Creative Writing

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Creative Writing

Amposta, Alvin Gregorio September 20, 2010

BSE – IV A Dr. Erlinda B. Sialongo

Creativity in Other People

Creativity is not just a collection of intellectual abilities.  It is also a personality type, a way
of thinking and living. Creativity in other people can be seen through their uniqueness. Each
individual is unique. People have different personalities. People learn from their experiences. In
this manner, they tend to be creative in doing things. For instance, if a person is analogically
capable because of his intelligence, he tends to be more creative than others. Being creative is
an inborn talent, but this natural talent can be sharpened through time with experiences. It is
just a matter of how people make use of their creativity to produce innovation and excel in their
respective fields and the world they live in.
Personalities of Creative People Curiosity and wide interests are related traits, whether the
by Gary A. Davis, Ph.D. creative person is a research scientist, entrepreneur, artist,
or professional entertainer.  A good sense of humor is
common.  Creative people tend to have a childlike sense of
Dr. Davis, professor of educational psychology at the wonder and intrigue, and an experimental nature.  They
University of Wisconsin-Madison, is author of Creativity is may take things apart to see how they work, explore old
Forever (3rd ed., 1992), Kendall/Hunt Publishers, attics or odd museums, or explore unusual hobbies and
Dubuque, Iowa. collections.  In other words, "the creative adult is essentially
a perpetual child—the tragedy is that most of us grow up."
As an R&D manager, your job is to get the most from the
people with creative potential.  That's never simple, but the Another interesting combination some creative people
more you know about the abilities and personality traits of display is a tolerance for complexity and ambiguity and an
creative people, the easier it will be.  attraction to the mysterious.  Creative thinking requires
working with incomplete ideas: relevant facts are missing,
Creative Ability rules are cloudy, "correct" procedures nonexistent. 

Creative people are typically at least above average in Because most ideas evolve through a series of
intelligence, but not necessarily extraordinarily so; other modifications, approximations, and improvements, creators
factors are as important as their IQ—especially the ability must cope with uncertainty.  Many creative people seem to
to visualize, imagine, and make mental transformations.  A couple their interest in complexity and ambiguity with their
creative person looks at one thing, and sees modifications, lively imaginations and open-mindedness, and some are
new combinations, or new applications.  For example, a strong believers in flying saucers, extra-sensory perception,
creative product developer for a candy company, or other dubious phenomena.
wandering through a supermarket's fruit aisle, will visualize
new candy flavors, sizes, shapes and even audiences.  A The Down Side
designer of educational software strolling through a video
arcade might imagine combining two or three games into
an effective drill-and-practice spelling game. So far the creative personality looks pretty good.  However,
exasperated parents, teachers, colleagues, and
supervisors are all familiar with some negative traits of
Analogical thinking is central to creativity.  The creative creative people.  They can be stubborn, uncooperative,
person "makes connections" between one situation and indifferent to conventions and courtesies, and they are
another, between the problem at hand and similar likely to argue that the rest of the parade is out of step. 
situations. Creative people can be careless and disorganized,
especially with matters they consider trivial. 
Another important talent for creative problem solving is the Absentmindedness and forgetfulness are common. 
ability to think logically while evaluating facts and
implementing decisions.  Sometimes it is even necessary Some are temperamental and moody; a few cynical,
to “find order in chaos.”  For example, a creative supervisor sarcastic, or rebellious.
grappling with high absenteeism and turnover might go
beyond employees' superficial excuses to discover that the
true problem is repetitious, meaningless work, and that the Most creative people realize there is a time to conform and
best cure is job rotations, modest profit-sharing, or giving a time to be creative.  In any case, managers must learn to
workers a greater understanding of how the task fits into control negative traits to maximize creative output while
the company and the community. maintaining the company's standards.  The key is patience
and understanding, founded on the knowledge that such
traits are common among people who are naturally
Creative Personality Traits independent, unconventional, and bored by trivialities. 
Because rigid enforcement of rules will alienate creative
"Creativity" is not just a collection of intellectual abilities.  It people and squelch their creativeness, flexibility and rule-
is also a personality type, a way of thinking and living.  bending are necessary on occasion. 
Although creative people tend to be unconventional, they
share common traits.  For example, creative thinkers are Humor is a management technique that can effectively
confident, independent, and risk-taking.  They are convey your message without arousing negative emotions: 
perceptive and have good intuition.  They display flexible, "How's the new plan coming?  Any chance you'll get it to
original thinking.  They dare to differ, make waves, me by Friday?  It'll give me the excuse to be busy this
challenge traditions, and bend a few rules. weekend.  With my in-laws visiting and all…."

Like all of us, creative people make mistakes, and they Self-Actualized or Special-Talent?
subject themselves to embarrassment and humiliation. 
They must be willing to fail.  Thomas Watson, founder of
IBM, even recommended that one route to success was to One of my favorite conceptions of creative personality is
"double your failure rate." psychologist Abraham Maslow's distinction between the
self-actualized and the special-talent creative person.  In
your organization, you will likely see each type, as well as
One particularly common trait of creative people is some fortunate individuals who combine these traits.
enthusiasm.  The phrases "driving absorption," "high
commitment," "passionate interest," and "unwilling to give
up" describe most creative people. The high energy also The self-actualized creative person approaches all aspects
appears in adventurous and thrill-seeking activities.  Don't of life creatively: he or she is well-adjusted, mentally
some of your most creative colleagues ride motorcycles, fly healthy, democratic-minded and "forward growing."
airplanes, sky dive, climb cliffs, or downhill ski?
In contrast, the special-talent creative person has great special-talent creative people, who are much more likely to
ability in a particular area, but may not be psychologically show the negative traits mentioned above.
adjusted.  History is full of neurotic and psychotic creative
geniuses (like Vincent van Gogh, Edgar Allen Poe, Howard
Hughes and Judy Garland).  Finally, some suggestions to help develop your own
creativity.  Watch your rigidity.  Be open to innovative, even
far-fetched ideas.  Foster flexibility by looking at problems
The self-actualized person, by virtue of his or her general from new perspectives.  Search for ideas in analogous
creativeness and healthy mental adjustment, is situations. 
comparatively easy to work with, yet is energetic and
productive in all areas.  The challenge lies in managing
Most important, accept the risk-taking and ambiguity that's
inherent in creative problem solving.

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