Open Book Quiz

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Open Book Quiz

1) What is test management?

i. Organizing and controlling the Testing process.
ii. Ensuring visibility, traceability, and control of testing process to deliver high-quality
2) What are the key strategies for effective test management, explain each strategy?
a. Prioritize test cases for efficiency and quality
i. It’s vital to prioritize testing by relevancy and not perform testing that is
irrelevant. Without proper planning, testing can be one of the most expensive
phases of the development lifecycle. To determine test case relevancy, trace test
efforts to the documented primary objectives of the product or system and
prioritize test plans from there. Managing all levels of test cases and maintaining
their traceability to objectives and requirements is very important from a
relevance standpoint, and prevents costly tests of functionality that may be
lower priority or even changed or deprecated from the product.

b. Realize value from your test strategy

ii. It is very important to conduct reporting and analysis of test results that is deep
enough to realize the value of the test strategy. In testing, not only do we want
to confirm that we’ve met the objectives of our requirements for the product or
system, but we also want to learn new things during all phases of testing. New
requirements should be captured as part of results analysis, and these should be
incorporated into the next phase of product development. Value from testing is
realized by incorporating the results of the test strategy into the product strategy.
Testing is the mechanism that proves whether the product strategy is effective.

c. Early and frequent testing allows for innovation

iii. Conducting some form of testing, at every stage of the product development
lifecycle, is highly recommended. While it may be time consuming to
coordinate stakeholders and then collect and analyse data, getting the right
feedback at the right time ensures that you can deliver a high-quality product on
In the early stages of development, performing customer exploratory testing is
the most cost-effective way to make sure your product strategy is on the mark.
Moreover, fostering collaboration between developers and the customer early
on — an Agile best practice — allows for instant feedback that gives
development teams the clarity they need to iterate and generate more innovation
in the product.
At the end of the development lifecycle, conduct system integration tests to
ensure components are working harmoniously. Unit tests are beneficial to test
various inputs and outputs, performance characteristics, and boundary limits,
whether you’re building a hardware or software system.
3) What is test case design?
 A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether
a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of developing
test cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application.
4) How to effectively design the test cases? Please explain.
There are levels in which each test case will fall in order to avoid duplication efforts.
 Level 1: In this level, you will write the basic test cases from the available specification
and user documentation.
 Level 2: This is the practical stage in which writing test cases depend on actual
functional and system flow of the application.
 Level 3: This is the stage in which you will group some test cases and write a test
procedure. The test procedure is nothing but a group of small test cases maximum of
 Level 4: Automation of the project. This will minimize human interaction with the
system and thus QA can focus on currently updated functionalities to test rather than
remaining busy with regression testing.
5) What is Audit Plan? Explain the pitfall of software audit.
 A software audit review, or software audit, is a type of software review in which one
or more auditors who are not members of the software development organization
conduct "An independent examination of a software product, software process, or set
of software processes to assess compliance with specifications, standards, contractual
agreements, or other criteria"( IEEE Std. 1028-1997, IEEE Standard for Software Reviews,
clause 3.2)
 "The purpose of a software audit is to provide an independent evaluation of
conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards,
guidelines, plans, and procedures".( IEEE Std. 10281997, clause 8.1) The following roles
are recommended:
 The Initiator (who might be a manager in the audited organization, a customer
or user representative of the audited organization, or a third party), decides upon
the need for an audit, establishes its purpose and scope, specifies the evaluation
criteria, identifies the audit personnel, decides what follow-up actions will be
required, and distributes the audit report.
 The Lead Auditor (who must be someone "free from bias and influence that
could reduce his ability to make independent, objective evaluations") is
responsible for administrative tasks such as preparing the audit plan and
assembling and managing the audit team, and for ensuring that the audit meets
its objectives.
 The Recorder documents anomalies, action items, decisions, and
recommendations made by the audit team.
 The Auditors (who must be, like the Lead Auditor, free from bias) examine
products defined in the audit plan, document their observations, and recommend
corrective actions. (There may be only a single auditor.)
 The Audited Organization provides a liaison to the auditors, and provides all
information requested by the auditors. When the audit is completed, the audited
organization should implement corrective actions and recommendations.

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