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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Stephanie Blair PSMT Name:

Lesson Plan Title: Houses and homes Lesson Plan Topic: Homes around the
Date: Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Grade Level: 1st School Site:

1. State Standard(s):

SS.1.1. With prompting and support, generate compelling questions to explore the places people live
and work.

SS.1.4. With prompting and support, construct responses to compelling questions using examples.

2. Teaching Model(s):
- Whole group Discussion
- Individual worksheet
- Direct Instruction
- Think & Share
- Thinking and Listening

3. Objective(s):
- SWBAT generate compelling questions about the places people live
- SWBAT compare and contrast different homes throughout the world

4. Materials and Technology Resources

 Houses and Homes by Ann Morris

 Pens, markers, or color pencils
 About My Home worksheet

5. Instructional Procedures:
 Motivation/Engagement
o Tell students that today we are going to learn about houses.
o Ask students if they know what their homes are made from. Give them
possible materials like wood or concrete.
o Tell the students that people around the world have different kinds of
houses due to the weather, climate, and living conditions of their
o Ask the students if they can think of any examples. If not, give them some
 Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
o Show the students the pictures from Houses and Homes and explain to
them why the houses differ.
o Tell the students the names of the cities or countries these houses are in
as well. If time permits, explain to them the culture of the people in the
o Ask the students what they think about the pictures. Possible questions
include: Do you think that living in an igloo would be a good option in
South Africa? Why do you think that Eskimos live in igloos?
o Ask students why they think their homes are built the way they are.
o Ask students to work on the About My Home worksheet.
o When the students are done, have them present their work one by one in
front of the classroom.
 Closure
o Ask students to explain why houses and homes differ in different places.
o Ask students what their favorite part of the lesson today was

 Extension
o Students could build shoebox models of their favorite home
o Students can draw their favorite home and 2 sentences why

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

o Enrichment: For advanced students, let them work on the worksheet on

their own.
o Support: Help struggling students with the worksheet individually.

7. Assessments and Evaluation of Learning:

 Formative
o Teacher observation
o Participation
 Summative
o None

8. Homework Assignment:

9. Reflection
 Strengths
 Concerns
 Insights

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