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Murid-murid tersayang,

Minggu ini tidak ada pertemuan di kelas karena kalian sedang menghadapi UTS.
Tolong pelajari instruksi berikut untuk UTS kalian!

 Buatlah kelompok dengan tiap kelompok berjumlah 5 orang. Tiap siswa harus
mengumpulkan jawabannya melalui Google Form (
 Gunakan Unit 2 sebagai panduan Anda.
 Hanya isi latihan yang diminta di Google Form.
 Untuk latihan listening, perhatikan nomor audio untuk menemukan rekaman yang tepat
(rekaman dilampirkan dalam email).
 Untuk latihan speaking, pelajari berkas siswa (dilampirkan di email ini) sebelum memulai
latihan. Anda dapat memilih berkas skenario Partner A atau Partner B. Tiap siswa harus
memberikan setidaknya 5 komentar/ tanggapan. Tiap tanggapan setidaknya harus berisi 5
kata. Pelajari contoh berikut :

Student A (sales assistant) : Good day, Sir. How may I help you?
Student B (customer) : Good day. We are looking for a new computer/laptop
for each of us. Can you help us pick ones?
Student A (sales assistant) : Oh, of course. Could you be specific of what you need
your computer be?
Student C (customer) : We are students and in need of computer while
attending lecture. My flat is a bit far from campus so I want my laptop be quite light.
Student D (customer) : Yes, that’s important. But, also, it is important for me
to have a computer equipped with a wireless device to access the internet through wi-fi.
Student A (sales assistant) : Sure, we have that ones. Is there anything else?
Student C (customer) : I need to take notes of our lectures. Do you have a
computer compatible to process office application such as Ms Office software?
Student D (customer) : And one more important thing, we need to access
online system management of our university.
Student B (customer) : That’s correct. We need those things on one computer.
Is that possible?
Student A (sales assistant) : Very well, Sir. I will make sure you have the ones you
Student C (customer) : That’s very nice of you.
Student A (sales assistant) : Please wait a moment, I will call my associate to bring
you our recommendation.
Student E (sales assistant) : Hello everyone. I have five models that suit your needs.
Please have a look.
Student B (customer) : Could you please give us description of each?
Student E (sales assistant) : What I’d recommend the best is this Lenovo laptop.
Student D (customer) : How much does it cost for your first recommendation?
Student E (sales assistant) : That will be the most expensive of all, $1,200. But I’d go
for Asus of HP if you want a lower price. They can function as you ask, of course.
Student D (customer) : Well, that sounds more interesting.
Student C (customer) : It looks like we don’t have that much money. The
second options will be great, then.
Student B (customer) : Yes, we are not looking for a premium product. Middle-
class product will be fine.
Student E (sales assistant) : I understand. The Asus laptop will cost you $900 and HP
is $870. Will that be okay?
Student D (customer) : I guess I will want the Asus one. That’s fine for me.
Student C (customer) : Okay. I’d like to have the HP laptop.
Student B (customer) : Do you have more HP in stock? I think I’d like to have
the same with my friend.
Student E (sales assistant) : Very well then. You have made your choice and I will
have them ready for you. Please wait a second.
Student E (sales assistant) : Here are your purchase, Sirs. Thank you very much for
Student B, C, D : That’s great.

 Skrip terpisah untuk latihan speaking di MS Office Word dikirim ke email ini
 Batas waktu pengumpulan adalah 15 November 2016.
Jika Anda ada pertanyaan, silakan SMS saya.

Best of luck!
Mifta Rahman
Original text

Dear students,

This week will be no sitting class as you have your mid-term exam.
Please study the instruction for your mid-term exam below!

 Work in a group of 5 students. Each student must submit the answer through Google Form
 Use Unit 2 file as your guideline.
 Answer only exercises required in Google Form.
 For listening exercises, notice the audio number to find the correct recording (recordings are
attached within this email).
 For speaking exercise, study the student files (attached within this email) before starting the
exercise. You may choose Partner A or Partner B file scenario. Each student must at least
give five comments/response. Each response must have at least five words. Study the
example below:

Student A (sales assistant) : Good day, Sir. How may I help you?
Student B (customer) : Good day. We are looking for a new
computer/laptop for each of us. Can you help us pick ones?
Student A (sales assistant) : Oh, of course. Could you be specific of what you
need your computer be?
Student C (customer) : We are students and in need of computer while
attending lecture. My flat is a bit far from campus so I want my laptop be quite light.
Student D (customer) : Yes, that’s important. But, also, it is important for
me to have a computer equipped with a wireless device to access the internet
through wi-fi.
Student A (sales assistant) : Sure, we have that ones. Is there anything else?
Student C (customer) : I need to take notes of our lectures. Do you have a
computer compatible to process office application such as Ms Office software?
Student D (customer) : And one more important thing, we need to access
online system management of our university.
Student B (customer) : That’s correct. We need those things on one
computer. Is that possible?
Student A (sales assistant) : Very well, Sir. I will make sure you have the ones
you describe.
Student C (customer) : That’s very nice of you.
Student A (sales assistant) : Please wait a moment, I will call my associate to
bring you our recommendation.
Student E (sales assistant) : Hello everyone. I have five models that suit your
needs. Please have a look.
Student B (customer) : Could you please give us description of each?
Student E (sales assistant) : What I’d recommend the best is this Lenovo laptop.
Student D (customer) : How much does it cost for your first
Student E (sales assistant) : That will be the most expensive of all, $1,200. But
I’d go for Asus of HP if you want a lower price. They can function as you ask, of
Student D (customer) : Well, that sounds more interesting.
Student C (customer) : It looks like we don’t have that much money. The
second options will be great, then.
Student B (customer) : Yes, we are not looking for a premium product.
Middle-class product will be fine.
Student E (sales assistant) : I understand. The Asus laptop will cost you $900
and HP is $870. Will that be okay?
Student D (customer) : I guess I will want the Asus one. That’s fine for me.
Student C (customer) : Okay. I’d like to have the HP laptop.
Student B (customer) : Do you have more HP in stock? I think I’d like to
have the same with my friend.
Student E (sales assistant) : Very well then. You have made your choice and I will
have them ready for you. Please wait a second.
Student E (sales assistant) : Here are your purchase, Sirs. Thank you very much
for shopping.
Student B, C, D : That’s great.

 A separate script of speaking exercise on MS Office Word is to be sent to this email

 Due date is November 15, 2016.

Should you have any question, just send me a text.

Best of luck!
Mifta Rahman

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