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Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519

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Experimental investigation of residual stresses in steel cellular

and castellated members
Delphine Sonck ⇑, Rudy Van Impe, Jan Belis
Department of Structural Engineering – LMO, Ghent University, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 904, 9052 Ghent, Belgium

h i g h l i g h t s

 Cellular or castellated members are fabricated from hot-rolled parent sections.

 Residual stresses lower the global buckling resistance of the parent sections.
 The production process influence was determined by measuring the residual stress.
 During the production process, the residual stresses become more detrimental.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The global buckling resistance of hot-rolled steel I-section members is adversely influenced by the pres-
Received 26 August 2013 ence of residual stresses. It is expected that thermal effects during the production of cellular and castel-
Received in revised form 29 November 2013 lated members will influence the already present stresses in the hot-rolled parent sections, but it is yet
Accepted 16 December 2013
unknown to what extent. In this paper, the experimental investigation of the residual stresses in these
Available online 23 January 2014
members is described, and it is shown that the production process increases the already present com-
pressive flange stresses, which will be detrimental for their buckling resistance. This effect will be even
more pronounced for deviating production procedures.
Residual stresses
Cellular members
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Castellated members
Hot-rolled I-members
Flexural buckling
Lateral–torsional buckling

1. Introduction through the web openings instead of under the member, thus
diminishing the necessary total story height. Additionally, they
Cellular or castellated members are I-section members with cir- can also be used out of aesthetic considerations because of their
cular or hexagonal web openings regularly spaced along the length lighter appearance. The members are mainly used for applications
of the member. Usually, they are manufactured starting from steel in which they are loaded in bending, both in steel and steel–
hot-rolled I-section members of which the web is thermally cut concrete construction. However, they are also increasingly used
according to a certain pattern, after which the obtained halves for columns and beam-columns, where the column is subjected
are shifted and rewelded (Fig. 1). Variations in the cutting pattern to both bending and compression.
and the properties of the top and bottom halves of the beam result Clearly the presence of the web openings will influence the fail-
in a large variety of final member geometries, in which tapered ure behaviour of cellular or castellated members [1]. For instance,
beams, different web opening shapes or asymmetric beams are new localized failure modes can arise, such as Vierendeel bending
possible. around the web openings or local buckling of the web surrounding
The main advantage of cellular or castellated members com- the openings. Specific rules for these failure modes are currently
pared to normal I-section members is their increased strong-axis being developed and optimized [2–8]. However, the already exist-
bending resistance. Furthermore, service ducts can be guided ing failure modes for I-section members will also be modified,
because of the change in geometry and the influence of the produc-
tion process on imperfections such as geometric imperfections and
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 9 2645469. residual stresses. Examples of this are the global instability failure
E-mail addresses: (D. Sonck), Rudy.VanImpe@ modes for members loaded in compression and/or bending, such as (R. Van Impe), (J. Belis).

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519 513

Fig. 1. Standard fabrication method of castellated and cellular members starting from a plain-webbed parent section.

flexural buckling or lateral–torsional buckling. Unfortunately, the and welding locations, which will influence the already present
existing research for these global instability modes is incomplete, residual stresses. At the locally heated zone, very high tensile
conflicting or lacking altogether [9–11]. An important aspect of residual stresses (up to the material’s yield stress) will be present,
the global instability behaviour of cellular and castellated mem- balanced by compressive (and possibly also tensile) stresses far-
bers that has not been investigated yet is the influence of residual ther away from the location of heat introduction [15,19,23–28].
stresses. Typical schematized residual stress distributions for plates cut at
Residual stresses are internal stresses which can exist in a one side and plates welded in their middle are depicted in Fig. 3.
member not subjected to external loads. Hence, residual stresses As a result, it is very well possible that the production process in-
are always in static equilibrium. In hot-rolled I-section members, creases the magnitude of the compressive residual stresses in the
thermal residual stresses originate during the cooling after the flanges, hence decreasing the global buckling failure load. Never-
hot-rolling process because of the non-uniform cooling and corre- theless, the change in residual stresses of cellular and castellated
sponding thermal contraction, coupled with a temperature-depen- members during their production process has not been investi-
dent yield stress. Typically, the flange tips will be in compression gated yet and it is currently not known how significant the possible
and the flange centres in tension, while the sign and variation of detrimental effect on the members’ stability will be.
the residual stresses in the web varies depending on the cooling In this paper, the effect of the production process of cellular and
parameters and cross-section geometry [12–17]. Examples of typ- castellated beams on the residual stresses is investigated by mea-
ical thermal residual stress shapes are shown in Fig. 2 [17,18]. If suring the residual stresses in a series of castellated and cellular
the straightness of the beams after cooling is not sufficient, the members. Measurements were done both for the parent sections
beams will undergo a cold-straightening process which redistrib- and the resulting castellated and cellular members. By comparing
utes the residual stresses in the flanges [19,20]. As a result, the pos- the measured stresses before, during, and after production, the ef-
sible residual stress patterns in I-section members are very diverse. fect of the production procedure could be studied. In this paper,
The influence of residual stresses on the global buckling failure tensile stresses will be taken as positive stresses and compressive
of I-section members without web openings has been studied stresses as negative.
extensively for the cases of flexural buckling [14,15] and lateral–
torsional buckling [21], which are the most important global fail-
2. Residual stress measurement method and specimens
ure modes for I-section members. It was shown that the residual
stresses have a detrimental effect on the global buckling resistance
In this section, an overview will be given of the used measure-
of the I-section members, caused by the compressive residual
ment method and the specimens in which the residual stresses
stresses at the flange tips. Due to these stresses, the onset of yield-
were measured. All measurements were done at the Laboratory
ing will occur quicker at the flange tips, increasing the members’
for Research on Structural Models (LMO, Ghent University).
flexibility and reducing the corresponding buckling resistance. Fur-
thermore, it was shown that the redistribution of the flange stres-
ses due to cold-straightening is always advantageous for the failure 2.1. Measurement method
load [16,19,20,22]. Therefore, it was decided not to take this into
account in the proposed standard residual stress patterns and to The residual stresses were measured using the sectioning meth-
consider only the more detrimental thermal residual stress pattern od, which is a destructive relaxation method. The longitudinal
in finite element calculations to determine the buckling resistance. residual stresses in each segment can be calculated using the strain
Likewise, only non-straightened members were used in the flex- difference before and after the relaxation of each segment. The
ural buckling experiments to determine the buckling resistance relaxation of each segment is accomplished by the sectioning of
of columns [23]. the member. First, the member is cut transversally at the location
During the cutting and welding processes in the production of of measurement, after which a series of longitudinal cuts is made
cellular or castellated members, heat is introduced at the cutting to separate all segments in which the strains are measured

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Residual stress pattern in hot-rolled I-section members: (a) according to ECCS [18]; (b) according to Young [17].
514 D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Schematized residual stress pattern in: (a) plate welded in middle; (b) plate cut at one end.

were permanently damaged during the measurements: from the

total of 360 used strain gages, 31 were found faulty. The measured
strains in these gages (if any) were not included in the results.

2.2. Used specimens

Four castellated and two cellular members were made starting

Fig. 4. Overview of the sectioning method. from six IPE160 parent sections: three geometries were used and
two members were made for each geometry. Geometries CS1 and
CS3 had hexagonal openings, while the CS2 beams had circular
(Fig. 4). Because of its straightforwardness, this method is the pri- openings (Fig. 5).
mary method for the longitudinal residual stress measurement in The steel grade of the members was S275, with a nominal yield
steel I-section members, having been extensively used in the past stress of 275 MPa. Tensile tests to determine the yield stress fy
as well as nowadays [12–15,17,20,22,24–29]. were executed on specimens from the flanges and the web of each
At each measurement location, the residual stress magnitude member (Table 1). The Young’s modulus E could also be derived
rres was calculated according to Eq. (1) using the measured relax- from the tensile test measurements. Unfortunately, some of the
ation strains emeas and the modulus of elasticity E. It was assumed obtained values for E were too aberrant from the mean values gi-
that the specimens behaved elastically during the measurements, ven in literature [30], probably due to a faulty displacement mea-
that the transverse residual stresses could be neglected, and that surement during the test (these values are not included in Table 1).
the thermal influence of the cutting process on the residual stres- As a result, it was chosen not to use the measured values of E for
ses was negligible. the residual stress calculations, but to use E = 210 GPa as a safe
mean value.
rres ¼ E  emeas ð1Þ Taking the variability of the values of the Young’s modulus E
into account, the possible error on the residual stress measure-
The residual stresses were expected to vary along the length of
ments increases. This can be illustrated for the flange stresses,
the non-uniform castellated and cellular members. To study this
using values of Emean ± 2 Est. dev., based on the measured values of
effect, the residual stresses in these members were measured be-
E in the flanges. If the real value of E would be 179 GPa instead
tween the openings (web post in Fig. 1) and at the centre of an
of the used 210 GPa, the calculated residual stress is 15% larger
opening (tee section in Fig. 1). Adhesively bonded electrical strain
than its real value. On the other hand, if E = 223 GPa, the calculated
gages were used to cope with the necessary short gage length. An-
residual stress is 6% smaller than the real residual stress value.
other advantage of using electrical gages was that the strain varia-
Six IPE160 beams of 12 m long were used as the parent section.
tion during the measurement (and cutting) process could be easily
Before the production of the castellated and cellular members, a
monitored continuously. The resistance changes corresponding
specimen of 1 m long was cut from each parent section beam, to
with the strain variations in the strain gages were measured using
determine the original residual stress pattern in the parent sec-
a Wheatstone bridge. Temperature variations during the sectioning
tions. Geometries CS1 and CS3 were made following the standard
process were accounted for by using self-temperature-compen-
sated strain gages specifically designed for mild steel. The error
on the strain measurement is estimated to be ±1.5%. Table 1
The cutting process was executed with an electrical band saw, Yield stresses obtained from the tensile tests, comparison with literature [30].
combined with a handsaw for some of the transverse cuts. Cutting Yield stress, fy [MPa] Young’s modulus, E [GPa]
oil was used to limit local heating of the specimens. A protective
# Samples fy,mean fy,st. dev. # Samples Emean Est. dev.
coating was used to protect the strain gages from this oil. During
Web 8 332 7 6 195 12
the cutting, the measured strains were continuously monitored
Flanges 12 346 5 11 201 11
to be sure that there was no malfunctioning of the strain gages Literature – 327.93 18.96 – 205.47 13.18
due to damage suffered during the multiple manipulations
throughout the sectioning process. However, some strain gages

Fig. 5. Dimensions [mm] of the parent section PS and the castellated and cellular member geometries CS .
D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519 515

Fig. 6. Production process: (a) cutting of the web; (b) welding of the castellated members; (c) additional cutting of the circular openings for the CS2 geometries.

procedure depicted in Figs. 1 and 6a and b. First, the parent section length: the residual stresses were determined between two open-
webs were cut according to the corresponding pattern for hexago- ings (web post WP) and at the centre of an opening (tee section TS).
nal openings using an oxyfuel cutting process. After the cutting of The measurements in the unwelded castellated members speci-
the web, both halves of the beam were shifted and welded together mens occurred for both the top and bottom halves of the cut
again using a semiautomatic MAG welding process. A but joint IPE160 section. All specimens were taken from the same end of
existing of two weld passes – one on each side of the web – was the members. The length of each specimen was chosen such that
used. For each of both geometries, a section was left unwelded so the distance between the measurement locations and the speci-
that the influence of the cutting process alone on the residual men edge was at least twice the height of the specimen. Thus, pos-
stresses could be studied in the obtained castellated member sible disturbances of the residual stresses by edge effects were
halves. avoided. The remainder of the castellated and cellular members
The CS2 geometries had circular openings. Normally, cellular is being used for buckling experiments which are beyond the scope
members are fabricated following a similar procedure as for castel- of this contribution.
lated members, with two cut lines in the web instead of one to ob-
tain the circular opening shapes (Fig. 1). However, the production
3. Measurement results and discussion
of the two CS2 members deviated from this procedure: the mem-
bers were made by cutting circular openings around the hexagonal
3.1. Measurement results
openings of two completed castellated members with a CS1 geom-
etry (Fig. 6c). Thus, the effect of deviating production procedures
The results of the residual stress measurements in the parent
on the residual stresses could be examined as well. The heat input
section are shown in Fig. 7. The effect of the cutting of the parent
using this deviating procedure was larger than for the standard
sections of the CS1 and CS3 geometries can be seen in Fig. 8, both
production procedure of CS1 and CS3 because the cutting process
for the tee section and the web post. The final residual stress dis-
had to be restarted for each separate web opening.
tribution in the geometries CS1 and CS3 is shown in Fig. 9, while
The strains were measured at five locations in each flange. In
the residual stress distribution for CS2 is shown in Fig. 10. The
the web, five strain gages were used for the parent sections, while
measurements for geometries CS1 and CS3 are shown together,
two gages were used at the tee section and eight at the web post
since they were found to be very similar.
for the cellular or castellated members. It was expected that mea-
In Figs. 7–9, the measured values of the residual stresses are
surements on one side of the flanges or the web would suffice,
shown for each specimen, together with the corresponding least-
since it had been shown that the through-thickness stress varia-
square fit (LSF) curves for the residual stresses in the flanges. The
tions in thin-walled hot-rolled members such as the considered
LSF curves were obtained by mirroring the results about the hori-
specimens is limited [12,13]. Consequently, all measurements
zontal and vertical symmetry axes of the cross-section, after which
were done on the outer side of the flanges and on the same side
these values were fitted to a linear function. This function shape is
of the web. The exact location of the strain gages is given in
based on the perceived variation of the residual stresses across the
Appendix A.
An overview of the specimens in which the residual stresses
Since the compressive residual flange stresses have a dominant
were measured is given in Table 2. In total, the residual stresses
detrimental influence on the global buckling resistance, an over-
were measured in six parent section specimens (PS), two unwelded
view of the variation of the flange stresses during the production
castellated member specimens (AC) and seven castellated or
process is depicted in Fig. 11. Here, the least-square fit curves of
cellular member specimens (AW). For both the AC and AW speci-
the measured residual stresses in the flanges are shown.
men types, measurements were made at two locations along the

3.2. Discussion of residual stress measurements

Table 2
An overview of the test specimens. Measurements were done in three different 3.2.1. Influence of cold-straightening
sections: parent section (PS), sections after cutting (AC) and after welding (AW). In the It was expected that the plastic deformation corresponding
latter two, measurement occurred at the web post between two openings (WP) and at with the cold-straightening of a member around its weak axis is
the tee section at an opening (TS).
perceivable through antisymmetric residual stress deviations in
Member name # Locations # Locations after # Locations after the flanges.
parent section (PS) cutting (AC) welding (AW) In the parent sections (Fig. 7), no influence of the cold-straight-
PS WP TS WP TS ening of the beam was observed in the measured residual stresses
CS1L1 1 2  0.5 2  0.5 1 1 in the flanges. However, in the flanges of the AC and AW speci-
CS1L2 1 0 0 1 1 mens, the influence of cold straightening on the residual flange
CS2L1 1 0 0 2 2 stresses is visible (Figs. 8–10).
CS2L2 1 0 0 1 1
CS3L1 1 2  0.5 2  0.5 1 1
CS3L2 1 0 0 1 1 3.2.2. Parent sections (PS)
Total 6 2 2 7 7 The measured residual stresses in the parent section (Fig. 7) are
consistent with earlier results from literature and lie between the
516 D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Measured residual stresses in the parent section PS (a); comparison of the measured PS residual stresses with results from literature (b).

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Measured residual stresses in CS1 and CS3 in both halves after the cutting of the web during production: (a) in the web post; (b) in the tee section.

residual stress patterns proposed by Young and the ECCS [17,18], was expected that this cutting of the parent sections would have
shown in Fig. 7. Furthermore, it can be seen that the measured a dual influence on the stresses in the obtained halves. Firstly,
residual stresses were very similar for the six parent section spec- the thermal influence of the cutting process will induce tensile
imens, suggesting that all parent sections came from the same stresses at the cut, balanced by both compressive and tensile stres-
batch. ses further away from the cut. Secondly, an elastic rebound of the
isolated halve of the member will occur when the forces acting on
3.2.3. Member halves after cutting of the parent sections (AC) it by the other halve are removed. For the considered specimens,
In Figs. 8 and 11, the residual stresses in the parent section the elastic rearrangement of the residual stresses due to the elastic
halves obtained after the oxycutting of the web are depicted. It rebound was expected to increase the compressive flange stresses.
D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519 517

(a) (b)

Fig. 9. Measured residual stresses in completed CS1 and CS3: (a) in the web post; (b) in the tee section.

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Measured residual stresses in completed CS2: (a) in the web post; (b) in the tee section.

However, this compressive stress increase was expected to be the residual stresses in the web, with high tensile stresses near
counteracted by the increase in tensile flange stresses due to ther- the location of the cut. The perceived small influence of the cut-
mal effects. ting process on the flange stresses is likely due to the counter-
The total influence of the oxycutting process on the flange acting effects of the local heat introduction and the elastic
residual stresses in the beam halves was seen to be rather lim- rebound, which are expected to be of the same order of magni-
ited (Figs. 8 and 11). However, the cutting process did influence tude. Nevertheless, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions
518 D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519

(a) (b)

Fig. 11. Evolution of the residual stresses in the flanges during the production process for geometries CS1&CS3 (a) and CS2 (b). The residual stresses in the parent section are
given by PS. The stresses in the completed members (AW) are given at the web post (WP) and tee section (TS). For geometries CS1 and CS3 (a), the stresses in the separate
halves after the cutting of the web (AC) are given as well for the tee section (TS) and the web post (WP).

from these measurements, since there was only a limited num- ulus would only be 10% lower, a value of 334 MPa would be ob-
ber of tested specimens for this case and no related results are tained, which is far more realistic. Other, but less likely
available in literature. It could be further investigated by using explanations could be the hardening of the steel, three-dimen-
finite element software, but since the focus of this work was sional stress fields close to the fillet between web and flange, or lo-
on the residual stresses in the completed cellular or castellated cal deviations of the yield stress.
members, this was not further examined. The results for the completed geometries CS1 and CS3 show
In the completed cellular or castellated members, the effect of an increase of the compressive residual stresses in the flange be-
the elastic rebound will only occur partially because both halves cause of the production process. The deviating production pro-
will be pushed together in a straight line before welding. Conse- cess of the CS2 geometry causes even higher compressive
quently, the equilibrating bending moment is delivered externally residual stresses at the flange. As a result, it is expected that
to the member halves. However, a rearrangement of residual stresses the effect of residual stresses is more detrimental for the global
is still expected because of the normal equilibrium requirements. buckling resistance of cellular or castellated members than it is
for their parent sections.

3.2.4. Completed castellated or cellular members (AW)

Due to the local heat introduction during welding, very high 4. Conclusions
tensile stresses were expected at the weld. It is unclear to what ex-
tent the tensile zone width in the completed member will still be It is expected that the global buckling behaviour of cellular and
influenced by the previous effect of the cutting of the web. Accord- castellated members is different than that of plain-webbed mem-
ing to [26], the effect of welding at the same location as the cut al- bers, due to the effect of the modified geometry and the influence
most completely relieves the already present residual stresses due of the production process on the present imperfections. Regarding
to cutting, while according to [23] the tensile stress zone size will the latter effect, the largest influence is expected for the residual
depend on both the cutting and welding process. stresses.
The effect of the welding process on the residual stresses in the In this paper, it was examined to what extent the cellular and
completed castellated sections CS1 and CS3 is clearly noticeable in castellated member production processes modify the residual
Figs. 9 and 11. At the flange tips, a significant residual stress de- stresses present in these members. This was done by measuring
crease of about 50 MPa is noticeable, while the residual stresses the residual stresses in the parent sections and completed castel-
at the flange centres decrease as well. This increase in compressive lated members, as well as in the cut section halves. Additionally,
flange stresses is caused by an increase of the web (tensile) resid- the effect of a deviating production procedure for the cellular
ual stresses at the location of the weld and the cut, as expected. members was studied. The focus was on the flange residual stres-
Taking into account the variation of the modulus of elasticity E ses because the compressive residual stresses in the flanges will
and the error on the strain measurement, it is possible that the have a dominant detrimental effect on the global buckling resistance.
flange stress decrease due to the production process is less extreme The residual stresses in the completed castellated and cellular
(42 MPa). Nevertheless, the magnitude of the residual stress de- members are the most important, because these will determine
crease at the flange tips remains significant. the buckling resistance of these members. In the completed castel-
The additional effect of the cutting of the circular openings in lated members, the influence of the production process on the
CS2 can be seen in Figs. 10 and 11. The effect of the additional heat flange residual stresses could be seen clearly: the compressive
input close to the flanges is noticeable in the tee section, where the residual flange stresses increased both at the web post and at the
tensile residual stresses in the web are very high. These stresses are tee section. The modified residual stresses will have a detrimental
balanced by a large increase of compressive residual stresses in the effect on the castellated members’ stability. It is expected that the
flanges. At the web post, the residual stresses in the flanges de- residual stresses in cellular members made according to the stan-
crease less drastically to the same level as for geometries CS1 dard production procedure will correspond well to the values mea-
and CS2. The measured residual stresses in the web at the tee sec- sured for the castellated members.
tion were very high (up to 371 MPa), even larger than the mea- The detrimental effect of the production process was even lar-
sured yield stress, which is theoretically impossible. This could ger for the cellular members made according to the deviating pro-
be caused by the high assumed value of E: if the real Young’s mod- duction procedure. Because of the local heat input close to the
D. Sonck et al. / Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 512–519 519

Table 3
Location of strain gages in flanges and in web (y and z are given in mm).

Flanges CS1–CS3 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
30 15 0 15 30
Web CS1 and CS2 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8
PS 48.6 18.6 0 18.6 48.6   
AC and AW: TS 78.9 78.9 – – – – – –
AC and AW: WP 78.9 48.9 30.3 11.7 11.7 30.3 48.9 78.9
Web CS3 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8
PS 53.5 .26.5 0 26.5 53.5 – – –
AC and AW: TS 93.1 93.1 – – – – – –
AC and AW: WP 93.1 66.1 39.6 13.1 13.1 39.6 66.1 93.1

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