Class: Intro To Volleyball Date: March 12 2018: Grade: 10 Subject: Phys. Ed Unit: Volleyball Lesson Duration: 75

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Class: Intro to Volleyball

Date: March 12th 2018

Grade: 10
Subject: Phys. Ed
Unit: Volleyball
Lesson Duration: 75


General Learning Outcomes:

A : Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement

activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment.

B: Students will understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from
physical activity.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

A10-5 - Apply and Refine Manipulative Skills
B10-2- Demonstrate a functional level of physical fitness

OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language

Students will:
● State 3 Keys to Passing a Volleyball (Proper Stance, Contact Point, Follow through
● Maintain a moderate to vigorous activity level during the body of the lesson

Formative: Summative (if applicable): NA
- Peer Teaching, Questioning
Observation- looking for (Proper
Stance, Contact Point, Follow
- RPE assessment
Resource #1: Physical Education Program of studies
● Volley Balls
● Cones
Introduction (time: 15

- Attendance
- Warm Up
 Run
 High knees
 Skip with arm swings
 Russian kicks
 Butt kicks
 Walking lunges
 Side shuffles both ways
 Squat jumps
 Pick grass
 Open/ Close Gate
 Arm swings
Back into Center
- Starting class with a fitness circuit then we are moving on to our volley ball unit
Body (time: 55)

Fitness Circuit (15) REPEAT 3 TIMES

- 10 burpees
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 10 push ups
- 20 squat jumps
- 20 mountain climbers
- 10 arm touches from plank
- 15 tuck jumps

Volley ball
Intro - Question: who plays volleyball?
High-level volleyball match? Where? When? What did you notice?

Today I want you to really think about the keys to passing a volleyball  Proper stance,
Contact Point, Follow through.
Be able to demonstrate these during the games we play. I also want you to maintain an
active pace throughout the lesson (RPE checking)

Knee Tag  the purpose of this game is to get into the proper low stance needed for volley
ball and to get your feet moving
 Choose a partner
 Touch partners knees
 Avoid being touched
 First one to 10 wins

Go Over how to pass a volley ball

- Start in the ready position facing the target.
- Spread fingers in the shape of the ball above the head.
- Form a Triangle with thumbs and pointer fingers (hands should not be touching)
- Place hands directly in front of the face close to the forehead. This position is called
NEUTRAL and is always the starting position for the set.
- On contact, set by extending the arms and legs.

 No hitting the ball with your palms

 Make sure to be under the ball
- Start in the "Ready Position"
- Straight arms away from the body
- Extend legs and move arms from shoulders
- Contact the ball on the FOREARMS
- Finish with hands pointing to target
 Keep feet moving
 No need to swing arms

Get into groups of 5 or 6 you get 5 minutes to set and pass the ball to each other and see
how many times you can pass the ball without in touching the ground. Watch each other and
give peer feedback ( I will be circulating also providing feedback)
Passing Game (same groups unless there are some issues)
 XX ---------------------- XXX

 Have students give each other feedback on their passes

 Once students get the hang of the passes make them increase activity by having
them run touch the bleachers and make it back before their turn again.
 Additions- 1st one to 10, against another team,
2 Pts. 1 For Passing above head of Receiver, 1 if they don’t have to move.
 Pause Game: Discuss in your team 3 most important things. Share with class.
 Passing Game Continued… Focus on 3 Keys, Observation

If extra time:
Form a Group of 3 from other groups (1 group of 4).
 10 Tosses, Evaluate each other, Provide Feedback based on 3 keys.
 Teacher Transition: Set up 8 Courts with Cones

3 on 3 Volleyball Tournament
 Use Peer Teaching Group of 3
 Kings Court: 6 Courts (badminton lines)
 Games to 2
 Count how many wins in Kings Court
 Rock Paper Scissors for Serve
 No Setting, Or Spiking
 Settle disputes with a re-serve
 Practice if you are waiting

During the Game: I will provide feedback related to the 3 keys, provide encouragement, and
help students understand tourney rules and rotations, give High 5’s and continue to learn

Closure (time: 5
- Highlights from class
- What are the three keys to passing volleyball?
- If there were one piece of advice you would give to a beginning volleyball player
about passing. What would it be? Share with a partner.
- Feedback to class on performance (RPE assessments)
- Next class serving and bounce ball
- Questions?
- Change

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