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Information Sheet for Applicants for

Employers of Indonesia Candidates for "Kaigofukushishi"

Information Sheet for the Institution

Institution ID Number 2000006

Reference No. 2000006-A

Number of
Acceptance in the
Facilities listed on Facility
the right column Reference No.
Information Sheet for the Facility

Institution ID Number 2000006

Reference Number 2000006-A

Region/Preference Region: Kanto Prefecture: Tochigi

Category code (see "Table of Category Codes") 4

Category of Facility
(in case of 6 to 10, category code of facility which is jointly managed __)

70  (Number of long-term care insurance designated beds in case of Designated

Capacity of Facility
sanatorium type medical care facilities for the elderly requiring long-term care: _____)

Number of Current Care

Number of Careworkers 28 (converted to full-time employees: 25.5 )

Number of Full-time 21 (Number of certified careworkers: 12 )

careworkers Ratio of number of certified careworker to total number of full-time careworkers: 57 %

【Labor Conditions】
Vacancy 2

3 years*
Duration of Contract * This contract shall be renewed for 1 year after the expiry of 3 years unless either the
Employer or the Employee expresses intention not to renew the contract.

Place of Work At the facility

nursing care for care recipients

Job Description
(assistance of eating, bathing, toileting, recreation activities etc.)
1. Opening/Closing hour
(1)Opening hour ( ) Closing hour ( )
【When the following systems are applied to workers】
(2) Modified working hours or shift system on a (weekly/monthly/yearly) basis, based
on the following combination of working hours

Opening hour ( 7:00 ) Closing hour ( 16:00 ) Day applied ( )

Opening/Closing Time,
Rest Periods, Change in Opening hour ( 8:00 ) Closing hour ( 17:00 ) Day applied ( )
Shift Work, and
Opening hour ( 11:30 ) Closing hour ( 20:30 ) Day applied ( )
Overtime Work
Opening hour ( ) Closing hour ( ) Day applied ( )

Opening hour ( ) Closing hour ( ) Day applied ( )

Opening hour ( ) Closing hour ( ) Day applied ( )

2 Rest 60 minutes
3 Presence of Overtime work ( Yes / No )
・Regular; day of every week, National Holidays, Others ( )

Rest days ・Irregular;   2 days per (week/month), Others (          )

・In case of modified working hours system ( ) days/year

1 Annual paid leave For those working continuously for 6 months 10 days
or longer

For those working less than 6 months ( Yes / No )

( ) days after working ( ) months
2 Other leave Paid: ( )
Unpaid: ( )
1 Basic Salary a. (more than \ 140,000 yen per month)
b. (more than \ per day)
c. (more than \ per hour)
2 Amount of allowances and method of calculation

a.( commuting allowance:\ /Method of calcution: actual expense )

b.( allowance:\ /Method of calcution: )

c.( allowance:\ /Method of calcution: )

d.( allowance:\ /Method of calcution: )

3 Additional allowance for overtime/ rest day work/night work

a. Additional allowance for overtime beyond legal rest day 125 %
Additional allowance for overtime beyond scheduled working hour 125 %

b. Additional allowance for work on legal rest day 135 %

Additional allowance for work on scheduled rest day 125 %
c. Additional allownce for night work 125 %

4 Closing day of pay roll: 20th of every month

5. Pay day: last day of every month

6. Deduction from wages based on the labor-management agreement: Yes /

7. Wage raise: (Time and etc. April )
8. Bonus: (Yes (Time and amount twice a year ( July, December ) ), No )
9. Retirement allowance: (Yes (Time and amount ), No )

1. Retirement age system (Yes: 60 years old, No )

2. Procedure of retirement for personal reasons: 1 month notice
3. Reason and procedure of dismissal
Retirement, Violation of office regulations
Resignation, and Procedures based on the rules of the corporation

Social Insurance/ *Application of Health Insurance, Welfare Pension, Workers’ Accident Compensation
Labor Insurance Insurance and Employment Insurance Yes / No
【System of Training】
Training Program See attached Information sheet of "Kaigofukushishi" Training Program

Dormitory Available / Not available

   Full grants (Cost to the Employee: Free)

Grants    Full self-payment (Cost to the Employee: less than yen)

   Partial grants (Cost to the Employee: less than 18,000 yen)

(Employer shall secure Floor Plan 1K ( 29.75 ㎡) Western-style room and a kitchen ( room with bath and toilet )
accommodation for the
employee) 200 m
Distance from
3 minutes by ( bus / train / walking )

Amount of
average rent in
35,000 yen
(Ex. Aid and supporting system for training, amount of allowance after obtaining
qualification as 'Kaigofukushishi' etc)
* Those who have obtained certification as care workers will be given a raise in the
basic salary.
* Active support for participation in language training programs (workers are
accompanied by corporation staff members to attend training in their first year of
* Workers are provided with apartments owned by the corporation, and support is
always available in everyday life from residents of these apartments, who are also
members of the corporation.
Other Descriptions * Workers are accompanied by corporation staff members to attend training sessions
held in the prefecture.
* If there is a need to attend training sessions that require expensive fees or lengthy
stays, we will have discussions with the chairman of the board of directors to grant
approval and provide financial support.

Our facility is located in the northern part of Sano City, in the south of Tochigi
Prefecture. Surrounded by mountains, it benefits from a pleasant environment which
is rich in plants. (Access from the Tokyo Area: Get off Tohoku Expressway at the Sano
Interchange; the facility is 25 minutes by car from the interchange. Or, use the Tobu
Sano line from JR Sano Station and get off the train at Kuzuu Station; the facility is 5
minutes on foot from the station.)
This is the fourth year since the opening of the facility. The facility is full of vigor, with
many young people working among members in charge of nursing care services. It is
still on its way to completion as a nursing care facility, but staff members are all
Comments highly committed to providing training, working daily in collaboration with members
of other divisions to achieve higher levels of care service. We also work with Facility
A, which is run by the same corporation and located right next to our facility, to
organize joint events, aside from maintaining business partnerships. Although our
facility is located in countryside, it takes only about two hours by train to the Tokyo
Area. It is in the vicinity of popular tourist spots and hot springs in Tochigi and
Gunma Prefectures and provides advantages for experiencing unique Japanese
culture and climate at first hand.

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