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Mathematics RFBS.02.01 (CUL) Evaluate nutrition principles, food plans, preparation techniques
Observe and Learn to Comprehend
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.1 — Compute unit rates Art and design have purpose and function
and specialized dietary plans in a variety of settings. Envision and Critique to Reflect
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.2 — Represent proportional relationships between
RFBS.02.01.a (CUL) Analyze nutrient requirements across the life span addressing Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative process
the diversity of people, culture, and religions. ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.3 — Use proportional relationships to solve multistep
RFBS.02.01.b (CUL) Analyze nutritional data. The elements and principles of design are present and identifiable in everyday items
ratio and percent problems
ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS that we use and create
Calculating nutritional value of different components of a dish. An understanding of the elements and principles of design helps us make
A recipe is based off of measurements and proportions/ratios
Understanding the caloric intake and nutritional requirements of different individuals. aesthetically sound decisions personally, academically, and professionally
How to find the percentage of each ingredient in a recipe
How does understanding the caloric intake and nutritional value of food impact an How can an understanding of the elements and principles of design be used outside
How does knowledge of proportions/ratios help us when following a recipe or buying
individual’s consumption of food? of the creation and evaluation of visual art?
Food Preparation Lab: Students will be evaluated on their lab setup, reading the SketchParty TV-Students will engage in a Pictionary-like game in order to
A common mistake is the set up of equating 2 different proportions: order matters! recipe and following written and verbal directions, teamwork, completion of individual demonstrate and to augment their understanding of the content. Students will play at
Students may mistake which element gets put in the numerator etc. and they may also tasks, safety and sanitation, timeliness, presentation, and completion of the lab. least two rounds; one for the elements of design, and another for the principles of
mess up on how to solve. Do we multiply across?? Students will be given the recipe on pasta salad and the appropriate ingredients will design. Students will work in groups. One group will receive a single vocabulary word
Task Cards: Students will be evaluated on their ability to correctly set up and solve be available. Students must set up their lab properly, work as a group to assign each from the list. The members of that group will then work cooperatively to decide how to
various proportions and ratios. They will be given a set of cards each with a different individual a task and estimate how long each task will take, measure out and represent that word visually. The resulting electronic sketch will be mirrored to a TV
problem and corresponding sequenced questions dealing with proportional prepare ingredients in order to create a final dish which they will consume and or projector. The members of the competing group(s) will respond to the drawing
relationships and conversions to percentages. Successful set up and evaluation will be evaluate. group’s image by answering electronically. A brief discussion will follow the correct
taken as means to move on to class discussion. guess of each of the vocabulary words in order to consider alternative interpretations
Calorie Math: Students will be evaluated on their ability to calculate calories when
Measurement Worksheet: The class will complete a worksheet dealing with converting and to further clarify the term’s meaning.
given the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Students will complete a
between measurement units and using them to find proportions of food. Students will be Memory Hook Challenge-Students will work in pairs or as small groups in order to
worksheet on finding calories and will then be required to find the calories of the create a unique memory hook for the elements of design and for the principles of
assessed on what further knowledge they need to obtain before moving on to the
summative assessment. pasta salad they created during lab. design. Each group will work cooperatively to create a mnemonic of their own design
Agriculture to help remember each list of words. The students in each group will then present
their unique memory hook to the other members of the class. All of the students in the
FPPS.08.01.a - Identify general properties of product
class will vote on which memory hook the class will employ for the rest of the school
FPPS.08.01.b - Determine proper harvest and processing methods for product
term. In order to rehearse the mnemonic and to ensure that each student
Given a list of ingredients, students will be able to define product properties and

Pasta Salad
understands the relationship between the term and its meaning, the students will
processing methods from farm to table by building complete value chains in
complete at least one worksheet to pair each vocabulary word with a corresponding
short description and graphic image.
All food products are produced (or have components produced) on a farm.
There are a number of processes that these simpler products must go through to
become the food we eat.
The path products travel from farm to plate is called a value chain.
Summative Assessment Completeness

10 possible points

At least 3 value chains are identified for ingredients,

calculations are complete and correct, nutritional
value, recipe and artistic analysis are present. Photos

At least 2 value chains are identified. Calculations

are complete and correct, nutritional value, recipe
and artistic analysis, are all mostly complete. Photos
Partially Proficient

Only 1 value chains are identified. Calculations are

complete, nutritional value, recipe and artistic
analysis are all somewhat complete. Only 1 photo is

One or more components is missing (value chain,

calculations are not included, nutrition, recipe, or
artistic analysis). No photos are included.
are included. are included. included.

Description: Presentation Attention grabbing brochure, photos are positioned to Photos are positioned mostly logically. 1-2 mistakes Photos are not positioned logically. More than 3 Photos are not provided. Capitalization, usage,
How do the food products in our pasta salad, get from the farm to our plate? support written content. Capitalization, usage, in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling. mistakes in capitalization, usage, punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling contains consistent

Students from each class will collaborate to create a group 10 possible points punctuation, and spelling are free of mistakes.
Information flows logically.
Information flows mostly logically. spelling. Information flows somewhat logically. mistakes. Information is not organized in a logical

brochure of their pasta salad. Students will be responsible for teaching each
A key misconception to address is the notion that agriculture is not directly connected Content Quality Value chains, calculations provide clear and correct Value chains, calculations provide clear and correct Value chains, calculations provide related Key details in value chains, or calculations are not

with our day-to-day lives. Really discussing the interdependence of links in a value other the material learned in their class in order to create a successful 20 possible points
information, caloric and nutritional information is clear
and accurate, and student can accurately describe
information, caloric and nutritional information is
mostly clear and accurate.
information, caloric and nutritional information is not
clear, but accurate.
present, caloric and nutritional information is unclear
and inaccurate.
elements and principles of design all the time. Photos Student can accurately describe elements and Student can sometimes accurately describe Student does not accurately describe elements and

chain help to put into perspective, many different fields and their roles in ag. brochure. Students will choose a section of the brochure to be responsible are supportive of content throughout. principles of design most of the time. Photos are
generally supportive of content.
elements and principles of design.
Photos do not always support content.
principles of design most of the time. Photos are not

Icon E Moment: Students will create a map depicting the steps a student takes from for, they will not be allowed to specialize in the area of their expertise. This
Accuracy Terminology and associated concepts related to the Terminology and associated concepts related to the Terminology and associated concepts related to the Terminology and associated concepts related to the
freshman year to graduation. Maps should have at least 5 icons to represent steps brochure will include information about the entire assembly process 20 possible points
four content areas are employed correctly %95-100
of the time
four content areas are employed correctly %80-94 of
the time
four content are employed correctly %60-79 of the
four content areas are employed correctly less than
%60 of the time

along the way. A class discussion will guide how their maps are actually value chains, including sourcing each ingredient, proportions and percentages of each, the
Application Written and visual elements of the brochure Written and visual elements of the brochure Written and visual elements of the brochure Written and visual elements of the brochure
and introduce how value chains are used in agriculture. nutritional value and caloric intake, and the principles applied to make the 10 possible points
demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the content
and the relationship of material between content
demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the content
and the relationship of material between content
demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the content
and the relationship of material between content
demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the content
and the relationship of material between content
areas %90-100 areas %75-89 areas %60-74 areas < %60

Performance Assessment Sheet (PAS): A PAS is a planning protocol. As a class, we dish aesthetically pleasing. This brochure will include written explanations,
will build a PAS for one item in our pasta salad. In assigned groups students will build a photos, and calculations for the recipe. Each group will turn in their Teamwork All members of the group worked together to teach
each other and complete their brochure. They were
Most members of the group worked together to
teach each other and complete their brochure. Most
Most members of the group worked together to
teach each other and work on their brochure. Most
Some members of the group worked together, but
they were not successful in teaching the others.
10 possible points present during all meetings and contributed their members of the group were present at all meetings members were at some meetings and contributed Some members attended some of the group
PAS for one ingredient of the salad. They may use textbooks or search engines. They ideas and expertise. and contributed their ideas and expertise. their ideas and expertise. meetings but did not share their ideas or expertise.

collaborative brochure.
must show the item’s state (raw, whole, retail cut, processed, cooked, mixed, etc) and
the process that changed it at every step of production from the field to the time we add TOTAL ________ out of 80

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