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Subject English

Grade Level 9th


Learning Objective LA.9.9.7.a: Use and apply rules for the parts of a sentence,
including: subject/verb, direct/indirect object, and predicate
nominative/predicate adjective.
Activity -In the beginning of class, the students will separate into smaller
groups that are based upon their seating in class. On the board,
there will be a few examples to evaluate the understanding of the
class of adverbs and adjectives. After five minutes of
collaboration, as a class, the correct answers for the activity will
gone over (volunteers only).
-This brief evaluation will give a baseline of what to expect from
the students. The lecture may be longer or shorter (or focus more
on the examples rather than what exactly an adjective or adverb
is if the class has illustrated understanding prior to the
differentiation lesson).
-Once the lecture is over, the students will be divided into groups
of a relatively even number. This will be done by the counting
method with students and putting them in their numbered group.
-Although the lesson linked is a good baseline, more examples
and slides would be added (as well as variations of activities).
There would be at least one slide that has the adverbs and
adjectives in actual sentences rather than just by themselves.
-Prior to class, the teacher would have a list for each group based
on each slide that the students would be working on. Each group
would send a representative up (preferably a different one for
each slide) after 5-10 minutes of collaboration based upon the
slide (for example, slide 5 would have less time for collaboration
than the slide that would have the groups working together for
selecting adverbs and adjectives in sentences.)
-There would then be 3-5 minutes of evaluation/explanation
depending on how the students did. This way the Smartboard
will not go too crowded and ideally, each student in the groups
will be able to work with the interactive lesson.


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