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T: + 44 (0) 203 178 2525

F: + 44 (0) 203 178 2526

Attention: As received


Via Email:

2 Nov 2017

Subject: Proposal for Qatar Risk Programme in the UK


Cornerstone Global Associates is London-based consultancy widely recognised as a

leading risk consultancy focused on the Gulf. British and global media often quote reports
and opinions related to risk on the GCC. Leading UK and European businesses also rely
on advise from Cornerstone. Clients of Cornerstone include, for example, the Cambridge
University Judge Business School, Aston Business School, Royal Academy of Engineering,
Pepsico, World Health Organisation, the UK-government’s National Health Service, Oxfam
as well as a number of leading banks and financial institutions. Cornerstone reports
regularly feature in such media as Bloomberg, Reuters, BBC, Wall Street Journal,
Financial Times, Daily Telegraph, The Times amongst others.

The latest major report Cornerstone published was the report “Qatar in focus: Is the FIFA
World Cup 2022 in danger?” which received widespread media coverage on the BBC and
leading media around the world. Numerous businesses and global media have
approached Cornerstone requesting information about the subject and asked to be
updated both about the Qatar FIFA 2022 prospects as well risks related to doing business
in Qatar and Qatar risks in Britain.

Scope of Work

Cornerstone Global Associates proposes to undertake the following tasks:

1. Hold monthly “business breakfast” meetings in the financial part of the City of
London, on the “Qatar risk”. The breakfasts will be held at leading financial
institutions in London and leading entities will be invited. We will invite selected
media to some of those. Examples of topics that could be covered include:
a. Prospects/Risk of Qatar FIFA 2022. Risk to companies being involved etc;

29 Farm Street | London | W1J 5RL | United Kingdom

Registration number 07099005 (in England and Wales)
T: + 44 (0) 203 178 2525
F: + 44 (0) 203 178 2526
b. Legal challenges of enforcing contracts in Qatar;
c. Reputational risk to British companies dealing with Qatari entities;
d. The importance of conducting thorough due-diligence on any entity in Qatar
that UK businesses wish to work with;
e. Risk of terrorism links of Qatari financial institutions (for example, working
with Qatari banks who may have bank accounts held by terrorists banned
from entering the UK);
f. Risk to various sectors (construction, financial, transport etc).

The breakfast briefings typically start with a presentation on the top of interest,
distribution of risk research paper and open discussion.

2. Produce and update a website dedicated to covering risk of doing business in Qatar
(political, economic, legal and reputational) as well as highlighting the risks for UK-
based businesses of doing business with Qatari entities;
3. Conduct research about past cases and update website accordingly;
4. The website will offer “headline” information with detailed reports being made
available on request;
5. Convene private meetings and briefings with key UK media to ensure a sustained
media coverage, based primarily on the business breakfast briefings being offered
to key media as “exclusives”;

Fees and terms

The fees will be £20,000 per breakfast briefing, with a total of 10 = £200,000. It is
suggested a minimum of 10 briefings are held to ensure momentum and credibility is

In addition, costs of setting up website and hiring dedicated researchers to update it as

well as assist in the breakfast briefings will cost £50,000 per year.

Total cost £250,000

Yours Sincerely,

Ghanem Nuseibeh,
Founder, Partner and Director
For and on behalf of Cornerstone Global Associates Ltd.

29 Farm Street | London | W1J 5RL | United Kingdom

Registration number 07099005 (in England and Wales)

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