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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETS•S—Template I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Name Trae Jones

Position Teacher

School/District Hart County High School/Hart County Charter Schools


Phone 706-376-5461
Level(s) 10

Content Area Mathematics

Time line 2 85 minute class periods


Content Standards:
G.SRT.8: Right Triangle Application problems.
This standard is a key standard in Analytic Geometry. The students will be using technology to measure and
present their findings to the class along with assessment of their learning.

NETS*S Standards:
Students will use technology throughout the process of this lesson and by doing so, they will meet many of the
ISTE standards for technology. The students will meet the following standards:
● ISTE-S 1b
● ISTE-S 2a,b,d
● ISTE-S 4c
The majority of what the students use technology for in this lesson is to collect information about objects in order
to use trigonometric ratios to solve a real world right triangle problems. Students will also use technology to
present their findings to the class, and the community through social media.


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This lesson will take 2 class periods (85 minutes each). This is a culminating lesson that will take place toward
the end of the unit on right triangles and will be after I have taught the students how to use trigonometry to find
missing sides and angles of right triangles. This lesson is designed to assess the students’ ability to apply what
they have learned to real-world scenarios and to present their findings by clear and concise explanations. The
overview for the 2 days are below:
● Day 1: Students will be split into 6 equal groups (4-5 students each) and assigned an object at the
football field (field goal, scoreboard, flagpole, victory bell, concession stand, or fieldhouse) to find the
height of. To do this the students will receive an iPad. While finding the measurements required to find
the height of the assigned object the students will video their process on Flipgrid and then; upon
completion, students will calculate the height and create another Flipgrid video showing the calculations
for their object’s height.
● Day 2: Students will begin the class by watching each of the groups’ videos on their process and their
calculations. After watching the videos, each student will give feedback to their peers through Google
Forms. Once all students have given their feedback, along with their rankings, each student will complete
an assessment on Google forms that is multiple choice and will take students to certain sections based
upon their answers being correct or incorrect.

Essential Questions

How can I use trigonometric ratios to find the height of real world objects?
How can I use simple technologies to measure angles and lengths of objects?


Students will complete a summative assessment at the end of day 2 that will include multiple choice questions
that will take them to different sections based on the accuracy of their answers. This will provide students with a
differentiated learning experience that will show both the teacher and students what is understood and what
needs to be retaught.

Students will receive feedback from their peers on the quality and accuracy of their Flipgrid videos on their
processes and calculations. In addition, the students will receive feedback from me on their Flipgrid videos based
on the rubric below that will be combined with their peers’ rankings to have one collective grade.

Flipgrid Rubric 0 2 4

Process The process for finding The process for finding The process for finding
the necessary one of the necessary the necessary
measurements (distance measurements (distance measurements (distance
away from object and away from object and away from object and
angle of elevation) is not angle of elevation) is not angle of elevation) is
included in the video or is included in the video or is included and clearly
not clearly presented. not clearly presented. presented in the video.

Calculations The calculations are not The calculations are The calculations are
presented in the video. presented, but are not presented and are correct

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correct. in the video.

● You can view the Flipgrid Feedback Google Form at

● You can view the Right Triangles Test at


The technology used in this lesson not only allows students to create, collaborate, and check their work; but it
also gives them ownership over it as they know their peers and instructors will be giving feedback for their work.
This will be the first time many students have used augmented reality with measuring distance and finding angles
using the clinometer on the iPads. This is an area that instructors should pay close attention to as it may be one
that gives some students trouble through Day 1 of the lesson. Students have worked extensively with Flipgrid
and should have no problem using any type of device to create a Flipgrid or give feedback to their peers. Another
technology use the students are familiar with is the Google Forms they will be using in the assessment. The
difference with this assessment to others is that it will allow them to check their work by seeing the correct answer
worked out instantly as they miss a problem (if they get the answer incorrect initially).

Instructional Plan

Before implementing this lesson with students, the students should have a strong foundation with using
Trigonometric ratios, but this will be the first time they have used them in a real-world scenario. Another
preparation needed is to establish that students are capable of using iPads to find angles and understand the
concept of angle of elevation and eye level height.


Students will be assigned to small groups of 4-5 students each (6 groups total) to work on the football field to
calculate height of assigned objects. In the lesson, students will have a role they must fulfill throughout the lesson
(sighter, measurer, recorder, calculator) and all will participate in the explanations on the video. This will ensure
all students have equitable access to the technology throughout the lesson.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities

My role will be that of a facilitator who encourages students to strive towards higher order thinking in the solving
of these real-world right triangle problems. This will give students the skills necessary to think through the
problem they are faced with and collaboratively solve the one problem at hand and also apply the learning to the
assessment at the end of the lesson.


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Differentiation occurs in many different ways during this lesson. First, students are each given different roles to
fulfill, but a common problem to solve. This will require students to be the experts on one specific aspect of the
real-world solution they find, but also accountable to the group as a whole. Another aspect of differentiation is that
students are given the opportunity to present their findings through video and then feedback through written
expression. A final way differentiation is present in this lesson is through the assessment itself as it will allow
students who miss problems to get instant feedback and make the corrections necessary as they move through
the assessment.


Students will be reflecting on both their work and their peers work throughout the 2 day lesson. They will be
giving feedback to their peers and also be able to reflect on their scores throughout the assessment as well. I will
be able to tell the effectiveness level of the lesson from the responses from the students on the feedback and
summative assessment portions of the lesson.

My advice to educators who use this lesson in the future would be to ensure students are extremely comfortable
using iPads to measure angles and distances with objects. This is the biggest trouble-shooting area I have found
with implementing this lesson in the past and what I foresee as the biggest obstacle in the future as well.

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