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Info Tech

Unit 1 – Computer Maintenance and Security

02 Operating Systems
Name Kaiya Little 1. What does an operating system do? Manages all software
and hardware on the computer
01 Computer Hardware 2. What are three commonly used operating systems on
personal computers? Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and
1. In what decades were the first computers built? 1930s-
3. What kind of program communicates with hardware
2. A computer system includes four things: Hard Drive
devices? CPU
Software, Data and Processor
4. What organizes documents, folders, and programs into
3. CPU consists of instructions or programs for controlling the
folders on a disk? Hard drive
5. What are three commonly used operating systems on
4. CSC is text, numbers, sound, images, or video.
mobile phones? Apple iOS, Google Android, and
5. Computers receive data through Video Card.
BlackBerry OS
6. Computers save data out to Hard Disk.
6. Virtualization allows a single computer to run multiple
7. Name three components inside a computer case? Power
Operating Systems.
supply, Expansion Slots, and Drive Bays
7. The RTF document format is designed to do what? Word
8. What computer component connects all the other
components? Expansion Slots
8. An operating system limits access to files through what
9. What component is the “brain” that controls every
settings? Linux and UNIX
operation in the computer?
9. Where can you set most options for an operating system?
Video card
Default operating system
10.What number system uses only zeros and ones?
10.Formatting and partitioning are operations done to what
Binary Code
kind of hardware? Disk
11.What stores data while the computer is turned on? RAM
11.What utility is used to manage the programs that are
12.What is used to read and write data to a CD or DVD?
currently running?
12.What utility is used to manage hardware peripherals and
13.What kind of memory is inside a USB memory stick? NAND
their drivers? RAM
Flash memory storage chip
13.What is the process of arranging files on a disk to improve
Assignment #1 – Faster, Cheaper, Smaller
efficiency? Flash drives
Follow the instructions at to create the
following two documents:
03 Windows Management
1 – A report of configuration of the most expensive home 1. What is the proper way to turn off a computer?
computer that is available today. Ctrl/Alt/Delete
2 – Complete the worksheet found in the article “How Moore’s Law 2. What utility can you use to terminate an unresponsive
Works” program? Clicking the x in the top right corner
3. Where does Windows show the icons of currently active 04 Computer Maintenance
programs? At the bottom of the screen 1. What is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to improve
4. Maximize, Minimize and Restore are commands done to computer performance? Adding memory
what? To shrink, expand, and refresh a page 2. What should you do if you experience problems when
5. What is the current version of Microsoft Windows? browsing the Internet? Try rebooting the page
Windows 10 3. What is a good way to ensure that drivers and security
6. How can you distinguish the icon of a shortcut from a patches are current? Go to the Microsoft Update
regular icon? Shortcut icon are at the top near the search 4. What does a question mark in the Device Manger indicate?
engine The use of the automatic settings feature
7. What is another name for a folder? Documents 5. What does defragmenting do for a disk drive? It organizes
8. What are the file extensions for these common file types? the files

Microsoft Word .docx 05 Computer Safety and Ethics

Photoshop .psd
1. To prevent personal physical problems from computer use,
Media player .wmz
practice clearing and updating.
Excel .xltx
2. Why is it important to change the default password on
Power Point .potx
routers, Internet access points and other network devices?
Plain Text .txt
The last person that used it could use the internet
Quick time .mp4
access points for free
Adobe Acrobat .eps
3. Why is data sometimes more valuable than the computer?
Everything is put into your data
9. What kind of file has an EXE extension?
4. What two things make a password strong? 12 characters,
executable file format
not obvious
10.What kind of file has an MSI extension? Windows installer
5. To capture keystrokes (including login passwords), what
11. What kind of file has a ZIP extension? Archive file format
kind of program is used? Keystroke Monitoring Software
12.Why do we use file compression? It packages the file
6. Web browsers are often attacked by fake programs.
13.What is the term to describe the list of folders that you
7. Personal privacy on the computer network is usually not
open in order to open a file?
guaranteed at.
14.Extension associations link document types to their default
8. HTTPS is the symbol on a URL to indicate safety.
9. What is phishing? When someone tricks you into giving
15. Cut and paste will put a file to a new location.
them your information and passwords.
16. Copy and paste will relocate a file to a new location.
17. Deleted files are placed in the trash.
Assignment #2 – How to Catch a Phish
18. What does the “Previous Versions” of a file enable you to
do in case of a problem? Let’s me go back and change
1. Watch the video “How to Catch a Phish”
2. Review the Power Point – How to Identify a Phish
3. Identify the fake emails in the collection. College Career Exercise

Choose two of the programs of study below and make a list of

06 Security and Encryption required classes in the table
1. The symbol in the URL that tells you the computer is using
encryption is secure Web and Graphic Design
2. What does VPN mean? Virtual Private Network
3. A TCP is a program that checks packet source and bin/WebObjects/acres.woa/wa/freeForm3?id=63317
destination before allowing them in or out of a computer. Computer Programming
4. A DHCP makes internet requests for clients, hiding the IP
address of the client. bin/WebObjects/acres.woa/wa/freeForm3?id=26042
5. A MongoDB is when a user executes unauthorized Computer and Network Technology
database code.
6. HTML should not be permitted input for general purpose bin/WebObjects/acres.woa/wa/freeForm3?id=47189
data forms on a web page.
7. Passwords more than 8 letters are considered secure. • Which degree looks easiest? Web and Graphic Design
• Which degree looks more interesting to you? Computer
07 IT Careers
Four common IT careers include

i. IT consultant
ii. Cloud architect Career Salary Amount of Number of Job Growth
Range Education Jobs in USA % Estimate
iii. Computer forensic investigator
iv. Software engineer
Network $38.32 Bachelor’s 382,600 8%
v. Which career track would lead you to do each of these per hour degree
activities? $79,700
a. Manage a server HEIT Management Admin per year
b. Program an operating system Computer Programing Web $31.79 Associate’s 148,500 27%
c. Develop a social media app App developer Developer per hour degree
d. Defend a network from attacks Cyber Security $66,130
per year
Use the following link Computer $38.39 Bachelor’s 328,600 -8%
• Programmer per hour degree
technology/home.htm $79,840
• Compare four careers and fill in the following table: per year
Information $44.52 Bachelor’s 82,900 18%
Security per hour degree
Analyst $92,600
per year
08 IBM Century of Innovation 5. 1948 What could the Selective Sequence Electronic
Calculator do for the first time? _________________________
6. 1957 What programming language was invented?
1. 1915 Who is the company president?
7. 1962 What did the SABRE system do?
2. 1931 What was the main method for storing data?
8. 1963 What system did IBM create as the largest
3. 1936 What government project did IBM implement?
corporate research project to date?
1. Web and Graphic Design 2. Computer Programming 9. 1966 What memory device was invented?
Required core classes… Required core classes… ___________________
CIS105 Survey of Computer CIS105 Survey of Computer 10. 1969 What government project did IBM help with?
Information Systems 3 Information Systems 3 _________
CIS120DB Computer CIS117DM Microsoft Access: 11. 1972 What consumer device was invented?
Graphics: Adobe Illustrator 3 Database Management (3) _________________
CIS120DC Flash: Digital OR 12. 1973 What consumer device was invented?
Animation 3 +CIS276DA MySQL Database _________________
CIS120DF Computer (3) OR 13. 1976 What consumer device was invented?
Graphics: Adobe Photoshop 3 +CIS276DB SQL Server _________________
CIS133DA Internet/Web Database (3) OR 14. 1981 What consumer device was invented?
Development Level I 3 +CIS276DC Oracle Database _________________
+ CIS220DC Flash: Advanced (3) 3
Animation and ActionScript 3 CIS133DA Internet/Web
+ CIS220DF Advanced Development Level I 3
Photoshop 3 CIS126DL Linux Operating
+ CIS233DA Internet/Web System (3) OR
Development Level II (3) OR MST150++ Microsoft
+ CIS233DC Internet Web Windows (any course)(3) 3
Development: Dreamweaver +CIS150AB Object-Oriented
(3) 3 Programming Fundamentals
+ CIS235 e-Commerce 3 3
+CIS159 Visual Basic
Programming I 3
+CIS162AD C#: Level I 3
+CIS163AA Java
Programming: Level I 3
4. 1940 What electronic device is used? ____________________

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