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Ivor Myers, Keynote Speaker, 3ABN Homecoming
COVER STORY Letter from the
3ABN Homecoming 2016
A Passion for Revival

Get “Caught Up” Danny Shelton


Features Vol. 12 #145

SEPTEMBER 2016 Dear Partner,
8 Blessing is on the “GO!” | The Tears of a Read more at
Lost Harvest
I think we can all agree that we live in perilous times, and that people are getting
Executive Editor Mollie Steenson caught up in all kinds of movements. Some get caught up in political parties, while others
20 Evangelism | D-Day Managing Editor Bobby Davis
Creative Director Chrystique Neibauer get caught up in racially charged movements or labor unions. Some get caught up in
32 New Program | Divine Design Graphic Designers Svetlana Christian
Adam Dean
sports and entertainment, while others get so caught up in work that it’s life-changing.
34 Testimony | God’s Gentle Hand Janelle Owen But now we are seeing an enormous increase in people (including Americans) who are
Eric Tirado
Photographer Svetlana Christian getting caught up in radical Islamic terrorist movements. Even though their movement
48 Eyes of the Ancients | Balaam’s “Success” Proofreaders Mitch Owen
Barbara Nolen
is Satan-inspired, they dedicate tremendous amounts of time, energy, and finances to
Networks J.D. Quinn promote their cause. They’re even willing to give their lives for what they believe in!
10 3ABN Radio | Victory in Lexington ISSN 1552-4140 And now, the sad part: Christianity is growing at a much slower rate than many man-
made groups promoting agendas that will all end at the Second Coming. The devil is
12 3ABN Latino | We Have This Hope Subscriptions and Feedback:
We hope 3ABN World is a blessing, and we out to steal, kill, and destroy, and unless we’re “caught up” in following Jesus to the point
14 3ABN Dare to Dream | A Faithful Servant Leader would love to hear from you! To subscribe,
change your subscription, or send us feed-
of being willing to dedicate our time, energy, finances, and, yes, even face death for the
16 3ABN Proclaim! | Perseverance and Proclaim! back, please contact us! cause of Christ, we won’t be “caught up” in the clouds to meet Jesus.
Phone: Call 618-627-4651 3ABN is committed to taking the undiluted three angels’ messages of Revelation 14
18 3ABN Russia | Letters of Life Sunday–Saturday, 8:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.
Central Time to a lost and dying world. We’ve been doing this for almost 32 years, and we make no
22 3ABN Kids Network | Kids Time Praise Mail: 3ABN Call Center excuses for being caught up in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18–20, sending the
24 Just for Kids | Owls
Attn: Subscriber Services / Feedback
P.O. Box 220
gospel through the airwaves and telling the truth about God and His Law. We’d much
West Frankfort, IL 62896-0220 rather risk offending the world with God’s last day message than be held accountable
Schedule Email: by the Creator of heaven and earth for failing to stand up and be counted on the side
Subscribe online:
27 3ABN Television Schedule Visit the online store: of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
I pray that each of us will rededicate our lives to Jesus Christ so we won’t get caught
Daily Living
Copyright © 2016, Three Angels Broadcasting
Network, Inc. Three Angels Broadcasting Net- up in earthly things around us, but will be caught up in the love of Christ, instead.
work, 3ABN, 3ABN Books, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN
38 A Woman’s Walk | Fear Music, 3ABN Proclaim!, 3ABN Radio, 3ABN We cannot continue to take the three angels’ messages to the world without you, and
40 Recipe | Veggie Pasties with Mushroom Gravy
Television, Dare to Dream, 3ABN Kids Network, your sacrificial giving. So I ask each of you to get “caught up” prayerfully and financially
3ABN Français, 3ABN World, and the respective
logos are trademarks or registered trademarks in God’s movement here at 3ABN to help finish the work before Jesus returns.
42 Health | Headache of Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.
God bless!
All Bible quotes are from the King James Version
44 Devotional | Pray with Me (KJV) or New King James Version (NKJV), unless
otherwise noted.
46 Pastor’s Page | From Slavery to
Commander in Chief 3ABN World is a monthly publication.
Subscriptions are free.
50 Letters Danny Shelton
Do you have a testimony to share of how
COVER PHOTO: SVETLANA CHRISTIAN 3ABN made a difference in your life? 3ABN President & CEO
We would love to hear about it!

A Passion for

visit for more info.

evival seems to be a word we He’s been a frequent guest on 3ABN Jesus how their Master suffered and died, Jesus, and eat of the Bread of Life. Then
hear from every corner here at Today, and has hosted Battles of Faith and that His body has disappeared from our hearts burn in us, as well!
3ABN—from our London 2016 with his wife Atonte for many years. He the grave. Then, filled with compassion, “My goal for this camp meeting is
revival event, to our 3ABN Homecoming also appears on the new Salvation in Jesus takes them back to Moses, and then basically to create a passion for the
Camp Meeting weekend! Symbols and Signs program on our Dare all the prophets, explaining all the things Word of God in the hearts of those who
This year’s Homecoming will be to Dream Network. concerning Himself in the Scriptures. attend—and all those in our television
broadcast over our television and radio We caught up with him on the tele- “Arriving at their destination, the dis- and radio audience, too. Because eating
networks, as well as the Internet, and phone as he traveled in California, and
yet, we hope you’ve made he shared his thoughts on revival with us. “My goal for this camp meeting is basically to create a
plans to be with us in per- passion for the Word of God in the hearts of those who
son to hear heart-stirring A Passion for Revival attend... because eating the Bread of Life will lead to revival!”
messages from people “Revival has been the theme of most
who truly love the Lord of my presentations for the past six or ciples invite Jesus in for the evening meal, of the Bread of Life will lead to revival!
and are preparing for His seven years,” he says. “In fact, my sermons and He graciously accepts. He blesses the Christ is in every doctrine and every
Second Coming. during this camp meeting will be based bread and gives it to them; and suddenly story of the Bible, and when we discover
Our keynote speaker on the story of two of Christ’s disciples their eyes are opened! Just as they recog- Him, it creates a heart fire that cannot
will be Pastor Ivor as they traveled to Emmaus.” nize Him, though, He disappears. And as be put out.”
Myers, from The story Pastor Myers refers to is they sit there in stunned disbelief, they He continues, “Many people believe
the Campbell found in Luke 24, where Jesus catches say, ‘Did not our heart burn within us that the revival that led to the Day of
Seventh-day up with His disciples, but they do not while He talked with us on the road, and Pentecost began when Christ’s followers
Adventist recognize Him. while He opened the Scriptures to us?’ gathered in the Upper Room. However,
Church in “Joining their conversation,” he con- “You see, the disciples recognized Jesus I don’t see it that way. I believe it all
California. tinues, “Jesus asks them why they’re so after they ate the bread,” Pastor Myers began with the forty days that Jesus spent
sad, and assuming He knows nothing explains, “and in the same way, once we studying with them. The real model for
about the recent crucifixion, they tell learn to study the Scriptures, we discover revival is what occurred during those

PHOTO:SVETLANA CHRISTIAN September 2016 | 3ABN World 5


forty days that led them to the mindset ARME camps since then, mostly across “However, I get excited when I see peo- Of course, if you cannot attend, make
they had. They were on fire when they got the United States, but also in other coun- ple who don’t have a good understanding plans to watch each meeting on 3ABN
there, because of all they had learned. If tries, where we had anywhere from 200 to of the Bible walking away from these television or hear it live on 3ABN Radio.
we can understand the Scriptures as they 500 people attending. Our emphasis is to meetings with an eagerness they’ve never You can also stream our programs online
did, we will finally have genuine revival, teach folks how to study, how to pray, and had before. I’m especially thrilled to see at, or through our app available
too.” how to witness. It’s young people get excited about God’s for Apple and Android smartphones
“I’m especially thrilled to see praying, not just Word—and not just the normal excite- and tablets.
ARME Bible young people get excited talking. It’s less ment, but the ‘Oh, wow! I can’t believe Be a part of the great revival that will
Camp preaching, and this!’ excitement. That’s most rewarding sweep the world, preparing us to meet
When asked
about God’s Word, and not more hands-on. for me, and that’s my passion—bringing Jesus in the clouds of glory!
w hat’s f u el e d just the normal excited, but We’ve had par- that kind of excitement to as many people
his passion for the ‘Oh wow! I can’t believe ticipants of every as I can.
revival, Pastor kind, but since we “That’s exactly what we’re going to Visit these websites to find out more
this!’ excitement.” about Pastor Ivor and Atonte Myers’
Myers tells of deal strictly with present at Camp Meeting, that the key to
an encounter he how to study the revival is rediscovering Christ in Scripture. ministries:
had with a young man in Puerto Rico. Bible, there are no divisions among them. I praise God that His people are more
“He asked me if he could live with us for People are changed by studying the Word open to this than ever before in our life-
two weeks, and study with us,” he recalls. of God.” time since we are quickly closing in on
“That wasn’t practical, of course, but it got Earth’s final events.”
me wondering if there might be a way to The State of Revival
create a traveling school that could teach When asked about the state of revival An Invitation
people in a short period of time how to in the body of Christ, Pastor Myers pauses Although we’re just days away from
study their Bibles. for a moment, and then says, “I think that 3ABN’s Homecoming Camp Meeting, we
“A group of us got excited about it, true revival is still ahead of us. I think, on invite you to come in person if you can.
and Pastors Doug Batchelor, Stephen the whole, God’s Church is still asleep. We have a beautiful campground with
Bohr, Taj Pacleb, and I were among the We’re not in that 40-day period before a bathhouse, plenty of free RV parking
speakers at the first ARME Camp (which the 10 days of Pentecost, yet. We know spots with water and electricity hookups,
stands for Adventist Revival Movement what we know, but I don’t think there’s the as well as local hotels within a reasonable
for the End Times). We’ve held over 25 excitement about God’s Word, yet. driving distance.
In addition, 3ABN provides the best
vegetarian and vegan food free of charge
prepared by Chef Anita Watkins for our
camp meeting attendees! We have chil-
dren’s meetings for all age groups, tours
of our 3ABN studios, and much more,
so come to beautiful southern Illinois
and enjoy this marvelous spiritual feast
in person.

September 2016 | 3ABN World 7

Blessing Is on the “GO!”
the harvest: “Behold, I say to you, lift up

Tears of a Lost Harvest by Shelley Quinn

your eyes and look at the fields, for they
are already white for harvest!” John 4:35.
There is only a short window of time to Join the “GO!” Evangelistic Team
do the work of harvesting. It must be Setting up a monthly donation of any
done with efficient teamwork, or crops amount to support evangelism is easy! Just
can be spoiled. The season for God’s visit, click the Donate button, then
harvest is likewise limited. People who choose to become a “G.E.T.” member. Be
don’t know Jesus as their Savior are pass- sure to check the “Make This Recurring
ing away—spoiled for eternity—and at (Monthly)” box.
Christ’s return, His harvest season will be Easy-to-follow instructions and a video
over. “For as the lightning comes from the tutorial will guide you through the process.

ecently, while relating an experience clap brought us out of our chairs! Within east and flashes to the west, so also will the Not comfortable doing this online? No
from my youth with my husband, I seconds, an unexpected squall blew in coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew problem. Just call us at 618-627-4651,
had an epiphany. Now, I want to share with high gusts of wind and driving rain. 24:27. At the coming of our Lord, will our or send us your information by mail.
both with you. Another bolt of lightning knocked the heavenly Father witness the devastation
It happened when I was sixteen years electricity out at the house, leaving us of the lost with tears streaming down His
This Month’s Evangelistic Tool
old and spending the night with Nettie standing in the dark, listening in dismay face? The Bible tells us His heart’s desire
“Calvary Says Love” DVD
Crawford, my friend from church, at her as a rare hailstorm peppered the ground. is that none should perish.
Our world was lost because of sin, and man
family’s farm. Stretching out as far as the
had absolutely no hope for the future—
eye could see, their vast fields were filled The Harvest Is Great until Christ came, paid the penalty, and
with dazzling white cotton. Suddenly, lightning streaked across “The harvest truly is great, but the
redeemed us!
Arriving at suppertime, the harvesting the sky and a booming thunderclap laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord
“Calvary Says
crew boisterously swapped one colorful brought us out of our chairs! of the harvest to send out laborers into
Love,” a sermon
tale after another throughout the evening. His harvest.” Luke 10:2. Isn’t it time to
by Kenny Shelton,
Mr. Crawford went outdoors periodically join God’s harvesting crew? Won’t you
is this month’s
to check humidity levels, patiently await- Mr. Crawford stood looking out the become a member of The Blessing Is
evangelistic tool,
ing that special point patio door, and my eyes were fixed on this on the “GO!” Evangelistic Team today?
and it’s perfect for
when it would be safe to big, but gentle man who reminded me of Your recurring monthly donation of any
begin harvesting. my own deceased father. Another streak amount will support 3ABN’s ministry of
of lightning illuminated his face—and world evangelism, and we will send you
Share Your Experiences
The Unexpected that’s when I saw the tears rolling down a resource each month to share with your
We all love great stories, and we want to
As the night wore on, his cheeks. His harvest was lost! family, friends, or neighbors.
hear your experiences as the Lord opens
Shelley Quinn is the mood grew somber. It’s easy to join! Go to our website,
up new opportunities for evangelism in
3 A B N’s Program
Development manager
It was 2:00 a.m., and I Tears of Loss, click on The Blessing Is on the
your neighborhood! Is someone coming
could sense my friend’s “What a shame!” My husband “GO!” Evangelistic Team banner, and
and a well-known to church with you? Tell us about it by
author and speaker. father was growing anx- exclaimed, as I shared this incident; and follow the simple steps to join. Or call us
writing us or recording a 1-2 minute video
Her husband J.D. is ious. Suddenly, lightning that’s when it hit me! Could this be an apt at (618) 627-4651.
manager of 3A BN’s on your smart phone and emailing it at
Pastoral Ministries streaked across the sky metaphor of end-time events? Let’s do all we can to avoid the tears of
Department. and a booming thunder- Jesus compared His work to gathering a lost harvest!
8 3ABN World | September 2016
3ABN Radio
local Adventist churches contributed— tower height and output power calcu-
even though some of them wouldn’t be lations. This started another very long

able to receive the signal! Together, they process, culminating in being required
raised enough to build the station and to repeat the whole application process
operate it for quite a while. One gener- again!
ous donor even allowed them to build a Through all this, they never lost faith,
by Nikki Anderson 40-foot tower on his business property but kept moving forward. And by God’s
in east Lexington! grace, it was all resolved earlier this

The Lord also blessed with several year when they were allowed to move
exington, Kentucky is known as C hu rc h m e t an board members who are also on the the antenna higher on the tower and
the Horse Capital of the World. Adventist attor- church’s audio/visual team. Together, increase their transmitting power! So
It was established in June 1775 by ney who told him they set up a studio at the tower site far, not only has the church been able
European Americans, who after hearing ab out an appli- to broadcast the programming, and to broadcast their pastor’s sermons,
about the colonists’ battle in Lexington, cation window
Massachusetts, decided to name their that would soon
new town in honor of that victory, two be opened by the Members from three local Adventist churches contributed, even
months before.
Another victory came 240 years later,
Federal Communi- Pastor Pavel Goia though some of them wouldn’t be able to receive the signal!
cations Commission (FCC) for inter-
when WXCN-LP, 99.7 FM went on the ested parties to apply for low-power another studio at the church to record but they’ve also run announcements
air; but this time, it was won by the new FM radio station construction permits. local announcements and the pastor’s in English and Spanish for three local
Lexington Christian Network. Today, He also told him how to get the process sermons. They have an Internet relay evangelistic series.
WXCN reaches most of the 310,000 started, and what he needed to apply. between them, as well as the ability to I asked Michael who voiced those
people living in Lexington, but when Returning home, Pastor Goia was switch to the other studio, if one of them announcements, and he said, “The mem-
the surrounding metropolitan area is very excited to bring this opportunity is down. Talk about providing talent! bers of our A/V team do that. But when
included, that number reaches nearly to the church board, and soon the Lex- no one else is available, or someone
half a million potential listeners! ington Christian Network was formed. DIFFICULTIES TURNED TO BLESSINGS doesn’t get to it, I’ve even done them!”


Their application was filed in Novem- Now you know Satan wasn’t going He laughed and added, “I don’t have a
A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY ber 2013 and was granted in December to let this be easy! Just one year ago, on radio voice, but we all do whatever it
It all started in 2013, when 2014. They were on their way! September 8, 2015, WXCN-LP, 99.7 FM takes to get things done.”
Pastor Pavel Goia of the When they received their construc- went on the air, and everything seemed Recently, they’ve dis-
Lexington Sev- tion permit, the church was ready. to be going well—until the day a church tributed bumper stick-
enth-day They held a fund-raiser, member mentioned that the station’s ers and have other
Ad v e nt i s t and members from three signal just didn’t seem to be as strong as plans to increase com-
he thought it should be. He kept men- munity awareness of
(L to R): WXCN-LP board pres- tioning this to board president, Michael the radio station. Please
ident, Michael Hurter, at the
microphone and Jim Lyons,
Hurter, until he decided to consult a few keep them in your
board vice president, at the engineers, as well as the attorney who prayers—along with N ik k i A n d e r s o n i s
audio board.
filed their application. all the 3ABN Radio t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e
a s sis t a n t f o r 3 A B N
Eventually it was discovered that the affiliates around the Radio.
FCC had some incorrect results in their world. Thank you!

September 2016 | 3ABN World 11

3ABN Latino
Pastor Robert Costa

was one of his topics, he said, “That is and John Dinzey


(below) preach on
very interesting! Not only is that verse the Second Coming
my father and mother’s favorite text, but of Christ.
my wife and I consider it a favorite, too!”
God used each of our speakers, sol-
emn words were spoken, and praise
God, when moving appeals were made
by John Dinzey to consecrate their lives to the Lord, the

majority of the people in attendance
uring the month of June, we broad- with what this world has to offer. I believe
cast twenty-one sermons on a topic it’s time, as another hymn puts it, to “Lift
that has surely been the inspiration up the trumpet, and loud let it ring: Jesus
for over a hundred hymns. In fact, in Titus is coming again!”
Our viewers were obviously blessed,
2:13, the Bible declares it to be the “blessed
judging by comments made on Facebook
hope.” That’s right, I am referring to the INSPIRED MESSAGES
and Twitter. One lady contacted us by
Second Coming—the glorious return of Ten featured speakers spoke at our
e-mail, saying that it was a beautiful evan-
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Spanish camp, which ran from June 19–25.
gelistic campaign, and that she watched it
Our theme was taken from the Spanish
with her husband, who had not yet given
A SPECIAL HYMN hymn, “The King Who Is Coming, Is
his heart to the Lord. She added that he
Seventh-day Adventists sing a well- Near,” and with it, we hoped to revive that
was riveted to the TV and hardly blinked!
known hymn called, “We Have This desire in our viewers for the soon return
The crowds grew each day until the
Hope,” and the first stanza contains these of our Savior.
church was packed to capacity. Many
wonderful words: We broadcast live from the Multi-
people greeted us throughout the week,
We have this hope cultural Seventh-day Adventist Church
but one lady approached me with tears
that burns within our in Kansas City, Missouri. Their pastor,
in her eyes. “I’m so glad I came to these
hearts, Manuel Moral, is one of the hosts on
meetings,” she cried. “I really needed this,
Hope in the coming of 3ABN Latino’s Spanish program, Camino,
and I believe it has changed my life!”
the Lord! Verdad, y Vida (The Way, the Truth, and
We pray that many more like her
This inspiring hymn the Life). Many of them are well known to
around the world can once again sing with
is quite motivating; it’s our viewers. They included Robert Costa,
John Dinzey is the sincerity, “We have this hope that burns
one of the hymns that speaker and director of Escrito Está (Span-
general manager for within our hearts, hope in the coming of
3ABN Latino Network. stays with you! But as ish version of It Is Written), Daniel Sca-
O r iginally f r om t he I’ve traveled, it seems the Lord!”
rone, Rubén Bullón, and Arnaldo Cruz.
Dominican Republic, his
passion is to preach the
that some of us don’t We believe the Lord guided us as we
Randy Bermejo runs audio from our remote television
gospel. His wife, Idalia, have this hope burning assigned topics to each speaker. One of
works with him at 3ABN production truck.
anymore. Instead, we’re them was based on Job 19:25, which states,
L atino, and they’ve
been blessed with two apt to be caught up in “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and
wonderful sons, Samuel the hustle of everyday He shall stand at last on the earth.” When
and Caleb.
life, or we’re content Pastor Cruz was informed that this verse

12 3ABN World | September 2016

3ABN Dare to Dream

our young people to prepare them for the

work of the Lord in whatever discipline
they might enter. Would you like to go?”
“I’d like to go, but I don’t think we have
the money,” E.E. said, to which the teacher
responded, “I didn’t ask you that. I’m ask- Each program features a guest’s
ing you if you want to go?” testimony or a valuable resource to
“Well, yes!” the young man answered, assist the viewer in spiritual growth,
and soon the teacher got permission from and practical Christianity. The guests’
by Dr. Yvonne Lewis his mother to send him to Oakwood stories are powerful and gripping,


with emphasis on the divine plan that
College. At the time, students paid $25 God has for each of us.
a month for tuition, room, and board,
but after a few months, E. E. assumed Sun-Thu Friday Saturday

s I sat across from Dr. Rogers, I A Life Changed by Scriptures responsibility for his own bills. He not 1:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m.
couldn’t help but notice the clarity Dr. Rogers was born in Memphis, only worked his way through college and 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
graduate school, but also received scholar- 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
of his skin and his sharp mind. He is Tennessee, to a two-parent household,
ships along the way. “Adventist education 10:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
incredible! Ernest Eugene Rogers (aka E. but his father died tragically in an auto-
E. Rogers), celebrated his one-hundredth mobile accident when he was only nine has made me what I am!” he says.
birthday on June 17, 2016. years old. Although he suffered the loss He still loves learning, and says that CDT (UTC-5)
Dr. Rogers is a scholar and retired pro- of his father, a godly man soon became when he learned Greek, the Bible came
fessor of Biblical Languages at Oakwood his mentor and had E. E. read the Scrip- alive for him. “Everything opened up, and Watch it on
University (1945-1979), and recently, I had tures aloud to him each day. The young I saw new vistas I had never seen before.
the privilege of interviewing him on our boy began to notice that his life was Life became a situation in which I desired
flagship program, Urban Report. changing, and when he was introduced to make God first, and best, and last!” Dr. Rogers is a living legend. He’s taught

When asked what the secret of his to the seventh-day Sabbath in his teens, a long list of notable evangelists and schol-
longevity was, he said, “A positive atti- he embraced Adventism wholeheartedly. A Companion ars in our denomination, including Henry
tude.” He feels that when your attitude is God blessed Dr. Rogers with a loving Wright, Mervyn Warren, E. C. Ward, C. D.
positive, and you make God Oakwood wife, the former Mildred Strachan, for 63 Brooks, Keith Burton,
first, He equips you to One day, when he was about 18, a years. They had three children, Jeannette, Charles Brooks, C. E.
do all that needs to teacher in his congregation watched him Eugene, and Sherman, but sadly, 12 years Dudley, Leslie Pollard,
be done. give the mission story in Sabbath School. ago, she passed away. Carlton Byrd, C. A.
She was impressed, and said, “Boy, you Six years went by, and then, at the ripe Murray, John Loma-
ought to be at Oakwood!” age of 94, he married the lovely 91-year- cang, John Nixon, Tim-
“What is Oakwood?” he asked, and the old Annell Wright. Both couples had othy Nixon, Ron Smith, Dr. Yvonne Lewis is
teacher responded, “It’s a place we send been friends for years before they were and numerous others. a naturopathic doctor,
author, lecturer, and
widowed, and Dr. Rogers remembers the What a legacy! We singer, as well as the
day he fell in love with her. He says he even thank God for this ser- general manager of
[Dr. E. E. Rogers] loves learning. remembers what she wore, adding, “She vant leader, Dr. E. E. 3ABN’s Dare to Dream
Net work for urban
“Everything opened up when I learned is the sun to my solar system!” Rogers. audiences.
Greek,” he says. “I saw new vistas that
I had never seen before.” September 2016 | 3ABN World 15
3ABN Proclaim!

by C.A. Murray

The two animals... could be seen heading over

the horizon—the great and powerful steed
dragging and tossing his hapless yokemate
around like a bag of cream puffs!

A very interesting story appeared in

The Atlantic Monthly, a paper read
by a large cross section of the American
the part of the ranchers to intervene or
separate them.
They might be gone for days, but even-
dogged determination hang on, hang
in, and hold fast in the face of the raging
winds of time, chance, trial, and change.
He is not a young man anymore. His
ankles and knees hurt most days. He
walks slowly, and his speech is seasoned
public. Some time ago, the magazine ran tually the horse and burro would return. The Bible states that “the race is not to with the wisdom that comes from years
a story that hearkened back to the days of Surprise, surprise! The little burro would the swift” (Ecclesiastes 9:11), but to him of service in the army of the Lord.
the great Western cattle ranches. be seen first, calmly leading, with the that endures! He is steady, and steadfast, and much
now submissive steed in tow. Obviously, The candle that is worthy of emulation more akin to the burro than the stallion
Turned Loose the seemingly impossible, and certainly is not the one that burns brightly when at his age. He is an unquestioned leader
Evidently there was a practice that improbable, had happened. Out there the air is still and there’s no opposition, in his church, and the winds of strife have
included harnessing a little burro to a somewhere, on the rim of the world, then quickly flickers and goes out when no real affect on his walk with his Lord.
wild, unbroken steed. With the wild that mighty steed—all muscle, strength, the slightest wind blows. But perhaps Maybe he was always the burro. But
horse bucking, raging, and convulsing bravado, and self will—got tired of having the rock that rests on the seashore and ultimately, perhaps it is
like a drunken sailor, the two would be (or trying to have) his own way. And at resists the daily, constant pounding of the not that important, since
turned loose to go running out into the that juncture, the steady, consistent, and surf while remaining steadfast, is more no one is asking us to be
vast, uninhabited desert range. equally strong-willed burro assumed the emblematic of our quest for entrance into like him. We have to be
The two animals with apparently dif- mastery, taking the lead with little or no the kingdom of God. like Jesus!
ferent temperaments and mindsets could resistance from the stallion. The burro The battle is won most certainly by There is, notwith-
be seen heading over the horizon—the was now the unquestioned leader. the determined, not the outraged or standing, one facet of
great and powerful steed dragging and the enraged; by the committed, not the his character that is C. A. Murray is the
general manager
tossing his hapless yokemate around like Kingdom Heroes merely dramatic. worthy of emulation. for 3A BN Proclaim!
a bag of cream puffs! However, this dis- That is the way with the kingdom He is a tireless pro- and also hosts and
produces the 3ABN
parate, motley, and seemingly unreason- of Heaven and its heroes, is it not? The Steadfast moter of and viewer of Today program. His
able pairing did have a very real agenda battle goes to those who are determined; I have spent the last several days with a 3ABN Proclaim! wife Irma is a producer
for 3ABN Latino.
and goal, and no attempt was made on those who quietly, resolutely, and with man who only watches 3ABN Proclaim!

16 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 17

3ABN Russia

to them all? Have they found a church? I used to drink and smoke and left my
“I remembered those New Life Bible
Are they still searching? Who feeds them wife, but God changed me when I moved lessons, and the Bible you sent me.
spiritually? to the countryside, away from my family I began reading it and praying.
After an inspired discussion with and the city. Then your magazine came,
our workers, we decided to carry out a I remembered those New Life Bible and I read it from cover to cover.”
massive promotional campaign, sending lessons, and the Bible you sent me. I
letters to all our viewers from the past began reading it and praying. Then your
seven years who had taken our Bible magazine came, and I read it from cover
study course; and since there were over to cover. Today I’m trying to reconcile
9,000 of them, we called it our Nine with my wife and raise my nine grand-
Thousand Letters of Life project. children with the Lord.”
We sent a magazine and a colorful Thank you letters increased in num-
letter, asking them how their walk with bers and geography. They came from

the Lord had been. Then we suggested
they subscribe to our free magazine,
and gave them information on how
they can watch our channel on satellite
or the Internet.
This was an overwhelming project,
since our Call Center has only one
employee, so our new general manager,
Alexey Britov, held several presentations
in surrounding Adventist churches,
cities like Orel, Novokuznetsk, Artyom,
Kemerovo, Krasnodar, and others.


WROTE: “I was greatly surprised to
receive a copy of Three Angels. I tried to
fast for the first time, and your vegetarian
menu was really helpful and relevant.
My daughter was very happy about the
children’s page with puzzles, too. I want
inviting volunteers to help us. Through her to be a good person. She asks me a
by Julia Outkina this, God put together a powerful team lot about life and death, and sometimes As the dove brought

of volunteers, and we praise God for our it’s hard to answer her questions. I don’t t he go o d ne ws to
t the end of 2015, the Lord great Christian family members who are have a spiritual mentor, but I have so Noah, we want our
called us to produce our first- always ready to help us. many questions. Your magazine and letters to fly across the
ever Three Angels magazine, channel help me to understand more, country, carrying the
and through the positive responses we LIKE DOVES so thank you!” message of life in Jesus
received from our friends, God spoke Our letters flew like doves across We were concerned that some of our Christ. Extending this
to my heart. our vast country, and soon we began viewers might not receive their letters, analogy further, we Julia Outkina is 3ABN
Throughout almost 24 years of 3ABN receiving phone calls and expressions since the addresses we had might have consider your prayers Russia’s executive
director, and has
Russia’s existence, you, my special mes- of gratitude from our viewers. been several years old. But God has and donations as the been with us since
sengers in Russia, have seen thousands shown us that He’s interested in our doves of life, too, help- 1992. Her passion
and thousands of people take the New Life
Bible course, He said. Some graduated and
INDA, WROTE: “I’d like to subscribe
success! We sent a letter to Tatiana, in the
Kurgan region, not knowing that she’d
ing to bring the good
news of salvation to an
is to win souls for
Christ through 3ABN
Russia’s ministry
received a Bible as a gift, some quit after to your Three Angels magazine. When I moved to Tyumen Region. Nevertheless, ever-growing 3ABN and her personal
the first lesson, and some almost made it to began reading the copy you sent me, I the letter found her, with the help of the family around the testimony.
the end, but didn’t finish. What happened realized it as an answer to my prayers. new tenants in her old house! world!
18 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 19
3ABN Evangelism

Our combined forces must be the on-going effort to not

allow one precious soul to slip away!

one sinner who repents.” Our combined FOLLOW-UP

forces must be the ongoing effort to not The follow-up meetings will be possi-
allow one precious soul to slip away! ble through the information we provide
The reality is that we’ve finally arrived those who attend. Sermons from each
at the time we’ve all been planning and meeting site will be recorded and added
praying for. “Evangelism, Everyone, to the videos and lesson outlines on our
Everywhere” is under way, and the atmo- website, making it
sphere is electric! However, like the possible for the series to continue in
chaotic pandemonium that follows an their homes, fulfilling the “Evangelism,
by John Lomacang

exciting New Year’s Eve Celebration, it Everyone, Everywhere” slogan.
he largest amphibious invasion of Its Mission was, “Defeat the Enemy as is the post-event that I’m going to talk D-day is coming when the Lord of
all time occurred on June 6, 1944. a Coalition Force.” Its Goal was, “Oblit- to you about now. this operation will say to us, “Well done,
On that date, 160,000 Allied erate the Germany Killing Machine.” Keep this phrase in mind, “Evangelism good and faithful servant; you were
troops crossed the English Channel to try The Allied Forces were made up of is not everything. It’s the only thing!” faithful over a few things, I will make
and take back German-occupied Western troops from the United States, Great you ruler over many things. Enter into
Europe. Most people know this event Britain, China, France, and the Soviet THE NIGHT IS COMING the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21.
as D-Day, or the Battle of Normandy. Union, and that combination of 160,000 When Jesus sent His disciples to pro- Do all in your power and sphere of
However, the official title was Operation troops, 1,200 planes, and 5,000 water claim the message of deliverance and sal- influence to keep evangelism alive until
Overlord. vessels became the turning point in vation, He never suggested there would Jesus returns, and may God bless you.
the most memorable international war be a time when they could pack up their
THE STRONGER SIDE effort in recent history. bags and “spread the message” no longer.
By definition, an The Allied Nations became the over- What Jesus said to His disciples also
overlord is someone lords of Germany, and the major reason applies with great relevance to us. If they
w ho has aut hor it y for their victory was their slogan, “Los- worked with the passion of ushering

over another person or ing is not an option.” For the first time in in the return of Jesus, how much more
group. This operation modern warfare, nations combined their diligently should that urgency grip us?
was given this title to resources. There was only one greater Concerning His personal mission,
John Lomacang is show the Germans who concern than the cost of the war, and Jesus said, “I must work the works of Him
3 A B N ’s direc tor o f
Wo r ld E va ngelism.
was the more power- that was the value of a life! who sent Me while it is day; the night is
H e p a s t o r s o u r ful side during World coming when no one can work.” John 9:4.
local church and is War II. NOT AN OPTION We are nearing the night of this world’s
a n a u t h o r, s i n g e r/
songwriter, and host Operation Overlord For us, losing is not an option. Allow history! We have no time to lose. We
of House Calls and A was a Coalition effort. me to explain. The Bible says in Luke must work with a determined purpose,
Sharper Focus. His
wife Angela works for
Its theme was, “There 15:10, “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy and perpetual evangelism is the key to
3ABN Radio. is Strength in Unity.” in the presence of the angels of God over keeping this campaign alive.
20 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 21
3ABN Kids Network

The Punches Family

Jimmy Rhodes and I accompany Molly

ise t h e Lord! Biju Pandit with his children, Nickie and Riya, Rae.

A l l Pr a accompanied by Sanja Kitevski.

Le t ’s New Faces
by Brenda Walsh The new programs will feature some of
ids Time Praise is watched by kids on Praise Time. I’m sure you’ll be blessed your favorite Kids Time Praise musicians,
of all ages—and yes, I’m talking as each of these precious children sing as well as some new faces! We have a wide
about adults, as well. You’ll be excited to and play songs that will inspire, uplift, variety of talent; sisters singing together, The Knowlton Brothers
know that we have just released new Kids and draw you closer to Jesus. families playing bluegrass gospel instru-
Time Praise programs with lots of new mentals, solos, duets, trios, and a variety
faces. Kids from all over the world come New Theme Song of groups! I’m excited about so many kids
to 3ABN to share their musical talents, We have also added a new theme song shining for Jesus, and I know you will be,
and God is using them in a mighty way for our opening graphic that I think too—so let’s all praise the Lord!
to touch hearts for Him. you will love.
Danny Shelton We Need Your Help Dr. Calvin Taylor and InstruVoice Duo
New Opening Graphics wrote a song If you would like to see more
Our video editor, Gary Will, has called, “Let’s Christ-centered programs for kids,
created a new opening graphic for these All Praise the please prayerfully consider sup-
programs that represents the full scope of Lord,” which is porting our Kids Network. If the
kids who have shared their musical gifts featured on his Holy Spirit impresses, please send
Brenda Walsh is the
Love Rules CD. your tax-deductible love gifts to general manager of
The words and 3ABN Kids Network, Post Office 3ABN Kids Network, Girls of Mercy
music could Love Rules! is available in CD and Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois, as well as producer/
Video editor DVD format from host of Kids Time and
Gary Will, not have been 62896, or call us at 618-627-4651. Kids Time Praise. She
creates new more per- You may also donate online through is a published author,
opening s i n g e r, c o o k , a n d
fect for this project, and the tune is so PayPal from many countries at international speaker.
catchy—you simply can’t stop yourself Thank you for all you She is married to Tim,
from singing along! do for this ministry and for God’s and they have t wo
daughters and four
children around the world. grandchildren.
The Foster Sisters from Jamaica,
accompanied by Sanja Kitevski.

September 2016 | 3ABN World 23

Just for Kids An owl’s soft and thick feathers allow them to fly silently.

by Mellisa Hoffman

wls are one of the most fascinating creatures in the bird family! A close up of an owl’s large eyes.
With around 200 different species, owls come in all shapes and
sizes. Despite some small physical differences, all owls are very
much alike. They have incredibly sharp senses and are always aware of what is happening An owl’s sharp
talons help them
around them. There’s no way you could ever sneak up on an owl. catch their prey.
Owls have super-hearing. One in particular, the great grey owl, can hear a mouse moving

around under a layer of snow that is two feet deep! Some owls look like they have ears sticking
up on their heads, but those aren’t actually ears at all . . . they are feathers, or ear tufts. An owl’s
facial feathers help them hear by directing sounds to their ears. They can even hear the tiniest
noises 75 feet away!
It’s a good thing that owls have big eyes. They are only active after dark, so their eyes must A Barn owl E Great horned owl
be extra sensitive in order to see anything at all. Owls don’t actually have eyeballs; instead, they B Barred owl F Screech owl
have eye tubes which help them see in the dark, but prevent them from seeing in any direction C Snowy owl G Long-eared owl
other than straight ahead. That could be a problem for humans, but owls can rotate their heads Match the name of the owl
with its picture. D Great grey owl H Pygmy owl
around 270 degrees, making it easy for them to see what’s happening behind them.
Being quiet is also something owls are known for. They can sit still on a tree branch listening
and watching until they locate their prey, take flight, swoop down and grab
dinner with their sharp claws, and enjoy a meal without even being noticed.
Have you ever heard God speaking to you? Have you ever seen Him do some-
thing wonderful? God talks to us through His Holy Spirit, and the more time we
spend with Him in prayer and the study of His Word, the better we will be able
to hear Him and see the awesome things He does in our lives. Just like the owl, 1 2 3 4
our senses must be fine-tuned. If we let things of the world come into our lives,
Mellisa Hoffman
is the assist ant to
they will drown out God’s presence, and we won’t be able to hear or see Him at
Brenda Walsh, general all. So, let’s be like the owl. Be quiet, listen closely, and watch carefully.
manager for 3 A BN
Kids Network, as
well as their program
manager. She is also
a talented copy editor
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way
and has two teenage
children, Hannah and
you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”
5 6 7 8
Psalm 32:8
24 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 25
ANSWERS: 1H, 2G, 3F, 4E, 5C, 6D, 7A, 8B
For Pacific time -2 hours • Mountain time -1 hour • Eastern time +1 hour     = Closed Captioned.   = Live program.  
= New series.   = Repeat of live program. Program titles in red are changes effective this month.
Join best-selling author Shelley Quinn on an exciting journey 2:00a Pillars of Faith 2:00a Life Discovery Series (Jim Reinking)
through Scripture that will deepen your understanding of God’s 2:30 2:30
perfect grace. With eye-opening clarity and heart-stirring 3:00 Featured Ministries 3:00 Homecoming 2015
encouragement, Shelley explains the impact of tapping into The 3:30 From Sickness to Health (Rico Hill) 3:30
Grace Pipeline, and the rewards of being connected with Christ 4:00 In the Beginning (Stan Hudson) 4:00 Eleventh Hour Evidence
4:30 4:30 ...(David Asscherick)
our Righteousness.
5:00 Revelation Now (Jac Colon) 5:00 Praise! (Kelly Mowrer)
(PROMO13) $150.00* Suggested Donation. This 5:30 5:30 Wonderfully Made
Special includes the Grace Pipeline book, and all 22 6:00 Body & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez) 6:00 Body & Spirit (Dick Nunez)
Grace Pipeline programs on 6 DVDs. 6:30 Heart Lift (Jill Morikone) 6:30 Pressing in to His Presence (Shelley Quinn)
7:00 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh) 7:00 Digging Up the Past (David Down)
*Special Pricing for month of September only 7:30 Praise! (Kelly Mowrer) 7:30 Ultimate Prescription (Dr. James Marcum)
8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today
8:30 8:30
9:00 Stones of Remembrance 9:00 House Calls (John Lomacang)
HALLELUJAH, WE’RE HOME AT LAST! 9:30 Adventures in Missions 9:30
No event will be more amazing than the Second Coming of Jesus 10:00 Focus on God’s Word 10:00 Free Indeed (C. A. Murray)
10:30 10:30 Books of the Book
Christ! Your spirit will soar as you listen to these familiar hymns and
11:00 Inspirational Hour 11:00 Revelation of Hope (Taj Pacleb)
brand new songs by Danny Shelton, Lari Goss, and Yvonne Lewis,
11:30 11:30
pointing to the soon return of our Lord. With beautiful orchestration
12:00p Melody From My Heart 12:00p Behold the Lamb Presents
by legendary arranger, Lari Goss, this album features the voices
12:30 Grace Pipeline (Shelley Quinn) 12:30 ...(Kenny Shelton)
of Reggie and Ladye Love Smith, Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis,
1:00 A Sharper Focus (John Lomacang) 1:00 Off the Grid
Melody Shelton Firestone, and John Lomacang. 1:30 1:30 Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins)
CD (MUSIC043-2) 2:00 Body & Spirit 2:00 Action 4 Life (Casio Jones)
DVD (DVD012) 2:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) 2:30 Heaven’s Point of View (Frank Fournier)
USB (USB01) includes video & music 3:00 3ABN Today LIVE 3:00 3ABN Today
$15.00 each Suggested Donation 3:30 3:30
4:00 4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)
4:30 4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)
5:00 The Carter Report (John Carter) 5:00 Liberty Insider (Lincoln Steed)
TINY TOTS II DVDS 5:30 5:30 Help in Daily Living
6:00 Books of the Book 6:00 Grace Pipeline (Shelley Quinn)
This 5-volume DVD set includes all the most 6:30 Cook:30.2 (Jeremy Dixon) 6:30 Mission 360 (Gary Krause)
recent Tiny Tots for Jesus programs currently 7:00 Jesus for Asia Now (Jon & Natalie Wood) 7:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery
airing on 3ABN. Join Auntie Linda, Miss Cinda, 7:30 The Heavens Declare (Jim Burr) 7:30 ...(Cheri Peters)
and guests, as they teach the Tiny Tots more 8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today
about their Best Friend, Jesus. Four fun-filled 8:30 8:30
programs per volume! Order your set today! 9:00 Table Talk 9:00 Pillars of Faith
Set (TT2 DSET) $50.00 Suggested Donation 9:30 9:30
10:00 It Is Written Canada (Chris Holland) 10:00 The Carter Report (John Carter)
Individual volumes available (TT2SV include 10:30 Help in Daily Living 10:30
code & vol. number 01D, 02D, 03D, 04D, 05D ) 11:00 3ABN Today 11:00 3ABN Today
$15.00 Suggested Donation 11:30 11:30
12:00a Secrets Unsealed Presents... 12:00a ASI Conventions
12:30 ...(Stephen Bohr) 12:30
TO ORDER, go to 3ABNSTORE.COM, use the attached envelope, 1:00 GYC 2015 1:00 Books of the Book
or call 618-627-4651 during regular business hours. 1:30 1:30 Battles of Faith
All prices are in US dollar amounts 27
2:00a Stones of Remembrance 2:00a Celebrating Life in Recovery 2:00a Books of the Book 2:00a 3ABN Today LIVE (continued)
2:30 Descendants of Abraham (Shakeela Yasuf) 2:30 ...(Cheri Peters) 2:30 Grace Pipeline (Shelley Quinn) 2:30
3:00 Melody From My Heart 3:00 Revelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht) 3:00 Up Close 3:00 Revelation of Hope (Taj Pacleb)
3:30 Free Indeed (C. A. Murray) 3:30 3:30 3:30
4:00 House Calls (John Lomacang) 4:00 Digging Up the Past (David Down) 4:00 Remodeling Your Life (Jim Ayer) 4:00 Liberty Insider (Lincoln Steed)
4:30 4:30 Thunder in the Holy Land (Charles Byrd) 4:30 Issues & Answers 4:30 Battles of Faith
5:00 Salvation in Symbols and Signs (Myers, Rafferty) 5:00 White Horse Media Presents (Steve Wohlberg) 5:00 Origins (Terry McComb) 5:00 Sabbath School Study Hour
5:30 Cook:30.2 (Jeremy Dixon) 5:30 Adventures in Missions 5:30 5:30
6:00 Body & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez) 6:00 Body & Spirit (Dick Nunez) 6:00 Body & Spirit Aerobics (Dick Nunez) 6:00 Body & Spirit (Dick Nunez)
6:30 The Heavens Declare (Jim Burr) 6:30 ASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton) 6:30 Jesus for Asia Now (Jon & Natalie Wood) 6:30 His Words Are Life (Mowrer)/Grandma’s House (Neal)
7:00 Special Feature 7:00 Amazing Facts Presents... (Doug Batchelor) 7:00 Homecoming 2015 7:00 Revelation Now (Jac Colon)
7:30 7:30 Help in Daily Living 7:30 7:30
8:00 3ABN Today LIVE 8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
9:00 9:00 Keepers of the Flame 9:00 GYC 2015 9:00 Behold the Lamb Presents
9:30 9:30 Divine Design (Patti Barnes) /Grandma’s House (Neal) 9:30 9:30 ...(Kenny Shelton)
10:00 Heaven’s Point of View (Tom Shepherd) 10:00 Melody From My Heart 10:00 From Sickness to Health (Rico Hill) 10:00 Health for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh)
10:30 Pressing in to His Presence (Shelley Quinn) 10:30 Liberty Insider (Lincoln Steed) 10:30 Heart Lift (Jill Morikone) 10:30 It Is Written Canada (Chris Holland)
11:00 Featured Ministries 11:00 Table Talk 11:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery 11:00 Secrets Unsealed Presents...
11:30 Books of the Book 11:30 11:30 ...(Cheri Peters) 11:30 ...(Stephen Bohr)
12:00p Spring Camp Meeting 2016 12:00p 3ABN On the Road 12:00p Ultimate Prescription (Dr. James Marcum) 12:00p Revelation Speaks Peace
12:30 12:30 12:30 Marriage in God’s Hands 12:30 ...(Shawn Boonstra)
1:00 Hope in Motion 1:00 Issues and Answers 1:00 Books of the Book 1:00 Remodeling Your Life (Jim Ayer)
1:30 Cook:30.2 (Jeremy Dixon) 1:30 Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins) 1:30 Taste of Paradise (Nyse Collins) 1:30 Cook:30.2 (Jeremy Dixon)
2:00 Body & Spirit 2:00 Action 4 Life (Casio Jones) 2:00 Body & Spirit (Dick Nunez) 2:00 Action 4 Life (Casio Jones)
2:30 Heart Lift (Jill Morikone) 2:30 Back to Our Roots (Alex Schlussler) 2:30 Melody From My Heart 2:30 Steps to Christ in Song
3:00 3ABN Today 3:00 3ABN Today 3:00 3ABN Today 3:00 3ABN Today
3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30
4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) 4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) 4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) 4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)
4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh) 4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh) 4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh) 4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)
5:00 Kids Time Praise 5:00 Everlasting Gospel 5:00 Liberty Insider (Lincoln Steed) 5:00 Featured Ministries
5:30 Marriage in God’s Hands 5:30 5:30 Heaven’s Point of View (Tom Shepherd) 5:30 Melody From My Heart
6:00 House Calls (John Lomacang) 6:00 Revelation Speaks Peace 6:00 The Carter Report (John Carter) 6:00 Jesus for Asia Now (Jon & Natalie Wood)
6:30 6:30 ...(Shawn Boonstra) 6:30 6:30 The Heavens Declare (Jim Burr)
7:00 Secrets Unsealed Presents... 7:00 A Sharper Focus (John Lomacang) 7:00 Sabbath School Study Hour 7:00 Pillars of Faith
7:30 ...(Stephen Bohr) 7:30 7:30 7:30
8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today 8:00 3ABN Today LIVE 8:00 3ABN Today
8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30
9:00 Behold the Lamb Presents 9:00 Amazing Facts Presents... (Doug Batchelor) 9:00 9:00 It is Written
9:30 ...(Kenny Shelton) 9:30 Books of the Book 9:30 9:30 Maranatha Mission Stories
10:00 Revelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht) 10:00 It Is Written 10:00 Kenneth Cox Ministries 10:00 Mission 360 (Gary Krause)
10:30 10:30 Stones of Remembrance 10:30 10:30 Hope in Motion
11:00 3ABN Today 11:00 3ABN Today 11:00 3ABN Today 11:00 3ABN Today
11:30 11:30 11:30 11:30
12:00a Heaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson 12:00a A Sharper Focus (John Lomacang) 12:00a Table Talk 12:00a A Sharper Focus (John Lomacang)
12:30 Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) 12:30 12:30 12:30
1:00 Contending for the Faith (Clifford Goldstein) 1:00 In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore) 1:00 3ABN Today LIVE 1:00 Breath of Life (Carlton Byrd)
1:30 Ultimate Prescription (Dr. James Marcum) 1:30 Take 15 / Divine Design (Patti Barnes) 1:30 1:30 Thunder in the Holy Land (Charles Byrd)

28 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 29

Don’t Miss London 2016!
Broadcast from September 5–19, 2016
2:00a Praise! (Kelly Mowrer)
2:30 In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore)
Give Me the Bible (Kenneth Cox)
NOW is the time... Get updates and stories from each
4:00 Focus on God’s Word . . . you too can give a gift that
4:30 blesses others for eternity. location around London!
Sunday–Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.
Start a 3ABN Charitable Gift Annuity
5:00 Breath of Life (Carlton Byrd)
5:30 Digging Up the Past (David Down) Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.
6:00 It Is Written Benefits: Friday–Saturday at 6:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.
6:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) • Up to 9 % interest, based on age
7:00 Kids Time Praise All times CDT (UTC–5). No broadcast on Thursdays
• Fixed income for life
7:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh) • A tax deduction on the amount funded
8:00 3ABN Today • A major portion of the payment is tax-free! LONDON 2016 WITH PASTOR JOHN LOMACANG
8:30 Don’t miss these powerful sermons from London!
• Start with just $5,000 (Single) or $10,000 (Joint)
9:00 Sabbath School Study Hour
• Legal document fees paid by 3ABN Each day at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
10:00 Kenneth Cox Ministries Call or e-mail for more info! All times CDT (UTC–5). No broadcast on Thursdays
10:30 Roy & Earlenne Hunt 800-886-4800
11:00 Worship Hour Attend in person in London from September 3–17.
11:30 For international schedules and meeting locations,
12:00p Pillars of Faith please visit
1:00 New Perceptions (Dwight Nelson)
2:00 Table Talk
3:00 3ABN Today
4:00 Maranatha Mission Stories
4:30 Kids Time (Brenda Walsh)
5:00 Kids Time Praise
5:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson)
6:00 Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)
6:30 Salvation in Symbols and Signs (Myers, Rafferty) Title
7:00 Breath of Life (Carlton Byrd)
7:30 White Horse Media Presents (Steve Wohlberg)
8:00 3ABN Today
8:30 Body
9:00 Spring Camp Meeting 2016
10:00 Pressing in to His Presence
10:30 Making Waves (Jim Ayer)
11:00 3ABN Today All Adventist Content
11:30 Three models to choose from.
with guest speaker Pastor Ivor Myers
12:00a Special Feature
1:00 GYC 2014 and your 3ABN Family
For more information visit:
30 3ABN World | September 2016

Patti Barnes (right) interviews Dr. Debbie Beihl, OB/GYN in

Residency, on the Ministry of Childbirth episode.

centrated on interesting others to enter “Seeing how a baby develops childbirth and the amazing transitions
here is nothing as precious as the field of midwifery and childbirth was amazing, as was every that take place as the baby is born.
a newborn baby—a gift from education. From the encouragement Episodes five through seven discuss
our loving heavenly Father. How she received from Dr. Agatha Thrash of
stage of the miracle of the importance of good prenatal care,
important it is for us to become edu- Uchee Pines Institute, Patti has taught childbirth.... This program will the eight laws of health in childbirth,
cated as to how to best provide for the seminars across the country. She also quickly become a favorite.” and common complaints in pregnancy.
well-being of these little bundles of love, appeared on 3ABN’s Health for a Lifetime Episode eight examines what to expect
not only after they are born, but while program with Don Mackintosh, several every stage of the miracle of childbirth. I in labor and delivery, followed by one
they are forming in the womb, and even years ago. am convinced this program will quickly on the potential dangers of New Age
before conception. This is why 3ABN More recently, she has implemented a become a favorite on 3ABN!” practices. The next program looks at how
is thrilled to debut a new program this Childbirth Education/Doula* and Mid- to avoid complications that can lead to
month called, Divine Design with Patti wifery curriculum at Hartland College A NEW SERIES IS BORN C-Sections, followed by a program on the
Barnes. in Virginia, at the request of President With the interest from 3ABN to air benefits of breastfeeding.
Norbert Restrepo. them, Patti expanded the project to The final two episodes cover the
A SPECIAL BURDEN Seeing the growth and the tremendous thirteen episodes, covering a wide variety most frequently asked questions and
It has long been a burden on Pat- potential in this curriculum, Patti and of childbirth topics. The goal was to be the potential for ministry in the area of
ti’s heart to educate the Hartland Media team put together a blessing to viewers around the world! childbirth, with a total dependence on
young ladies about a few short promotional videos. These The Hartland Media team is mostly Divine guidance.
childbirth. As a Certi- five-minute productions caught the comprised of students under the super- Everyone may benefit from these edu-
fied Professional Mid- attention of Mollie Steenson, 3ABN’s vice vision of Min Suk Chung, their media cational and spiritual programs—from
wife (CPM) licensed president and general manager. instructor. They worked very hard with expectant parents to grandparents—since
in the state of Vir- “I admit that when I was asked to Patti to produce family-friendly videos these Christ-centered episodes give glory
ginia, she has prac- review a program on midwifery, my ini- that would be appropriate for all ages. to our Creator and demonstrate a sam-
ticed midwifery for tial reaction was negative—that is, until I The first three episodes deal with ple of the Divine wisdom and power in
over 30 years. But in sat down and watched the first program, conception, the amazing journey of the human reproduction.
recent years, she’s con- and then all the others,” she says. “Seeing egg, and the developing embryo. This is
*A woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth
how a baby develops was amazing, as was followed by an episode on the miracle of and who may provide support to the family after the baby is born.

32 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 33


A Turning Point
Although Charley and Susie were
walking down a wrong path, their

God’s Gentle Hand

heavenly Father never gave up on them,
and slowly, He used their interest in
spiritual things to lead Susie to Chris-
by Bobby Davis Charley and Susie Haisch didn’t realize God was leading them, “But He tian television.
was,” Charley says. “He kept changing the angle just a bit until He got “She started watching The 700 Club,
us over to the right message!”
and that led us to buying a Sky Angel
“There were other psychics, too,” satellite dish for Christian and fami-

Charley adds, “and although all this was ly-friendly channels,” Charley explains.
180 degrees in the wrong direction, when “We also watched Trinity Broadcasting

harley and Susie Haisch live in Polo, never because we wanted to go. Sadly, Sylvia Brown talked about Mother God Network (TBN) a lot.”

a small town of about 2,500 about all that time, I never got to know Jesus. and Father God, we started praying to Susie quickly adds, “I guess we just
an hour southwest of Rockford, in And if there’s one thing I would change one for one thing, and then praying to the melded all the psychics and Christian
northern Illinois. Raised in rural settings, about my life, that would be it. I was other for something else. One of Susie’s teachings together. Honestly, I think a lot
they are grateful for loving parents and 59 years old before I gave my heart to friends had a psychic come down two or of people do that, because you can twist
the solid values they gave them. They’re Christ, and while we pray for Jesus to three times to talk to our horses, and she anything to make it fit if you don’t know
also grateful for the good careers they come soon, I thank Him for tarrying. told us things that only the horses and we your Bible—and we didn’t!”
enjoyed—Charley as a pharmacist, and Had He not done that, I wouldn’t be would know!
Susie as owner of a beauty salon. here. I’d be lost forever.” “She also talked to our other “I feel sorry for psychics
Raised in Methodist homes, they never
questioned what they’d been taught, and Psychics
pets,” Susie adds, “and although
that’s really out there, when you
because they’re so lost.
probably believed they’d never attend Their successful careers kept Charley don’t know where all this infor- They’re seeing demons, and
church anywhere else. “My Dad was and Susie very busy. But here’s where mation is coming from, it’s pretty they don’t even know it.”
pretty strict on church attendance,” their journey gets rather interesting. “I convincing. Satan knows things,
Charley says, “and unless we were really guess you might say that we were search- and I feel sorry for psychics because A program called Through the Bible
ill, you would definitely find us in church ing for something, but we didn’t realize they’re so lost. They’re seeing demons, with Les Feldick helped get them into
every Sunday! But when I went away to it,” Charley says, “and somehow or other, and they don’t even know it.” the Scriptures. “Les would sit down
college, I only attended church period- Susie became very interested in psychics. Charley points out, “Years ago people and go through the Bible, and although
ically—pretty much when I felt guilty.” She was especially impressed by Sylvia would laugh if anyone talked about psy- some of his teachings were wrong, we
“I was raised Methodist, too,” Susie Brown, a famous psychic who made the chics, but people believe in them today!” really learned a lot about the Scriptures,”
says, “but my family wasn’t quite as strict. rounds of all the television shows.” He pauses for a moment, then adds, Charley says. “I didn’t even know God
So when we got older and didn’t want to “Sylvia was a world-renowned psy- “There’s too much going on in the world, was leading me, but He was. He kept
go to church, nobody forced us.” chic,” Susie explains, “and I probably and between cell phones, computers, the changing the angle just a bit until He got
After they married, the couple would read 30 of her books before I found Internet, TV, and everything else, people us over to the right message! We found
visit Charley’s parents in South Dakota. out the truth about all that. When she don’t take time to sit down and read their ourselves watching psychics less and
“Susie and I would go to church with showed up on the Montel Williams Show, Bibles. That’s Satan’s plan—to occupy less, and eventually we threw all those
them—as a courtesy,” he says, “but it was I made sure we didn’t miss it!” our minds.” books out.”
34 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 35
Susie’s mother, Betty Stoner, overcame her overwhelming fear
of water and was baptized by Pastor Don Lewis (left) at age 88!
Testimony Charlie was honored to be there to reassure her.

was asked to be our church pianist! She

“What’s That?” phenomenal, and we were hungry for loved our church so much that a year and
The first time Susie heard about Sev- truth! My favorite Bible text is Romans a half later, at the age of 88, she wanted
enth-day Adventists was when her der- 5:8, ‘But God demonstrates His own to be baptized. Since she was petrified of
matologist mentioned that his neighbors love toward us, in that while we were putting her face in the water, we could tell
were of that faith. She remembers asking still sinners, Christ died for us.’ He set how serious she was about it!
him, “What’s that?” and he said “Oh, us up, and He gently brought us around.” “It was a beautiful baptism, and today,
they think that Saturday is the Sabbath,” at 93, she’s with us in church every Sab-
which she thought was odd. Meanwhile, Baptism and the Sabbath bath. Our church family loves her, and
their Sky Angel receiver began to fail, As Susie watched 3ABN one day, one worked it all out, and Pastor Lomacang they love her music, too.”

so Charley ordered a new system from thought kept crowding in. “I didn’t say baptized us during 3ABN’s Spring Camp If you visit the Sauk Valley Sev-
Dish Network—complete with a DVR it to Charley, but as we watched I kept Meeting! He also wrote a letter to my enth-day Adventist Church, chances are
to record programs. “They installed two thinking, I think I’m an Adventist! Then boss, and I never worked another Sat- you’ll meet Susie at the door, since she’s
dishes so we could get both the Sky Angel suddenly, he looked at me and said, ‘I urday again. a greeter. You’re sure to meet Charley,
and Dish channels,” he says, “and that’s think I could be an Adventist!’”
when Susie discovered 3ABN!” With that realization, they both
“It chokes me up when I think of all the ways God led us
decided to be baptized; but one big
obstacle remained. “We both worked to know Jesus.... Each day we get stronger in our faith.”
every weekend, and I knew my boss had
trouble getting pharmacists to work on “It chokes me up when I think of all who is an elder and a Sabbath School
Saturdays. I didn’t know what to do, so the ways God led us to know Jesus. When teacher, and you’ll enjoy Betty’s piano
finally, I sent an e-mail to Pastor John we were baptized, we were just baby playing, too!
Lomacang, and a half-hour later, he Christians. But praise God for the Sanc- Today the Haisch family is grateful for
called! We talked, and I can’t tell you tification process and that we’ve never God’s gentle hand that led them into truth,
how that eased my mind. The next day, quit learning. Each day we get stronger and for a church family that’s eager to share
I sent my boss an e-mail laying out my in our faith.” the love of Jesus with everyone they meet.
situation, and asking for Saturdays off. Thank you for your prayers and support
Susie and Charley met Pastor Doug Batchelor (center) at 3ABN Camp
Meeting in 2014. His program caught Susie’s attention early on. It happened to be April 1, though, so Mom that make stories like this possible!
One day, as she flipped through the naturally, I got an e-mail back asking if But there’s more to this story! Susie’s
program guide, she came across a channel this was an April Fool’s joke! parents had become disillusioned with
she didn’t know. What’s that? she won- “It was a struggle for a while, because church back in the 1960s and hadn’t
dered, as she tuned it in. “I thought it was although he cut me way back, my boss attended much. But after she began
very different, but what they said made still had me working one or two Satur- attending the Seventh-day Adventist
sense. Then Pastor Doug Batchelor began day’s a month. When I did, I decided to Church, she asked her mom, Betty Stoner,
to preach, and suddenly things started give all my wages to the Lord because I if she’d like to go with her. “She lit up,
to fit together. By the time Charley came didn’t feel good about keeping it. and said, ‘Yes, I’d like to go!’” Susie says
home, I said, ‘You gotta watch this guy!’” “We were so eager to be baptized with a smile.
“We watched 3ABN a lot,” he recalls. that I called 3ABN and was transferred “Mom had always played the piano, If you’re anywhere near Dixon, Illinois, why
not stop in and meet Charley and Susie at the
“We watched before I went to work; to Pastor Jim Gilley, their president at but she’d never played church music. So
Sauk Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church at
we watched when I came home. It was the time. I’m happy to say that the Lord it was a whole new experience when she 416 Prospect Street? They will be delighted,
36 3ABN World | July 2016 and so will you!
A Woman’s Walk

they came to get her for the procedure. I hung up the phone and fell to my knees,
glanced at my phone. 6:55 a.m. pleading for her. I asked God to give her a special sense of His presence, that He
Sunday morning. I was running would guide the doctor, and that everything would be okay, if it was in His will.
late! Greg and I were still finish- God, please take away her fear.
ing breakfast, and in just a couple of Later that day, she’d texted.
minutes I should be praying with my “As they wheeled me down
by Jill Morikone prayer partner, Jacki.* I sent her a quick to the operating room, I told
text: “Will be five minutes late, maybe a bit God I was a little concerned
less.” Setting the phone down, I hurried to that no one would be there
swallow the last of my cereal. during the procedure, and
Jacki and I had been praying weekly for over He said, I am.”
four years. Every Sunday morning at 7:00, we prayed God had showed up!
on the phone. We always talked about what God had done Surely, He would be with
for us the previous week, the victories He’d given us, and the places her now.
where we still struggled. We had open, genuine accountability, but the best part of I picked up the phone and
our talks was always our prayer time. She was my sister in Jesus and had lifted me dialed her number. It rang a
up before the throne of grace literally thousands of times. We both longed to be couple of times while I held
transformed into God’s image as we sought His face. my breath. Then, I heard her
voice, “Hello?”
Fear Oh, thank You, Jesus!
My phone hadn’t whistled. That’s odd, she always answers right away.
“Greg, do you think she’s okay? She hasn’t answered yet.” Fear began to set in. The Solution
You see, Jacki had recently undergone a subclavian bypass. However, just as I don’t know about you, but fear crops up in my heart far too
she began recovering, she’d had chest pain and shortness of breath. After often. Sometimes it’s fear for my friends and family. Maybe it’s
ruling out any blockage, the doctors had sent her home, where she fears about health, or the future. Lately, it’s been fear of failure.

lived by herself. What if I mess up? What if I can’t do this job or the calling God’s
Maybe something’s happened to her. My fear began to build. placed on my life? What if I let God down?
My mind traveled back to the chest pain she’d just had a couple Then a friend shared a quote from Henry C. Link with me:
Jill Morikone is
of days ago. The doctors rushed her in for an angiogram, checking “While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is t h e a dmi n i s t r a t i ve
for blockages. She had called me, but we busy making mistakes and becoming superior.” assistant to 3ABN’s
hadn’t had time to pray before Are you afraid of making a mistake? Get up and do something! president, a columnist
for the Adventist
Are you hesitating with a decision? Consult your options, pray, Review, and involved
and make the best decision you can. in teaching Sabbath
School and women’s
Are you afraid of failure? Choose to grow from your mistakes. minis t r ies. S he’s
Every time fear raises its ugly head, choose to take your thoughts married to 3ABN
production manager,
captive to the Lord Jesus. Choose to pray, praise, and move for- Greg Morikone.
ward in His power. After all, there is no fear in love, for perfect
love casts out all fear!
*A pseudonym.

September 2016 | 3ABN World 39

O nce, when we were dating, my husband and I went on a
road trip adventure through his home state of Michigan.
Every so often, we saw signs advertising “Pasties” from a local
restaurant. “What in the world is that?” I remember asking
him. When he described it, we both agreed I needed to try
one—and from that moment, I was a pasty fan! We’ve made
them a few times since then, and have always had fun sharing
From the kitchen of Janelle Owen
the kitchen with this teamwork recipe. This is our version, but
FILLING GRAVY you can adjust it to taste. Enjoy this little piece of Michigan!
• 3–4 medium potatoes, cubed (we like You may double this recipe and save half to
skin-on) pour on top.
• 3 medium carrots, chopped or sliced INGREDIENTS A
• ½ cup lentils • 2 Tbsp oil
• ½ tsp salt (or to taste) • ½ medium onion, chopped Janelle Owen serves the Lord as a designer in 3ABN’s Publishing Department, and her husband
Donald is a cameraman. They love nature walks, organic gardening, and sharing the gospel
• 2 Tbsp oil • 3 cloves garlic, chopped through literature and personal ministry.
• 1½ cup frozen peas • 8 oz fresh button mushrooms, sliced
• ½ medium onion, chopped INGREDIENTS B
• 3 cloves garlic, chopped • 6 Tbsp oil
• 1 bay leaf • 6 Tbsp flour
• ¼ tsp onion powder • 2½ cups vegetable broth
• ¼ tsp garlic powder • ½ tsp salt (or to taste)
• ¼ tsp cumin
• 7 cups water
1. Caramelize gravy Ingredients A in a
skillet, then set aside.
2. Heat oil from Ingredients B on medium
Pre-heat oven to 375°F heat until it’s hot enough to fry.
1. Combine all ingredients except peas in a 3. Slowly add flour, mixing it with oil.
pot and cook on medium-high heat for Consistency should be a somewhat thick
about 10–12 minutes. paste. May need to add more oil or flour.
2. Allow to cool, then strain vegetables with a 4. Cook flour about 5 minutes until it’s
strainer and bowl to catch the broth. golden brown.
3. Remove bay leaf. 5. Slowly add broth and salt, continuously
4. Set aside vegetables and broth to use later. whisking as it thickens.
6. Add carmelized mixture and cook for
about 5 minutes.
• Combine all vegetables, peas, and gravy

• Use your favorite pie crust recipe and double it. Roll dough to 1/4" thick. Cut 6" circle (may
use small pan lid for guide) then scoop 3–4 Tbsp of vegetable mixture onto one half. Fold over
and pinch together firmly to secure filling. Poke top with fork. Bake at 375˚F for about 40
minutes, or until golden brown. Serve with gravy.
September 2016 | 3ABN World 41
Prescription for Health

treatment, or if there’s neck pain with a called nonsteroidals is useful, as they

fever or persistent nausea and vomiting, help inflammation. Acetaminophen may
a more serious cause of the pain should help the pain, as well. The goal, though,
be considered. A provider will evaluate is to find and eliminate the cause, since
these symptoms with an exam, or some pain signifies that something is not right.
type of imaging of the brain—a CT scan There’s much more to be said about
by Dr. James Marcum
or MRI. In cases of suspected infection, a headaches. is a good
lumbar puncture may be needed. Neurol- start, or ask your questions on our web-
ogists are the physicians who specialize site, Always
in headache pains. ask God to help in your health problems,
and do not be too proud to seek help.

y head hurts! This headache certain foods containing monosodium


is killing me! I think everyone glutamate (MSG) are among the more
can relate to those phrases. common causes, too.
Pains in the head are common. In fact, Migraine headaches usually have a Sometimes headaches
more individuals suffer from headaches warning period, called an aura, where
may have a specIfIc
than from any other type of pain. Eight a person might have nausea, abnormal
million people visit the doctor each year sensations, or sensitivity to light. When cause, like dehydration.
because of head pains. I’ve had a migraine, my tongue feels
prickly, and then the headache comes. At
This is one of the most
Headaches other times, I’ll have a hard time focus- common causes of
Most head pains are not life threat- ing my thoughts. Migraine headaches
ening. The most common head pain may have triggers, like certain foods, headaches.
is the headache, which, in most cases, missed meals, lack of sleep, or stress.
is tension or stress-related. In fact, 80
to 90 percent of us will have a stress Seeking Help
headache at one time or another. These When should you seek help for head Treatments
types of headaches may manifest as pain pain? Immediate evaluation should be What are some treatments for head-
James L. Marcum M.D.
throughout the head or at the base of the considered if you should experience the aches? Water, deep breathing, and
FACC is a board certified,
skull. Any type of stressor can trigger this “worst headache ever,” a change of head- sleep might help a tension headache. practicing cardiologist who
type of pain. ache pattern, head pain aggravated by Ginger root has been shown to help also ser ves as speaker/
dir e c t o r f o r H e a r t w i s e
Sometimes headaches may have a exertion or coughing, or head pain after migraines, and hibiscus and beets may Ministries. His latest
specific cause, like dehydration. This trauma. If you have a change of vision, help headaches associated with high books, Medicines that Kill,
and Ultimate Prescription,
is one of the most common causes of sensation, weakness on one side of the blood pressure.
are available from 3ABN.
headaches. Lack of sleep, alcohol con- body, or the pain continues to worsen, Sometimes a short course of pain med-
sumption, sinus infections, eyestrain, this might be serious. ication may be needed to get a person
high blood pressure, an infection, and If the pain is unresponsive to initial over the hump. A class of medications

42 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 43

Moved to Tears to work, and then with Dustin again,
Often, I’m moved to tears when they who says that praying at night helps
pray. I still remember the first time my him go to sleep. We ask God to remove
friend Joe prayed out loud. I’d finished our fears, resentments, selfishness, and
my prayer by saying, “And now, my self-seeking. We pray for their children,
friend Joe wants to talk to You,” and… our co-workers, and for the wisdom to
Silence. I waited. make right decisions.
More silence. The moment a child of God cries
I’m sure it was only 30 seconds, but out for help, Jesus’ promise comes true:
it felt like five minutes. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give
Finally, in a faint and childlike voice, to you; not as the world gives do I give
he said, “God, this is Joe, and I don’t to you. Let not your heart be troubled,
know how to talk to You. But I want neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.
My heart swelled with so much grat- Highest Work
itude that my tears flowed freely as Joe Many years ago, Ellen White wrote
by Bobby Davis poured out his heart to a God he barely that, “We should watch for opportunities

knew. of speaking to others of the Saviour. If
’ve shared before how profoundly How guilty I’ve felt for not following We sat there a long time, and finally, we follow Christ’s example in doing

my life has been affected by praying, through, and how I’ve begged God to he broke the silence. “Wow. I feel like good, hearts will open to us as they
Good morning, Lord. What can I do help me remember. So here’s what I’ve G o d ’s w r a p - did to Him.
for You today? That request has opened learned: ping His arms Not abruptly,
my eyes to the needs of others like never First, when the thought comes to pray around me like The moment a child of but with tact
before. Some just need me to listen; oth- for the person I’m speaking to, I quietly my father used God cries out for help, born of divine
ers need my experience, strength, and ask God’s Holy Spirit for guidance.
hope. But when I pray with them, a new Sometimes I’m impressed to make them
to when I was
Jesus’ promise comes true: love, we can
just a kid.” tell them of
bond is made because we’ve brought the a matter of daily prayer, and I write their “Peace I leave with you, Hi m w ho is
Almighty into our friendship. names on Post-Its, sticking them to my Watch My peace I give to you.” the ‘chiefest
computer or even on the dashboard of I’ve learned among ten
Confession my car. Other times, I’m impressed to to watch for thousand,’ and
As long as I’ve lived, I’ve never expe- ask if I can pray for them, right there, those friends who need and want to the One ‘altogether lovely.’ This is the
rienced a spiritual thrill quite like that of and as I recall, no one has ever turned pray with me, and once they do, many very highest work in which we can
hearing someone’s first prayer. (If you’ve me down. of them want to continue every day. I employ the talent of speech. It was given
never had that chance, please watch for But then there are those special times usually wake around 5:30 a.m., and if to us that we might present Christ as the
it.) But before we go there, it’s time for when I’m impressed to invite them to I don’t call him first, Dustin calls me sin-pardoning Saviour.”*
a confession. You see, as a Christian, I pray with me. Sometimes they say, “I at 5:45. He’s been doing this every day Have you prayed with someone
became comfortable saying, “I’ll pray for don’t know how to pray,” or “I’ve never since he said his first prayer, a month today? If not, then try it.
you,” but quite often, I’d forget all about prayed out loud,” and I gently ask, “How ago. At 10:00 a.m., I hear from Jay, who’s I guarantee it will change your life.
it—until I met that person again, and about if I go first, and then you talk to been praying with me for a few weeks.
they thanked me for my prayers! God like you talk to me?” Every night I pray with Ray as he drives * Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 338, 339.
44 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 45
Pastor’s Page Prayer Line: 800-752-3226
A REAL LEADER? ity—the test every leader must pass for
When the time came for his tribe Heaven’s approval.
to choose someone to go on a spying In Joshua 1:8 (NASB), the Lord told his
mission to Canaan, he was immediately servant, “This book of the law shall not
selected as their best candidate; and depart from your mouth, but you shall
what a job he did! Upon his return, the meditate on it day and night, so that you
by Dr. Senez Rodriguez report was factually thorough, and with may be careful to do according to all that
enthusiasm, he and Caleb encouraged is written in it; for then you will make

is name was so meaningful that the people to enter Canaan and conquer your way prosperous, and then you will
it made a lasting impression in the land. Ellen White described him as have success.”
his life and character. In fact, “courageous, resolute, and persevering, Wait a second... Joshua, making his
its root was the same one found in the prompt, incorruptible, unmindful of own way prosperous? Yes! When we trust
name of Jesus. Yes, his name was Joshua, and render our all to the Lord, following
sometimes called Yehoshua, meaning “the As I like to say, the unambiguous instructions in His
Lord is salvation,” or “Jehovah is generous.” “In life’s journey, what “Book of the Law” with no excuses,
The Bible does not detail his ancestry. success is granted us by our heavenly
It simply says he was “the son of Nun,”
matters is not how you Commander in Chief, our Almighty God,
a descendant of the tribe of Ephraim (1 start, but how you end.” for He is the ultimate source of success.
Chronicles 7:1). The fact is that he was As I like to say, “In life’s journey, what
born in slavery, and so was his father, his selfish interests in his care for those matters is not how you start, but how
father’s father, and so on. committed to his charge, and, above all, you end.” Joshua was born a slave, but
inspired by a living faith in God.”* ended up as the commander in chief
AWE AND WONDER Joshua was humble and faithful to of God’s people. He trusted God and
Imagine Joshua’s excitement hearing Moses. Forty years of service granted followed Him.
about the two brothers, one of whom him the honor of being Moses’ successor At a time when people do as they
had been in the Pharaoh’s palace 40 years to lead Israel into Canaan. However, his please, believe what’s convenient to
earlier. Now he had come to deliver God’s leadership skills were not sufficient to them, and teach others
people from bondage. He kept himself make him the kind of leader God envi- whatever they want,
abreast of all he could regarding the mira- sioned. In Joshua 1:2–9, the Lord gave God says, “Do as I tell
cles performed by Moses and Aaron before him specific instructions and assurances you to do,” and “then
the Pharaoh and his cabinet. that, if followed, would make him a real you will make your
Joshua was keenly aware of his people’s leader. God was on his side, but was way prosperous, and
past, and longed for the time when they Joshua on His? then you will have
Dr. Senez Rodriguez
would be free. He was in awe when he saw success.” is a retired professor
the Red Sea part into columns of water, the THE TEST OF LEADERSHIP Dear reader, the of clinical psychology
seabed dry up, and God between them and In God’s plan there’s no place for com- choice is yours. Will with many years of
pastoral experience.
Pharaoh’s army. I wonder what he thought placency, negligence, or self-reliance. He you do as He says, or His wife Sonia, also
that first night as he slept on the desert made it clear to Joshua that his success will you do as you want? a r e t i r e d t e a c h e r,
is the production
floor under a starry sky, dreaming of the would be contingent on his cooperation Joshua made the right coordinator for 3ABN
Promised Land. and strict obedience to divine author- choice. Will you? Latino Network.
* Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 481.
September 2016 | 3ABN World 47
“Success” by Dr. R. Dean Davis

Balaam thinks his plot

will bring him high
srael is camped on the plains of failing to curse them three times, (and ernacle as a deterrent, so the fierce anger
rewards. However, his


Moab, across the Jordan from Jeri- blessing them, instead) he had made the of the Lord (literally, the “reddening of His
cho at Shittim, which literally means approximate 400-mile journey home. But nose”) may be turned away. great “success” only
“acacia trees.” This is the staging area for now, apparently still seeking riches, he brings him final defeat.
the conquest of Canaan. returns with the idea of using the women Arrogance
of Moab to lure the Israelites into immo- As an act of highest arrogance, a
The Final Rebellion rality, and then invite them to participate prince of the tribe of Simeon named
The time is the end of the forty years in a festival of Baal worship! Zimri strides into the camp with Cozbi,
of Israel’s wilderness wanderings, and the the daughter of a Midianite chieftain. He to avoid a mixed religion that combines
issue is their tenth and final rebellion. Harlotry parades her around in deep disrespect the worship of Yahweh with that of a
All the previous rebellions in Numbers Our story begins unfolding with the before Moses, the congregation, and as pagan god.
have involved murmurings against the people committing harlotry with the an affront to the Lord. It is interesting to note that Numbers
Lord, Moses, and Aaron. The Israelites Moabite women. In the ancient Near Suddenly, Aaron’s grandson, Phinehas, begins with a census, but now a new
have repeatedly provoked the Lord by Eastern context, references to sexual takes a javelin and pursues Zimri into his one is recorded in the very next chapter.
complaining about food, water, and by imagery, as this story describes, link this tent, where he impales them both. Divine judgment has been fulfilled upon
not believing the Lord would lead them immorality with pagan religious rites This act stops a plague that meanwhile the unbelieving generation.
into Canaan. However, in Numbers 25, of prostitution. Normally the Hebrew has broken out among the congregation
their rebellion is unique verb for committing harlotry is applied and killed 24,000 men. The number Final Defeat
because it involves the to women, but here it is applied to men. casualties indicates the seriousness of the Balaam thinks that the great success of
worship of a pagan Next, the Moabite women invite the sin, because it far exceeds any numbers of his plot to curse Israel through heathen
deity—echoing the Israelite men to their pagan sacrifices. those who have perished from divine ret- women and the worship of Baal will bring
worship of the golden They participate by eating the sacrificial ribution during their wilderness journey. him high rewards. However, his great
calf. meal, and even bow down to worship Israel’s final rebellion completes the “success” only brings him final defeat,
Dr. R . Dean Davis In Numbers 31, the Baal, proclaiming that they are now death of the old generation that would since the Midianite plot is a declaration
is a retired theology Bible indicates that the followers! not enter Canaan at the time of the twelve of war on Israel and on God!
professor who writes
rebellion instigator is The Lord’s grace is finally spent, and He spies. It is the final object lesson for the To show His justice, and to protect
from South Lancaster,
Massachuset ts. His Balaam, whom king tells Moses to take the leaders involved in new generation of those who were twenty His people, the Lord instructs them to
son, Bobby Davis, is Balak of Moab hired Baal worship and execute them. They’re or younger when their parents refused kill all the Midianite men—and Balaam
the managing editor
for 3ABN World.
to curse Israel. After probably hung before the Lord at the tab- to enter the Promised Land. They are dies with them.

48 3ABN World | September 2016 September 2016 | 3ABN World 49

The following letters and e-mails were available in Nizhnekamsk. I am watching
3ABN World
sent to our staff at 3ABN Russia: it with joy! God answers all my ques-
PO Box 220 • West Frankfort, IL 62896
E-mail: Artem, Primorsky Krai, Russia: “I grew up in a tions through your programs, and I am
Letters and other materials sent to 3ABN November be used in whole or in part, and edited family of believers, but all those sermons enjoying the Word of God. I really like
for content, grammar, and readability, unless otherwise requested.
I had heard cannot be compared to your the fact that the priests are not in robes,
programs, since you explain the Bible so but wearing suits.”

The following letters and e-mails were Latino and I keep learning. Although I’m well! All your programs have very deep
sent to our staff at 3ABN Australia: not an Adventist, I’m starting to keep meaning and tell more about the scientific Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia:
the Sabbath. I am a seamstress, and I no evidences of the Creation of the Earth! I “I really want my daughter to become
Queensland: “Let me congratulate you on can find tips about children’s education, a good person. She already knows that
longer sew on the weekends. I still need
your excellent program, Let God Speak self-education, food and health. I will God exists, and she asks me a lot about
to learn so much on how to keep the
of a Friday evening. I listen to other watch 3ABN Russia’s channel!” life and death. Sometimes it’s hard to
Sabbath holy, but I’ve taken this small but
Sabbath School lessons, but I find your answer her questions because I don’t
significant step. God bless you all.”
presentation is superior, succinct, and have a spiritual mentor, and I have so
Via e-mail, from Germany: “We have three
to the point. I am left with a clearer many questions, myself. Your channel
little children, and they love to watch
understanding, and am so blessed by Letter from Guatemala: “I thank God for the helps me to understand more. Thank
your children’s programs. We praise the
it. I am sure many others would benefit existence of this blessed channel, and you very much!”
Lord for these programs—they are pure,
by this valuable resource.” the great work that each of you perform kind, and educational. Your work brings
to maintain this ministry. I am not an many benefits.” Via e-mail from Kazakhstan: “I have read
Cooranbong, New South Wales: “Thank you Adventist, but like many people, I have
been greatly blessed with the knowledge the Bible, but it was too difficult, and I
for making 3ABN Now so interesting, Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia: couldn’t understand its meaning. Then,
and for leading us on from the speakers of the Word of God through 3ABN Latino.
To contribute to the expansion of the “I used to read the Bible but didn’t under- after watching your program, I decided
to seek God. I enjoy the programs, and stand a thing, so I prayed to God, saying to write to you. I am pleased to read
also, all of 3ABN. Herewith is a gift to gospel, I would like to make a donation
to this ministry.” that I don’t know anything. But these your books and Bible study course. I
help spread this wonderful news. God days I am so happy, since your channel is look forward to the next lesson.”
bless you and your staff and helpers.”
Totonicapán, Guatemala: “It was in our family
worship that we learned leadership. We
The following letters and e-mails were
enjoyed asking Dad questions about the “What is this you have BETTY FROM
sent to our staff at 3ABN Latino:
Bible, and by the time we were 12, my in your hand?” PORTLAND,
Letter from a viewer: “I want to thank you brothers and I each prepared our first If you’d like to donate something, please TENNESSEE,
for your programming and the pamphlet sermon. We’d practice during our family contact Bruce or Tammy Chance at (618) 627- wanted to help
you sent me to help me read the Bible in worship, and Mom and Dad would check spread the gospel
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