Ν. Καλύβας, Νίκος Μαραντζίδης 2016 Επικίνδυνοι πολίτες:
Ελληνική Αριστερά και η κρατική τρομοκρατία Νένη Πανουργιά 2013
Έγινε αισθητόόχι μόνο από τηνελληνική κυβέρνηση, αλλά και από τους
Βρετανούς,οι οποίοι, όπως επισημαίνει ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, χρειάζονταντα
στρατεύματά τουςαλλού το συντομότερο δυνατόν (Mazower 1997a:143).
Για το λόγο αυτόν ...
Η «ύπουλος θωπεία» Λένα Διβάνη 2014 είμαι διατεθειμένος να
χύσωρουμάνικο αίμαγιατους Έλληνες» δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά (Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ,Τα Βαλκάνια, Πατάκης, Αθήνα, 2002, ... Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ,ΤαΒαλκάνια, ό.π., σελ. 178. ... Καζάζη, Εκδόσεις Κυρομάνος,
Θεσσαλονίκη, 1995.

Η «ύπουλος θωπεία» Λένα Διβάνη 2014 είμαι διατεθειμένος να

χύσωρουμάνικο αίμαγιατους Έλληνες» δήλωσε χαρακτηριστικά (Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ,Τα Βαλκάνια, Πατάκης, Αθήνα, 2002, σελ.164). Γιατη
δυστυχή κατάληξη της επανάστασης αυτής βλ. Πολυχρόνης Ενεπεκίδης,
Αλέξανδρος ...
Η «ύπουλος θωπεία». Λένα Διβάνη 2014 ΌτανοιΤούρκοι εισέβαλαν στην
πόλη, κατόρθωσε ναδιασώσει τηβιβλιοθήκη και πολλά απότα
εργαστηριακά όργανατου ... της πόλης βλ. αναλυτικά Mark Mazower,
Θεσσαλονίκη,πόλη των φαντασμάτων: Χριστιανοί, Μουσουλμάνοι
καιΕβραίοι, ...
Η Εβραία νύφη Νίκος Δαββέτας Laurence Rees: Οι Ναζί και η τελική
λύση, εκδόσεις Πατάκης, Mark Mazower: Μετά τον πόλεμο και
Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια, Gotz
Αly: Το λαϊκό κράτος του Χίτλερ, εκδόσεις Κέδρος. Hagen Fleischer: Οι ...
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου Mark Mazower
Η Ελλάδα και η οικονομική κρίση του Μεσοπολέμου. Mark Mazower
Ήμουν κι εγώ εκεί: Πέτρος Τατσόπουλος 2016 Μαρκ Μαζάουερ,
Σκοτεινή Ηπειρος, μτφρ. Κώστας Κουρεμένος, Αλεξάνδρεια, 2001. 10.
Γουίλιαμ Μέικπις Θακερέι, Το πανηγύρι της ματαιοδοξίας, μτφρ. Χρύσα
Τσαλικίδου, Εξάντας, 1998. 11. Του ιδίου, Τ' απομνημονεύματα τον
Μπάρι Λίντον, ...
Ίων Δραγούμης: Ο ασυμβίβαστος Γιάννης Α. Μάζης 2016 978∙ επίσης,
Mark Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη: Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, μτφρ. Κώστας
Κουρεμένος, Αθήνα: Αλεξάνδρεια, 2006. 690. Ίων ∆ραγούμης, Κοινότης,
Έθνος και Κράτος, σ. 16768. 691. Κωνσταντίνος Σβολόπουλος, Η
ελληνική εξωτερική ...
Κωνσταντινούπολη. Η πόλη των απόντων: Αλέξανδρος Μασσαβέτας
2016 Κάποτε Βαρκελώνη του Λεβάντε και Madre de Israel, η
Θεσσαλονίκη είναι σήμερα μία μονολιθικά ελληνόφωνη και ... Ο Mark
Mazower πολύ σωστά αποκάλεσε τη Θεσσαλονίκη «Πόλη των
Φαντασμάτων», αλλά ο τίτλος προσήκει εξίσου και στη ...

Μη μ' αφήσεις να χαθώ: Παύλος Θ. Κάγιος 2013 ... η συνέντευξημε τον

Μαρκ Μαζάουερ. «Πες στην Ελευθερία πως δεν πρέπει ο “Αργοναύτης”
της να χάσειτο επόμενο βιβλίο του, που ο τίτλος του και ηκαρδιά του θα
χτυπάει στη Θεσσαλονίκη», της λέω και τη ρωτάω για τα δίδυμα. Κι εγώ ...
Μη μ' αφήσεις να χαθώ: Παύλος Θ. Κάγιος 2013 Ξέρεις, μόλις είχαμε
την κουβέντα σου μετον Δημήτρη, που με πήρε πριν καιμου 'πε νασου πω
να μη χάσει ο “Αργοναύτης” το επόμενο βιβλίο του Μαρκ Μαζάουερ»,
της λέω. Ξέρωότι βρίσκεται με τον Άρη στη Ρώμη, γιανα συναντήσει
τον ...
Μουσταφα Κεμαλ: ο βιος και η πολιτεια του στη Θεσσαλονικη Χριστος Κ
Χριστοδουλου 2007 ο βιος και η πολιτεια του στη Θεσσαλονικη Χριστος
Κ Χριστοδουλου ... Ο ιστορικός Μαρκ Μαζάουερ υπογραμμίζει: «Ο
Βενιζέλος είχε γεννηθεί στην οθωμανική Κρήτη και ο Α τατούρκ είχε
μεγαλώσει στη χαμιτική Θεσσαλονίκη. Και για τους δύο ο ...
Μουσταφα Κεμαλ: ο βιος και η πολιτεια του στη Θεσσαλονικη Χριστος Κ
Χριστοδουλου 2007 Ο ιστορικός Μαρκ Μαζάουερ λέει ότι ο Κεμάλ
«προσπάθησε να οργανώσει ένα αντίπαλο όργανο προς την Επιτροπή για
την Ένωση και Πρόοδο. Αλλά παραιτήθηκε της προσπάθειάς του όταν
κατάλαβε την ισχύ της». Ο ανατολι στής ιστορικός ...
Ο δρόμος προς την άβυσσο: Οι συνέπειες της κρίσης του κομματικού
...Γιάννης Λούλης 2011 Ε Π Ι Λ Ο Γ Ο Σ [1] Συνέντευξη του Μαρκ
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Ο ελληνικος εβραισμος: 3 και 4 Απριλιου 1998 Σελίδα 223 1999 Αυτό
είναι ένα από τα ερωτήματα που κατά τον Μαρκ Μαζάουερ (1994: 90) θα
πρέπει «επειγόντως να απαντηθούν», όσον αφορά τη στάση του ελληνικού
κράτους και των τοπικών αξιωματούχων ως προς τη γερμανική πολιτική.
15. Υπ' αριθμ.
Ο ελληνικος εβραισμος: 3 και 4 Απριλιου 1998 Σελίδα 223 1999 Η Ρ.
Μόλχο, στην εξαντλητικά τεκμηριωμένη εργασία της για την Εβραϊκή
Κοινότητα της Θεσσαλονίκης, δεν έχει ... Αυτό είναι ένα από τα
ερωτήματα που κατά τον Μαρκ Μαζάουερ (1994: 90) θα πρέπει
«επειγόντως να απαντηθούν», όσον αφορά ...
Ο Σαιξπηρ σε καιρο πολεμου, 19401950 Σελίδα 36 Τινα Κροντηρη 2007
... του Εμφυλίου Πολέμου, 19461949, πρακτικά επιστημονικού συνεδρίου,
Αθήνα: Φιλίστωρ, 2000 Μαρκ Μαζάουερ (επιμ.) ... οι πολιτικοί

πρόσφυγες τον ελληνικού εμφυλίου πολέμου, Θεσσαλονίκη: Εκδόσεις

Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας 2005. 2.
Ο Σαιξπηρ σε καιρο πολεμου, 19401950 Σελίδα 36 Τινα Κροντηρη 2007
Πτυχές του Εμφυλίου Πολέμου, 19461949, πρακτικά επιστημονικού
συνεδρίου, Αθήνα: Φιλίστωρ, 2000 Μαρκ Μαζάουερ (επιμ.), Μετά τον
Πόλεμο: η ανασυγκρότηση της οικογένειας του έθνους και του κράτους
στην Ελλάδα, 19431960, ...
Όμως, όπως έγραφε ο Μαρκ Μαζάουερ το 2004, κανένας από τους μύθους
δεν αντέχει πλέον. Η ιστορική αλήθεια είναι ότι οι ένοπλες συγκρούσεις
στο εσωτερικό του ελληνικού κράτους την περίοδο 19431949 ήταν τόσο
πολλές και σύνθετες, ...
Πάτρικ Λη Φέρμορ: Μια περιπέτεια Άρτεμις Κούπερ Mark Mazower,
Inside Hitler's Greece (Yale, 2001), σελ. 108. Στα ελληνικά το βιβλίο
κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια: Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, Στην
Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ. 2. John S. Koliopoulos and Thanos M. Veremis,
Modern Greece: A History ...
Σελίδα 602 Στρατος Ν Δορδανας 19411944 2007 .. 1 57, 245247, 273
ΚουτσιαλήΑλμετίδου,Έλλη, 541543 Κουφάλια Θεσσαλονίκης, 336 Κοχ,
Γκέοργκ,431 Κρακοβία, ... 54, 345, 350 Λυκούδι Λάρισας, 262, 264266,
370 ί Πάκε, 571 Μ Μάγερ, ΧέρμανΦρανκ, 17, 191 Μαζάουερ, Μαρκ, 1
7, ...
Στρατος Ν Δορδανας 2007 182195. 1941-1944 Σελίδα 17 13 Μαρκ
Μαζάουερ, Στην Ελλάδα του Χίτλερ, Αλεξάνδρεια, Αθήνα 1993. 14
Μάγερ ό.π.,Από την Βιέννη στα Καλάβρυτα και 53ηΐ3Γ6ΐ1ί ό.π., ΜνΙΐά
νίοΐεηα. πιάνεται με ένα πολύ ευαίσθητο και συνάμα τραγικό θέμα, ο
Τα "καθαρά χέρια" της Χρυσής Αυγής: Εφαρμογές ναζιστικής
καθαρότητας Κωστής Παπαιωάννου ... εννοιών», στο Έξι κείμενα για το
ρατσισμό, Παρασκήνιο 1998, σελ. 7071. 48. Αναλυτικότερα για το θέμα,
Marc Mazower, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, μτφρ.
Το χωλο αλογο: οι διεθνεις συνθηκες της ελληνικης κρισης, 1941-1949
Θανασης Δ Σφηκας 2007 Τέλος, σε ρόλο επικουρικό, δεν λείπει και η
οριεντα λιστική αντιμετώπιση της πρόσφατης ελληνικής ιστοριογραφίας
από τον Μαρκ Μαζάουερ, ο οποίος την εγκαλεί διότι παρουσιάζει τους
Έλληνες ως «παιχνιδάκι των Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων, ...


Alexander, 27, 34, 36, 38, 44, 56, 61, 64, Eastern Thrace, 103
71, 78, 93, 101, 102, 104, 105, 110, 122, Economic, 28
127, 132 Economic History, 28
Asia Minor, 23, 31, 40, 53, 67, 133 Economy, 28
Balkans, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 32, 38, ELAS, 18
39, 45, 46, 49, 53, 55, 57, 60, 66, 77, 79, England, 18
82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, German, 25, 27, 30, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 50,
100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 54, 56, 57, 58, 65, 67, 72, 80, 92, 95, 96,
109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 103, 118, 125, 126, 135
120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131 Germans, 17, 23, 29, 37, 47, 53, 57, 78,
British Police, 20 94, 126
Bulgaria, 17, 21, 40, 50, 67, 75, 85, 91, 93, Ghosts, 41, 67, 75
97, 103, 108, 118, 134 Greece, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
Byzantine, 21, 32, 34, 50, 65, 81, 82, 95, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
99, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
121, 122, 123, 124, 129, 133 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
Byzantium, 34, 85, 100, 106, 107, 109, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82,
110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
121, 122 98, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
Cambridge, 28, 45, 46, 51, 56, 66, 72, 81, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,
83, 86, 97, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 124 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
Christians, 16, 17, 35, 36, 38, 41, 45, 48, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
62, 64, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 143
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, Greek, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
93, 95, 100, 101, 107, 111, 112, 116, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
117, 121, 123, 125, 126, 131, 135 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49,
Churchill, 33, 36, 39, 60, 64, 66 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
City Greek, 88 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
City of Ghosts, 16, 36, 38, 40, 41, 64, 68, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 86,
71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109,
101, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117, 119, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
121, 125, 129, 135 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127,
Civil War, 17, 22, 27, 33, 36, 41, 42, 43, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135
48, 49, 57, 60, 61, 63, 68, 69, 70, 92, 96, Greek Christian, 76, 111
98, 102, 104, 123, 126, 131, 133, 134 Greek Jewry, 39, 66, 79, 86, 108
Clash of Civilizations, 114 Greek Macedonia, 17, 21, 38, 41, 47, 50,
Columbia, 25, 33, 60, 78, 110, 132 68, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 102, 104, 110
Crisis, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, Greek political life, 21, 50
33, 35, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, Greeks, 19, 20, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 45, 49,
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 63, 88, 91, 101, 105, 106, 109, 119, 123,
66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 82, 98, 103, 104, 129, 130, 131, 133
109, 111, 116, 120, 127, 129 guerrilla, 94, 95, 110, 127
Danforth, 92, 94, 105 Hellenic, 40, 59, 67, 83, 99, 108, 112, 115,
Documents, 21, 25, 38, 54, 73, 122, 125 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
EAM, 18, 25, 49, 71 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135

Hellenic Army, 40, 67, 124, 125, 133 Mark Mazower, 18, 19, 48, 78, 81, 82,
Heptapyrgion, 19, 48 105, 109, 129, 130
History, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, Mavrogordatos, 23, 28, 31, 47, 56, 68
32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, Mazower, 1, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 65, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
79, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
119, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 77,78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
132, 133, 134, 143 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
history of the Balkans, 26, 55 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
Hitler, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,
59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 72, 73, 76, 78, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 140, 141, 143
79, 80, 93, 95, 96, 103, 104, 105, 106, MAZOWER, 1, 17, 20, 30, 37, 47, 50, 52,
109, 111, 113, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 58, 80, 85, 112, 132
123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, Mazower's, 26, 28, 31, 35, 36, 41, 44, 55,
134, 135, 143 57, 59, 63, 64, 71, 76, 79, 81, 87, 95, 97,
Holocaust, 22, 25, 35, 39, 47, 51, 54, 62, 98, 99, 100, 105, 107, 111, 113, 116,
66, 72, 73, 76, 79, 89, 122, 135 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 128, 129,
Huntington, 114 130, 133
Influences, 17, 47 Metaxas, 49, 125
Italians, 17, 24, 47, 88, 94, 98 Modern Greek, 19, 38, 42, 92, 108, 113,
Jewish, 10, 19, 21, 28, 31, 34, 40, 41, 42, 114, 116, 124
43, 48, 50, 54, 59, 62, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, Mount Athos, 106
74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, Mouzelis, 68, 70, 126
102, 103, 109, 115, 119, 120, 124, 129, Muslims, 16, 17, 35, 36, 38, 41, 45, 48, 62,
133 64, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
Jews, 16, 17, 21, 25, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 40, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95,
41, 42, 45, 47, 50, 54, 57, 58, 64, 67, 68, 100, 101, 103, 107, 111, 112, 116, 117,
69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 131, 134, 135
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 95, 96, Nazi, 16, 29, 34, 38, 44, 48, 49, 57, 62, 65,
100, 101, 103, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 71, 79, 104, 132
116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 129, 131, Northern, 44, 71, 72, 75, 97, 106, 107
132, 133, 135 Occupation, 16, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 39,
Karamanlis, 23, 53, 134 41, 42, 44, 50, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 66,
KKE, 95, 121, 140 69, 70, 72, 73, 80, 86, 90, 96, 104, 106,
Kordatos, 49 109, 111, 115, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124,
Macedonia, 18, 19, 21, 35, 38, 50, 55, 57, 126, 128, 131, 132, 135
60, 63, 74, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, Old Salonica, 81
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, Origins, 29, 33, 36, 57, 61, 63, 70, 86, 87,
110, 113, 115, 116, 120, 124 104, 134
Macedonian, 17, 21, 30, 31, 32, 35, 50, Ottoman, 17, 18, 29, 35, 41, 42, 47, 48, 57,
55, 59, 62, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 62, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 134 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 98,
Macedonians, 23, 38, 53, 92, 94, 95, 97, 101, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113,
98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 124 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
Makedonomachoi, 99 122, 124, 133

Oxford, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, Veremis, 21, 28, 33, 52, 60, 73, 98, 125,
35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 128, 143
53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, War, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 82, 93, 95, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42,
96, 99, 101, 104, 111, 112, 120, 127, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
129, 130, 132 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
Papandreou, 112 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87,
Penguin, 34, 43, 46, 70, 103, 109, 110, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103,
111, 113, 120 104, 105, 107, 109, 113, 114, 115, 116,
Pepelassi, 23, 53 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
Pindus, 100 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135
Pomaks, 103 Yale, 22, 29, 31, 34, 42, 46, 51, 55, 58, 59,
Population Exchange, 35, 40, 41, 63, 67, 61, 62, 69, 89, 95, 104, 105, 109, 115,
68, 93, 98, 99, 116 119, 121, 122, 124, 128, 131, 132, 135,
Princeton, 22, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 52, 63, 143
69, 71, 82, 86, 89, 96, 98, 114, 116, 123, Yugoslavia, 23, 31, 36, 53, 59, 64, 72, 82,
124, 125, 126, 131, 134, 135 91, 94, 97, 99, 105, 106
refugees, 17, 19, 45, 47, 69, 71, 72, 74, 87, Βαλκάνια, 16, 140, 141
89, 93, 105, 133 Βενιζέλος, 27, 56, 142
Refugees, 41, 68, 92, 93, 127 Βουλγάρους, 14
Revolution, 27, 31, 56, 59, 72, 85 γενοκτονία, 13
Roman, 10, 99, 106, 110, 112, 113, 114, Γρηγόριο Παλαμά, 14
115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 133 δωσιλογισμου, 33, 73, 90, 106, 122
Russia, 114 Εβραίοι, 12, 138
Salonica, 16, 21, 27, 31, 36, 38, 39, 40, Ελληνες, 13, 14
41, 45, 50, 56, 59, 64, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1, 12, 13, 14, 16, 90, 136,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, Θεσσαλονίκης, 13, 14, 137, 138, 139,
100, 101, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 142, 143
115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 125, 126, κατοχής, 16, 140
128, 129, 130,131, 133, 135 κατοχική, 16
Salonica and Istanbul, 83 Κεμάλ Ατατούρκ, 14
Salonica's, 73, 84, 86, 90 Μαζάουερ, 13, 14, 15, 136, 137, 138, 139,
SALONIKA, 19, 32, 42, 48, 59, 68, 69, 140, 141, 142, 143
74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88, Μακεδονίας, 14, 143
89, 97, 98, 103, 104, 119, 133 Μακεδονικό Ζήτημα, 106
Salonique, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83 Μακεδονομάχους, 14
Stanford,, 31, 59, 72, 75, 103, 114 Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων, 12, 143
The Times, 24, 38, 94 Μικρασιάτες, 14
Thessalonica, 110, 113, 116, 117, 129 Μουσουλμάνοι, 12, 141
Thessaloniki, 10, 21, 26, 31, 39, 45, 50, Ναζιστική, 16
55, 58, 67, 72, 86, 93, 96, 98, 99, 107, Νικόλαο Καβάσιλα, 14
108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 119, 129, ολοκαύτωμα, 13
130, 133 πόλεμο, 16, 141
Thomadakis, 24, 53 Πόλεμος, 13
Truman Doctrine, 127 Πόλη των φαντασμάτων, 16, 141
Turks, 44, 45, 53, 71, 87, 91, 103, 106, προσφυγιά, 13
134 πυρκαγιά, 13
Veloukhiotis, 43 Ράνσιμαν, 16
Venizelos, 19, 21, 23, 24, 49, 50, 52, 53, Συμβασιλεύουσα, 13
98, 125 Ταχόπουλος, 14

Χίτλερ, 16, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, Χριστιανοί, 12, 141

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