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Number (office use only):


Please return to by midnight on Sunday 2 July


Personal Details


Date of Birth


Telephone Daytime: Mobile:


Please tell us about yourself. Max 250 words

Please return this application form to

Number (office use only):

Why have you applied for a place on The Next Playwright Programme? What
do you hope to gain from the programme? Max 500 words

Play proposal. Max. 750 words

In this section, please outline your own original idea for a play. This can be something you have already
written, something you are thinking about writing, or a brand new idea. This proposal would not have to
be the play you work on if accepted onto the programme but should give the reader an idea of your
areas of interest.

Please return this application form to

Number (office use only):

Play proposal. Max. 750 words

Example of your work.

Along with this application form we ask that you submit an example of your written work as a pdf. This
can be something you have already worked on, or something written specifically for this application. It
- be a scene/extract from a play written to be performed
- be no longer than 1,000 words long
- include at least two characters
If you would like to include a brief introduction or provide any context about your written work please do
so here. Max 100 words.

Candidates are also encouraged to submit any other work/material that might
support their application. Please attach anything else you would like us to consider when you
return your application form and example of your work to

Please return this application form to

Number (office use only):

Monitoring Form for Equal Opportunity Analysis Only

Hampstead Theatre collects statistical data on those who work with or visit the theatre. We do this for a
number of reasons: It helps us monitor the diversity of the organisation and its work, and allows us to
ensure we are meeting the aims of Hampstead Theatre’s Diversity Action Plan. This form is not used as
a part of the recruitment and selection process, but removed on receipt and used for statistics only.
Please double click on the appropriate box and select ‘checked’ :

1. Gender Are you Female Male Other

2. Ethnicity

a. Asian/Asian British b. Black/Black British

Indian African

Pakistani Caribbean

Bangladeshi Any other Black/African/Caribbean


Any other Asian background

c. Mixed d. White
White and Black Caribbean British

White and Black African Irish

White and Asian Gypsy or Irish Traveller

Any other mixed/multiple ethnic Any other White background

Please return this application form to

Number (office use only):

e. Other

Any other ethnic group

Prefer not to say

Not known

3. Disability
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No

4. Where did you hear about this job?

Please tick as appropriate:

Artsjobs Hampstead website The Guardian website

Twitter SOLT Theatre network

Other, please specify

Please return this application form to

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