Simulation Question Bank

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Simulation Applications in Transportation Engineering

1. Define system concepts using a transportation example. Explain the simulation

methodology with the help of a flow chart.
2. Explain the model building process for the simulation purpose.
3. How does the Monte-Carlo Method differ from simulation? Give an example for the
Monte-Carlo Method.
4. What are pseudo-random numbers? Explain the methods to generate such numbers. How
can you test the random numbers?
5. How are models classified? Explain with the help of a diagram. Discuss the concept of
system simulation.
6. What are the requirements of a good random number generator? Discuss how the random
numbers may be tested.
7. Vehicles arrive at the Pico Workshop every 10±5 minutes. There are two bays offering
the same service where repair takes 18±6 minutes. Manually simulate the processing of
20 vehicles. Compute the parameters of operation and discuss the results.
55 30 46 31 23
94 73 53 98 81
47 98 36 54 07
62 80 86 32 39
8. Passengers arrive at the ticketing centre of the Ominous Bus Stand every 4±3 minutes.
There are two counters each of which takes 8±5 minutes to issue tickets. Passengers go to
a vacant counter to join the shorter queue. Manually simulate the processing of 20
passengers and predict the efficiency of the ticketing centre.
55 30 46 31 23
94 73 53 98 81
47 98 36 54 07
62 80 86 32 39

9. Distinguish between time-mean-speed and space-mean-speed. Compute these for a

stream of 5 vehicles with speeds of 55, 68, 79, 86 and 92kph.
10. Explain Raff’s critical lag using a diagram. Discuss its application to a T-junction and a
pedestrian crossing.
11. Define headway. What are the different headway distributions? Describe their
mathematical formulation and applicability to various conditions.
12. Distinguish between microscopic and macroscopic models.
13. Define an M/M/1 queuing system. Arrivals at the Enter-At-Your-Own-Risk toll plaza are
Poisson distributed with a mean arrival rate of 200veh/hr. The ticketing time follows
exponential distribution with a mean time of 16 sec. Compute the operating parameters of
the toll plaza.
14. Define the Birth and Death process. Arrivals at the Loud Bell tool booth are Poisson
distributed with a mean arrival rate of 180kph. The time to process a vehicle is
exponentially distributed with a mean time of 17sec. Compute the operating parameters
of the toll booth.
15. Fit an appropriate distribution to the following data of vehicle arrivals during 30 sec
intervals. Check the fit at the 5% level of significance.
Vehicle/interval 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Frequency 2 1 6 11 14 12 9 7 3
16. Fit an appropriate distribution to the following data of vehicle arrivals during 30 sec
intervals. Check the fit at the 5% level of significance.
Vehicle/interval 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Frequency 3 1 6 11 14 12 5 3 1
17. What are shockwaves? Explain the practical application of shockwaves.
18. What do you mean by signal coordination? How it is important for the preparation of
simulation model?
19. List out the various simulation languages and software available for road traffic
simulation. What are the bases for the selection of a particular language/software?
20. How VISSIM can be applicable for simulating the road traffic in the contest of Nepal?
What are its major applications?
21. If you are requested to prepare a model for a particular stretch of road. What are the steps
you need to follow to complete in an effective manner? Briefly explain the data necessary
and process of collecting them.

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