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credit card processor- When

a retail store cashier swipes your credit card thru

credit card terminal, the following process takes place: credit card and
payment details are sent electronically to merchant’s acquiring bank,
which contacts credit card issuing bank; in case transaction is approved,
funds are deposited on the merchant’s account.

Automatic cash drawer-


The Optical Mark Reader

The Optical Mark Reader is a device the "reads" pencil marks on NCS compatible scan forms
such as surveys or test answer forms. If that all seems overly technical to you, just think of it as
the machine that checks multiple choice computer forms. In this document The Optical Mark
Reader will be referred to as the scanner or OMR. The computer test forms designed for the
OMR are known as NCS compatible scan forms. Tests and surveys completed on these forms are
read in by the scanner, checked, and the results are saved to a file. This data file can be converted
into an output file of several different formats, depending on which type of output you desire.
The OMR is a powerful tool that has many features. If you are using casstat (grading tests), the
OMR will print the number of correct answers and the percentage of correct answers at the
bottom of each test. It will also record statistical data about each question. This data is recorded
in the output file created when the forms are scanned. You’ll find out more about the data file
and output formats available later on in this document.
Types of information system

Transaction Processing Systems

TPS processes business transaction of the organization. Transaction can be any activity of the
organization. Transactions differ from organization to organization. For example, take a railway
reservation system. Booking, canceling, etc are all transactions. Any query made to it is a
transaction. However, there are some transactions, which are common to almost all
organizations. Like employee new employee, maintaining their leave status, maintaining
employees accounts, etc.
This provides high speed and accurate processing of record keeping of basic operational
processes. These include calculation, storage and retrieval.
Transaction processing systems provide speed and accuracy, and can be programmed to follow
routines functions of the organization.
Management Information Systems
These systems assist lower management in problem solving and making decisions. They use the
results of transaction processing and some other information also. It is a set of information
processing functions. It should handle queries as quickly as they arrive. An important element of
MIS is database.
A database is a non-redundant collection of interrelated data items that can be processed through
application programs and available to many users.

Decision Support Systems

These systems assist higher management to make long term decisions. These type of systems
handle unstructured or semi structured decisions. A decision is considered unstructured if there
are no clear procedures for making the decision and if not all the factors to be considered in the
decision can be readily identified in advance.
These are not of recurring nature. Some recur infrequently or occur only once. A decision
support system must very flexible. The user should be able to produce customized reports by
giving particular data and format specific to particular situations.
A key is a single or combination of multiple fields. Its purpose is to access or retrieve data rows from
table according to the requirement. The keys are defined in tables to access or sequence the stored data
quickly and smoothly. They are also used to create links between different tables.

Types of Keys
The following tables or relations will be used to define different types of keys.

Primary Key
The attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row or record in a relation is known
as primary key.

Secondary key
A field or combination of fields that is basis for retrieval is known as secondary key. Secondary key is a
non-unique field. One secondary key value may refer to many records.

Candidate Key or Alternate key

A relation can have only one primary key. It may contain many fields or combination of fields that can be
used as primary key. One field or combination of fields is used as primary key. The fields or combination
of fields that are not used as primary key are known as candidate key or alternate key.
Composite key or concatenate key
A primary key that consists of two or more attributes is known as composite key.

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