Indoor Positioning: A Key Enabling Technology For Iot Applications

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2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)

Indoor Positioning: a Key Enabling Technology for

IoT Applications
Davide Macagnano , Giuseppe Destino and Giuseppe Abreu†

Centre for Wireless Communications, P.O.Box 4500, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Email: {davide.macagnano, giuseppe.destino}

School of Engineering & Science, Jacobs University Bremen, Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen, Germany
Email: {g.abreu}

Abstract—Motivated by the recent advances on internet of [8] already allows to overcome, up to some extends, some to
things (IoT) and the importance that location information has the impairments coming from the radio measurements.
on many application scenarios, this article offers references Additionally, motivated by the fact that emerging context
to theoretical and localization-algorithmic tools that can be
utilised in connection with IoT. We develop this discussion from aware-services require location and user “semantic informa-
basic to sophisticated localization techniques covering also some tion”, we briefly review some concept on of semantic po-
less-intuitive notions of localization, e.g. semantic positioning, sitioning [9], namely the problem of detecting user actions
for which we provide a novel solution which overcome the and locations (user semantic information) based on prior
problem of privacy. We analyze the localization problem from a characterisation of the space and sensed data captured by an
mathematical perspective; reviewing the most common and best-
performing class of localization methods based on optimization IoT network. To this end, our objective is to promote this
and algebraic approaches and we discuss benefits of location notion and offer new research challenges to be investigated in
information in a wireless system. In this regard we discuss few the future.
concrete applications scenario currently under investigation in
the largest EU project on IoT, namely the FP-7 Butler project, II. L OCALIZATION AND C ONTEXT AWARENESS
how location information is one of the key enabling technology in The upcoming IoT, with its pervasiness requires a funda-
the IoT. In addition to the theoretical aspect, this article provides
mental shift in the classical vision of how a localisation system
references to the pervasive localization system architecture using
the smart sensors developed within the Butler project. is conceived. This is partially because of the importance that
context aware application has within the IoT world [10], [11].
For instance the pervasive localization system architecture en-
visioned in the Butler project [12] together with the application
The purpose of this paper is to discuss some fundamentals of accurate and low complex signal processing solutions to the
about localisation technologies and their application in the positioning problem, e.g. [13]–[16] can provide the answer to
emerging Internet of things (IoT) technology [1], [2]. We the needs of both industrial and academic world interested in
discuss practical positioning algorithms, performance compar- exploiting the potentials in the IoT world.
isons, and applications. Despite the complexity and the vast While discussion on the relevance of classical positioning
literature on the topic, we aim to provide the reader with the technologies, including both a historical evolutionary perspec-
necessary references to acquire the knowledge on positioning tive and of current deployment cases can be easily found
useful to understand more sophisticated material as well as to in the literature [17], [18], more advanced solutions are still
understand the motivation behind requirements over the system subject of ongoing research [19]–[21]. In particular the impact
architecture per application scenarios. that location information can have on the design of current
With this regard we provide an overview of the choices and future IoT systems is still an open problem and is
made for the largest FP-7 European project on IoT, namely currently investigated in ongoing project activities [2], [3].
the BUTLER project [3]. IoT is an emerging technology Before proceeding, it is necessary to explore some of the
envisioned for the development of smart environments and fundamental and conditioning factors that either define the
context aware services. One of the enabling technologies is potential applications or result from the intended applications
positioning, which can be simply understood as the estimation of localization systems. For instance, important choices that
problem of object and user locations from radio signals [4], must be made are between:
[5]. Nowadays radio technologies offer the great opportunity - active versus passive systems
to measure inter-node distance and bearing and, to perform - localization of tracking applications
simultaneous angle-distance measurements by utilising het- - centralized versus distributed solutions [23], [24]
erogeneous radio interfaces. However, accurate positioning considering that each solutions has its own pros and cons of
is yet a challenge especially in indoors where the radio approaches With reference to the positioning algorithms, a
channel is characterised by multipath signal propagation [6]. main distinction can be made between the classic maximal
Fortunately, the state of the art on positioning technology [7], likelihood (ML) solution [15], the Bayesian framework [25]

978-1-4799-3459-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 117

2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)

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1A basic system model comprises of an observation and a dynamic model.


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